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An open-source and lightweight GNU/Linux distro based on LibreELEC that lets you transform devices into DIY retro game consoles
Lakka, also known as the DIY (Do It Yourself)&retro emulation console, is in fact an open-source project that delivers a well-built GNU/Linux distribution forked from the LibreELEC&project (previous was based on OpenELEC) to allow users to easily transform their computers or devices into gaming consoles to play retro games.
Powered by RetroArch
Besides the powerful Linux kernel and all the internals inherited from LibreELEC, the core technology behind Lakka is RetroArch, an open-source and cross-platform retro game emulator supporting numerous old-school gaming consoles. RetroArch features top-notch functionality like video streaming, Braid-like rewinding, and joypad hotplug.
Supports all the popular SBCs and TV&Boxes
Lakka is extremely easy to configure and use, and transforming your SBC&(Single-board computer) or embedded device into a retro emulation console was never this easy, not to mention that the costs of doing this are very low as users will need to pay as little as $35 for the hardware required to run Lakka.
Supported devices include Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi Zero W, Orange Pi, Banana Pi, UDOO, Odroid-C1, Odroid-C2, Odroid-XU3/4, CuBox-i, Cubieboard, Cubieboard 2, Cubietruck, HummingBoard, WeTek Play 2, WeTek Core, WeTek Hub, S805 TV Boxes, S802 TV Boxes, and S905 TV Boxes.
Supports numerous game engines and emulators
Lakka also supports PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 controllers, among numerous others, as well as lots of gaming engines and emulators, including EasyRPG, bSNES, UAE4ARM, Mr.BOOM, PUAE, Frodo, CrocoDS, XRick, VICE, and PocketCDG. PSX and N64 emulators are supported as well.
Supports cores include Atari800, Hatari, Snes9x, Beetle PCE Fast, FCEUMM, Beetle PC-FX, Genesis Plus GX, Picodrive, Beetle Saturn, Nestopia, Beetle PSX, FB Alpha, Handy, MAME 2003, Mupen64plus, ScummVM, PCSX ReARMed, Tyrquake, PCSX Rearmed, Parallel-n64, bSNES Mercury, Beetle PSX, Beetle Saturn, Dinothawr, Beetle PCE, mGBA, Lynx, Snes9x2002, and Snes9x2005.
New in Lakka 2.0:
Important changes:
LibreELEC 8.0 stable rebase
& runs on:Linux
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继树莓派之后,国内新推出的迷你电脑香橙派(Orange Pi)只要99元
去年,Eben Upton发布一款迷你电脑树莓派(Raspberry Pi),可谓&麻雀虽小,五脏俱全&,事实上更让人疯狂地是它的价格。价廉的树莓派一经推出,就受众多计算机发烧友和创客的追捧。
在今年5月,树莓派又下调了售价,他们在2014年推出的Raspberry Pi Model B+现在只要25美元就可以带回家了。后来,这一记录也被Next Thing公司推出的9美元的电脑芯片CHIP打破了,不得不感叹厂商真会玩。
不过,国内也已推出一款名为Orange Pi PC(香橙派)的迷你电脑,仅售99人民币!这意味着香橙派在价格上秒杀树莓派,或许能成为开发者的&新宠&。
这款Orange Pi PC是开源的单板电脑,新一代的ARM开发板。它十分&娇小&只有85mm*55mm、38g重,同时&内心&却很强大,可以运行4.4、Ubuntu、Debian等操作系统,还可以兼容树莓派和CubieBoard的软件系统。
对于一款迷你电脑来说,香橙派的配置看起来不错。Orange Pi PC 拥有 Allwinner H3 四核处理器、 ARM Mali-400 GPU和1GB DDR3 内存。值得一提的是,这套配置能够处理 4K 视频,甚至 Raspberry Pi 都不具备这个能力。
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今年12月份,英国宇航员Tim Peake将会携带2个以教育为目的的特制树莓派进入国际空间站。
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