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Jul 12, 2017
Castle Windsor 4.0.0 is now available. This release includes the following changes: Breaking Changes: Remove .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.0 Client Profile support (@fir3pho3nixx, #173, #180, #177, #185) Update Castle.Core dependency to 4.0.0 (@alinapopa, #235) Enhancements: Add .NET...
Jul 12, 2017
Castle Core 4.1.1 is now available. This release includes the following changes: Prevent member name collision when proxy implements same generic interface more than twice (@stakx, #88) Fix incorrect replication (reversed order) of custom modifiers (modopts and modreqs) on the...
Jun 11, 2017
Castle Core 4.1.0 is now available. This release includes the following changes since 4.0.0: Upgrade to log4net 2.0.8 (@fir3pho3nixx, #241) New ProxyUtil.IsAccessible API to check if a method is accessible to DynamicProxyGenAssembly2 (Blair Conrad, #235) Fix order of class proxy...
Jan 25, 2017
Castle Core 4.0.0 final is now available. This release includes the following changes since 4.0.0-beta002: Fix CustomAttributeInfo.FromExpression for VB.NET (@thomaslevesque, #223) Update to NLog 4.4.1 and remove beta .NET Core support for NLog (#228) Update to log4net 2.0.7 (#229) See...
Jan 23, 2017
Castle Windsor 3.4.0 release is out. It has been a long time since the last Windsor release so this release provides a rollup of several fixes: Fix case sensitivity issue that can cause UsingFactoryMethod to fail (@dohansen, #116) Fix project...
Oct 28, 2016
Castle Core 4.0.0-beta002 is out, see GitHub for more details. This release fixes problems with our Serilog logging integration, resolves ProxyGenerationOptions.AdditionalAttributes not generating different proxy types, and fixes building on Mono 4.6.1. Many thanks to the contributions by our users....
Jul 17, 2016
Castle Core 4.0.0-beta001 is out, see GitHub for some more details.
This release fixes problems with .NET Core support including upgrading to .NET Core 1.0 and .NET Platform Standard 1.3. Many thanks to the contributions by our users.
Apr 7, 2016
Castle Core 4.0.0-alpha1 is out, see GitHub for some more details.
This release is mostly for .NET Core support, however contains other smaller bug fixes. Many thanks to the contributions by our users.
Nov 6, 2014
The last release of Castle Core had two more defects in the new Serilog integration: #69 was an omission where the Castle’s logger name wasn’t passed to Serilog. #70 was a defect that calling Create(string name, LoggerLevel level) had a...
Nov 3, 2014
The last release of Castle Core had an implementation bug in the new Serilog integration where exceptions for some of the ILogger overloads wouldn’t be passed through correctly. We just pushed an update that fixes the problem. There are no...
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Better Records adds the ability to download your favorite songs from the internet directly into your game, for all your friends to hear! And with no exiting of Minecraft to do so! Just craft a record etcher and input the URL to the song, and it'll download automatically when you play it!
Currently, there is a default of 10mb download limit on songs. If your file is too big, convert it to ogg if it isn't already.
Converting Songs Currently, about 80% of mp3 files play correctly. You can use
to convert your songs! (I recommend using ogg format) If the song you want is on youtube, you can use
to convert the song to mp3, then use the link provided above to convert it to ogg.
Hint: Shift+Right click the record player or radio to open it.
Using the Frequency Tuner Pandora uses different methods to supply music, thus, it is impossible to use it in the radio. You can find many shoutcast stream urls here:
For more experienced users:
Navigate to a radio station on tunein.comRight Click -& View Page SourceCtrl + F or search for: "StreamUrl"Navigate to the URL diractly to the right of that.The resulting page should be a short string of text.Copy the URL to the right of "Url"Paste that URL into the frequency tuner!
A picture is worth a thousand words.Then, referring to the simple fact that videos are just a compilation of pictures th a 9 minute video is 540 seconds. Then, depending on the quality of the video, the frames per second will vary. Lets assume the video runs at about 30 frames per second: that would equal up to about 16,200,000 words. That's a lot of words.
By: ChefKittycat
By: paceyq
By: Badcholo
I just realized... I'm not in this picture?! Anyhoo, enjoy our awesome stage. Our music seems to be most pleasing to our hosta- I mean.. fans!
Blank Record
First things first, in order to craft the record needed for this mod, you must combine any vanilla record with an eye of ender. Dying of records works the same way as any other thing.
Multi Record
Compress multiple songs into a single, compact, record! Play your songs one after another with this amazing new invention!
Shuffle Enabled Records
Play records that select random songs in its list!
Repeat Enabled Records
To play a record over and over and over and over and over and over, just put any record and a comparator into the crafting grid!
Record Etcher
Used to write your beautiful songs to Blank Records!
Record Player
The only object able to read the contents of the written records! (Since the original record player takes a diamond, I figured this is a good recipe for a more advanced version.)
Frequency Crystal
Tune this crystal to your favorite radio stream and insert it into a radio to hear the radio in-game!
Frequency Tuner
Tune your crystal to a specific URL to listen to the radio in your world!
Insert a tuned frequency crystal to play radio from the internet! Model curtesy of RazzleberryFox (Decocraft)
Commonly used by people to project the sound of your Record Player further into the depths of the world.
Strobe Light
Stimulate your senses with this extremely flashy light. WARNING: May cause seizures on high settings!
Liven up your world using these devices that shoot colored light into the sky!
Speaker Wire
Attach two objects together! Commonly used to attach a Record Player to a Speaker.
Wire Cutters
The only thing capable to removing Speaker Wire from attached objects. (Without breaking said object...)
You may use this mod in your modpack as long as:
You link back to this postYou don't make money off of your modpackYou do not take credit for making any part of this mod. Give credit where credit is due. (Stumblinbear)
Feel like contributing?
We will not be held responsible for any charges brought against you by any company(s) or people working for any company(s) in relation to this mod(BetterRecords). We do not support piracy, We are here only to provide the means of playing your media files. All media that is played through these means must be legally licensed. We are not be held responsible for illegal use of media played in this mod. If you choose to use this media You must purchase a valid license (if required).
Woop woop go stumblin.
Perhaps add a crafting recipe for records?
Hmmm, I thought about that. But, I figured there needed to be a bit more difficulty in getting the records. This was the best solution that I could think of :3
And, if the server mod is installed, players in the surrounding area will download it too!
Optional right? I can disable downloading server songs, just like disabling downloading server textures
Can we also browse our hard drive?
Iz bez mod.
Optional right? I can disable downloading server songs like disabling downloading server textures
That. Is probably a good idea... Not at the moment, but that'll be a feature in the next version. :3
I may be missing something, but all I get is either "invalid URL" or "Invalid File Extension" when trying to etch a record
To better prevent people downloading files that are viruses, you cannot use # or ? in your url and it has to end in .ogg, .mp3, or .wav. Sorry bout that, should have specified URL rules in the op.
I'll try to think of a better way of doing this, but for now, it is what it is.
To better prevent people downloading files that are viruses, you cannot use # or ? in your url and it has to end in .ogg, .mp3, or .wav. Sorry bout that, should have specified URL rules in the op.
Mind putting instructions on how to make a url end in .oog, .mp3, or .wav? Either my brain is having trouble grasping this concept, or even Google doesn't understand what I'm trying to do...
Mind putting instructions on how to make a url end in .oog, .mp3, or .wav? Either my brain is having trouble grasping this concept, or even Google doesn't understand what I'm trying to do...
You need to directly link to the audio file at the moment.
For example: For testing purposes, I uploaded songs to my webserver. Then used those.
You could also use a site like mp3skull.com. (Right click the download link and copy)
Mind putting instructions on how to make a url end in .oog, .mp3, or .wav? Either my brain is having trouble grasping this concept, or even Google doesn't understand what I'm trying to do...
I updated the mod, it should be just as secure, but it doesn't have those specific requirements anymore. It just needs to link to an audio file. You can also toggle song downloading in multiplayer by pressing N.
Ten symbols p
Hand in hand they'
But break the chain,
The prophecy will all be lost.
For some reason when I try to etch a song from my Dropbox, it says something with "charset=utf-8 is not supported!". I can't see the entire error because the disk is over it. I don't know what went wrong, but I'm hoping there is a way to fix it.
That usually happens when you aren't linking directly to the file. Are you sure it's the actual link? Or dropbox's download page?
I am indeed linking to the file itself. The link is "". Again, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here.
Edit: I found out that I had to copy the link of the Downoad button to get it to work. It's working fine now, thanks for the help.
Un-edit: Something went wrong again... When I put the disk in the disk player, it says: "Error: Could not read file." Might be something with my download, but I am confused now.
I don't know what it is, but some mp3 files don't like playing. Though, ogg works every time.
Will convert your mp3 file for you. I've been searching for other libraries to use instead of mp3player, not coming up with much that are small in size but functional.
Quote from
Does the song saves itself in the server's minecraft folder? Is there any config options for things like max no. of songs that can be downloaded by a single user?
The server does absolutely nothing, it just handles the packets that are sent to the clients. The clients receive the play record packet, and download the song into a cache file located in .minecraft/betterrecords/cache/
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