尼康nikon capture nx d-nx与nikon capture nx d-nx-d有何区别

白平衡调整、变形控制、色散去除,尤其在日出日落或者大光比场景等拍摄中非常有用,属于一旦拥有欲罢不能的功能。此外,最新版本的Capture NX2则已经从2012版(比Capture NX-D的better Quality更先进)升级到2013版,实现了亮度与色度的分开处理,对降噪依赖RAW的Nikon1而言,显然目前的Capture NX-D落伍了,可以对图片任意区域进行独立控制、摩尔纹消除、LCH等一应俱全,除了U Point。U Point(彩色控制点)是Capture NX2的核心竞争力,降噪处理方面Capture NX-D采用了尼康比较老的配置“Capture NX-D”是“Capture NX2”的免费版哦,Capture NX-D保留了Capture NX2大部分的功能,批处理、拉直、加载曲线
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WinDbg is a multipurpose
computer , distributed by Microsoft.
is the process of finding and re in computing it also includes exploring the internal operation of
as a help to development. It can be used to debug
applications, , and the operating system itself in . Like the better-known
(GUI), but is more powerful and has little else in common.
WinDbg can be used for debugging kernel-mode , created after what is commonly called the
which occurs when a
is issued. It can also be used to debug user-mode crash dumps. This is known as .
WinDbg can automatically load
files (e.g.,
files) from a server by matching various criteria (e.g., timestamp, CRC, single or multiprocessor version) via SymSrv (SymSrv.dll), instead of the more time-consuming task of creating a symbol tree for a debugging target environment. If a private symbol server is configured, the symbols can be correlated with the
for the binary. This eases the burden of debugging problems that have various versions of binaries installed on the debugging target by eliminating the need for finding and installing specific symbols version on the debug host. Microsoft has a public symbol server that has most of the public symbols for Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows (including ).
Recent versions of WinDbg have been and are being distributed as part of the free
suite, which shares a common debugging back-end between WinDbg and
like , , and . Most commands can be used as is with all the included debugger front-ends.
WinDbg allows the loading of extension
that can augment the debugger's supported commands and allow for help in debugging specific scenarios: for example, displaying an
document given an IXMLDOMDocument, or debugging the . These extensions are a large part of what makes WinDbg such a powerful debugger. WinDbg is used by the
product team to build Windows, and everything needed to debug Windows is included in these extension DLLs.
Extension commands are always prefixed with !.
While some extensions are used only inside Microsoft, most of them are part of the public Debugging Tools for Windows package.
The extension model is documented in the help file included with the Debugging Tools for Windows.
Ext is a standard Windows Debugger extension that ships with WinDBG and is loaded by default.
The most commonly used command is !analyze -v, which analyzes the current state of the program being debugged and the machine/process state at the moment of crash or hang. This command is often able to debug the current problem in a completely automated fashion.
When used without any switches, !analyze simply returns the results of its analysis. The -v and -vv give further details about that analysis.
Wow6432exts is a standard Windows Debugger extension that ships with WinDBG. It is used to debug processes running inside
(32-bit processes running in 64-bit Windows).
The SOS (Son of Strike) Debugging Extension (SOS.dll) assists in debugging managed programs in Visual Studio and WinDbg by providing information about the internal common language runtime (CLR) environment. This tool requires a project to have unmanaged debugging enabled. SOS.dll is automatically installed with the .NET Framework. To use SOS.dll in Visual Studio, install the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). To debug a process or memory dump, the sos.dll version must match the .NET Framework version. Psscor2 and Psscor4 are a superset of SOS.
Psscor2 is the Windows Debugger Extension used to debug .NET Framework applications that use the .NET CLR version 2.0 (.NET Framework versions 2 through 3.5). Psscor2 was developed for internal use at Microsoft as part of their Product Support Services tools. While Microsoft only released Psscor2 in 2010
Microsoft had been publishing commands from the extension several years before, causing difficulty for those who were trying to follow their processes.
Psscor4 is a Windows Debugger extension used to debug .NET Framework 4 applications.
WinDbg allows debugging a Microsoft Windows kernel running on a
using a . This can be achieved by using a
. In the case of VMware and , the VirtualKD extension adds native support for VM debugging to the Windows kernel, claiming to speed debugging by a factor of up to 45. For
and later, kernel debugging over network is allowed, allowing fast kernel debugging without special configuration.
The WinDbg protocol is not documented, but is supported by the
Getting Started: , ,
- information and free downloads
- Theory and examples, 111 slides
Replacement for SOS with a superset of commands
WinDBG v6.12.2.633 available via Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0
: Hidden categories:Nikon Capture NX2_百度百科
Nikon Capture NX2
尼康公司荣幸地宣布推出一款新型影像编辑软件,Capture NX 2。该软件是2006年推向市场的Capture NX的升级版,对于喜欢根据自己的创意,轻松快速地增强影像效果的摄影者而言,这是一款“真正意义上的便捷强大的软件”。
Nikon Capture NX2简介
Capture NX 2――快捷、简便、功能强大的影像修饰工具[1]
除了广受好评的彩色控制点外,还新增了选区控制点,为用户的画面细节提供非锐化(Unsharp Mask)和D-Lighting等增强功能,并可直接显示在显示器上。鼠标简单点击一下自动修复画笔,便可以清除画面上的斑点(拍摄时灰尘所致)。而Capture NX 2即会配合周边的色调作出自然的修正。同时,根据工作流程设定的工作区和改进后的编辑列表,可以进一步提高操作效率,拓展画面的表现力。
对于那些希望轻松编辑出高质量影像的摄影者来说,Capture NX 2是一款优秀的软件。
Nikon Capture NX2主要功能
1. 彩色控制点使影像编辑变得更简单
2. 选区控制点
只需鼠标点击选区控制点,便可对画面细节应用非锐化(Unsharp Mask)或D-Lighting功能。无需进行精确选择或遮蔽 — 选区控制点会识别出需修改区域。 根据自己的灵感轻松调节增强效果,便可对选定区域或选定区域之外的整个画面实现修饰。实际上,任何影像增强工具,包括D-Lighting、亮度、颜色、焦点、修正和降噪,都可使用选区控制点。 (Nik美国软件有限公司开发的U Point技术,使控制点可直观地进行操作。)
3. 自动修复画笔
4. 暗部/部调整
在[快速调整]下,使用[暗部调整]滑块可以调整阴影区,使用[高光部调整]滑块可以调整高光区。 还可直接在文本框内键入0~100之内的数值,进行更精细的调整。
[高光部调整] 功能支持RAW / JPEG / 影像,但对RAW格式最有效,因为可存储额外的高光信息。
该软件提供有4个工作区 — 浏览器、元数据,多功能和编辑,窗口的布局方便在各工作区之间切换。工作区的格式可保存,便于随后打开。可以定制各种快捷方式:
· 浏览器:以显示;也可以全屏缩略图显示
· 元数据:树形文件夹被相机信息和其他信息取而代之
· 多功能:同时显示缩略图和编辑列表;在最小化缩略图空间的同时,确保具有足够的空间用于编辑
· 编辑:关闭缩略图显示,打开编辑列表显示;确保具有最大的编辑空间
6. 快速修正
7. 同时打开多项设定
8. 分类标签/ 评级(XMP)
符合业界影像资讯标准XMP,支持9种标签和5种评级。并与ViewNX、Adobe Bridge和Windows Vista相兼容。能利用标签和评级对影像进行过滤和筛选。
9. 多种功能满足您对影像表现力的要求
动态D-Lighting功能(仅适用于NEF影像):仅适用于利用动态 D-Lighting功能拍摄的NEF格式的影像。对于为防止影像区细节被消除而在曝光不足条件下拍摄的影像,可以通过调整阴影区的亮度,使整幅影像获得合适的曝光,并具有很自然的对比度。
影像除尘(仅适用于NEF影像): 显著减少相片上出现的灰尘。
Fisheye镜头工具:通过对Fisheye(鱼眼)镜头(如AF DX 鱼眼尼克尔 10.5mm f/2.8G ED和AF鱼眼尼克尔16mm f/2.8D)拍摄的影像进行转换,使其显现出超广角镜头的拍摄效果。
Nikon Capture NX2软件更新
Nikon Capture NX2 v2.3.5版的改进:
1. 增加了对用D3100拍摄的RAW影像的支持[2]
2. 在“编辑列表”的“显影”部分中的“相机和镜头校正”下,更新了使用“自动失真”校正功能的镜头信息。
3. 修改了一些Picture Control Utility规格
4. 在“编辑列表”的“显影”部分中,修改了“相机设置”中Picture Control的一些规格。
5. 在打开某些RAW影像时无法顺利显示画面层次的问题已得到解决。 但此问题仍可能会在一些影像中出现。
6. 一些RAW影像在Capture NX 2的2.2.0–2.2.4版中显示过亮的问题已得到解决。
7. 如果应用“编辑列表”中“显影”部分的“相机和镜头校正”下的“影像除尘”功能,在个别情况下会产生大量噪音。此问题已得到解决。
在XP系统中安装时,需要先安装 Microsoft .Net Frameworks 2.0 运行环境:,Vista/Windows 7系统中自带该环境,无需另外安装。
.Nikon Capture NX[引用日期]


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