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Annales de chirurgie vasculaire
Ramon Berguer (Rédacteur en chef), Edouard Kieffer (Rédacteur en chef), Olivier Goeau-Brissonnière (Rédacteur associé)
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Technique damarrage pratique et pr&#x00E9;cise des trompes d&#x00E9;l&#x00E9;phant gel&#x00E9;es
- 21/05/08
Doi : 10.1016/j.acvfr.&
, Tetsuo&#160;Hadama, Hirofumi&#160;Anai, Tomoyuki&#160;Wada, Eriko&#160;Iwata, Hideyuki&#160;TanakaCorrespondance : Shinji Miyamoto, Oita University, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, 1-1 Hasama-machi Yufu-shi Oita 879-5593 Oita, Japan
sur EM-consulte, la r&f&rence des professionnels de sant&.L’acc&s au texte int&gral de cet article n&cessite un abonnement ou un achat & l’unit&.
AbstractUn positionnement distal précis est essentiel pour éviter la paraplégie lorsque l'on réalise la technique de la trompe d'éléphant gelée (TEG). Un homme de 72 ans ayant un anévrysme sacciforme de l'aorte descendante a été traité avec succès par TEG à l'aide d'une méthode s?re et sophistiquée de mise en place précise de l'endoprothèse utilisant un cathéter à ballonnet de néphrostomie de 16F. Aucune complication cérébro-spinale ne fut observée en post-opératoire et la tomodensitométrie n'a pas montré d'endofuite.Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.PlanObservationMethode Chirurgicale et ResultatsDiscussion
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Traitement endovasculaire imm&#x00E9;diat par stent-graft dune isch&#x00E9;mie de jambe secondaire &#x00E0; une dissection aortique aigu&#x00EB; : rapport dun cas
sur EM-consulte, la r&f&rence des professionnels de sant&.L’acc&s au texte int&gral de cet article n&cessite un abonnement ou un achat & l’unit&.
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D&j& abonn& & cette revue ?Failure of structural parts for large road vehicles - ScienceDirect
ExportChapter contentsBook contentsJavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page.2016, Pages 433-447Author links open overlay panelShow moreAbstractThis work reviews the failures in the structural components of heavy road vehicles, to present a broad spectrum of failure causes in structural parts, ranging from poor manufacturing practices over design errors to the unforeseen combination of operating conditions and materials selection. The study starts with a series of examples of poorly welded parts in the structural frame of passenger buses. Three examples of failure in forged parts are included to show increasing degrees of complexity in the failure analysis: a suspension Z-bar, a heavy transmission shaft, and a torsion bar. The analyses are backed-up with finite-element models and results were compared with the location and size of defects and correlated to fractographic observation. Conclusions about the causes for failure could be formulated with a high degree of certainty, illustrating how failure analysis can be used as a tool for continuous improvement in design and manufacturing.KeywordsRoad vehiclesDesignWeldingForgingCarbon steelFatigueFractureChoose an option to locate/access this article:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution.ororRecommended articlesCiting articles (0)Access denied | www.compromissoeatitude.org.br used Cloudflare to restrict access
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@@#116300@@Progr&s en UrologieSous presse. Epreuves corrig&es par l'auteur. Disponible en ligne depuis le vendredi 19 mars 2010
accepted&:&16&January&2010Traitement du prolapsus génital par renfort transvaginal Prolift(R) : une étude prospectiveTransvaginal repair of genital prolapse using the Prolift(R) Technique: A prospective study&I.&#160;Ouzaid
, J.-F.&#160;Hermieu, V.&#160;Misra?, P.-N.&#160;Gosseine, V.&#160;Ravery, V.&#160;Delmas
Clinique urologique, h?pital Bichat&#x2013;Claude-Bernard, groupe hospitaliers universitaires Paris-Nord, Assistance publique des H?pitaux de Paris, université Paris-Diderot, 46, rue Henri-Huchard, 75018 Paris, France&#160;Auteur correspondant.
Objectif?valuer l’efficacité et les complications du traitement du prolapsus génital par interposition d’une prothèse transvaginale.
Patientes et méthodesVingt-huit femmes ont eu une cure de prolapsus génital selon la technique Prolift(R) et ont été suivies prospectivement. Les traitements antérieurs, les interventions associées, les complications peropératoires et postopératoires étaient notées. Les résultats anatomiques étaient notés durant le suivi. Les patientes étaient revues à un, trois, six mois puis annuellement. L’échec était défini par une récidive supérieure ou égale au stade II de la classification POP-Q.
RésultatsL’?ge moyen était de 68 ans. Le suivi médian était de 12 mois. Dix (35 %) et 14 (50 %) patientes avaient respectivement des cystocèles de stade II et III/IV. Dix-neuf (67 %) patientes avaient des rectocèles de grade II/III. Une plaie vésicale (3,5 %) et un hématome (3,5 %) intervésico-vaginal peropératoires étaient rapportés. Une douleur fessière qui a nécessité l’ablation d’un des bras postérieurs de la prothèse était rapportée chez deux patientes respectivement à j1 et à six semaines. Une (3,5 %) érosion vaginale traitée par excision partielle, une incontinence urinaire d’effort de novo (3,5 %), deux cas d’urgenturie (7 %) et un cas (3,5 %) de dyspareunie étaient notées. L’efficacité était de 96,5 %.
ConclusionLa cure du prolapsus par voie vaginale par interposition d’une prothèse était faisable et efficace avec une morbidité acceptable.The full text of this article is available in PDF format.
ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy and to report the follow-up of transvaginal repair of genital prolapse using a tension free vaginal mesh.
Patients and methodsTwenty-eight women were treated for genital prolapse with the Prolift(R) technique and followed prospectively. Preoperative prolapse treatment, associated treatment, complications were reported. Postoperatively, efficacy and complications were reported. Patients were examined at one, three, six and 12 months then yearly. Treatment failure defined as Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) stage II or more.
ResultsThe mean age was 68 years. The median follow-up was 12 months. Ten (35%) and 14 (50%) patients had a stage II and III/IV cystocele respectively. Nineteen (67%) patients had stage II/III rectocele. We reported one bladder injury (3.5%) sutured during surgery and one haematoma (3.5%) requiring secondary management. Important buttock pain appeared in two patients (7%) treated with a total mesh on day 1 and 6 weeks after surgery respectively. They were both relieved after cutting one posterior arm of the mesh. De novo stress incontinence appeared in one (3.5%) patient and urgency in two (7%) patients. Mesh exposure occurred in one (3.5%) patient requiring a minimal surgical management. One patient (3.5%) declared dyspareunia. Success was reached in 96.5% patients.
ConclusionThe transvaginal mesh was a safe and efficient technique to treat genital prolapse.The full text of this article is available in PDF format.Mots clés : Cystocèle, Rectocèle, Prolapsus génital, Voie vaginale, Mèche vaginale, Mèche de polypropylèneKeywords : Cystocele, Rectocele, Genital prolapse, Vaginal route, Transvaginal mesh, Polypropylene meshOutline
&Niveau de preuve : 3.
Elsevier Masson SAS. All Rights Reserved.
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You can move this window by clicking on the headlineAFM Applications in Micro/Nanostructured Coatings - ScienceDirect
ExportJavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page., 2014, Pages 191-241Author links open overlay panelShow moreAbstractAtomic force microscopy (AFM) is an influential surface analysis technique used for micro/nanostructured coatings. This flexible technique can be used to obtain high-resolution nanoscale images and study local sites in air (conventional AFM) or liquid (electrochemical AFM) surroundings. In this chapter, the principles of AFM in both air and electrolytes are reviewed and special applications of AFM for micro/nanostructured coatings are discussed. New results from recently published papers are explained as well as different considerations to use AFM for obtaining topography and properties of coatings. At last, several real examples from usage of AFM on micro/nanocoatings and its combination with other methods are shown.KeywordsAtomic force microscopeCantileverCoatingContact modeElectrolyteNanostructureNanotechnologySurface analysisThin filmChoose an option to locate/access this article:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution.ororRecommended articlesCiting articles (0)Mahmood Aliofkhazraei is assistant professor in the corrosion and surface engineering group at the Tarbiat Modares University. He has received several honors, including the Khwarizmi award and the best young nanotechnologist award of Iran. He is a member of the National Association of Surface Sciences, Iranian Corrosion Association, and National Elite Foundation of Iran. His research focuses on nanotechnology and its use in surface and corrosion science.Nasar Ali is the chairman of NANOSMAT and a director of CNC Coatings. His research interests include chemical vapor deposition processes, polymer-based nanocomposites, nanotechnology, and vacuum coating.


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