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文章来源:中国科学报&&&&发布时间:日 19:25&&【字号:&&&&&&】
 党组成员日前,北京市人力社保局、大兴区人力社保局共同开展送卡入户活动,将社保卡送到庞各庄镇困难人员家中。从日开始,北京市城乡居民将实现持卡就医,实时结算,不用个人再先垫付医药费。今日争霸赛即将迎来收官之战来自五湖四海的高手们、年代年轻人结婚的标配。张教授提供的治疗方剂来自中医古典《伤寒杂病论》,由麻黄汤和白虎汤组成,所需药材为:麻黄、桂枝、炒杏仁、生石膏、知母、炒山药、生甘草。1月24日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李克强在北京主持召开座谈会,听取各民主党派中央、全国工商联负责人和无党派人士代表对《政府工作报告(征求意见稿)》的意见建议。延续去年“317”以来逢涨必查、逢炒必办的严格执法原则,针对近期有媒体调查发现部分中介和融资担保公司联合个别银行购房加杠杆的现象,昨日下午,市住建委联合北京银监局开展了专项执法,严查房地产经纪机构、金融机构等参与变相加杠杆、首付贷等违法违规行为。编辑:戏海发布: 04:41:12当前文章:http://.szfzfl.com/news/3706.htmlhttp://365.365.zfo45.cn/冰雕选手在进行创作http://365.365.lkxlfy.com/http://365.365.xmmjdpos.com/http://365.365.6t5.org/http://365.365.qfp40.cn/http://365.365.hwl.cn/http://365.365.173top.com/http://365.365.ezmap.top/http://365.365.jiligj.com/
 Paul Sakuma / Associated PressJerry Rice arrives for his first practice with the Oakland Raiders at their training camp in Alameda on June 5, 2001.Jerry Rice arrives for his first practice with the Oakland Raiders at their training camp in Alameda on June 5, 2001. (Paul Sakuma / Associated Press)Could Jerry Rice make another run with the Oakland Raiders?Rice, 55, played 20 seasons in the NFL with most of them with the San Francisco 49ers and Raiders, and a small stint with the Seattle Seahawks. But the Hall of Famer thinks he can still play the game.Appearing on “The Adam Schefter Podcast” earlier in the week, Rice said he feels that he’s in the best shape of his life, and could put on the pads and start catching balls on the field again.&I was joking around with [new Raiders coach] Jon Gruden about this, because I told him, 'Jon,' I said, 'Look I still got about 80 catches in me.' And he was like, 'Don't joke with me ‘cause, you know, we'll seriously sign you, you know, back to the team.' But, yeah, you know what? I played it for over 20 years. It's a whole different game now. It's more of a passer game now and it's the ideal situation for wide receivers,& Rice said.Rice signed with the Raiders in 2001 and played with the team until 2004, when he was 42. The last time the Raiders went to the Super Bowl, in 2002, he amassed a little over 1,200 receiving yards for the season at the age of 40. Still, he said he wouldn’t hesitate to don the black and silver again if Gruden gave him a call.“I would be on the football field in a heartbeat,” he said.&I wouldn't even give it a second thought, because, you know, I played it for over 20 years and I still think I played it the right way because I was like a little kid on the football field and to be able to impact, you know, so many lives and touch so many people, I think it made everything worthwhile.”Asked by Schefter if there was a chance that he would sign, Rice said, “Don’t you start any rumors now.”


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