the lightning kingdomkingdomrush汉化补丁丁怎么用

今天要带来的游戏榜单是本人最为喜爱的RPG游戏推荐了,而且看到标题相信大家一定非常期待,因为包含以下关键词:2017年上半年、PC单机、RPG游戏,这几个关键词说明本榜单推荐的单机游戏是可以找到下载地址,那就让我们来看看今天的推荐游戏吧。罪恶少女:诱惑Criminal Girls INVITATION开发厂商:Nippon Ichi发行厂商:NIS America发售日期:日游戏类型:角色扮演类为什么推荐这款游戏应该不用多做解释了吧,自己找亮点!曾于2010年在PSP上发售的绅士RPG《罪恶少女》在2015年经过重制并移植PSV。本作中,玩家将以指导教官的身份调教被称为“半罪人”的7位少女,引导她们来到“地狱之塔”的最上层。PSV版将追加新剧情和新角色,“调教系统”也将进化,还有大量新要素追加。在2017年本作终于移植到PC平台,在经过某汉化组的努力后终于呈现了全中文的PC单机版本。狂战传说Tales of Berseria开发厂商:BNEI发行厂商:BNEI发售日期:日《狂战传说》是由万代南梦宫娱乐制作发行一款角色扮演游戏,是传说系列第16部正篇作品。本作的舞台为统治着横跨海洋与大陆的“米德冈德圣导王国”,由复数大地与无数岛屿构成的大国,将其管辖区称为“领”统治之中。即便是在同一王国内,北方与南方的寒暖之差非常巨大,土地不同气候差异也很大。这些差异对于文化体系也有影响,因此建筑物的样式、人们生活的习俗也多种多样。海洋部由于海流与气象极易变动,交易船只能利用特定的线路,但会出现狙击交易船的海贼。我们的女主角则会从故地起航到在各个岛屿之间进行一次壮大的冒险旅程。本作中参战角色各自持有名为“SOUL”的气力&灵力,它的数量越多,可进行的技能的连携次数也就越多。比如,在持有4个SOUL的情况下,可连携发动4次技能,在第4次的连携之后发动“BREAK SOUL”的话,SOUL便会减少1个变为3个,之后又可以连携发动3次技能。“BREAK SOUL”自身也附带有强力的效果,通过合计8连携来击败敌人吧。菲莉丝的工作室:不思议之旅的炼金术士Atelier Firis - The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey开发厂商:Gust发行厂商:Koei Tecmo发售日期:日新人炼金术士菲莉丝为了将炼金术学至极致,和姐姐莉亚涅一起在充满不可思议的世界展开旅程。由于菲莉丝没有特定的工作室,所以需要一边旅行一边使用炼金术。采用系列最大规模的野外地图,存在山岳地带、被雪覆盖的极寒之地等各种地形。还存在从城市到山里连成一个野外地图的地方。随着旅程的展开,菲莉丝的服装也会变化。并且有随时间改变的东西。无夜之国Yoru no Nai Kuni / Nights of Azure开发厂商:GUST发售日期:日《无夜之国》是由Koei Tecmo制作发行的一款动作RPG游戏,本作以“美少女X从魔XRPG”为噱头,描述孤身一人的少女,操控着以自身血液缔结契约的从魔,在邪妖横行的世界挣扎求生,以及奉献自身性命作为封印的圣骑士,在这个近代与幻想交错的世界中,两名少女的命运与因果彼此纠缠,命运的抉择不时逼迫而来……同时本作是由《零》系列制作人菊池启介与GUST联手带来全新RPG作品,有着特色的“从魔”系统。玩家在战斗中将会边指挥“从魔”边利用“魔剑”进行战斗,而麾下的“从魔”是可以通过契约逐渐增多的。阿娜丝拥有着能与邪妖签订契约的特殊能力,与其签下契约的邪妖被称为“从魔”,暂时可以知道的是召唤“从魔”将需要一种“凭依”道具,“从魔”也将分为攻击型和支援型两种类型,战斗中一次性最多可以召唤4个“从魔”,根据所携带的“从魔”组合不同,阿娜丝的战斗方式也会有相应的变化哦!限界凸骑Monster Monpiece开发厂商:COMPILE HEART,IDEA FACTORY发行厂商:Idea Factory International发售日期:日《限界凸骑》是由地雷社制作发行的一款美少女卡牌对战游戏,本作将有超过100种卡片登场,玩家们所熟知的各种怪物比如龙、哥布林、史莱姆等等都会被美少女拟人化。通过触碰画面可以与卡片上的角色互动,碰到胸部的话会有摇动效果,而如果触摸到弱点就会使其脱衣并解放魔力实力加强。质量效应:仙女座Mass Effect - Andromeda开发厂商:BioWare发行厂商:Electronic Arts发售日期:日《质量效应:仙女座》绝对是今年上榜最多的游戏大作之一,所以不再多说。游戏故事发生在仙女座星系的赫利俄斯星群,无论从时间上还是空间上,都与《质量效应》的“指挥官谢帕德”三部曲及其结局相距甚远。玩家扮演被称为“探路者”的探险家,为了寻找人类的新家而进行远征。在求生存的殖民过程中,将会遭遇“狂野的领域”、“冷血的暴徒”以及“好战的外星种族”。玩家将会探索上百个太阳系(《质量效应3》的4倍以上),收集资源,强化飞船、船员和武器,进行外交活动来建立殖民地,发现遗民背后隐藏的秘密,抢先夺得他们的技术。亮晶晶:闪闪王国Shiness - The Lightning Kingdom开发厂商:Enigami发行厂商:Plug In Digital发售日期:日《亮晶晶:闪闪王国》由法国独立工作室Enigami制作,游戏的画风很像之前的《薄暮传说》,画风卡通可爱,整个游戏采用虚幻4擎制作。虽然游戏画风看起来很卡通,但是游戏格斗招式的一招一式都透露着爽快和力度感。游戏作为一款APRG,以RPG的元素为主,其中包含了主线剧情、探索、遭遇式战斗等等。很适合休闲玩家玩耍。游戏可以选择各具特色的五名可用角色,结合游戏独特的技能战斗系统体验更多的乐趣。勇者斗恶龙:英雄2Dragon Quest Heroes 2开发厂商:Omega Force发行厂商:Square Enix发售日期:日《勇者斗恶龙:英雄2》Koei Tecmo Games、ω-Force联合制作,Square Enix发行的一款动作RPG游戏,继承并强化了前作《勇者斗恶龙:英雄》的玩法。游戏采用第三人称3D画面,玩家直接操控角色探索地图、与非玩家角色对话、和怪物战斗。游戏由城镇、原野和战斗关卡三类区域构成。城镇是玩家的据点,玩家可通过城内的各种设施,调整强化战斗阵容。城镇和原野相互连接,玩家可在原野自由探索、与怪物战斗或收集素材。玩家推进故事或做某些任务时,要进入战斗关卡作战,关卡最后多要迎战强敌。迸发英文名称:The Surge开发厂商:Deck 13发行厂商:Focus Home Interactive发售日期:日《迸发》是由Deck 13制作,Focus Home Interactive发行的一款硬核ARPG,游戏背景设定在一个“反乌托邦式”的高度工业化未来,人们反抗压迫的,为生存而战,游戏中大部分物品并不是为了战斗设计的,但是当矛盾激化到一定程度,各种东西都可以用来当成武器。本作包含了较为创新的战斗机制,使游戏的内容与体验更加的丰富。女武神驱动:比丘尼Valkyrie Drive - Bhikkhuni开发厂商:Marvelous发行厂商:PQube发售日期:日《女武神驱动:比丘尼》是由Marvelous制作发行的一款美少女动作类游戏,PSV版已于日发售;PC版将于2017年夏季发售,支持完整1080p分辨率/60FPS,以及Steam成就/集换式卡片/云存储服务,所有针对PSV版推出的DLC内容也会包含在PC版中。
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【3DM原创种/网盘分流】《亮晶晶:闪闪王国(Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom)》3DM免安装未加密版[EN]
信3DM 得首发 得汉化
英文名称:Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
游戏发行:Focus Home Interactive& && &&&
& &《亮晶晶:闪闪王国》游戏风格看着很像《薄暮传说》,引擎采用的是最新的虚幻引擎,画面色彩艳丽人物采用渲染风格,游戏包括探索、战斗、任务、装备和魔法等传统RPG全部有的要素。
& & 玩家可以选择各具特色的五名可用角色,结合游戏独特的技能战斗系统体验更多的乐趣,享受冒险的快乐。
操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
处理器: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: 1 GB, AMD Radeon HD 6950/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 15 GB 可用空间
操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
处理器: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320
内存: 8 GB RAM
图形: 2 GB, AMD Radeon HD 7870/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
DirectX 版本: 11
存储空间: 需要 15 GB 可用空间
2. 运行游戏
已集成未加密补丁 游戏必备组件在_CommonRedist文件夹下请自行安装
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游戏狂人, 积分 1446, 距离下一级还需 554 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1446, 距离下一级还需 554 积分
高级玩家, 积分 527, 距离下一级还需 73 积分
高级玩家, 积分 527, 距离下一级还需 73 积分
超级玩家, 积分 852, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
超级玩家, 积分 852, 距离下一级还需 148 积分
初级玩家, 积分 70, 距离下一级还需 30 积分
初级玩家, 积分 70, 距离下一级还需 30 积分
游戏达人, 积分 3403, 距离下一级还需 97 积分
游戏达人, 积分 3403, 距离下一级还需 97 积分
游戏达人, 积分 3005, 距离下一级还需 495 积分
游戏达人, 积分 3005, 距离下一级还需 495 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1638, 距离下一级还需 362 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1638, 距离下一级还需 362 积分
初级玩家, 积分 77, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
初级玩家, 积分 77, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
游戏天王, 积分 37296, 距离下一级还需 7704 积分
游戏天王, 积分 37296, 距离下一级还需 7704 积分
初级玩家, 积分 44, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
初级玩家, 积分 44, 距离下一级还需 56 积分
谢谢分享 支持下
超级玩家, 积分 709, 距离下一级还需 291 积分
超级玩家, 积分 709, 距离下一级还需 291 积分
新手玩家, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
新手玩家, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
初级玩家, 积分 83, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
初级玩家, 积分 83, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1481, 距离下一级还需 519 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1481, 距离下一级还需 519 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1055, 距离下一级还需 945 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1055, 距离下一级还需 945 积分
新手玩家, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
新手玩家, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
游戏终结者, 积分 138782, 距离下一级还需 361218 积分
游戏终结者, 积分 138782, 距离下一级还需 361218 积分
初级玩家, 积分 84, 距离下一级还需 16 积分
初级玩家, 积分 84, 距离下一级还需 16 积分
中级玩家, 积分 209, 距离下一级还需 41 积分
中级玩家, 积分 209, 距离下一级还需 41 积分
超级玩家, 积分 798, 距离下一级还需 202 积分
超级玩家, 积分 798, 距离下一级还需 202 积分
游戏精英, 积分 4215, 距离下一级还需 4785 积分
游戏精英, 积分 4215, 距离下一级还需 4785 积分
游戏精英, 积分 7487, 距离下一级还需 1513 积分
游戏精英, 积分 7487, 距离下一级还需 1513 积分
新手玩家, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 28 积分
新手玩家, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 28 积分
初级玩家, 积分 33, 距离下一级还需 67 积分
初级玩家, 积分 33, 距离下一级还需 67 积分
游戏精英, 积分 5584, 距离下一级还需 3416 积分
游戏精英, 积分 5584, 距离下一级还需 3416 积分
高级玩家, 积分 266, 距离下一级还需 334 积分
高级玩家, 积分 266, 距离下一级还需 334 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1215, 距离下一级还需 785 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1215, 距离下一级还需 785 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1877, 距离下一级还需 123 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1877, 距离下一级还需 123 积分
哥德萝莉。来自异世界的龙之一,龙形是白色毛发、羽翼的龙,电是力量的来源。 为娱乐区做出三级贡献。勋章采升级制,一次只能申请一个,可累加。
Powered by法国出品动画风格动作RPG《Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom》最新影片
Focus Home Interactive出品,法国Enigami开发的PC/PS4/Xbox One版动作RPG《Shiness: The
Lightning Kingdom》,日前公布游戏系统解说影片。本作主角为一名将狸拟人化的少年查德,驾驶的空中帆船在漂浮在大陆的Celestial Islands
Fights」战斗系统等,都是本作的特色之一。本作预定于2017 年第1季上市,Steam 预购可享85折优惠。
微信号: 扫我!
剩余: 100%
剩余: 100%九转神晶之重临游戏
   传说,地球都市里悄悄流传着这样的一个传说,传闻世界角落里拥有一种奇异的晶体,名为【九转神晶】的九块晶体,只要当有人满足近乎三十亿分之九的【幸运】,那么便是会得到它,获得神奇的力量,得到任意穿越世界的能力,不管是小说,动漫,游戏,影视,皆可肆意穿越,毫无限制。   但是,拥有着三十亿分之九的【幸运】,真的就是【幸运】吗?最终,这是【神明】意志之下,命中注定的阴谋?还是【自我】命运,抉择谱写的因果?   若是喜欢的话,求推荐,求收藏!   相关世界:《斩
准备好过冬日节 - 节日更新 ! 疯狂的晶石遇上令人着迷的精灵! 这一切发生在宝石消除冒险之旅的途中! 小偷们...
亮晶晶:闪闪王国(Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom)是一款战斗力爆棚的能够让你感受...
Q.&&&& 在每日活动处的体力没领,怎么不见了?
A:&&&& 这是时限类任务,只有在任...
Q.&&&& 体力会超出上限吗,每日体力上限是多少?
石器时代防爆之星使用介绍 强化必备的神器,装备强化系统大家都了解吧,而防爆之星就是可以强化神器,下面小编为大家带来石器时代防爆之星使用介绍,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧。
苹果平台下载About this project
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Replay with sound
Shiness is a Role Playing Game which will let you dive into a new adventure across Sky Islands. In a world where every land strives for power, two Wakis named Chado and Poky, traveling aboard a flying boat, accidentally land on a very dangerous island. Prepare yourself for an epic journey into a huge universe that will stay with you for a long time! With its unpredictable storylines and frenetic gameplay, Shiness is waiting for you to play the story imagined 20 years ago by our Creative Director and finally brought to life.If you have discovered this Kickstarter campaign too late and want to help by pre-ordering the game or buy some nice add-ons through Paypal, we have opened a backer page in order to let you do that.
Shiness has been greenlit! Thank you so much for your votes!
Add-On Rewards allow you to order extra items! This will allow you to get an extra reward and help support Shiness even more.
Digital Manga Volume I.
Digital Copy of The Sound Track (FLAC & Mp3)
Digital Copy of the Game (PC,Linux,MAC,PS4)
Physical Discipline Card Sketched by the author.
Physical Manga book volume I signed by the author.
Physical Dictionary
Physical Artbook signed by the author.
115$ Figurine 4.7" If you want more information about how to get your add-on visit this link:
Planned platforms: PC Windows and Mac OSX (more if we are able to).Release date: Q1,
2015 on PC, Mac. Approx. gameplay time: 20 hours in the solo adventure mode, infinite for the online mode.Language: We invented a full Language (more information further).Subtitles: French, English, Brazilian Portuguese, German
A long time ago on a planet called Mahera, many species lived together in harmony. They were all linked by a spiritual energy, source of life and progress. This Energy was called the Shi.As the civilizations were thriving, the Shi started dwindling which eventually led to a devastating war. The storm of violence unleashed by living beings became unstoppable. The green grass in the valleys was coated by ashes and the rain suddenly became a reminder of the horror suffered by the crying of a planet its own children were mistreating. The all-encompassing link the Shi was once able to maintain failed, hence causing the core of the planet - its heart - to collapse. Crackles appeared all around the globe and then, in a gigantic explosion, Mahera became a cloud of dirt and lighting bolts, enclaving each civilization to its own part of the globe:
Meteora masses of land-floating nearby from one another, forever separated both physically and spiritually.Since those dark times, Human, Sheiks and Waki rebuilt their lives separately and life went on.
This disruption of the nature caused Mahera to split into celestial islands, called Meteoras and by then signing of the end of an era.
Since then,Human,Sheiks and Waki rebuilt themselves separately and life went on.
Chado and Poky, two friends from the Kimpao islands in the land of Wakis, will accidentally land on Adorn Island. You will play Chado (at first) and your first goal will be to find your lost friend Poky. Little will you realize, at that time, that you will be involved in a story that will reveal a far more important destiny ...
Chado can summon a rock on his back. It can be thrown, dropped or be used as a weight. As you progress in the game, Chado will be able to
summon multiple rocks.
summon different sizes of rocks.
Depending on the rocks' size and Chado’s level, throwing a rock before a battle can stun an enemy, which is sometimes useful…
His mechanical engineering skills actually span from his ability to manipulate magnetic fields and influence electrical streams. Therefore, Poky can repair machines, or pull to him the evil ones he is fighting against. He must beware that others don’t see him, or they will attack._________________________________________________________
Rosalya can summon fire, lighting up any scene and dissipating darkness. She is capable of opening paths, detecting traps as well as reveal hidden or invisible foes and animals.Use your brain to combine these abilities to progress through the game, but don’t forget that your group can only count 3 characters at any given time!
Kayenne has a psychic ability: telekinesis. Using his power, he can move distant doodads (only if not mechanical), activates assets or paralyze enemies in combat.
Armed with a plant whip, Askel can catch objects on others (friend or foe), and otherwise unreachable items (like an equipment). He is very useful to expand your inventory.
Shiness will make you explore many areas of the game by leaving on quests, resolving puzzles, fighting against enemies, bosses, notorious monsters and hunting animals to get items.
We wanted to make Shiness intuitive and accessible whilst maintaining a high level of interest for more hardcore gamers. There will be a bunch of very hard challenges in the game that only the best of you will be able to handle!Brace yourselves for some epic fights...
Since Shiness is inspired of manga comic books (think about Dragon Ball & Naruto for example... ), it made sense for us to make our battle system a fighting game.
But since it's a RPG, we needed to have a certain level of strategy depth during fights. Far from traditional turn-based RPG systems, we wanted fighting and exploration to remain closely connected at each and every moment. Therefore, every fight happens directly on the main map with barely no transition between the fight and the exploration modes (the only difference being the summoning of the Arena), maintaining a fast rhythm and constant in-game action interactions !
We mixed magic and close combat to make the player come up with many strategies for defeating your enemies. Just like in classic Fighting Games you will be able to punch, kick, counter attacks, dodge as well as use combos!
Arena :Just like in any fighting game, your foe and you will fight by throwing each other punches, kicks, devastating combos, spells, and so on. The arena is linked to one of the element (water, fire, earth, air) which interacting with your magical statistics and takes strategy to whole a new level: using a spell from the same element than the arena will drastically increase its power, range, or effect... But you should take into account that it does apply to your enemy as well…However, even if your character faces an enemy in a closed arena, your nearest teammates can interact with the fight.
Companions that you have configured before the battle will act according to what happens during your fight. Shiness' combat system is highly dynamic. Given its wide range of attacks, your hero will only be at his full potential if you memorize all specials combo combinations.You could also do combos by completing successfully a series of actions. Those special attacks are more powerful and impressive.
Finally, you will be able to trigger some Hyper Modes, spectacular sequences which will change depending on the designs and powers of each character. By following a series of actions, the "Hyper Mode" will launch a devastating attack.
Engaging the battle :
As players, we feel bored of RPG with farming quest without any interesting story-line. We are spending considerable time and efforts to prepare for you a great story-line with each quest :Investigate, interrogate, defeat strong notorious monsters, and face tough challenges.
One of the points of interest of Shiness is also its cross-media part : by reading the comic book, you will find some clues about the game ! Read carefully, and then trigger these special quest in the game...But the main point about the quest system is the following: for each and every quest in the game, several ways to solve it shall be available!
As an example, imagine a very simple quest in which your group will have to pick up an item lying in a cave, guarded by a bunch of enemies. Some of you will fight and defeat all of the monsters, pick the item and bring it back. Others will infiltrate the cave, stun or paralyze enemies, grab the item and run away before they wake up. Others still will directly try to negotiate with the enemy leader to buy the item back... Depending on your choices and actions, your reputation and quest rewards will be different, and after a while affect the way NPCs interact with you.
Unlike most of the Role Playing Games, the world will change according to your decisions. Thus, if you use diplomacy in most circumstances, some areas wi some cities will expand, new shops could open and bring in specific items… Hunting :
The Meteora islands are the living place of several harmless creatures. During your adventures, you will have to hunt them for the purpose of quests or simply to get new items. Some say there are creatures that carry very rare items… Animals are harmless and shy, every little being will run away whenever you’re around.
Whether they fly, crawl or swim, a great diversity of animals inhabits the lands of Meteora.
In Shiness, martial arts are often more efficient than weapons.
Thus, you will have the opportunity to learn and equip
3 types of
arts on your characters:
Physical Art: Enable to learn new combos and Hyper Mode
Magical Art: Enable to learn new spells.
Supply Art: This one is generated from the combination of Physical and Magical and it will affect the behavior of the equipped character in all of his social interactions.
During the game, you will get several disciplines in order to learn new techniques and grow more powerful.Each character carries his own props such as bracelets, necklaces, etc… Those props changes the look of the heroes as well as their statistics, their affinities with the natural elements and even the reputation of the team. You will be able to assign objects (in limited quantities) to your characters in order to use them during fights.
In Shiness, the Shi is used to fuel magic spells. In order to use it efficiently, you will have to master the alchemy of the elements and know the weaknesses of your opponents. You can cast several during a fight such as damage spells, defensive spells (health care, increase of statistics…) or even status effects (poison, blindness, paralysis etc.).There are two steps to cast a spell:Channeling: Your hero summons the Shi and focuses (you can channel as long as you want but it will cap after a certain amount). Channeling time depends on the spell’s parameters (damage, resistance, area of effect…)Launching: Aim the opponent with the spell.
However, be careful because the spells you have selected are limited. It is up to you to wisely prepare your spells before a tough fight.You can be interrupted (so does your opponent) while casting a spell if your enemy succeeds to hit on you at the right time.
Online Mode ?We currently dream about making an online mode, but we need your help for that, and if we manage to fund this game we will be introduce three online modes as stretch goals (co-op, versus, world challenge)
Shiness is currently being developed for PC (Windows) and Mac (OS X) with the Unreal Development Kit. We have a prototype of the game that has proven its worth. It already includes all playable characters, monsters, quests and challenges. It also features the basics for our battle system and a chunk of our universe.
The prototype has been tested multiple times on public events we have attended in our country, France. We have received lots of good feedback so far from all the people who have played the prototype. Those tests helped our development team a lot in order focus on the gameplay issues to improve the overall feeling.
More than a video game, Shiness is also the beginning a comic book, and both media will be increasing the storyline and the background. While you
you will definitely discover some secrets of Shiness's universe.
Enigami is a team of passionate and dedicated people who are working on Shiness.Since about a year, some of us decided to stop their current jobs to start working full time on this project, carefully using our savings to make it happen. The others are working every night after work with only on goal in mind: make Shiness live ! That's why we need YOU, to make this real!
You did notice in the trailer that the characters were speaking in a language you never heard before. That is simply because we invented it ! We wanted the game to have a distinct feel and identity, and this was a way to achieve it! Thanks to Clement and Deborah - who are post graduate students of linguistics at University of Bordeaux -and their amazing work, we have a grammar, a vocabulary and even a dictionary ! We now sometimes make jokes in our studio in our unique language.Voice talent : To make this language alive we needed to cast some actors. We worked students from the Eicar School in Paris who very much enjoyed to help. The result was so amazing that we decided to do the adventure with them until the end, if we manage to finally release Shiness.
Game scoring is composed by our game producer himself, Hazem Hawash.
Why him ? Because his long time dream has been to make a great OST for a game that can be played by a lot of people...
Hazem's major influences are Nobuo Uematsu( Final Fantasy ) , Yasunori Mitsuda ( Chrono Series ), Joe Hisashi ( Studio Ghibli ) and Yoko Kanno.We have included them here, please tell us what do you think :
Angel, our sound designer, is an amazing guy that has believed in the project since its early start, event when our prototype was not yet good enough. He also uses his voice for some creatures in the game, like Gromiz or Pigrel.
Since the beginning, the team for Shiness has very little budget, and we have been doing everything out of pure passion. We spent 3 years (a long time to go when you have no social life..) developing this project with a small team, and it is still far from over.When Ynnis joined the project, they helped in many ways including allow us to advance the game sufficiently to be able to launch this Kisckstarter.We believe in our project so much that we think we will be able to convince you. And we badly need the money to make the game happen and finish it. That is why we launched this Kickstarter.We want to build the game with YOU guys and hear YOUR opinion in order to make it better. It gives us energy to see people interested in our project, which we are counting us to make us unstoppable so we'll take on any challenge and make a great game !Why do we target 100 000 $ as our initial goal ? We made some calculations.
Though some of us have already spent years on the game, and others months, we yet need almost half a year with a full-time team to finish the game - and that is without counting any beta tests. With 100 000 $ we will be able to pay the whole team and get the small extra help we need.
Risks and challenges
We started all this with a dream: create a RPG that reminds the golden age of RPGs with its fantastic stories, huge universes and original gameplay design.
The real challenge for us was to create a correct mix in transforming a 100 % fighting game into a 100 % RPG game. Also, with the comic book, we wanted to provide an unique experience based on cross-media storytelling.
In order to limit the risks, we worked with the famous Unreal Engine 3 for all our coding and asset rendering.
We have been working on the coding for over a year. The prototype we have created work, we have at least one fully designed level, lots of texture and mapping.
Though we are a new team, we believe we have done enough work to prove we were capable to do everything.
Our main subjects of worries are the following :
- We are passionate. We always want to add new things into our game. In doing so, we might exceed our delays.
- If we go through with the game, for the online modes, we also plan on developing our own proprietary server architecture. We don't have extensive experience with this.
Everyone at Ynnis and Enigami is trying very hard to prepare you to enter to the Shiness Universe. With your help, we feel confident we are able to deliver what we have promised. Though we might be delayed, and we might just want to deliver more...
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