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It was their business to mete out punhment, and they did it.
Some were oldoo old for the office. I have seen one sleeping on the
bench frequently, and only waking up to give sentence. Once while
the justice nodded h false
he awoke with a
start, and made a frantic effort to recover them. No doubt these
men were sound lawyers, but they were representatives of the
commun there was no sentimentality about them,
but they were rarely vindictive.
The legal profession, too, has changed. Where are the greasy,
drunken old solicitors that haunted the precincts of police-courts
twenty-five years ago? Gone. But they were common enough in those
days, and touted for five-shilling jobs, money down, or higher
prices when payment was deferred. With droughty throats and
trembling limbs, they hastened to the nearest public-house to spend
what payment had been given in advance. Here they would remain till
their clients were before the magtrate, and would then appear just
in time to say: "I appear for the proner, your Worship." Horrid old
men they were, the fronts of their coats and vests all stained and
shiny with the droppings of beer. Frequently the [Pg 6]magtrate,
unable to tolerate their drunken or half-drunken maunderings, would
ord but even th drastic treatment had little
effect upon them, for the next day, or even on the latter part of
the same day, they, apparently without shame or humiliation, would
inform h Worship that they were in So-and-so's case, and ask at
what time it would be takens if, forsooth, their engagements were
numerous and important.
The bullying solicitor, too, has dappeared or mended h ways. No
longer he allowed to bully and insult witnesses or prosecutors, and
cast scurrilous and unclean imputations on the lives and characters
of those opposed to him. Generally these fellows were engaged for
the "defence."
They one and all acted on the principle that to attack was the
best defence. I once heard an athletic young doctor ask a solicitor
of th kind, who had been unusually insulting, to meet him when the
case was over, assuring him also that he would receive h deserts
good thrashing. The pompous, ignorant solicitor, with neither wit,
words, action, utterance, nor the power of speeche, too, has gone.
One wondered at the strange fate that made so
wondered, too, how they passed the ne but
wondered most of all why people paid money for such fellows to
defend them. Invariably they made their client'
they always declined to let "sleeping dogs lie," and were
positively certain to reveal something or dcover something to the
dadvantage of the person whose interests they were supposed to be
upholding. I remember one magtrate,[Pg 7] sitting impatient and
fidgety while the weary drip of words went on, calling out
suddenly: "Three months' hard labour, during which you can ruminate
on the brilliant defence made by your solicitor!"
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