
opencv - Get background model from BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 in python - Stack Overflow
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I need to get the background model of a Mixture of Gaussian with opencv. I know that there is a method called getBackgroundImage in C++ I searched if it is possible to get it in python interface but I haven't get good result. I Tried opencv 3.0.0-dev because it has BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 implementation, but help() function don't document method implementation for background model. Do you know if there is undocumented implementation? I searched how to edit opencv source to implement a python implementation but i haven't found documentation about it. I prefer avoid to use scipy.weave to compile c++ code, furthermore i don't know if scipy.weave is useful in thi situation
Zaw Lin's solution in Ubuntu 12.04:
The main difference is that the result (fg / bg) images are created/allocated in python and then passed down to the c++ lib.
Zaw Lin's solution was giving me errors (errno 139 - SIG_SEGV), because of the app was accessing invalid memory zones. Hope it saves someone a couple of hours :)
#include &opencv2/opencv.hpp&
cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 mog(100, 16, false);
extern "C" void getfg(int rows, int cols, unsigned char* imgData,
unsigned char *fgD) {
cv::Mat img(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, (void *) imgData);
cv::Mat fg(rows, cols, CV_8UC1, fgD);
mog(img, fg);
extern "C" void getbg(int rows, int cols, unsigned char *bgD) {
cv::Mat bg = cv::Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, bgD);
Compile it like:
gcc -shared -o libmog2.so -fPIC ./mog2.cpp -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_ml -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_video
And then python:
import numpy as np
import ctypes as C
import cv2
libmog = C.cdll.LoadLibrary('path/to/libmog2.so')
def getfg(img):
(rows, cols) = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
res = np.zeros(dtype=np.uint8, shape=(rows, cols))
libmog.getfg(img.shape[0], img.shape[1],
return res
def getbg(img):
(rows, cols) = (img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
res = np.zeros(dtype=np.uint8, shape=(rows, cols, 3))
libmog.getbg(rows, cols, res.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_ubyte)))
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
_, f = c.read()
cv2.imshow('f', f)
cv2.imshow('fg', getfg(f))
cv2.imshow('bg', getbg(f))
if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27:
here's a simple wrapper using ctypes, i have only tested on windows
cpp, build as dll
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
cv::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 mog(100, 16, false);
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
unsigned char*
getfg(int rows,int cols, unsigned char* fdata)
cv::Mat frame= cv::Mat(rows, cols, CV_8UC3,fdata);
//check fg.iscont(), copy as needed
return fg.
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
unsigned char*
return bg.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import ctypes as C
lib = C.cdll.LoadLibrary('wrapper.dll')
def getfg(img):
ptr = lib.getfg(img.shape[0],img.shape[1],img.ctypes.data_as(C.POINTER(C.c_ubyte)))
buf = (C.c_ubyte * img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]
* 1).from_address(ptr)
res = np.ndarray(buffer=buf, dtype=np.uint8,
shape=(img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 1))
return res
def getbg(img):
ptr = lib.getbg()
buf = (C.c_ubyte * img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]
* 3).from_address(ptr)
res = np.ndarray(buffer=buf, dtype=np.uint8,
shape=(img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3))
return res
c = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
_,f = c.read()
if cv2.waitKey(1)==27:
opencv 3.0
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledopencv 高斯混合模型BackgroundSubtractorMOG2实现目标跟踪
#include &opencv2/core/core.hpp&
#include &opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp&
#include &opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp&
#include &opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp&
#include &iostream&
using namespace
using namespace std;
void find_move_people();
int main(void)
char *f = "E:\\opencv\\opencv\\sources\\samples\\wp8\\OpenCVXaml\\OpenCVXaml\\Assets\\Lena.png";
Mat lena,lena2,gasLena,lenaColor,lenaB
lena = imread(f);
resize(lena, lena2, Size(lena.cols / 2, lena.rows / 2), 0.5, 15 , cv::INTER_LINEAR);
GaussianBlur(lena, gasLena, Size(9, 9), 6, 6, 0);
cvtColor(lena, lenaColor, CV_BGR2GRAY);
threshold(lenaColor, lenaBinary, 145, 225, THRESH_BINARY);
imshow("lena", lena);
imshow("lena2", lena2);
imshow("lena3", gasLena);
imshow("lena4", lenaColor);
imshow("lena5", lenaBinary);
void find_move_people()
char *video_path = "E:\\opencv\\opencv\\sources\\samples\\data\\vtest.avi";
Mat frame, image, foreGround, backGround, fgM
Ptr&BackgroundSubtractorMOG2& pBgmodel = createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
if (!capture.isOpened())
cout && "open videp eror!" &&
while (true)
capture &&
if (frame.empty())
resize(frame, image, Size(frame.cols / 2, frame.rows / 2), INTER_LINEAR);
if (foreGround.empty())
foreGround.create(image.size() , image.type());
pBgmodel-&apply(image, fgMask);
GaussianBlur(fgMask, fgMask, Size(5, 5) , 0);
threshold(fgMask , fgMask, 10, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
foreGround = Scalar::all(0);
image.copyTo(foreGround, fgMask);
imshow("frame", frame);
imshow("backGround", backGround);
imshow("fgMask", fgMask);
char key = waitKey(100);
if (key == 27)
注意:opencv 3.0 后版本没有了BackgroundSubtractorMOG
// 背景模型影响帧数 默认为500
// 模型匹配阈值
// 阴影阈值
// 前景中模型参数,设置为0表示背景,255为前景,默认值127
// 背景阈值设定 backgroundRatio*history
// 设置阈值的降低的复杂性
// 高斯混合模型组件数量
// 设置每个高斯组件的初始方差
// 新模型匹配阈值
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 重要方法
1. BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 的构造函数
C++: BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2()
image – Next video frame.fgmask – The output foreground mask as an 8-bit binary image.learningRate – The value between 0 and 1 that indicates how fast the background model is learnt. Negative parameter value makes the algorithm to use some automatically chosen learning rate. 0 means that the background model is not updated
at all, 1 means that the background model is completely reinitialized from the last frame.
C++: BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(int history, float varThreshold, bool bShadowDetection=true)
history – Length of the history.varThreshold – Threshold on the squared Mahalanobis distance to decide whether it is well described by the background model (see Cthr??). This parameter does not affect the background update. A typical value could be 4 sigma, that is,varThreshold=4*4=16; (see
Tb??).bShadowDetection – Parameter defining whether shadow detection should be enabled (true or false).
2. BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 的operate
C++: void BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::operator()(InputArray image, OutputArray fgmask, doublelearningRate=-1)
测试所用操作系统: Windows 7 64bit
测试所用IDE版本:Visual Studio 2010
测试所用OpenCV版本: 2.4.9
2014年11月 Revised by @浅墨_毛星云
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include &stdio.h&
//--------------------------------------【help( )函数】--------------------------------------
static void help()
//-----------------------------------【main( )函数】--------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
bool update_bg_model =
if( !cap.isOpened() )
printf("can not open camera or video file\n");
return -1;
namedWindow("image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow("foreground mask", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow("foreground image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
namedWindow("mean background image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bg_//(100, 3, 0.3, 5);
Mat img, fgmask,
if( img.empty() )
//cvtColor(_img, img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
if( fgimg.empty() )
fgimg.create(img.size(), img.type());
bg_model(img, fgmask, update_bg_model ? -1 : 0);
fgimg = Scalar::all(0);
img.copyTo(fgimg, fgmask);
imshow("image", img);
imshow("foreground mask", fgmask);
imshow("foreground image", fgimg);
imshow("mean background image", bgimg );
char k = (char)waitKey(1);
if( k == 27 )
if( k == ' ' )
update_bg_model = !update_bg_
printf("\t&背景更新(Background update)已打开\n");
printf("\t&背景更新(Background update)已关闭\n");
在opencv2.4版本中,只要加了#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"头文件,主要的调用代码如下
int main()
VideoCapture video("../video.avi");
Mat frame, mask, thresholdImage,
int frameNum = 1;
if (!video.isOpened())
cout && "fail to open!" &&
long totalFrameNumber = video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
BackgroundSubtractorMOG bgSubtractor(20, 10, 0.5, false);
//imshow("video", frame);
while (true){
if (totalFrameNumber == frameNum)
bgSubtractor(frame, mask, 0.001);
//cout && frameNum &&
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "opencv2/video/background_segm.hpp"
int main()
VideoCapture video("../video.avi");
int frameNum = 1;
Mat frame, mask, thresholdImage,
if (!video.isOpened())
cout && "fail to open!" &&
double totalFrameNumber = video.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
Ptr&BackgroundSubtractorMOG2& bgsubtractor = createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2();
while (true){
if (totalFrameNumber == frameNum)
//bgSubtractor(frame, mask, 0.001);
bgsubtractor-&apply(frame, mask, 0.01);
imshow("mask", mask);
#include &iostream&
#include &opencv2/core/core.hpp&
#include &opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp&
#include &opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp&
#include &opencv2/opencv.hpp&
#include "VideoProcessor.h"
#include "FeatureTracker.h"
#include "BGFSSegmentor.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
VideoCapture capture("../768X576.avi");
Mat foreground, foreground2;
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 mog2;
bool stop(false);
namedWindow("Extracted Foreground");
cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2GRAY);
long long t = getTickCount();
mog(frame, foreground, 0.01);
long long t1 = getTickCount();
mog2(frame, foreground2, -1);
long long t2 = getTickCount();
cout&&"t1 = "&&(t1-t)/getTickFrequency()&&" t2 = "&&(t2-t1)/getTickFrequency()&&
imshow("Extracted Foreground", foreground);
imshow("Extracted Foreground2", foreground2);
imshow("video", frame);
if(waitKey(10) &= 0)
(1)该算法实现了混合高斯模型中模型参数的自适应,从而减少了运算量,这部分的论文支撑是《Improved adaptive Gausian mixture model for background subtraction》、《Efficient Adaptive Density Estimapion per Image Pixel for the Task of Background Subtraction》、《Recursive
unsupervised learning of finite mixture models》
(2)该算法实现的阴影检测,参考了论文《Detecting Moving Shadows-Algorithms and Evaluation》
adaptive Gausian mixture model for background subtraction》并且博主已经给你们翻译好啦
接着关于(2),也是挺坑,我大致看了《Detecting Moving Shadows-Algorithms and Evaluation》,发现这篇文章内容不是提出阴影检测算法,而是对之前阴影检测算法效果的评估比较。BackgroundSubtractorMOG2中用到的阴影检测原理应该来自于《The
Sakbot System for Moving Object Detection and Tracking》,这篇文章我瞄了一眼,这里直接把阴影检测的原理大致总结一下:作者在HSV空间中检测阴影(原因在于该颜色空间与人眼感知的更为接近,且对阴影产生的亮度变化更为敏感),原理是作者通过实验发现,阴影覆盖的区域像素点的亮度会降低(V减小),且H和S也会衰减,这算是一个经验性的结论,不过貌似还比较有效果。不过另外一点坑是,opencv在实现该部分内容时,还是在RGB颜色空间中,代码看上去应该还是借鉴了上面的思想。。。
#include "precomp.hpp"
namespace cv
Interface of Gaussian mixture algorithm from:
"Improved adaptive Gausian mixture model for background subtraction"
International Conference Pattern Recognition, UK, August, 2004
-fast - number of Gausssian components is constantly adapted per pixel.
-performs also shadow detection (see bgfg_segm_test.cpp example)
// default parameters of gaussian background detection algorithm
// 这部分的参数建议把《Improved adaptive Gausian mixture model for background subtraction》读一遍,大部分的就基本理解了
static const int defaultHistory2 = 500; // L alpha = 1/defaultHistory2
static const float defaultVarThreshold2 = 4.0f*4.0f;
static const int defaultNMixtures2 = 5; // maximal number of Gaussians in mixture
static const float defaultBackgroundRatio2 = 0.9f; // threshold sum of weights for background test
static const float defaultVarThresholdGen2 = 3.0f*3.0f;
static const float defaultVarInit2 = 15.0f; // initial variance for new components
static const float defaultVarMax2 = 5*defaultVarInit2;
static const float defaultVarMin2 = 4.0f;
// additional parameters
static const float defaultfCT2 = 0.05f; // complexity reduction prior constant 0 - no reduction of number of components
static const unsigned char defaultnShadowDetection2 = (unsigned char)127; // value to use in the segmentation mask for shadows, set 0 not to do shadow detection
static const float defaultfTau = 0.5f; // Tau - shadow threshold, see the paper for explanation
// 注意这个结构体后面没有用到,不用管它
struct GaussBGStatModel2Params
//image info
int nND;//number of data dimensions (image channels)
bool bPostF//defult 1 - do postfiltering - will make shadow detection results also give value 255
minA // for postfiltering
bool bI//default 1, faster updates at start
//very important parameters - things you will change
float fAlphaT;
//alpha - speed of update - if the time interval you want to average over is T
//set alpha=1/T. It is also usefull at start to make T slowly increase
//from 1 until the desired T
float fTb;
//Tb - threshold on the squared Mahalan. dist. to decide if it is well described
//by the background model or not. Related to Cthr from the paper.
//This does not influence the update of the background. A typical value could be 4 sigma
//and that is Tb=4*4=16;
//less important parameters - things you might change but be carefull
float fTg;
//Tg - threshold on the squared Mahalan. dist. to decide
//when a sample is close to the existing components. If it is not close
//to any a new component will be generated. I use 3 sigma =& Tg=3*3=9.
//Smaller Tg leads to more generated components and higher Tg might make
//lead to small number of components but they can grow too large
float fTB;//1-cf from the paper
//TB - threshold when the component becomes significant enough to be included into
//the background model. It is the TB=1-cf from the paper. So I use cf=0.1 =& TB=0.
//For alpha=0.001 it means that the mode should exist for approximately 105 frames before
//it is considered foreground
float fVarI
float fVarM
float fVarM
//initial standard deviation
for the newly generated components.
//It will will influence the speed of adaptation. A good guess should be made.
//A simple way is to estimate the typical standard deviation from the images.
//I used here 10 as a reasonable value
float fCT;//CT - complexity reduction prior
//this is related to the number of samples needed to accept that a component
//actually exists. We use CT=0.05 of all the samples. By setting CT=0 you get
//the standard Stauffer&Grimson algorithm (maybe not exact but very similar)
//even less important parameters
int nM;//max number of modes - const - 4 is usually enough
//shadow detection parameters
bool bShadowD//default 1 - do shadow detection
unsigned char nShadowD//do shadow detection - insert this value as the detection result
// Tau - shadow threshold. The shadow is detected if the pixel is darker
//version of the background. Tau is a threshold on how much darker the shadow can be.
//Tau= 0.5 means that if pixel is more than 2 times darker then it is not shadow
//See: Prati,Mikic,Trivedi,Cucchiarra,"Detecting Moving Shadows...",IEEE PAMI,2003.
// 定义了高斯模型中有关权重和方差的结构体
struct GMM
// shadow detection performed per pixel
// should work for rgb data, could be usefull for gray scale and depth data as well
// See: Prati,Mikic,Trivedi,Cucchiarra,"Detecting Moving Shadows...",IEEE PAMI,2003.
static CV_INLINE bool
detectShadowGMM(const float* data, int nchannels, int nmodes,
const GMM* gmm, const float* mean,
float Tb, float TB, float tau)
// 输入的是像素,函数判断非背景的像素是前景还是阴影
float tWeight = 0;
// check all the components
marked as background:
for( int mode = 0; mode & mode++, mean += nchannels )
GMM g = gmm[mode];
float numerator = 0.0f;
float denominator = 0.0f;
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
+= data[c] * mean[c];
denominator += mean[c] * mean[c];// 使用高斯分布中的均值计算得到近似的不受到前景影响的“背景”
// no division by zero allowed
if( denominator == 0 )
// 大前提是该像素“颜色”相对于“背景”有所衰减
// if tau & a & 1 then also check the color distortion
if( numerator &= denominator && numerator &= tau*denominator )
float a = numerator /
float dist2a = 0.0f;
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
float dD= a*mean[c] - data[c];
dist2a += dD*dD;
// 没看懂,感觉像是作者的经验公式
if (dist2a & Tb*g.variance*a*a)
tWeight += g.
if( tWeight & TB )
//update GMM - the base update function performed per pixel
//"Efficient Adaptive Density Estimapion per Image Pixel for the Task of Background Subtraction"
//Z.Zivkovic, F. van der Heijden
//Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 27, no. 7, pages 773-780, 2006.
//The algorithm similar to the standard Stauffer&Grimson algorithm with
//additional selection of the number of the Gaussian components based on:
//"Recursive unsupervised learning of finite mixture models "
//Z.Zivkovic, F.van der Heijden
//IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.26, no.5, pages 651-656, 2004
// 通过该结构体实现算法的并行计算,可以百度下parallel_for_大致了解下
struct MOG2Invoker : ParallelLoopBody
MOG2Invoker(const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst,
GMM* _gmm, float* _mean,
uchar* _modesUsed,
int _nmixtures, float _alphaT,
float _Tb, float _TB, float _Tg,
float _varInit, float _varMin, float _varMax,
float _prune, float _tau, bool _detectShadows,
uchar _shadowVal)
src = &_// 原图
modesUsed0 = _modesU
nmixtures = _
alphaT = _alphaT;
varInit = _varI
varMin = MIN(_varMin, _varMax);
varMax = MAX(_varMin, _varMax);
detectShadows = _detectS
shadowVal = _shadowV
cvtfunc = src-&depth() != CV_32F ? getConvertFunc(src-&depth(), CV_32F) : 0;
void operator()(const Range& range) const
int y0 = range.start, y1 = range.// 每个并行计算单元的输入是一行图像
int ncols = src-&cols, nchannels = src-&channels();
AutoBuffer&float& buf(src-&cols*nchannels);
float alpha1 = 1.f - alphaT;
float dData[CV_CN_MAX];
for( int y = y0; y & y1; y++ )
const float* data =
if( cvtfunc )
cvtfunc( src-&ptr(y), src-&step, 0, 0, (uchar*)data, 0, Size(ncols*nchannels, 1), 0);// 转换为1XN的图像,N为原图的列数
data = src-&ptr&float&(y);
float* mean = mean0 + ncols*nmixtures*nchannels*y;
GMM* gmm = gmm0 + ncols*nmixtures*y;
uchar* modesUsed = modesUsed0 + ncols*y;
uchar* mask = dst-&ptr(y);
// 遍历1XN图像的每个像素
for( int x = 0; x & x++, data += nchannels, gmm += nmixtures, mean += nmixtures*nchannels )
//calculate distances to the modes (+ sort)
//here we need to go in descending order!!!
bool background =//return value -& true - the pixel classified as background
bool fitsPDF =//if it remains zero a new GMM mode will be added
int nmodes = modesUsed[x], nNewModes =//current number of modes in GMM
float totalWeight = 0.f;
float* mean_m =
//go through all modes
// 1.计算是否符合当前混合模型
for( int mode = 0; mode & mode++, mean_m += nchannels )
float weight = alpha1*gmm[mode].weight +//need only weight if fit is found
int swap_count = 0;
//fit not found yet
if( !fitsPDF )
//check if it belongs to some of the remaining modes
float var = gmm[mode].
//calculate difference and distance
float dist2;
if( nchannels == 3 )
dData[0] = mean_m[0] - data[0];
dData[1] = mean_m[1] - data[1];
dData[2] = mean_m[2] - data[2];
dist2 = dData[0]*dData[0] + dData[1]*dData[1] + dData[2]*dData[2];
dist2 = 0.f;
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
dData[c] = mean_m[c] - data[c];
dist2 += dData[c]*dData[c];
//background? - Tb - usually larger than Tg
if( totalWeight & TB && dist2 & Tb*var )
background =
//check fit
if( dist2 & Tg*var )
//belongs to the mode
//update distribution
//update weight
weight += alphaT;
float k = alphaT/
//update mean
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
mean_m[c] -= k*dData[c];
//update variance
float varnew = var + k*(dist2-var);
//limit the variance
varnew = MAX(varnew, varMin);
varnew = MIN(varnew, varMax);
gmm[mode].variance =
//all other weights are at the same place and
//only the matched (iModes) is higher -& just find the new place for it
for( int i = i & 0; i-- )
//check one up
if( weight & gmm[i-1].weight )
//swap one up
std::swap(gmm[i], gmm[i-1]);
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
std::swap(mean[i*nchannels + c], mean[(i-1)*nchannels + c]);
//belongs to the mode - bFitsPDF becomes 1
//check prune
if( weight & -prune )// 保证下一次运算中模型的权值非负
weight = 0.0;
nmodes--;// 丢弃掉该模型
gmm[mode-swap_count].weight =//update weight by the calculated value
totalWeight +=
//go through all modes
//renormalize weights
// 2.权重归一化
totalWeight = 1.f/totalW
for( int mode = 0; mode & mode++ )
gmm[mode].weight *= totalW
nmodes = nNewM
//make new mode if needed and exit
// 3.根据情况增加新的高斯分布
if( !fitsPDF )
// replace the weakest or add a new one
int mode = nmodes == nmixtures ? nmixtures-1 : nmodes++;
if (nmodes==1)
gmm[mode].weight = 1.f;
gmm[mode].weight = alphaT;
// renormalize all other weights
for( int i = 0; i & nmodes-1; i++ )
gmm[i].weight *= alpha1;
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
mean[mode*nchannels + c] = data[c];
gmm[mode].variance = varI
//find the new place for it
for( int i = nmodes - 1; i & 0; i-- )
// check one up
if( alphaT & gmm[i-1].weight )
// swap one up
std::swap(gmm[i], gmm[i-1]);
for( int c = 0; c & c++ )
std::swap(mean[i*nchannels + c], mean[(i-1)*nchannels + c]);
//set the number of modes
modesUsed[x] = uchar(nmodes);// 更新GMM中实际使用的模型个数
// 4.如果不是背景,根据参数确定是否继续进行阴影判断
mask[x] = background ? 0 :
detectShadows && detectShadowGMM(data, nchannels, nmodes, gmm, mean, Tb, TB, tau) ?
shadowVal : 255;
const Mat*
GMM* gmm0;
float* mean0;
uchar* modesUsed0;
float alphaT, Tb, TB, Tg;
float varInit, varMin, varMax, prune,
bool detectS
uchar shadowV
frameSize = Size(0,0);
frameType = 0;
nframes = 0;
history = defaultHistory2;
varThreshold = defaultVarThreshold2;
bShadowDetection = 1;
nmixtures = defaultNMixtures2;
backgroundRatio = defaultBackgroundRatio2;
fVarInit = defaultVarInit2;
= defaultVarMax2;
fVarMin = defaultVarMin2;
varThresholdGen = defaultVarThresholdGen2;
fCT = defaultfCT2;
nShadowDetection =
fTau = defaultfT
BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(int _history,
float _varThreshold, bool _bShadowDetection)
frameSize = Size(0,0);
frameType = 0;
nframes = 0;
history = _history & 0 ? _history : defaultHistory2;
varThreshold = (_varThreshold&0)? _varThreshold : defaultVarThreshold2;
bShadowDetection = _bShadowD
nmixtures = defaultNMixtures2;
backgroundRatio = defaultBackgroundRatio2;
fVarInit = defaultVarInit2;
= defaultVarMax2;
fVarMin = defaultVarMin2;
varThresholdGen = defaultVarThresholdGen2;
fCT = defaultfCT2;
nShadowDetection =
fTau = defaultfT
void BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::initialize(Size _frameSize, int _frameType)
frameSize = _frameS
frameType = _frameT
nframes = 0;
int nchannels = CV_MAT_CN(frameType);
CV_Assert( nchannels &= CV_CN_MAX );
// for each gaussian mixture of each pixel bg model we store ...
// the mixture weight (w),
// the mean (nchannels values) and
// the covariance
bgmodel.create( 1, frameSize.height*frameSize.width*nmixtures*(2 + nchannels), CV_32F );
//make the array for keeping track of the used modes per pixel - all zeros at start
bgmodelUsedModes = Scalar::all(0);
void BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::operator()(InputArray _image, OutputArray _fgmask, double learningRate)
Mat image = _image.getMat();
bool needToInitialize = nframes == 0 || learningRate &= 1 || image.size() != frameSize || image.type() != frameT
if( needToInitialize )
initialize(image.size(), image.type());
_fgmask.create( image.size(), CV_8U );
Mat fgmask = _fgmask.getMat();
learningRate = learningRate &= 0 && nframes & 1 ? learningRate : 1./min( 2*nframes, history );
CV_Assert(learningRate &= 0);
// 并行计算,应该是分为了image.rows个计算单元,所以每个计算单元只计算每一行的“图像”
parallel_for_(Range(0, image.rows),
MOG2Invoker(image, fgmask,
(float*)(bgmodel.data + sizeof(GMM)*nmixtures*image.rows*image.cols),
bgmodelUsedModes.data, nmixtures, (float)learningRate,
backgroundRatio, varThresholdGen,
fVarInit, fVarMin, fVarMax, float(-learningRate*fCT), fTau,
bShadowDetection, nShadowDetection));
// 可以调用该函数得到视频中每一帧的不受前景物体存在影响的近似背景图像
void BackgroundSubtractorMOG2::getBackgroundImage(OutputArray backgroundImage) const
int nchannels = CV_MAT_CN(frameType);
CV_Assert(nchannels == 1 || nchannels == 3);
Mat meanBackground(frameSize, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, nchannels), Scalar::all(0));
int firstGaussianIdx = 0;
const GMM* gmm = (GMM*)bgmodel.
const float* mean = reinterpret_cast&const float*&(gmm + frameSize.width*frameSize.height*nmixtures);
std::vector&float& meanVal(nchannels, 0.f);
for(int row=0; row&meanBackground. row++)
for(int col=0; col&meanBackground. col++)
int nmodes = bgmodelUsedModes.at&uchar&(row, col);
float totalWeight = 0.f;
for(int gaussianIdx = firstGaussianI gaussianIdx & firstGaussianIdx + gaussianIdx++)
GMM gaussian = gmm[gaussianIdx];
size_t meanPosition = gaussianIdx*
for(int chn = 0; chn & chn++)
meanVal[chn] += gaussian.weight * mean[meanPosition + chn];// 核心代码,就是利用多个高斯分布的权值、均值的加权和作为背景像素值
totalWeight += gaussian.
if(totalWeight & backgroundRatio)
float invWeight = 1.f/totalW
meanBackground.at&uchar&(row, col) = (uchar)(meanVal[0] * invWeight);
meanVal[0] = 0.f;
Vec3f& meanVec = *reinterpret_cast&Vec3f*&(&meanVal[0]);
meanBackground.at&Vec3b&(row, col) = Vec3b(meanVec * invWeight);
meanVec = 0.f;
firstGaussianIdx +=


更多关于 opencv检测图中矩形框 的文章

