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→ 淘金之路:西部狂潮 (GoldenTrails)汉化中文版
淘金之路:西部狂潮(GoldenTrails)汉化中文版( 淘金之路:西部狂潮一款隐藏类解谜游戏。游戏中包括5个独特的地图区域,32个旷野的西部场景等待你去侦察,12个标志性的西部人物造型,以及无限制的游戏模式和秘密任务,令人兴奋的西部故事,将带给你一次精彩的西部冒险之旅 )
一款隐藏类解谜游戏。游戏中包括5个独特的地图区域,32个旷野的西部场景等待你去侦察,12个标志性的西部人物造型,以及无限制的游戏模式和秘密任务,令人兴奋的西部故事,将带给你一次精彩的西部冒险之旅。 欢迎来到狂野的美国西部世界。狡猾的土匪抢劫了乡下小镇
一款隐藏类。游戏中包括5个独特的地图区域,32个旷野的西部场景等待你去侦察,12个标志性的西部人物造型,以及无限制的游戏模式和秘密任务,令人兴奋的西部故事,将带给你一次精彩的西部冒险之旅。 欢迎来到狂野的美国西部世界。狡猾的土匪抢劫了乡下小镇的银行,但作为勇敢的Jack警长,你可以解决这宗棘手的案件。搜索区域内每一个角落和缝隙,从金矿、大峡谷、到帐篷小屋、以及更多场所,去捉拿罪犯,解开谜案。 游戏画面中具有很浓的西部韵味,人物的性格特征、服饰、到场景环境,所有的一切都是西部风格的,表现出很有个性的游戏画面。2D的卡通插画刻画的十分生动,为游戏增添了不少色彩。背景音乐也是西部风格的,有节奏感的背景音乐在游戏中会根据不同的情节而变幻。音效包括真实的枪弹射击声和各种角色发出的声音,既紧张也充满了趣味。 游戏中没有时间限制,玩家可以轻松进行。提示功能采取了储蓄时间的方式,等待一会便可以继续使用。《:西部狂潮》是“Awem Studio”带来的一款隐藏类解谜新作。游戏在玩法上变化不大,玩家需要寻找物品线索解开机关谜题,挑战射击类,收集众多的奖章奖杯!
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淘金之路:西部狂潮 (GoldenTrails)汉化中文版
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You may have noticed that I’ve been racing less. There are lots of superficial reasons. Injury (I’m recovered). Lil’ Golden Trails (I do find time for long runs on the weekends). Not in shape (sandbagging). The truth of the matter is that I have very little desire to compete at the moment. However, I’m as passionate about trail running as I’ve ever been. I simply enjoy spending time in nature.
I came across an article on
by Geoff Roess. He said something that just spoke to me:
“Trail running should be a celebration of the land in which we choose to run upon” –
Couldn’t have said it any better.
See you out on the trails!
Somewhere on Kenai Peninsula in Alaska
Many months of being sidelined by injury allowed me to do quite a bit of volunteering, accrue some trail karma (and free race entries), and watch hundreds of runners go through aid stations in the process. Also, I have noticed over the years that when I was racing close to others, I would often pass people at aid stations.
One of the aid stations I manned in 2011
When visiting the Monterey Peninsula, most people seek out super-scenic places along the coast to run on.
While those places are undoubtedly among the most scenic places in the world, they are also often very crowded (especially Point Lobos).
Monterrey from Jacks Peak
This past week and went out to search for snow.
There isn’t much in California right now.
So where to go? The , of course: . I only had a day, so that meant getting up at 3:30, driving up to Lassen, snowshoeing all day and then driving back.
Lassen Peak in the early morning light
This past weekend, I had the great pleasure of enjoying some of the most scenic trails anywhere at .
Located just south of Carmel and Monterrey, CA, Point Lobos is the first major park for anyone headed south along the spectacular Big Sur Coast.
Point Lobos is very popular and it’s not uncommon for people to have to park outside the gates and walk in (make sure you still donate $1 as an entrance fee! ). As a run, I recommend combining the North and South Shore trails.
Be prepared to stop and be mesmerized!
Waves crashing into rocks off Whalers Cove
One thing that I appreciate most about trail running is getting to see places I would have previously never hiked to or visited.
Below is a collection of some of my favorites.
Badlands on Oglala Lakota Reservation (South Dakota)
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This is the first of a series trail running guides I am planning to write.
The plan is for these to live on and on and serve as a resource for trail runners living or traveling to a particular location.
I am just one person, so please add your thoughts, suggestions and resources in the comments section. As I’ll be posting this on Martin Luther King Day, I thought I’d start with Atlanta, GA.
A typical trail in Atlanta in wintertime
Atlanta is known for many things.
‘Gone with the Wind’, countless roads named “Peachtree [something]” and underperforming sports teams (sorry, but it’s true).
However, few outside the South think of Atlanta as a center of trail running culture.
That’s too bad, because it is.
I should know. I lived in Atlanta for almost ten years and transitioned from road to trail running in this Pearl of the South before moving west to California.
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