
谁知道国际支付宝付款人名字?|实操干货 - Aliexpress 全球速卖通卖家论坛 - Powered by phpwind
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引用 引用第10楼cn于 16:57发表的 : &是从新加坡花旗银行汇出的知道,但是汇款方名称不知道,其实也不是不知道,银行说那英文很长,哪个是汇款方名称
& &这银行的人真是废话一堆,既然是她自己英文差劲,就是她自己的事,你就说句上面有写的就行了,不要和她磨叽。一开始我也就想银行总能看到汇款方的啊!
呵呵! 也是,一定会有汇款方的,要不是天边飞来的美金哟···
可能银行登记的不是阿里巴巴集团! 是支付宝公有限公司这样的!&应该看完全部
我用中行的,超过3000USD 要申报,挺方便的!!
U JOB is to help customers, not mock customers !
Payworks-致力于国际信用卡收款、外贸收款、在线支付、美国收款、欧洲收款、海外收款、仿牌收款,成为外贸网店收款的第一品牌,接下来我们看一下Payworks:&Payworks多种通道,多种选择,升级更方便。Payworks拥有五种通道非3D实时通道(全球)、JCB通道&(日本)、AE通道(美国运通)、延时加实时VIP通道(全球)、MONEYBOOKERS通道,您可以结合自己的&实际情况选择适合您的Payworks外贸网店收款通道。&咨询热线TEL: QQ:&&Payworks高级顾问 胡先生&
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作者:Natalie& | &更新于: 16:00
700)this.width=700;" style="max-width:700" onclick="if(this.parentNode.tagName!='A'&&this.width>screen.width-461) window.open(this.src);" />
700)this.width=700;" style="max-width:700" onclick="if(this.parentNode.tagName!='A'&&this.width>screen.width-461) window.open(this.src);" />
其中,sub_code 和 sub_msg 为具体错误原因,可参照“错误码描述”来进行排查和解决。
A:原因:系统繁忙,请稍候再试。 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
A:原因:参数不对 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
A:原因:当前操作存在风险 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
A:原因:外部商户不能买自己的商品或者请求参数有误 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
A:原因:该付款方式暂不可用,请更换付款方式 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
A:原因:参数不对 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Q:APP支付报错ali40247解决方案 &
A:检查请求参数 ,对照我们的线上文档查看参数的正确性,比如:参数少了、多了、乱码、名称不对,还有必传参数是否都请求提交给支付宝了等。
:ALI40247是什么错误? 您签约了吗?如果签约了检查下签名是不是对的
请问ALI38868 是什么错误,已上线产品。
:请问ALI38868 是什么错误,已上线产品。 ALI38868暂时不知道是什么错误,最好提供一下支付的请求参数做一下排查。
ALI38173 是什么错误 ,用的是demo代码
:ALI38173 是什么错误 ,用的是demo代码 你解决了吗 我现在这块也卡住了
:你解决了吗 我现在这块也卡住了 没有,现在我让服务端封装订单参数并签名,我这边直接掉支付方法就好了, 现在等客户端封装参数并签名 我再试
:没有,现在我让服务端封装订单参数并签名,我这边直接掉支付方法就好了, 现在等客户端封装参数并签名 我再试 我也是ALI38173错误,
请问,在没有安装支付宝APP的时候点击支付,第一次会弹出网页支付界面,但是退出支付界面再次点击支付宝支付时会出现闪退。请问这是什么错误?下面是报的异常java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Handler.postDelayed(java.lang.Runnable, long)' on a null object reference&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at com.alipay.sdk.app.b.onPageStarted(SourceFile:86)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewContentsClientAdapter.onPageStarted(WebViewContentsClientAdapter.java:563)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at com.android.org.chromium.android_webview.AwContentsClientCallbackHelper$MyHandler.handleMessage(AwContentsClientCallbackHelper.java:107)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:111)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:194)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5637)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:960)&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:755)
700)this.width=700;" style="max-width:700" onclick="if(this.parentNode.tagName!='A'&&this.width>screen.width-461) window.open(this.src);" />
我这两个app 分别是司机端和乘客端 可以共用一个APPID 公钥和私钥么 乘客端是付车费 司机端是充值 这样可以么?
支付宝版权所有 &微信扫一扫 咨讯我知晓
Roy Young中文网现有全场护肤品、保健品等低至6折优惠,全场满88澳免邮(限重3kg),支付宝日仅限一天,全场满105澳减6澳,需要使用优惠码:RYALI6,有效期至北京时间 日23点59分,海淘友好,直邮包税。最 high 的海淘折扣来袭!!现在 RY 推出5月超级折扣,超值优惠单品还能立减3澳关键是包邮包税哦,简直让人想要买买买买到手软的节奏啊!RY 现在分仓,极速1号仓和综合2号仓都能同时参与活动!这等好事还不赶紧来下单么~不要犹豫啦,这么多澳洲好物等你带回家哦!海淘攻略全站澳洲直邮包税直邮运费首重8澳元一公斤,续重每斤4澳元支持支付宝、微信、银联付款
温馨提示: 支持支付宝和银联
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1套直邮到手!Shiseido 资生堂 百优精纯+红妍超值限量护肤套装
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低至$15!Macy's 官网 : 精选 MAC、NARS、雅诗兰黛等大牌护肤美妆
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新品!Roy Young中文网:精选新品护肤品、保健品 低至5.6折
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凑单好物!Gamophen 药皂抗菌皂 100g
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Gaia 纯天然婴儿洗发沐浴二合一 200ml
Bellamy's 贝拉米 有机绿色蔬菜通心粉营养泥粥 110g
【限时特价】Swisse 男性多维生素营养补充片 120片
Swisse 钙元素+维生素D营养补充片 150粒*2
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SYSTEM_EXCEPTION1000未知的系统异常网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1000)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1000)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1000)
INVALID_PARAMETER1001非法参数,主要为入参检查,不符合预期目标网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1001)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1001)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1001)
INVALID_INST1002非法机构,该机构暂不支持网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1002) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1002)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1002)
INVALID_SCENE_CODE1004非法场景代码网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1004)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1004)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1004)
INVALID_STRATEGY_CHAIN1005非法策略链网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1005) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1005)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1005)
PAY_PRODUCT_UNDEFINED1006支付产品未定义此付款方式不支持此笔交易,请更换其他付款方式再试.(sys_1006)This transaction is unable to be finished by this payment method.Please try a different one.(sys_1006)不支持此笔交易,请更换其他付款方式再试.(1006)
PRODUCT_CODE_UNDEFINED1007产品码未定义网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1007)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1007)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1007)
SEQUENCE_HANDLER_UNDEFINED1008顺序处理器未定义网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1008) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1008)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1008)
UNIQ_ID_NULLABLE1009唯一索引号为NULL网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(sys_1009)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(sys_1009)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1009)
外卡系统INVALID_ACTION_PARAMETER1100非法实例参数网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1100)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1100)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1100)
外卡系统INVALID_TOKEN1101非法TOKEN,网页被篡改网页地址被篡改,请重新付款.(yw_1101)This transaction failed because link has been tampered with.(yw_1101)网页地址被篡改,请重新付款.(1101)
外卡系统TAMPER_TOKEN1102篡改数据库或缓存TOEKN网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1102)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1102)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1102)
外卡系统TAMPER_MONEY1103篡改数据库或缓存金额网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1103)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1103)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1103)
外卡系统INVALID_TRADE_PROPERTY1104非法交易属性网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1104) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1104)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1104)
外卡系统INVALID_CHANNLE_PROPERTY1105非法渠道属性网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1105)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1105)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1105)
外卡系统PAY_CHANNLE_CLOSED1106渠道关闭该支付方式系统维护中,请稍后再试.(yw_1106) This payment method is in system maintenance.Please try again later.(yw_1106)请稍后再试.(1106)
外卡系统CHANNEL_CURRENCY_NULLABLE1107渠道币种为空暂时不支持该币种交易,请稍后再试(yw_1107) This transaction does not support this currency.Please try again later.(yw_1107)不支持该币种.(1107)
外卡系统CHANNEL_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT_NULLABLE1108渠道支付金额为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1108)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1108)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1108)
外卡系统CHARGE_CONSULT_RESULT_FAIL1109收费咨询结果失败网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1109)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1109)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1109)
外卡系统CHARGE_APPLY_RESULT_FAIL1110收费申请结果失败网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1110)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1110)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1110)
外卡系统UNIFIED_LIMIT_SYSTEM_FAIL1111额度中心系统失败网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1111)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1111)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1111)
外卡系统UNIFIED_LIMIT_EXCEED1112额度中心超限付款金额超过单笔限额XXX.00元.(yw_1112)Per payment amount exceeds limit CNY XXX.00.(yw_1112)
外卡系统UNIFIED_LIMIT_EXCEED1112付款金额超过累计限额XXX.00元.(yw_1112)Cumulative payment amount exceeds limit CNY XXX.00.(yw_1112)
外卡系统EBANK_FROM_AMOUNT_INVALID1113网银表单金额非法网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1113)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1113)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1113)
外卡系统HKD_RATE_NULLABLE1114港币汇率为空今日无法获知银行港币汇率,请明天再试.(yw_1114) It is unavailable to get HK dollor exchange rate from bank today.Please try to pay tomorrow.(yw_1114)今日无法获知银行港币汇率,请明天再试.(1114)
外卡系统EBANK_APPLY_RESULT_FALUE1115网银申请结果失败网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1115) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1115)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1115)
外卡系统EBANK_INSTRUCTION_ID_NULLABLE1116网银清算流水号为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1116) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1116)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1116)
外卡系统SPOTRATE_CACHE_NULLABLE1117即时汇率缓存为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1117) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1117)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1117)
外卡系统SPOTRATE_PAYCURRENT_NULLABLE1118即时汇率支付币种为空系统暂时无法获得汇率,请稍后再试.(yw_1118) It is unavailable to get exchange rate from bank today.Please try to pay tomorrow.(yw_1118)系统暂时无法获得汇率,请稍后再试.(1118)
外卡系统TRADE_STATUS_INVALID1119交易状态非法您的该笔订单已付款,请稍后查询交易结果.(yw_1119) This transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
外卡系统TRADE_AMOUNT_JUGGLED1120交易金额被修改订单金额被修改,请重新付款.(yw_1120) The order amount has been modified.Please check out again.(yw_1120)订单金额被修改,请重新付款.(1120)
外卡系统PAYORDER_STATUS_INVALID1121外卡订单状态非法不能重复提交付款,请稍后查询交易结果,如果支付失败请重新付款.(yw_1121) Don't submit payment form repeatly.Please check payment result later.(yw_1121)订单已失效,请重新付款.可能用户点击后退键,重复提交了订单(1121)
外卡系统SPOT_RATE_INITIAL_FAIL1122即期汇率初始化失败网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1122) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1122)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1122)
外卡系统EBANK_PROPERTIES_NULLABLE1123网银表单属性为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1123) This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1123)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(1123)
外卡系统MIN_LIMIT_AMOUNT_EXCEED1124最低额度限制超限该付款方式不能支持金额等于或低于1元的商品.(yw_1124)The payment method can't support the order amount lower than CNY 1.00.(yw_1124)该付款方式不能支持金额等于或低于1元的商品.(1124)
外卡系统PAY_FOREX_AMOUNT_ZERO1125支付外币金额为0该付款方式不能支持金额等于或低于1元的商品.(yw_1125)The payment method can't support the order amount lower than CNY 1.00.(yw_1125)该付款方式不能支持金额等于或低于1元的商品.(1125)
外卡系统TAMPER_EXCEED1126篡改超限标志,用户使用JS强制支付不能篡改页面信息,请重新付款.(yw_1126) This transaction failed because link has been tampered with.(yw_1126)不能篡改页面信息,请重新付款.(1126)
外卡系统TAIR_INVALID1127分布式缓存失效付款超时,请重新登录后付款.(yw_1127)Timeout, please log in again.(yw_1127)付款超时,请重新登录后付款.(1127)
外卡系统CTU_REJECT1128CTU拒绝您的个人信息无法通过支付宝安全验证,请确保填写准确.(yw_1128)Your personal information is not enrolled in Alipay secure authentication. Please try again. (yw_1128)抱歉,您的个人信息无法通过支付宝安全验证,请确保填写准确.(1128)
外卡系统DISCOUNT_NULLABLE1129实时优惠资金单据为空优惠活动已过期,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1129)The promotion has expired.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1129)实时优惠不可用.(1129)
折扣系统MONEY_AMT_UNMATCH1130交易价格已发生改变,是否需要重新付款订单金额被修改,请重新付款.(yw_1130)The transaction amount has been modified.Please check out again.(yw_1130)交易价格已发生改变,是否需要重新付款.(1130)
折扣系统CAMP_IS_INVALID1131本次银行限时优惠活动已结束本次银行限时优惠活动已结束,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1131)The promotion has expired.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1131)本次银行限时优惠活动已结束.(1131)
折扣系统USER_IN_BLACK_LIST1132您的账户存在风险,因此不符合参加活动的条件您的账户存在风险,不符合参加优惠活动的条件,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1132)The transaction is failed because your payment account is in risk. You can't pay in promotion.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1132)您的账户存在风险,因此不符合参加活动的条件,请返回重新选择.(1132)
折扣系统USER_ACC_AMT_INVALID1133用户使用优惠次数达到上限您使用优惠的次数已超限,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1133)You have reached maximum number of promotional time.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1133)用户使用优惠次数达到上限.(1133)
折扣系统CHANNEL_TO_FUND_UNMATCH1134银行卡号与您选择的银行不匹配您输入的银行卡号与您选择的银行不一致,请重新付款.(yw_1134)The card number you inputted is not the same as the card you chose. Please try a different payment method.(yw_1134)您输入的银行卡号与您选择的银行不配额,是否需要返回重新选择.(1134)
折扣系统TRADE_FROM_INVALID1135交易来源不满足限时优惠条件此交易不满足限时优惠条件,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1135)This transaction doesn't meet the condition of promotion.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1135)交易来源不满足限时优惠条件.(1135)
折扣系统ENVIRONMENT_INVALID1136合作伙伴不满足限时优惠条件此交易不满足限时优惠条件,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1136)This transaction doesn't meet the condition of promotion.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1136)合作伙伴不满足限时优惠条件.(1136)
折扣系统CAMP_PAUSED1137本次限时优惠活动已暂停本次限时优惠活动已暂停,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1137)The promotion has paused. Please try a different payment method.(yw_1137)本次限时优惠活动已暂停.(1137)
折扣系统CAMP_STOPPED1138本次限时优惠活动已停止本次限时优惠活动已停止,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1138)The promotion has stopped.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1138)本次限时优惠活动已停止.(1138)
折扣系统CAMP_OVERDUE1139本次限时优惠活动已过期本次限时优惠活动已过期,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1139)The promotion has expired. Please try a different payment method.(yw_1139)本次限时优惠活动已过期.(1139)
折扣系统CAMP_NOT_START1140本次限时优惠活动还未开始本次限时优惠活动未开始,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1140)The promotion hasn't started.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1140)本次限时优惠活动还未开始.(1140)
折扣系统USER_INVALID_FOR_FP1141用户在活动开始前已经有使用记录,无资格您在优惠活动开始前已经有使用记录,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1141)You already have promotion record before that begin.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1141)用户在活动开始前已经有使用记录,无资格.(1141)
折扣系统PARTNER_TRADE_COMPANY_ID_INVALID1142商户ID不满足限时优惠条件此商户不满足限时优惠条件,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1142)The seller doesn't meet the condition of promotion.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1142)商户ID不满足限时优惠条件.(1142)
折扣系统NOT_DISCOUNT_AVAILABLE1143选择的银行资金渠道下无实时优惠此付款方式暂无优惠活动,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1143)The payment method is without promotion now.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1143)选择的银行资金渠道下无实时优惠.(1143)
外卡系统CERTIFICATE_CATALOG_NULLABLE1144证书编目获取为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1144)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1144)请稍后再试.(1144)
外卡系统PAYER_CARD_INVALID1145用户卡信息获取为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1145)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1145)请稍后再试.(1145)
外卡系统CARD_INDEX_ERROR1146卡号索引获取为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1146)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1146)请稍后再试.(1146)
外卡系统BANK_RECEIPT_RESULT_EXCEPTION1147银行返回同步结果是未成功网络系统繁忙,如您的银行卡已扣款,但支付宝显示未成功状态,请于半小时后登录支付宝确认交易状态,切勿重复付款.(yw_1147)The network system is busy.Don't pay this order again before you comfirmed the payment is fallure. If your bank card has been charged, but Alipay webpage still display unpaid status, please log in Alipay half an hour later and check the transaction result.(yw_1147)网络系统繁忙,如您的银行卡已扣款,但支付宝显示未成功状态,请于半小时后登录支付宝确认交易状态,切勿重复付款.(1147)
外卡系统PAY_CHANNEL_ROUTER_EXCEPTION1148渠道分流结果无可用渠道网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1148)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1148)请稍后再试.(1148)
外卡系统BANK_CHANNEL_ROUTER_EXCEPTION1149获取银行商户号异常网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1149)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1149)请稍后再试.(1149)
外卡系统PAY_BACKUP_CHANNLE_CLOSED1150备份渠道关闭网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1150)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1150)请稍后再试.(1150)
外卡系统USER_CARD_BILL_INVALID1151用户账单信息获取为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1151)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1151)请稍后再试.(1151)
外卡系统FUNDBILL_VALIDATE_FAIL1152资金单据验证失败网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1152)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1152)请稍后再试.(1152)
外卡系统MOTO_CHANNEL_RISK_EXCEPTION1153MOTO渠道风险等级异常(只有MOTO资金单据,CTU风险低,不允许使用MOTO支付)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1153)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1153)请稍后再试.(1153)
外卡系统CHANNEL_RISK_EXCEPTION1154渠道风险等级异常(资金单据和预期的不一致,无法进行支付)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1154)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1154)请稍后再试.(1154)
外卡系统EBANK_PROPERTIES_AMOUNT_ILLEGAL1155支付金额与网银表单中的金额不一致网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1155)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1155)请稍后再试.(1155)
外卡系统CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORT_DISCOUNT1156渠道暂不支持实时优惠(PPS渠道不支持)此付款方式暂不支持优惠活动,请选择其他付款方式.(yw_1156)The payment method is without promotion now.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1156)此付款方式不支持实时优惠活动.(1156)
外卡系统CARD_INDEX_NOT_EQUAL1157已存账单中索引卡号和新生成的索引卡号不一致网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1157)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1157)请稍后再试.(1157)
外卡系统PAYMENT_TYPE_ILLEGAL1158收银台支付方式和实际支付方式不符合(判断收银台的新老交易逻辑)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1158)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1158)
外卡系统CHARGE_AMOUNT_NOEQUAL1159展示手续费和支付手续费不相等,费率变更(统一支付已拆除两个服务)网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1159)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1159)
外卡系统AMOUNT_DISTRIBUTE_EXCEPTION1160合并系统调用服务异常网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1160)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1160)
外卡系统UNSUPPORT_PAY_SCENE1200不支持的支付场景不支持此交易,请换其他付款方式再试.(yw_1200)The payment can't support the transaction.Please try a different payment method.(yw_1200)备注:已存卡场景 ,文案在国际收银台展示
外卡系统PUT_FORM_INTO_TAIR_EXCEPTION1201存储网银表单信息到tair异常网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1201)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1201)备注:已存卡场景 ,文案在国际收银台展示
外卡系统GET_FORM_FROM_TAIR_EXCEPTION1202从tair读取网银表单信息异常网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1202)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1202)备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统FROM_HANDLE_EXCEPTION1203网银表单处理异常网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1203)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1203)备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统FORM_FROM_TAIR_NOT_EXIST1204从tair获取网银表单信息为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1204)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1204)备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统ACTION_URL_FROM_TAIR_NOT_EXIST1205从tair中获取actionUrl为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1205)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1205)备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统SECURITY_POLICY_NULLABLE1206安全策略查询为空支付安全产品加载失败,请稍后再试.(yw_1206)Failure of loading security product.Please try again later.(yw_1206)备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统BILL_INFO_NOT_EXIST1207用户id对应的账单地址不存在账单地址错误,请重新输入.(yw_1207)Wrong billing address.Please try again later.(yw_1207)备注:已存卡场景 ,文案在国际收银台展示
外卡系统SECURITY_POLICY_CHECK_FAIL1208安全产品校验失败您的账户存在风险,暂时无法付款,请稍后重新登陆支付宝尝试付款.(yw_1208)The transaction is failed because your payment account is in risk. Please log in Alipay again later and try a different payment method(yw_1208).备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统SECURITY_ID_NULLABLE1209安全产品ID为空支付安全产品加载失败,请稍后再试.(yw_1209)Failure of loading security product.Please try again later.(yw_1209)备注:未存卡场景 ,文案在wkpord展示
外卡系统EXPIRED_DATE_NULLABLE1210有效期为空信用卡有效期为空,请重新付款.(yw_1210)The expiration date
of the credit card is null,please check out again.(yw_1210)备注:已存卡场景 ,文案在国际收银台展示
外卡系统EXPIRED_DATE_IS_INVALID1211有效期不正确信用卡有效期错误,请重新付款.(yw_1211)Wrong expiration date.Please try again later.(yw_1211)备注:已存卡场景 ,文案在国际收银台展示
外卡系统CYBS_ID_NULLABLE1212cybsId为空网络系统异常,请稍后再试.(yw_1212)This transaction failed because network system was busy.Please try again later.(yw_1212)备注:已存卡场景 ,文案在国际收银台展示
外卡系统1213商务或银行原因,暂停交易银行系统维护中,暂停付款.(yw_1213)Bank system maintenance,payment service
is suspended.(yw_1213)
外卡系统1214不支持低于1马币的交易该付款方式不能支持金额等于或低于1马来西亚元的商品.(yw_1214)The payment cannot support the transaction of which amount is equal to or less than 1 MYR.(yw_1214)
外卡系统DUPLICATE_PAY_SUBMITwk.0001重复支付不能重复提交付款,请稍后查询交易结果,如果支付失败请重新付款.(WK_0001) 该订单已完成付款,请重新核实交易状态.(NO.WK_0001)
外卡系统TRADE_ERROR_CODEwk.0004交易出错交易出错,请重新付款.(WK_0004) 请稍后再试.(NO.WK_0004)
外卡系统UNKNOWN_ERROR INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_REQUEST INVALID_PARAMETERwk.0006系统内部错误网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(WK_0006) 网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.WK_0006)
外卡系统PAYCHANNEL_SYSTEM_ERRORwk.0007支付渠道获取失败网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(WK_0007) 系统维护,暂时无法进行付款服务,敬请谅解.(NO.WK_0007)
外卡系统CTU_ERROR_CODEwk.0008CTU验证失败您的个人信息未通过支付宝安全验证,请确保填写准确.(WK_0008) 您的个人信息未通过支付宝安全验证,请确保填写准确.(NO.WK_0008)
外卡系统MONEY_ERROR_CODEwk.0009金额低于一元暂时不能支持金额低于1元的交易.(WK_0009) 暂时支持的付款金额不能低于一元.(NO.WK_0009)
外卡系统DUPLICATE_FORM_SUBMITwk.0010重复提交表单页面信息不能重复提交,请重新付款.(WK_0010) 付款超时,请重新登录后付款.(NO.WK_0010)
外卡系统FORM_SESSION_INVALIDwk.0011会话超时付款超时,请重新登录后付款.(WK_0011) 付款超时,请重新登录后付款.(NO.WK_0011)
外卡系统SYSTEM_ERRORwk.0012系统内部错误网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(WK_0012) 网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.WK_0012)
外卡系统TRADE_AMOUNT_CHANGEwk.0013交易价格已发生改变交易价格已发生改变,需要重新付款.(WK_0013) 交易价格已发生改变,需要重新付款.(NO.WK_0013)
外卡系统UNKNOWN_SYS_ERRORwk.0014未知的系统异常网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(WK_0014) 网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(WK_0015) 未知的系统异常.(NO.WK_0014) wk.0015=非法参数.(NO.WK_0015)
外卡系统MONEY_AMT_UNMATCHwk.0016交易价格已发生改变交易价格已发生改变,需要重新付款.(WK_0016) 交易价格已发生改变,需要重新付款.(NO.WK_0016)
${quotaAmount} ${currency}您可以将订单拆分成多笔小金额订单再尝试支付.(WK_0031) 抱歉,您的订单金额超过了单笔交易限额
${quotaAmount} ${currency}您可以将订单拆分成多笔小金额订单再尝试支付.(NO.WK_0031)
来源名称标识说明文案 - 中文(新)文案 - 中文(旧)文案 - 英文 (新)文案 - 英文 (旧)出现频次(13.0327)出现频次(13.0411)
中银卡司0wk.boc.001Transaction Successful(交易成功)您已付款,这笔交易在银行账单上将显示:“支付宝”.(25_001)您已付款000.00元到XXXX这笔交易在您的银行账单上将显示:“支付宝”.You've paid.This transaction will appear on your bill as ALIPAY.(25_001)You have successfully paid 000.00 XXX to YYY. The payee will appear on your bill as ALIPAY () HANGZHOU.
中银卡司?wk.boc.002Response Unknown(未知错误)银行系统忙,请稍后再试.(25_002) 银行系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_002) This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(25_002)This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_002)
中银卡司1wk.boc.003Transaction Declined - Bank Error (交易被拒绝-银行错误)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_003) 银行拒绝交易.(NO.wk_boc_003) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_003)This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO. wk_boc_003)
中银卡司2wk.boc.004Bank Declined Transaction (银行拒绝交易(这里银行指的是发卡还是收单行))银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_004) 银行拒绝交易.(NO.wk_boc_004) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_004) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO. wk_boc_004)
中银卡司3wk.boc.005Transaction Declined - No Reply from Bank (交易被拒绝-银行无返回)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_005) 银行系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_005) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_005) This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_005)
中银卡司4wk.boc.006Transaction Declined - Expired Card (交易被拒绝-卡已过期)您的信用卡已过期,请更换其他卡付款.(25_006) 您的信用卡已过期.可以更换其他卡付款.(NO.wk_boc_006) This transaction failed because your credit card has expired. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (25_006)This transaction failed because your credit card has expired. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO.wk_boc_006)
中银卡司5wk.boc.007Transaction Declined - Insufficient funds (交易被拒绝-金额不足)您的信用卡额度不足,请更换其他卡付款.(25_007)您的信用卡额度不足. 可以更换其他卡付款.(NO.wk_boc_007)The amount of your payment exceeds your credit card limit. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method.(25_007) The amount of your paymrnt exceeds your credit card limit. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO.wk_boc_007)
中银卡司6wk.boc.008Transaction Declined - Error Communicating with Bank(交易被拒绝-和银行通讯失败)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_008) 银行系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_008) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_008) This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_008)
中银卡司7wk.boc.009Payment Server Processing Error - Typically caused by invalid input data such as an invalid credit card number. Processing errors can also occur(服务器处理错误-一般是由于输入了无效数据例如无效的信用卡号,也可能是处理错误.)您填写的信用卡信息错误(如卡号),请重试付款.(25_009) 您填写的信用卡信息错误(如信用卡卡号).(NO.wk_boc_009) This transaction failed because of invalid input data such as an credit card number. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (25_009)This transaction failed because of invalid credit card information. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO.wk_boc_009)
中银卡司8wk.boc.010Transaction Declined - Transaction Type Not Supported (交易被拒绝-交易类型不正确)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_010) 无法支持该交易类型.(NO.wk_boc_010) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_010) This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_010)
中银卡司9wk.boc.011Bank Declined Transaction (Do not contact Bank) (银行拒绝交易)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_011) 银行拒绝交易.(NO.wk_boc_011) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_011) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO. wk_boc_011)
中银卡司Awk.boc.012Transaction Aborted (交易停止)网络系统忙,交易中断,请重新付款.(25_012) 银行系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_012) This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(25_012)This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_012)
中银卡司Bwk.boc.013Bank Declined Transaction (Do not contact Bank)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_013) 银行系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_013) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_013) This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_013)
中银卡司Cwk.boc.014Transaction Cancelled(交易取消)交易被取消,请重新付款.(25_014) 网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_014) This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(25_014)This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later.(NO. wk_boc_014)
中银卡司Dwk.boc.015Deferred Transaction(交易延时)网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(25_015) 网络系统忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_015) This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(25_015)This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_015)
中银卡司Ewk.boc.016Issuer Returned a Referral Response(发卡行返回)银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(25_016) 发卡银行无法正常工作,请联系您的发卡银行排除问题.(NO.wk_boc_016) This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please contact issuing bank for more information.(25_016) This transaction failed because of bank system failure. Please contact your issuing bank for more information. (NO. wk_boc_016)
中银卡司Fwk.boc.0173D Secure Authentication Failed(3D授权验证失败)网络支付密码输入错误.(25_017) 3D安全码验证失败,请确认您输入的3D验证码与发卡行预留信息一致.(NO.wk_boc_017) This transaction failed because of wrong online payment password. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (25_017)This transaction failed because of wrong password. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. Make sure you enter correct password. (NO. wk_boc_017)
中银卡司Iwk.boc.018Card Security Code Failed (卡安全码错误)信用卡安全码输入错误.(25_018) 您的信用卡安全码输入错误.(NO.wk_boc_018) This transaction failed because of wrong card security code. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (25_018)This transaction failed because of wrong Card Security Code. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. Make sure you enter correct Card Security Code. (NO. wk_boc_018)
中银卡司Lwk.boc.019Shopping Transaction Locked (This indicates that there is another transaction taking place using the same shopping transaction number)(商户交易被锁(说明已经存在另一笔相同流水号的交易))此交易已经付款,银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(25_019) 交易状态异常,请重新核实交易状态.(NO.wk_boc_019) This transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
(25_019)The transaction failed. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_019)
中银卡司Nwk.boc.020Cardholder is not enrolled in 3D Secure (Authentication Only) (持卡人未通过3D授权认证)您未开通网络支付功能,请联系您的发卡银行开通网络支付功能并设置密码.(25_020) 您的银行卡未开通3D安全验证功能,请联系您的发卡银行解决问题.(NO.wk_boc_020) This transaction failed because you are not enrolled in 3D secure authentication. Please contact your issuing bank for more information. (25_020)This transaction failed because your card isn't 3D enabled. Please contact your issuing bank for more information. (NO. wk_boc_020)
中银卡司Pwk.boc.021Transaction is Pending(交易进行中)银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(25_021) 交易被银行拒绝,请联系您的发卡银行排除问题.(NO.wk_boc_021) Transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
(25_021)This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined. Please contact your issuing bank for more information. (NO. wk_boc_021)
中银卡司Rwk.boc.022Retry Limits Exceeded, Transaction Not Processed(重试次数超限,交易终止)付款次数超限,此笔交易被终止.请您重新创建订单后使用其他付款方式付款.(25_022) 重复付款次数超限,交易无法进行.(NO.wk_boc_022) This transaction failed because retry limit was exceeded. (25_022) This transaction failed because retry limit was exceeded. (NO. wk_boc_022)
中银卡司Twk.boc.023Address Verification Failed该订单已完成付款,请重新核实交易状态.(25_023) 该订单已完成付款,请重新核实交易状态.(NO.wk_boc_023) This transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
(25_023)This transaction failed because the order had been paid. Please check on merchant's website. (NO. wk_boc_023)
中银卡司Swk.boc.024订单信息重复交易出错,请重新付款.(25_024)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(25_024)This transaction failed because of wrong Card Security Code. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. Make sure you enter correct Card Security Code. (NO. wk_boc_024)
中银卡司Uwk.boc.025Card Security Code Failed(卡安全码错误)信用卡安全码输入错误.(25_025)抱歉,地址信息验证未通过.(NO.wk_boc_025)This transaction failed because of wrong card security code. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (25_025)This transaction failed because address verification failed. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_025)
中银卡司Vwk.boc.026Address Verification and Card Security Code Failed账单地址或安全码输入错误.(25_026)抱歉,地址信息和验证码信息错误.(NO.wk_boc_026)This transaction failed because of wrong card security code or billing address. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (25_026)This transaction failed because address verification and Card Security Code failed. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_026)
台新银行01wk.boc.028请与银行联系/Refer to Card Issuer银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(mt_028)8574
台新银行03wk.boc.029无效商户/Invalid Merchant银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(mt_029)6
台新银行05wk.boc.030不批准交易/Do Not Honour银行拒绝交易,请联系您的发卡银行排查原因.(mt_030)银行不批准交易.(NO.wk_boc_027)25201841
台新银行12wk.boc.031无效交易/Invalid Message银行拒绝交易,此付款方式仅支持海外发行的信用卡,请您使用快捷支付或国内网银完成付款.(mt_031)无效交易.(NO.wk_boc_028)11551316发卡行不支持此类交易
台新银行14wk.boc.033无效卡号/Invalid Card Number您输入的银行卡号为无效卡号,请更换其他卡付款.(mt_033)无效卡号.(NO.wk_boc_029)3219
台新银行33wk.boc.035过期卡您的信用卡已过期,请更换其他卡付款.(mt_035) 1719
台新银行41wk.boc.037挂失卡(没收卡)/Lost Card您的此信用卡已被挂失,请更换其他卡付款.(mt_037)1620
台新银行65wk.boc.045取款次数超过次数/Number of Withdrawals Exceeded您的付款次数超限,请使用其他付款方式付款.(mt_045)511
台新银行94wk.boc.051重复交易此交易已经付款,银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(mt_051) 5
台新银行96wk.boc.052系统异常/System malfunction银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(mt_052)抱歉,网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(NO.wk_boc_033)119
台新银行EEwk.boc.053对账稍候银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(mt_053) 66
台新银行SKwk.boc.055CVV错误信用卡安全码输入错误.(mt_055) 911
名称标识说明文案 - 中文(新)文案-英文(新)备注error_code
100cybs_100Successful transaction.
AIBMS: If ccAuthReply_processorResponse is 08, you can accept the transaction if the customer provides you with identification.您已付款,这笔交易在银行账单上将显示:“支付宝”.(cybs_100)You've paid.
This transaction will appear on your bill as ALIPAY.(cybs_100)
101cybs_101The request is missing one or more required fields.
Possible action: See the reply fields missingField_0...N for which fields are missing. Resend the request with the complete information. See the information about missing or invalid fields in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced.交易过程中信息传输错误,请重新付款.(cybs_101)This transaction failed because some errors are in information transmission.Please try again later.(cybs_101)Ali_Err_122008
102cybs_102One or more fields in the request contains invalid data.
Possible action: See the reply fields invalidField_0...N for which fields are invalid. Resend the request with the correct information. See the information about missing or invalid fields in Getting Started with CyberSource Advanced.交易过程中信息传输错误,请重新付款.(cybs_102)This transaction failed because some errors are in information transmission.Please try again later.(cybs_102)Ali_Err_122008
110cybs_110Only a partial amount was approved. Possible action: See Partial Authorizations, page 60.银行拒绝交易,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_110)This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please change other card or try a different payment method.(cybs_110) 未确定,需诸天咨询cybersourceAli_Err_122008
150cybs_150Error: General system failure.
See the documentation for your CyberSource client (SDK) for information about handling retries in the case of system errors.银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_150)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_150)Ali_Err_122008
151cybs_151Error: The request was received but there was a server timeout. This error does not include timeouts between the client and the server.
Possible action: To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center. See the documentation for your CyberSource client (SDK) for information about handling retries in the case of system errors.此交易已经付款,银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(cybs_151)This transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
152cybs_152Error: The request was received, but a service did not finish running in time.
Possible action: To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center. See the documentation for your CyberSource client (SDK) for information about handling retries in the case of system errors.此交易已经付款,银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(cybs_152)This transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
200cybs_200The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the Address Verification System (AVS) check.
Possible action: You can capture the authorization, but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud.账单地址无法通过验证,请核实后重新填写.(cybs_200)This transaction failed because of wrong billing address. Please check it and try again. (cybs_200)Ali_Err_122004
201cybs_201The issuing bank has questions about the request. You do not receive an authorization code programmatically, but you might receive one verbally by calling the processor.
Possible action: Call your processor to possibly receive a verbal authorization. For contact phone numbers, refer to your merchant bank information.银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_201)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_201)需开发排查问题Ali_Err_122008
202cybs_202Expired card. You might also receive this if the expiration date you provided does not match the date the issuing bank has on file.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.此信用卡已过期.(cybs_202)This transaction failed because your credit card has expired. (cybs_202)Ali_Err_122018
203cybs_203General decline of the card. No other information was provided by the issuing bank.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.银行拒绝交易,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_203)This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please change other card or try a different payment method. (cybs_203)Ali_Err_122008
204cybs_204Insufficient funds in the account. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.此信用卡余额不足.(cybs_204)The amount of your payment exceeds your credit card limit.(cybs_204) Ali_Err_122007
205cybs_205Stolen or lost card.
Possible action: Review this transaction manually to ensure that you submitted the correct information.此信用卡已被挂失.(cybs_205)This transaction failed because of the card is stolen or lost.(cybs_205)Ali_Err_122002
207cybs_207Issuing bank unavailable. Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_207)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_207)Ali_Err_122008
208cybs_208Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.此信用卡无法使用,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_208)This transaction failed because the credit card cannot be supported.Please change other card or try a different payment method.(cybs_208)Ali_Err_122001
209cybs_209American Express Card Identification Digits (CID) did not match. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.不支持此信用卡付款,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_209)This transaction failed because the credit card cannot be supported.Please change other card or try a different payment method.(cybs_209)Ali_Err_122001
210cybs_210The card has reached the credit limit. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.付款金额超限,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_210)The amount of your payment exceeds your credit card limit.(cybs_210) Ali_Err_122007
211cybs_211Invalid CVN. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.卡背面三位数字错误.(cybs_211)This transaction failed because of wrong card security code. (cybs_211)Ali_Err_122004
221cybs_221The customer matched an entry on the processor’s negative file. Possible action: Review the order and contact the payment processor.此信用卡无法使用,请联系发卡银行排除原因.(cybs_221)This transaction failed because of invalid card, please contact your issuring for help.(cybs_221)Ali_Err_122001
230cybs_230The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the CVN check.
Possible action: You can capture the authorization, but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud.卡背面三位数字错误.(cybs_230)This transaction failed because of wrong card security code. (cybs_230)Ali_Err_122004
231cybs_231Invalid account number. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.此信用卡卡号无效,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_231)This transaction failed because of invalid card number.Please change other card or try a different payment method.(cybs_231)Ali_Err_122020
232cybs_232The card type is not accepted by the payment processor.
Possible action: Contact your merchant bank to confirm that your account is set up to receive the card in question.不支持此信用卡付款,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_232)This transaction failed because the credit card cannot be supported.Please change other card or try a different payment method.(cybs_232)Ali_Err_122001
233cybs_233General decline by the processor. Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment.银行拒绝交易,请换卡再试或使用其他付款方式.(cybs_233)This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined.Please change other card or try a different payment method.(cybs_110) Ali_Err_122001
234cybs_234There is a problem with the information in your CyberSource account.
Possible action: Do not resend the request. Contact CyberSource Customer Support to correct the information in your account.银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_234)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_234)需开发修复Ali_Err_122008
235cybs_235The requested capture amount exceeds the originally authorized amount.
Possible action: Issue a new authorization and capture request for the new amount.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_235)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_235)不出现Ali_Err_122008
236cybs_236Processor failure. Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_236)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_236)Ali_Err_122008
237cybs_237The authorization has already been reversed. Possible action: No action required.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_237)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_237)不出现Ali_Err_122008
238cybs_238The authorization has already been captured. Possible action: No action required.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_238)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_238)不出现Ali_Err_122008
239cybs_239The requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount. Possible action: Correct the amount and resend the request.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_239)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_239)不出现Ali_Err_122008
240cybs_240The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.
Possible action: Confirm that the card type correlates with the credit card number specified in the request, then resend the request.此信用卡卡号和卡类型不匹配,请重新输入卡号,或换卡再试.(cybs_240)This transaction failed because the card number is unable to match the card type.Please check your card or try a different payment method.(cybs_240)Ali_Err_122003
241cybs_241The request ID is invalid.
Possible action: Request a new authorization, and if successful, proceed with the capture.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_241)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_241)不出现Ali_Err_122008
242cybs_242You requested a capture, but there is no corresponding, unused authorization record. Occurs if there was not a previously successful authorization request or if the previously successful authorization has already been used by another capture request.
Possible action: Request a new authorization, and if successful, proceed with the capture.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_242)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_242)不出现Ali_Err_122008
243cybs_243The transaction has already been settled or reversed. Possible action: No action required.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_243)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_243)不出现Ali_Err_122008
246cybs_246One of the following:
? The capture or credit is not voidable because the capture or credit information has already been submitted to your processor.
? You requested a void for a type of transaction that cannot be voided. Possible action: No action required.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_246)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_246)不出现Ali_Err_122008
247cybs_247You requested a credit for a capture that was previously voided. Possible action: No action required.网络系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_247)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_247)不出现Ali_Err_122008
250cybs_250Error: The request was received, but there was a timeout at the payment processor.
Possible action: To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center.此交易已经付款,银行处理中,请稍后查询交易结果.(cybs_250)This transaction has paid, bank is processing.Please check transaction result later.
475cybs_475The customer is enrolled in Payer Authentication.Authenticate the cardholder before continuing with the transaction.您已通过安全认证,请继续支付.(cybs_475)You have been enrolled the Payer Authentication,please continue with the transaciton.(cybs_475)交易正常推荐,无错误码
476cybs_476The customer cannot be authenticated.
Possible action: Review the customer's order.您的个人信息未通过银行的网上付款验证,请重新付款.(cybs_476)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_476)不出现Ali_Err_122008
名称标识说明文案 - 中文(新)文案-英文(新)备注error_code
100cybs_100nSuccessful transaction.您的个人信息未通过银行的网上付款验证,请重新付款.(cybs_100n)Your personal information hasn't pass through bank online payment validation.Please try again later. (cybs_100n)Ali_Err_122009
101cybs_101nThe request is missing one or more required fields.
Possible action: See the reply fields missingField_0...N for the missing fields.
Resend the request with the complete information.交易过程中信息传输错误,请重新付款.(cybs_101n)This transaction failed because some errors are in information transmission.Please try again later.(cybs_101n)Ali_Err_122008
102cybs_102nOne or more fields in the request contains invalid data.
Possible action: See the reply fields invalidField_0...N for the invalid fields.
Resend the request with the correct information.交易过程中信息传输错误,请重新付款.(cybs_102n)This transaction failed because some errors are in information transmission.Please try again later.(cybs_102n)Ali_Err_122008
150cybs_150nError: General system failure.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_150n)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_150n)Ali_Err_122008
151cybs_151nError: The request was received, but a server time-out occurred. This error does
not include time-outs between the client and the server.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.您的个人信息未通过银行的网上付款验证,请重新付款.(cybs_151n)Your personal information hasn't pass through bank online payment validation.Please try again later. (cybs_151n)Ali_Err_122009
152cybs_152nError: The request was received, but a service time-out occurred.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request.您的个人信息未通过银行的网上付款验证,请重新付款.(cybs_152n)Your personal information hasn't pass through bank online payment validation.Please try again later. (cybs_152n)Ali_Err_122009
234cybs_234nA problem exists with your CyberSource merchant configuration.
Possible action: Do not resend the request. Contact Customer Support to correct
the configuration problem.银行系统繁忙,请稍后再试.(cybs_234n)This transaction failed because bank system was busy.Please try again later.(cybs_234n)Ali_Err_122008
475cybs_475nThe customer is enrolled in Payer Authentication. Authenticate the cardholder
before continuing with the transaction.银行未通过网上付款验证,请重新付款.(cybs_475n)The online payment hasn't pass through bank validation.Please try again later.(cybs_475n)Ali_Err_122008
476cybs_476nThe customer cannot be authenticated.
Possible action: Review the customer’s order.您的个人信息未通过银行的网上付款验证,请重新付款.(cybs_476n)Your personal information hasn't pass through bank online payment validation.Please try again later. (cybs_476n)Ali_Err_122008
Error Code报错原因新报错文案(中文)新报错文案(英文)
wk.boc.001Transaction Successfulwk.boc.001=您已付款000.00元到 XXXX.这笔交易在您的银行账单上将显示:“支付宝”. (NO.wk_boc_002)
注:仅用于外部商户.XXX是货币代码.YYY是商户别名.You have successfully paid 000.00 XXX to YYY. The payee will appear on your bill as ALIPAY () HANGZHOU.(NO. wk_boc_001)
wk.boc.002Response Unknowwk.boc.002=抱歉,无法完成付款.
wk.boc.002=This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to
merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_002)
wk.boc.003Transaction Declined - Bank Errorwk.boc.003=抱歉,无法完成付款. 银行拒绝交易.(NO. wk_boc_003)
wk.boc.003=This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO. wk_boc_003)
wk.boc.004Bank Declined Transactionwk.boc.004=抱歉,无法完成付款.银行拒绝交易.(NO. wk_boc_004)
wk.boc.004=This transaction failed because your issuing bank declined. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO. wk_boc_004)
wk.boc.005Transaction Declined - No Reply from Bankwk.boc.005=抱歉,无法完成付款.银行系统忙,请稍后再试.
wk.boc.005=This transaction failed because bank system was busy. Please return to merchant's website and try again later. (NO. wk_boc_005)
wk.boc.006Transaction Declined - Expired Cardwk.boc.006=抱歉,无法完成付款.您的信用卡已过期.可以更换其他卡付款.(NO.wk_boc_006)
This transaction failed because your credit card has expired. Please return to merchant's website and try a different payment method. (NO.wk_boc_006)
wk.boc.007Transaction Declined - Insufficient fundswk.boc.007=抱歉,无法完成付款.
您的信用卡额度不足. 可以更换其他卡付款.(NO.wk_boc_


