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RPG Maker XP
RPG Maker XP
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&Gold # More/Less& crashes my game/the maker?!
I dunno how to search for this specific problem, and I can't get into the official forums despite buying it from there instead of steam, so I hope asking here is okay.
Whenever I tried to have an event taking away or giving the player gold, it crashes.
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TNB Test Screen 1&
RPG Maker XP guide for beginners
This guide is intended for people who have just purchased the software with no clue where to get started.&
60 ratings
Summer beach&
Desert Town&
() UNR + H-Mode7 Test&
Pokemon Route bauen RPG Maker XP 2/2&
Treasure Chest Guide
Introduction To This Guide:
The purpose of this guide will help you how to make a treasure chest that functions like in RPG Maker VX and VX Ace without using a switch, but a self switch. The guide won't be long, but it will be short enough to und...&
Scripting Tutorials?
To be honest, I'm trying to expand my range of RPG fans because I'm tired of working on projects no one cares about but me. I don't wanna advertise my stuff, I'm just searching people to discuss and exchange with.
I was working on some nice features the l...
General Discussions
[RMXP] Horsey&
All Hail the Mighty Scarecrow&
Selbsterstelltes Menü meines Spiels^^&
The Ultimate Move...&
???? ?????? ??? ???? ?
??? ??? rpg xp? ??? ???? ???. (?, ??? ???? ?? ??)&
Plant / item collecting system
This guide will teach you how to make simple, yet efficient system that can be used for things such as herb colecting, mining, chest looting and so on. This system can be easily edited without the need to edit every event you place separately.&
1 of 3 people (33%) found this review helpful1 person found this review funny
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0.1 hrs on record
Tags: SoftwareAdditional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from LibraryRPGMaker is infamous, and it is a successfull software franchise. This legacy edition is over 10 years old and is not getting any younger with the franchise now being at RPGMaker MV I do not think it likely I would ever come back to this edition if I was half serious about making a project.
4,964 products in account
How do I allow someone without rpg maker to play my game?
I cant seem to find a way to allow someone to launch a project i make. is anyone able to give me a detailed guide on how to do this. My target is windows 10 systems. Ive tried searching elsewhere with no real luck. any help at all would be amassive help. ...
General Discussions
Problem with Constant Loop
Hi I bought this software and for some strange reason things arent going well. For 3 days straight I been Building doing events ECT. But after a while i delete the events ( because it doesnt go with the story i have set up for the game ) and
then I creat...
General Discussions
Pokemon Essentials I need help
Idk if anybody else uses the Pokemon Essentials add on to RPGMXP but this might also be an issue people have without it idk. So basically, I'm trying to make one of the characters be in one place at one time, then a certain script is issued, and then the ...
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Title: RPG Maker XP
Release Date: 16 Sep, 2005
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Includes 6 items:
About This Software
RPG MAKER lets you create an original role-playing game without any prior specialized knowledge or training. RPG MAKER XP is full of the functions you've been asking for, including game data encryption and a scripting feature that lets you change the very heart of the RPG MAKER engine.
By improving the operating environment, the program can now provide support for a full-colour display and greatly enhanced graphic capabilities. With support for PNG full-color mode and alpha channel, you can adjust the settings for graphic translucency as well as specify the transparent color. RPG Maker XP includes three map layers, allowing you to create complex and layered maps. The program includes a base set of graphics and sounds that you can use and modify at no extra charge. You can also import your own graphics and sounds, making your game truly stand out.
RPG MAKER XP is equipped with the Ruby Game Scripting System (RGSS1), based on the Ruby language and customized especially for this program. Though mastering RGSS may take some time, it is a powerful tool in fully customizing your game. You can use RGSS to change how your game looks, feels, sounds and plays. If programming is just not your forte, you can turn to a wide variety of user-created scripts that's shared within the RPG Maker community.
RPG MAKER XP is perfect for beginners and experts alike.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/-bit OS is NOT supported)Processor: PC with 800MHz Intel(R) Pentium(R) III equivalent or higher processorMemory: 128 MB RAMGraphics:
or better video resolution in High Color modeStorage: 100 MB available spaceSound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card
Recommended:OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP/-bit OS is NOT supported)Processor: PC with 1.5GHz Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 equivalent or higher processorMemory: 256 MB RAMGraphics:
or better video resolution in True Color modeStorage: 500 MB available spaceSound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card
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rpg maker xp是一款日本达人玩家自制的rpg游戏傻瓜式开发工具,让没有编程基础的普通爱好者们也能制作出属于自己的rpg游戏。特点:软件的界面完全是图形化的,上手简单。用 RM 做游戏,只需要把要用的素材往窗口上生拉硬拽就可以了(手感很像 War3 的地图编辑器),拽完了调一下参数、事件,就具备基本的逻辑判断了,简单地游戏这也就足够了。如果会写 RGSS 的话,游戏的“功能性”上会有质的飞跃,比如显示个小地图、即使战斗等等;不会写的话也没关系,只要你在“游戏策划”天赋下的技能点儿点的合适,也能产出神作。软件的灵活性相对来说比较高。RM 显然是为了 RPG 而生,所以用它来做 RPG 还是得心应手的。不过只要你愿意,RM 也能做出解迷、战棋、动作游戏。有神用 RM 做了《魔塔(样板)》,有神用 RM 做了如@林夜风所说的《永夜幻想曲》,有神用 RM 再现了《仙剑98版》……毕竟引擎这种东西之于游戏开发者就好比相机之于摄影师,大神用 N73 也比渣渣用 1DS 拍的好。话说回来,限制也是有的。比如在制作横版游戏时会受到软件功能上的很大制约,制作动作类游戏时手感也不是那么到位(这就是我当时 72 小时没合眼赶进度研究 Action Game Maker 的原因)等等。其实一个二十来兆的小软件能做到这样已经非常牛逼了,在功能上有所割舍也是迫不得已的。更何况,对于一种叫“游戏策划”的生物来说,这些功能限制“都不叫事”。
rpg maker xp 1.03 中文版
下载帮助西西破解版软件均来自互联网, 如有侵犯您的版权, 请与我们联系。& RPG Maker 修改六维上限
查看: 4279|回复: 4
UID9987139主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分160金钱765 荣誉0 人气22 在线时间337 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 160, 距离下一级还需 40 积分
帖子精华0积分160金钱765 荣誉0 人气22 评议0
以无双 1.376 为例,无双 2 同理可改。
修改前:血、内上限 25000,四维上限 1200.
修改后:血、内上限 999999, 四维上限 9999.
需要修改的类:Game_Battler 和&&Game_Actor
说明:Game_Actor 是我方角色, Game_Enemy 则是敌人,Game_Battler 是两者的父类。
首先修改 Game_Battler
修改脚本 Game_Battler1,注释很清晰:
&&# ● 获取 MaxHP
&&def maxhp
& & n = [[base_maxhp + @maxhp_plus, 1].max, 25000].min
& & for i in @states
& && &n *= $data_states[i].maxhp_rate / 100.0
& & end
& & n = [[Integer(n), 1].max, 25000].min
& & return n
有两处 .min 语句,[]括起的是列表,.min 表示调用列表的 min 方法,取最小值。
将 25000 修改为 999999,可增大血上限至 999999
接着修改 Game_Actor
同理修改 Game_Actor。
注意这里的属性是基本属性,也就是去掉加成的数据,原上限为 999。可以根据需要修改。
查看 Game_Enemy 发现敌人的基本属性是没有上限的,而加成后的属性上限也随着 Game_Battler 的修改而增加了。
因此某些难缠的 Boss 会变得更加恐怖。
比较简单的方法是参照 Game_Actor 修改 Game_Enemy,修改获取基本属性的一系列方法,给敌人的基本属性加上上限。
例如,我们在 Game_Battler 中修改了 maxhp 方法,将血上限从 25000 修改为 99999.
现在我们在 Game_Enemy 再定义一个 maxhp 方法,照抄 Game_Battler 中同名方法的定义,只是将上限数值改回 25000。
最终子类 Game_Enemy 中的 maxhp 方法覆盖了父类 Game_Battler 中的&&maxhp 方法,敌人的血量上限仍为&&25000。
当然,子类 Game_Enemy 中的同名方法定义可以简化,以 maxhp 为例:
def maxhp
&&return [super, 25000].min
这里 super 调用了父类的同名方法(Game_Battler 的 maxhp)。
修改六维无上限修改敌人血量为 1己方命中率为 100%
UID主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分6金钱106 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间38 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 6, 距离下一级还需 194 积分
帖子精华0积分6金钱106 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Game_Battler 和&&Game_Actor
UID9987139主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分160金钱765 荣誉0 人气22 在线时间337 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 160, 距离下一级还需 40 积分
帖子精华0积分160金钱765 荣誉0 人气22 评议0
penching 发表于
Game_Battler 和&&Game_Actor
RPG Maker XP 》 脚本编辑器》 Game_Battler1 、Game_Actor
UID主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分6金钱106 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间38 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 6, 距离下一级还需 194 积分
帖子精华0积分6金钱106 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
东方平之 发表于
RPG Maker XP 》 脚本编辑器》 Game_Battler1 、Game_Actor
UID9987139主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分160金钱765 荣誉0 人气22 在线时间337 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 160, 距离下一级还需 40 积分
帖子精华0积分160金钱765 荣誉0 人气22 评议0
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