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How to disable Xbox DVR (Windows 10)
By brownsmith
Before I get into this, Yes I will admit that I know there are other sources on how to disable this, however I am not going to explain alot, and will try to keep it short and simple. Now into the Guide: This is a short guide on how to disable the DVR Xbox sometimes will automatically use sometimes on Windows 10.PLEASE NOTE: MY PC WAS NOT CAPABLE OF RECORDING OR DOING SOME OTHER THINGS THAT MIGHT BE ENABLED AUTOMATICALLY ALSO, ALL IT SAID ON MINE WAS TAKE SCREENSHOTS, IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE SUCH AS VIDEOS, ETC DISABLE THAT ALSO. (Basically, if you have options on the Game DVR screen that wasn't shown in the images, disable that to.
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5 Nov, 2016 @ 5:16pm
5 Nov, 2016 @ 5:25pm
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What is XBOX DVR?
XBOX DVR, well as an easy way in a nutshell, is a app/program/service where players can record and upload videos or screenshots for everyone to view, like Youtube basically. However it is on Windows 10, and has also been automatically applied or turned on and can effect CS:GO and possibly some other games. So this guide will tell you how to remove that.More info about XBOX DVR
What is the effects of it, and why should I most likely disable it?
The DVR can cause a handful of possible problems (Well I'll guess), to name a few it causes FPS Drops from say, 60 to 20 even on such computers with very high quality Gaming Cards or Motherboards, etc, it also can make your Mouse sensitivity weird, and not a very comfortable setting.
How do I know if I have it on + How to find it
CS:GO will mention you will have it on, and will tell you how to if you want to know how to disable.Now if you don't mind to look into what the game says, here is how you start it off:You go click on the Windows Icon in the corner of your screen and scroll down until you see &XBOX&After you have found it, click on it and if it asks you to make an account, go ahead and make one.
Locating the DVR and disabling it.
After you have made your account (If you had to make one and didn't have one) click on settings at the very left of the XBOX app After that click on Game DVR at the top of the screen which should take you to quite an amount of information about the DVR system, unmark the &Take screenshots using Game DVR&After you have done that it should look like this:If so, you have successfully disabled XBOX/Game DVR, and I recommend restarting CS:GO if it is still open or infact, any other game.Thanks for reading.
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View mobile websitewin10系统魔兽卡顿解决办法:关闭xbox游戏录制
注意!不是打开命令提示符在左下搜索框输入”windows powershell”,用管理员方式运行。windows powershell然后输入Get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage,删除XBOXAPP。如果不想删除这个app可以登陆Xbox然后在设置里关闭game dvr。主要是我登录了半天都失败了主要是因为她默认开启了录制和截屏。其他方法udslame:贴条说一句~我发现其实导致掉帧有可能是xbox录制应用win+G打开的那个前台窗口导致的,而不是录制程序本身=。=感觉是因为这个窗口导致wow不认为自己在前台orz如果需要录像功能的话可以在游戏里点win+G打开那个窗口,点齿轮设置那里把最后一个选项取消掉再重启游戏的话就不会降帧了~这时候游戏里按win+G屏幕会有反应但不会跳出那个窗口所以不会再降帧了~大家可以试试看的~游戏下打字快就掉线我真的是大坏蛋:这个是Win10系统自带输入法的锅。我之前也遇到了,十分频繁,都不敢打字了,一开始还以为是插件的问题。后来听水友的换了马化腾家的输入法之后问题解决。
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