
【图片】【03-30 果粉杂谈】10.2.1升级了10.3之后3Dtouch用不了了【iphone6s吧】_百度贴吧
【03-30 果粉杂谈】10.2.1升级了10.3之后3Dtouch用不了了收藏
昨晚更新时储存空间的对比图 感觉并没有什么卵用啊
我也出现这个问题· 你的问题解决了没?
回复 梦毁她城y :用习惯了 突然用不了都不会用手机了
回复 梦毁她城y :是呀 以后还是先观望一下 更完多了1个G对我来说并没有什么卵用
之前更新了10.3.1 还是用不了
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软件热门文章From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
iOS 6 is the
developed by , being the successor to . It was announced at the company's
on June 11, 2012, and was released on September 19, 2012. It was succeeded by
on September 18, 2013.
iOS 6 added a new
app, replacing
as the default mapping service for
a dedicated Podcasts app, as a c and a
app, for managing different types of tickets, boarding passes, coupons, and loyalty cards. The
received a visual overhaul, bringing a card-based app layout as well as tweaks to search algorithms.
was integrated into the operating system, incorporating status messages, like buttons, and contact and event synchronization to several of Apple's apps. New privacy controls allow users more fine-grained app permissions, as well as an option to prevent targeted advertising.
was added to more devices, and updated with more functionality, including the ability to make restaurant reservations, launch apps, retrieve movie reviews and sports statistics, and read items from the Notification Center.
Reception of iOS 6 was positive. Critics noted that the operating system did not offer any significant speed improvements or major redesigned elements, but instead focused on refinements, with a general
that Apple "isn't overhauling things for the sake of it". iOS 6 didn't "completely change the way you use your device", but "each of the tweaks [...] will make many daily smartphone actions easier across the board", and critics noted that refinement of "something that already works extremely well" is "something other companies would do well to emulate".
The release of Apple Maps, however, attracted significant criticism, due to inaccurate or incomplete data. The issues prompted an open letter of apology from Apple CEO , and the departure of , an Apple executive.
While iOS 6 has seen no further updates since 2014, iOS 6.1.3 is still 'signed' by Apple Software Update, meaning that it can be verified and installed on supported devices provided the user has the necessary
iOS 6 was introduced at the
on June 11, 2012.
iOS 6 was officially released on September 19, 2012.
iOS 6.0.1 was released on November 1, 2012, as the first update to iOS 6. It included bug fixes.
iOS 6.0.2 was released on December 18, 2012, with more bug fixes.
iOS 6.1 was released on January 28, 2013. The update included
compatibility for more carri
integration, allowing users to purchase movie tickets by voice (U.S. only); and a "Reset Advertising Identifier" setting in Settings, allowing users greater control over how apps track their usage.
iOS 6.1.1 was released on February 11, 2013 specifically for the , with fixes for issues that could impact cellular performance and stability.
iOS 6.1.2 was released on February 19, 2013, with a fix for an
calendar bug that could impact network activity and battery life.
iOS 6.1.3 was released on March 19, 2013, with bug fixes, including patching a potential lock screen bypass method, and various improvements.
iOS 6.1.4 was released on May 2, 2013 specifically for the , with an "updated audio profile for speakerphone".
iOS 6.1.5 was released on November 14, 2013 specifically for the 4th generation iPod Touch, with a fix for
calls failing.
iOS 6.1.6 was released on February 21, 2014 specifically for the 4th generation iPod Touch and , with fixes for
connection verification.
, introduced in
with the release of the , was updated to include the ability to make restaurant reservations, launch apps, read items from Notification Center, dictate
updates, retrieve movie reviews, detailed sports statistics, and more.
Siri received language support for , , and , and device support for , , and .
In iOS 6.1, Siri was integrated with , allowing users to buy film tickets by voice. The feature was only available in the
at launch.
came integrated in several of Apple's native apps with iOS 6. Facebook features could be directly accessed from within native apps such as Calendar, which could synchronize F Contacts, which could show Faceboo and the
and , which featured Facebook' as well as through a widget in the Notification Center, which allowed users to post status updates to the social network.
The Settings app received multiple changes in iOS 6. The icon was revised to match the System Preferences icon used in the then-named
computer operating system developed by A and a "Do Not Disturb" mode was added, which allows users to disable phone sounds. Additional options for Do Not Disturb mode include being able to allow phone calls from a specific group of contacts, and allowing sound on the second call if someone calls repeatedly. A crescent moon icon will appear in the status bar when Do Not Disturb mode is enabled.
New privacy settings became available to users. In addition to "Location Services", the following menus were added in iOS 6: "Contacts", "Calendars", "Reminders", and "Photos". The updated privacy menus allow users more fine-grained privacy permission controls for each app, with new notifications when apps want access to information in each of the categories.
iOS 6 also came with a "Limit ad tracking" user control setting to allow users the option to prevent . Apple's "Advertising Identifier" was described by Apple as "a nonpermanent, nonpersonal, device identifier, that advertising networks will use to give you more control over advertisers' ability to use tracking methods. If you choose to limit ad tracking, advertising networks using the Advertising Identifier may no longer gather information to serve you targeted ads."
In iOS 6.1, a "Reset Advertising Identifier" setting was added to allow users to reset the identifier used by advertising companies.
iOS 6 added a Twitter widget in the Notification Center, where users could tweet without going into the app. This saved resources.
The Share Sheet interface was updated to display a grid of icons, as opposed to a list, of different apps to which users could share content.
app replaced
as the default mapping app on the operating system. Apple Maps used Apple's vector-based engine, making for smoother . New to Maps was
with spoken directions and 3D views in certain countries, "Flyover" views in some major cities, and real-time traffic.
At launch, turn-by-turn navigation was only available for
and later, and
(cellular capability required) and later, while "Flyover" view was only available for iPhone 4S and later, , and iPad 2 and later.
app was added, to retrieve documents such as , ,
An iOS device with Passbook can replace a physical card when scanned to process a
at participating locations. The app has context-aware features such as notifications for relevant coupons when in the immediate vicinity of a given store, and automatic visibility of boarding passes when the user is at an airport, with notifications for gate changes.
The Camera app was updated to include a new Panorama mode that allowed users to take 240-degree panoramic photos.
The Photos app received updates to the Photo Stream functionality, letting users remove images, as well as share custom Photo Streams with other people or the public.
on iOS 6 had a brand new user interface that removed the "Categories" tab and replaced it with "Genius", Apple's search and recommendation engine. It also made use of cards rather than lists to present apps. There were also tweaks to the App Store's search algorithm, resulting in a "trend to favor newer companies", which sparked both developer concerns and praise.
The App Store also updated apps without requiring the
password, and when installing or updating an app, users were no longer automatically returned to the home screen.
Upon receiving calls, iOS 6 enabled users to swipe up the lock screen to reveal "Reply with message" or "Remind me later". The "Reply with message" feature shows several pre-determined messages with an option for a custom message, while the "Remind me later" feature offers several options (such as an hour later, when the user gets home, or when the user leaves the current location) to enable a reminder.
Podcast functionality was separated from the iTunes app and received its own Podcasts app in iOS 6, in order to "centralize and promote podcast listening and downloading for users".
was updated with a full-screen landscape view for iPhone and iPod Touch users.
Reading List, a feature introduced in , received offline support, in which text, images, and layout from saved articles get stored on the user's device.
video calling was updated to work over a , in addition to .
app, which had been on iPhone and iPod Touch since their original release, became available on . The clock design looked similar to a , and Apple formed an agreement with the
to license the design for its own use.
app, which had been a default app on iOS developed by Apple, was removed. Apple told
that the reason for the removal was due to an expired license, but that YouTube users could still view videos through the . The company also confirmed that , which owns YouTube, was developing its own app, with a then-upcoming release through . The Apple-developed YouTube app remained on iOS 5 and previous iOS versions. In June 2017, former YouTube employee Hunter Walk
that Apple contacted YouTube to make it a default app on the
to ensure mass market mobile launch for the video-sharing service, but required handling development efforts itself. In 2012, YouTube made the "gutsy move" to discontinue the license in an effort to "take back control of our app" by developing it themselves.
The reception of iOS 6 was positive. Dan Seifert of
wrote that "iOS 6 looks nearly identical to iOS 5. There are a few subtle tweaks here and there [...] But for every small change to the look of iOS details, there are ten things that remain the same." While praising the
for being a "snappy performer", he noted that "When it comes to speed, iOS 6 doesn't feel terribly different from iOS 5". Craig Grannell of
wrote that "iOS 6 is rather like the
- the refinement of something that already works extremely well. Apple isn't overhauling things for the sake of it but, in the main, making the iOS experience gradually better. That in itself is something other companies would do well to emulate." Jason Parker of
wrote that "iOS 6 is a welcome upgrade for any iOS user, but it's not going to completely change the way you use your device. Instead, each of the tweaks here will make many daily smartphone actions easier across the board and offer some relief to those waiting for certain features (sending images from e-mail and call controls, for example)."
In iOS 6, Apple replaced
with its own
as the default mapping service for the operating system, and immediately faced criticism for inaccurate or incomplete data, including a museum in a river, missing towns, satellite images obscured by clouds, missing local places, and more.
issued a letter on Apple's website apologizing for the "frustration caused by the Maps application", and recommended downloading alternative map apps from the App Store. , one of Apple's then-Executives, departed Apple in October 2012 after he "refused to sign his name to a letter apologizing for shortcomings in Apple's new mapping service".
In September 2012, Sarah Downey, a "privacy expert" with the software company Abine expressed her concern that in spite of the new "Advertising Identifier", Apple didn't disclose details on what the identifier was actually based on. She stated: "I need them to tell me why it's not identifying because as we've seen from a lot other "non-identifying" pieces of data, they can identify you quite easily", and that "If you're using the opt-out, [Apple] may no longer gather information to serve you targeted ads. To me, that says they may still collect your information to do things other than serve you targeted ads, like build databases about you to send you marketing or to sell to third parties".
Many users reported a higher-than-normal data usage after upgrading to iOS 6, causing some to be heavily billed for data largely exceeding their data plan. Steve Rosenbaum of
wrote that "The bug is the result of an iOS 6 problem that connects the phone to the cellular data network whenever the phone is connected to a WiFi signal", and also stated that Apple had released a .
In April 2014, users who were still running iOS 6 could not connect to
due to the expiration of a certificate. Apple released a support document explaining the problem, adding that devices capable of upgrading to
must do so to fix the issue, while devices stuck on iOS 6 would receive an iOS 6.1.6 update.
With this release, Apple dropped support for older devices, specifically the third-generation
Souppouris, Aaron (September 10, 2013). . .
Geller, Jonathan S. (June 11, 2012). . .
Tam, Donna (September 12, 2012). . .
September 19, .
O'Grady, Jason D. (November 2, 2012). . .
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Lowensohn, Josh (December 18, 2012). . .
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Moren, Dan (January 28, 2013). . .
January 28, .
Heath, Alex (February 11, 2013). . Cult of Mac 2016.
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Whittaker, Zack (February 19, 2013). . .
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Beasley, Mike (May 2, 2013). . 9to5Mac 2016.
Gurman, Mark (November 14, 2013). . 9to5Mac 2016.
November 14, .
Kahn, Jordan (February 21, 2014). . 9to5Mac 2016.
February 21, .
Kahn, Jordan (June 11, 2012). . 9to5Mac 2017.
Archived from
on October 1, .
Cipriani, Jason (September 19, 2012). . .
Grannell, Craig (May 17, 2013). . .
Sorrel, Charlie (June 12, 2012). . Cult of Mac 2017.
Rosenblatt, Seth (September 14, 2012). . .
Ritchie, Rene (September 18, 2013). .
Ritchie, Rene (September 19, 2012). .
Mills, Elinor (June 11, 2012). . .
Cipriani, Jason (September 20, 2012). . .
Cipriani, Jason (September 19, 2012). . .
Dilger, Daniel Eran (September 17, 2012). . AppleInsider 2017.
Perez, Sarah (September 29, 2012). . .
Perez, Sarah (September 12, 2012). . .
Foresman, Chris (September 20, 2012). . .
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Panzarino, Matthew (June 26, 2012). . The Next Web 2017.
. AppleInsider. June 15, .
Cipriani, Jason (September 20, 2012). . .
Frakes, Dan (September 20, 2012). . .
Rawson, Chris (September 19, 2012). . .
Rawson, Chris (September 19, 2012). . .
Fingas, Jon (October 12, 2012). . .
Gurman, Mark (August 6, 2012). . 9to5Mac 2017.
Yarow, Jay (August 6, 2012). . .
Ingraham, Nathan (August 6, 2012). . .
Murph, Darren (August 6, 2012). . .
Leswing, Kif (June 30, 2017). . .
Broussard, Mitchel (June 30, 2017). .
Seifert, Dan (September 21, 2012). . .
Parker, Jason (November 12, 2012). . .
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Patel, Nilay (September 20, 2012). . .
Crook, Jordan (September 26, 2012). . .
Cook, Tim. .
Ingraham, Nathan (September 28, 2012). . .
Crook, Jordan (September 28, 2012). . .
Lessin, Jessica (October 29, 2012). . .
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Rosenbaum, Steve (October 13, 2012). . .
Arthur, Charles (October 18, 2012). . .
Clover, Juli (April 24, 2014). .
September 19, .
(archived September 4, 2013)
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