2017做什么生意最赚钱 vi

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词形变化:&过去式和过去分词:profited&&现在分词:profiting&&复数形式:profits&习惯短语和短句: Crude Oil Windfall Profit Act {n.}原油横财处理法 Distribution(share) of the net profit 利润分配 Excess Profits Duty 超额利润税 He appropriates all the profit and leaves the caput mortuum behind. 他把全部好处占为已有,而把无用的东西留给他人 Heavy overheads reduced his profits. 经费开销大因而减少了他的利润 In villages which were greedy for profit and harvest,he said:"Look at the people of Embrun! 在那些斤斤计较利润和收获物的村子里,他说:你们瞧瞧昂布伦地方的人吧 Lohn,Preis und Profit 《工资、价格和利润》 Loss of Profit Insurance {n.}利润损失险 Money or profits. 钱,利润 Price hikes for exorbitant profits 牟取暴利 Profit Sharing {n.}利润分享 Profit Tax Assessment
Profit Tax Assessor
Profit and loss 盈亏 Profits Tax Assesser {n.}利得税评税主任 Profits Tax Assessment {n.}利得税评税主通知书 Profits Tax Assessor {n.}利得税评税主任 Profits began to flow in later the same year. 同年晚些时候利润开始源源而来 Sell at a bargain,sell at a profit 廉价出售 Selling profit 销售利润 The payout ratio refers to the propor-tion of profit paid to shareholders. 派息率(也称配息率)是指公司净利分派给股东的比率 The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者 The tax inspector extimated his profit at $ 10,000 for the current year. 税收人员估计他今年的利润在1万美元左右 They will go fifty-fiftywith the profits. 他们将平分利润 Windfall Profits Tax {n.}暴利税 a narrow margin of profit {n.}薄利 a negative profit 减少利润 a net profit 纯利润 at 5 a net profit [gain] 纯利润 at 5 a profit incidental to regular wages 正常工资外的一份红利 a turn profit 赚钱,牟利 abnormal profit 超额利润 above target profit {adj.}超过配额的 absolute profit {n.}绝对利润 absoluted profit 绝对利润 account form balanced form of profit and loss statement {n.}帐户式损益表,帐户式损益计算书 account form of profit and loss 帐户式损益表 account form of profit and loss sheet {n.}帐户式损益计算书 account form of profit and loss statement {n.}帐户式损益表,帐户式损益计算书 account form profit and loss statement {n.}帐户式损益计算书 account form profit and loss statement sheet {n.}帐户式资产负债表 account of profits {n.}利润结算 accounting profit {n.}会计利润 accrued profit 应计利润 accumulated profit 累积[滚存]利益 accumulation profit {n.}累积利润 action for mesne profits {n.}要求收回中间收益的诉讼 actual profit 实际利润 additional profit {n.}附加利润 additional profit tax
additional profits tax {n.}超额利润税 adjusted net profit 调整后净利润 adjusted profit {n.}调整后留存收益 adjustment of tax to profit 税收对利润调节 administration of profit making transport {n.}营运管理 after -tax profit 纳税后利润,税后利润 after tax profit {n.}纳税后利润 after tax profit rate {n.}纳税后利润率 after tax profits {pl.}纳税后利润 after-tax profit {n.}纳税后利润 after-tax profit margin {n.}税后利润率 after-tax profit rate==>{n.}纳税后利润率,税后利润率 {} 税后利润率
after-tax profits {pl.}纳税后利润 agricultural profit 农业利润 aleatory profit 偶然利润 allocable profit [经]可分配利润 allocate profit {vt.}分配红利 allocation of profit {n.}利润分配 allocation of profits {n.}利润分配 allot a profit {vi.}分配利润 allot the profits of the business 分配红利 allotment profit {n.}分配盈利 amount of profit 利润额 an investment that returns good profits 利润很大的投资 analysis of business profit {n.}企业利润分析 analysis of business profits {n.}企业利润分析 analysis of profit {n.}利润分析,利润分析法 ancillary profit 附业利润 annual net profit {n.}年净利 annual profit or gain {n.}常年收入 annual rate of profit {n.}年利润率 annual ratio of profit {n.}年度利润率,年度盈利率 anticipated net profit {n.}预期纯利 anticipated profit 预期利润 anticipation of profit {n.}预计利润 anticipations of profits {n.}预计利润 apportionment of profit {n.}盈余分配 appraisal profit 估价利润 appropriate profits {vt.}划拨利润 appropriated profit 拨定利润 appropriated profits {n.}已分配利润 appropriation of profit {n.}利润分配 approved profit sharing scheme [经]经核准的利润分配方案 ascertainable profit center {n.}可确定利润中心 ascertainable profit centre {n.}可确定利润中心 ascertainment of chargeable profit
assessable profit 应税利润 assessed profit==>{n.}经评定溢利税额 {} 经评定利润税额
association for making profits {n.}营种社团 association for purpose of profit
association for purposes of profit {n.}营利法人(如股份公司) assume sole responsibility for its own profit and loss 自负盈亏 at a level that will bring profit to both {adv.}照顾各自的利益 at a profit {adv.}获利,赚钱 at profit {adv.}赚钱,盈利 attributable profit {n.}应计收益 audit investigation of profits distribution of family farm {n.}家庭农场收益分配审计调查 audit investigation of profits of family farm {n.}家庭农场利润审计调查 audit of errors and malpractices of profit and distribution statement of profit calculation {n.}利润及其分配弊端审计 audit of growth rate of main products profits of state farm {n.}国营农场主要产品利润增长率审计 audit of growth rate of profits and taxes of state farm {n.}国营农场税利增长率审计 audit of growth rate of profits of state farm {n.}国营农场利润增长率审计 audit of other sales profits of state farm {n.}国营农场其他销售利润审计 audit of port storage profit {n.}港口堆存利润审计 audit of profit and loss on import {n.}进口商品盈亏审计 audit of profit distribution {n.}利润分配审计 audit of profit distribution of joint venture {n.}合营企业利润分配审计 audit of profit of joint venture {n.}合营企业利润审计 audit of profit rate of fund of state farm {n.}国营农场资金利润率审计 audit of profit rate of output value of state farm {n.}国营农场产值利润率审计 audit of profit rate of sales of state farm {n.}国营农场销售利润率审计 audit of profits distribution of farm nursery {n.}场圃利润分配审计 audit of profits distribution of state farm {n.}国营农场利润分配审计 audit of profits of aquiculture yard {n.}水产养殖场利润审计 audit of profits of farm nursery {n.}场圃利润审计 audit of profits of three types of agricultural farms {n.}农业三场利润审计 audit of retained profit after tax in commerce {n.}商业企业税后留利审计 audit of retained profit on grain enterprise instead paying profits by taxes {n.}粮食利改税企业留利审计 audit of sales profit rate {n.}销售利润率审计 audit of sales profits of state farm {n.}国营农场销售利润审计 audit of total profit {n.}利润总额审计 audit of total profits of state farm {n.}国营农场利润总额审计 audit of traffic profit {n.}交通利润审计 audit of traffic profit rate {n.}交通利润率审计 audit of turning over profit of forestry farm nursery {n.}林业场圃上缴利润审计 audit of turning over profits of family farm {n.}家庭农场上缴利润审计 audit of turning over profits of state farm {n.}国营农场上缴利润审计 audit of utilization ratio of comprehensive management profit of irrigation works {n.}水利工程综合经营利润取用率审计 audit on allocation of commerce profits {n.}商业企业利润分配审计 audit on cost ratio of profit {n.}成本利润率审计 audit on gross profit of commodities sales {n.}商品销售毛利审计 audit on profits of commerce {n.}商业企业利润审计 auditing method of obtaining profit volume {n.}保利量审计法 auditing method of profit and loss break even point {n.}损益平衡点审计法 auditing method of profit and loss critical period of store {n.}盈亏临界点储存期审计法 auditing method of profit and loss critical point {n.}盈亏临界点审计法 auditing method of profit and loss critical point volume {n.}盈亏临界点业务量审计法 auditing method of profit and loss divergence point {n.}损益分歧点审计法 auditing method of profit break even point {n.}利润平衡点审计法 auditing method of profit coincide point {n.}利润重合点审计法 auditing method on business profits of coincide point at per stock gain {n.}每股收益重合点营业利润审计法 available profit 可动用利润 average cost and profit {n.}平均成本定价法,根据平均成本加利润原则制定的价格 average net profit 平均纯利润,平均净利润 average profit 平均利润 average profit rate 平均利润率 average profit rate on funds {n.}平均利润率 average rate of profit {n.}平均利润率 balance form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益计算书 balance of profit {n.}利润结余 balance only the profit and loss {n.}平衡损益 balance the profit and loss 平衡损益 bank's profit audit {n.}银行利润审计 behavior of profit {n.}利润动态 behaviour of profit {n.}利润动态 bent solely on profit {adj.}唯利是图 best profit equilibrium {n.}最大利润平衡 book profit 帐面利润 branch profit {n.}分店利润,分号利润 branch profit and loss account {n.}分店损益表 branch profits 分店利润 budgeted profit statements [经]预算利润表 business on profit {n.}利润制贸易 business profit 营业利润 business profit tax 营业利润税 business profit tax return 营业利润税申报表 business profits of coincide point at per stock gain {n.}每股收益重合点营业利润 caknteted on gross profit
calculate on gross profit {v.}依毛利计算 calculated on gross profit {n.}依毛利计算 capacity to earn profits {n.}盈利能力 capital profit {n.}资本利润, 资本利润,资本利益,资本收益,资金利润
capital profits 资本利益 capitalisation of profit {n.}利润资本化 capitalisation of profits {n.}盈利资本化 capitalist principle of profit seeking {n.}资本主义利润法则,资本主义利润追求原则 capitalization of monopoly profit 垄断利润资本化 capitalization of profit {n.}利润资本化 capitalization of profits {n.}盈利资本化 capitalized profit==>{n.}资本化利润 {} 资本化利润
capitalized profits 利润还原资本,资本化的利润,利润的资本化值 casual profit 偶得利润 casual profits {pl.}偶然利益 changing from profit delivery to tax payment==>{n.}利改税 {} 利改税
chargeable profit==>{n.}应缴税之利润 {} 应缴税之利润
charging profit and loss method {n.}损益收费法 clear commercial profit==>{n.}商业净利润 {} 商业净利润
clear profit 净利润 close margin of profit 少量的利润 colossal profits 暴利 combined profit and loss statement 合并损益计算书 commercial profit 商业利润 commercial profit of current period {n.}本期商业利润 commercial profit planning {n.}商业利润计划 commercial profit sharing==>{n.}商业利润分成 {} 商业利润分成
commercial profit statement==>{n.}商业利润表 {} 商业利润表
commodity operating profit and loss statement [经]商品(分类)别营业损益明细表 comparative profit and loss statement==>{n.}比较损益表 {} 比较损益计算书
comparative profit and loss statment [经]比较损益表 comparative rate of profit {n.}比较利润率 comparative statement of actual and estimated profit and loss 预期损益与实际损益比较表 comparative statement of actual and setimated profit and loss [经]实际及预计损益比较表 composition of profit 利润的组成 compte de pertes et profit {n.}损益帐,损益表 condensed profit and loss statement [经]简明损益表 conditional profit 条件利润 consignment profit 寄销利润 consignment profit and loss [经]寄销损益 consolidated net profit {n.}固定净利 consolidated profit and loss {n.}合并诉讼 consolidated profit and loss account {n.}综合损益计算表 consolidated profit and loss statement {n.}合并损益表 constant profit lines [经]等利润线 construction enterprise profit audit {n.}建筑企业利润审计 construction expenditures to be written off against profits {n.}待核销基建支出 construction expenditures to be written-off against profits etc [经]待核销基建支出 contingent profit {n.}或有利润, 或有利润
contingent profit on stock {n.}股票或有利僧 contingent profits 临时利润,非经常利润,或有利润 contribution margin ratio marginal profit ratio {n.}边际利润率 contribution margin ratio-marginal profit ratio {n.}边际利润率 contribution to profit 利润收益 contributory profit {n.}捐助救济 contributory profits [法]捐助救济 conversion of profit into average profit {n.}利润转化为平均利润 conversion of surplus value into profit {n.}剩余价值转化为利润 conversion of surplus-value into profit {n.}剩余价值转化为利润 corporate profit==>{n.}公司利润 {} 公司利润
corporate profit after taxes {n.}公司税后利润 corporate profit before taxes {n.}公司税前利润 corporate profit tax {n.}公司利润税, 公司盈利税,公司盈利税
corporate profit tax payable {n.}应付公司利润税 corporate profits 公司利润(额) corporate profits tax [经]公司利润税 corporate profits tax liability {n.}应付公司利润税 corporation for profit 营利法人 corporation profit {n.}公司利润 corporation profit tax==>{n.}法人利润税,公司利得税,公司利润税 {} 公司利得税
cost plus a profit {n.}成本加利润 cost plus profit contract {n.}成本加利润合同 cost plus profit price {n.}成本加利润价 cost volume profit graph chart {n.}成本销售利润的关系,成本销理利润的关系 crime for gaining profits {n.}贪利性犯罪 current profit and loss==>{n.}本期损益,经常损益 {} 本期损益
current term net profit 本期净益 current term net profit or loss {n.}本期净损益 curring profit {n.}经常利润 decentralization of power and transfer of profits 放权让利 decentralized profit control system [经]分权的利润管理系统,分散控制利润制 declared profit 已宣布利润 decreasing profits 收益递减 deferred gross profit 递延毛利 deferred gross profit on installment sales [经]分期付款销货的递延毛利 deferred profit on installment sales {n.}分期收款销货递延利润 deferred profit on instalment sales {n.}分期收款销货递延利润 deferred profit sharing plan {n.}延期利润分享方案 deferred profit sharing plan for pension {n.}延期利润分享制 delivery of profit {n.}解缴利润 departmental gross profit {n.}分部门毛利 departmental profit 部门利润 departmental profits {n.}部门利润 derive a profit==>{vi.}取得利润 {vt.}取得利润 desired profit point {n.}预期利润点 differential profit {n.}差别利润 differential profit ratio 差额利润比率 discretionary profits 相互抉择利润 dishonest profit {n.}不正当收益 disponsable profit {n.}可支配利润 disposable profit 可支配(的)利润 disposition of net profit {n.}净利分配表 disproportionate profit {n.}暴利 distributable profit {n.}可分配利润 distributable profits {n.}可分配利润 distribute a profit==>{vi.}分配利润 {vt.}分配利润 distribute bonuses out of profits==>{n.}按利润发奖金 {vt.}按利润发奖金 distribute profit {n.}已分配利润 distributed profit 已分配的利润 distributed profits {pl.}已分配利润 distribution of profit and loss [经]损益的分配 distribution of profits {n.}利润分配 distribution on gross profit {n.}按毛利分配,依毛利分配 distribution profit tax {n.}分配利润税 distributive profit 经销利润 distributive profits {pl.}经销利润,可分配利润(利益) distributor's profit margin 经销商利润率 divide the profit 分配利润 dividend of profit 利润股息 division of net profit 纯益分配 division of profit 利润划分 division of profit and loss {n.}损益分配,利润划分 divisional profit {n.}部门利润,分公司(厂/部)利润 divisional profit statement [经]分单位利润表 do sth for profit {vi.}为赢利做某事 do sth to one's profit 做某事而得益于 do sth to one's profit [with profit] 做某事而得益于 do sth with profit 做某事而得益 double profit {n.}双重利润 drawing of profit {n.}效益 dumping profit margin {n.}倾销差价,倾销幅度 earn a profit {vt.}获得利润 earned profit {n.}已获利润,营业利润 earnings and profits tax {n.}收入及利所得税 economic profit 经济利润 elimination of intercompany profit {n.}公司间利润的相互抵销 employee participation in profit {n.}职工分红制 employee participation in profits {n.}职工分红制 employee profit sharing plan {n.}职工利润分享计划 employee's reaction to profit sharing {n.}对分红制的雇员反应 endow profits {n.}赞助盈利 endowment profits {n.}赞助盈利 enormous profits 巨大的利益 enterprise profit drawing 企业利润的提取 enterprise profit partly reserved 企业利润留成 enterprise profit party reserved {n.}企业利润留成 entrepreneur's profit {n.}企业家利润 entrepreneur's profits 企业主[家]利润 equal profit line {n.}等利润线 equality of rate of profit 利润率均等化 equalization of profit {n.}利润平均化 equalization of profit rates 利润率平均化 equalization of profit rates on capital 资本利润率平均化 estimated net profit {n.}估计纯利 estimated profit 估计利润 estimated profit and loss {n.}估定损益,估计损益 estimated profit and loss statement {n.}估计损益表 estimated profit from sales 预计销售利润 ex ante profit {n.}根据推断的利润 ex post profit {n.}事后利润 ex post realized profit {n.}实行利润 excess profit 超额利润,过分利得 excess profit credit [经]过分利得点,超额利润贷款 excess profit duty 超额利润税,超额利得税 excess profit levy 超额利润附加税 excess profit tax {pl.}超额股份 excess profits 超额收益 excess profits duty {n.}超额利润税 excess profits tax {n.}超额利润税 excess windfall profit 超额暴利 excessive profit 超额利润 excessive profit tax 超额利得税 exchange profit 外汇利润 exclusion of dividends received from profit 利润分红不予计列 exemption of undistributed corporate profits 未分配公司利润的免税 exorbitant profit 过高的利润,非法利润,超额利润 expansion of powers and transfer of profits 扩权让利 expected profit clause {n.}期得利益条款 expected profit insurance 预期利润保险 expected profit with perfect information 具有完全信息的期望利润 expost realized profit 实得利润 extra plan profit {n.}超计划利润 extra profit 额外利润 extra tax in profit increased {n.}增加利润附加税 extra tax in profits increased {n.}增加利润附加税 extra tax on corporate profit 超额公司利得税 extra tax on corporate profits {n.}超额公司利得税 extra tax on profit==>{n.}超额利得税 {} 超额利得税
extra tax on profit increased
extra tax on profit increased. {n.}过分利得税 extra tax on profits {n.}超额利得税 extra tax on profits increased [经]超额利得税,过分利得税,增加利润附加税 extra tax on profits increased. {n.}过分利得税 extraction of the profit 取得利润 extraordinary profit 非常利润 extraordinary profit and loss {n.}非常损益 extraordinary profit of loss {n.}非常损益 extraordinary profit or loss {n.}意外损益 extraordinary profits {n.}非常利润 fair profit 合理[正当]的利润 falling rate of profit 利润率下降 falling-rate-of profit theory 资本利润率渐减理论 false profit 虚盈实亏 fat profit 巨额利润 fictitious profit 虚构利润 final net profit and loss section {n.}期末净损益部分 fixed contractual profit base {n.}死基数 fixed profit quota {n.}利润包干额 flexible loss and profit {n.}变动损益 for the purpose of profit {adv.}以营利为目的 forecasting of profit [经]利润预测 forecasting profit by breakeven analysis {n.}用保本分析预测利润 foreign profit creation effect {n.}外国利润创造效应 foreign profit diversion effect {n.}外国利润转移效应 founder's profit 创办人[发起人]利润 full average profit {n.}充分平均利润 full average profit rate {n.}充分平均利润率 gain profit 获得利益,利润 general profit 一般利润 general profit and loss account 总损益帐 general profit and loss section==>{n.}一般损益部分 {} 一般损益部分
general profit rate {n.}一般利润率 general rate of profit {n.}一般利润率 generalization on cost volume profit analysis {n.}成本一数量一利润分析的法则化 generous profits 丰厚的利润 get a profit {vi.}获得利润 get little profit from {vt.}从...中获得的利润很小 get much profit {vi.}获取利润 gold profit 黄金利润 gross [net] profits 毛[纯]利 gross operation profit
gross profit 毛利 gross profit analysis 毛利分析 gross profit as a percentage of turnover [经]毛利润占销售额百分比 gross profit from main operation
gross profit margin 总利润限度 gross profit method {n.}毛利法,总收益法 gross profit method of inventory {n.}毛利估计存货法 gross profit on construction contract [经]工程合约毛利润 gross profit on sales 销售毛利,销货毛利 gross profit percentage 毛利百分率 gross profit principle {n.}总利润原则 gross profit rate {n.}毛利率 gross profit rate method [经]毛利率法,(存货计价的)毛利法 gross profit ratio {n.}毛利率,总利润率 gross profit ratio test {n.}毛利率测试 gross profit test {n.}毛利测验法 gross profit variation {n.}毛利差异 gross profits 总利润,毛利 gross trade profit {n.}贸易毛利 gross trading profit 营业毛利 gross tranding profit {n.}销售毛利 group net profit {n.}集团纯利润 group profit {n.}集团利润 half profit system {n.}利润平分制 hand over profits to the state {vt.}财政上交 handing profits over to the state 财政上交 handsome profit {n.}可观的利润 high profit item {n.}高利项目 high profit product {n.}高利产品 historical profit {n.}实际利润 honour and profit lie not in one sack 荣誉和私利不能并存 household and private non profit institution account {n.}家庭和私人非营利机关帐户 huge speculative profit {n.}巨额投机利润 huge speculative profits 巨额投机利润 illegal profit {n.}不当得利,非法利润 imaginary profit 预期利益 imaginary profit insurance 预期利益保险 immediate profit 目前利润 import profit indices {pl.}进口盈利指数 improperly received profit {n.}不正当所得的红利 in profit 在产乳期的 income tax on intercompany profit 内部利润所得税 increment profit==>{n.}增量利润 {} 增量利润
incremental profit==>{n.}增量利润 {} 增量利润
industrial profit 产业利润 inflated profit {n.}虚增盈利,似盈实亏 inflated profits 虚增利润 injure the public interest to profit the private interest {vi.}损公肥私 insurance on imaginary profit {n.}预期利益保险 inter company profit {n.}联营公司间内部盈利 inter departmental profit {n.}部门间盈利 inter-company profit 联营公司间内部盈利 inter-company profit in inventories and long-lived assets [经]公司间存货和固定资产的内部利润 inter-company profit on depreciable assets [经]公司间应计折旧资产的内部利润 inter-departmental profit 部门间利润,车间利润 intercompany profit {n.}公司间利益,公司间利润 intercompany profit on depreciable assets 折旧性资产内部利益 interdepartmental profit==>{n.}部门间利润,车间利润 {pl.}部门间收益 interdepartmental profits {pl.}部门间收益 interdivision profit {n.}分公司(部门)间利润 internal transfer profit {n.}内部转让利润 intra company profit {n.}公司内部利润 intra-company profit {n.}公司内部利润 intracompany profit {n.}公司内部利润 inventory profit 存货利润 inventory profit and loss {n.}盘存损益 investment profit {n.}投资利润 investment profit ratio {n.}投资利润率 irrational retained profit
iso profit curve {n.}等利润曲线 iso profit line {n.}等利润线 issues and profits {n.}孳息,不动产孳息 juridical person of making profit {n.}营利法人 labour profit share {n.}劳工红利股票,劳动红利股票 labour profit shares 劳工红利股票 law of average profit 平均利润法则 law of average rate of profit 平均利润率规律 law of profit {n.}利润法 law of profits {n.}利润法 law of the falling tendency of the average rate of profit 平均利润率趋向下降的规律 law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit [经]利润率递减法则 lean profit {n.}小利润 legal profit {n.}合法赢利,合法利润 legal profits {n.}法定利润 legitimate profit {n.}合法利润 leveling of rate of profit==>{n.}利率相等,平均利润率 {} 平均利润率
leveling of rates of profit {n.}利率相等 levelling of rates of profit {n.}利率相等 limit profit {vt.}限制利润 limited profit {n.}限制利润 liquidation profit and loss 清算损益表 little or no margin of profit {n.}几乎没有余利 long range profit planning {n.}长期获利计划 long-range profit planning [经]长期利润规划 loss and profit brought forward {n.}上期结转损益 loss and profit carried forward {n.}结转下期损益 loss and profit policy {n.}损闪保险单 loss of profit {n.}利润损失 loss of profit insurance {n.}收益损失保险 loss of profits {n.}利润损失 loss of profits insurance {n.}利润损失保险 lost profit {n.}失去的收益 low profit item {n.}低利产品 magnitude of profit 利润量 make a big profit {v.}赚大钱 make a detailed statement of profit and loss 出具详细的损益计算书 make a penny profit on each orange 要每只橘子盈利一便士 make a profit {v.}赢利 make a profit of {vt.}赢利 make a profit on==>{vt.}上获利 {}在...上获利 make high profits 牟取暴利 make one's profit of 利用,使对自已有利 make profit out of {vt.}从...中获益 make profits {v.}获利 manufacturing profit and loss statement [经]制造损益表 margin of profit {n.}利润边际 margin of safety in cost volume profit analysis {n.}成本一数量一利润分析中的安全边际 marginal profit 边际(净)利润 marginal profit chart 边际利润图表 marginal profit ratio [经]边际利润率 marginal profit yield 边际利润收益 marginal profits 限界[边际]利润 marketing profit center 销售利润中心 mass of profit 利润额 maximize profit 追求最高利润,最大限度利润 maximizing expected profit 最大期望利润 maximizing profits {pl.}追求最大利润 maximum of profit 利润最大化 maximum profit {n.}最大利润 meager profit 微利 mercantile profit==>{n.}商业利润 {} 商业利润
merchant's profit 商业利润 mesne profit {n.}中间收益 mesne profits [律]中间收益 minimum profit 最低利润 miscellaneous profit and loss 杂项损益 miscellaneous profits and losses {n.}其他损益,杂项损益 monopoly profit 垄断[专卖]利润 monthly profit 月收入 monthly profit and loss a/c {n.}月份损益帐户,月份损益账户 monthly profit and loss accounting [经]月份损益计算 monthly profit and loss statement [经]月度损益表 municipal profit {n.}市政利润,市政收益 municipal profits 市政利润 murder... for profit {vt.}图财谋杀 narrative form of profit and loss statement [经]报告式(叙述式)损益表 neat profit {n.}纯利 necessary minimum profit {n.}必要最低利润 negative profit 亏损 negative taxable profit
negative taxable profits {n.}负的应税利润 net business profits tax 纯营业收入税 net operating profit 营业净利 net operation profit {n.}营业净利润 net profit 净利 net profit after depreciation {n.}扣除折旧后净利 net profit after income tax==>{n.}扣除所得税后净利,税后净利,揖除所得税后净利 {} 税后净利
net profit after income taxes {n.}扣除所得税后净利 net profit after tax {n.}税后纯利, 税后净利润,税后净利润
net profit after taxation==>{n.}付税后纯利,税后纯利,税后净利 {} 税后净利
net profit and loss account 纯损益计算 net profit before depreciation==>{n.}折旧前净利 {} 折旧前净利
net profit before income tax==>{n.}扣除所得税前净利,税前净利,揖除所得税前净利 {} 税前净利
net profit before income taxes {n.}扣除所得税前净利,税前净利 net profit before tax [经]纳税前净利 net profit before taxes {n.}纳税前净利,纳税前纯利 net profit contribution [经]净收益 net profit current year [经]本年纯益 net profit earned==>{n.}赚得纯利 {} 赚得纯利
net profit earnings 赚得纯利 net profit for the current year [经]本年净利润 net profit for the year 本年度纯利 net profit from operation 业务净利 net profit interest {n.}净利计算的产权 net profit interests {n.}净利计算的产权 net profit margin [经济]纯利润率 net profit method {n.}净利法 net profit of current period {n.}本期纯利 net profit of foreign exchange {n.}外汇纯益 net profit of the term {n.}本期纯利,本期净利 net profit on net sales ratio [经]净销售净利润 net profit on sales {n.}销售净利, 销售净利,销货纯利,销货净利
net profit on tangible net worth ratio [经]有形净值的净利润 net profit or loss {n.}净损益 net profit or loss section {n.}纯损益之部 net profit quota {n.}净利润分配额 net profit rate 净利润率 net profit rate to sales {n.}销售纯利率 net profit ratio {n.}纯益比率 net profit rule 净利法则 net profit share lease [经]净利分享租约 net profit theory 纯收益税 net profit to net worth [经]资本净利 net profit to net worth ratio==>{n.}纯利与净值的比率,资本净利率 {} 资本净利率
net profit to sales [经]销货净利 net profit to sales ratio==>{n.}销货净利率 {} 销货净利率
net profit undivided {n.}未分净利益,未分配净利 net profit vs contribution margin [经]净利对边际贡献(或贡献毛益) net profits 纯益额 net profits interest [经]净利权益 net trading profit 销货净利 nominal profit 名义利润 non operating profit {n.}营业外利润 non operating profit and loss {n.}营业外损益 non profit {n.}非赢利 non profit accounting {n.}非盈利会计 non profit bookkeeping {n.}非盈利簿记 non profit business {n.}非营利事业 non profit company {n.}非盈利公司 non profit corporation {n.}非营利公司 non profit enterprise {n.}非盈利性企业 non profit foundation {n.}公益基金 non profit institutions {n.}非盈利机构 non profit making association {n.}非盈利性社团 non profit making organization {n.}非营利性组织,非盈利组织 non profit making transport {n.}非营业性运输 non profit making use {n.}非赢利使用 non profit policy {n.}无权益保险单 non recurring profit {n.}非经常利润 non recurring profit and loss {n.}临时损益,偶生损益,一次性损益 non-operating profit 营业外利润 non-periodical profit and loss [经]非定期损益 non-recurring profit 非经常利润 non-recurring profit and loss [经]临时损益,非经常损益 nonoperating profit
nonoperating profit and loss==>{n.}营业外损益 {} 营业外损益
nonrecurring profit {n.}非经常利润 nonrecurring profit and loss
normal net profit method {n.}正常净利法 normal profit 正常利润 normal profit pricing 按正常利润定价 normal profit rate [经]正常利润率 not for profit 非盈利的 not for profit organizations {n.}非盈利机构 offices of profit 收入多的职务 omission of profit {n.}漏报利润 only a small profit on our sales {n.}一点薄利 operating profit 营业利润 operating profit and loss statement on commodity classification {n.}商品分类营业损益明细表 operating profit margin {n.}营业利润幅度 ordinary profit {n.}正常利润 ordinary rate of profit {n.}普通利润率 over and above the assigned profit norm 超额利润分成 paper profit 帐面利益 paper profits 纸面[帐面]利益,设想可以得到的利润,纸上的利润,实际不存在的利润,假设可以得到的利润 parent current profit {n.}总本期利润 part of my profit {n.}部分利润 participate in profits 分享利润 participation in the profit {n.}参分红 pay tax instead of profit {n.}利改税 payment of profit tax==>{n.}缴付得得税,缴付利润税 {} 缴付利润税,缴付利得税
percentage of profit {n.}利润率 pernor of profits {n.}受益人 petty loss and profit==>{n.}小额损益,小损益 {} 小损益,小额损益
plan of profit delivering 利润上缴计划 planned annual profit {n.}年度计划利润额,计划年度利润 planned annul profit [经]计划年度利润 planned profit {n.}计划利润 planned statement of nonoperating profit and loss 营业外损益计划表 planning profit {n.}计划利润 plough back profit 再投资用的利润 plough back the profit {vt.}利润再投资 plough profits back into new plant and equipment 将利润再投资于工厂和设备 plow back profit {n.}再投资利润 plow back the profit {n.}利润再投资 pocket a profit {v.}获利 portion of the profit kept by the enterprise for their own use {n.}企业利润留成收入 portion of the profit kept by the enterprises for their own use {n.}企业的利润留成收入,企业利润留成收入 portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use 企业的利润留成收入 post tax profit {n.}税后利润 post-tax profit {n.}税后利润 post-taxation profit 纳税后利润 potential profit {n.}潜在利润 pre acquisition profit {n.}合并前盈余 pre depreciation profit {n.}未提折旧前利润 pre tax profit {n.}税前利润 pre-acquisition profit {n.}优先认购,优先购买权 pre-acquisition profits 预得盈益(某公司在受另一公司控制之前所取得的保留盈余) pre-depreciation profit 未提折旧前利润 pre-tax profit 税前利润 preacquisition profit {n.}预先取得利润, 预先取得利润
preacquisition profits {n.}预先取得利润 pretax profit {n.}税前利润 previous profit 先前的利润 previous profit and loss [经]前期损益 price [profit] taking 抢帽子(即在交易所中靠买空卖空的差价来获利),套购牟利 produce a profit {vi.}产生利润,带来利润 product-line profit and loss statement [经]系列产品损益表 production line profit and loss statement {n.}生产线损益计算书 production profit sharing 生产利润分配 productive profit {n.}生产利润 productivity differential profit {n.}生产率差别利润 professional profit 职业利润 profit Commission {n.}纯益手续费,盈余佣金 profit ability 收益能力 profit account 利润帐户 profit accrued from insurance {n.}保险差益 profit accrued from valuation {n.}估价差益 profit after tax==>{n.}税后利润 {} 税后利润
profit after taxation {n.}税后利润 profit allowance 利润扣除额 profit analysis 毛利分析 profit and loss==>{n.}盈亏帐目 {}损益 profit and loss account {n.}损益账户,企业经营情况一览表 profit and loss adjustment 损益调整 profit and loss adjustment account 损益调整帐户 profit and loss appropriation 损益分配 profit and loss appropriation account 损益分配帐(户) profit and loss break even point {n.}损益二平点 profit and loss budget {n.}损益预算 profit and loss control {n.}损益控制 profit and loss critical point {n.}盈亏临界点 profit and loss critical point store period {n.}盈亏临界点储存期 profit and loss critical point volume {n.}盈亏临界点业务量 profit and loss equation {n.}损益计算公式 profit and loss for preceding term {n.}前期损益 profit and loss for the previous period {n.}前期损益 profit and loss from warehouse {n.}货栈损益 profit and loss from warehouses 货栈损益 profit and loss ledger 损益分类帐 profit and loss method {n.}损益法 profit and loss of warehouse and godowns {n.}货栈损益 profit and loss of warehouses {n.}仓库损益 profit and loss of warehouses or godowns 货栈损益 profit and loss on account {n.}损益帐户 profit and loss on buying and selling stocks bonds [经]买卖有价证券损益 profit and loss on capital and interest {n.}本利的损益 profit and loss on consignments out account {n.}寄销品损益账户 profit and loss on exchange {n.}兑换损益 profit and loss on goods to arrive account {n.}到货损益帐户 profit and loss on investment {n.}投资损益 profit and loss on investments {n.}投资损益 profit and loss on realization account {n.}变产损益帐户 profit and loss on securities and investment 证券及投资损益 profit and loss on securities sold [经]有价证券出售损益 profit and loss on valuation of real estate 不动产估价损益 profit and loss projection {n.}利润和亏损预测 profit and loss ratio {n.}损益比率 profit and loss report 损益报告 profit and loss reserve [经]损益准备金 profit and loss responsibility {n.}自负盈亏 profit and loss section {n.}损益之部,损益部(指损益表的一部) profit and loss sharing ratio {n.}损益分配率 profit and loss statement {n.}损益表 profit and loss statement analysis {n.}方案表分析 profit and loss summary {n.}损益汇总表 profit and loss to export ratio {n.}出口盈亏率 profit and loss transaction 损益交易,损益转帐事项 profit and loss transactions {n.}损益事项 profit and tax {n.}利税 profit audit {n.}利润审计 profit available for dividend {n.}可分配利益,可供分配股利的利润 profit available for dividends {n.}可供分配股息的利润 profit before tax {n.}税前利润 profit before taxation {n.}纳税前利润 profit before-tax {n.}税前利润 profit brought forward 前期结转利润 profit by {adj.}利用(得益于) profit by [from] 从...中得到益处[吸取教训] profit by/from 得益于 profit calculation 利润核算 profit center {n.}盈利部门 profit centre 利润中心 profit chart {n.}利益表 profit charts [经]利润图 profit coincide point {n.}利润重合点 profit commission (保险)纯益手续费 profit commission statement 纯益手续费帐单 profit contribution 毛利 profit control {n.}利润控制 profit control chart {n.}盈利管理图表,利润控制 profit corporation 营利法人 profit covariability rule in divisional performance [经]分部经营业绩的利润相互转变规则 profit criterion {n.}利润准则 profit deduction and reserving 提留 profit delivery 上缴利润 profit disposition [经]利润分配 profit distribution {n.}利润分配 profit drawing 利润提成 profit earned {n.}已获利润, 已获利益,已获利益
profit earner {n.}收入来源 profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率 profit earning effciency [经]获利效率 profit earning efficiency 获利效率 profit economy 利润经济 profit employed in the business {n.}事业留用的利益 profit for output value {n.}产值利润 profit for the term {n.}当期利润 profit forecast {n.}利润预测 profit form capital reduction {n.}减资差益 profit from 从...得益 profit from amalgamation {n.}合并利润 profit from capital reduction {n.}减资差益 profit from consolidation 合并差额利益 profit from direct private investment {n.}私人直接投资利润 profit from in an exploitatory manner. 以一种剥削的方式获利 profit from merger 企业并合差益 profit from operation {n.}营业利益 profit from redemption [经]由赎还(债券)获得利润 profit from redemption of bond==>{n.}由偿还公债所得利润 {} 由偿还公债所得利润
profit from redemption of bonds {n.}由偿还公债所得利润 profit from retention system {n.}利润留成制 profit from revaluation of fixed assets [经]固定资产重估价利益 profit from sale of fixed assets {n.}固定资产出售利僧,固定资产出售利益 profit from unequivalent exchange [经]不等价交换利益 profit from... wrong {vt.}从自己的错误中得到 profit fund 利润基金 profit gap {n.}利润差距 profit graph 利益图表,损益平衡图表 profit hungry {adj.}贪求利润 profit impact shift 利润影响的转移 profit improvement 营利改进 profit improvement plan 利润改善计划 profit improvement plan and performance evaluation [经]利润改善计划和执行情况评价 profit in common {n.}共同采取权 profit independance rule in divisional performance [经]分部经营业绩的独立利润规则 profit insurance 利润保险 profit making {n.}营利 profit making enterprise {n.}盈利企业 profit making record {n.}赢利记录 profit making transport {n.}营业性运输 profit making year {n.}获利年度 profit management 营利[利润,利益]管理 profit margin {n.}利润率,利润之百分比 profit margin on sale {n.}销售的利润幅度 profit margin on sales==>{n.}销售的边际利润 {} 销售的边际利润
profit margin rate {n.}边际利润率 profit margin ratio [经]净利比率 profit maximization 利润最大,利润极大化,最大限度利润 profit maximizing capital stock {n.}利润最大化的资本存量 profit measurement [经济]利益计量 profit motive 谋利动机 profit non-discriminating point {n.}利润无差别点 profit norm {n.}利润指标 profit not yet realized {n.}未实现利润 profit of bank==>{n.}银行利润 {} 银行利润
profit of business {n.}营业利润 profit of capital {n.}资本盈利 profit of current period 本期利润 profit of enterprise 企业利润 profit of loss 财务成果 profit of note issue {n.}纸币发行利润 profit of project {n.}项目利润 profit of the period {n.}本期利润 profit of trade 营业利润 profit on alienation 让渡利润 profit on consignment sales [经]寄销利益 profit on disposal of property {n.}财产处理利益 profit on exchange 汇兑利益 profit on fixed assets 出售固定资产收益 profit on foreign exchange {n.}外币兑换利益 profit on net worth ratio {n.}净资本盈利率 profit on note issue==>{n.}纸币发行利润 {} 纸币发行利润
profit on operation 营业利益 profit on paper {n.}虚构利润 profit on sale {n.}销售利润 profit on sale of scrap equipment 报废设备出售利益 profit on sale of securities {n.}有价证券出售利润 profit on sales 销售利润 profit on sales assets==>{pl.}资产出售收益 {n.}资产出售收益{} 资产出售收益
profit on sales of assets {n.}售产利益 profit on sales prior to acquisition [经]兼并前获得的销售利润 profit on scurities sold {n.}有价证券出售利益 profit on securities sold {n.}有价证券出售利润 profit on sold of securities==>{n.}证券销售收益 {} 证券销售收益
profit on sole of securities {n.}证券销售收益 profit on stock redemption {n.}股票买回利益 profit on treasury stock 处理库存股票收益 profit or loss from sales of fixed assets [经]固定资产出售损益 profit or loss frominstallment sales 分期付款销售损益 profit or loss on exchange {n.}外汇损益 profit or loss on installment sales [经]分期付款销售损益 profit organizations 非营利组织非营利组织 profit participating preferred stock [经]参加分红的优先股 profit per annum {n.}每年利润 profit percentage {n.}利润率 profit percentage of net output {n.}利润对净产值的百分比 profit performance 达到的利润率指标 profit plan {n.}利润计划 profit planning {n.}编制利润计划 profit planning chart {n.}利润规划图 profit planning system {n.}利润规划制度 profit prediction {n.}盈利预测 profit prior consolidation {n.}合并前利润 profit prior to consolidation {n.}合并前利润 profit prior to incorporation {n.}注册前利润, 注册前盈利,成立公司前利润,合并前利润,设立登记前利益,注册前盈利
profit push {n.}追求利润 profit rata of net worth [经]资本利润率,净值利润率 profit rate {n.}利润率 profit rate of net worth==>{n.}净值利润率,资本利润率 {} 资本利润率
profit rate on cost {n.}成本利润率 profit rate on costs {n.}成本利润率 profit rate on fixed assets {n.}固定资产利润率 profit rate on funds 资金利润率 profit rate on wage {n.}工资利润率 profit rate on wages {n.}工资利润率 profit rate to net worth {n.}资本净利润率,利润率 profit ratio {n.}盈利比率 profit ratio of average paid-in capital [经]平均缴入资本的利润率 profit ratio of capital {n.}资本利润率 profit ratio of net worth==>{n.}净值利润 {} 净值利润率
profit ratio of paid up capital {n.}实收资本利润率,盈利比率 profit ratio of paid-up capital {n.}实收资本利润率 profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth [经]权益利润率,负债与净值总额利润率 profit ration {n.}利润比率 profit ration of capital==>{n.}资本利润率 {} 资本利润率
profit realized {n.}已实现利润 profit reinvested {n.}转作投资的利润 profit reinvestments
profit reserve 利润(分配)准备 profit responsibility 利润责任 profit retention {n.}利润保留 profit retention scheme {n.}利润留民制 profit return {n.}利润留成 profit seeking corporation {n.}营利法人 profit sensitivity ratio 盈利敏感率 profit sharing {n.}分红制,劳资双方分享利润制度 profit sharing bond {n.}分红债券 profit sharing bonus payable {n.}应付利润分红 profit sharing bonuses payable [经]应付利润分红,应付按利润分配红利 profit sharing cartel {n.}利润分享卡特尔 profit sharing method {n.}利润分享法 profit sharing note {n.}利润分享票据 profit sharing pension fund {n.}分享养老金 profit sharing plan 利润分享计划,职工分红计划 profit sharing reserve 利润分享准备,职工分红准备 profit sharing securities==>{n.}分红证券,利润分享有价证券 {pl.}利润分享有价证券 profit sharing security {n.}利润分享的价债券 profit sharing squeeze {n.}套取利润,利润分成 profit sharing system {n.}分红制,利益分享制度 profit shrinkage 利润减少 profit squeeze 利润压缩 profit statement {n.}利润表 profit structure 利润结构 profit system {n.}利润制 profit taking {n.}获利完成 profit target {n.}利润指标,利润目标 profit tax 利润税 profit tax return==>{n.}利利税报税表 {} 利得税报税表
profit threshold {n.}利润率下限 profit through circulation 流通利润 profit to net sales {n.}实销利润 profit to sales ratio {n.}利润对销售比率 profit to working capital ratio {n.}流动资本利润率 profit transferred {n.}已转让利润 profit upon alienation {n.}让渡利润 profit variation {n.}毛利差异 profit volume {n.}利润量 profit volume analysis {n.}利润量分析,利润量 profit volume chart {n.}利润销量图,利润业务量图 profit volume charts {n.}利润业务量图 profit volume graph 利润量图表 profit volume pricing {n.}利润业务量的价格制定 profit volume ratio {n.}利量比率,利量率 profit volumne chart {n.}利润销售量图表 profit warning {n.}赢利警报 profit yield rate {n.}利润率 profit/earnings {n.}净收益处理 profit/volume pricing {n.}利润保留业务量的价格制定,利润滴窳康募鄹裰贫 profits after tax {n.}税后利润 profits after-tax {n.}税后利润 profits before tax {n.}税前利率 profits before-tax {n.}税前利率 profits earned {n.}已获利润 profits in excess of the norm 超目标利润 profits of banks {n.}银行利润 profits on paper 虚构利益 profits policy {n.}盈利保险单 profits prior to consolidation [经]联合(合并)前利润 profits prior to incorporation [经]组成公司前利润 profits proportionable to expense 利润与成本相称 profits realized {n.}已实现的利润 profits retained within the enterprise 企业留利 profits tax return {n.}利利税报税表 profits turned over to the state 利润上缴 profits/sales ratio {n.}利润对销售比率 promoter's profit 发起人利润 promotional profit {n.}创业利润 pure economic profit {n.}纯经济利润 pure profit 纯(经济)利润 pursuit of profit 追逐利润 quest for profit 追逐利润 quick profit {n.}暴利 quota profit 定额利润 rake in enormous profits from 攫取高额利润 rate of both profits and taxes on entire funds 全部资金利税率 rate of gross profit {n.}毛利率 rate of net profit {n.}纯利率 rate of profit {n.}利润率 rate of profit or profitability {n.}盈利率 ratio analysis of net profits to net sales 净利与净销售额比率分析例句与用法: There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present. 现在卖报纸利润很少。 This year's profits will balance our previous losses. 本年度的盈利将与上一年度的亏损相抵. Davis and mason used to plough back part of their profits into new equipment. 戴维斯梅森公司过去惯常把利润的一部分投资于添置新设备。 Profits reached a new high last year. 去年所获得的利润达到了一个新的最高点. The deal netted (him) a handsome profit. 这笔交易(他)捞到可观利润. The tax authorities averaged his profit out at 3000 a year over 5 years. 税务局算出他5年的平均利润为每年3000英镑. A position,an appointment,or a rank giving advancement,as of profit or prestige. 肥缺能带来优势,如利益或威望的职位、任命或地位 She salted away most of the profit from the business. 她把做生意赚的利润大部分都私自蓄存起来了。 As an interested party (ie sb likely to profit),I was not allowed to vote. 因为其中有我的利益,所以我不得投票. We have to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit. 我们如果想增加利润,就必须削减开支。 My business has been through a bad patch recently and I have been unable to maintain a reasonable profit margin. 最近我的买卖经历了一段不景气的时光,我已不能保持适当的利润率。 It may not seem like such a big deal to you,but you can make profit in the long run. 这对你来说并不是什么大不了的事,但是长远来看那是有利可图的。 He is above taking profits for himself. 他不屑为自己谋私利。 In this instance,the only known is our actual profit margin. 在这种场合下,唯一能知道的事是我们实际可得的利润 The allotment of profits was made on Monday. 利润是于星期一分配掉的。 We have to allow five per cent of our profit for tear and wear. 我们必须将所得利润酌留百分之五作为损耗费。 In calculating profit,retailers must allow for breakage and spoilage. 计算利润时,零售商们必须考虑到破碎和损坏情况 Out of the profit,the company have retain50,000 as provision against bad debt. 公司从利润中留出50000英镑以对付呆(坏)帐。 The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet. 该损益帐目表明子上次资产负债表以来已经发生的变动。 The firm turned the corner last year and their present balance sheet is showing a very fair profit. 公司于去年渡过难关,现在公司的帐面上利润相当可观。 A group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit. 帮派一群为了相互保护和共同利益而结合在一起的罪犯或强盗 On the basis of our sales forecasts,we may begin to make a profit next year. 基于我们销售情况的预测,我们明年将开始赚钱。 As soon as I told him that we would lose money if we followed his advice,he shifted his ground and said that he was concerned with moral principles,not profits. 我告诉她如果我们照他的话去做就会赔本的时候,他立刻改变了论点并说他考虑的是道德原则,而不是利益得失。 Can I be sure of a profit if I invest? 我要是投资,肯定能获利吗? His business yields big profits. 他的生意带来巨大的利润。 Some of the workers think that big business directors don't do any work,but just sit in their offices gathering in the profit. 有些工人认为,某些大企业的董事们不做任何工作,只是呆在办公室里坐收利润。 The new manager blundered away most of the firm's profits. 新经理由于失策使公司损失了大部分利润。 Profit multiply in the boom year. 兴旺之年利润增长。 The corporation's bottom line is a good profit margin. 公司的基本要求是好的利润。 If you don't make a profit you go out of business:that's the bottom line. 不盈利,就停业:根本问题就在这里. It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it's breaking even. 这家公司一年以後才能赢利,现在至少已不赔不赚了. The computer has been programmed (to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales). 计算机已输入了程序指令(以计算各项销售的毛利率). Our calculations show that the firm made a profit of over1000000 last year. 我们的计算结果表明公司去年赢利超过1000000英镑. The company committed most of its profits to building new factories. 公司拨出大部分利润建造新工厂。 A quick computation revealed that we would not make a profit. 粗略计算後可以看出我们无利可图. In writing this book,the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects. 在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。 An amount added to a cost price in calculating a selling price,especially an amount that takes into account overhead and profit. 加值在计算某种出售物的价格时计入成本价的一个数额,尤指计入了管理费用和利润的数额 If you cut out some of the dead wood,the firm might begin to show a profit. 如果你能裁减一些冗员,公司可能就会赢得。 The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force. 在合作社中,利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的. They could not agree about the distribution of the profits. 他们无法就利润分配一事达成协议。 A plot of land belonging or yielding profit to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office. 教会属地属于英国教区教会或某一教职的土地,为其获利润的土地 Failing this,their profit would fall in resulting economic crisis. 做不到这一点,在随之而来的经济危机中他们的利润就会下降。 This enterprise is now on a firm footing and should soon get profits. 现在这家企业基础稳固,很快就会赢利。 The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. 务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂地追逐那转瞬即逝的利润。 Last year's profits were in excess of one billion dollars. 去年的利润超过了十亿美元。 You could with profit spend some extra time studying the text. 你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的. As for the profit sharing,we shall give you a share of40%,which is fair enough to you. 至于利润分成,我们打算给贵方40%的份额,这对贵方是够公平的了。 The sale netted a fat profit for the company. 这笔买卖为公司赚得了巨额利润。 Profits are flowing out of the country. 利润源源不断地流向国外. This enterprise is now on a firm footing and should soon show profits. 现在这家企业基础稳固,很快就会赢利. The profit on the deal was fractional. 那笔生意获利很小。 A unit equal to one percent,used to quote or state interest rates or shares in gross profits. 百分点等于一个百分点的单位,用来报出或陈述利率或以毛利计算的股票 It's the company's policy to sacrifice short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth. 为长期发展而牺牲短期利润是公司的方针。 The company is not going to make a profit this year. It's lost several customers because of its very had work. Heads will roll for this. 该公司今年不会赢利,因为经营太糟已经失去了好几个客户。有些人将会因此被解雇。 Money,profit,or benefit easily or illicitly gained. 非法获得的金钱轻松获得或非法获得的金钱,利润或好处 In proportion as the sale increase,the profit will rise. 按销售额增加的比例,利润也将增加。 Increased sales were reflected in higher profits. 销售量的增加带来了更大的利润。 They are insatiable of profits. 他们一味追求利润。 The company's results show a huge jump in profits. 公司的结算显示利润大增. A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise,and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses. 合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 In the short term we will lose money,but in the long term the profits will be very large. 短期内我们会赔钱,但从长远看,利润将会是丰厚的。 Any businessman has to keep his eyes open for a chance of madding a profit. 任何一个生意人总会留心注意赚钱的机会。 They have always had to make do with relatively small profit margins. 他们不得不经常设法应付较少的利润额。 This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。 This year's profits were marginally higher than last year's. 今年的利润比去年稍微高些。 We must maximize profits. 我们必须尽量增加利润. The sale netted me a good profit. 这次销售使我获得巨利。 If we get good profit from the farm,maybe we can start a little business on the side. 要是农场的赢利多,也许我们还可以另外做一些生意。 Heavy overheads reduced his profits. 经费开销大因而减少了他的利润. He is to show a paper profit of25,000 on his investment. 他将表明其投资25,000英镑账面盈余。 Most of the profits are swallowed up by the mortgage. Once we've got that paid off I'll feel we've turned the corner. 房产抵押中耗尽了大部分利润,一旦抵押款偿清,我们就渡过了难关。 They make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell. 他们每售出一本获利十便士. Each of them got a percentage of the profits. 他们每个人都得到一部分利润。 He pocketed all the profits. 他侵吞了所有的利润。 The dividend pay is equivalent to one quarter of the pretax profit. 所付股息相当于税前利润的四分之一。 We gained a lot of profit from your advice. 我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。 He made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。 What profit is there in worrying? 忧虑有什么益处? He learned to profit by his mistakes. 他学会了从自己的错误中获益。 We profit from the work of the specialist. 我们从专家的工作中得到益处。 Telling lies won't profit you. 撒谎对你无益。 He profited greatly from his year abroad. 他在国外一年获益匪浅. I have profited from your advice. 你的建议对我很有好处. You can profit by my mistakes and avoid them yourself. 你可以从我的错误中得到教训,避免犯同样错误。 He's getting married again,after two divorces,so he obviously hasn't profited by his experiences. 他两次离婚之後又结婚,显然没有吸取以往的教训. It will profit you nothing to do that. 你做那件事没有什么好处。 What will it profit me? 这对我有什么好处呢? You may profit by the experience of others. 你可以吸取其他人的经验教训。 I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。 His illegal deal is steadily milking the profit from the business. 他在搞非法交易不断榨取公司的利润。 No product is too prosaic to profit greatly by attractive packaging. 靠迷人的包装,任何商品就不会单调乏味,因而总能获利不小。 He was paying out half his profits as protection. 他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。 The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润. Their profits have quadrupled/They have quadrupled their profits in ten years. 他们的利润十年中增长至四倍[他们使利润在十年中增长至四倍]. The lawful taking by a government of a fixed amount of the profits of a public-service corporation in excess of a stipulated rate of return. 依法征收政府用超用规定的比率对公众服务企业的利润征收一定数量的钱的合法行为 Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。 There is still need for profit restraint. 现在仍有必要限制利润。 One whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit. 商人通过成批购买并零售货物而获取利润的从业者 Profits have risen significantly. 利润已大大提高了.英英解释(Powered By WordNet):名词[1.n.profit]同义词:[net income(纯收益,净收入,收益净额)] [net(n.网,网络,网状物,净利,实价 adj.净余的,纯粹的 vt.用网捕,净赚,得到 vi.编网 [域] Nerwork operations and service centers,网络服务商)] [net profit(n.净利,纯利)] [lucre(n.收益,钱财)] [profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)] [profits] [earnings(n.所得,收入)]注释例句:the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)上位词 -> [income(n.收入,收益,进款,所得)] [financial gain] [gain(n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,腰槽,收获 vt.得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于 vi.获利,增加)] [sum(n.总数,和,金额,算术题)] [assets(n.资产)] [possession(n.拥有,占有,所有,着迷,领土,领地,财产(常用复数),自制)] [relation(n.关系,联系,叙述,故事,亲戚)] [abstraction(n.提取)] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [earning per share] [windfall profit(意外利润,暴利,一次性利润)] [killing(n.杀害,猎护品,赚得的一笔大钱 adj.致死的,使人疲乏的 v.杀害)] [fast buck(n.投机所赚的钱,轻易得来的钱)] [filthy lucre(n.不义之财用卑鄙手段得来之财)] [gross profit(毛利,总利润,利益毛额)] [markup(n.涨价,涨价幅度)] [accumulation(n.积聚,堆积物)] [dividend(n.被除数,股息,红利,额外津贴,奖金,年息)]所有相关单词 -> [share(n.共享,参与,一份,部分,份额,参股 vt.分享,均分,共有,分配 vi.分享 [计]使DOS支持文件共享和锁定)]派生词 -> [profiteer(n.奸商)] [profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)][2.n.profit]同义词:[profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)] [gain(n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,腰槽,收获 vt.得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于 vi.获利,增加)]注释例句:the advantageous quality of being beneficial上位词 -> [advantage(n.优势,有利条件,利益)] [asset(n.资产,有用的东西)] [quality(n.质量,品质,性质)] [attribute(n.属性,品质,特征,加于,归结于)] [abstraction(n.提取)] [entity(n.实体)]下位词 -> [account(n.计算,帐目,说明,估计,理由 vi.说明,总计有,认为,得分 vt.认为)] [profitableness]派生词 -> [profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)]动词[1.v.profit]同义词:[profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)] [gain(n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,腰槽,收获 vt.得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于 vi.获利,增加)] [benefit(n.利益,好处 vt.有益于,有助于 vi.受益)]注释例句:d"She profited from his vast experience"上位词 -> [get(vt.获得,变成,收获,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽)]下位词 -> [cash in on(v.靠...赚钱,乘机利用)] [profiteer(n.奸商)] [capitalize(vt.以大写字母写,变成资本)] [pyramid(n.角锥、棱椎,金字塔,叠罗汉 v. (使)成金字塔状,(使)渐增,(使)上涨)] [net(n.网,网络,网状物,净利,实价 adj.净余的,纯粹的 vt.用网捕,净赚,得到 vi.编网 [域] Nerwork operations and service centers,网络服务商)]派生词 -> [profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)][2.v.profit]同义词:[profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)] [turn a profit]注释例句:gain"The company has not profited from the merger"上位词 -> [gain(n.财物的增加,财富的获取,利润,腰槽,收获 vt.得到,增进,赚到,开腰槽于 vi.获利,增加)] [get(vt.获得,变成,收获,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽)]下位词 -> [line one's pockets(v.赚大钱)] [turn a nice dime] [clean up(v.打扫干净,整理,赚钱,获利)]反义词 -> [lose(vt.遗失,浪费,错过,输去,使失去,使迷路,使沉溺于 vi.受损失,失败)] [break even(v.打成平手,得失相当)]派生词 -> [profit(n.利润,益处,得益 vi.得益,利用 vt.有益于,有利于)]西安速译通信息科技专注词典与翻译领域, 给您带来更好的查询体验, 联系Email:


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