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Eyeglasses: OVVO Optics
CALL US: (310) 452-5357
developed technology to fuse titanium with surgical steel resulting in extremely light, durable and flexible frames. OVVO relied on German engineering for laser precision cuts and the final assembly was completed in Poland. In 2000, the company introduced its patented screw-free hinge technology. Because of this extreme malleability and lightness, OVVO quickly gained popularity in the European market. Prestigious Italian Institute, Certottica, certified OVVO as the only European brand featuring anti-allergic frames. Today the frames are still handmade in Germany and Poland with great attention to detail and fashion.
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OVVO Optics
Ovvo Optics is a true industry innovator.
Originally intended for spacecraft and military use, scientists fused surgical steel with titanium to make a lightweight and incredibly durable material.
In the 1980’s engineers started to use the material in eyeglass frames.
The result is a collection of frames that can be stretched completely flat and made to hold 90 pounds without suffering any changes in structure or appearance.
Ovvo takes originality even further by making distinct shapes and colors that range from the “barely there” to “check me out”.
And the sunglasses are a dream. Each pair weighs less than one ounce and the frame conforms to your face to block sunshine from all angles.
Ovvo frames are recommended for people who want frames that feel as light as air.
Because they have a never-fail hinge system, we sell lots of Ovvo frames to children and to busy, active people.
Ovvo is also an exceptional choice for people wanting a futuristic, distinctive look.
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