德州扑克 前注什么时候连AA也要在FLOP前FOLD

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3秒自动关闭窗口34被浏览3,925分享邀请回答0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起&&& HM2 HUD数据说明(四)
HM2 HUD数据说明(四)
Aggression 激进度 Agg Factor & & & &Ag [&]
Aggression 激进度
Agg Factor & & & &Aggression factor is calculated (Bet + Raise) / Call, checking or folding has no effect & 侵略性是按照(下注次数+加注次数) / 跟注次数来计算的,看牌或弃牌没有影响
Flop Agg Factor & & & &Aggression Factor based on the flop only & & 翻牌圈的激进度
Turn Agg Factor & & & &Aggression Factor based on the turn only & &转牌圈的激进度
River Agg Factor & & & &Aggression Factor based on the river only & 河牌圈的激进度
Agg Pct & & & &Aggression percentage can be anything from 0-100 and is based on an aggressive action on each street. So if I bet the turn and the river but check the flop I would have 66% Agg Pct because I made 2 out of 3 aggressive actions. & & &侵略性百分比是根据每一道上侵略性动作计算出来的0-100之间的数值。所以,如果我在翻牌圈看牌,然后在转牌圈和河牌圈都下注了,那我的侵略性百分比就是 66%,因 为我在三条街上,有两条街采取了侵略性动作。
Flop Agg Pct & & & & &Aggression Percentage based on the flop only &翻牌圈的激进度百分比
Turn Agg Pct & & & & & Aggression Percentage based on the turn only &转牌圈的激进度百分比
River Agg Pct & & & && Aggression Percentage based on the river only 河牌圈的激进度百分比
Check Raise 过牌加注
Check Raise & & & &Total Check Raise % &过牌加注频率
Flop Check Raise & & & &Check Raise % based on flop play 翻牌圈过牌加注频率
Flop Check Raise as PFR & & & &Player that does the Preflop Raise Check Raises on the flop. 玩家作为翻牌前的加注者,翻牌圈过牌加注的频率
Flop Check Raise as PFR Raised Pot & & & &Flop raise % after checking as the pre flop raiser in a single raised pot pre-flop & &作为翻牌前再加注者,翻牌圈过牌加注的频率
Flop Check Raise as PFR 3-Bet Pot & & & & & & Flop raise % after checking as the pre flop 3-bettor &在翻牌前3bet的底池,翻牌做看牌加注的频率&
Turn Check Raise & & & &Check Raise % based on the Turn &转牌过牌加注的频率
River Check Raise & & & &Check Raise % based on the River &河牌过牌加注的频率
Flop Check Raise Raised Pot & & & &Check Raise in a pot that had a raise preflop &翻牌前有人加注过的底池,玩家做过牌加注的频率
Flop Check Raise 3-Bet Pot & & & &Check Raise when there was a 3bet preflop 翻牌前有人3bet过的底池,玩家做过牌加注的频率
Continuation Bet 持续下注
Flop CB & & Bet the flop after being the Pre Flop Raiser Preflop &翻牌前加注者在翻牌圈下注的频率
Turn CB & & & &Bet the turn after being the Pre Flop Raiser and C-betting the flop翻牌前加注者在翻牌圈下注后,在转牌圈持续下注的频率
River CB & & & &Bet the river after being the Pre Flop Raiser and C-betting the flop and Double Barreling(c-betting) the turn翻牌前加注者在翻牌圈和转牌圈下注后,在河牌圈持续下注的频率
Flop Raised Pot CB & & & &How often player Cbets after there was a raise preflop. (This stat is written wrong and it should read flop Continuation bet raised Pot.) &在翻牌前加注后,翻牌持续下注的频率(这项统计值的字面意思有误,应该写作flop continuation bet raised pot)
Flop 3-Bet Pot CB & & & &How often the player Cbets in a 3bet pot. & &玩家在翻牌前3bet后,翻牌圈持续下注的频率
Fold to Flop CB & & & &How often they fold the flop when faced with a continuation bet & 面对翻牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to Turn CB & & & &How often they fold the turn when faced with a continuation bet & 面对转牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to River CB & & & &How often they fold the river when faced with a continuation bet &面对河牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to Flop CB Raised Pot & & & & &Fold to flop continuation bet when there was a raise preflop &翻牌前加注过的底池,面对翻牌圈持续下注时,弃牌的频
Fold to Flop CB 3-Bet Pot & & & &How often they fold the flop when faced with a continuation bet in a 3bet pot. Remember the person who 3bet is the person that will be making a cbet and not the original raiser. &在翻牌前3bet后,面对翻牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率。记住3bet的人,才是翻牌圈要持续下注的人,而不是最初的加注者。
Fold to Flop CB (IP) & & & &Fold to Flop Cbet when in position 有位置的时候,面对翻牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to Turn CB (IP) & & & &Fold to Turn Cbet when in position &有位置的时候,面对转牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to River CB (IP) & & & &Fold to River Cbet when in position &有位置的时候,面对河牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to Flop CB (OOP) & & & &Fold to Flop Cbet when out of position没位置的时候,面对翻牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to Turn CB (OOP) & & & &Fold to Turn Cbet when out of position 没位置的时候,面对翻牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Fold to River CB (OOP) & & & &Fold to River Cbet when out of position没位置的时候,面对翻牌圈持续下注弃牌的频率
Call Flop CB & & & &How often someone calls a Flop Cbet & 跟注翻牌圈持续下注的频率
Call Turn CB & & & &How often someone calls a Turn Cbet &跟注转牌圈持续下注的频率
Call River CB & & & &How often someone calls a River Cbet &跟注河牌圈持续下注的频率
Call Flop CB Raised Pot & & & &Calling a flop Cbet when there was a raise preflop &翻牌前有人加注后,在翻牌圈跟注持续下注
Call Flop CB 3-Bet Pot & & & &Calling a Flop Cbet when there was a 3bet preflop 翻牌前有人3bet后,在翻牌圈跟注持续下注
Raise Flop CB & & & &How often they raise someone when faced with a continuation bet on the flop & &面对翻牌圈的持续下注做加注的频率
Raise Turn CB & & & &How often they raise someone when faced with a continuation bet on the turn & 面对转牌圈的持续下注做加注的频率
Raise River CB & & & &How often they raise someone when faced with a continuation bet on the river & &面对河牌圈的持续下注做加注的频率
Raise Flop CB Raised Pot & & & &How often they raise someone when faced with a continuation bet when there was a raise preflop. & &翻牌前有人加注,面对翻牌圈的持续下注做加注的频率
Raise Flop CB 3-Bet Pot & & & &How often they raise someone when faced with a continuation bet when there was a 3Bet preflop. & & 翻牌前有人3bet,面对翻牌圈的持续下注做加注的频率
Raise Flop CB (IP) & & & & & & & & & Raise flop Cbet when in position &有位置时加注翻牌圈持续下注的频率
Raise Turn CB (IP) & & & & & & & & & Raise turn Cbet when in position &有位置时加注转牌圈持续下注的频率
Raise River CB (IP) & & & & Raise river Cbet when in position & 有位置时加注河牌圈持续下注的频率
Raise Flop CB (OOP) & & & &Raise flop Cbet when out of position &没有位置时加注翻牌圈持续下注的频率
Raise Turn CB (OOP) & & & &Raise turn Cbet when out of position & 没有位置时加注转牌圈持续下注的频率
Raise River CB (OOP) & & & &Raise river Cbet when out of position & 没有位置时加注河牌圈持续下注的频率
Fold Flop CB Vs Raise & & & &How often they fold a flop continuation bet when they are faced with a raise & & & &翻牌做持续下注的玩家面对加注弃牌的频率
Fold Turn CB Vs Raise & & & &How often they fold a turn continuation bet when they are faced with a raise & & & &转牌做持续下注的玩家面对加注弃牌的频率
Fold River CB Vs Raise & & & &How often they fold a river continuation bet when they are faced with a raise & & & &河牌做持续下注的玩家面对加注弃牌的频率Fold Flop CB Vs Raise Raised Pot & & & & & & How often they fold a flop continuation bet when they are faced with a raise when there was a raise preflop. & 翻牌前加注,在翻牌圈持续下注后,面对加注弃牌的频率
Fold Flop CB VS Raise 3-Bet Pot & & & &How often they fold a flop continuation bet when they are faced with a raise in a 3bet pot. Remember the person who 3bet is the person that will be making a cbet and not the original raiser. & 翻牌前3bet,在翻牌圈持续下注后,面对加注弃牌的频率。记住翻牌前3bet的人才是持续下注的人,而不是最初的加注者。
CB 3B Flop CB vs Raise & & & &Raise % (i.e 3bet flop) when your flop Cbet is raised 当翻牌圈持续下注被加注后,再加注的百分比(翻牌圈的3bet)
CB 3B Turn CB Vs Raise & & & &Raise % (i.e 3bet turn) when your turn Cbet is raised当转牌圈持续下注被加注后,再加注的百分比(转牌圈的3bet)
CB 3B River CB Vs Raise & & & &Raise % (i.e 3bet river) when your river Cbet is raised
Bet Vs Missed CB (IP) & & & &How Often Villain bets when the Preflop Raiser doesn’t cbet and Villain is in Position based on flop, turn and river. This only applies where the villain is last to act so say in a multiway pot the PFR doesn't Cbet and your next to act but there's still 1 player to act after you then if you bet the stat would remain unaffected however if the person acting last bets then it would affect his stat. &当翻牌前的加注者没有下注时,对手有位置的情况下下注的频率。这仅适用于对手是最后一个行动的人的情况下,所以假设在多人底池,翻牌前的加注者没有持续下注,轮到你行动时,身后还有一个玩家,如果你下注了,这个数据不会受到影响,而如果你没有下注,最后行动的那个玩家下注了,就会影响到他的这项数据。
Bet Vs Missed Flop CB (IP) & & & &How Often Villain bets when the Preflop Raiser doesn’t cbet the flop and Villain is in Position &当翻牌前的加注者没有下注时,对手有位置时在翻牌圈下注的频率
Bet Vs Missed Turn CB (IP) & & & &How Often Villain bets when the Preflop Raiser doesn’t cbet the turn and Villain is in Position当翻牌前的加注者没有下注时,对手有位置时在转牌圈下注的频率
Bet Vs Missed River CB (IP) & & & &How Often Villain bets when the Preflop Raiser doesn’t cbet the river and Villain is in Position当翻牌前的加注者没有下注时,对手有位置时在河牌圈下注的频率
Bet Vs Missed CB (OOP) & & & &Where you bet when someone didn't cbet bet the last street in position. Obviously only applies to the turn or river. 当对手在有位置时上一条街没有持续下注,而你下注了。很明显,这项数据只适用于转牌圈和河牌圈
Bet Vs Missed Flop CB (OOP) & & & &Where you bet the turn when someone didn't cbet bet the flop in position. & &当对手有位置时,但在翻牌圈没有持续下注时,你在转牌圈下注了
Bet Vs Missed Turn CB (OOP) & & & &Where you bet the river when someone didn't cbet bet the turn in position. &当对手有位置时,但在转牌圈没有持续下注时,你在河牌圈下注了
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