十里桃花娱乐———LOL 里的中单 用英文中单引号和双引号怎么说

《三生三世十里桃花》这部又甜又虐的剧你们一定也追了吧!据说《三生三世》小说还被翻成英文推广到了国外。不信你们看~【中文版VS英文版】 下面这些英文翻译也简直不能更美好了!“三生三世,十里桃花”Life After Life, Blooms Over Blooms累世情缘,谁捡起,谁抛下,谁忘前尘,谁总牵挂。忆当时年华,谁点相思,谁种桃花。&This fated love of forever and a day—Who has picked it up? Who has thrown it away? &Who has forgotten it all? Who yearns for it to stay?Those days bygone and labyrinthine—Who was the one that made the other sigh and pine?Who was in the peach orchard, raising flowers divine?这段译文没有复杂的用词,但在音律的铺设上明显很用心思,颇显功力。Labyrinthine(迷宫似的,曲折的)尤其用得妙,一来起韵脚为后面的 pine 和 divine 开道,同时也意喻情缘之纠缠迷醉,一箭双雕。你父君是我的心,我的肝,我的宝贝甜蜜饯儿,我又怎会不要他。His highness your father is my heart, my soul, my precious, my sweet. How would I not want him?读这句总是能想起莎剧中那些毫不遮掩的爱的表达呢,自动脑补了罗密欧与朱丽叶阳台私会一幕。这正是桃花盛开的季节,十里桃林,十里桃花,漫山遍野的灼灼芳华。It is the season when peach trees come into full bloom. Over hills, over vales, acres of peach trees parade acres of peach blossoms, radiant and sweet.&这句译者为了丰富画面感,是明显的意译。“Over hills, over vales” 直译应该是满山满谷,丰富了“十里”的意象。“parade” 是“展览、招摇过市”的意思,此处用作动词,可以想见桃花在枝头烂漫招摇的画面。“灼灼”就是“明亮”的意思,所以用了 “radiant”。“sweet”有“芳香”的意思。三月春盛,烟烟霞霞,灼灼桃花虽有十里,但一朵放在心上,足矣。In the lush spring of March, the radiant peach blossoms bloom, like rosy mists and blushing clouds. However many blossoms there are, it is enough to have just one, to be cherished in one’s heart.&烟烟霞霞用的是“rosy mists and blushing clouds”, 意即瑰色的氤氲和绯红的云霞,见字如见景。第二句中得“are”与“heart”押韵,中间断了一句,成了一个玲珑的三行诗,也呼应了原句的结构。桃花灼灼,枝叶蓁蓁,妖娆伤眼。The peach blossoms are radiant, the leaves luxuriant, their allure stunning.“Allure”:魅力,诱惑力。可以理解成魅惑吧,也算符合“妖娆”的内涵。原文中“伤眼”细读其实并非是个贬义形容,美得过度总是震慑人心,用 “stunning” 比较合理。我自是百般推脱,他自是千般盛情。I, of course, did my best to excuse myself, while he, naturally, pressed on with all graciousness and courtesy.这句也很妙,原文是两句,译者断成了八个部分,营造了节奏感,“naturally”也跟“courtesy”押韵。风月里的计谋不算计谋,情趣罢了;风月里的情趣不算情趣,计谋罢了。In affairs of the heart, scheming is not at all scheming, o while playfulness is never just playfulness, but part of the scheme.&流利菌才学疏浅,说不出来所以然,但就觉得把风月翻译成 “affairs of the heart” 简单又恰当。四海八荒,总是会有一个人,一定会有这么一个人,他会把你的名字叫得婉转温柔,荡气回肠。In the vast universe (Four Seas and Eight Deserts), there will—there must—be someone who, when he calls your name, gives it such delight, such tenderness, such soul-stirring pathos.“Pathos” ,形容悲怆、哀婉,凄楚,契合荡气回肠的意境,用得好高级。换作很多小伙伴,估计只能想到 sorrow 或 sentiment 之类吧。光晕一层一层,打出斑驳的印记。桃林十里,娇烂漫红,千朵浓芳,一枝枝缀乱云霞。那烟霞底下立着的玄衣青年,眉如泼墨,鬓若刀裁。Halos of light rippled and splashed. In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume. Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife.&“眉如泼墨,鬓若刀裁”出自《红楼梦》,原为对宝玉容貌的描述。此处沿用杨宪益、戴乃迭译本中的译法。方才夜华(角色名)行色匆匆,淡薄之间隐含亲切,疏离之间暗藏婉约,如此神态,以我十多万年所见的风月经验,定是会佳人去了。Ye Hua went off in a hurry just now. He looked nonchalant and distant, but there was a heartiness to that nonchalance and a coyness to that distance. I know, from my observations of romantic affairs—accumulated, I may add, over a hundred thousand years—that with that air and look, he must have been on his way to meet a fair lady.“nonchalant”:漫不经心的,漠不关心的,又指恬然的。形容“淡薄”感觉恰如其分。“coyness”:怕羞、羞涩。婉约本身的意思就是委婉含蓄,有羞涩之意。大家觉得这是不是“三生三世十里桃花”最好的英文翻译了?
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: /test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:娱乐英语 《三生三世十里桃花》零差评爆红国外 This is the best movie ever. Love the actors and actresses especially the main actors. Anyone who love this movie as much as I do should read the novel ( to The Sky Kingdom) while waiting for the new episodes. It's really interesting when you read the novel before watching the movie.
这是迄今为止我觉得最好的影视剧。很喜欢这部戏里的演员尤其是主角们。如果你像我一样超爱这部戏,应该趁着还没更新最新剧集时去看看原著小说。在追剧之前看看原著小说的话会很有意思。 Ok so Ive been watching the epis raw(up to epi 36) and its over half way done and Im still watching!! This show is just great all around! I usually have no patience to watch long dramas as they tend to get draggy especially chinese ones but this one is truly an exception! Awesome chemistry b/t the leads&3 I jus started reading the book...hope its jus as good as the show! OK,我刚刚看完36集,整部戏剧情已经过半但我依然还在看!!这部剧全程都很赞,一般来说我没有耐心去看有些拖拉的超长电视剧特别是中剧,不过这部真是个例外!主演之间有超棒的化学反应,比心,我准备开始读这部戏的原著小说了,希望小说和剧集一样优秀。 I love this drama. I am always checking my phone for new episodes. I even bought the book today, can't wait to start reading it.
我喜欢这部剧,我总隔一段时间就掏出手机看看有没新的剧集更新,我今天甚至买了原著小说,等不及开始看了。 If anyone is interested in reading the book this was written from, its on Amazon prime for free its called, TO THE SKY KINGDOM, by Tang Qi. 如果有人对原著小说感兴趣,可以加入亚马逊Prime会员,这样就可以免费看了,小说的名字叫《To The Sky Kingdom》,是Tang Qi写的。
please upload episodes with english subs faster.. i tried watching it raw. i can't understand. i need to learn more mandarin.
请快点更新最新剧集的英文字幕吧...我试着去看生肉(原生版,没有英文字幕),不过完全没法看懂,看来我得去学学汉语了。 I really like this Chinese drama I usually only watch Korean dramas or movies but I have to admit the actors are really talented and the special effects are enchanting 我真的很喜欢这部中剧,一般来说,我只看韩剧和韩国电影,不过我得承认演员们都很有才,特效也很赏心悦目。 I am loving Ye Hua's character and the actor who plays him. He keeps his facial expressions to a minimum yet is able to express so much, now that is what I call awesome acting . 我爱上了扮演夜华角色的演员,他用微小的面部表情得当地诠释了人物情感,我觉得这演技很拧
This show is so good that I am watching the raw episodes before the English translations are out. DF you need to hurry up and spit the shows out. Please 这部剧实在是太优秀了,搞得我在英文字幕出来前忍不住去看看原版,DramaFever你们赶紧麻溜地翻译,拜托了。 Man everyone is raving about this but i think i want to wait til its finished. I just finished Imperial Doctress and it was my first Chinese drama and i was blown away. 每个人都疯狂地在追这部剧,不过我想我得等到完结时再看。我刚刚看完《女医明妃传》,这是我看的第一部中剧不过被完全震撼了。 omg I always wait for 2:50 to watch this show best never watch a Chinese drama that is my first loving it so far 我的天,我总等到凌晨2:50去看这部剧的更新从来没看过中剧,这是第一部,现在来说超爱 I'm liking this a lot so far (4 episodes)! I even started reading the book which made everything so much clearer. I highly recommend reading the book, To the Sky Kingdom--it's a pretty easy read and you don't have to finish it if you don't want the story ruined. I think Part I helps makes the relationships and the characters a lot easier to follow. As far as I can see the drama follows along very closely, albeit no homosexuality, which the book was open about. Love the intrigue, characters and the magic scenes. It's my second Chinese drama (Princess Weiyoung was my first and I couldn't finish because it got so repetitive). Fingers crossed this one stays good through 58(!!) episodes. UPDATE: Ep 18 and I'm still loving it! Mark Zhao is fantastic and the Dong Hua Dijun/Feng Jiu romance is my favourite. I can't find eng
subs any where else faster than DF so I watched up to episode 33 raw on youtube. 看了4集,很喜欢!为了搞懂各种设定,我甚至开始看原著小说了。极其推荐这部书----《To The Sky Kindom》,轻松易读,不过如果你不想被剧透的话没必要一股脑看到结尾。看点小说,我觉得可以让你更好地去理解角色和人物关系。很爱这部戏里的阴谋,角色和魔幻场景。这是我追的第二部中剧(第一部是锦绣未央,中途弃剧了,因为剧情太拢戳丝凑獠烤缱芄灿58集!!现在已更新到了18集不过我依然觉得好看!赵又廷演的棒极了,东华帝君和凤九的爱情是我的最爱。我没法找到比DramaFever更新英文字幕更快的地方,所以没办法只能啃原版到33集。 I usually don't watch Chinese drama but this drama is great! I love all actresses and actors! The story line is amazing! Can't wait for more!! 我很少看中剧,不过这部剧实在是超好看!我喜欢里面所有的男演员和女演员!剧情让人惊叹!等不及了! update faster faster faster faster is all l I've got to say. my favorite chinese historical so far. who knows where to watch more quicker then here? do tell....please! 我唯一想说的是快点快点快点快点更新呀!至今来说最爱的古装剧,谁知道哪儿有更新英文字幕更快的地方,请务必告诉我!!! Chinese dramas are hit and miss for me, so I was skeptical about this one. So GLAD I gave it a chance though! Cringeworthy CGI aside, I am loving every minute of this. the story really draws you in, and the casting is perfect. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but I'm not having as much difficulty as I thought I would keeping them all straight. What is interesting to me is that I recognize a lot of
these actors from other shows, but everyone's performance here is just better than I've ever seen them. I would have to guess there is a skilled director at work here who really knows how to draw quality performances out of his actors. Cant wait to find out what happens next! 中剧一次次让我失望,所以起初我不太看好这部剧。还好最后我还是决定一试究竟!撇开糟糕的CG不谈,每一分钟我都超爱,故事真的很吸引人,卡司也很完美。里面有一堆迥异的角色,不过并没那我想象中的那么难去辨别。有趣的是一些角色我在其他戏里也见过,不过他们在这部戏的表演却要好上很多。我猜是因为在这有很厉害的导演指导他们演戏,等不及想知道接下来的剧情了。 OKAY, normally I don't comment but since I'm stuck here waiting for the other episodes to be released...I might as well comment. I don't usually watch Chinese dramas but after watching Love 020, I needed to remedy the ache of finishing Love 020 with another Chinese Drama. I happened to find Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and oh my goodness, I am glad I didn't turn away from it. Something about this drama is very refreshing and already leaves you attached to the characters. Although the animation needs a little bit of work LOL, the money probably went towards hiring the superb cast and the gorgeous costumes (like damn, one piece of cloth is probably worth enough to repay my student debt and still leave me some money). ALSO, another bless up for me was that the movie adaptation of this drama will be having Yang Yang from Love 020 as the main lead. 好吧,一般我很少评论,不过鉴于我每天守在这里苦苦等更新的份上,我还是认真写写吧。我以前很少接触中剧,不过看过《微微一笑很倾城》后,深深被吸引,急切需要找另三亿文库包含各类专业文献、行业资料、幼儿教育、小学教育、专业论文、文学作品欣赏、应用写作文书、高等教育、中学教育、娱乐美联英语 《三生三世十里桃花》零差评爆红国外21等内容。 
 tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:影视英语 《三生三世十里桃花》将搬上 ...娱乐美联英语 《三生三世... 暂无评价 8页 免费 一个属于你的情人节,三生.....  tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:娱乐英语 谈谈中国影视剧中的'玛丽苏 ...另一部电视热播剧叫《三生三世十里桃花》,这个奇幻故事的背景设定完全不同,但 ...


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