wow2.0nd 治疗手法要怎么用啊,求大神支招

[心得]WoW 2.0详细解析-下
Button和Target目标选项The option [button:&x&] works similarly to the modifier button. Normally, if you left-click a button, it performs whatever action is in that spell, in our case a macro. However, if you set the button option, you can change the behavior of a particular macro. The default button is 1, the Left Mouse button. Note that when you activate a macro via a keybinding, it treats it like a Left Mouse button click. The numbered buttons are: 1 or LeftButton 2 or RightButton 3 or MiddleButton 4 or Button4 5 or Button5 ... or any of the buttons remapped by the secure state headers. I don't know what this last bit means, to be honest, I'm simply quoting slouken. 条件选项[button:&x&]运作起来类似于修改按键。一般来说,当你左键点击一个按钮,它就执行(宏)里面所有的动作,然而,如果你设置了button条件选项,你可以改变宏在特定按键上的表现。默认按键是1,鼠标左键。注意,如果你通过按键绑定来触发一个宏,它会认为是通过鼠标左键点击触发。被编号的按键有:1 或 左键2 或 右键3 或 中键4 或 按键45 或 按键5...以及其他一切在“安全声明头文件”中定义的按键。我不太确定这是什么意思,仅仅只是引用Slouken的表述。lostcup: 官网UI论坛中有一篇Iriel(论坛MVP)写的SecureStateHeader Example Code,类似于一个模版,插件作者可以生成一个实例去修改默认设定。/cast [button:2,target=player] Flash H [help] Flash Heal This macro would cast Flash Heal on a friendly target, OR if you clicked it with the right mouse button, it would cast Flash Heal on you. The [target=unit] is a special option. Instead of evaluating to 'true' or 'false', it changes the target of the following spell AND the target of the other options. "Unit" can be any valid unit type, i.e. "player", "target", "targettarget", "party1", "party1target", etc etc. For more on unit types, go here: /施放 [button:2, target=player] 快速治疗; [help] 快速治疗这个宏将向友方目标施放快速治疗,或者如果你右键点击它,则向自己施放快速治疗这里[target=unit]是一个特殊的条件选项,它并不检测条件是否成立,而是改变施法的目标以其他条件选项的目标。“unit”可以是任何有效的unit类型,例如“player”,“target”,“targettarget”,“party1”,“party1target”,等等。想了解更多的unit类型,可以去这里:Keep in mind that every spell has a default target of "target". So, for example: /cast [help] Greater Heal is the same as /cast [target=target, help] Greater Heal Unless you add in a [target=unit] option, the default will be your current target. Possible examples of [target=unit]: /cast [target=player] Flash Heal This spell will always cast flash heal on yourself. Note that your current target will be unchanged. /cast [help] Flash H [target=targettarget] Flash Heal This will cast Flash heal on your target if it is friendly, OR it will cast Flash Heal on your target's target. /cast [help, combat] Flash H [help, nocombat] Greater H [target=targettarget, help, combat] Flash H [target=player] Greater Heal This will either 1) Cast flash heal if the target is friendly and you are in combat, 2) cast greater heal if the target is friendly and you are NOT in combat, 3) cast Flash Heal on your target's target if you are in combat and that unit is friendly, or if none of those conditions is true, it will cast Greater Heal on yourself. If you use the unitid "none" it acts as if you had NO target. For example: /cast [target=none] Dispel Magic This would cast Dispel Magic and then ask for a target, regardless of whom you have targetted currently. 请注意,任何一个施法都有默认的target,那就是“target”,例如:/施放 [help] 强效治疗术就和下面的宏等同:/施放 [target=target, help] 强效治疗术除非你加入一个[target=unit]条件选项,默认则就是你的当前目标。一些[target=unit]的例子:/施放 [target=player] 快速治疗总是向自己施放快速治疗,并且不会改变你的实际目标/施放 [help] 快速治疗; [target=targettarget] 快速治疗如果目标是友善的,则向他施放快速治疗,否则向目标的目标施放快速治疗。/施放 [help, combat] 快速治疗; [help, nocombat] 强效治疗术; [target=targettarget, help, combat] 快速治疗; [target=player] 强效治疗术这个宏可以 1) 如果你处于战斗中且目标友善时施放快速治疗,2) 如果你目标友善且没有在战斗中则施放强效治疗术,3) 如果你处于战斗中且你目标的目标为友善,则向他施放快速治疗,4) 如果前面的条件都不成立,则向自己施放强效治疗术。如果你使用none作为unit,则它会像你没有选中目标一样工作,例如:/施放 [target=none] 驱散魔法这将施放驱散魔法且等待你点中一个目标,无论你当前是否选中了一个目标。&你有发掘新闻的眼光你有表达心声的权利CastsequenceNew Command: /castsequence ---------------------- There's a new command in WoW 2.0, called /castsequence. It allows you to set up a series of spells to cast one after another, on each subsequent click of the macro. The format is: /castsequence [&options&] reset=&#&/target/combat &spell1&, &spell2&, &spell3& "Huh? Say what?" It sets up a list of spells, and the first time you click the macro, it casts the first spell on the list. The next time you click it, it will cast the second spell, and so on. When it gets to the end, it goes back to the beginning. "I'm still not following you." 新的宏命令:/castsequence---------------------- 在WoW 2.0中出现了一个新的命令,/castsequence。它允许你在一次次点击某个宏时,将其中定义的一系列法术逐个施放,格式如下:/castsequence [&条件选项&] reset=&#&/target/combat &法术1&, &法术2&, &法术3& “啥?你在说啥?”它设定了一个法术列表,当你第一次点击这个宏时,它施放列表中的第一个法术,第二次点击的时候,施放第二个法术,以此类推。 当它施放完最后一个时,又回到起始点开始循环。“我还是不太明白耶。”Ok, lets say you are a mage. Sometimes you need to Frost Nova and Blink away quickly. You can't do them both at the same time, so you set up a sequence to do it! /castsequence Frost Nova, Blink And there you have it. The first time you click it, you Frost Nova, then you click again and Blink away. "And what happens if Frost Nova is on cooldown? Does it Blink instead? Or does it just skip over Frost Nova and do Blink on the next click?" Neither one. If the spell fails to cast (due to cooldown, out of range, not enough mana, whatever) then the sequence does NOT go to the next spell. The next time you click the macro, it'll try to Frost Nova again. (NOTE: A resist, dodge, parry, etc does NOT count as a failed cast. The spell/ability successfully went off, it just missed.) OK,假设你是一个法师,有时候你需要冰霜新星后立刻闪现开,你没法同时做到这些事情,现在你可以设定一个序列去做!/castsequence 冰霜新星, 闪现就这么简单,第一次你按这个宏,你施放冰霜新星,再按一次,闪现。“那如果冰霜新星在冷却中怎么办?它会直接施放闪现么?还是不施放冰霜新星,等第二次按这个宏的时候,再施放闪现?”都不是。如果法术无法施放(冷却,超出距离,法力不足等等情况下),序列就不会走到下一个法术,下一次你再点这个宏的时候,它会再度尝试施放冰霜新星。(抵抗,躲闪,招架等并不会算作无法施放,这些情况下法术/技能确实施放了,只不过没有命中。)"What if I'm not in combat? I don't want to waste a Frost Nova if I'm not actually fighting." You can still use all the same macro options (however, you cannot set options for each individual spell, only for the whole sequence. Sorry.) /castsequence [combat] Frost Nova, Blink "Eh, I was just kidding about that combat stuff. Ok, so what happens if I Frost Nova, and decide not to Blink away? The next time I want to Frost Nova, it'll be stuck on the 'Blink' setting?" Not a problem. We'll use the new "reset" setting. Since Frost Nova has a cooldown of 24 seconds normally, we'll set the sequence to reset after 24 seconds of non-use. /castsequence reset=24 Frost Nova, Blink The first time you click your macro, it will Frost Nova. If you decide not to Blink, after 24 seconds it will reset back to Frost Nova. Since Frost Nova's cooldown also happens to be 24 seconds, it'll be ready to use again. Brilliant! “如果我没有处于战斗中怎么办?我不想在非战斗情况下浪费一个冰霜新星。”你可以把之前所有的宏条件选项应用于此(可惜的是,只能应用于整个序列,而不能为每个法术单独设定)。“呃,其实刚才我只是随便说说,OK,那如果我在冰霜新星后不想闪现了怎么办?下一次我想施放冰霜新星时,它会不会还是停滞在施放闪现的设定上?”这完全没问题,我们会用到重置这个设定。因为冰霜新星一般的冷却时间为24秒,我们可以设定序列在24秒内不被使用就重置它。/castsequence reset=24 冰霜新星, 闪现当你第一次点击这个宏时,它会施放冰霜新星,如果你决定不闪现了,等过了24秒后,它会重置到冰霜新星的状态,因为冰霜新星的冷却时间为24秒,那时候它就可以被重新使用了,真棒!"Ok, that's great and all, but I'm actually a warlock, dude." Of course you are. Well, as a warlock, I'm sure you cast the same 3 DoTs over and over again. Now you can set a sequence for those and save button space. /castsequence Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony There you go, now you can just push that button three times and cast all three DoTs. "But what if it dies before I finish casting all three? I'm stuck at the end of the sequence again, and I don't wanna set no timer!" That's ok, we can use the other options. If you set 'reset=target' then any time you change targets, it will reset the sequence back to the beginning. You can also set 'reset=combat', and the game will reset your sequence any time you leave combat. If you use the '/' operator (remember it, from earlier?) you can combine reset options! /castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony There, now any time you change targets (like, if the old target is almost dead and you want to start on a new one), or any time you leave combat (perhaps the critter died before you finished casting all the dots), it resets your sequence for you, leaving you ready to start over. “好吧,这真的很厉害,不过我实际上是个术士啊。”当然,作为一个术士,我相信你会一直重复上三种DoT,现在你可以为它们设置一个序列以节省按钮空间啦。/castsequence 腐蚀, 献祭, 痛苦诅咒就这么简单,你可以连续点击三次这个宏来上这三种DoT。“但如果在我施放完这些前目标就死了呢?我又卡在这个序列里了,我可不想设什么定时器!”那也没关系,我们可以用其他的条件选项。如果你设定“reset=target”,那序列将在你改变目标时就重置到起始位置。你也可以设置“reset=combat”,每当你脱离战斗,这个序列就会被重置了。如果你使用“/”控制符(你还记得吧,之前提到过),你也可以将这些重置条件选项组合起来!/castsequence reset=combat/target 腐蚀, 献祭, 痛苦诅咒就这全了,这下子每当你改变目标(比如原来的目标快死了,你选中的新的目标)或脱离了战斗(可能目标在你施放完所有DoT前就死了),它将会把整个序列重置,让你可以从头开始。举例说明Some Example Macros: General Macros: --------------- /use [target=self] Heavy Netherweave Bandages This macro will always use Heavy Netherweave Bandages on yourself, regardless of target. 一些宏的例子:通用宏:---------------/use [target=self] 厚虚空布绷带无论当前目标是什么,这个宏只会对自己使用厚虚空布绷带。Warrior Macros: --------------- Intercept/Charge: It either charges/intercepts, or puts you into the correct stance. /cast [nocombat,stance:1] C [combat,nostance:3] Berserker S [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle S [combat,stance:3] Intercept Generic Stance Macro: Replace &* Stance Ability& with whatever you want. /cast [stance:1] &Battle Stance Ability&; [stance:2] &Defense Stance Ability&; [stance:3] &Berserker Stance Ability& Overpower: A very simple Overpower macro /cast [stance:1] O Battle Stance 战士宏--------------- 拦截/冲锋:拦截或者冲锋,或者切换到相应的姿态。/施放 [nocombat, stance:1] 冲锋; [combat, nostance:3] 狂暴姿态; [nocombat, nostance:1] 战斗姿态; [combat, stance:3] 拦截一般姿态宏:把&* Stance Ability&替换为任何你想要的技能/施放 [stance:1] &Battle Stance Ability&; [stance:2] &Defense Stance Ability&; [stance:3] &Berserker Stance Ability& 压制:一个很简单的压制宏/施放 [stance:1] 压制; 战斗姿态Mage Macros --------------- Pyro/Fireball: Casts Pyro if you're not in combat (as an opener), Fireball otherwise. /cast [nocombat] P Fireball Polymorph Focus: Will always polymorph your focus target. /cast [target=focus] Polymorph 法师宏--------------- 炎爆/火球:如果没有处于战斗则施放炎爆术(作为起手),否则就施放火球术/施放 [nocombat] 炎爆术; 火球术锁定变羊:总是将你锁定的目标变形/施放 [target=focus] 变形术Priest Macros --------------- Greater Heal on current boss target, or on current target. /cast [target=targettarget, help] Greater H [help] Greater Heal 牧师宏--------------- 向当前目标的目标施放强效治疗术,否则向当前目标施放/施放 [target=targettarget, help] 强效治疗术; [help] 强效治疗术Hunter Macros --------------- Feed/Mend Pet based on combat status. /cast [combat] Mend P [nocombat] Feed Pet /use [nocombat] &food item& 猎人宏--------------- 根据是否在战斗中喂养或治疗宠物/施放 [combat] 治疗宠物; [nocombat] 喂养宠物/使用 [nocombat] &食物&Acknowledgements -------------------------- I'd like to take this time to give thanks to the following people: Cogwheel, for helping collect and promote the suggestions of the UI community. Iriel, for always helping clarify and collate information posted on the forum. Cairenn for pushing so hard to get Mod writers into the BC Beta, and supporting them 100% with feedback and webspace. To all the Mod Authors and Mod Websites for their wonderful and thankless work to improve the life of the other 99% of the playerbase. And most importantly, SLOUKEN, the best dev a modding community could ever ask for. Without you, we'd be reduced to the standard interface for all eternity. 感谢-------------------------- 我要感谢下面这些人:Cogwheel,帮我从UI论坛收集和提出建议。Iriel,总是帮着在论坛里理清和比对信息。Cairenn,努力帮助插件作者进入资料片的测试,为他们提供网站空间和百分之百的支持。感谢所有插件作者和网站,是他们无私和努力的工作使得其他99%的玩家能够有更好的游戏体验。最后也是最要感谢的是Slouken,一个插件社区所能够要求的最好的开发者,没有你,我们可就只能一直使用默认界面了。
两个办法: 1、将你的网站域名添加到IE的兼容列表里。 2、使用其他第三方浏览器。
回答问题,赢新手礼包WOW 2.0具体什么时候开?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊_百度知道
WOW 2.0具体什么时候开?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊
同时也为&阶段&quot? --------9C的事可不会少啊!;即将&quot,就算你延迟超级红,还是一点不卡.5,在线时间又长,服务器肯定不能承受.2 资料片中文版肯定会出些BUG、“掉线”、“红色延迟”彻底说再见!(零延迟,一直到10月,用了整整两个月时间,开放了一个大区,这已经足够说明了效率问题.可是从公告开放7区到正式开F用了多久呢! ! 那么重点就是第二点,官方内容主要意思,但还没开始运行资料片.最后10月底那几天,正式通知为了能正常运行资料片! 对于第一点,纯粹是虚构,并没有得到官方证实!所以不用去理它!,将从4月下旬开始,分&quot,很有可能导致游戏崩溃. 9月份,无论是红是绿,跟卡不卡没有任何关系,由此看出绝对不可能在6月份资料片上市!.因为不可能在暑假间开放资料片,原因无其他,,需要大量的时间. 而升级这几个服务器的期间!!. 主页的时候,在中间flash的公告栏上面有张图片;经常登陆不了,光我知道的就有两次服务器临时停机维护了!所以,从8月开始准备7区,我算是见识到了!!,玩家将能对“无法登录游戏”,大家都应该知道9C对什么时候放资料片根本没怎么在意? 8月1号." target="_blank">www!! 其实我不用这么来算: 5月至6月底主要是服务器&升级&:1 玩的人肯定很多! 以下为本次维护的服务器列表: 阿格拉玛 艾苏恩 安威玛尔 奥达曼 奥蕾莉亚 白银之手 暴风祭坛 藏宝海湾 尘风峡谷 达纳斯 迪托马斯 国王之谷 黑龙军团 黑石尖塔 红龙军团 回音山 基尔罗格 卡德罗斯 卡扎克 库德兰 那么我们先来算下,这次硬件升级一共有20个服务器,而国F 各区大概算下来有290个服.官方说为48小时至5天,来个平均数2,开始,9C就公布了一项‘神密计划‘(不知道大家有印象没: 第七大区的服务器采用这种构架将让所有玩家有一个全新开始,届时,加上大家总体评价就算他3天!!; 不知道大家是否还记得当初开放7区的时候,曾经9C对我们的承诺,粮草先行. 小弟愚笨,只能理解为,资料片从暴雪那边拿过来,还没测试过,服务器就开始&升级&了!;将来&quot,开始公告&quot,它可是需要覆盖7个大区所有服务器的,每次3天,总需要43.5天?/P&gt! 先不说怎么怎么,万一服务器升级好了,开始测试资料片了,从开F到现在也有好几个月了;开放资料片~(类似开7区时的 神秘计划)! 10.1日假期:为了给广大《魔兽世界》用户提供更加稳定.不知道有心的朋友们有没有发现,当你们进入
<a href="http!! 所以,我与一些朋友从资料片消息公布到现在一直讨论这个话题,大概判定资料片开放的时间,一时间也无法更改,加上人多;的对《魔兽世界》各大区服务器进行一次全面的硬件升级和架构调整!我们预计本次升级维护工作将持续48小时至5天,上面打着公告:远征未动!!而此时,美F更新版本N次,资料片光盘火热上市(人多嘛~能多赚点),各服务器将维护N天~~11月初,突然发现服务器与资料片有问题,又怎么办! 7区,大家终于能如愿的玩上血精灵&德莱尼 !://www.由此可见,准备迎接资料片需要多少时间了;那么就是需要14.5次.7月开始,学生正好放暑假,这段时间刚好用来测试,其他F也并不好受,最明显的应该是5区的朋友们了难说哦~~~ 近日,发现很多朋友都在议论国F的资料片开放的话题,主要原因就是来源于两点: 1 传言暴雪首席设计师到华;的《魔兽世界:燃烧的远征》在中国大陆运营的硬件做的更好,而7月才开始正式测试资料片?) 一直到10月1号假期才开放服务器!也就是说、顺畅的游戏环境,服务器硬件全面升级开始;2 4月26日..) 其实我并不是想打击大家,只是资料片离我们实在是太遥远了.我建议大家可以先去台F感觉一下真正的资料片,或者可以抓紧时间打打材料


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