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魔兽7.2.5 狂暴战进阶攻略以及常见问题解答-发表于早期的内容,仅供参考
新手上路, 积分 43, 距离下一级还需 7 积分
The translate work is just for the purpose of sharing,I do not take any credit as a translator.
Thanks again for the great work of Archimtiros and hope he can bring more of those quality guides for us. Which he did.
如果本帖没有你想要看的内容 可以移步作者在[icy-veins]和[wowhead]上的面向广大新手朋友们的攻略
暴雪爸爸令人惊奇的 很好的 平衡好这两个专精,最大的区别应该是是否有核心橙。实际中,战斗机制会决定这两个专精的表现,例如顺劈,高爆发AOE的需求度和斩杀期的长短。
(实际上武器战 几乎 屠版)
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17:03 上传
我的建议很简单 喜欢什么就玩什么。如果你喜欢什么东西,你有更大的几率去投入,花费时间去学习其中的细微差别并且最终成功
神器: 神器点和圣物
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17:03 上传
圣物排行是怎么样的?.jpg (14.93 KB, 下载次数: 0)
17:03 上传
战斗脉冲 : 每点可以使怒击的暴击产生额外1点怒气。每次怒击爆击产生4点怒气。因为怒击分主手和副手怒击,而且主副手的判断是独立的所以有可能产生8点怒气,并且从总体上来讲有很大的几率至少有一个手爆击。从数学的角度来讲,10%的怒击就有19%的单手爆击几率(4点怒气),有1%的双手爆击机会(8点怒气)。
抗魔联军的条例 : 新巅峰,所以需要点满其他才可以开始点的天赋。有10秒的持续时间,1.37的RPPM(真实每分钟触发数),提升力量主属性。
装备: BiS, 橙,和饰品
是的 在同样的装等下 T20比T19大概提高了4~5%的伤害
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17:03 上传
T20和T19混穿怎么样?.jpg (7.89 KB, 下载次数: 0)
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可以这么做,但是不推荐 主要取决于你现有的橙装
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17:04 上传
属性附魔的不同只有一点点的差距 所以不要特别纠结。尽管力量/精通对AOE更有帮助。但是在萨墓中堆积急速是永远正确的。
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All rankings change gear as appropriate to maintain tier bonuses. Differences in your own personal gear will affect results.
T19 favors Battlelord due to less ne T20 favors Helm because it's the weakest tier piece.
Ceann-Ar and Valarjar are effectively equal for purposes of combinations, trailed closely by Kazzalax and Battlelord.
Soul of the Battlelord is more effective on longer Execute phases, and favors Mastery over Haste, so individual gear setups may rank it higher than above.
Kazzalax will decrease in value if stacks are not properly maintained.
Sephuz doesn't
if it can be reliably procced it dramatically increases in value.
Naj'entus and Kil'jaeden are ranked
against multiple targets their values increase proportionately.
Notes for use
With Kazzalax, Bloodthirst can be used on the pull immediately before Battle Cry to start the stack.
With Ayala's, Execute should be used during Raging Blow's cooldown, in place of a weaker Bloodthirst/Furious Slash.
Kil'jaeden's should be used during Battle Cry, preferably against multiple targets. It's not affected by Avatar or Enrage and already automatically crits, but does benefit from Unrivaled Strength (which is actually a bug). While strong due to ilvl, it's typically weaker than epic trinkets and other legendaries.
The strength of tier-slot legendaries is high enough to outweigh 6p tier combinations of T19 and T20 bonuses.
Umbral Moonglaives and Convergence of Fates (used in trinket slot #2 for the below simulations).
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17:05 上传
*This is an average drawn from multiple gear setups, which attempts to mitigate stat weight bias, but remember that your own gearing can greatly influence these rankings! This is an example of where &sim yourself& is the right answer.
While there are many competitive trinkets, keep in mind some of their drawbacks:
Kil'jaeden's competes against other legendaries, which are typically bigger increases (in other words, if you have better legendaries, don't use KJ).
Unstable Arcanocrystal and Chaos Talisman are increasingly difficult to obtain at a competitive ilevel.
Specter of Betrayal can deal the highest raw trinket damage, but has strict timing and positional requirements, and cannot be used properly with Convergence of Fates, which hurts Fury more than it gains. It's usable, but well-timed Moonglaives are better.
Cradle/Eye of Command will very rarely have 100% uptime in most encounters.
Haste stat sticks can be very strong when approaching notable Haste breakpoints (see stats section below).
Umbral Moonglaives fits near perfectly into Battle Cry, making it highly effective on single target as well as AoE. Due to simulation limitations it may sim slightly lower for players with abnormally high or low haste. See the rotation section for notes on use.
Convergence of Fates does not require a high ilevel to be effective, although the additional strength is beneficial. Keep in mind that some encounters will require Battle Cry to be delayed, which can significantly devalue the trinket.
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17:05 上传
However, keep in mind that its power drops significantly if Battle Cry is delayed for any reason. This makes it weaker when delaying cooldowns for adds or important encounter phases. As the tier progresses, more guidelines regarding its use for individual encounters will be presented.
灵魂从被削40%改到15%,还可以用吗?.jpg (74.86 KB, 下载次数: 0)
17:06 上传
Yes, though not as good as it used to be, as Critical Strike is continually devalued in relation to Haste & Mastery and ability damage now makes up a larger part of total damage.
As an example of relative strength, here are comparisons of various ilvl Melandrus vs Nighthold rings:
vs 890 Scoured Clan (Haste/Mastery)
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vs 890 Scoured Clan
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vs 890 Braided Stems (Haste/Versatility)
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vs 890 Braided Stems
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17:07 上传
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17:07 上传
Endless Rage should be used on single target fights, while War Machine is better for questing, dungeons, and any raid encounter which grants ~30%+ uptime. For Tomb of Sargeras these fights will be Harjatan, Mistress Sassz'ine, The Desolate Host, and possibly Kil'jaeden.
Wrecking Ball is worth using if you're consistently using Whirlwind outside of cooldowns. It's particularly useful against Mistress Sasszi'ine, The Desolate Host, and possibly Harjatan, along with Mythic+.
Bounding Stride and Warpaint are interchangeable depending on the need for mobility or damage reduction.
Fresh Meat doesn't provided a large enough buff to ensure Bloodthirst critical strikes, or last long enough to impact raid encounters.
Shockwave or Storm Bolt can be used, but there are plenty of other classes which bring stuns without opportunity cost.
Outburst has very little DPS potential, since Enrage is so easy to guarantee with Rampage and Battle Cry.
Furious Charge has some benefit while leveling or chaining solo combat, but isn't practical for group content with healer roles.
Carnage's 15 rage only saves ~1 GCD, which is minor, and is only active for 80% of the fight.
Massacre only works for 20% of the fight, though it can be used in addition to Frothing Berserker with the newest legendary ring.
T20 bonuses favor Inner Rage more than Bloodbath or Frenzy.
Bladestorm doesn't perform well due to not fitting inside Enrage or Battle Cry, and competing with Odyn's Fury.
Dragon Roar is outclassed by Reckless Abandon, and not worth the extra GCD it requires.
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17:08 上传
T19下暴怒用在战吼里而怒击优先级变后,不过根据个人急速的多少 战后内暴怒和怒击的差距并不是很大 因为不再使用灵魂之引了。
这篇攻略大部分讲述T20 T19详情[看这里]
怒击(激怒下)& 暴怒(100怒气)& 嗜血 & 怒击 & 挥砍
怒击(激怒下)& 暴怒(100怒气)& 奥丁之怒 & 嗜血 & 挥砍
战吼+怒击(激怒下) -& 暴怒 -& 奥丁之怒 -& 怒击 -& 嗜血 -& 挥砍/暴怒 -& 怒击 -& 嗜血
嗜血 (激怒下,没有嗜怒) & 怒击 (激怒下) & 暴怒 (100 怒气) & 奥丁之怒 & 嗜血& 挥砍
战吼+暴怒 -& 嗜血 -& 怒击 -& 奥丁之怒 -& 暴怒/嗜血-& 怒击 -& 嗜血/暴怒
斩杀期循环一 -标准版
本手法适用于短期斩杀,目标期待于在几个GCD内死亡 此时来自于怒击的直接伤害的价值高于维持激怒/暴乱狂战士
斩杀 & 嗜血 & 怒击 & 挥砍
标准版的斩杀手法,这是标准的斩杀手法,只是简单的尽可能多打斩杀 堆叠主宰层数 以便于在战吼期间内打出爆炸伤害。使用嗜血和怒击来维持怒气水平。但是对维持暴乱和激怒没有什么太好的办法。这套手法比下面的要简单,因为怒气在前端而不是后面,这消除了监视多种buff和boss血量的需求。让输出更有效,特别是对付不寻常的短期斩杀战斗或者是变化的时间轴比如凝结的命运。
斩杀期循环二 -暴乱狂版 - with T20 - 实验版
这个手法现在仍然在实验期。虽然在实际战斗中可用,但是Sims并不喜欢这个手法。因为比较复杂,需要考虑的Timing和监视的buff比较多 但是最后打出来的主宰层数却比上述的标准手法少。而且要求在进入战吼爆发前或者目标死之前要最大化的叠满主宰buff层数以避免伤害损失。目前来讲这个手法可能比标准手法少了0.2-1.5%的输出,并且差距可能在以后减小。
理想上,你希望在进入斩杀期越接近满怒气越好 并且从满怒开始循环
斩杀(100怒气)& 斩杀 & 嗜血 & 怒击
斩杀 -& 斩杀 -& 免费暴怒 -& 斩杀 -& 斩杀 -& 免费暴怒
当有足够急速时,两个免费暴怒之间可以穿插3个斩杀, 但是怒气会很快的消耗掉, 所以除非战吼CD马上转好,不推荐这么频繁的使用斩杀.
战吼 & 嗜血/免费暴怒 (如果未激怒) & 斩杀
挥砍 (维持狂乱Buff) & 斩杀 -& 斩杀 -& 免费暴怒 -& 斩杀 -& 斩杀 -& 免费暴怒
当有足够急速时,两个免费暴怒之间可以穿插3个斩杀, 但是怒气会很快的消耗掉, 所以除非战吼CD马上转好,不推荐这么频繁的使用斩杀.
战吼CD转好之前的5-10s之前大量打斩杀来堆叠额外主宰层数,战吼前狂乱buff少于8秒时需要打挥砍维持狂乱Buff, 战吼前一个CD用暴怒来维持激怒buff。& &
由于背叛幽灵严格的时间和位置要求,在大多数情况下是不切实际的。 也就是说,使用它有两种主要的方法:
2. 不和凝结的命运一起使用,并且有目的的延迟战吼使用来和幽灵配合。但是除非目标永远不离开饰品作用距离才可以。
注意: 根据个人的装备不同,属性权重也随之而变,每个人都应该自己模拟自己的属性权重
急速 & 精通 & 全能 & 爆击 & 力量
With T19 或者 战争领主之魂
精通 & 急速 & 全能 & 爆击 & 力量
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17:08 上传
急速26.21 & 精通25.70 & 全能24.76 & 爆击19.92 & 力量19.53
是的,了解属性之间的一般关系非常重要,但是多个属性有着非常接近的价值时,属性权重往往会产生误导。因为价值最大的属性可能并不总是保持最高的价值。 了解狂暴战属性的趋势可以说是更重要的,急速往往是最强的属性然后是精通,除了使用战争领主之魂以外 这时精通价值超过急速。
急速优先原则将在大多数情况下获得最佳回报,因为堆积它会进入新的断点,并且在断点后往往与精通保持一致的价值。 精通是次要好的,甚至可以在使用战争领主之魂或爆发AoE时,超越急速。 所以减少全能和爆击将会是你评估装备的一大原则,除非这个装备能带来明显的装等提升或者它本身的特效很出色
实际上“断点”有很多,不过其中最重要的是超过27%。最高的50%急速只能通过buff来达到 例如狂乱,战争机器,嗜血/英勇 等
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17:08 上传
急速在17%, 21%, 30%, 37%, 42%, and 50% (四舍五入) 都是值得注意的“断点”。& &记住,断点并不总是战吼内更多的GCD那么简单 ,但可以与“激怒”,“暴乱狂战士”,“怒气恢复”,“套装效果”等相关联 - 意味着这一件特定的装备是否应该装备还是移除
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急速在17%, 21%, 30%, 37%, 42%, and 50% (四舍五入)
17:09 上传
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17:09 上传
橙装头盔和裤子在一起减少了一些较小的急速断点,因为增加了暴怒的使用并增加了激怒维持时间。 在这时,急速和精通是可以互换的,但是更多/更高的断点仍然存在。
橙装头盔和裤子在一起减少了一些较小的急速断点.jpg (16.13 KB, 下载次数: 0)
17:09 上传
战争领主之魂使得精通超过急速,这时因为在斩杀期时激怒的持续覆盖,但急速仍然有用,并且至少与全能相当。 请记住,战争领主之魂的价值与斩杀的长度相关。
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17:10 上传
这些不同的装备BD是为什么要sim自己的属性的一个例子,是为了更好地了解它们之间的关系; 然而,仍然存在一个“常数”,这个版本中急速和精通永远是狂暴战的最佳属性。尽管其他属性看起来和这两个相同但是从未超过他们。所以当你更换装备的时候可以提前应用这个规则来简单化你的换装。
( Pawn: v1: &915 BiS&: Class=Warrior, Spec=Fury, Strength=19.53, CritRating=19.92, HasteRating=26.21, MasteryRating=25.70, Versatility=24.76 )
使用有风险; 个人装备和结果的属性权重不一定与之匹配。 请记住,Pawn不考虑套装效果,可能会导致误导,除非在换装备之后不断更新字符串。
Class Campaign and Order Hall Optimization
There are plenty of other guides on MMO-C and WoWhead covering general 7.2 content, so this is only going to cover Warrior specific interests. Please note that much of this content is time-gated on live, and will be completed incrementally, rather than being available all at once as it was on the PTR.
The Class Campaign itself is a very straightforward quest chain available upon completing the Broken Shore introductory quests. Rather than reposting it all here, see my earlier post on the subject (note: some content has since changed and will be noted below as applicable).
Rallying Cry is the only real option, as Odyn's Favor does nothing after reaching 110 and has no interaction with world quests.
Forced March is the best option for missions, while For Honor and Glory is mainly for fun and flavor.
Abundant Valor is far better in 7.2, since high quality Champion equipment can now be obtained much more frequently through missions.
Ascension is much better for reaching high mission completion percentages, seeing as Trial By Fire's small bonus is rarely impactful.
Spoils of War is incredibly useful early on, although Val'kyr Call can be used once a stockpile of resources has been accumulated (note: it does not work on rare or equip world quests).
Legends of Ragnarok is the only option.
The choice here is fairly subjective - extra troops help complete bonus rolls, while sending out missions is limited by Champions. I tend to value bonus loot, but it's really 50/50.
Legionfall United is the only option. The double trait Relic bonus no longer exists.
[size=13.3333px]My pre-7.2 writeup can be found here.
[size=13.3333px]There's a lot of leeway with regards to composition, and there's no single &best& setup. Mission counters are partially randomized, and your lineup will obviously change if you favor certain Champions or Combat Allies over others. The biggest optimization is simply ensuring you can counter as many threats as possible. That said, this is merely my logic regarding optimal combinations.
[size=13.3333px]Quicklinks: New in 7.2 - Best Champions - Champion Analysis - Champion Equipment
[size=13.3333px]New in 7.2
[size=13.3333px]New Champion
[size=13.3333px]Darius Crowley (Alliance)/Eitrigg (Horde)
[size=13.3333px]Unlocking the new follower also unlocks a 6th active champion slot, so you don't have to immediately deactivate a champion to drop back down to 5. Unfortunately, while I want to like them, I don't find the new Champion to be that attractive. Rather than add a 3rd Protection option, we got a 4th Fury, which means overlap and Crowley/Eitrigg has the same counters as the already well-used Hydmall. There simply isn't a lot of reason to use both, so unless you're going to use him as a combat ally, or don't want to use Hymdall, it may be better to deactivate them and use another follower instead - more on this below.
[size=13.3333px]Tier 7 Advancement
[size=13.3333px]Strike Hard
[size=13.3333px]Adds two new troops. Like Shieldmaidens, they provide a +30% bonus, but also provide a random counter. While at first glance this seems really attractive, I'm not very inclined to use them, especially if you've trained Abundant Valor, allowing a 4th Valarjar/3rd Shieldmaiden. I find Shieldmaidens on par or better with Ascension, and a lot of counters can situationally be ignored (increased cost, duration, lethal) depending on the mission.
[size=13.3333px]Roster Champions
[size=13.3333px]Unlocks a 7th active Champion slot, up from 6. I find this to be very useful in allowing more flexibility and variety i it's essentially required to allow 2 of each counter, unless you don't want a dedicated Combat Ally.
[size=13.3333px]My suggestion is dependent on your level of involvement.
[size=13.3333px]If you do missions often, leading to a well developed roster of Champions, of high level and complete with powerful equipment, I find that adding another Champion will make your team more flexible and three extra equipment slots can be far more powerful than extra troops.
[size=13.3333px]If you instead do the bare minimum, only sending out missions once per day or less, and don't have all epic/titled quality Champions, then extra troops will be more beneficial for getting high bonus % on the missions you send out.
[size=13.3333px]Best Champion lineups
[size=13.3333px](what you really clicked here to find)
[size=13.3333px]There are many viable setups, largely dependent on who you want to use as a combat ally, and which Champions you may have already leveled/geared up to this point.
[size=13.3333px]Champion& &Special Abilities& &Counters
[size=13.3333px]Finna& &+15% vs Hazards& &2 Protection
[size=13.3333px]Svergan& &+15% dual troop types& &2 Fury
[size=13.3333px]Hymdall& &+15% over 8 hours& &2 Arms
[size=13.3333px]Hodir& &+15% vs Minions& &2 Pummel
[size=13.3333px]Thorim& &+15% when solo& &2 Whirlwind
[size=13.3333px]Ymiron& &+poop& &2 Leap
[size=13.3333px]Crowley (ally)& &+5% per troop vitality& &Fury/Leap backup
[size=13.3333px]Strength: Well balanced specs/counters.
[size=13.3333px]Weaknesses: Slightly weaker special abilities (Thorim/Ymiron), Crowley is now a much less useful combat ally.
[size=13.3333px]Optional allies: Thorim or Hodir can be used as optional combat allies if desired, just swap them when a mission they counter comes up.
[size=13.3333px]B (my setup)
[size=13.3333px]Champion& &Special Abilities& &Counters
[size=13.3333px]Finna& &+15% vs Hazards& &2 Protection
[size=13.3333px]Svergan& &+15% dual troop types& &2 Fury
[size=13.3333px]Hymdall& &+15% over 8 hours& &2 Arms
[size=13.3333px]Dvalen& &+20% with 1 health troop& &2 Pummel
[size=13.3333px]Ragnvald& &+5% per troop vitality& &2 Whirlwind
[size=13.3333px]Thorim& &+15% when solo& &2 Leap
[size=13.3333px]Hodir (ally)& &+15% vs Minions& &Fury/Whirlwind backup
[size=13.3333px]Strength: Well balanced specs/counters, Hodir is great for world PvP.
[size=13.3333px]Weakness: A lot of &solo champion& specials, Hodir is very good for missions.
[size=13.3333px]Optional allies: Dvalen/Thorim.
[size=13.3333px]Champion& &Special Abilities& &Counters
[size=13.3333px]Finna& &+15% vs Hazards& &2 Protection
[size=13.3333px]Svergan& &+15% dual troop types& &2 Fury
[size=13.3333px]Hymdall& &+15% over 8 hours& &2 Arms
[size=13.3333px]Hodir& &+15% vs Minions& &2 Pummel
[size=13.3333px]Ragnvald& &+5% per troop vitality& &3 Whirlwind
[size=13.3333px]Ymiron& &+poop& &1 Leap
[size=13.3333px]Thorim (ally)& &+15% when solo& &Arms/Leap backup
[size=13.3333px]Strengths: Stronger special abilities, Thorim's buff is good for less geared players and in PvP, &KROLMIR!&
[size=13.3333px]Weaknesses: Only one dedicated Heroic Leap counter, though Thorim can be used for missions when not actively being used.
[size=13.3333px]Optional allies: Hodir.
[size=13.3333px]Champion& &Special Abilities& &Counters
[size=13.3333px]Finna& &+15% vs Hazards& &2 Protection
[size=13.3333px]Svergan& &+15% dual troop types& &2 Fury
[size=13.3333px]Hymdall& &+15% over 8 hours& &2 Arms
[size=13.3333px]Hodir& &+15% vs Minions& &2 Pummel
[size=13.3333px]Thorim& &+15% when solo& &2 Whirlwind
[size=13.3333px]Ymiron& &+poop& &2 Leap
[size=13.3333px]Dvalen (ally)& &+20% with 1 health troop& &Fury/Pummel backup
[size=13.3333px]Strength: Well balanced specs/counters.
[size=13.3333px]Weakness: Weak Dvalen.
[size=13.3333px]Optional allies: Thorim/Hodir.
[size=13.3333px]*Meatball & Moroes
[size=13.3333px]*If you want to use Shocktroops instead of 7 Champions, either drop the dedicated Combat Ally, or drop Ymiron and use Thorim/Dvalen as combat allies to retain the second Arms/Pummel counter.
[size=13.3333px]Champion Analysis
[size=13.3333px](long winded shit you don't care about)
[size=13.3333px]Combat Allies
[size=13.3333px]Mostly subjective, but can have a big impact on who you decide to run in your main mission-going roster.
[size=13.3333px]Finna - Random proc, 1.5m internal CD. Uncontrollable makes it annoying, often pulls neutral mobs or attacks PvP flagged players (and guards) in towns.
[size=13.3333px]Dvalen - Bodyguard. Useful at low levels, but fairly worthless at higher ones.
[size=13.3333px]Thorim - 2m CD 3m duration 25% AP buff with a short AoE stun 3m. Good in world PvP, and the buff is a nice ~10% damage increase that can be kept up permanently. Very useful for undergeared players, less useful when you're already two-shotting world mobs.
[size=13.3333px]Hodir - 3m CD 8s AoE stun, deals more damage than Thorim, but doesn't provide a personal buff. Very powerful in world PvP.
[size=13.3333px]Crowley/Eitrigg - A second combat ally, with the option of putting them in proc mode, working similar to Finna, which causes him to appear and bladestorm a group of enemies for ~500k damage.
[size=13.3333px]Personally, I find Thorim and Hodir to be the best allies, because you can control them. I don't really like Finna because she often procs when you don't want her to, and her cooldown prohibits her from appearing when you do (she also procs on and chases non-hostile targets such as neutral mobs and PvP zone/server players not actively engaged in combat). She's also really important for her Pummel, since the other two champions which offer it are, in my opinion, pretty weak. Likewise, I'm not a fan of Dvalen for similar reasons, and I find the extra damage output unnecessary at higher gear levels.
[size=13.3333px]Another important thing to remember is that Combat Allies can easily be taken on and off, meaning you can use them for the occasional mission, and so they should complement your group. This can compensate for an imbalanced roster, since you can still use them to complete missions, especially during &off& hours when not actively playing the game.
[size=13.3333px]Finna Bjornsdottir - Shield Charge synergizes well with the Shieldmaiden's Ascension, and the strongest option for Pummel.
[size=13.3333px]Svergan Stormcloak - Royal Bloodline is strong bonus with the right follower equipment, but requires two open slots for troops, making it difficult to counter missions with multiple threats. Pairs well with Shock Troops.
[size=13.3333px]Ragnvald Drakeborn - Commanding Shout has the highest bonus potential of all Champion special abilities. Slightly stronger than Thorim or Svergans bonuses because it still gets some benefit with only one troop and another Champion.
[size=13.3333px]Thorim - Titan's Wrath precludes any other Champions on the mission, making it more difficult to counter missions with multiple threats. Pairs well with Shock Troops.
[size=13.3333px]King Ymiron - Screams of the Dead is pretty bad in my opinion. A [I]chance/I] to save a 30m cooldown and trivial amount of resources. However, he provides Pummel.
[size=13.3333px]Hymdall - Gatekeeper is very useful as the hardest to complete missions are often the longest, and synergizes quite well with long-duration equipment bonuses.
[size=13.3333px]Hodir - Frozen Blows is almost always active, since his Whirlwind also counters Minions.
[size=13.3333px]Dvalen Ironrune - Enrage is useful
hard to plan on it being available, forces you to counter Lethal, and takes awhile to force availability if it's not already up. While the bonus can stack high, it encourages keeping troops at 1 health, which is at odds with Ragnvald/Crowley/Rallying Cry which benefit from high health troops. However, he provides Pummel, and is typically a better option than Ymiron.
[size=13.3333px]Darius Crowley/Eitrigg - Leader of the Pack/Blood and Honor is disappointingly the same effect as Ragnvald, although it is one of the stronger bonuses. His true fault is that his counter also copies Hymdall's, who is likely far more useful as a &long mission& specialist, and likely already well developed during the time leading up to 7.2.
[size=13.3333px]Meatball & Moroes - Both are great champions, and can be really useful for hitting 200% with underdeveloped teams, but the downside is that they don't actually counter anything. Personally, I don't have much problem hitting 200% as long as I can counter the missions... the hard part is actually having whatever combination of counters it requires, which is why I favor regular champions. TLDR: Meatball & Moroes allow you to 200% one mission - having a wide range of counters allows you to 200% many missions.
[size=13.3333px]If you do want to use them, my suggestion would be to use only one, either as a combat ally, or using your combat ally to cover any counters that you lose by replacing one of your primary mission going champions.
[size=13.3333px]I tend to find Finna, Hymdall, Ragnvald, Hodir, Svergan, and Thorim the most useful due to their bonuses, while Dvalen and Ymiron the least, in that order. Since we're going for an extra Protection and Pummel, there really isn't a lot of choice - Svergan is the only choice, and unfortunately, getting a second Pummel counter requires the use of either Dvalen or Ymiron. Although Dvalen's special ability is better than Ymiron's, there are already too many good Fury picks, so Ymiron wins out in the end. This is why I find Roster of Champions more useful than Shock Troops - you can't get two of every spec/counter and have a dedicated ally without it. Although you could get by with 6 and a &flexible& combat ally used part time, I still favor an extra Champion, as it allows more variety and a greater chance of being able to counter missions.
[size=13.3333px]As I said in the beginning, there's a lot of flexibility, and I don't really think there's any &right& choice as long as you can counter mission threats. The biggest influence is who you decide to take as a Combat Ally, and which Champions you may have already spent time leveling up/equipping already. I'm currently using setup B.
[size=13.3333px]Champion Equipment (WIP)
[size=13.3333px]Even more so than the Champions themselves, there's an incredible amount of leeway, the only real rule is to play to the Champions strengths.
[size=13.3333px]My current setups are:
[size=13.3333px]Hodir - Overwhelming Focus, Fel Imp Tooth, Pathfinder's Saddle (+40% &4hr, -15% duration, -15% duration)
[size=13.3333px]Finna - Overwhelming Focus, Timeless Breath, Pathfinder's Saddle (+40% &4hr, +40% &4hr, -15% duration)
[size=13.3333px]Ragnvald - Skull Fallen Foe, Timeless Breath, Overwhelming Focus (+20% w/ Valks, +40% &4hr, +40% &4hr)
[size=13.3333px]Hymdall - Fetish, Timeless Breath, Bottomless Flask (+15%, +40% &4hr, +30% &4hr)
[size=13.3333px]Dvalen - Fetish, Timeless Breath, Wartorn Banner (+15%, +40% &4hr, +20% w/ Valarjar)
[size=13.3333px]Svergan - Skull Fallen Foe, Wartorn Banner, Fetish/Carrot (+20% w/ Valks, +20% w/ Valarjar, +15%)
[size=13.3333px]Thorim - Potion of Triton, Neckless of Memories, Elixir of Plenty (+50 gold, +25 gold, +100 resources)
[size=13.3333px]Basically Hodir is my short mission specialist (can knock 5hr missions below 4hrs by himself), while Hymdall primarily deals with long missions. Finna and Ragnvald boost both roles due to their li Svergan and Dvalen are built for troop bonuses, and Thorim is a primary combat ally only used for throwaway missions and the rare extra Arms counter.
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