
s.t. g(x)=0什么意思_百度知道
s.t. g(x)=0什么意思
s.t. g(x)=0什么意思最近看最优化方法看到的,谁能告诉下,谢谢!
使得(such that) g(x)=0.
  我全部查了一遍,也没有见到你所说的这个s.c.  处方常用拉丁词缩写与中文对照表  aa. Ana 各  a.c. Ante cibos 饭前  a.d. Ante decubitum 睡前  a.h. Alternis horis 每2小时,隔1小时  a.j. Ante jentaculum 早饭前  a.m. Ante meridiem 上午,午前  a.p. Ante parndium 午饭前  a.u.agit Ante usum agitetur 使用前振荡  Abs.febr. Absente febri 不发烧时  Ac.;acid. Acidum 酸  Ad.;add Ad 到、为、加至  Ad lid Ad libitum 随意、任意量  Ad us.ext Ad usum externum 外用  Ad us.int. Ad usum internum 内服  Alt.die.(a.d.) Alternis diebus(alterno die) 隔日  Amp. Ampulla 安瓶(瓿)  Abt.ccen. Ante coenam 晚饭前  Aq. Aqua 水  Aq.bull Aqua bulliens 开水,沸水  Aq.cal. Aqua calida 热水  Ap.com Aqua communis 普通水  Ap.dest. Aqua destillata 蒸馏水  Ap.ferv. Aqua fervens 热水  Ap.font. Aqua Fontana 泉水  Ap.steril. Aqua sterilisata 无菌水  b.i.d. Bis in die 1日2次  Cap Cape,capiat 应服用  Caps.amyl. Capsula amylacea 淀粉襄  Caps.gelat. Capsula gelatinosa 胶襄  Caps.dur. Capsula dura 硬胶襄  Caps.moll. Capsula mollis 软胶襄  Catapl. Cataplasma 泥济  c.c Centimetrum cubicum 西西,公撮,立方公分  c.g. Centigramma 厘克,百分之一公分  Cit. Cito 快  Collum. Collunarium 洗鼻剂  Collut. Collutorium 漱口济  Collyr. Collyrium 洗眼剂  Co. Compcitus 复方的  Ccen. Coena 晚饭  Cons Consperus 撒布剂  Cort. Cortex 皮  Crem. Cremor 乳剂  c.t. Cutis testis 皮试  d. Da,dentur 给与,须给与  d.d De die 每日  d.i.d Dies in dies 每日,日日  d.in amp. Da in ampullis 给安瓿  d.in caps. Da in capsulis 给胶襄  Dec. Decoctum 煎剂  Deg. Deglutio 吞服  Dest. Destillatus 蒸馏的  Dg. Decigramma 分克  Dieb.alt Diebus alternis 间日,每隔一日  Dil. Dilue,dilutus 稀释,稀的  Dim. Dimidius 一半  Div. Divide 分开,分成  Div.in p. Divide in partes 分……次服用  Div.inpar.aeg Divide inpartis aegualis 分成等分  d.t.d Da tales doses 给与此量  Em.;emuls Emulsum,emulsio 乳剂  Emp. Emplastrum 硬膏(剂)  Ext Externus 外部的  Extr. Extractum 浸膏  Feb.urg Febri urgente 发烧时  Fl. Flos,flose 花  Fol. Folium folia 叶  Fort. Fortis 强的,浓的  Fr. Fructus 果实  Garg. Gargarisma 含漱剂  g.;gm. Gramma,grammata 克  h. Hora 小时  Hb. Herba 草  h.d. Hora decubitus 睡觉时,就寝时  h.s. Hora somni 睡觉时  h.s.s Hora somni sumendus 睡觉服用  Hod. Hodie 今日  In.d In die 每日  Inf. Inrfsum 浸剂  Inj. Injectio 注射剂  i.h. Injectio hypodermatica 皮下注射  i.m. Injectio musculosa 肌肉注射  i.v. Injectio venosa 静脉注射  Lin. Inimentum 擦剂  Liq. Liquor,liquidus 溶液,液体的  Lit. Litrum 升  Lot Lotio 洗剂  Mist. Mistura 合剂  Ml. Millilitrum 毫升  Mg. Milligramma 毫克  Muc. Mucilago 胶浆剂  N Nocte 夜晚  n.et.m Nocte et mane 在早晚  Neb. Nebula 喷雾剂  o.d. Omni die 每日  O.D. Oculus dexter 右眼  O.S. Oculus sinister 左眼  O.U. Oculi utrigue 双眼  Ol. Oleum 油  Om.bid. Omni biduo 每2日  Om.d.(o.d.) Omni die 每日  Om.hor.(o.h.) Omni hora 每小时  Om.man. Omni mane 每日早晨  Om.noc.(o.n.) Omni nocte 每日晚上  p.c. Post cibos 饭后  p.o. Per os 口服  Pil. Pilula 丸剂  p.j. Post jentaculum 早饭后  p.m. Post meridiem 午后  p.prand. Post prandium 午饭后  Pcoen. Post coenam 晚饭后  Pro us.ext Pro usu externo 外用  Pro.us.int. Pro usu interno 内用,内服  Pro us.med. Pro usu medicinali 药用  Pro us.vet. Prousu veterinario 兽医用  Pulv. Pulvis 粉剂、散剂  Pt. Partes 部分  p.r.n. Pro kre nata 必要时  q.d. Quaque die 每日  q.i.d. Quarter in die 每日4次  q.h. Quaque hora 每1小时  q.4.h. Quaque 4 hora 每4小时  q.l. Quantum libet 任意量  q.n. Quante nocte 每日晚上  q.s. Quantum sufficit 足够量  q.semih. Quaque semihora 每半小时  r.;rad Radix 根  Rec Recens 新鲜的  Rp. Recipe 取  Rhiz. Rhizoma 根茎  s.;sig. Signa,signetur 标记,指示  s.i.d Semel in die 每日1次  s.l Saccharum lactis 乳糖  s.o.s Si opus(est)sit 需要时  Sem. Semen 种子  Ser.;syr. Sirupu,ssyrupus 糖浆  Solut. Solutio 溶液  Semih. Semihora 半小时  Sp. Spiritus 醵剂  Stat.;st Statim 立刻,立即  Supp. Suppositouium 栓剂  t.i.d. Ter in die 每日3次  t.;tr. Tinctura 酊剂  Troch. Trochscus 锭剂,糖锭  Tab. Tabella 片剂  Us. Usus 应用,用途  Ug.;ung. Unguentum 软膏  Us.ext. Usus externus 外用  Us.int. Usus internus 内服  Ut dict Ut dictum 依照嘱咐  Vesp. Vespere 晚上
皮下注射 或裸眼视力
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★ a long time to write something not that serious, and the 2010 New Year, sent a learned, I hope you can help. ★ the content is still perfect, the first paste catalog, please attention: → I → FLASH WEB GAME development process outlined in today's FLA
See: http://forum./about7155.html&sid=328b16b6a2cc4dc7a7fad sudo apt-get install make gcc g + + Reloading manual function sudo apt-get install manpages-dev Another method: sudo apt-get install build-essential After the impleme
Conclusion JPivot + Mondrian framework, the core engine response from the olap performance level from JPivot MDX query syntax, multi-dimensional query results back to the end, JPivot show multidimensional data. Functionally equivalent one. JPivot and
Keywords: Reactive Turquoise Blue G, disseminated Reactive Turquoise Blue G Qing copper phthalocyanine dye, Color Index No. C, I, V, Blue21. The parent molecule by the condensation of 4 indoline formed after the copper complex, in so dye, phthalocyan
Transfer from the following: /aspnetx/archive//1573513.html This will simulate a data warehouse system, including user data, product data and order data. Based on these data structures to establish multi-dimensional da
Keywords: Bi Wen Pik Wen dye clothing suitable for dyeing cotton fabrics, adhesive function by adsorption on the fabric surface, its friction fastness and poor production by biological enzyme treatment showed bright anti-white cloth (especially the b
Keywords: Reactive Turquoise Blue G staining characteristics and disseminated Technology Introduction Reactive Turquoise Blue G is a copper phthalocyanine dye, Color Index No. C. I. V. Blue 21. The molecular matrix from the four different indoline co
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Question: [Yangzb @ yangzb-desktop: ~] $ which g + + bash: type: g + +: not found [Yangzb @ yangzb-desktop: ~] $ sudo apt-get install build-essential Reading package lists ... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information is complete ... th
@ G Ming Jia Shen gamma Top &Happy Camp& has been concluded, on the 1st night, my heart has also been retained Han Geng and the origin of the video last hug, some feeling poured forth, so that more write longer posts, with sensational have venti
Keyword: Li Guo-Rong Xu 1, 2 * 1 from the cited Beijing Institute of Clothing Materials Science and Engineering, 100029, B 2 Beijing research and development and evaluation of clothing materials, Key Laboratory, 100029, B Abstract of na
/// &summary& /// Simple Code Generation Pinyin /// &/summary& /// &param name=&unicodeString&&Unicode Encoded string &/param& /// &returns& Simple Code alphabet :string&/returns& public static string GetPinyi
&? /* * The Chinese characters, words into Chinese Pinyin and Bopomofo abbreviations , If : Deep development &shenfazhan, sfz * Note : The file encoding must be gb2312 */ $d=array( array(&a&,-20319), array(&ai&,-20317), array(&qu
Author: jiesin.x.liu Talk about the understanding of BI, to eliminate &false&, &big&, &empty& words, from the definition of BI, the basic technical, professional terms, examples of applications and extensions such as re-descr
[Introduction] Forum yesterday major version of SQL Server adds a BI board, discussion was heated, as environmental issues previously because the customer has been using sql 2000, how did things that concerned a recent shopping basket just to do the
BI - Business Intelligence DW - Data Warehouse Must be the highlight of the next 10 years. We know that enterprise applications are now more and more natural growing amount of data, especially telecommunications, banking, erp, e-commerce, social netw
Original author (
) [Introduction] gcc and g + + respectively, gnu's c & c + + compiler, gcc / g + + compiler to work in the implementation of the time, a total of 4 steps need to 1. Preprocessing, generation. I file [pre-process
As title, need to explain! Each matching pattern needs to explain that / g mean ah? Thank you. There str.replace (/ ^ \ s *(.*?)[ \ s \ n] * $ / g, '$ 1') of $ 1 'mean? A: g stands for global (all), is to open the global match, $ 1 is equal to the pr
Took the title too hard, sweat ^ ^ Main is the case, see screenshot: See html code: &select name='sheng' onchange='JavaScript:areas_load(this.value);'&&option value='0'& Please select a province &/option&&option value='13'&A - Anhu
Output of all characters with the program (Python) && & Output of all characters with the program (Python) && & for ch in xrange (0x4e00, 0x9fa6): print unichr (ch) && & 1 D Yu 7 Shangxia, C lofty three levels
Reference: /javase/6/docs/platform/jvmti/jvmti.html JVM JVM TI for external access through the JVM internal state defined standards of service, basically a variety of performance analysis tools are based on the JVM TI and its prede
g + + under the long long problem This has a data type to use 64-bit long long, g + + compiler in use when the error, the results under google, paste code, note! #include &stdio.h& #include &stdlib.h& int main() { unsigned long long a = 0xffff
ubuntu-9.10 install g + + problem solving This problem is quite difficult, should be the package dependency. Reference to this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1182851 Specific methods are as follows: (via CD installation) sudo apt-cd a
/ * * According to press the keyboard filter select * / var key2code = (65: &a&, 66: &b&, 67: &c&, 68: &d&, 69: &e&, 70: &f&, 71: &g&, 72: &h &, 73:& i &, 74:&
There was once a luxury only the clothes on the king every day, regardless of anything else, and eventually even has cheated, and nothing to wear out! No one to expose the lies, even boasting, the last word before a child naive end this farce. The ab
VMware virtual machine I was using Ubuntu, use iso to install, so no installation CD. Need to compile a program recently and found that Ubuntu 8.04 is not installed by default g + +, and the computer is not networked, only through the offline mode to
< page is no longer jump up, put a picture, right click the client area of the page Jump to page hk. Abstract out the event handling code to sustenance google
the tragedy! var gcn=gcn||{}; gcn.listen=function(a,e,b){ if(a.addEventListen
Recently, I transferred the software from the project management department, that company after the java project groups to take over all of the items are business intelligence, business intelligence platform that is based on the development and appli
Have half a month into the new department, and into the new project team has for several days, team members rarely present, we are all waiting down the demand for new projects! We are now ready to work is to study Pentaho BI. In fact, the company sel
Have half a month into the new department, and into the new project team has for several days, team members rarely present, we are all waiting down the demand for new projects! We are now ready to work is to study Pentaho BI. In fact, the company pre
Install g + + compiler After installing ubuntu10.04 found. Cpp files compiled not found g + + is not installed, compiled, reported the following error: gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory so search his last. Steps a
Many commercial BI suite, the same, quite a few open source BI suite, but we do not share, so many of the best BI suite has not been used. The following summary of the open source BI suite, the main function of concentration in the OLAP multidimensio
Author: Dai Ziliang In this paper, the background of huge amounts of data to study the situation in the mass data mass data processing and optimization methods, combined with the author's own work experience, put forward practical and feasible for ma
Use (1): pinyin.go ('character'); / / example: Zhangjiajie ZhangJiaJie (first word capitalized) Use (2): pinyin.go ('character', 1); / / example: Zhangjiajie zhangjiajie (all lowercase) var pinyin={ mfkdb:[ ['A',' A Aaaa '], ['Ai',' Oh hey Egypt suff
1, compiled C file main.c file as follows: # Include &stdio.h& int main () ( printf (&Hello world!&); return 0; ) And then compile gcc-o target name C language file names Such as: deepfuture @ deepfuture-desktop: ~ $ gcc-o dp main.c deepfu
gcc and g + + is GNU (organization) of a compiler. Misunderstanding 1: gcc can compile the c code, g + + can compile c + + code can be both, but please note: 1. Suffix. C's, gcc use it as a C program, but g + + as a c + + suffix. Cpp, and bo
gcc will not complain the missing of return statement. foo.c int add (int l, int r) ( ) int main (int argc, const char * argv []) ( int result = add (1, 2); result + +; return 0; ) $ Gcc foo.c By add-Wall, gcc gives a warning $ Gcc-Wall foo.c foo.c:
Open Source BI system outlined 1. Overview Open source BI projects before 2005 and not much development, and to the prosperity of 2005, began to show a tendency to flourish in 2006. These numerous BI projects from the size and perfection of the BI sy
As the market continues to develop resources and enterprises in the monopoly price on the competitive advantage of more and more diluted, enterprise competition and gradually showing new features. As the future communication market of great uncertain
As the market continues to evolve, enterprises in the monopoly of resources and products more competitive on price dilution, competitive and gradually takes on new characteristics. Since the development of future communications market has great uncer
From the April 1990 Gartner Group put forward &ERP: MRP II's vision for the next generation& has been 20 years, with the advance of economic globalization, the rapid development of information technology, enterprise access to information and the
1). The project will start Project started at the meeting, will be identified with the user enterprise project schedule and implementation of Project. 2.) Business requirements analysis / sorting Work Objective: Understanding, collecting and verifyin
Now we compare the recognized business intelligence system is divided into reporting, OLAP, data warehousing, data mining, and five large ad hoc query, business intelligence system itself is only a relatively new concept, perhaps with the development
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