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MS& PCR Plate
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PCR Plate, 96-well, semi-skirted, flat deck, black lettering
Thermo Scientific&
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Thermo Scientific 96孔黑色标记半裙边全平PCR板可在不需要适配器的前提下,兼容绝大多数热循环仪及ABI平台(包括测序仪)。Thermo Scientific PCR塑料制品的设计、制造及检测工艺可确保其在PCR应用中的性能。配合使用粘附型和热封型封板膜时,该平板的最大板孔容积为0.3ml。
Thermo Scientific 96孔黑色标记半裙边全平PCR板
& 直接兼容包括ABI平台和测序仪在内的主要型号的热循环仪,无需适配器
& 带黑色字母标记的白色平板经优化用于qPCR,可提高荧光检测的灵敏度并减少误差
& 全平板利于密封和实验操作
& 具有SuperPlate规格,可提供4倍刚性,以用于机械操作
& 每个板孔周围均具有凸起的环状设计,可确保安全密封,保证无蒸发
& 均匀的薄壁,可提供最佳、最稳定的热传递
& 黑色字体标记规格带有黑色的字母-数字标记,可轻松实现板孔识别
& 切角位置:A12
& qPCR/实时 PCR
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
No Barcode
Black Lettered,&Clear
For Use With (Equipment):
Real-Time PCR Systems or Thermal Cyclers
96-well plate,&Semi-skirted
Product Size:
Reaction Speed:
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automated illumina truseq
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automated illumina truseq
关注微信公众号96R & 96S Magnet Plate
The 96R and 96S magnet plates are the original &SPRIPlates& designed by Agencourt Bioscience for use with the SPRI magnetic bead chemistry. These reliable workhorses are found&in laboratories all over the world where they are used in a wide variety of magnetic bead protocols.&
96R Ring Magnet Plate (A001219)
96 NdFeB Ring Magnets, Grade N38
Recommended reaction volume up to 350 &l
Use with 96-well microplates, round-bottom and V-bottom
Also works with 96-well PCR plates and -strips
Integrated Spring Cushion technology for complete liquid removal without tip occlusion
Gripper grooves on the long sides for robotic access
Product is identical with Beckman Coulter P/N A29164
96S Super Magnet Plate (A001322)
96 NdFeB Ring Magnets, Grade N48
Recommended reaction volume up to 1000 &l
Use with 96-well microplates (shallow & half-deep), round-bottom and V-bottom
Also works with 96-well PCR plates and -strips
Integrated Spring Cushion technology for complete liquid removal without tip occlusion
Gripper grooves on the long sides for robotic access
Product is identical with Beckman Coulter P/N A32782
Why Ring Magnets?
Ring magnets offer several benefits over post-style magnet plates:
Edge effects are minimized because each well in the plate has its own magnet
More magnetic material per well makes for faster separations
Greatly increased micr post-magnet plates tend to work with only very few plates
Ring magnets are compatible with 96-well PCR plates and - post magnets are not
Click to enlarge
On a ring magnet plate the magnetic beads form a circle around the perimeter of each well bottom. This leaves a bead-free area of several millimeters in diameter in the center of the well allowing pipet tips to efficiently aspirate sample supernatant, wash fluids, or eluates.& The 96S Magnet plate contains stronger magnets than the 96R, which allows for faster magnetic bead separation.
Integrated Spring Cushion Technology*
All Alpaqua magnet plates contain integrated Spring Cushion Technology. This technology allows plates to give way when tips come in contact with a well bottom, thus compensating for physical tolerances between labware and pipettors that can compromise precision aspiration.
*U.S. Patent 6,755,384
Alpaqua 96R and 96S Magnet Plates (A001219 and A001322) are compatible with a variety of microplate types such as PCR plates, deepwell plates, U- & V-bottom plates and most skirted, non-skirted, and semi-skirted 96-well PCR plates. (One example of a PCR plate that does NOT work is the full-skirted Eppendorf(R) twin.tec 96 well PCR plate because the wells do not reach far enough into the magnet ring. The semi-skirted and non-skirted versions of this plate are fine.). This product is generally not recommended for use with flat bottom plates.
Below is a list of sample plates we have used over the years that work well. This list is not comprehensive. There are many plates not specifically listed below that are fully compatible with&96R and 96S Magnet Plates. If you would like to use a plate that is not on the list, submit a sample to Alpaqua and we will test it. &
96 Well Round Bottom Plate, Polystyrene
96 Well PCR Plate, Skirted
1.2ML Square Well Storage Plate,&&Low Profile
2.2 ml Square Well Round Bottom Storage Plate
96 Deep Well Round Bottom Plate,&PP, 2 ml/well
* All trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
A1322-WS 96 Magnet Plate
PI3 96R Ring Magnet Plate
A001219 Product Passport
Comprehensive Line of Alpaqua Magnet Plates
Ring-shaped magnets pull magnetic beads to the well
perimeter allowing for maximum aspiration of supernatants, wash solutions and eluates
96R & 96S Magnet Plates contain integrated Spring Cushion Technology
96R Magnet Plates are recommended for use with separation volumes up to 350 ul
96S Magnet Plates have stronger magnets and are recommended for use with larger separation volumes up to 1 ml or viscous samples
96R & 96S Magnet Plates are compatible with a variety of microplate types such as PCR plates and U- & V-bottom plates
96S Magnet Plates are compatible with a variety of microplate types including deepwell plates for large volume separations
Alpaqua offers a line of magnet plates for use with 24-well, 96-well, 96-deepwell and 384-well microplates您所在位置:&>>>&&&MLL9601Bio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well
MLL9601Bio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well
<img id="MainPicImg" src="" alt="Bio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well" onload="javascript:if (this.width
所 在 地:
Bio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well(透明低位)MLL9601,Multiplate& Low-Profile 96-Well Unskirted PCR Plates .Multiplate PCR 反应板的聚丙烯构造使得蛋白质结合率极低且样品量保留率极佳。 当不需要完整的板时,可以用剪刀将这些板方便地切割成所需尺寸。 多用途无边缘设计
Bio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well(透明低位)MLL9601Multiplate PCR 反应板的聚丙烯构造使得蛋白质结合率极低且样品量保留率极佳。 当不需要完整的板时,可以用剪刀将这些板方便地切割成所需尺寸。 多用途无边缘设计使这些板与许多仪器兼容。 它们经过合理设计,与许多用于无油循环的密封系统兼容。小尺寸板较低的总高度 (15.50 mm) 可降低形成冷凝的可能性并提供快速 PCR、低容积反应和在荧光测定中捕获光线(例如荧光定量 PCR)等优点。Bio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well(透明低位)MLL9601主要功能推荐使用 5&125 &l 的 PCR 容积最大孔容积为 200 &l提供天然色和不透明的白色无 DNase、RNase 和人体 DNABio-Rad伯乐96孔无裙边PCR板Multiplate PCR plates 96-well(透明低位)MLL9601订购信息:MLL9601:96孔无裙边PCR板 透明 低位,25pkMLL9651:96孔无裙边PCR板 白色 低位,25PKMSB1001:B封膜 96孔板封板用(qPCR用),100PK
中国环保在线 设计制作,未经允许翻录必究.Copyright(C)
, All rights reserved.


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