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菜鸟晋级必看 SSD硬盘选购使用经验谈
  泡泡网固态硬盘SSD频道12月26日 它有着婀娜的身姿、它有着风驰电掣的速度、它节能、低噪音还环保,它不是你我眼中的神器,它却是DIY领域的一场革命它就是我们今天的主角,SSD固态硬盘。
  SSD固态硬盘,也称作电子硬盘或者固态电子盘,它由控制芯片(主控)、缓存芯片(部分低端硬盘无缓存芯片)和用于存储数据的闪存芯片(NAND Flash)组成。
  SSD固态硬盘使用FLASH闪存颗粒作为存储单元,通过模拟的方式虚拟出传统硬盘存取方式和扇区(简单的理解固态硬盘就是一个采用硬盘接口(SATA/ATA等)的“大U盘”)利用传统的NAND Flash特性,以区块写入和抹除的方式来作读写的功能。它与传统机械式硬盘相较,具有低耗电、耐震、稳定性高、耐低温等优点。
  第4页:影响SSD性能的因素:NAND Flash
  除了主控芯片和缓存芯片以外,PCB板上其余的大部分位置都是NAND Flash闪存芯片了。NAND Flash闪存芯片又分为SLC(单层单元)和MLC(多层单元)TLC(三层设计,U盘、闪存卡领域常见)。
  SLC(Single-Level Cell)NAND采用了单层设计,单个Cell同一时间只能存储1个bit的数据,由于设计结构的简单,具有存储速率快、寿命长的特点,平均寿命大约为10万次。
  MLC(Multi-Level Cell)NAND则为双层设计,单个Cell同一时间只能存储2个bit的数据,成本、速率和容量得到了非常好的平衡,目前单颗容量已经高达128Gb(16GB),不过产品的使用寿命大约只有10000次。
  MLC NAND闪存的最大的特点是以更高的存储密度换取更低的存储成本,从而可以获得进入更多终端领域的契机。不过,MLC的缺点也很明显,其写入寿命较短,读写方面的寿命也比SLC低,官方给出的可擦写次数仅为1万次。
  TLC(Trinary-Level Cell)则基本是从成本考虑的,采用了三层设计,单个Cell同一时间只能存储3个bit的数据,寿命非常有限,大约只能擦除500次。  由于TLC的电压变化频率是三种类型闪存中最高,因此TLC闪存的使用寿命也是最低,只有MLC闪存的1/20。同时它的读写速度也是最慢
  用户在购买SSD固态硬盘的时候,除了要注意主控、NAND Flash闪存芯片之外,SSD固态硬盘的接口也会对性能产生重要的影响。目前市售的SSD固态硬盘有两种接口,分别为SATA 2.0\SATA 3.0,两者的最大区别就是接口传输速率不同。
  SATA 3.0接口比SATA 2.0接口要快,SATA2.0接口速率是150MB/s ,而SATA3.0的接口速率是300MB/s以上  。 用户在购买SSD固态硬盘的时候,不要只关注容量,而忽略了接口的速率。
  另外一些高端的SSD固态硬盘产品,会采用PCI-E接口或者ESATA接口,部分主板厂商也推出板载的SSD产品,主要采用MINI PCI-E接口(性能一般)。
  第6页:教你正确使用SSD:开启AHCI模式  用户在购买SSD之后,如何使用也是“有技巧性”可言的,如果你随随便便的装个系统,那么你手中的SSD并没有发挥出全部的性能。
  AHCI指的是串行ATA高级主控接口/高级主机控制器接口,它允许存储驱动程序启用高级串行ATA功能。  其中的NCQ功能特性对SSD至关重要,安装SSD固态硬盘后,必须要开启AHCI模式。
  AHCI的开启相应比较简单,只需要在开机后进入BIOS菜单,在SATA Mode Selection子项中开启AHCI后,按F10保存后就开启相应功能。
  而如何查看平台是否正常开启AHCI模式呢?其实很简单,只要进入系统后,在“设备管理器”中,看到“IDE ATA/ATAPI控制器”中接口模式为AHCI,就表示改模式已正常开启了。此外值得一提的是,AHCI功能需要系统驱动支持,并且需要在安装系统前开启AHCI模式,否则系统运行会出现不稳定情况,容易出现蓝屏等现象。
  ,因为我们现在使用的SSD固态,page数一般为4KB,如果SSD的4K存储格式不对齐,它有可能在系统安装过程中和安装完成后,在存储文件时,将文件放到最多8个闪存当中,造成文件碎片化严重  ,影响SSD的读写性能。
  在系统安装完成后,我们可以通过工具进行相应的4K对齐验证。这里我们用到的工具是AS SSD Benchmark软件,在打开软件后,在SSD固态硬盘的信息项中,如果看到“1024K-OK”信息,就表示4K存储已经对齐。
  在window7系统下,同时按下键盘“开始 + R”按键(开始键:键盘左下角第二个带window符号的按键),以管理员模式运行打开CMD命令行窗口。
  输入“fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify”命令,如果返回值是0,则代表您的TRIM处于开启状态,如果返回值是1,则代表您的TRIM处于关闭状态。
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(需要安装HedEx Lite)
您需要下载安装最新版本的HedEx Lite,安装完成后请重启浏览器
或将当前使用的HedEx Lite升级到最新版本
复制下载链接Dynatree documentation
This document describes dynatree version: $Version:$.
Document revision: $Revision:$.
A current version may be found at the project site
Dynatree is a dynamic JavaScript tree view control with support for checkboxes,
drag'n'drop, and lazy loading.
Main features:
Open source ()
Optimized for large dynamic trees (DOM elements are only created when really needed).
Programmable through a rich object oriented interface.
Support for lazy loading and Ajax.
Checkboxes and hierarchical selection.
Supports drag and drop.
Support for persistence.
Keyboard aware.
Initializes from HTML code, JSON, or JavaScript objects.
Implemented as a
(Note: this doesn't mean that you have to use jQuery for your whole site.)
You can download the current dynatree package at
It contains everything needed including the source, some documentation and examples.
jQuery is already included, but you can check the
for the latest versions of jquery.js and ui.core.js.
This documentation contains script examples and links.
See also the
for some more advanced live demos.
Quick start
Let's start with a simple example:
&!-- Include the required JavaScript libraries: -->
&script src='jquery/jquery.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&script src='jquery/jquery-ui.custom.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&script src='jquery/jquery.cookie.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='skin/ui.dynatree.css'>
&script src='jquery.dynatree.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&!-- Add code to initialize the tree when the document is loaded: -->
&script type="text/javascript">
// Attach the dynatree widget to an existing &div id="tree"> element
// and pass the tree options as an argument to the dynatree() function:
onActivate: function(node) {
// A DynaTreeNode object is passed to the activation handler
// Note: we also get this event, if persistence is on, and the page is reloaded.
alert("You activated " + node.data.title);
persist: true,
children: [ // Pass an array of nodes.
{title: "Item 1"},
{title: "Folder 2", isFolder: true,
children: [
{title: "Sub-item 2.1"},
{title: "Sub-item 2.2"}
{title: "Item 3"}
&!-- Add a &div> element where the tree should appear: -->
&div id="tree"> &/div>
As an alternative, it is possible to leave away the children option and
add a &ul> inside the &div id="tree"> tag instead.
for an example.
I am going into more details in the following sections.
Initializing the tree
Dynatree is based on and made for jQuery. If you are not familiar with this, you might also want to check the .
The tree is initialized in the onload event of the html document. In jQuery this is usually done by passing a function to $(..) :
&script type="text/javascript">
The dynatree widget is then attached to an empty &div > element with a given ID of 'tree'.
This id can have any value, it only has to match the jQuery selector, in our case '#tree'.
Options are passed to the dynatree() function as a dictionary in curly braces:
Tree options
Tree options are passed as plain JavaScript objects in curly braces, e.g.
{ … }.
The following script shows the available options.
All options have a reasonable default, so we may only have to pass the onActivate handler.
title: "Dynatree", // Tree's name (only used for debug outpu)
minExpandLevel: 1, // 1: root node is not collapsible
imagePath: null, // Path to a folder containing icons. Defaults to 'skin/' subdirectory.
children: null, // Init tree structure from this object array.
initId: null, // Init tree structure from a &ul> element with this ID.
initAjax: null, // Ajax options used to initialize the tree strucuture.
autoFocus: true, // Set focus to first child, when expanding or lazy-loading.
keyboard: true, // Support keyboard navigation.
persist: false, // Persist expand-status to a cookie
autoCollapse: false, // Automatically collapse all siblings, when a node is expanded.
clickFolderMode: 3, // 1:activate, 2:expand, 3:activate and expand
activeVisible: true, // Make sure, active nodes are visible (expanded).
checkbox: false, // Show checkboxes.
selectMode: 2, // 1:single, 2:multi, 3:multi-hier
fx: null, // Animations, e.g. null or { height: "toggle", duration: 200 }
noLink: false, // Use &span> instead of &a> tags for all nodes
// Low level event handlers: onEvent(dtnode, event): return false, to stop default processing
onClick: null, // null: generate focus, expand, activate, select events.
onDblClick: null, // (No default actions.)
onKeydown: null, // null: generate keyboard navigation (focus, expand, activate).
onKeypress: null, // (No default actions.)
onFocus: null, // null: set focus to node.
onBlur: null, // null: remove focus from node.
// Pre-event handlers onQueryEvent(flag, dtnode): return false, to stop processing
onQueryActivate: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) before a node is (de)activated.
onQuerySelect: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) before a node is (de)selected.
onQueryExpand: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) before a node is expanded/collpsed.
// High level event handlers
onPostInit: null, // Callback(isReloading, isError) when tree was (re)loaded.
onActivate: null, // Callback(dtnode) when a node is activated.
onDeactivate: null, // Callback(dtnode) when a node is deactivated.
onSelect: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) when a node is (de)selected.
onExpand: null, // Callback(flag, dtnode) when a node is expanded/collapsed.
onLazyRead: null, // Callback(dtnode) when a lazy node is expanded for the first time.
onCustomRender: null, // Callback(dtnode) before a node is rendered. Return a HTML string to override.
onCreate: null, // Callback(dtnode, nodeSpan) after a node was rendered for the first time.
onRender: null, // Callback(dtnode, nodeSpan) after a node was rendered.
postProcess: null, // Callback(data, dataType) before an Ajax result is passed to dynatree.
// Drag'n'drop support
// Make tree nodes draggable:
onDragStart: null, // Callback(sourceNode), return true, to enable dnd
onDragStop: null, // Callback(sourceNode)
// Make tree nodes accept draggables
autoExpandMS: 1000, // Expand nodes after n milliseconds of hovering.
preventVoidMoves: true, // Prevent dropping nodes 'before self', etc.
revert: false, // true: slide helper back to source if drop is rejected
onDragEnter: null, // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode, ui, draggable)
onDragOver: null, // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode, hitMode)
onDrop: null, // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode, hitMode, ui, draggable)
onDragLeave: null // Callback(targetNode, sourceNode)
ajaxDefaults: { // Used by initAjax option
cache: false, // false: Append random '_' argument to the request url to prevent caching.
timeout: 0, // >0: Make sure we get an ajax error for invalid URLs
dataType: "json" // Expect json format and pass json object to callbacks.
strings: {
loading: "Loading…",
loadError: "Load error!"
generateIds: false, // Generate id attributes like &span id='dynatree-id-KEY'>
idPrefix: "dynatree-id-", // Used to generate node id's like &span id="dynatree-id-&key>">.
keyPathSeparator: "/", // Used by node.getKeyPath() and tree.loadKeyPath().
cookieId: "dynatree", // Choose a more unique name, to allow multiple trees.
expires: null // Days or D null: session cookie
// Class names used, when rendering the HTML markup.
// These settings only apply on initialisation.
// If only single entries are passed for options.classNames, all other
// values are still set to default.
classNames: {
container: "dynatree-container",
node: "dynatree-node",
folder: "dynatree-folder",
empty: "dynatree-empty",
vline: "dynatree-vline",
expander: "dynatree-expander",
connector: "dynatree-connector",
checkbox: "dynatree-checkbox",
nodeIcon: "dynatree-icon",
title: "dynatree-title",
noConnector: "dynatree-no-connector",
nodeError: "dynatree-statusnode-error",
nodeWait: "dynatree-statusnode-wait",
hidden: "dynatree-hidden",
combinedExpanderPrefix: "dynatree-exp-",
combinedIconPrefix: "dynatree-ico-",
hasChildren: "dynatree-has-children",
active: "dynatree-active",
selected: "dynatree-selected",
expanded: "dynatree-expanded",
lazy: "dynatree-lazy",
focused: "dynatree-focused",
partsel: "dynatree-partsel",
lastsib: "dynatree-lastsib"
debugLevel: 1 // 0:quiet, 1:normal, 2:debug
Type: dictionary, default: $.ui.dynatree.defaults.classNames.
Override class names, that are used, when rendering the HTML markup.
Typically this will require some customization of the CSS file too.
Note: class names are applied on initialisation only.
checkbox: true,
// Override class name for checkbox icon:
classNames: {checkbox: "dynatree-radio"},
Type: integer, default: 3.
Define, how a mouse click will change a folder status.
Single-clicking a folder title (or pressing the [enter] or [space]
key) will activate it.
In this mode documents and folders behave the same.
Single-clicking a folder title expands the node. The folder cannot
be activated.
Single-clicking a folder title will activate and expand it.
Type: boolean, default: false.
True: the tree's expansion, activation, focus and selection state is saved
to a session cookie, so reloading the page will restore the status.
Notes: this may not work with lazy nodes.
See cookie option.
Initializing the tree structure
A tree structure is made of nodes. Every node may in turn contain
a list child nodes.
A dynatree always has exactly one root node, and all top level nodes
of our tree are created as direct descendants.
The root node is usually hidden, so we only see the nodes that we have added.
Dynatree can read it's structure from different sources:
If the children option is passed, it will be used.
Otherwise, if the initAjax option is passed, it will be used.
Otherwise, if the initId option is passed, it will be used.
Otherwise, if the the container &div> element contains a &ul> element,
it will be used.
Otherwise, the tree is left empty.
But we may choose to do so, if we want to modify the tree programmatically.
Methods 1-3 expect a list of node options, as described in the following
Node options
Node options are defined as plain JavaScript objects in curly braces, e.g.
{ … }.
Most of the time we pass a list of node options like this
children: [ { … }, { … }, … ].
The follwing snippet shows the attributes that can be used to define a tree node.
There are reasonable default values for all options, so we may only have to pass a title.
children: [
title: null, // (required) Displayed name of the node (html is allowed here)
key: null, // May be used with activate(), select(), find(), ...
isFolder: false, // Use a folder icon. Also the node is expandable but not selectable.
isLazy: false, // Call onLazyRead(), when the node is expanded for the first time to allow for delayed creation of children.
tooltip: null, // Show this popup text.
href: null, // Added to the generated &a> tag.
icon: null, // Use a custom image (filename relative to tree.options.imagePath). 'null' for default icon, 'false' for no icon.
addClass: null, // Class name added to the node's span tag.
noLink: false, // Use &span> instead of &a> tag for this node
activate: false, // Initial active status.
focus: false, // Initial focused status.
expand: false, // Initial expanded status.
select: false, // Initial selected status.
hideCheckbox: false, // Suppress checkbox display for this node.
unselectable: false, // Prevent selection.
// The following attributes are only valid if passed to some functions:
children: null // Array of child nodes.
// NOTE: we can also add custom attributes here.
// This may then also be used in the onActivate(), onSelect() or onLazyTree() callbacks.
The node options are also passed to the event handlers and can be accessed like this:
onActivate: function(node) {
alert("You activated " + node.data.title);
If set to true, the node will be initially activated.
Class name that is added to the node's &span> element.
{ title: "Pretty node", addClass: "customClass1" }
&li data="addClass: 'customClass1'">Pretty node
can be styled using css as
span.customClass1 a { background-color: color: }
Array of node options, that are used to generate child nodes.
This option is only valid when passed to certain functions, like DynTreeNode.addChild().
If set to true, the node will be initially expanded.
If set to true, the node will be initially focused.
Suppress display of checkbox icon.
It is still possible to (de)select the node using the API, keyboard or
initialization data. (The selection state may be visualized by a CSS
See also unselectable.
Contains the link URL, if the tree was initialized from a &ul> tag:
&div id="tree">&ul>
&li class="expanded folder">Search engines
&li>&a href="http://www.google.com" target="_self">Google&/a>
&li>&a href="http://www.bing.com">Bing&/a>
Optional name of an image file relative to the image directory.
If null specified, a default image is used depending on the node type (folder
or document). This is the default.
If false specified, no image is displayed.
Marks node as folder (treated as a document otherwise).
Enables delayed loading of the node contents. When a lazy node is expanded
for the first time, the onLazyRead() callback is called.
Uniquely identifies this node. It is optional, but we need it for some
functions like tree.activateKey().
If specified, the node's element id is generated by prepending a prefix
like this: dynatree-id-1234.
If not specified, a random key id is generated.
If set to true, the node will be initially selected.
See data.href.
Type: string, default: "".
Displayed name of the node (html markup is allowed here).
Optional string to display in a popup window when the cursor hovers over
Prevent (de)selection of this node using API, mouse, and keyboard.
It is still possible, to (de)select this node in the initialization data
or indirectly (in multi-hier mode).
See also hideCheckbox.
To override the node attribute defaults, modify the structure before initializing
&script type="text/javascript">
$.ui.dynatree.nodedatadefaults["icon"] = // Turn off icons by default
rootVisible: false,
Folders and documents
When a node is of type folder, it get's a special folder icon and class name.
We usually use them to hold child nodes.
Also, folders can be expanded by clicking the title text (this behavior
can be controlled using the clickFolderMode option).
Non-folders ('documents') may also contain child nodes.
Clicking on a child node activates it, so we have to click the small [+] icon in front to expand such a document node.
Initializing the tree structure from an object array
we have already seen how a tree is initialized by passing a
node array with the children option.
children: [ … ],
See also .
Initializing the tree structure from an Ajax response
Instead of passing an array of data objects, we can pass a url in the initAjax
option that will be used to contact an Ajax web service.
initAjax: {url: "/ajaxTree",
data: {key: "root", // Optional arguments to append to the url
mode: "all"
The web service is expected to return a
node list, formatted like this:
[ { ... }, { ... }, ... ].
Because the data request is performed asynchronously, the document will load faster.
Dynatree will display a spinning wheel, while waiting for the request to complete.
for details.
for a sample on
how to combine this with persistence.
Initializing the tree structure from a &ul> element
If the container &div> contains a &ul> element,
the node titles are read from the &li> tags.
If the title contains html markup, it may be better to wrap it inside a span element.
All other node options are specified in the data attribute of a &li> element.
For example
&li data="url: 'http://jquery.com'">jQuery home
&li data="url: 'http://example.com', addClass: 'customClass1'">Example page
Nested &ul> elements are used to build a hierarchical tree structure.
After the &ul> element was parsed, it is removed from the DOM tree.
Note that &a> elements are recognized:
&li>&a href='URL' target='TARGET'>TITLE&/a> will result in
node.data.title = TITLE
node.data.href = URL
node.data.target = TARGET
&!-- Include the required JavaScript libraries: -->
&script src='jquery/jquery.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&script src='jquery/jquery-ui.custom.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='skin/ui.dynatree.css' >
&script src='jquery.dynatree.js' type="text/javascript">&/script>
&!-- Add code to initialize the tree when the document is loaded: -->
&script type="text/javascript">
onActivate: function(node) {
alert("You activated " + node);
&!-- Add a &div> element where the tree should appear: -->
&div id="tree">
&li id="key1" title="Look, a tool tip!">item1 with key and tooltip
&li id="key2" class="selected">item2: selected on init
&li id="key3" class="folder">Folder with some children
&li id="key3.1">Sub-item 3.1
&li id="key3.2">Sub-item 3.2
&li id="key4" class="expanded">Document with some children (expanded on init)
&li id="key4.1">Sub-item 4.1
&li id="key4.2">Sub-item 4.2
&li id="key5" class="lazy folder">Lazy folder
Initializing the tree structure programmatically
Finally, it is always possible to program the DynaTree and DynaTreeNode objects directly.
See also .
// Initialize the tree in the onload event
onActivate: function(node) {
alert("You activated " + node);
// Now get the root node object
var rootNode = $("#tree").dynatree("getRoot");
// Call the DynaTreeNode.addChild() member function and pass options for the new node
var childNode = rootNode.addChild({
title: "Child node 1",
tooltip: "This child node was added programmatically.",
isFolder: true
title: "Document using a custom icon",
icon: "customdoc1.gif"
Handling events
When a user clicks a node, we want to react in some
So at least we want to implement an onActivate
All event handlers are passed an instance of DynaTreeNode as argument.
this refers to the Dynatree object.
The node options can be accessed like this:
onActivate: function(node) {
alert("You activated " + node.data.title);
See also .
DynaTree callbacks
The this context is set to the tree object.
Use tree.isUserEvent(), tree.isInitializing(),
and tree.isReloading() to determine who generated this event.
Called when a node was activated.
onActivate: function(node) {
[...] // Do something after user activated the node (using mouse or keyboard)
Called when a node lost the focus.
opts.onClick(node, event)
Called when a node was clicked.
Use node.getEventTargetType(event) to check which area was clicked.
Return false to prevent default processing
(setting focus, activate the node, expand folders, etc.).
onClick: function(node, event) {
if(node.getEventTargetType(event) == "title"){
[...] // Handle the click event
// Prevent default processing
opts.onCreate(node, nodeSpan)
Called after a node's HTML tag was created, i.e. when a node becomes
visible for the first time.
This callback may be used to bind events or widgets for nodes that are
created lazily or programatically.
onCreate: function(node, nodeSpan) {
alert('clicked ' + node);
(Note that the use of jQuery live events may often be a more efficient solution.)
See also opts.onRender.
Called before a node's title HTML tag will be created.
This happens when a node becomes visible for the first time.
This callback may return a string that will be used instead of the
default HTML markup.
onCustomRender: function(node) {
return "&span class='dynatree-title'>SPAM&/span>"
opts.onDblClick(node, event)
Called when a node was double clicked.
Use node.getEventTargetType(event) to check which area was clicked.
Return false to prevent default processing (currently none).
Called when a node was deactivated.
opts.onExpand(flag, node)
Called when a node was expanded/collapsed.
Called when a node receives the focus.
opts.onKeydown(node, event)
Called on keydown events.
Return false to prevent default processing
(generate keyboard navigation, focus, expand, activate, etc.).
opts.onKeypress(node, event)
Called on keypress events.
Return false to prevent default processing (currently none).
Called when a lazy node is expanded for the first time.
opts.onPostInit(isReloading, isError [, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown])
Called when the tree was (re)loaded.
In case of an error, isError will be true and
addition info is passed: XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown.
opts.onQueryActivate(flag, node)
Called before a node is (de)activated. Return false to prevent
opts.onQueryExpand(flag, node)
Called before a node is expanded/collapsed. Return false to prevent
opts.onQuerySelect(flag, node)
Called before a node is (de)selected. Return false to prevent
opts.onRender(node, nodeSpan)
Called after every time a node's HTML tag was created or changed.
This callback may be used to modify the HTML markup.
onRender: function(node, nodeSpan) {
$(nodeSpan).find("a.dynatree-title").css("color", "red");
See also opts.onCreate.
opts.onSelect(flag, node)
Called when a node was (de)selected.
This function must be defined to enable dragging for the tree.
Return false to cancel dragging of node.
opts.dnd.onDragEnter(targetNode, sourceNode, ui, draggable)
Return true to make tree nodes accept dropping of draggables.
opts.dnd.onDragOver(targetNode, sourceNode, hitMode, ui, draggable)
opts.dnd.onDragLeave(targetNode, sourceNode, ui, draggable)
opts.dnd.onDrop(targetNode, sourceNode, hitMode, ui, draggable)
This function must be defined to enable dropping of items on the tree.
(Passed as argument to node.appendAjax(...).)
Called after nodes have been created and the waiting icon was removed.
'this' is the options for this Ajax request
ajaxOptions.error(node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
(Passed as argument to node.appendAjax(...).)
Handling activate/click
The following example handles an activation event by opening a url in a new window.
This assumes, that we have defined an additional custom attribute named
'url' in the node options, like so:
&li data="url: 'http://jquery.com'">jQuery home
&li data="url: 'http://docs.jquery.com'">jQuery docs
children: [
{ title: "jQuery home", url: "http://jquery.com" },
{ title: "jQuery docs", url: "http://docs.jquery.com" },
Also, the title of the currently active node is displayed in the &span id='echoActive'> tag.
onActivate: function(node) {
if( node.data.url )
onDeactivate: function(node) {
Handling selection events
The following example writes the title of the currently focused node to the &span id='echoFocused'> element:
onSelect: function(flag, node) {
if( ! flag )
alert("You deselected node with title " + node.data.title);
var selectedNodes = node.tree.getSelectedNodes();
var selectedKeys = $.map(selectedNodes, function(node){
return node.data.
alert("Selected keys: " + selectedKeys.join(", "));
Handling focus changes
If we use the cursor keys to walk the tree nodes, the focus changes to the next node, but the active node remains the same unless we use [Space] or [Enter].
Also, when we click on a folder node it is only focused, but not activated.
The following example writes the title of the currently focused node to the &span id='echoFocused'> element:
onFocus: function(node) {
onBlur: function(node) {
Loading child nodes on demand ('lazy loading')
Dynatree supports delayed loading of tree nodes, which means we read the
child nodes only when their parent is expanded.
Because the data request is performed asynchronously, the browser will not
block and is still responsive. Dynatree will display a spinning wheel, while
waiting for the request to complete.
To make this happen, we have to
Mark some or all nodes as lazy, by setting the isLazy option to true.
Implement a backend web service that delivers a
formatted node list.
Implement the onLazyRead callback to send an Ajax request,
create the child nodes, and set the 'ok' status.
onLazyRead: function(node){
node.appendAjax({url: "/sendData",
data: {"key": node.data.key, // Optional url arguments
"mode": "all"
Typically we would implement onLazyRead by calling the
node.appendAjax() function.
It expects one option object argument, as described in the documentation for
These options are set by default:
cache: false and dataType: "json".
Note that the success and error options
are implemented differently from the jQuery standard:
They pass different arguments and are called after the
Dynatree default processing took place.
This makes it easy to use the success callback to apply any
custom postprocessing, for example activating a node or binding events.
onLazyRead: function(node){
node.appendAjax({url: "/sendData",
data: {"key": node.data.key, // Optional url arguments
"mode": "all"
// (Optional) use JSONP to allow cross-site-requests
// (must be supported by the server):
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(node) {
// Called after nodes have been created and the waiting icon was removed.
// 'this' is the options for this Ajax request
error: function(node, XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// Called on error, after error icon was created.
cache: false // Append random '_' argument to url to prevent caching.
The web service is expected to return a
node list, formatted like this:
[ { "title": "Node1", "isLazy": true, "key": "BC13B2C", … }, { … }, … ]
for a list of supported attributes.
When the response was received, appendAjax() appends the child
nodes and calls node.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Ok) to
remove the wait icon.
Note that initAjax is simply a special case, where the tree's
root node is loaded on startup.
for a sample to initialize the whole tree with an Ajax request.
This sample code (written in Python) shows how a server could create a
# Build node list as JSON formatted string:
res += '{ "title": "Node 1", "key": "k1", "isLazy": true },'
res += '{ "title": "Node 2", "key": "k2", "isLazy": true },'
res += '{ "title": "Node 3", "key": "k3", "isLazy": true }' # no trailing "," at the last line
res += ']'
# Add support for the JSONP protocol:
# This means, if the request URL contains an argument '?callback=xxx',
# wrap the result as 'xxx(result)'
if "callback" in argDict:
res = argDict["callback"] + "(" + res + ")"
# Make sure, content type is JSON:
start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "application/json")])
# Return result (the square brackets are Python / WSGI specific):
return [ res ]
for a sample
implementation of a web server that handles this (~150 lines of Python code).
When this server is running, you can try this
of a lazy tree.
Loading custom formats
If we need more control, or if the server cannot provide JSON in Dynatree's
native format, we could also use
to fetch the data, then transform it and call node.addChild():
onLazyRead: function(node){
url: […],
success: function(data, textStatus){
// In this sample we assume that the server returns JSON like
// { "status": "...", "result": [ {...}, {...}, ...]}
if(data.status == "ok"){
// Convert the response to a native Dynatree JavaScipt object.
var list = data.
for(var i=0, l=list. i&l; i++){
var e = list[i];
res.push({title: "" + i + ": " + e.fcurr + "-" + e.tcurr + ":" + e.ukurs,
icon: false});
// PWS status OK
// Server returned an error condition: set node status accordingly
node.setLazyNodeStatus(DTNodeStatus_Error, {
tooltip: data.faultDetails,
info: data.faultString
Drag and drop functionality is enabled by defining the appropriate callbacks:
onDragStart: function(node) {
/** This function MUST be defined to enable dragging for the tree.
Return false to cancel dragging of node.
logMsg("tree.onDragStart(%o)", node);
onDrop: function(node, sourceNode, hitMode, ui, draggable) {
/** This function MUST be defined to enable dropping of items on
* the tree.
logMsg("tree.onDrop(%o, %o, %s)", node, sourceNode, hitMode);
sourceNode.move(node, hitMode);
There are a lot more callbacks that can be used to fine tune the behaviour.
Check the source code in the samples in the
to learn more.
When initializing a tree in persist mode, we first check, if persistence
cookies already exist.
If not, we assume first-time initializing, read the status from the tree source,
and store it into new cookies.
Otherwise we assume re-loading, ignore the source node attributes and override
them using the cookie info.
In either case, the 'active', 'expand' and 'select' status of a node is read from
the data or restored from the cookies.
However, no onQueryActivate, onActivate, onExpand, onSelect, etc. events are fired.
(The only event that may be fired is onFocus.)
In order to generate these events on reload, we may use the callback function onPostInit()
and tree.reactivate().
onPostInit: function(isReloading, isError) {
// 'this' is the current tree
// isReloading is true, if status was read from existing cookies
// isError is only used in Ajax mode
// Fire an onActivate() event for the currently active node
onActivate: function(node) {
// Use status functions to find out about the calling context
var isInitializing = node.tree.isInitializing(); // Tree loading phase
var isReloading = node.tree.isReloading(); // Loading phase, and reading status from cookies
var isUserEvent = node.tree.isUserEvent(); // Event was triggered by mouse or keyboard
Persistence for lazy trees
The problem with restoring the status of a lazy tree is, that the currently active
or selected nodes may not be part of the tree, when it is freshly re-loaded.
The basic idea is to leave it up to the backend web service to deliver not only
the top-level nodes, but also all nodes that are required to display the current status.
For example, it may be neccessary to render 3 parent nodes, if the active node is at level # 4.
The backend may also deliver all child nodes of expanded parents.
Or in selectMode 3 (hierarchical) we may want to send all nodes, that are partly selected.
initAjax (and appendAjax) have 3 options, that make it easy to pass persistence
information to the web service.
for a sample
implementation of a web server that handles this (~150 lines of Python code).
When this server is running, you can try this
of a lazy tree.
initAjax: {url: "/ajaxTree",
data: {key: key,
mode: mode,
filter: filter
addActiveKey: true,
// add &activeKey= parameter to URL
addFocusedKey: true, // add &focusedKey= parameter to URL
addExpandedKeyList: true // add &expandedKeyList= parameter to URL
onPostInit: function(isReloading, isError) {
// In lazy mode, this will be called *after* the initAjax request returned.
// 'this' is the current tree
// isReloading is set, if status was read from existing cookies
// isError is set, if Ajax failed
// Fire an onActivate() event for the currently active node
onActivate: function(node) {
// Use status functions to find out about the calling context
var isUserEvent = node.tree.isUserEvent(); // Event was triggered by mouse or keyboard
Programming dynatree
The dynatree widget provides a set of plugin methods, that can be called
For example
However this plugin implementation is based on a class called DynaTree
that holds a set of DynaTreeNode objects.
These classes expose methods that can be accessed for enhanced functionality.
For example:
// Get the DynaTree object instance:
var tree = $("#tree").dynatree("getTree");
// Use it's class methods:
// Get a DynaTreeNode object instance:
var node = tree.getNodeByKey("key7654");
var rootNode = $("#tree").dynatree("getRoot");
// and use it
Dynatree Plugin methods
Besides the constructor, that is called like this:
The following methods are globally available from the ui.dynatree namespace:
Return a DynaTreeNode object for a given DOM element.
`el` may be a DOM element or a jQuery object.
Example: $("#tree a").hover(function(){
var node = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(this);
logMsg("Hover in %s", node);
}, function(){
$.ui.dynatree.getPersistData(cookieId, cookieOpts)
Return cookie persistence info as dictionary.
Release version number.
The following methods are directly available from the plugin:
Disable event handling and add a class 'dynatree-disabled' to
the container element.
Enable event handling and remove the 'dynatree-disabled' class from the
container element.
$("#tree").dynatree("option", )
Set a dynatree option at runtime.
Example: $("#tree").dynatree("option", "autoCollapse", true);
$("#tree").dynatree("option", "fx", { height: "toggle", duration: 200 });
Return the associated DynaTree object.
Return the root DynaTreeNode object of the tree.
Return the DynaTreeNode object that is currently active.
(May be null.)
Return an array of DynaTreeNode objects that are currently
(May be empty: [ ].)
DynaTree class members
Activate and focus node with a given key and fire focus and activate events.
If activeVisible option is set, all parents will be expanded as necessary.
If key is null, the current activation is removed.
Return the active DynaTreeNode.
Return the number of nodes.
Disable input for the tree and display gray. This is a shortcut for
Complement to tree.disable().
Turn rendering on or off and return the previous mode.
Disabling update may speedup processing, when adding lots of nodes.
Don't forget to turn rendering back on, after applying the changes:
var prevMode = tree.enableUpdate(false);
Return the currently active DynaTreeNode or null.
Return DynaTreeNode with a given key or 'null' if not found.
Return cookie persistence info as dictionary.
There is also a global function available:
$.ui.dynatree.getPersistData(cookieId, cookieOpts).
Return the invisible root DynaTreeNode object.
All visible toplevel nodes are children of this system node.
Return a list of currently selected DynaTreeNodes (may be an empty array).
If stopOnParents is set to true, children of selected nodes
are skipped. This may be convenient in selectMode:3 (multi-hier).
Constructor (internal use).
Return true, if the tree is in the init phase.
Use this function in an event handler, to check if the event was fired
during a page reload, when the cookie persistence is applied.
Return true, if the tree is in the init phase and persistence is on,
and the current status was read from existing cookies.
Use this function in an event handler, to check if the event was fired
during a page reload, when the cookie persistence is applied.
Return true, if the tree is processing a user event.
Use this function in an event handler, to check if the event was fired
in response to a mouse click or key stroke.
Otherwise, the the event was generated by an API call or during
tree.loadKeyPath(keyPath, callback)
Make sure that a node with a given ID is loaded, by traversing - and
loading - its parents. This method is ment for lazy hierarchies.
A callback is executed for every node as we go.
tree.loadKeyPath("/_3/_23/_26/_27", function(node, status){
if(status == "loaded") {
// 'node' is a parent that was just traversed.
// If we call expand() here, then all nodes will be expanded
// as we go
}else if(status == "ok") {
// 'node' is the end node of our path.
// If we call activate() or makeVisible() here, then the
// whole branch will be exoanded now
}else if(status == "notfound") {
var seg = arguments[2],
isEndNode = arguments[3];
tree.logDebug(msg), logInfo(msg), logWarning(msg)
(Internal use).
Fire onQueryActivate and onActivate events for the currently active node
(if there is one).
This may be useful when processing an onPostInit callback.
Render all visible nodes.
See node.render() for details.
Reload the the tree.
For lazy trees this is done, by re-submitting the Ajax request that was
defined in the initAjax option.
This will not work, if the tree was loaded from an embedded
&UL> element, because these elements are removed after they have been
Force immediate HTML creation for all nodes, even if inside collapsed
This may be useful, if we want to bind events or otherwise must access
these HTML elements.
It will however degrade performance, especially on large trees!
See node.render() for details.
tree.selectKey(key, flag)
Select or deselect node with a given key and fire focus and select events.
Return the selected DynaTreeNode.
Return selected nodes as array of {name: 'TreeName', value: 'NodeKey'}
objects, where name is the 'name' attribute of the tree's &div> element.
This format is compatible with jQuery's serializeArray()
function and may be used in $.post() calls.
See also the 'form' sample in the Example Browser.
Convert the tree into a JavaScript object.
If 'includeRoot' is false or omitted, the result is an array of node dcts.
See node.toDict() for details.
tree.visit(fn, includeRoot)
Call fn(node) for all nodes.
Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.
Stop iteration of the current branch, if fn() returns 'skip'.
DynaTreeNode class members
Attribute 'data'
Use this attribute to access all node options that were passed to create
this node.
For example node.data.title or node.data.tooltip.
See also .
Activate this node - according to flag - and fire a onActivate event.
If activeVisible option is set, all parents will be expanded as necessary.
Focus is not set.
Same as activate(), but does not fire events.
node.addChild(nodeData[, beforeNode])
Append a new child node.
nodeData may be a node data object as defined in
, or an array thereof.
Also objects and arrays of type DynaTreeNode are allowed.
var node = $("#tree").dynatree("getTree").getNodeByKey("1234");
node.addChild({title: "New Node", key: "3333"});
Since the nodeData may be a nested data structure, it is possible
to create a deep hierarchy with one call.
The optional argument beforeNode specifies a child DynaTreeNode
that the new node will be inserted before. (If this parameter is null
or omitted, the new node will be appended.)
Accepts a standard jQuery Ajax option object.
An asynchronous request is started, so this function returns immediately.
While loading, a spinning wheel is displayed. On error, a red icon is shown.
The request handler must return a JSON object, formatted like the data's
children object.
Use the setLazyNodeStatus() function to display the result.
for details.
Return the number of descendant nodes, i.e. direct and indirect children.
Deactivate this node and fire an onDeactivate event.
Expand or collapse this node - according to flag.
Set focus to this node. Parent nodes are expanded, if this is necessary
to make it visible.
Return list of child nodes or null.
For lazy nodes that have not yet been loaded, undefined is
is returned.
Return the part of a node, that a click event occurred on.
Possible values: 'prefix' 'expander', 'checkbox', 'icon', 'title'.
null is returned else.
Note: there is no check, if the event was fired on this node.
Return the depth (i.e. number of parent nodes).
0 is returned for the root node.
Return the successor node or null.
Return the parent node or null.
Return the predecessor node or null.
Return true if node has child nodes.
Return false if node is a leaf, i.e. has no child nodes.
Return undefined if this is a lazy node, that was not yet
successfully loaded.
A test for 'node is surely empty' would be coded like
if(node.hasChildren() === false) ...
Return true, if this node is activated. Only one tree node may be active
at any time.
Return true, if this node is a direct child of
Return true, if this node is a descendent (direct or indirect child) of
Return true, if the node is expanded.
Return true, if this node is the first of all children of the current parent.
Return true, if this node is has the focus.
Return true, if this node is the last of all children of the current parent.
Return true, if the node is lazy (loaded or not).
Return true, if the node is lazy and currently loading (i.e. an Ajax request is active).
Return true, if the node is selected.
Return true, if this is an temporary status node. Status nodes are
created while loading lazy data, to display a throbber or error
Return true, if the node is visible, i.e. all parents are expanded.
Expand all parents as neccessary, to make this node visible.
node.move(targetNode, mode)
Move this node to targetNode.
Possible mode:
child: append this node as last child of targetNode.
This is the default.
To be compatble with the D'n'd hitMode, we also accept 'over'.
before: add this node as sibling before targetNode.
after: add this node as sibling after targetNode.
Deprecated. Use reloadChildren() instead.
Discard and reload all children of a lazy node by triggering
the onLazyRead event.
if callback is passed, it is called after the Ajax request
was executed.
Example node.reloadChildren(function(node, isOk){
if(!isOk) alert("Node " + node + " could not be reloaded.");
Remove this node and descendents from tree.
Remove all child nodes and descendents.
node.render(useEffects, includeInvisible)
Redraw this node with current attributes. All HTML markup is updated
and class names are added according to current status.
If this node is expanded, markup for children is recursively generated
(default: false) Set to false to prevent animated expand effects,
which would be applied asynchronously.
(default: false) Force HTML creation for all descendants, even if
inside a collapsed branch.
This may be useful, if we want to bind events or otherwise access
these HTML elements. It will however degrade performance, especially
on large trees.
Most of the time, there is no need to call this explicitly, since it is
internally called on state changes.
Remove all children from a lazy node and make sure it is collapsed.
The node will be re-loaded when expanded the next time.
node.scheduleAction(mode, ms)
Schedule a delayed action.
Possible mode:
expand: Expand this node after ms microseconds.
activate: Activate this node after ms microseconds.
cancel: cancel pending action, if any was scheduled.
Select or deselect this node - according to flag - and fire an onSelect event.
Display a dummy child node, to provide feedback, when loading a lazy node's content.
Possible status:
DTNodeStatus_Loading: show a spinning wheel, with 'loading...' message.
DTNodeStatus_Error: show an error icon and message.
DTNodeStatus_Ok: Remove the status node.
Messages may be customized using the strings.loading and strings.loadError options.
Change current node title and redraw.
node.sortChildren(cmp, deep)
Sort child list by title.
cmd: optional compare function. If ommitted sorting is done by node titles.
deep: optional: pass true to sort all descendant nodes.
Example// Custom compare function (optional) that sorts case insensitive
var cmp = function(a, b) {
a = a.data.title.toLowerCase();
b = b.data.title.toLowerCase();
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0;
node.sortChildren(cmp, false);
node.toDict(recursive, callback)
Convert the node into a JavaScript object.
recursive: set to true, to include child nodes.
callback: (optional) function to allow modifications.
Example var cb = node.toDict(true, function(dict){
dict.title = "Copy of " + dict.
delete dict. // prevent duplicate keys
Toggle expansion state.
Expanding a lazy node, fires a onLazyRead event.
Toggle selection state.
node.visit(fn, includeSelf)
Call fn(node) for all child nodes.
Stop iteration, if fn() returns false.
Stop iteration of the current branch, if fn() returns the string
node.visitParents(fn, includeSelf)
Call fn(node) for all parent nodes.
Stop iteration, if fn(node) returns false.
Programming examples
The follwing code snippets should give an idea on how to use the API.
Example: Select a node with key '1234'
// or another way:
// .. or yet another way (if 'generateIds' option was enabled):
Example: Access the currently active node
var node = $("#tree").dynatree("getActiveNode");
if( node ){
alert("Currently active: " + node.data.title);
Example: Retrieve a node using for a DOM element or jQuery object
var node = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(this);
Example: Rename the active node
var node = $("#tree").dynatree("getActiveNode");
node.data.title = "My new title";
Example: Add a child to the active node
var node = $("#tree").dynatree("getActiveNode");
var childNode = node.addChild({
title: "My new node",
tooltip: "This folder and all child nodes were added programmatically."
Note: instead of passing a single child object, we could also pass an array
of such objects.
Also, the children may again contain children attributes, thus
defining a sub tree.
Example: Add a hover handler and find the hovered node from any sub element
// Bind hover events to the tree's &a> tags:
$("#tree a").hover(function(){
var node = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(this);
logMsg("Hover in %s", node);
}, function(){
var node = $.ui.dynatree.getNode(this);
logMsg("Hover out %s", node);
Example: Expand all nodes
Example: Save current tree status to the backend
// Get a JavaScript object copy of the tree
var dict = $("#tree").dynatree("getTree").toDict();
// ... then use Ajax to send this to your server...
Example: activate a node depending on URL
This sample shows how to parse the page URL and activate a node accordingly:
// Add a helper function to parse the URL
function getURLParameter(name) {
return unescape(
(RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search)||[,null])[1]
// Evaluate the URL after the tree was loaded
onPostInit: function(isReloading, isError) {
var key = getURLParameter("activate");
if( key ) {
Theming and translation
The tree's fonts, colors, and icons are defined using CSS, so changing the
appearance is simply a matter of including a custom stylesheet or by
with another
&script src="../jquery/jquery.js" type="text/javascript">&/script>
&script src="../jquery/jquery-ui.custom.js" type="text/javascript">&/script>
&script src="../src/jquery.dynatree.js" type="text/javascript">&/script>
&!-- Include the basic stylesheet: -->
&link href="../src/skin-vista/ui.dynatree.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
&!-- Override CSS with a custom stylesheet : -->
&link href="skin-custom/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
&script type="text/javascript">
Custom.css would include lines like this:
.dynatree-has-children span.dynatree-icon
background-position: 0 0;
background-image: url("doc_with_children.gif");
Changing the appearance and icons of single nodes is done by assigning a
custom class:
&li data="addClass: 'custom1'">Document with custom class
children: [
{ title: "Document with custom class", addClass: "custom1" },
we would then add CSS definitions for the new node to our stylesheet:
span.custom1 a
background-color: #
span.custom1 span.dynatree-icon
background-position: 0 0;
background-image: url("customDoc2.gif");
Strings can be translated in the tree options:
strings: {
loading: "Daten werden geladen&#8230;",
loadError: "Fehler beim Laden!"
Feedback, version history, credits and known issues
I am using the
by Nicolas Perriault for the table of contents.
I am using
by Mike Samuel for syntax highlighting in the of source code samples.
Feedback and support
First of all: this is work in progress.
Any kind of feedback is very welcome :-)
is in place to ask questions or discuss features.
for existing questions.
to get a list of known bugs, or vote for a feature.
Please make sure you searched the group and issue tracker, before adding a new request.
If you like:


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