苹果6p能把program files改成自己的格式吗

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主题 : IOS8以及iphone6 iphone6 P适配遇到的一些问题总结(持续更新...)
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UID: 166668
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IOS8以及iphone6 iphone6 P适配遇到的一些问题总结(持续更新...)&&&
在使用autolayout的时候遇到一个棘手的问题。我现在的项目是iphone5尺寸的xib,现在我有一个控件,我给他的约束是:上:100   下:200  左:10  右:10但是到了iphone6P里面,这个控件就被拉的很宽了。因为6P的尺寸更大了,如果还是保持这个约束控件就会拉伸了。那我就去掉了下:200这个约束条件,在6P上面,距离上面100又显得太靠上了。想问下大家,这种约束条件应该怎么写,让这个控件能根据比例来调整位置。还有一个疑问,是不是每个页面都必须保证约束的线条都是蓝色。。。——————————————————————————分割线————————————————————————————————报错的问题在14楼已经有回复了!!!目前研究结果:网上找了一下autolayout,目前适配方案正准备采用autolayout+Image Assets的方式。 autolayout约束了之后就会自动适配了。给两个传送门,大家看下关于前面提到了iphone5、5s、6   ios8使用@3x分辨率的问题,添加完启动图之后并没有出现使用@3x的情况,还是使用的@2x。遇到这种情况,把启动图添加完就好了。目前遇到了一个问题使用6或者6P模拟器运行代码就报Warning: Error creating LLDB target at path '/Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SmartHomeCloud-ayllpnkgiqjycsejdajgtjdtiejw/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmartHomeCloud.app'- using an empty LLDB target which can cause slow memory reads from remote devices.然后会crash到main,点击一下“下一个断点”,就正常运行了。百度了下,好像大家遇到的都是报这个错误,但是没有crash。不知道为什么我的会crash有知道的,麻烦告诉一下。拜谢!——————————————————————————分割线———————————————————————————————— 目前研究结果:1.使用Image Assets管理图片。2.如果程序只支持ios7.0 iphone5以上的设备,那么 “图标”分两种,一、iphone5、5s、6用@2x   二、iphone6 P 用@3x。“背景图”用iphone6P的分辨率就可以了,根据不同的尺寸缩放。目前疑问:为什么只要系统版本是IOS8,如果有@3x的图,默认使用的就是@3x的图。——————————————————————————分割线————————————————————————————————一、使用图片的一些情况。1.我有两张图片、。没有添加Launch screen interface file base name键,自动拉伸适配屏幕的情况下。在模拟器iphone5s(7.0.3)上面运行代码。图片使用的是在模拟器iphone5(8.0)上面运行代码。图片使用的是在模拟器iphone5s(8.0)上面运行代码。图片使用的是在模拟器iphone6以及iphone6 P 上面运行代码。图片使用的都是问题:只要是8.0的系统版本,测试发现都是用的logo@3x图片,如果只支持iphone5  7.0+以上,那么现在适配是否按系统版本来就行了。不添加Launch screen interface file base name建,自动适配的情况下。IOS7.0:@2x(640X1136)用来支持7.0的iphone5、5s。IOS8.0:@3x()用来支持iphone6 P。在iphone5 iphone5s iphone6 上面@3x会自动缩放。跟网上资料不符的地方:1.iphone5、5s使用@2x,iphone6 使用@2x   iphone6P使用@3x。参考链接:。疑问:iphone5、5s、6使用的都是@2x的情况,那么图片应该怎么命名。比如iphone5、5s里面使用的。那么iphone6尺寸变了,分辨率变了。如果使用@2x,应该怎么命名呢。参考链接里面还有提到使用“Image Assets管理各个分辨率的图片”。ImageAssets我只用来管理icon 启动图这些东西。那app里面的一些资源图片,也用这个管理吗?如果是这样的话,如何根据不同的iphone型号来加载应用里面的资源图片。总结,目前关于iphone6、6P 以及IOS 8适配的相关资料也有不少了。但是一些困扰我们这些新手的问题,还是很多。在这里也希望大牛们能够帮忙解答一下。小弟会不停的整理一些疑问帮助自己,也帮助更多的朋友能够更快的适配iphone6、6P。真心的希望大家帮助我们这些菜鸟解决一下疑问,好人一生平安!!![ 此帖被zhanghui520在 10:27重新编辑 ]
级别: 侠客
UID: 166668
可可豆: 237 CB
威望: 239 点
在线时间: 129(时)
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可可豆: 109 CB
威望: 844 点
在线时间: 1326(时)
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同问 现在没搞清楚到底应该怎么适配
级别: 新手上路
可可豆: 24 CB
威望: 24 点
在线时间: 45(时)
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级别: 侠客
UID: 166668
可可豆: 237 CB
威望: 239 点
在线时间: 129(时)
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级别: 侠客
可可豆: 157 CB
威望: 137 点
在线时间: 411(时)
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无语,去了解下Image Assets吧,都是用Image Assets来管理,Image Assets一张图片会为几种种,分别拉进去就行了,代码里使用图片不用带后缀也不用带@2x之类了。
级别: 侠客
UID: 166668
可可豆: 237 CB
威望: 239 点
在线时间: 129(时)
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Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
is pretty discriminating in terms of what file formats are supported, and mostly gravitates around Apple's own and vetted pieces. The stock video player doesn't make an exception, and for WMV, DivX/Xvid, FLV or MKV files you'd have to look elsewhere, or convert.Converting is a hassle, and if you are consuming video more often than you should on your
and , you've probably felt the need for a versatile, play-it-all video app. Well, due to the limitations Cupertino places, there is no ideal solution, but some are pretty close.&With the recent AC3 and DTS sound playback kerfuffle, most player darlings updated their apps to ditch the decoder support and avoid playing license fees, depriving you of audio for many clips in your video library in the process, but some still support it. We are rounding up a few of the best in the slideshow below, to help with your quest to circumvent the limited video format playback of the default player Apple supplies with iOS.
Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
It's Playing ($3.99)
Azul Media Player ($0.99 for iPhone, $2.99 for iPad)
OPlayer for iPhone ($2.99), Oplayer HD for iPad ($4.99)
Video Stream ($2.99)
Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
As one of the very few video players for iOS that seem to be paying the patent fees for DTS and AC3 audio for now, It's Playing is also updated for the iPhone 5's larger display, so it doesn't show the videos "boxed".&On top of that it supports every major format you throw at it, at up to 1080 definition if you have the latest iDevice, finds and shows subtitles in many languages, and hardware-accelerates streaming video wherever possible.&It also sports USB file transfer via iTunes, file management with "incognito" folders, Mail app video attachment playback and many more, so your money is well spent here. Some quirky high-res MKVs seem to give it the hiccups on anything less than iPhone 5 and the new iPad, but that can be said for most players that are not installed on the newest powerful gear
Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
As one of the very few video players for iOS that seem to be paying the patent fees for DTS and AC3 audio for now, It's Playing is also updated for the iPhone 5's larger display, so it doesn't show the videos "boxed".&On top of that it supports every major format you throw at it, at up to 1080 definition if you have the latest iDevice, finds and shows subtitles in many languages, and hardware-accelerates streaming video wherever possible.&It also sports USB file transfer via iTunes, file management with "incognito" folders, Mail app video attachment playback and many more, so your money is well spent here. Some quirky high-res MKVs seem to give it the hiccups on anything less than iPhone 5 and the new iPad, but that can be said for most players that are not installed on the newest powerful gear
Currently on sale for the iPhone version at mere $0.99, Azul plays most formats, and supports their easy uploading through iTunes. It has a lot of added value features, too, like the ability to play video attachments from the Mail app, as well as search and download from the web movies, TV shows and music directly from the player's interface, including saving YouTube vids offline. The newest version adds support for the larger screen of the iPhone 5.
A great free alternative to the stock player, RockPlayer2 is updated to show videos on the iPhone 5 in full screen, and supports any major format thrown at it, including large (2 GB+) HD MKV files, and with subtitles, too. It is ad supported, and you can remove those for $4.99 as an in-app purchase.Files can be imported for playback via iTunes,&HTTP,&FTP and WebDAV, the interface allows you gesture commands, there is folder management, video editing, and both wired and wireless TV-out from your iDevice.
Graced with a powerful file browser, allowing you to copy/cut/paste media files you've transfered to the app via iTunes or other means, OPlayer supports all major formats up to 1080 definition, depending on your iDevice decoding power. There are FTP and Samba clients, advanced streaming capabilities. resume function, and the ability to play video file attachments from your Mail app.
Don't be fooled by the title, Video Stream will play any video format stored locally as well, with all the usual bells and whistles, as well as iPhone 5 and Retina iPad support up to 1080 quality, wrapped up in a slick interface.The strength of the app, however, lies in the easy to set up client-server relationship, so you can run a small program on your computer, and stream any video file from there to your iDevice via Wi-Fi while lounging on the couch in the other room, or via 3G/4G anywhere in the world, really.
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Which one plays flv?????
All of them
I have the new ipad and while i love watching videos on it, it is unable to playback 1080p movies. (it does play it, but at about a frame per second. completely useless) I have Sherlock Homes-2 7.5gb file as a test file. It just won't run on the ipad. I have tried more than 5 different paid players too. (AVPlayerHD, GPlayer, OPlayerHD etc etc).
So, what about on the iphone 5? Can it play such files?
And what about on android high ends like the s3 or note hox+? Can they play 8gb 1080p files? Has anyone actually run a 8gb 1080p mkv file? I know theoretically it should run it, but in reality are the high ends able to run it?
Those who have tried, kindly let me know. Thanks in advance
avplayer is the best and you didnt even mention it. also, oplayer crashes a lot and it couldnt play mkv properly the last time i checked
AVPlayer has been pulled from the App Store for a few weeks now :(
I mentioned avplayer.. read it. "avplayerHD" . represents the ipad version.. wtf dude. read the comment before posting a reply.
you mad bro? i didnt reply to you so why would you assume that i am saying that to you...?
You forgot to mention Buzz player....... This is also very good media player for iPhone and ipad, can play most of the audio and video files..........
apple's IOS has too many restrictions even in video codecs supported and that is why i chose android. it made watching video on my smartphone a lot easier.
Good for you bro. I guess this article doesn't really apply to you then.
yeah even i think your comment wasnt needed, besides no one cares you chose android on this article.
if playing vids of many formats was that important you would have symbian lol
anyways quit pushing your choice down peoples throats
Am I missing something or the IOS video player selection BLOWS compared to android?
There's like ten FREE players on Google play that all seem better than this!
Very odd, I thought IOS is like a superior eco system..Oh wait
Is there any that can be used with dual audio to change the language?
No one has time to watch entire videos on mobile devices, that is why the ClipClock mobile app is so great! Check it out: clipclock.com/download/4004
nPlayer should be on this, best media player IMHO.
There are several other iOS apps which supports playing all formats of videos/audios in iPhone and iPad like Movie Player app - itunes.apple.com/us/app/movie-player-best-player-f​or/id
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Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
Best iOS video player apps for the iPhone and iPad
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matlab 中出现??? Error: File: C:\MATLAB6p5\work\Untitled5.m Line: 17 Column: 1
%matlab program
G=[1 0..99];
K=[-3.75 -11.5];
%Initial a LMI system
%Define Variables
X=lmivar(1,[2 1]);
Y=lmivar(1,[2 1]);
P=lmivar(1,[2 1]);


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