有没有玩过bounty train汉化补丁的,值不值的入正

3 of 3 people (100%) found this review helpful
Early Access Review
I'm writing this review becuase I feel many of the negative reviews for this game are from people who are not checking every part of the game before saying it is too hard.First off I have near 12 hours of gameplay and other than the continue game option at the main menu maybe saving at a pretty bad point I have not seen any game breaking bugs. The game has not crashed, as long as you do not rage quit the continue option works fine for me. Okay so if you like the idea of starting with a basic train and getting it off the ground to making big profits in many different ways then give this game a try. First off many of the reviews saying the game is too difficult to make money are just plain wrong. There are many lucrative trade routes in the starting cities if you look close enough. And if you really want to rake in lots of beginning cash take on passengers, contracts frim city hall, and bounties if you can find them. Yes you get attacked by bandits and indians a good many times but depending on what cargo you are carrying it seems to change the bandit numbers and skill level. For instance when I was carrying 20 stacks of jewelry across the map from New York to Chicago I was attacked twice by bandits that I could not outrun and thus hand to have shootouts with 22 bandits each time with decent weaponry. However this is to be expected if I am going to make upwards of $6,000 profits from this(this is a big profit margin in the game where the best train engine is around $15,000). Therefore I make sure my crew is geared with good weapons, equipment and make sure I have a healer before I do it.Also another difficulty curve is the story mode because now you are on a time crunch which prevents you from making big runs like the one i described above. I beat it the first go around by making many more niche market runs using a much smaller engine and train. You are not able to carry tons of cargo but you can make 300-400 dollars off passengers also going to towns you are passing by and by looking for the city supply missions which pay handsomely and give you ample time so long as you can carry the cargo back in time. Also if you can get in on auctions for non production town buildings (hair cuts, hotels, etc.) you can make easy money each week that easily gives you the power to pay off bandits or you can find saloons to take jobs from the bandits, take on bandit passengers, or smuggle weapons to get on their good side and make money on the other side of the law. The only real downside to this game I can find is that it is early access and some of the mission balances are not well done. The post office missions are completely useless and only good for if you happen to go to that town or just want to go somewhere new. The bandit and indians can be hard but making sure to arm your crew and give them the right skills means the difference between being able to take on 5 bandits or 15.Summary: If you like trains or ground up money making games then this is a great game especially on sale for an early access. I really enjoyed the challenge of the story mode and completed it with only a few days to spare as I frantically hauled steel from the upper east coast all the way to Atlanta in my mediocre train. And the sand box mode gives you freedom to try out all the game options and train setups while fighting bandits with increasing difficulty.
I'm writing this review becuase I feel many of the negative reviews for this game are from people who are not checking every part of the game before saying it is too hard.
First off I have near 12 hours of gameplay and other than the continue game option at the main menu maybe saving at a pretty bad point I have not seen any game breaking bugs. The game has not crashed, as long as you do not rage quit the continue option works fine for me.
Okay so if you like the idea of starting with a basic train and getting it off the ground to making big profits in many different ways then give this game a try. First off many of the reviews saying the game is too difficult to make money are just plain wrong. There are many lucrative trade routes in the starting cities if you look close enough. And if you really want to rake in lots of beginning cash take on passengers, contracts frim city hall, and bounties if you can find them. Yes you get attacked by bandits and indians a good many times but depending on what cargo you are carrying it seems to change the bandit numbers and skill level. For instance when I was carrying 20 stacks of jewelry across the map from New York to Chicago I was attacked twice by bandits that I could not outrun and thus hand to have shootouts with 22 bandits each time with decent weaponry. However this is to be expected if I am going to make upwards of $6,000 profits from this(this is a big profit margin in the game where the best train engine is around $15,000). Therefore I make sure my crew is geared with good weapons, equipment and make sure I have a healer before I do it.
Also another difficulty curve is the story mode because now you are on a time crunch which prevents you from making big runs like the one i described above. I beat it the first go around by making many more niche market runs using a much smaller engine and train. You are not able to carry tons of cargo but you can make 300-400 dollars off passengers also going to towns you are passing by and by looking for the city supply missions which pay handsomely and give you ample time so long as you can carry the cargo back in time. Also if you can get in on auctions for non production town buildings (hair cuts, hotels, etc.) you can make easy money each week that easily gives you the power to pay off bandits or you can find saloons to take jobs from the bandits, take on bandit passengers, or smuggle weapons to get on their good side and make money on the other side of the law.
The only real downside to this game I can find is that it is early access and some of the mission balances are not well done. The post office missions are completely useless and only good for if you happen to go to that town or just want to go somewhere new. The bandit and indians can be hard but making sure to arm your crew and give them the right skills means the difference between being able to take on 5 bandits or 15.
Summary: If you like trains or ground up money making games then this is a great game especially on sale for an early access. I really enjoyed the challenge of the story mode and completed it with only a few days to spare as I frantically hauled steel from the upper east coast all the way to Atlanta in my mediocre train. And the sand box mode gives you freedom to try out all the game options and train setups while fighting bandits with increasing difficulty.
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View mobile website24 of 33 people (73%) found this review helpful
Not Recommended
Early Access Review
Charming idea, but I can't exactly recommend it in its current state:1) Difficulty is rather high. Your train will get robbed very frequently, and early on can either pay up (meaning you lose most of your profits) or reload. You can eventually buy gatling guns which but don't expect the game to tell you that those are considered trade goods (rather than guns bought at a gunstore or train upgrades bought at the train yard)Further, the &urgent mail& missions tend to be needlessly frustrating because of how deadlines are generated: Missions cannot be handed it before 9am, but you can get an 8am deadline (i.e. you would have to do the maths first to work out if a 5 day deadline is actually only 4 days)2) Controls are cumbersome - for example, to pick a location you have to first click on every potential passenger to see where they want to go, keep track of the destinations, and then click on them again when you have worked out where you want to go. Seems that spreadsheet technology was sorely lacking in The Old West. If you are not very familiar with US geography you'll also find yourself switching a lot between map view and city view because you can't check from the city view if a particular city is on your route. 3) Everything in the game appears to be random - when you level up you can pick a random skill. The NPCs you start with are random - you can either get a sniper, or a melee fighter, or a guy who is good with a fire extinguisher. If you want to build a sniper but only roll melee damage skills, too bad - try restarting the game.
Charming idea, but I can't exactly recommend it in its current state:
1) Difficulty is rather high. Your train will get robbed very frequently, and early on can either pay up (meaning you lose most of your profits) or reload. You can eventually buy gatling guns which but don't expect the game to tell you that those are considered trade goods (rather than guns bought at a gunstore or train upgrades bought at the train yard)
Further, the &urgent mail& missions tend to be needlessly frustrating because of how deadlines are generated: Missions cannot be handed it before 9am, but you can get an 8am deadline (i.e. you would have to do the maths first to work out if a 5 day deadline is actually only 4 days)
2) Controls are cumbersome - for example, to pick a location you have to first click on every potential passenger to see where they want to go, keep track of the destinations, and then click on them again when you have worked out where you want to go. Seems that spreadsheet technology was sorely lacking in The Old West.
If you are not very familiar with US geography you'll also find yourself switching a lot between map view and city view because you can't check from the city view if a particular city is on your route.
3) Everything in the game appears to be random - when you level up you can pick a random skill. The NPCs you start with are random - you can either get a sniper, or a melee fighter, or a guy who is good with a fire extinguisher. If you want to build a sniper but only roll melee damage skills, too bad - try restarting the game.
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■ 热门推荐& Bounty Train:昨日正式发售!
Bounty Train是一款策略加模拟经营类游戏,玩家将驾驶继承于父亲的火车驰骋于十九世纪的美国,踏上寻找兄弟姊妹的冒险旅程。探索北美洲传统的文化,生活,招兵买马,对抗匪徒,或者协助政府运输货物,还能遇到各色各样的历史人物。
作为火车类的模拟经营游戏,怎么能不改装火车呢!Bounty Train正式版本比起早期测试,追加了更多的火车车厢,以及多种火车头任你选择,并且火车头有不少部件可以改装升级,外观也会发生变化,甚至每个车头都有相当详细的介绍和图片,还有对应的WIKI链接,喜欢蒸汽火车的发烧友一定不能错过啊!
游戏背景发生在十九世纪的美国,所有城市,文化背景都是真实的。你可以通过参与四个不同派系的斗争,随着游戏发展体验真实的美国历史和文化,游戏中还有大量真实的历史人物,他们会交给你特殊任务, 你可以通过完成任务来提高不同派系的好感度。
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赏金火车[Bounty Train]怎么用CE修改
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
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白色恶魔 poi
游戏狂人, 积分 1259, 距离下一级还需 741 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1259, 距离下一级还需 741 积分
ce该不了啊 我该money都不行&&只能用修改器
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
还是下完了,这个货物数量 最小/最大载重 马力一样都没成。不过钱和物品倒是成了 煤也可以其他的没头绪。载重的话不停调整煤的重量然后模糊搜索也可以找的到(钱和煤是浮点数类型(其他应该也是),物品是4字节。)
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超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
还是下完了,这个货物数量 最小/最大载重 马力一样都没成。不过钱和物品倒是成了 煤也可以其他的没头绪。载 ...
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
新手玩家, 积分 26, 距离下一级还需 4 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
超级玩家, 积分 767, 距离下一级还需 233 积分
物品改大了的确用不了了,存档在读除了前都会还原,改不了车的数量上限改载重也没意义不如换车 ...
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