
1月4日消息,目前,苹果iPad的产品线主要分为7.9英寸的&mini,9.7英寸的iPad Air和iPad Pro以及12.9英寸的,而根据此前曝光的消息,。现在,根据消息源掌握的独家消息,苹果10.5英寸iPad即将进入量产阶段。换言之,10.5英寸iPad确实存在,并且看起来会在数月之内发布。为IT之家提供本次爆料信息的人士表示,目前已知10.5英寸iPad拥有黑白灰三种配色,其中灰白色后背天线盖喷漆已经于去年8月份验证,但黑色版现在有一家喷漆100%不良。不知是否因为10.5英寸iPad机身采用了什么新的工艺……此前的消息显示,苹果10.5英寸iPad可能主要面向教育和企业用户,而《电子时报》给出的消息是,10.5英寸的iPad Pro很有可能会采用无边框设计,并取消现有的物理Home键。除此之外,苹果还会推出第二代Apple Pencil产品,而它只支持10.5英寸型号的iPad。目前关于10.5英寸版本的iPad详细信息还没有明确的消息。按照郭明錤此前的说法,除了10.5英寸的新款iPad,苹果今年还会对现有的12.9英寸和9.7英寸版本进行升级,不知大家对这样的iPad产品线是否满意呢?
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买了个水果官方SD卡读卡器 用PRO照相和录制视频后 通过呢个读卡器导入到IPAD里 4K视频可以正常导入播放&&但是RAW照片可以导入但是打不来&&同样方法用佳能700D的RAW格式照片IPAD就可以打开&&砸门后期会不会优化这个IPAD打开PRO&&RAW格式的BUG
我试一下恩恩 好
恩恩 好下了个官方版本ADOBE 英文的 ......可是为什么佳能的RAW文件IPAD就能看到呢
下了个官方版本ADOBE 英文的 ......可是为什么佳能的RAW文件IPAD就能看到呢我们一般在电脑看raw都要通过PS等软件才能看的,系统自带的是打不开RAW的
...OS X可以自动预览RAW呢
OS X可以自动预览RAW呢呵呵,lz,你那ipad是ISO,不是OS X
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你的700D什么年代的东西啦,RAW格式是有很多个标准的,为什么我的OSX可以读D810的文件但是我装的lightroom ...700D很老么???D810也不是14年机器么&&至于这样秀么............无语& &
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飞行指引和技术支持From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ISO 216 specifies
used in most countries in the world today, although not in Canada, the United States, Mexico, or the Dominican Republic. The standard defines the "A" and "B" series of paper sizes, including A4, the most commonly available size. Two supplementary standards,
and , define the ISO 269 "C" series is commonly listed alongside the A and B sizes.
All ISO 216, ISO 217 and ISO 269 paper sizes (except some envelopes) have the same , :1, within rounding to . This ratio has the unique property that when cut or folded in half widthways, the halves also have the same aspect ratio. Each ISO paper size is one half of the area of the next larger size in the same series.
ISO/DIN paper sizes in
A series formats
B series formats
C series formats
0841 × 1189
33.1 × 46.8
1000 × 1414
39.4 × 55.7
0917 × 1297
36.1 × 51.1
594 × 841
23.4 × 33.1
0707 × 1000
27.8 × 39.4
648 × 917
25.5 × 36.1
420 × 594
16.5 × 23.4
500 × 707
19.7 × 27.8
458 × 648
18.0 × 25.5
297 × 420
11.7 × 16.5
353 × 500
13.9 × 19.7
324 × 458
12.8 × 18.0
210 × 297
08.3 × 11.7
250 × 353
09.8 × 13.9
229 × 324
09.0 × 12.8
148 × 210
5.8 × 8.3
176 × 250
6.9 × 9.8
162 × 229
6.4 × 9.0
105 × 148
4.1 × 5.8
125 × 176
4.9 × 6.9
114 × 162
4.5 × 6.4
074 × 105
2.9 × 4.1
088 × 125
3.5 × 4.9
081 × 114
3.2 × 4.5
2.0 × 2.9
2.4 × 3.5
2.2 × 3.2
1.5 × 2.0
1.7 × 2.4
1.6 × 2.2
1.0 × 1.5
1.2 × 1.7
1.1 × 1.6
Comparison of ISO 216 paper sizes between A4 and A3 and Swedish extension
In 1786, the German scientist
described the advantages of basing a paper size on an
of √2 in a letter to . The formats that became ISO paper sizes A2, A3, B3, B4, and B5 were developed in France. They were listed in a 1798 law on taxation of publications that was based in part on page sizes.
Comparison of A4 (shaded grey) and C4 sizes with some similar paper and photographic paper sizes.
The main advantage of this system is its scaling.
paper with an aspect ratio of √2 has the unique property that, when cut or folded in half midway between its shorter sides, each half has the same √2 aspect ratio and half the
of the whole sheet before it was divided. Equivalently, if one lays two same-sized sheets paper with an aspect ratio of √2 side-by-side along their longer side, they form a larger rectangle with the aspect ratio of √2 and double the area of each individual sheet.
The ISO system of paper sizes exploit these properties of the √2 aspect ratio. In each series of sizes (for example, series A), the largest size is numbered 0 (for example, A0), and each successive size (for example, A1, A2, etc.) has half the area of the preceding sheet and can be cut by halving the length of the preceding size sheet. The new measurement is rounded down to the nearest millimetre. A folded
can be made by using a sheet of the next larger size (for example, an A4 sheet is folded in half to make a brochure with size A5 pages. An office
or printer can be designed to reduce a page from A4 to A5 or to enlarge a page from A4 to A3. Similarly, two sheets of A4 can be scaled down to fit one A4 sheet without excess empty paper.
This system also simplifies calculating the weight of paper. Under , paper's
is defined as a sheet's weight in
(g) per area in
(abbreviated g/m2 or gsm). Since an A0 sheet has an area of 1 m2, its weight in grams is the same as its grammage. One can derive the grammage of other sizes by
in g/m2. A standard A4 sheet made from 80 g/m2 paper weighs 5 g, as it is 1/16 (four halvings, ignoring rounding) of an A0 page. Thus the weight, and the associated postage rate, can be easily approximated by counting the number of sheets used.
ISO 216 and its related standards were first published between 1975 and 1995:
ISO 216:2007, defining the A and B series of paper sizes
ISO 269:1985, defining the C series for envelopes
ISO 217:2013, defining the RA and SRA series of raw ("untrimmed") paper sizes
Paper in the A series format has an aspect ratio of √2 (≈ 1.414) when ignoring rounding. A0 is defined so that it has an area of 1
before rounding to the nearest millimeter. Successive paper sizes in the series (A1, A2, A3, etc.) are defined by halving the length of the preceding paper size and rounding down, so that the long side of A(n+1) is the same length as the short side of An.
The most used of this series is the size A4 which is 210 mm × 297 mm (8.27 in × 11.7 in) and thus almost exactly 1/16 square metres in area. For comparison, the
paper size commonly used in North America (8 1/2 in × 11 in, 216 mm × 279 mm) is about 6 mm (0.24 in) wider and 18 mm (0.71 in) shorter than A4.
The geometric rationale behind the
is to maintain the aspect ratio of each subsequent rectangle after cutting or folding an A series sheet in half, perpendicular to the larger side. Given a rectangle with a longer side, x, and a shorter side, y, ensuring that its aspect ratio, x/y, will be the same as that of a rectangle half its size, y/x/2, which means that x/y = y/x/2, which reduces to x/y = √2; in other words, an aspect ratio of 1:√2.
The formula that gives the larger border of the paper size An in metres and without rounding off is the :
{\displaystyle a_{n}=2^{{\frac {1}{4}}-{\frac {n}{2}}}.}
The paper size An thus has the dimension
{\displaystyle a_{n}\times a_{n+1}}
and area (before rounding)
{\displaystyle 2^{-n}~\mathrm {m} ^{2}.}
The measurement in millimetres of the long side of An can be calculated as
{\displaystyle l=\left\lfloor \,{\frac {1000}{\,2^{\frac {2n-1}{4}}\,}}+0.2\,\right\rfloor }
(brackets represent the
The B series is defined in the standard as follows: "A subsidiary series of sizes is obtained by placing the
between adjacent sizes of the A series in sequence." The use of the geometric mean makes each step in size: B0, A0, B1, A1, B2 … smaller than the previous one by the same factor. As with the A series, the lengths of the B series have the ratio √2, and folding one in half (and rounding down to the nearest millimeter) gives the next in the series. The shorter side of B0 is exactly 1 metre.
The measurement in millimetres of the long side of Bn can be calculated as
{\displaystyle l=\left\lfloor \,{\frac {1000}{\,2^{\frac {n-1}{2}}\,}}+0.2\,\right\rfloor .}
There is also an incompatible Japanese B series which the
defines to have 1.5 times the area of the corresponding JIS A series (which is identical to the ISO A series). Thus, the lengths of JIS B series paper are √1.5 ≈ 1.22 times those of A-series paper. By comparison, the lengths of ISO B series paper are 4√2 ≈ 1.19 times those of A-series paper.
The C series formats are geometric means between the B series and A series formats with the same number (e.g., C2 is the geometric mean between B2 and A2). The width to height ratio is √2 as in the A and B series. The C series formats are used mainly for . An A4 page will fit into a C4 envelope. C series envelopes follow the same ratio principle as the A series pages. For example, if an A4 page is folded in half so that it is A5 in size, it will fit into a C5 envelope (which will be the same size as a C4 envelope folded in half). The lengths of ISO C series paper are therefore 8√2 ≈ 1.09 times those of A-series paper.
A, B, and C paper fit together as part of a , with ratio of successive side lengths of 8√2, though there is no size half-way between Bn and A(n - 1): A4, C4, B4, "D4", A3, …; there is such a D-series in the
to the system.
The measurement in millimetres of the long side of Cn can be calculated as
{\displaystyle l=\left\lfloor \,{\frac {1000}{\,2^{\frac {4n-3}{8}}\,}}+0.2\,\right\rfloor .}
The tolerances specified in the standard are:
1.5 mm for dimensions up to 150 mm,
±2.0 mm for dimensions in the range 150 to 600 mm, and
±3.0 mm for dimensions above 600 mm.
These are related to comparison between series A, B and C.
The ISO 216 formats are organized around the ratio 1:√2; two sheets next to each other together have the same ratio, sideways. In scaled photocopying, for example, two A4 sheets reduced to A5 size fit exactly onto one A4 sheet, and an A4 sheet in magnified size onto an A3 in each case, there is neither waste nor want.
The principal countries not generally using the ISO paper sizes are the United States and Canada, which use the . Although they have also officially adopted the ISO 216 paper format, Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, the Philippines, and Chile also use mostly U.S. paper sizes.
sheets of paper with the ratio 1:√2 are popular in , such as , where they are sometimes called "A4 rectangles" or "silver rectangles". In other contexts, the term "silver rectangle" can also refer to a rectangle in the proportion 1:(1 + √2), known as the .
An important adjunct to the ISO paper sizes, particularly the A series, are the technical drawing line widths specified in , and the matching technical pen widths of 0.13, 0.18, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.40, and 2.0 mm, as specified in . Color codes are assigned to each size to facilitate easy recognition by the drafter. These sizes increase by a factor of √2, so that particular pens can be used on particular sizes of paper, and then the next smaller or larger size can be used to continue the drawing after it has been reduced or enlarged, respectively. For example, a continuous thick line on A0 size paper shall be drawn with a 0.7 mm pen, the same line on A1 paper shall be drawn with a 0.5 mm pen, and finally on A2, A3, or A4 paper it shall be drawn with a 0.35 mm pen.
Linewidth (mm)
The earlier
standard upon which ISO 9175-1 is based also specified a term and symbol for easy identification of pens and drawing templates compatible with the standard, called , which may still be found on some technical drafting equipment.
(relating to technical drawing)
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (February 7, 2006) [Written October 25, 1786].
(in German with English translation). Translated by .
2016. Published in Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1990). Joost, U Sch?ne, Albrecht, eds.
[Correspondence] (in German). Volume III (). Munich: Beck. pp. 274–75.   2016.
Kuhn, Markus (October 8, 2005).
[Law of Taxation (No. 2136)] 2016. Kuhn includes copies of pages from the journal article that announced the law: Republic of France (November 3, 1798). "Loi sur le timbre (N? 2136)". Bulletin des lois de la République (in French). Paris (237): 1–2.
(2012). "ISO 536:2012(en): Paper and board — Determination of grammage". ISO Browsing Platform (3 ed.). §  3.1 note 1.
Lister, David. . The Lister List. England: British Origami Society.
Kuhn, Markus.
. Designing Buildings Wiki 2017.
Bell, Steven. . Metrication.com 2017.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
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(C) Joyslink Inc. All rights reserved 保留所有权利ipad pro支持什么传输格式 ipad pro支持usb3.0传输标准吗
  ipad pro支持什么传输格式?苹果赶在中国的双十一开启了iPad Pro的发售,那么ipad pro支持usb3.0传输标准吗?下文小乐哥给大家介绍一下!  在iFixit前不久公布的iPad Pro拆解报告中,拆解团队发现iPad Pro存在有USB3.0控制器,这意味着这款苹果有史以来最大尺寸的iPad所配备的Lightning数据接口应该支持USB3.0传输标准。  而现在的最新消息是,外媒Ars Technica已向苹果求证确认iPad Pro确实支持USB3.0数据传输,理论最高传输速度可达5Gbps,是USB 2.0 480Mbps 的10倍之多。  不过令人有些遗憾的是,iPad Pro目前随机附送的Lightning数据线仅支持USB 2.0标准,而其接口针数显然也难以满足USB3.0的传输要求,或许这也是苹果在发布会上对USB 3.0只字未提的原因之一。  但话说回来,如果不出意外的话,苹果在未来应该也会推出USB3.0版的Lightning数据线,毕竟苹果将性能强劲的iPad Pro定位为的替代品,没有高速传输标准的支持实在有些说不过去,否则师们要想在iPad Pro 上编辑4K视频就不得不忍受龟速的USB 2.0。  不仅如此,有消息称苹果有意将USB3.0兼容控制器整合入下一代A10处理器中,让内部空间有限的小尺寸设备同样支持USB3.0,也就是说iPhone7在数据传输方面或将有所提升,就让我们拭目以待吧! 
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