
Please note that I am no longer working on this library - you may want to consider using something else for new projects. :)
ASIHTTPRequest documentation
Last updated: 15th May 2011 (v1.8.1)
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What is ASIHTTPRequest?
ASIHTTPRequest is an easy to use wrapper around the CFNetwork API that makes some of the more tedious aspects of communicating with web servers easier. It is written in Objective-C and works in both Mac OS X and iPhone applications.
It is suitable performing basic HTTP requests and interacting with REST-based services (GET / POST / PUT / DELETE). The included ASIFormDataRequest subclass makes it easy to submit POST data and files using
A straightforward interface for submitting data to and fetching data from webservers
Download data to memory or directly to a file on disk
The ability to submit files on local drives as part of POST data, compatible with the
Easy access to
HTTP headers
Progress delegates (NSProgressIndicators and UIProgressViews) to show information about download AND upload
Auto-magic management of upload and download progress indicators for operation queues
authentication support, credentials are automatically for the duration of a session, and can be stored for later in the .
NEW! Requests can continue to run when your app moves to the background (iOS 4+)
GZIP support for
The included
lets requests transparently cache responses, and allow requests for cached data to succeed even when there is no network available!
- download complete webpages, including external resources like images and stylesheets. Pages of any size can be indefinitely cached, and displayed in a UIWebview / WebView even when you have no network connection.
- no need to fiddle around signing requests yourself!
, contributed by Mike Mayo of Rackspace.
. The built-in login dialog lets your iPhone application work transparently with authenticating proxies without any additional effort.
Support for persistent connections
Supports synchronous & asynchronous requests
Get notifications about changes in your request state via delegation or NEW! blocks (Mac OS X 10.6, iOS 4 and above)
Comes with a broad range of unit tests
ASIHTTPRequest comes with a example applications for Mac and iPhone that demonstrate some of the features.
ASIHTTPRequest is partly based on code from
code samples, so if it doesn’t meet your needs, take a look at their CFNetwork examples for more.
ASIHTTPRequest is compatible with Mac OS 10.5 or later, and iOS 3.0 or later.
An overview of the classes
Main classes
Handles the basics of communicating with webservers, including downloading and uploading data, authentication, cookies and progress tracking.
A subclass of ASIHTTPRequest that handles x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data posts. It makes POSTing data and files easy, but you do not need to add this to your project if you want to manage POST data yourself or don’t need to POST data at all.
A subclass of NSOperationQueue that may be used to track progress across multiple requests. You don’t need this if you only need to perform one request at a time, or prefer to track the progress of each request individually.
This class allows ASIHTTPRequest to transparently cache responses from webservers. Requests can be configured to use cached content when remote data has not been updated since it was last downloaded, when the network is available, or whenever cached data is available.
If you do not wish to use caching, or have written your own cache, you do not need to include this class.
Support classes
You will not generally need to use these classes directly, they are used behind the scenes by the main classes above.
A helper class used by ASIHTTPRequest when uploading data. You must include this class in your project to use ASIHTTPRequest.
A helper class used by ASIHTTPRequest to inflate (decompress) gzipped content. You must include this class in your project to use ASIHTTPRequest.
A helper class used by ASIHTTPRequest to deflate (compress) content. You must include this class in your project to use ASIHTTPRequest.
This class allows ASIHTTPRequest to present a login dialog when connecting to webservers that require authentication, and authenticating proxies. It is required in all projects targeting iPhone OS, though not for Mac OS projects.
This class was written by
as a drop-in replacement for . It allows ASIHTTPRequest to be notified when the network connection changes from WWAN to WiFi, or vice-versa. You must include this class in iPhone projects, but not in Mac projects.
You may find this class useful in detecting the status of network availability in your own applications - .
Protocols and configuration
You must include all these files in your project.
This protocol specifies the method that a delegate of an ASIHTTPRequest may implement. All these methods are optional.
This protocol lists the methods that an uploadProgressDelegate or downloadProgressDelegate may implement. All these methods are optional.
This protocol is used to specify the methods that a download cache must implement. If you want to write your own download cache, make sure it implements the required methods in this protocol.
This file defines global configuration options that are set at compile time. Use the options in this file to turn on various debugging options that print information about what a request is doing to the console. Don't forget to turn these off in shipping applications!查看: 2214|回复: 10
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<font color="#、全景模式:轻松拍摄360°的水平和球面全景
<font color="#、先进的地面站编辑器允许您设置经典的常用任务模式,比如有cablecams(钢丝吊的那种遥控摄相机,多用于体育赛事),自拍模式,全景模式,实时控制并不限制距离参数。
<font color="#、兼容绝多数的VR眼镜,如Freefly VR,Durovis,Homido,GEAR VR(可能需要MOD)等
<font color="#、同步传感你的头部移动信息来控制摄像机的 视角,包括唔1的YAW轴
<font color="#、对焦模式:让您在专注操控飞机IDE同时轻松对焦拍摄对象,(需要在APP内购买 P3 / 悟1用户)
<font color="#、先进的跟随模式设置和实时控制
<font color="#、通过使用 Litchi Magic Leash 技术,可以让你使用其他的移动设备,实现热点跟随,而不必拎着你的大。
<font color="#、指哪儿飞哪儿模式,可以让你在控制屏上拖动一个点,飞机将自己跟随飞行
<font color="#、轨道(航点)模式: 高级设置和实时控制
<font color="#、自动同步你的飞行日志于您的HealthyDrones.com帐户
<font color="#、能够保存和载入地面站任务和轨道飞行航点
<font color="#、航线锁定/航点锁定
<font color="#、更高级相机设置和拍摄模式
<font color="#、自动录像功能
<font color="#、边录像边拍照功能(仅P2)
<font color="#、动态返航点
其实说穿了,litchi几乎涵盖了DJI GO的全部功能,并支持DJI的绝大部分机型,同时以强大的地面站功能取得了用户的青睐。其航线的生成和编辑功能强大也容易掌握,在航线生成的同时又兼顾了兴趣点的问题,使得拍照和录像在飞行过程中可以有选择的镜头对准兴趣点,单单这一点我想就算一个技术很好的飞手真正飞行起来还是不太容易掌控的。这些功能有很大的实用性,比如用他来规划电力巡线,一次性的把航线规划完成就一劳永逸,每次只需将“任务”调出来执行就可以了,即准确又便捷,就算是小白也能很精准的完成任务。通过下面的截图可以看到不但航线是可以不规则的,同时还可以增加很多兴趣点,而且航点之间的镜头朝向都可以自己确定。有了地面站功能,可以使得我们的飞行更加精准,使得航测工作可以借助这些小小的“消费级”级别的飞行器就可以完成了,大大的降低了航测工作的门坎。诸如公路的规划勘测、高压输电线路的勘测、各种线路渠道的规划勘测等等,植保机撒农药也不会漏掉一块地没有撒或是重复的撒,一切将越来越简单化了。
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软件好用但iOS 版本的需要花153元购买(倒也是物有所值),而且谷歌地图还要翻墙才能使用。
Pix4d是一款瑞士的软件,他不但支持DJI的大部分机型,而且还支持Parrot公司的Bebop 2机型。Pix4Dmapper通过地面站功能让您的DJI Phantom摇身一变成为强大地图测绘工具。
· 选择测绘区域
· 自动执行航线任务
· 自动拍照并标记
· 遇到紧急情况时随时中断航线任务
· 将数据导入您的电脑
· 在个人电脑或者云端方便地测绘数据转换为地图以及3D模型
通过DJI SDK ,得以将在图像采集多年来的研究及行业经验整合到Pix4Dmapper。Phantom用户可通过该应用自动生成地图和3D模型。这仅仅是个开始,应用SDK将为Phantom的全新应用开启一扇门,拓宽其在航拍录影乃至无人机测绘方面的应用领域。总的来说,这给民用无人机产业带来了极大的好处,我们可以拓展新的用户,并且令他们对无人机测绘等应用信心倍增。&
· DJI Phantom 4
· DJI Phantom 3 Professional / Advanced / Standard / 4K
· DJI Inspire 1
· DJI Inspire 1 Pro / Raw (测试版)
· DJI M100 (测试版)
Altizure app 是由 Altizure.com 推出的一站式航拍三维建模的手机应用软件。该应用集成了自动数据采集,云端三维建模,和网络社交共享三大功能。
在数据采集模式中,这款应用通过 DJI SDK 控制 DJI 的无人机在给定路径上飞行并进行定时采集图像。Altizure app的自动航拍功能除了采集垂直拍的图像用于生成鸟瞰图外,还会采集倾斜拍的图像用于产生真三维的实景模型。你只需在地图上选定一个区域,Altizure app 将会自动产生5条航线。其中第一条航线用于采集垂直向下拍摄的图像,其余四条用于采集朝4个不同方向倾斜拍照的图像。
用 Altizure App 采集完数据后,你可以将图像上传到 Altizure 网站上自动生成三维模型。
Pix4Dmapper及Altizure app在规划航线上他的应用是基于航测成图的应用,所以他在规划航线时是以区域来考虑的,即给定了区域和航高就可以按二维或者三维的需要自动规划生成航线包括满足航线的航向重叠和旁向重叠所需的航线数量。他们的缺点是规划的航线区域是矩形的。因为他们是专门为航测成图量身定做的,不像litchi可以随心所欲的规划航线。
你可以从 iOS App Store 中免费下载这两款应用。
只能说 DJI真的很具有前瞻性,地面站微型化,图形化,APP化,也淡化地面站这个概念,是用户潜移默化的接受这种操作模式,后在开放SDK接口,鼓励开发人员进入,等于免费邀请那些开发者不断的挖掘旗下消费级产品的潜力。无形中将消费级产品像科研级升级。也顺带活跃的这个圈子。。
【站内推荐】 /2
1. 活动时间:日中午1:00
2. 优惠措施:JDM拉力卡RTR套装(4600元/套不包邮),抢购价:4500元/套包邮,+100元就送价值280元的灿烁灯光声组一套
3. 抢购名额:1位
1. 活动时间:日中午1:00
2. 优惠措施:KKRC CA-10解放军卡车KIT标配套装(1999.99元/套不包邮),抢购价:1750元/套包邮,+180元就送价值280元的灿烁灯光声组一套。
3. 抢购名额:3位共 3 页/3条记录首页
X-Transbot作为一个第三方玩具生产厂商,能设计出如此作品,个人认为是一个。更加显得官方的软弱,以及官方在TF设计上的不重视。此次,X-Transbot为广大迷们带来了最新的作品&&Megatron与MX-I Apollyon。
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