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RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE (Live) - 安室奈美恵 - 单曲 - 网易云音乐
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Respect The Power Of Love (Straight Run) 歌词
.RESPECT Ah RESPECT RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE谁かに伝えたい 伝えなきゃ守れない爱を守るため うそはつけない かくせないどこかにかくれて 四角い空ながめてただけど昨日も RESPECT the POWER OF LOVEそれでよかったほとんどは许してくれないまわりや世间は许してくれない1人じゃたえられそうもないそんなときははやくあなたに会いたい伤みもつらさもいやすこと出来はじめたこのごろでも変わらない あなたを救いたい気持ち谁でももし男女が人でありたいなら.?谁かに知らせたい It's the POWER OF LOVE 何よりも Wow谁かに伝えたい マイフェバリィット 好きだけじゃないRESPECT RESPECT RESPECT RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE谁かに伝えたい 伝えなきゃ守れない.歌曲名:Respect The Power Of Love (Straight Run)歌手:安室奈美惠专辑..RESPECT Ah RESPECT RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE今日も明日も全部心は満たしきれない Wowどうしてこんなにただ前に进まなきゃならない:Respect The Power Of Love作词/作曲:小室哲哉 つよく 抱いていてえがお 见せるまでとおく さみしい想い吹きとばして!こんなに変われる运命より强く 磁石のようにあなたにひかれた纯粋なあこがれと子供のような无邪気さとこのごろでも変わらない あなたを大切にする気持ち谁でももし男女が人で ありたいなら.
&2017 Baidu
扫描下载APPAnimal Farm by George Orwell
Animal Farm
by George Orwell&&&&&&&&&&&
Learning outcomes
Students will:
relate prior knowledge to Animal Farm.
summarize and reflect on reading.
recognize and record elements found in the novel.
connect the novel to life in a meaningful way.
assess reading comprehension through factual,
interpretive, and evaluative questions.
evaluate interpretations of the novel using textual
evidence, personal experience, and knowledge of related literature.
recognize the formation of a totalitarian society.
Character Map
Taken from:
|main site
Chapter 1& (/CT/scottsridgems/Jennes/AnimalFarmquestions2006.doc)
small trapdoors in the sides of poultry houses used for ventilation and
to allow chickens to exit and enter at will
scullery: a small room next to the kitchen used for storage and kitchen-related
tushes: tusks
a unit of length equal to 4 inches (10.2 centimeters), most often used
to specify the height of a horse
paddock: fenced-in pasture near a barn
knacker: person who buys worn-out or old livestock and slaughters them to sell
&&& meat or
clime: climate
mangel-wurzel: a huge
type of beets
a small cart
spinney: a small grove of trees
short nails with large heads used to protect the soles of work boots
conduc a broker
paddock: fenced-in pasture near a barn
poultice: a soft moist mass of clay or other material, usually heated, applied to
soothe an aching or inflamed part of the body
superannuated: retired
Animal Farm
- Comparison of characters to the Russian Revolution
by George J. Lamont
Animal Farm:&&&&&
Comparison of characters to Russian Revolution
Animal Farm
Russian Revolution
irresponsible to his animals (lets them
sometimes cruel - beats them with whip
sometimes kind - mixes milk in animal mash
Czar Nicholas II
a poor leader at best, compared to western
cruel - sometimes brutal with opponents
Sometimes kind - hired students as spies to
taught A egalitarian ideals
workers do the work, rich keep the $, animals
dies before revolution
speech similar to Marx’s Communist
Manifesto and Lenin’s later writings
Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin
invented Communism
&workers of the world unite&, take over government
dies before Russian Revolution
embraces egalitarian ideals
no owners, no rich, but no poor
workers get a better life, all animals equal
everyone owns the farm
all people equal
government owns everything, people own government
young, smart, good speaker, idealistic
really wants to make life better for all
one of leaders of revolution
chased away into exile by Napoleon's dogs
Leon Trotsky
other leader of &October Revolution&
pure communist, followed Marx
wanted to improve life for all in Russia
chased away by Lenin's KGB (Lenin's secret
not a good speaker, not as clever like
cruel, brutal, selfish, devious, corrupt
his ambition is for power, killed opponents
used dogs, Moses, and Squealer to control
Joseph Stalin
not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky
same as Napoleon, didn't follow Marx's ideas
cared for power, killed all that opposed him
used KGB, allowed church, and propagandized
big mouth, talks a lot
convinces animals to believe and follow
Changes and manipulates the commandments
Propaganda department of Lenin's government
worked for Stalin to support his image
used any lie to convince the people to follow
benefited from the fact that education was
a private army that used fear to force animals
killed or intimidated any opponent of Napoleon
another part of Napoleon's strategy to control
KGB - Secret Police
not really police, but forced support for
used force, often killed entire families for
totally loyal, part of Lenin's power, even
Moses the Raven
tells animals about Sugarcandy mountain -
animals can go there if they work hard
Snowball and Major were against him
they though Heaven was a lie to make animals
Napoleon let him stay because he taught
animals to
work and not complain
Marx said &Opiate of the people& a lie
used to make people not complain and do their
Religion was tolerated because people would
Stalin knew religion would stop violent
was vain - loved her beauty and self
didn't think about the animal farm
went with anyone who gave her what she wanted
Vain, selfish people in Russia and world
some people didn't care about revolution
only though about themselves
went to other countries that offered more for
strong, hard working horse, believes in Animal
&Napoleon is always right&, &I must work
gives his all, is betrayed by Napoleon, who
Dedicated, but tricked communist supporters
people believed Stalin because he was
many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin
betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them
old, wise donkey who is suspicious of
thinks &nothing ever changes&, is right
his suspicions are true, about Boxer and sign
Skeptical people in Russia and outside Russia
weren't sure revolution would change anything
realized that a crazy leader can call himself
knew that communism wouldn't work with power
hungry leaders
Overall details about revolution
it was supposed to make life better for all
life was worse at the end
The leaders became the same as, or worse than,
the other farmers (humans) they rebelled
Overall details of Russian Revolution
supposed to fix problems from Czar
life was even worse long after revolution
Stalin made Czar look like a nice guy
(from Barron’s Booknotes)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Animal Farm = History of Russia
Old Major's philosophy = The philosophies of Marx and Lenin
Animalism = Communism
Other Animals = Bolsheviks (common people )
Mr. Jones = Czar of Russia
Seven Commandments = Communist Manifesto
Skull of Old Major = Lenin's body
Old Major's death = Lenin's death followed by struggle for power
Windmill Construction = Russian construction of steel mills and
electric plants
Napoleon's sale of timber to Frederick = Stalin entered into a
non-aggression pact with Hitler's Germany
Frederick's declaration of war on = Hitler's declaration of war on
Russia Animal Farm
Windmill destroyed, animals died = Stalingrad destroyed
Sugarcandy = In 1944, Stalin wrote letters to Pope to conduct services
Napoleon's entertaining of humans in the farmhouse = Different
meetings between Stalin and Churchill in Russia
The Jones'
farmhouse represents in many ways the very place where greed and lust dominate.&
Unlike the barn, which is the fortress of the common man, the genuine concept of
socialism, the farmhouse, where Napoleon and the pigs take over, symbolizes the
Kremlin.& Even today the Kremlin is an important place to Russian leaders, who,
instead of embracing Marxism, have created their own distorted view of communism
and have shoved it down their peoples' (animals') throats.&
vague yet often referred to concept of animalism is used by Orwell to signify
the generic view of socialism.& This view was first expounded by Karl Marx (old
Major), who, in Orwell's opinion was naive in thinking that his philosophy would
actually work.& Orwell, although agreeing with the overall concept of equality
though socialism, was critical of Marx because he didn't take into account the
greed and jealousy which would eventually undermine the entire cause.& This idea
was shown through Napoleon and the other pigs, who, through persuasion and force
became the dominant authority on the farm.
Probably the most profound metaphor in Orwell's Animal Farm is the idea
of the gun and flag. & The nationalism the animals' feel is demonstrated through
their daily processions and rituals where they practically worship the flag
(their institution of the state and obviously not God).&& These processions and
parades grow more dramatic with the fall of socialism and the rise of Napoleon's
dictatorship.& In this way, Orwell points out that unlike Marx's (old Major's)
original concept of freedom through equality, Stalin believes that inequality
between nations is the key to success.&& This sounds surprisingly like
capitalism, the very system communism is meant to combat.
&&&& The gun represents the triumphant yet violence-ridden overthrow of Mr.
Jones in the Battle of Cowshed.& Again, opposing Marx's ideal that rebellion is
to be accomplish through honesty, innocence, and passive determination, Napoleon
and even Snowball (Trotsky) rise to power prematurely by using death and
destruction, the very system Jones used on them.& Thus they prove themselves no
better than Jones and the previous administration.&&&&&&&
&&&& The fact that Napoleon outlaws&Beasts of England demonstrates the formal
power of the state.& No longer is socialism just a generic belief in equality
made by everyday common animals, but now it is a money-hungry powerhouse of
oppression run by the government.
The Battle of
Cowshed is a clear metaphor for the overthrow of the old Russian government
based on czars (Mr. Jones).& In Russia, this change took the Soviet Union out of
World War I and eventually led to the rise of Lenin and Stalin.& The violence
used in the battle, however was not condoned by Marx (old Major) or Orwell, who
both believed in pacifism.& Snowball and Napoleon, though, were too greedy and
were required to use force in order to establish their corrupt government.& More
on this in the Gun/Flag section.
Orwell uses
Sugarcandy Mountain to symbolize the Christian concept of Heaven.&& Really the
Church is criticized in Animal Farm because it is the institution that
inspires the animals to work using &lies& and manipulation.& Moses, the especial
raven of Mr. Jones, and later Napoleon, is the vehicle from which the working
class hears about this land where clover and sugar is unmeasured and free to
everyone. && It's troubling to many that Orwell thought of the Church in such a
cynical way.&& But once again this shows that Orwell wasn't loyal or afraid of
any system.
Orwell's use
of ribbons and sugar symbolizes the luxuries of life enjoyed by the old middle
class under the old government.&& Mollie, the symbol for the capitalist, is
particularly fond of ribbons and sugar— so much so that she leaves the farm for
uses milk to represent the care and love that mothers give to their children.&
When Napoleon takes the milk for himself and the other pigs, he is, in essence,
stealing the very core of the people.& Now he can raise the children (other farm
animals) as a tool of the state. & No longer is the now the
cornerstone of civilization is in the totalitarian government of Napoleon
Orwell uses beer to represent the &Old& Russia.& He first notes that the reason
Jones lost control of the farm and began being cruel to the animals was because
of alcohol.& It symbolizes, more than anything, a corrupt government— a
government drunk on prosperity (a prosperity which never trickles down to the
common animal).& But it's eventually this drunkenness which ruins and leads to
the inevitable collapse of this system.& Jones lost power over the animals when
he b even Napoleon will eventually be overthrown because of
the alcohol he intakes.& Orwell alludes to this near the end of the book when he
says that in generations to come there will be still more uprisings.&& &Some day
it was coming: it might not be soon, it might not be within the lifetime of any
animal now living, but still it was coming.&
&&&& Alcohol was originally seen as a grave evil of the new regime. &&& Old
Major repeatedly warns the animals against taking on Man's ways, but his
concerns are not heeded.& Really it was the issue of alcohol that made many of
the animals suspicious of the pigs.& Thus, Napoleon had Squealer change the
&&&& It's interesting that even today many of the Russian leaders have a
drinking habit.
windmill is used by Orwell to symbolize Soviet industry. If you'll notice in the
book, the windmill was destroyed several times before it finally was complete.
This represents the trials the communists in Russia went through to establish
their armament-production industry. Eventually, however, Russian industry did
stabilize, despite the lack of safety precautions and trivial concern for the
people's well being. This allowed them to put the first artificial satellite,
Sputnik I, into space before the United States. Despite their early success,
Soviet industry fell behind the Western world, led by the United States. Russian
industry stalled from the lack of initiative and morale. The average
middle-class worker received no special treatment and was treated as a &person
of the state.&
laws could be broken by any important member of the Communist regime. The
original ideology of Marxism was innocent enough, but it was twisted and
convoluted by Lenin and Stalin. Russian communism was a hypocritical system
which would inevitably falter and collapse, thus proving Orwell's point that
Marx was naive.
Orwell didn't write a final collapse of the windmill, which would perhaps have
symbolized the U.S.S.R.'s failure in the cold war. In 1990, the Russian
Communist government collapsed due to lack of funds. Of course Orwell could not
have known this, although he did forecast a future rebellion on Animal Farm and
in Russia.&
Six Pillars
of Character (http://www.charactercounts.org/defsix.htm)
Be honest o Don’t deceive,
cheat or steal o Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do o Have the courage to
do the right thing o Build a good reputation o Be loyal — stand by your family,
friends and country
follow the Golden Rule o Be tolerant of differences o Use good manners, not bad
language o Be considerate of the feelings of others o Don’t threaten, hit or
hurt anyone o Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
Do what you are supposed to
do o Persevere: keep on trying! o Always do your best o Use self-control o Be
self-disciplined o Think before you act — consider the consequences o Be
accountable for your choices
Play by the rules o Take
turns and share o Be open- listen to others o Don’t take advantage of
others o Don’t blame others carelessly
Be kind o Be compassionate
and show you care o Express gratitude o Forgive others o Help people in need
share to make your school and community better o Cooperate o Get involved in
community affairs o S vote o Be a good neighbour o Obey laws and
rules o Respect authority o Protect the environment
Propaganda Student
Handout (/cnn/coldwar/cw_prop2.html)
Types of Propaganda
There are many techniques commonly used in the
dissemination of propaganda. Use this handout to help you identify different
types of propaganda throughout Cold War.
BANDWAGON: The basic idea behind the bandwagon approach is just that,
&getting on the bandwagon.& The propagandist puts forth the idea that everyone
is doing this, or everyone supports this person/cause, so should you. The
bandwagon approach appeals to the conformist in all of us: No one wants to be
left out of what is perceived to be a popular trend.
EXAMPLE: Everyone in Lemmingtown is
behind Jim Duffie for Mayor. Shouldn't you be part of this winning team?
TESTIMONIAL: This is the celebrity endorsement of a philosophy,
movement or candidate. In advertising, for example, athletes are often paid
millions of dollars to promote sports shoes, equipment and fast food. In
political circles, movie stars, television stars, rock stars and athletes lend a
great deal of credibility and power to a political cause or candidate. Just a
photograph of a movie star at political rally can generate more interest in that
issue/candidate or cause thousands, sometimes millions, of people to become
EXAMPLE: &Sam Slugger&, a baseball Hall
of Famer who led the pros in hitting for years, appears in a television ad
supporting Mike Politico for U.S. Senate. Since Sam is well known and respected
in his home state and nationally, he will likely gain Mr. Politico many votes
just by his appearance with the candidate.
PLAIN FOLKS: Here the candidate or cause is identified with common
people from everyday walks of life. The idea is to make the candidate/cause come
off as grassroots and all-American.
EXAMPLE: After a morning speech to
wealthy Democratic donors, Bill Clinton stops by McDonald's for a burger, fries,
and photo-op.
TRANSFER: Transfer employs the use of symbols, quotes or the images of
famous people to convey a message not necessarily associated with them. In the
use of transfer, the candidate/speaker attempts to persuade us through the
indirect use of something we respect, such as a patriotic or religious image, to
promote his/her ideas. Religious and patriotic images may be the most commonly
used in this propaganda technique but they are not alone. Sometimes even science
becomes the means to transfer the message.
EXAMPLE: The environmentalist group
PEOPLE PROMOTING PLANTS, in its attempt to prevent a highway from destroying the
natural habitat of thousands of plant species, produces a television ad with a
&scientist& in a white lab coat explaining the dramatic consequences of altering
the food chain by destroying this habitat.
FEAR: This technique is very popular among political parties and PACs
(Political Action Committees) in the U.S. The idea is to present a dreaded
circumstance and usually follow it up with the kind of behavior needed to avoid
that horrible event.
EXAMPLE: The Citizens for Retired Rights
present a magazine ad showing an elderly couple living in poverty because their
social security benefits have been drastically cut by the Republicans in
Congress. The solution? The CRR urges you to vote for Democrats.
LOGICAL FALLACIES: Applying logic, one can usually draw a conclusion
from one or more established premises. In the type of propaganda known as the
logical fallacy, however, the premises may be accurate but the conclusion is
Premise 1: Bill Clinton supports gun control.
Premise 2: Communist regimes have always supported gun
Conclusion: Bill Clinton is a communist.
We can see in this example that the Conclusion
is created by a twisting of logic, and is therefore a fallacy.
GLITTERING GENERALITIES: This approach is closely related to what is
happening in TRANSFER (see above). Here, a generally accepted virtue is usually
employed to stir up favorable emotions. The problem is that these words mean
different things to different people and are often manipulated for the
propagandists' use. The important thing to remember is that in this technique
the propagandist uses these words in a positive sense. They often include words
like: democracy, family values (when used positively), rights, civilization,
even the word &American.&
EXAMPLE: An ad by a cigarette
manufacturer proclaims to smokers: Don't let them take your rights away!
(&Rights& is a powerful word, something that stirs the emotions of many, but few
on either side would agree on exactly what the 'rights' of smokers are.)
approach. Name-calling ties a person or cause to a largely perceived negative
EXAMPLE: In a campaign speech to a logging company, the Congressman
referred to his environmentally conscious opponent as a &tree hugger.&
Chapter 1 ~
Find a speech by a famous political leader
(from any country) and summarize the theme of his/her speech. Include in your
· What was the political leader's message?
· Under what circumstances did this leader give the speech (was it wartime, was
it during a depression, was it in relation to human rights?).
· Please attach the copy of the speech you found and a picture of the political
Basic Structure
Old Major’s
Who's benefitting under the current conditions?
suffering under current conditions?
What would conditions be like if the conditions were fairer than they
must be done to achieve fairer conditions?
Major's Speech
of repetition of sounds.
&May men of merit be motivated to act!&
Key words or
phrases that are repeated for emphasis.
comparisons that help listeners &envision& meaning.
&Let our dreams soar on wings of optimism!&
List questions that are for effect rather than to be answered.
&Will we stand now on the brink of history or will we let the moment
pass unchallenged?&
historical or literary references.
&President Kennedy once said& 'Ask what we could do for our
country.' And, now it is the time to DO!&
&Who Would You Choose As Your Leader?
The animals are going to elect a
leader. You have only one vote, and you must cast it based on what you know
about the candidates. After each candidate's name, list both strengths and
weaknesses (these are traits from the book - not ones you invent). Write the
name of the animal you vote for at the very bottom of the page. If you can't in
good conscience vote for any of the three candidates, then write in the
candidate of your choice and explain why you will vote for him. Be prepared to
defend your position.
Write-in Candidate&
Man is the
only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of
hunger and overwork is abolished for ever. Man is the only creature that
consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he
is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits.
Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to
them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he
keeps for himself. (Ch. 1)
Why then do
we continue in this miserable condition? Because nearly the whole of the
produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. (Ch. 1)
comrades, your resolution must never falter. No argument must lead you
astray. Never listen when they tell you that Man and the animals have a
common interest, that the prosperity of the one is the prosperity of the
others. It is all lies. Man serves the interests of no creature except
himself. And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect
comradeship in the struggle. All men are enemies. All animals are comrades.
The vote was
taken at once, and it was agreed by an overwhelming majority that rats were
comrades. There were only four dissentients, the three dogs and the cat, who
was afterwards discovered to have voted on both sides. (Ch. 1)
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or
has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other
7. All animals are equal.
management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are
watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and
eat those apples. (Ch. 3)
good, two legs bad. (Ch. 3)
Benjamin, the donkey, seemed quite unchanged since the Rebellion. He did his
work in the same slow obstinate way as he had done it in Jones's time, never
shirking and never volunteering for extra work either. About the Rebellion
and its results he would express no opinion. When asked whether he was not
happier now that Jones was gone, he would say only &Donkeys live a long
time. None of you has ever seen a dead donkey,& and the others had to be
content with this cryptic answer.
stole, nobody grumbled over his rations, the quarrelling and biting and
jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost
imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure. On the contrary, it is a
deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade
Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you
make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong
decisions, comrades, and then where should we be? - Squealer
Surely there
is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back? (Ch. 4)
Once again
the animals were conscious of a vague uneasiness. Never to have any dealings
with human beings, never to engage in trade, never to make use of money— had
not these been among the earliest resolutions passed at the first triumphant
Meeting when Jones was expelled?
the animals had been about equally divided in their sympathies, but in a
moment Snowball’s eloquence had carried them away. (Ch. 6)
Comrades, do
you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in
the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL! -Napoleon (Ch. 6)
Farm, Animal Farm,
Never through me shalt thou come to harm!
Muriel reads the writing on the barn wall to Clover, interestingly, the
words are, &No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.&
At the foot
of the end wall of the big barn, where the Seven Commandments were written,
there lay a ladder broken in two pieces. Squealer, temporarily stunned, was
sprawling beside it, and near at hand there lay a lantern, a paint-brush,
and an overturned pot of white paint. (Ch. 8)
None of the
animals could form any idea as to what this meant, except old Benjamin, who
nodded his muzzle with a knowing air, and seemed to understand, but would
say nothing. (Ch. 8)
&Ah, that is
different!& said Boxer. &If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.&
Somehow or
other, the last two words had slipped out of the animals’ memory. But they
saw now that the Commandment h for clearly there was
good reason for killing the traitors who had leagued themselves with
Snowball. (Ch. 8)
Somehow it
seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals
themselves any richer— except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs.
good, two legs better! (Ch. 10)
Chapter 10
creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig
but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Chapter 10, last sentence.
Novel Questions (must be completed by the
end of each chapter) Support your answers.
Chapter 1:&&&&& Idealism
(A)&&&&&& Look at the following promises contained in
Beasts of England; then identify where and how each “joyful tiding” is
destroyed. Think about what you have read so far in chapters one through
Tyrant man shall be o’erthrown.
Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Riches more than mind can picture.
All must toll for freedom’s sake.
(B)Which word do you think best describes the propaganda techniques of the
following examples? Why?
(see propaganda techniques above)
·“We are slaughtered with hideous cruelty.”
·“And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter.”
** Propaganda avoids the use of facts. It is designed to
manipulate people, arouse emotions, and inspire action. **
Question:& Find some facts in Old Major’s speech
and write them in your notebook.
Chapter 2:&&&&& Animalism
(A)State the corruption that is evident in this chapter.
(B)How are the animals deceived into believing that the commandments will
never change?
(C)Show how Squealer is a spin doctor or propaganda machine.
Chapter 3:&&&&& Four Legs G Two Legs Bad
(A)How does Snowball explain that although the birds have two legs, they are
(B)Do the animals understand what Snowball is saying? Are they meant to
understand? Explain.
(C)Satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly
and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
Explain what Orwell is
satirizing in Snowball’s explanation.
(D)Every fable has a moral, that is, a lesson to be taught or learned.
Describe the moral of the
mini-fable that Orwell relates between the cat and the sparrows.
Chapter 4: &&&& Battle of the Cowshed
(A)Discuss how the success of Animal Farm causes anxiety and fear amongst
neighbouring farmers.
(B)Explain how the brutality of Man towards the animals is not unique.
(C)Predict why Napoleon is absent from the Battle of the Cowshed.
Chapter 5:&&&&& The Windmill
(A)Explain the conflict between Snowball and Napoleon.
(B)How does Napoleon succeed Snowball?
(C)Are the animals really aware of the consequences of this power struggle?
(D)How is Napoleon’s dictatorship realized at this point in the novel?
(E)How does Napoleon discredit Snowball?
(F)Why does Napoleon decide to have the windmill built, a project that he
was bitterly opposed to doing?
Chapter 6:&&&&& No Animal Shall Sleep in a Bed of
(A)What are the hardships that the animals encounter in building the
(B)State the various ways in which the corruption intensifies.
(C)How is the windmill destroyed? Why does Napoleon blame Snowball for its
(D)Napoleon uses language to his advantage. Look at the last paragraph of
this chapter and explain what the true intent of the following is:
this miserable
the repetition of comrades.
What is the tone of the end
of the speech? Why?
Chapter 7:&&&&& Suffering and Sacrifice
(A)Give examples of how the animals are suffering at the hands of those in
(B)How is this suffering and oppression hidden from Whymper on his weekly
visits? Why is it hidden?
(C)What is the true reason for the killings in this chapter? How does this
affect the animals?
(D)Why is Beasts of England replaced with a new song?
Chapter 8:&&&&& Battle of the Windmill
(A)How were the commandments altered to this point (chapters 1 – 8)? Explain
why they were altered. Who is aware of the alterations, and why doesn’t this
individual say anything or warn the other animals?
(B)How is the poem written by Minimus in praise of Napoleon ironic?&&&&
Irony is the use of words to
convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.
(C)Why are the animals so passive when it comes to their basic rights?
(D)How did Napoleon allow himself to be duped (fooled) in regard to the
timber deal?
(E)Where was Napoleon during the Battle of the Windmill? Why?
Chapter 9:&&&&& The Death of Boxer
(A)How were the animals continuously brainwashed into working while
suffering under Napoleon’s regime?
(B)Why was Boxer killed (sent to the knacker)?
(C)How are the animals placated after Boxer’s death?
(D)Describe the tone of Napoleon’s words after Boxer’s death.
(E)What did the pigs do with the money they received for Boxer?
Chapter 10:&&& Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better&&&
&&&& (A)&&&&&& What is the ultimate satire of this chapter? What is Orwell saying about
politics/governments and human beings in&&
Extract from He Got Game by Public Enemy
featuring Stephen Stills
Everything's approved
People used
Even murders excused
Folks don't even own themselves
Payin mental rent
To corporate presidents
1 outta 1 million residents
Being dissident
Who ain't kissin it
The politics of chains and whips
Got the sick
Missin chips and all the championships
What's love got to do
Wit what you got
Don't let a win get to your head
Or a loss to your heart
Nonsense perseveres
There’s something happenin here
What it is aint exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun over there
Yeah that’s right HA HA
Telling me that I got to beware
Its time we stopped children
What’s that sound everybody look
What’s going down
These are some serious times
That we livin in G
And our new world order
Is about to begin
You know what I’m sayin
Now the question is…
Are you ready for the real revolution
Which is the evolution of the mind
If you seek than you shall find
That we all come from the divine
You dig what I’m sayin
Now if you take heed to the words of wisdom
That are written on the walls of life
Than universally we will stand
And divided we will fall
Cause love conquers all
After reading chapters one through seven of
Animal Farm,
(created by M. Webb)
How do these quotes from He Got Game relate
to the animals' complacent attitude as the commandments change, and the way
of doing things on the farm change for the worse?
How do the quotes relate to the theme of government
corruption, manipulation, and Napoleon's absolute power and cruel behaviour?
How can the lyrics be used to motivate the animals
to take charge of their lives?
&Support your answers with
evidence from the novel


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