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微信新emoji表情安卓怎么没有 微信新表情介绍[多图]
字体大小:【 |
(您的评论需要经过审核才能显示)black sun with rays
umbrella with rain drops
snowman without snow
high voltage sign
closed umbrella
night with stars
sunrise over mountains
cityscape at dusk
sunset over buildings
sun behind cloud
U+E63E U+E63F
U+E04A U+E049
bridge at night
water wave
earth globe asia-australia
new moon symbol
waxing gibbous moon symbol
first quarter moon symbol
crescent moon
full moon symbol
first quarter moon with face
glowing star
shooting star
clock face one oclock
clock face two oclock
clock face three oclock
clock face four oclock
clock face five oclock
clock face six oclock
clock face seven oclock
clock face eight oclock
clock face nine oclock
clock face ten oclock
clock face eleven oclock
clock face twelve oclock
alarm clock
hourglass with flowing sand
four leaf clover
maple leaf
cherry blossom
fallen leaf
leaf fluttering in wind
ear of rice
ear of maize
green apple
nail polish
face massage
barber pole
bust in silhouette
man and woman holding hands
police officer
woman with bunny ears
bride with veil
person with blond hair
man with gua pi mao
man with turban
older woman
construction worker
japanese ogre
japanese goblin
baby angel
extraterrestrial alien
alien monster
information desk person
bactrian camel
spiral shell
lady beetle
tropical fish
baby chick
front-facing baby chick
hatching chick
mouse face
tiger face
spouting whale
horse face
monkey face
hamster face
rabbit face
paw prints
dragon face
panda face
angry face
weary face
astonished face
disappointed face
dizzy face
face with open mouth and cold sweat
unamused face
smiling face with heart-shaped eyes
face with look of triumph
face with stuck-out tongue and winking eye
face with stuck-out tongue and tightly-closed eyes
face savouring delicious food
face throwing a kiss
kissing face with closed eyes
face with medical mask
flushed face
smiling face with open mouth
smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat
U+E471 U+E5B1
U+E415 U+E331
smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes
grinning face with smiling eyes
face with tears of joy
smiling face with smiling eyes
white smiling face
smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes
crying face
loudly crying face
fearful face
persevering face
pouting face
relieved face
confounded face
pensive face
face screaming in fear
sleepy face
smirking face
face with cold sweat
disappointed but relieved face
tired face
winking face
smiling cat face with open mouth
grinning cat face with smiling eyes
cat face with tears of joy
kissing cat face with closed eyes
smiling cat face with heart-shaped eyes
crying cat face
pouting cat face
cat face with wry smile
weary cat face
face with no good gesture
face with ok gesture
person bowing deeply
see-no-evil monkey
speak-no-evil monkey
hear-no-evil monkey
happy person raising one hand
person raising both hands in celebration
person frowning
person with pouting face
person with folded hands
house building
house with garden
office building
japanese post office
automated teller machine
love hotel
U+E669 U+E6EF
convenience store
department store
japanese castle
european castle
izakaya lantern
mount fuji
tokyo tower
statue of liberty
silhouette of japan
athletic shoe
high-heeled shoe
womans sandal
womans boots
womans hat
womans clothes
currency exchange
chart with upwards trend and yen sign
heavy dollar sign
credit card
banknote with yen sign
banknote with dollar sign
money with wings
regional indicator symbol letters cn
U+1F1E8 U+1F1F3
regional indicator symbol letters de
U+1F1E9 U+1F1EA
regional indicator symbol letters es
U+1F1EA U+1F1F8
regional indicator symbol letters fr
U+1F1EB U+1F1F7
regional indicator symbol letters gb
U+1F1EC U+1F1E7
regional indicator symbol letters it
U+1F1EE U+1F1F9
regional indicator symbol letters jp
U+1F1EF U+1F1F5
regional indicator symbol letters kr
U+1F1F0 U+1F1F7
regional indicator symbol letters ru
U+1F1F7 U+1F1FA
regional indicator symbol letters us
U+1F1FA U+1F1F8
electric torch
nut and bolt
crystal ball
six pointed star with middle dot
japanese symbol for beginner
trident emblem
negative squared latin capital letter a
negative squared latin capital letter b
negative squared ab
negative squared latin capital letter o
wrapped present
birthday cake
christmas tree
father christmas
crossed flags
party popper
pine decoration
japanese dolls
graduation cap
school satchel
carp streamer
firework sparkler
wind chime
confetti ball
tanabata tree
moon viewing ceremony
black telephone
telephone receiver
mobile phone
mobile phone with rightwards arrow at left
fax machine
incoming envelope
envelope with downwards arrow above
closed mailbox with lowered flag
closed mailbox with raised flag
public address loudspeaker
cheering megaphone
satellite antenna
outbox tray
inbox tray
e-mail symbol
input symbol for latin capital letters
input symbol for latin small letters
input symbol for numbers
input symbol for symbols
input symbol for latin letters
personal computer
floppy disk
optical disc
black scissors
round pushpin
page with curl
page facing up
file folder
open file folder
notebook with decorative cover
closed book
green book
orange book
name badge
tear-off calendar
chart with upwards trend
chart with downwards trend
card index
straight ruler
triangular ruler
bookmark tabs
running shirt with sash
flag in hole
tennis racquet and ball
soccer ball
ski and ski boot
basketball and hoop
chequered flag
american football
railway car
circled latin capital letter m
high-speed train
high-speed train with bullet nose
recreational vehicle
delivery truck
fire engine
police car
negative squared latin capital letter p
horizontal traffic light
construction sign
police cars revolving light
hot springs
carousel horse
ferris wheel
roller coaster
fishing pole and fish
movie camera
artist palette
circus tent
clapper board
performing arts
video game
mahjong tile red dragon
direct hit
slot machine
flower playing cards
playing card black joker
musical note
multiple musical notes
musical keyboard
musical score
part alternation mark
video camera
love letter
U+E103 U+E328
couple with heart
no one under eighteen symbol
copyright sign
registered sign
trade mark sign
information source
U+0023 U+20E3
U+0031 U+20E3
U+0032 U+20E3
U+0033 U+20E3
U+0034 U+20E3
U+0035 U+20E3
U+0036 U+20E3
U+0037 U+20E3
U+0038 U+20E3
U+0039 U+20E3
U+0030 U+20E3
keycap ten
antenna with bars
vibration mode
mobile phone off
steaming bowl
soft ice cream
french fries
rice cracker
cooked rice
curry and rice
pot of food
shaved ice
meat on bone
fish cake with swirl design
roasted sweet potato
slice of pizza
poultry leg
chocolate bar
fried shrimp
fork and knife
hot beverage
cocktail glass
teacup without handle
sake bottle and cup
wine glass
clinking beer mugs
tropical drink
north east arrow
south east arrow
north west arrow
south west arrow
arrow pointing rightwards then curving upwards
arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards
left right arrow
up down arrow
upwards black arrow
downwards black arrow
black rightwards arrow
leftwards black arrow
black right-pointing triangle
black left-pointing triangle
black right-pointing double triangle
black left-pointing double triangle
black up-pointing double triangle
black down-pointing double triangle
up-pointing red triangle
down-pointing red triangle
up-pointing small red triangle
down-pointing small red triangle
heavy large circle
cross mark
negative squared cross mark
heavy exclamation mark symbol
exclamation question mark
double exclamation mark
black question mark ornament
white question mark ornament
white exclamation mark ornament
curly loop
double curly loop
heavy black heart
beating heart
broken heart
two hearts
sparkling heart
growing heart
heart with arrow
blue heart
green heart
yellow heart
purple heart
heart with ribbon
revolving hearts
heart decoration
black heart suit
black spade suit
black diamond suit
black club suit
smoking symbol
no smoking symbol
wheelchair symbol
triangular flag on post
warning sign
black universal recycling symbol
mens symbol
womens symbol
water closet
baby symbol
no entry sign
heavy check mark
squared cl
squared cool
squared free
squared id
squared new
squared ng
squared ok
squared sos
squared up with exclamation mark
squared vs
squared katakana koko
squared katakana sa
squared cjk unified ideograph-7981
squared cjk unified ideograph-7a7a
squared cjk unified ideograph-5408
squared cjk unified ideograph-6e80
squared cjk unified ideograph-6709
squared cjk unified ideograph-7121
squared cjk unified ideograph-6708
squared cjk unified ideograph-7533
squared cjk unified ideograph-5272
squared cjk unified ideograph-6307
squared cjk unified ideograph-55b6
circled ideograph secret
circled ideograph congratulation
circled ideograph advantage
circled ideograph accept
heavy plus sign
heavy minus sign
heavy multiplication x
heavy division sign
diamond shape with a dot inside
electric light bulb
anger symbol
sleeping symbol
collision symbol
splashing sweat symbol
dash symbol
pile of poo
flexed biceps
dizzy symbol
speech balloon
eight pointed black star
eight spoked asterisk
medium white circle
medium black circle
large red circle
large blue circle
black square button
white square button
white medium star
white large square
black large square
white small square
black small square
white medium small square
black medium small square
white medium square
black medium square
large orange diamond
large blue diamond
small orange diamond
small blue diamond
white flower
hundred points symbol
leftwards arrow with hook
rightwards arrow with hook
clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows
speaker with three sound waves
electric plug
left-pointing magnifying glass
right-pointing magnifying glass
lock with ink pen
closed lock with key
ballot box with check
radio button
link symbol
back with leftwards arrow above
end with leftwards arrow above
on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above
soon with rightwards arrow above
top with upwards arrow above
white heavy check mark
raised fist
raised hand
victory hand
fisted hand sign
thumbs up sign
white up pointing index
white up pointing backhand index
white down pointing backhand index
white left pointing backhand index
white right pointing backhand index
waving hand sign
clapping hands sign
ok hand sign
thumbs down sign
open hands sign
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