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安卓版《空中机甲 AirMech》即将发布上市
  Carbon Games即将发布他们的免费跨平台多人即时战略游戏:《空中机甲 AirMech》。早在今年四月份Carbon Games已经透漏过关于发布Android版《空中机甲 AirMech》的消息,现在距离这个发布时间越来越近。
  《空中机甲 AirMech》的Chrome版本自今年2月以来已经有大约250000玩家,Android版《空中机甲 AirMech》将采用触摸屏控制,但不是类似虚拟操纵杆的形式。如果玩家购买该游戏售价为20美元的测试包,将能访问游戏全部内容,并获得一架独家Beta战斗机。
相关文章:安卓 手机游戏 空中机甲
【PConline 评测】去年4月,一款即时战略游戏登录了Oculus Rift的专属商店,引起了大量的好评。这款名为《空甲联盟·命令(AirMech(R) Command)》的游戏在当时一堆4399大作中显得格外显眼。游戏发布一年后终于登录Steam,HTC Vive玩家也能玩了,小编为大家评测一下,究竟这款游戏好不好玩。
原标题:《AirMech Arena》评测 机器人与战机之间切换
  在商店选单中可以用游戏金币购买新的机种(需要等级解锁)、外观、新的单位、能追加不同能力的配件以及不同的驾驶员。也可以购买现金货币(钻石)或者用现金货币购买高级会员、道具、外观,部分的单位具有高级会员时便可以直接使用,不需要额外购买。当然免费玩家可以使用的兵种也可以算是非常多,主要的差别是Ultra 版本的驾驶员,特性变的更强了。
  前面提到过本游戏除了单人模式以外,也有多人合作跟PVP模式,你可以跟其他玩家合作对抗电脑,或者合作进行生存模式,合作模式需要在一场单人游戏中获胜,PVP 则是要在三场合作模式中获胜才能解锁。PVP模式中也分成积分战、非积分战、自订等不同模式,各位玩家在进行PVP之前先准备好自己的单位跟配备吧,如果没有强力兵种的话不要贸然尝试比较好,如果带着初始的四个兵种去打的话差距会太悬殊,最好是把兵种开得差不多再上路。
  除了自己进行对战以外,《AirMech Arena》也有观战模式,可以观看其他玩家的合作游戏或者PVP战斗,而且这个模式从头看到最后的话也是可以获得少量的玩家经验值的。观摩其他人的战斗也可以从中学习到不同的控兵、单位放置技巧,还有双方机体在地图上进行遭遇战时的驾驶技术。
  小编非常喜欢《AirMech Arena》这款游戏,而且高速的战斗、各种烽火交错有点让人上瘾,虽然去玩1V1的PVP对战发现兵种被压制的时候一度悔不当初,但看来驾驶技术还是可以补足兵种的差距的,应该是对手放水的关系。而且这游戏短时间内要做的事情多到早就塞满脑袋,没时间为了劣势沮丧,一直都是处在“觉得战斗非常刺激”的状态下,思考要如何突破拉锯,莫名其妙的就把优势带出来了。某些地图的步兵行进路线规划会有一些不会经过的区域(并且那些区域是玩家也不太会经过的地方)可以在这种地点囤积车辆,一次从旁进攻,满有效果的。总之,各位玩家们请不要错过这款家用主机上难得一见的即时战略游戏。
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自制 第一次上传~~然后呢~这个是叫AirMech Arena的游戏。。对我来说就是蛮不错的~~如果能多一点人就好了~~现在是只能3 VS 3,如果能 5 VS 5 然后地图大一点就好料了。。。满地都是坦克飞弹什么的~~
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Includes 101 Steam Achievements
Title: AirMech(R) Strike
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 8 Nov, 2012
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
&We want to make it clear to players that AirMech Strike is in active development mode and we are still experimenting with the game to make it the best it can be. As a Free to Play game, it is important to us to make the game fun and fair for anyone interested in a true Action RTS. We remember the days when demos were free, so to us Early Access as a F2P game is great since it lets anyone try the game 100% free, and give input that helps shape the game ahead of our official release and leaving beta.
Carbon has never made a Free to Play game before, with the dev team having worked on mostly retail or console paid games in the past. As such, we don't know what we are doing when it comes to making a F2P game loop, especially for a game that doesn't quite fit into any existing genres perfectly. Since one of our core values is to not make a game &pay to win&, this has us testing a lot of different approaches to find the best fit for AirMech Strike.
Our definition of success is to have the game operating where we can justify continued development post-release, meaning it generates enough income for a small dev team. We have recently crossed the 2 million player mark for the PC version, but have found it very difficult to offer players things they want to purchase--but we see people do like to play solo and coop a lot! We've decided to move a lot of the free content to a new paid game, while refocusing AirMech Strike on the core PvP experience.
All players who are marked as Silver VIP (our internal flag for a player having spent any money at any point) will be receiving a new game, AirMech Wastelands, for free very soon. It will serve as a companion game to AirMech Strike, with greatly expanded Coop missions, RPG loot, and all the restrictions removed that previously limited free accounts. The goal is no second class citizens in either game--in AirMech Strike, it is a level playing field for everyone, payer or not. And in AirMech Wastelands, everyone &owns& the game, putting us back in our older comfort mode of designing games.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&AirMech Strike will be in Early Access unitil August 2017. With the AirMech Strike update, our months of effort to rebuild the game are finally revealed, and we are focusing on finishing up the restructure and fixing bugs.
We will continue to update the game after leaving Early Access, we just don't feel the Early Access label is appropriate any longer. We've always had a very stable client, and we don't require to be paid before you can try the game, so it isn't representative of what some of the complaints players have about other games in Early Access. It's been fun, but we want to move up to full release now.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&We are patching AirMech Strike every few days. The full release will not be radically different than the current version (if you have seen the Strike update) but mostly will focus on bug fixes, tutorials, social feature hookups, and making sure AirMech Strike hooks in nicely to AirMech Wastelands, which uses a shared account. (players can move between the two versions if they want to do PvP, or the PvE/RPG game)&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&We have just posted a massive update to AirMech in the form of AirMech Strike. Players from a few years back will recognize this as the pure PvP action game they loved, which over time we crowded with bits and pieces from other F2P games in an effort to expand the appeal. We admit that was probably a wrong direction, as we annoyed the players who loved PvP by making it just another mode, and didn't seem to offer anything that the new players wanted to pay for.
The current version you see, AirMech Strike, is very close to our vision of what we want the Free to Play PvP game to be. We have disallowed many of the modifiers to combat which made PvP confusing and/or unfair, instead moving them over to AirMech Wastelands--and making them even better.
Since AirMech Strike is free, we suggest giving it a try to see if you like it. To us this is the best thing about being a Free to Play game--we don't have to promise the world, we can just let you try for yourself!&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&AirMech Strike will remain free. AirMech Prime, a package that includes currency, Boosts, and some exclusive cosmetics (among other perks) will increase 50% from the Early Access price. We have stated this for years now, and ingame we clearly mark this.
Other prices will remain the same.
Also, any player who has paid real money in the past (shown as Silver VIP ingame) will be entitled to receive the companion game AirMech Wastelands before it is sold to the public. After it is released, this offer will not apply, and AirMech Wastelands will likely be priced the same as AirMech Prime during Early Access. (sorry for not just listing prices, the local currency options make that tricky!)&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&Even before AirMech was on Steam, Carbon has maintained their own forums for interacting with the players. Carbon devs are often in Global Chat, monitoring the health of the game and the servers. We have an AirMech Council of dedicated players that advise the devs on game balance issues (and they are so happy to see AirMech return to its PvP roots), as well as community moderators who are players that have shown themselves to be helpful leaders.
On our forums we have been very open with the community about our development plans, who we are, why we wanted to make AirMech, and how we are continually trying to find that right combination to make the game profitable while not doing &bad& F2P things. We've been opportunistic to find other ways to help build AirMech, from doing console versions with Ubisoft to doing VR versions with AirMech Command.
It has been difficult to not find the right mix for so long, and the previous (pre-Strike) update was a bit of a disaster. We annoyed our loyal players by adding more solo content, and found the new players played a lot but didn't play with others, and didn't pay for anything.
We proposed different paths forward to our community, both publicly on our forums, and privately to paid supporters. We considered un-F2Ping AirMech, or even moving to a new game. Collectively the decision to split the game in two became exciting, as nobody misses out on anything. Over the past 6 months, we answered questions, laid out plans, and felt really good about the next steps.
After finishing AirMech Command earlier this spring, we set to work on &the split&. AirMech Wastelands started as the older version of the game, first by removing F2P mechanics, then greatly adding to the missions and overworld design of the game. Without worry about F2P, true progression came in the form of tons and tons of parts to earn as drops, buy from vendors, and we see a really cool RPG rising up.
At the same time, we trimmed AirMech Strike back to its roots. How to get players to play PvP? Just literally put them in a lobby. A 3D lobby. Make it easy to invite friends, use matchmaking, create custom games, browse for custom games--everything the hardcore PvP crowd had been asking for.
The community has been incredibly supportive during this process. As a tiny self-funded dev team (which means we are community funded) this is the only way we could have made it this far. A huge thanks to everyone from the Carbon team!&
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Recent updates
2 December
We've got a large list of changes to bring over from our work on AirMech Wastelands. Many of these changes directly affect gameplay. Some AirMech abilities have been changed to include a charge up mechanic. A charge bar will appear over your mech's HP bar while charging. All AirMechs can now jump up to higher terrain with Spacebar. Press it twice to boost forward for a quick escape!Unit deployment has been improved with a 'Deploy to Target' mechanic. Set a rally point for newly built units by pressing E. Press once to set the flag on your AirMech, twice to set it on the ground at your AirMech's location, and once more to clear the deploy to target behavior. Units will also deploy from the nearest friendly structure automatically by default. You can hold Ctrl when giving a build order to keep the unit in queue for pickup later. Veterans probably won't like this behavior, so we've added an option in the Gameplay Settings to swap the Ctrl keybind. This will hold all units in queue unless Ctrl is held when issuing build orders.The new Jump/Boost system is 95% in place, just needs a little more tuning and tweaking, and then we'll balance it for all the classes so each has its own feel. The Boost is activated by doing a double jump in a direction, and it uses some Energy. If you would rather always Boost on jump, there is a game option to make it default that way. We still have a few bugs related to getting up on things that don't make sense, but we're aware of those and will be fixing it. Already it changes combat a ton and has been fun to play around with.We reworked Chat a couple patches ago and didn't explain in detail how it works. We probably need to add a Chat tutorial! The main thing we set out to solve was accidentally chatting while ingame, which sucked. So we started fixing that and ended up making a lot of small changes. The most important thing to learn about the new chat is the double-Enter action. Tapping Enter twice will minimize or maximize chat. When chat is maximized, you can type and pressing enter keeps your cursor in chat. If chat is minimized, then every time you press enter the chat will get de-focused.The intended flow is that most of the time when you are playing, chat is minimized, and if you see something you need to respond to, or want to message your teammate, you press Enter, type your message, and press Enter again and you're back playing. When chat has focus, you can use Tab to switch between channels. And just in case you didn't know, you can right-click their name and it will @name them.General Updates: improvements to Helix grenade targeting and effects Carbon color Void mechs are now purple because that's cooler than orange add game option for how Jump/Boost works press Spacebar to jump while in ground mode, press again to boost forward at the cost of some fuel press E to set a rally point on your mech, press again to set it on the terrain, and once more to clear it updates/rework on mouse aiming units now deploy automatically at nearest friendly structure, hold Ctrl to store in queue swap Ctrl key behavior in Settings & Gameplay max build queue reduced from 8 to 6 replaced Angel's Glide ability with Stasis Shot, which temporarily disables enemies Helix's ground guns replaced with rockets, hold to charge for more rockets Helix's missiles replaced with grenades Bomber's bombs now have a charge, level 4 bombs have napalm! rightclick in ground mode for Warthog's melee units are highlighted when the mouse cursor is over them Striker shield absorbs damage at the cost of energy again Striker sword now drains energy per successful hit Saucer deathray no longer consumes energy while charging up updates to Medic Osprey ground mode updates to some Challenge maps tweaks to the new player tutorial pressing Enter now focuses chat, Tab will switch chat channels added a shortcut to the shop from the lobby removed unused piercing stat from WhopperBug Fixes: various desync and crash fixes List PvP games in Watch tab again fixed zero Kudos reward on endgame screen potential longawaited fix for repeat Steam achievements fixed Blaster Guardian not firing while in air modefix fully heal at outpost
fixed a bug that prevented AirMechs from fully healing from an outpost fixes for main lobby fixed launching solo custom lobbies for players without server compatibility fixed missing icons on gamepad build menu fixed diamond purchases (for Steam users) fixed a crash when saving maps in the editor fixed launching published maps fixed AirMech button in main lobby fixed overlapping page buttons in AirMech customization UI fixed Helix's transformation when firing fixed Paladin AI using the Speed Aura fixed a desync when inviting players from the Friends window fixed market listings appearing in the shop after swapping menus fixed private listing symbol in market list view fixed Buy Now! button in market list view fixed spectator minimap sizing fixed some missing tiles on some Challenge maps fixed the scaffolding prop on Biohazard so players can walk over them minor prop fixes for Dust fixed missing background on password field for new account creation
6 November
Today we have retired the September 2016 build of the original (non-Strike) AirMech. We had left that build up while we worked to get AirMech Wastelands ready for release, as there were some game modes and features only available pre-Strike.Now that AirMech Wastelands is available for all VIPs, we need to disable that build so we can continue adding new features to AirMech Strike and AMW.We were glad to offer support for it for so long, and though it was a pretty neat trick to be able to maintain compatibility between builds for almost a year and a half apart, considering the original intention was just to support a few versions so we would never have to have &downtime& while we patch the game.The next couple weeks we will be working to stabilize AirMech Strike so it is compatible with AirMech Wastelands and everything plays nice together. When things are nice and solid, we will remove the Early Access state--finally!
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About This Game
AirMech(R) Strike is a fast paced Action-RTS game that can be played online competitively or cooperatively. Earn Kudos and Experience in battle and unlock a wide collection of AirMechs and Units while you practice the perfect strategy to emerge victorious!AirMech has recently undergone a huge overhaul to prepare the game to leave Early Access. This includes a new 3D lobby, new Matchmaking and Ranking system, and a return of Custom games and a Lobby browser. This version is actively replacing many of the old systems of the game, so we appreciate your patience while we finish this significant improvement. We believe that upgrading AirMech to Strike is a better approach than making AirMech 2, since it keeps all your current progress.Some of the systems we have experimented with during Early Access which do not fit Strike's PvP focus are coming to AirMech Wastelands, a companion game which does not contain any PvP. Look for that coming soon!Action-RTS Transformed: DotA-style gameplay with transforming robots each with their own unique stats and abilities. Fast paced action and shorter game lengths keep the battle intense!Customize Your Army: Choose your AirMech and your Units to take into battle and help your team claim victory. Also unlock custom Variant AirMechs (skins) to have a unique look ingame.Control Options: Supports both mouse/keyboard and Xbox 360 gamepad. Controls can also be completely customized for personal preference.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS:Windows 7 Processor:Intel i3 Memory:4 GB RAM Graphics:8800 GT DirectX(R):11.0 Hard Drive:2 GB HD space Sound:Yes Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Recommended:OS:Windows 10 Processor:Intel i5 (quad core or better) Memory:8 GB RAM Graphics:GTX 660 or Radeon 7970 DirectX(R):11.0 Hard Drive:4 GB HD space Sound:Yes Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
Carbon Games inc. AirMech is a trademark of Carbon Games inc in the United States and other countries.
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