poly bridge 3 5怎么玩 poly bridge 3 5新手攻略指南 材料属性说明

poly bridge怎么玩 poly bridge新手攻略指南 材料属性说明_百度知道
poly bridge怎么玩 poly bridge新手攻略指南 材料属性说明
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时间: 11:00:34来源:作者:不错的小火机(0)
第 3 页 界面及状态说明
1.3 - 1.4 界面说明:
A项目菜单 B预算 C材料限制 D仿真速度 E应力(红绿色) F网格
1.5 - Simulator运动仿真:
The simulator models your design in 3D, with gravity. Vehicles attempt to
cross your bridge and boats travel down the river in a predetermined order.
Adjusting the speed modifier adjusts the speed of the simulation, this does not
affect speed of vehicles relative to the simulation. With stress view activated
you can see the live load on your bridge. See 1.5.1 - Stress View.
1.5.1 - Stress View应力状态
Stress view will display the live load on your bridge, from Low (Green) to
Medium (Yellow) to High (Red), during a simulation. Stress view can be best used
by adjusting the simulation speed and viewing your replays. See 7 - Replays, and
5.7 - Detecting Weak Points for more info.
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《Poly Bridge》按键功能详细介绍
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LOL男爵领域大区开启“呼朋唤友 会聚男爵”活Poly Bridge怎么造桥 新手指南+全关卡玩法技巧图解(3)
文章作者:互联网 发布时间:日 14:31
5 -Tips!5.1 - StaticJoints静态节点Red static joints are points to distribute the load ofthe structure and
vehicles. As they are immovable, connecting two static jointsdirectly to each
other has no effect.红色静态节点可以分配来自结构和车辆的负载。因为它们是不动的,所以直接连接两个静态节点,并没有什么卵用。静态节点5.2 - Triangles三角头Triangles are your friend! Triangles are one of the strongest shapes,
allowing loads tobe distributed throughout a structure without collapsing.
Equilateral triangles, triangles with all sides the same length, are especially
strong.三角头非常强,堪称陆地上最强的男人,而等边三角头也就是究极体三角头简直是宇宙最强。三角结构(三角形结构非常友好,是结构最强的形状之一,三角形使负荷分布于整体结构,可防止结构塌陷,而等边三角形则强度更高。)5.3 - Split Joints分离节点Split joints allow you to make planned joint breaks for use with hydraulics.
Ensure both sides of the split joint are supported independently.使用液压工具时需要先设置分离节点,同时要确保分离节点的两端有独立支承。5.4 - Pivot Points枢纽节点Pivot points can make or break your bridge, literally. Two lengths of
material create a pivot point at their joint and can greatly weaken a structure,
or be used in a drawbridge.枢纽节点既可以造桥,也可能断桥。因为枢纽节点会大大降低结构强度,但是吊桥就需要用的枢纽节点。动态示意图动态示意图动态示意图5.5 - Arches and Parabolas 拱结构与抛物线型结构Anarch or parabola is a very strong shape that distributes a load evenly
across a structure.拱结构与抛物线型结构能使负荷均匀分布。(能节省材料、提高刚度、跨越较大空间)拱结构示意图5.6 - Terrain地形Use the terrain to your advantage. Terrain, like static joints, is immovable
and can be used to rest your structures upon or against.因地制宜,利用地形作为静态节点。如下图,你可以利用地形来支撑你的结构。支撑点示意图不同形状支撑点5.7 - Detecting Weak Points 找出薄弱环节There are a few ways you can detect weak points in your structure. Turning
the stress view on allows you to see the live load on your structure during
simulation.You can adjust the speed of the simulation with the slider at the top
of your screen. In the replay viewer you can adjust the sliders to see a
frame-by-frame view of the action. See 7- Replays for more info.你可以通过几种方式找出结构的薄弱环节。通过运动仿真的应力视图你可以看到活载荷,屏幕上方还可以调节运行速度。重放录像的时候你还可以手动调节进度条滑块。手动调节进度条5.8 - Drawbridges 吊索桥This illustrates how the original angle(left) and length(right) of Hydraulics
change the final position of roads.下图显示了如何通过液压工具可以改变吊桥的角度(左图)和长度(右图)各种吊桥示意图6 -Suspension悬索桥Without getting too specific or technical, a suspension bridge primarily
works by placing the load of the structure upon pillars, compressing them
downwards.While tricky to work with, suspension bridges can span large distances
for much cheaper than steel.Hint: You don’t have to connect all joints on the suspension, just use what


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