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中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
Your account has been deactivated Our records indicate that your account has been deactivated.
To try again please go back to the login page.4 t* X, t6 M' ?# d- O
, ]6 C4 _& R# S; r* I
; i&&K& T/ A&&W( {" h&&o4 L! T
3 ~9 K7 e/ J$ \7 H9 N& U% Z
1 n- P9 J" s2 \&&x0 f1 ^- b
7 Q7 D1 M! I&&M* u2 r, @3 M5 v
* [3 y' N5 A5 g, n$ c/ |, j
高级会员, 积分 2081, 距离下一级还需 1119 积分
高级会员, 积分 2081, 距离下一级还需 1119 积分
中级会员, 积分 477, 距离下一级还需 723 积分
中级会员, 积分 477, 距离下一级还需 723 积分
如果信息有問題,CJ會發郵件叫你修改的,我前陣子就收到CJ要求我修改資料, X) Z+ c7 m, Y5 ?
初级会员, 积分 34, 距离下一级还需 366 积分
初级会员, 积分 34, 距离下一级还需 366 积分
cj应该不会理,我上次被封去了3封信,根本没人理" o9 X1 e# ^4 }9 M, i9 h
本人无QQ无微信, 其余都是假的. 骗子太多,大家小心
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
Recently you requested assistance from CJ Affiliate. Below is a summary of your request and our response.% V2 z$ s# G+ c9 w% E
' D) U; g1 u! m8 P9 j7 J
We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 72 hours.
Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.. A" V4 K/ F$ f
To update your question from the Support Center, click here.; b1 j! z- |9 t# n9 Y' e
Subject' _) G&&L" @! T3 Q# Z2 S0 |4 P% N
CJ Removal - Professional Standards
Discussion Thread) Z% c% {0 M. [
Response Via Email (Network Compliance)& & & & 08/09/ AM
Hello Wu,0 H, B- e2 f3 b! N" N3 e
Upon further review of your publisher application to join the CJ platform, CJ has denied your membership as a CJ publisher." v0 Q6 R; m) h1 C# G# N
# D) Z+ e& v' _5 Y
CJ only accepts applicants into membership that submit accurate information and utilize business models that meet criteria established by CJ. CJ reserves the right to reject any potential publisher that does not meet the standards specified in the CJ Publisher Service Agreement and generally established by CJ.$ q3 o8 G6 h. Y2 A, C
If you have already applied for advertiser programs and downloaded links and/or banners, you must remove all such links/ banners immediately because you are not authorized to post such links/banners and may not receive any compensation for referrals through such links/banners.
* f5 l, _( s5 {. ?1 ^6 y0 g
You may update your incident here.
1 H5 R* m8 y, m' U4 d&&S$ {
Network Compliance
Commission Junction Inc., a Conversant Company
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# C- V3 ?* L' Y&&d&&{: I/ m
If a response to this email is required, please reply to this email keeping the subject line intact.
$ ?&&F# L5 p$ o* X: s
You have received this email because you are a member of the CJ Network. As a member, you will periodically receive messages from CJ that you are unable to unsubscribe from because they contain important account or network information.
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF CJ. (C) 2014 Commission Junction, Inc., A Conversant Company. All rights reserved. This work contains information that is confidential and proprietary information to CJ. Removal of this notice, and use, examination, disclosure, transfer and copying of all or part of this work are prohibited, except with the express written consent of CJ. 4 a: B* ~5 D6 G! L8 s9 W
5 Z+ f5 ~3 V* Z! c, F# K) q
Question Reference #036$ K5 [) T4 S8 w6 ]2 I
Date Created: & & & & 08/09/ AM% j. m5 i&&C/ t: R
Last Updated: & & & & 08/09/ AM
Status: & & & & Waiting
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF COMMISSION JUNCTION. (C) 2013 Commission Junction, Inc. All rights reserved. This work contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Commission Junction. Removal of this notice, and use, examination, disclosure, transfer and copying of all or part of this work are prohibited, except with the express written consent of Commission Junction.
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
上面是邮件,后面的意思好像是我提交过question?我从来没提交过的。1 R7 p&&^1 H7 s9 N1 `7 ]
中级会员, 积分 477, 距离下一级还需 723 积分
中级会员, 积分 477, 距离下一级还需 723 积分
上面是邮件,后面的意思好像是我提交过question?我从来没提交过的。! R# m6 J7 i' S( i& U/ u, ~
刚玩cps一个月,大概得了80多刀。虽然 ...% }! ~, p, v5 d* E
/app/account/questions/list; z* q&&W- x& B1 \- U
登入帳號可以看到相關的ticket&&(Support History)$ s: x3 W9 |& Z( h& n9 {
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
中级会员, 积分 553, 距离下一级还需 647 积分
是CJ發給你的,你必須要在限時內回覆及做他要求做的事,否則他有會進一步行動,比如:押後付款....停號等等! I- Q3 z- d$ k" G( M0 z% a& }
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