求fate/stayfate stay night hf或者fate/hollowataraxia这两款游戏

fate吧-百度贴吧--讨论TypeMoon作品Fate系列及其他--Fate系列作品最早的是由TYPE-MOON于日发售的PC平台文字冒险游戏《Fate/stay night》,同时也
RT 感觉151质量算是蛮不错了,至少村姑黑呆教授塑造的挺讨死宅(在下)喜欢 但讲道理,151剧情还是缺点
嘛,这几天工作,加上也谈了恋爱了,一直都不想谈设定来着 不过还是随便说点个人看法吧 1,首先说说
最近连着碰到好几回这样的情况,所以有点在乎了 最开始是我亲戚看我玩FGO,然后跟我推荐说,男人应该
新的三星复仇者萨列里出来了,无辜EX,马蛋看到这技能图标我咋又想起了全A王的直感 盐川你这是在提醒
别的地方看过了的人就当复习吧 →卡多克确实是…… 玛修「……是」 玛修「是由有着最高值灵子跃迁适
目前一共111点cost ------------------- 打手16+礼装12 孔明16+礼装12 梅林16+礼装12 ------------------- 后面备用打手1枚
不必非要走“立香线”吧? 最近吧里好像开始热衷讨论,如果别的人(组织)代替立香打第一部,大概能走
月世界扯设定最蠢.jpg。 多图倒垃圾预警
不同传说中高文 三倍时间段略有不同, 在fgo中设定是9点-中午 ,下午3点-傍晚。 为什么中午后3小时没有
我的假设是这样的 公元500年,摩根在剑栏之战以后,没过多久就完成了 ,她预订的亚瑟王复活计划,但是
TGO-07 :冻伤是要截肢的会变成人棍
空想树叫大蛇.....那边那个喝弹珠汽水的 过来一下
立绘就不提了,希望实装后3。4破给个人形 雷帝被催眠醒来迷迷糊糊首先问的就是: 1.俄罗斯的子民还好
新宿的大楼吸收了高浓度魔力,即使是圣剑也无法轻易摧毁.JPG 三幻灵合的的二段变身狼王突进时可以随意
看到有人说重甲,就想谈谈这个了 在参战者两人体格,技艺相当,不限定时间和手段的情况下,一人重甲
FGO2部 2部配信前に考えてたネタなのでアナスタシアのキャラ違ってたらゴメンナサイ。続きはスレッド
查理大帝的理念是「將一切存在同一化」 不曉得究竟是出了啥事才有這理念 然後呢 這Ruler查理大帝 不曉
助攻总额: 43W
使用签名档&fate hollow ataraxia
fate hollow ataraxia游戏介绍
FHA是FATE/STAY NIGHT的FAN DISC,其实剧情构成很凌乱,都是由很多小故事构成的,不过主线是四日不停循环的圣杯战争,原因出于第三次被错误召唤的第八个职阶&背叛者&与第五次一开始被麻婆神父暗杀的LANCER的MASTER的愿望产生共鸣,从而利用圣杯的力量再构建出四日不停循环的战争中...(不过老实讲,这个东西里面都是些欢乐的日常...)
  《Fate/hollow ataraxia》(日语:フェイト/ホロウアタラクシア&),日由TYPE-MOON发售的PC平台的十八禁文字冒险游戏。由于其是有许多个凌乱故事组成的,因此无法像Fate/Stay Night一样动画化,这是的Fate/Stay Night的Fan Disc。
『Fate/hollow ataraxia』是前作『Fate/stay night』的半年后、在同样的舞台,由同样的人物所带来的各种新的故事与插曲的一款Fan Disc。
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Fate/stay night游戏怎么会是18禁的
荐&发布08-9-17 21:25
Fate/stay night(日文:フェイト/ステイナイト)是由TYPE-MOON于日发售的PC平台十八禁文字冒险游戏,也是TYPE-MOON商业化后初次亮相的作品。由于广受欢迎,日发售fan disk“Fate/hollow ataraxia”。2006年1月播放动画版,至同年6月17日全24集已经播放完毕。该游戏的PS2版本由角川书店发售。基本介绍[编辑本段]游戏类型 传奇活剧视觉小说使用平台 Windows 98/ME/2000/XP游戏引擎 吉里吉里2修正档 只有CD版本有代理商 TYPE-MOON / 有限会社Notes媒体 CD-ROM、DVD-ROM游戏人数 1人发售日 日(CD)日(DVD)售价 CD初回版 8800CD通常版、DVD版 9240对象年龄 18禁角色名设定 不可结局数 5+40记录档数 300画面尺寸 800×600 / 65536色音乐形式 对应DirectSound必须有PCM音源角色配音 没有CG模式 有音乐模式 有回忆模式 没有讯息略过 全文/既读自动模式 有其他 初回限定版附赠设定资料集 ‘Fate/side material’游戏制作成员[编辑本段]原画:武内崇剧本:奈须きのこ程式:清兵卫电影脚本:つくりものじ图解:こやまひろかず、BLACK、苍月誉雄音乐:KATE 片头曲:THIS ILLUSION作词:芳贺敬太作曲、编曲:NUMBER 201演唱者:M.H.片尾曲:days作词:芳贺敬太作曲、编曲:NUMBER 201演唱者:CHINO其他支援:OKSG故事大纲[编辑本段]圣杯:传说中可实现持有者一切愿望的宝物。而为了得到圣杯的仪式就被称为圣杯战争。参加圣杯檎7名由圣杯选出的魔术师被称为御主(マスタ`,英文Master),与7名被称为从者(日文:サ`ヴァント;英文Servant)的使魔订定契约。他们是由圣杯选择的七位英灵,被分为七个职阶,以使魔的身份被召唤出来。能获得圣杯的只有一组,这7组人马为了成为最后的那一组而互相残杀。基本没有学习魔术的才能的魔术师主角卫宫士郎,偶然地与从者中的剑士?Saber(セイバ`)订定契约,被卷入圣杯檎敝小 fate线中,卫宫士郎发现自己爱上自己召唤出来的从者Saber,但最后却破坏了圣杯而失去Saber 。登场人物[编辑本段]※声优根据动画版。卫宫 士郎(えみや しろう, Shirou Emiya, 声优:杉山纪彰;野田顺子(幼年)/台湾:刘杰;雷碧文(幼年))身高:167cm,体重:50kg男主角。为穗群原学园(Homurabara)高中部二年级学生及见习中的魔术师、10年前冬木市(Fuyuki)大火中的少数生还者之一。被身为魔术师的卫宫切嗣所救出并收养,受卫宫切嗣的影响,是个英雄迷,并发誓长大之后一定要成为“正义的伙伴”拯救所有受到苦难的人们。所以只要是他人的请求他从不会拒绝。很喜欢Saber,对她有特别的爱意(在前面自己一直没发现)。擅长分晰物件结构和修理电器。虽然是魔术师,不过除了强化及投影以外,并不会其他的基本魔术。天生就对剑特别喜好。此外弓术也早已到达了大师的境界,“箭矢呢,是在射出前就已经射中了的”,因此他唯一的失误只是因为他本来就没有要让箭矢击中红心。拥有技能:投影所有理解范围内的宝具(限定剑属性)。由于本身的属性是剑,加上又是百年难得一见的天才,在认真的状态下可以暴走般的读取眼里所见的每把剑宝具,并将其投影出来。因此在UBW线中与英雄王匹敌。此外固有结界-无限剑制由于与Archer的心灵状态不大相同,因此唱诵的咒文也有一些差别。根据投影的规则,就算完美的投影出宝具,也会比原先的宝具降低一个等级。但是可以连同使用者的经验一同拷贝,所以只要投影出来的剑都能够立刻的上手使用,彷佛是自己曾用过的剑一样。士郎的自我治疗能力是来是他体内Saber的鞘,此宝具必须与Saber建立契约以及她的魔力才能发动,靠近Saber效果更明显。此外英雄王的EA是采用太古时代的技术所创造出来的,因此连士郎都无法理解其构造。卫宫 切嗣(えみや きりつぐ, Kiritsugu Emiya, 声优:小山力也/台湾:林谷珍)卫宫士郎已故的养父,由于脱出被污染的圣杯,魔术回路被掠夺八成、身体机能衰弱,于五年前去世,享年三十四岁。第4次圣杯战争的参加者,绰号是“ 魔术师杀手”,是Saber的御主,代表爱因兹贝伦一族出战,冷酷无情,对目标贯彻到底毫不留情,然而却命令Saber破坏了即将得到的圣杯,拥有“固有时间制御”可以将自身的时间速度做加速或减缓。与士郎共同生活后变成了好父亲,与藤村好像也很亲近。Saber(セイバ` 声优:川澄绫子/台湾:雷碧文)身高:154cm,体重:42kg,三围:B73/W53/H76(cm),属性:秩序・善本作FATE线的女主角。与士郎订定契约•剑士的英灵,是个拥有一头亮丽金发与深绿眼睛的美少女。她的职阶(class)被誉为所有从者中最优秀的。性格忠诚老实,一本正经,不爱言谈,也很有责任感,不过有时也会显现出少女该有的样子。到后半段对主人卫宫士郎,也产生了爱情(为傲娇的代表人物之一)。因为主人不懂得最基本的魔力回流魔术,因而无法补给魔力给她,必须自行由食物和睡眠里补给,平时用风王结界(Barrier of the Wind King)令剑处于隐形状态。特别喜欢
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Fate/hollow ataraxia (フェイト/ホロウアタラクシア, Feito/horou atarakushia) is a visual novel game created by
in 2005 which is the sequel to . The word "ataraxia" in the title is a Greek term for "tranquility", giving the title the combined meaning of "empty (or false) tranquility".
The plot of Fate/hollow ataraxia is based 6 months after the events of Fate/stay night, taking place in . The story, like , takes place in a dream world that reflects multiple timelines at once. It is a story that "encompasses the endings of all of the routes [of Fate/stay night], [while] not being any of them." It can be said not to follow any of the routes as a direct continuation, but rather act as a "counter" to the story of Fate/stay night itself. While "there is a setting about this happening after this route", it isn't that important and the player can interpret it either way. "Reopening" follows the ending of a "certain route" of Fate/stay night and the ending of Fate/hollow ataraxia. Even though hints towards the route exist, it is mainly left up to the readers' interpretation. While the scene "Sequel" depicts the world outside of the loop, it is unknown to which timeline it belongs as
said "It’s best if you don’t think too much about it" when questioned about its place in the timeline.
October/08 - The 1st Day of "Heaven's Feel": Resumption Mimicry
Iris' storehouse
Characters: , ,
(Mentioned)Shirou and Illya enter the Emiya household storehouse.
Characters: , Shirou attempts to speak with Rin, but gets distracted by the mess she has made of her room while trying to reorganize.
Mirror of Kibisis
Characters: , , , , Shirou converses with Rider, eventually leading to a conversation about her past. Her death at the hands of Perseus is narrated from his point of view, and she also reminisces of her final dream of her sisters right before her death.
Characters: , , Following up on Shirou's unexplainable memories related to the four day loop, Rin comes to him with her ideas as to its origin. Before she can get too into the details, Bazett shows up looking for
due to him being the victor of the previous war. Bazett mistakes Rin for the
she had fought, not yet understanding that her Holy Grail War is different from the Fifth Holy Grail War. Rin understands the dissonance, telling Bazett that the war has long since ended. Once Rin mentions 's name and death, Bazett has a mental breakdown, and upon Rin asking about what happened to her arm, Bazett runs away. By the end of the encounter, Rin has figured out the entire situation of the loop, but tells Shirou to solve it on his own.
Dialogue: Lost Loop II
Characters: Shirou enters the storehouse before remembering his ability to use magecraft, so he only feels a sense of having forgotten something.
Persimmon cooking
Characters: , Sakura consults Shirou as to what she should cook for dinner, and Shirou decides to help her prepare. They stumble upon numerous persimmons brought over by , and they decide to use them as ingredients.
Rider, bicycle, and the jealous Sakura
Characters: , , Shirou finds rider stalking around the with the intention of taking Shirou's higher intensity bicycle. She attempts to convince him to let her use it, going as far as attempting seduction until Sakura arrives. Rider quickly passes it off as a joke and leaves Sakura misunderstanding the situation.
The king's clothes are a swimsuit (waterfront king: prologue)
Characters: , , After Saber and Taiga return from shopping, Shirou accidentally walks in on Saber changing into her new swimsuit. (Continued in "Saber lately")
Saber lately
Characters: , , While Saber quickly tries to change, she is unable to manage the swimsuit, so Shirou begs her to put something on for the moment. Shirou convinces her to don her armor, but they are interrupted by Taiga approaching. Shirou tries to stall her while Saber hides, but she is found out. Taiga thwarts any plan to divert her, so she eventually sees Saber's armor and simply believes it to be a costume.
Afternoon light
Characters: , , , , Looking for Saber, Shirou gets sidetracked by Rider asking him to fix the household bicycles and Taiga being mischievous. He later finds Saber in the dojo in her usual mediation.
October/09 - The 2nd Day of "Heaven's Feel": Program Plagiarism
Characters: , Shirou finds Saber playing with her stuffed lion.
Potato sorrow
Characters: Shirou cooks sweet potatoes alone in the yard after clearing leaves.
Marron pie temptation
Characters: , , Shirou follows the scent of freshly baked pie to Sakura's room, finding her with Saber.
Iron and the second button
Characters: , Shirou searches for his missing school jacket, eventually ending up going to Sakura for assistance. He finds that she had taken it in order to fix a button, and the topic of conversation leads to her asking about
at his upcoming graduation.
Gorgon's cellar
Characters: , , , , Rider asks Shirou to fix a bicycle, and while conversing talk about Rider's height and Shirou's wish to grow taller. Illya eventually interrupts them, jumping at Shirou, which brings about past trauma for Rider as she remembers her sisters. Rider's past with her sisters is elaborated upon, having gained a complex about her height from their constant insults.
Selected for the King
Characters: , , , , Shirou meets with Saber, and she asks him about the subtleties of underwear due to Rin believing that Shirou would give her a "more satisfying answer." As they talk, Saber resolutely decides that she wishes for Shirou to choose some for her, which is embarrassingly overheard by Sakura and Rider.
October/10 - The 3rd Day of "Heaven's Feel": Roulette Rotation
Pool tickets and a threatening letter
Characters: , While cleaning Shirou's room, Sakura finds
letter to Shirou from the Unlimited Blade Works route, threateningly ending with "If you don't come I will kill you go home", and she believes Rin is bullying Shirou. After clearing up the misunderstanding, they move on to cleaning the rest of the room, where Shirou finds tickets for the pool. He invites Sakura to go at a later date.
What kind of wedding?
Characters: , , , , , ,
(Mentioned)Taiga brings up the topic of wishing to get married to everyone's surprise. Taiga becomes riled up as the conversation becomes about her flaws, resulting in Saber having to knock her out. As they continue to discuss marriage, Rin mentions Kirei having married couples in his duties as a priest. Saber then mentions her own wedding in her marriage to Guinevere and how it led to misfortune.
Invisible Servant
Characters: , Shirou finds Rider in the woods behind the school while she is waiting for Sakura to be done with school activities. Shirou tries to see if she would like to pursue an activity at the school so as not to need to linger away from Sakura.
Sakura, Mitsuzuri, and the archery club?
Characters: , , Shirou visits the archery range, meeting Sakura and Ayako as they discuss Sakura's lack of experience in acting as the new captain.
Minori Mitsuzuri
Characters: , Minori calls out to Shirou in the school, accosting him for lounging around in the Archery club despite being a former member. The topic eventually shifts to Sakura, Minori wondering about her hobbies.
Snake princess in the evening sun
Characters: , Shirou, Rider, and Sakura plan to walk home together, but Sakura says she cannot make it and tells Rider to walk with Shirou.
Lunch with the track-and-field club
Characters: , , , After Shirou helps the track-and-field club fix their equipment, they treat him to lunch.
October/11 - The 4th Day of "Heaven's Feel": Endless Crosses Turnless
Dragon trance military history (??)
Characters: , , , ,
(Mentioned)Shirou tells Rin about events in Fuyuki while she was in London, eventually leading to talk about Saber's
element. As they think about any dragon traits Saber may possess, Rin brings up the idea of Saber having a . Following this idea, Rin prods Shirou to try touching finding one on her, so Shirou attempts to find one until touching the strand of hair on her head and causing her to become defensive. She tells him about the importance of the hair and the battle with King Rience, ending with Merlin shaming the king and his brother Nero with embarrassing hair. As Saber forces Shirou to tell why he was touching her in the first place, she become enraged at him, while Rin takes the opportunity to touch the strand. The strand is pulled from Saber's head, causing her to turn into Saber Alter. Both Shirou and Rin are scared of the transformation, tending to Saber as requests fast food items unlike the regular Saber.
Pool and the Mystic Eyes seal
Characters: , Shirou, reading in Rider's room, gets into a conversation with Rider about . Rider describes her time there and suggests that Shirou invite one of his love interests. Shirou suggests going with Rider, but she declines in thinking that the outcome would end badly. Rider says they may meet by coincidence at some point. Shirou questions how she can swim without either her glasses or Breaker Gorgon, but she decides to keep it a secret.
Penguin-shaped shaved ice machine
Characters: , .While Shirou and Saber clean the storehouse, they encounter Taiga and begin talking about how she has brought most of the items that are cluttering it. Saber finds a penguin-shaped shaved ice machine, becoming enchanted by its looks and the prospect of shaved ice.
Characters: , , , , Shirou stumbles upon Saber and Rin eavesdropping on a conversation between Sakura and Rider discussing Sakura's weight-gain.
Night scenes take place from either the Emiya residence or while Shirou patrols the town. They can happen on any night of the four days except for a few that only take place on the final night.
Heaven's Feel scenes make up many of the core story scenes featuring Bazett and Avenger, along with a few featuring Shirou.
Collection of short side stories mostly erotic or comedy nature which can be unlocked during main scenario.
Golden bathtub
visits Shirou naked during his bath with the intent to repay all his kindness and help.
Life of Sakura
Sakura takes Shirou into the Matou residence's garden wanting to show him the old cherry blossom tree in bloom. After she tells him the story of that tree she invites him into her room.
Shirou is stranded at Rin's home during a rainy day. Both alone in an empty house they decide to remedy their previous sexual failures and make progress in their relationship.
The backside of Kibisis
Shirou wakes up in a strange room as two naked busty beauties appear before him. It's
and both want him. Truly dreamlike situation, but maybe too much dreamlike.
Himuro The Love Detective
Three-part story with
in the main role, in which she tries to unravel all the mysteries behind relationships between all main characters.
Epilogue story to the main scenario in which Bazett comes to Emiya residence begging for accommodation.
A mage sent from the Mage's Association to fight the 5th War of the Holy Grail, born in Ireland, she is a descendant of an old mage family of an unusual bloodline. She is mentioned very briefly in . The original Master of , she was betrayed by
and became the master of the Servant .
An assistant exorcist and member of the Church sent to Fuyuki City to replace Kotomine after his death and report the aftermath of the 5th Holy Grail War. She acts as the mediator for the false Grail War that results from t because she was not involved, she is able to see the strange events occurring objectively. She is noted for having a rather bizarre personality. She is actually the daughter of Kotomine.
The 8th Servant, who was accidentally summoned in the 3rd war, who appears suddenly as Bazett's new Servant. His true name is believed to be , an evil spirit of Zoroastrianism.
Within this installment, Shirou experiences unexpected changes in personality and momentary lapses in memory, particularly related to his own skills. In reality, it was Avenger, the eighth Servant, who took possession of Shirou's form during daytime and seperated this illusion of Shirou that it make when precise act as Servant of Bazett during nighttime.
In the first half of the game, Rin is in London. She returns in the second half with an apparently dramatic change in personality (specifically, a penchant for cosplaying as a
or magical girls). However, she has also become an experienced mage, demonstrating this when she was the first to logically compose an explanation as to why time has been looping for four days and when she gives Shirou advice. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, she wields the , another of Zelretch's inventions, which when activated, the Kaleidostick transfers knowledge from an alternate version of its user into its current wielder, in addition to providing an ample source of . However, the Kaleidostick dislikes its creator, and frequently manipulates its user into humiliating situations. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, the Kaleidostick is responsible for transforming Rin into the magical girl Kaleido-Ruby.
Other characters
While playing less prominent roles, all Masters and Servants in
of the 5th Holy Grail War appear again, with the exception of Kotomine, , and .
Cover for the Fate/Hollow Ataraxia PCCover for the Fate/Hollow Ataraxia PSVitaFate/stay night & Fate/Hollow Ataraxia editionPoster for Fate/Hollow Ataraxia PSVita1 of 4
mentioned in the
was the top character to further explore in the sequel. The featured song to the original Fate/hollow ataraxia is "hollow" performed by NUMBER201 feat.rhu.
The game also was ported to PlayStation Vita in 11/27/2014, and include full-voice acting, among other enhancements. The contents of the Vita version is censored like Réalta Nua. It has announced that
will be animating the two openings intro. The featured songs to the PlayStation Vita Fate/hollow ataraxia are "broKen NIGHT", and "hollow WORLD", both performed by . The PlayStation vita edition has a new mini game called , and a new version of Hanafuda game with the characters of Fate/Zero, Illya, Miyu, and Kuro of Prisma Illya, and the selectable servants (Archer, Saber, and Caster) of Fate/Extra.
The original PC version was released in 28 October 2005. It became one of the top selling visual novels of 2005.
In 2013, A Fate/hollow ataraxia manga was illustrated by Medori and published by .
The PlayStation Vita edition was released in 27th November 2014. The Limited Edition Bonus has a Nendoroid petite figure of Avenger.
In 30 January 2014,
announced they are releasing a special bundle on the 29th January 2015 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the
franchise. The bundle comes with Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate 10th Anniversary Art Book "Fate/Art Chronicle" and .
FATE HOLLOW ATARAXIA PVFate/hollow ataraxia PC PV11.27発売PSV「フェイト ホロウ アタラクシア」PVFate/hollow ataraxia PSV PVPSV「フェイト ホロウ アタラクシア」ショートPVFate/hollow ataraxia PSV PV 2PSV「フェイト ホロウ アタラクシア」PV 第三弾Fate/hollow ataraxia PSV PV 3「フェイト ホロウ アタラクシア」TVCMFate/hollow ataraxia commercial
「フェイト ホロウ アタラクシア」内「風雲イリヤ城」プレイ動画Illya Castle gameplayフェイト ホロウ アタラクシア カプセルさーばんとPV gameplay
Main works
( o ) o Fate/hollow ataraxia o
Fate/Extra series
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Tsukihime series
o Fate/hollow ataraxia o
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