
[行业动态]邀请函│BRC 全球标准之内审员培训— 消费品 第四版 - 名片全能王
邀请函│BRC 全球标准之内审员培训— 消费品 第四版
时间: -28日(周四-周五)地点: Intertek 4F会议室 上海市徐汇区宜山路801号金陵商务广场B幢语言: 中文普通话证书: 培训结束后,对完成考核的学员颁发Intertek权威的内审员证书费用: 2,968 RMB/人背景介绍在日,BRC消费品全球标准第四版出版了!第四版在结构上有明显的变化,反映了市场的需求。它由两个新的标准组成:个人护理和家庭用品以及一般商品。每个标准包含两个级别的认证要求:基础级和高级。为了帮助您成功地过渡到新版标准,我们为您总结了以下关键信息。BRC Training Invitation&1、哪个标准适用于我的工厂?&标准的附录2提供了一定的细节要求,BRC代码(类别)列举了属于个人护理及家居用品的标准和一般商品标准的典型产品。如果您不确定哪个标准适用于贵司生产的产品,请联系Intertek获得帮助。&2、我可以在哪里获取BRC标准的副本?&& &您可以在BRC电子书店中下载一个PDF格式的文档副本。如果您需要标准的印刷版原件,您可以在BRC书店中购买。另外,标准可以从BRC分享网站(下载。&3、BRC分享是什么?&&&&&&&&&&&& &BRC分享是一个在线信息管理系统,也是访问所有BRC内容最方便和灵活的方式,包括BRC全球标准、解释规则、相关出版物、研讨会、案例研究、行业白皮书、社交媒体的文章等等。它相当于一个指南工具,帮助您获得认证并持续维护您的工厂体系。&BRC分享是一个基于订阅模式的年度服务平台,开放给已经认证的工厂、希望获得认证的工厂,以及与BRC全球标准有关的其他团体,如买家、认证机构、培训师和顾问。如需获得关于BRC分享的更多信息,请登录,或发送电子邮件到。&4、第四版的审核何时开始?&自日起所有的审核需要按照第四版的要求执行。在此日期后,依照第三版要求的审核将不被允许。&5、在第四版审核之前,我需要做哪些准备?&在您申请第四版审核之前,请考虑您期望获得的证书级别。在您填写审核前的客户信息表时,我们将要求您注明您的选择是基础级或高级。&&6、我可以在日前按照第四版进行审核吗?&在日之前,不允许对BRC个人护理和家居用品标准的第四版进行认证审核,但Intertek可根据第四版要求对您的工厂现状进行差距分析审核。如需预订差距分析审核,请联系我们。&如果您需要按新版的一般商品标准的审核,则可以从日开始进行。&7、审核方案的主要变化是什么?&除了已经提到的变化,与第三版审核标准相比,新版标准审核和认证问题已经改变。您可以在新版标准的第三部分中找到完整的细节。以下是主要的变更:&o分级:审核结果是基于审核中识别到的不符合项的性质和数量来判定的。新版的基础级审核未设等级,而在高级审核中将由5个认证等级,分别为AA、A、B、C和D。oBRC消费品认证范畴之外的产品:BRC鼓励工厂的所有产品均取得认证。第四版的标准清晰地介绍了不属于标准范畴的产品情况应如何处理。当范畴之外的产品可以清楚地区别于范围内的产品,并且是在工厂的物理隔离区内生产时,该被排除在外的产品是可以接受的。被排除的产品内容必须在审核之前得到确认。任何被允许的产品排除情况将被记录在审核报告和证书中。排除在认证范围外的产品将没有资格使用BRC标志。8、审核时间计算方式有任何改变吗?&一个典型的审核时间将是1至1.5天(基础级)或2至3天(高级)。BRC正在开发一个审核时间计算器,并将3个关键因素考虑在内:主要班次的员工数量、生产厂(包括存储区)的规模和制造过程的数目。当计算器发布后,它可从BRC全球标准网站上下载。&9、我该何时申请下一场审核?&请注意条款1.1.5要求申请认证的工厂需确保换证审核在证书到期日当天或之前进行。未能遵守这一要求可能会导致一个重大不符合项。&10、第四版生效时,我的第三版证书是否还有效?&您的第三版BRC证书不会在第四版标准正式实施时失效。您可以按正常的流程计划您的下一次审核。我们会在贵工厂下一个审核到期日前联系您,并要求您填写相应的客户信息表。请别忘了考虑目前没有包括在您的认证范围内的部分产品。培训内容- 标准的发展过程 &- 消费品质量管理体系 &- 产品控制 &- 人员要求 &- 案例分析 - 产品风险管理 &- 工厂生产良好操作规范 &- 流程控制 &- 评估协议 &- 内审方法和技巧 培训费用RMB 2,968 / 人(含6%增值税),包括席位费、午餐费、茶点费及证书费&培训证书完成本培训的学员可获得国际认可的Intertek 培训证书。培训对象体系审核人员及使用者/企业技术及质量经理/行业咨询师/从事企业认证的审核人员/从事检验工作的人员/进口商/代理商等相关人员&讲师介绍黄珍海 先生(Mr. Roger Huang)◇ Intertek天祥集团化学与药业部副总经理◇ GMP、HACCP、ISO22716、BRC认可培训讲师◇ IRCA认可质量体系主任审核员及内审员课程认可讲师曾任职国际知名认证公司多年,专注于审核和培训工作。作为独立的第三方认证机构的审核员和讲师,执行过600 多家不同类型公司及工厂的管理体系的认证审核,行业涉及食品、化妆品、电子、机械、化工、物业管理、玩具、塑胶、印刷等等。作为管理行业的资深讲师,黄先生先后在深圳、广州、厦门、北京、上海、杭州、苏州、义乌、桂林、南宁、昆明等城市培训学员几千人。在培训方面,与业界资深人士多有交流,致力于提供内容翔实,形式轻松的培训课程,擅长将企业实际案例、审核的经验与授课理论相结合。报名方式BRC Training为更好安排培训活动,请”阅读全文”通过我们网站链接进行报名。最终确认以邮件回复为准,谢谢!报名期限自即日起至7月21日,名额满为止,请速报名。联系我们联系人:黄海/Mr Even Huang电话:021-/ 158 电邮:Even.Intertek健康与日用化学品全国热线:400 886 9926service.&Intertek天祥集团健康美容产品事业部拥有毒理学、配方学、生物学和分析化学等方面的资深专家和丰富的行业经验,为化妆品、个护品、日化产品行业提供全方位的综合服务,包括风险物质评估、毒理安全评估(CPSR/TRA)、化学元素分析(如重金属、塑化剂、防腐剂和致敏源等)、微生物测试、防腐剂有效性测试、稳定性测试、功效声明验证、包装材料测试、标签和成分审核、产品注册通告(包括非特殊用途化妆品备案)、GMPC/ISO22716培训和认证,以及全球相关法规咨询和培训等。我们帮助品牌商和生产商加速国内外市场的业务增长,优化供应链的质量和安全,同时降低整体成本。长按二维码关注我们点击下方“阅读原文”查看更多内容。
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at Ithaca CollegeEducationIthaca CollegeSummaryHello! My name is Steven, welcome to my LinkedIn page! I'm a current Junior studying Television-Radio at Ithaca College. I've spent aboveshow belowPast experienceProducer of &Newswatch& at Ithaca College TelevisionTechnical Director of An Evening with Joel McHale at Ithaca CollegeSocial Media Strategist at WICB 91.7 FMTeaching Assistant at Ithaca CollegeEducationIthaca Collegeshow aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imagePast experienceCompany placeholder imageContributor at Megaphone Media ProductionsRadio DJ at 92 WICBDirector Of Public Relations at WICB 91.7 FMCompany placeholder image2018 Winter Olympics Logger at NBC Sports GroupEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageIthaca College London CenterSummaryErika is an Ithaca College student in the Television-Radio program. She has completed numerous internships in post-production, production, aboveshow belowAre you a Technical Director?Create a free profile to get recognized for what you doPast experienceCompany placeholder imageAssociate Director of Technical Operations at ICTVPresident's Host Tour Guide at Ithaca CollegeInternship at Fly On The Wall EntertainmentTechnical Coordinator at Ithaca College TelevisionEducationIthaca CollegeIthaca Collegeshow aboveshow belowPast experienceCompany placeholder imageMedia Coordinator at Doylestown United Methodist ChurchCompany placeholder imageFreelancer (Worst Cooks in America) at Food NetworkCompany placeholder imageFreelance Production Assistant at Jade Seal ProductionsProduction Assistant at NBCUniversal, Inc.EducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageCentral Bucks High School EastSummaryo Associated Press in NY award winning Director of Technical Operations for Ithaca College Television.
o BS in Television-Radio ( aboveshow belowPast experienceCompany placeholder imageAudio Engineer at The RangeTeaching Assistant at Ithaca CollegeDirector Of Technical Operations at Ithaca College TelevisionDigital Media Manager at Ithaca College TelevisionEducationIthaca CollegeSummaryI am a recent graduate from Ithaca College with a major in Television and Radio at the Roy H. Park School of Communications. I was aboveshow belowDirector, Production Management - College Sports at ESPNPast experienceDirector, Multimedia Sponsorship Integration (Interim) at ESPNDirector, Sports Management & Integrated Marketing at ESPNAssociate Director, Sports Management & Integrated Marketing at ESPNAssociate Director, On-Air Management at ESPNEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageBourne High SchoolSummaryAccomplished, Emmy(R) Award winning media executive with over 15 years experience – ranging from television operations, video production, aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageCompany placeholder imageFreelance Technical Director at MLB Network & NHL NetworkProduction Coordinator at Barclays CenterPast experienceProduction Assistant at The Lighting Design GroupMaster Control Engineer
at Ithaca College TelevisionTeaching Assistant at Ithaca CollegeCrew Member at Ithaca College TelevisionEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageNorth Kingstown High Schoolshow aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageProduction Assistant at Golden Apple FilmsMaster Control Operator at Ithaca College TelevisionCompany placeholder imageEngagement Photographer at Melissa's PhotographyEducationIthaca CollegeSummaryI am a Junior at Ithaca College majoring in TV/Radio at the Roy H. Park School of Communications. I currently work as a aboveshow belowPerson placeholder imageDirector Of Programming at Ithaca College TelevisionDevelopment Intern at Fly On The Wall EntertainmentCompany placeholder imageIntern at Love Of Good, IncPast experienceStudent Caller at the Ithaca College Annual Fund at Ithaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageCamera Operator at Ivy Leauge Digital NetworkRadio DJ at VIC Radio IthacaAssistant Producer and Teleprompter Operator on &Bombers Live&
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After aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageVideo Producer at StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse TysonCompany placeholder imageAdjunct Lecturer at CUNY New York City College of TechnologyTrainer / Operator at All Mobile VideoPast experienceLive Streaming Producer at Al Roker Entertainment, IncCompany placeholder imageContent Manager at StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse TysonCompany placeholder imageProducer / Editor at The Rebel MediaCompany placeholder imageDirector at The Anthony Cumia ShowEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageNational High School InstituteSummaryI am a New York Emmy Award winning television producer and director. For over ten years, I've been working on productions with aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageTechnical Operator at Park Portable Equipment Center and ServicesTechnical Director at Ithaca College TelevisionAudio Engineer at Ithaca College TelevisionPast experienceParts Warehouse Worker at Foley, IncorporatedCamera Operator at Ithaca College TelevisionFloor Associate at Kmart CorporationParts Warehouse Worker at Foley, IncorporatedEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageMonroe Township High SchoolSummaryI'm attending Ithaca College to achieve my Bachelor of Science degree in Television and aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageAssociate Director / Floor Director at WHDH-TVTechnical Director at RNNPast experienceCompany placeholder imageProduction Intern at HDFilmsDirector at Ithaca College TelevisionProducer at Ithaca College TelevisionEducationIthaca CollegeTompkins Cortland Community CollegeSummaryMy name is Maddie and I currently work for WHDH Channel 7 News. At WHDH I work as an associate director and a floor director. I aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageTechnical Associate at Cheddar Inc.Past experienceTechnical Director at RNN-TV, Fios1 NewsCompany placeholder imageMaster Control Operator/Audio Operator at Time Warner Cable NewsProduction and Control Room Intern at NewsChannel 9 WSYRCreator/Producer at Ithaca College TelevisionEducationIthaca CollegeSummaryAs someone who has been passionate about television for my entire life, the &making of& a production has always fascinated me. I strive aboveshow belowManager Technical Operations at NickelodeonPast experienceEngineering Technician at NickelodeonBallPark Camera Technician at Major League Baseball NetworkAudio Visual Technician (Freelance) at CitiView Audio VisualTeleprompter (Freelance) at ABC TelevisionEducationCompany placeholder imageIthaca College
Park School of Communicationshow aboveshow belowEngineer at Major League BaseballPast experienceStudent Engineer at Ithaca College TelevisionFreelance Video Logger at Major League SoccerTechnical Operations Intern at CNBCControl Room Intern at ConanEducationCompany placeholder imageIthaca CollegeIthaca Collegeshow aboveshow belowDirector of Photography / Production Coordinator at Spectrum: Emmy Award-Winning Entertainment, Branding & Content StudioPast experienceCompany placeholder imageStation Manager at Ithaca College TelevisionIntern at Floor 84 StudioCompany placeholder imageIntern at Shark DiversCompany placeholder imageEditor at LifeStream VideoEducationIthaca CollegeIthaca Collegeshow aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageContent Production Intern at Whistle SportsPast experienceProducer at Ithaca College TelevisionProduction Intern at Fine Brothers EntertainmentCompany placeholder imageProduction Intern at Gifted YouthResident Assistant at Ithaca CollegeEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageLindenhurst Senior High SchoolSummaryAn aspiring media professional with a interest in digital content, viral trends, social media and live event production.
show aboveshow belowCompany placeholder imageCommunications Manager/Press Officer at USRowingPast experienceMembership Marketing Coordinator at USRowingProduction Assistant at FOX SportsCompany placeholder imageCasting Assistant at JS CastingProduction Assistant (The Wiz Live!) at NBCUniversal Media, LLCEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageColumbia Senior High Schoolshow aboveshow belowDog Sitter at Rover.comCompany placeholder imageDog Walker at Wag Dog WalkersBroadcast Engineer at WFXT Boston 25 NewsPast experienceCompany placeholder imageWaitress / Employee at Scales & TailsTechnology Apprentice
at National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation (NABEF)Technology Apprentice at Cox Media GroupLifeguard at American PoolEducationIthaca CollegeCompany placeholder imageIAU CollegeCompany placeholder imageWesthampton Beach High SchoolSummaryHello! My name is Bridget Pamboris and I am a broadcast engineer at WFXT Boston 25 News.
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