
联合国教科文组织官方杂志《信使》重磅推介永州女书联合国教科文组织官方杂志《信使》重磅推介永州女书冬天的梦百家号【编者按】近年来,永州市以国家语保中心实施“江永方言文化典藏课题”为契机,以女书申报为世界非物质文化遗产、世界记忆、世界语言为目标,以女书生产性保护为抓手,积极协调国家有关单位、高校及联合国教科文组织相关机构,借力湖南方言调查“响应”计划发起人、著名主持人汪涵等名人效应,多措并举,推动女书多元化传播、可持续发展。2018年新年伊始,联合国教科文组织官方杂志《信使》2018年第一期季刊的Current Affairs版块刊发《女书:追逐阳光的“眼泪之书”》一文,对江永女书大力推介。《信使》杂志是联合国教科文组织1948年创办的旗舰性期刊,是传播教科文组织理念、倡导文明对话的重要载体,在教育、科学和文化等教科文组织的业务领域引领全球发展。该刊对女书的推介,表明女书已迈出走进联合国、走向世界的坚实步伐。现全文转发。女书:追逐阳光的“眼泪之书”Nüshu:from tears to sunshine作者: 联合国教科文《信使》杂志责任编辑陈晓蓉by ChenXiaorongHe Jingua, writing the phrase“mysterious scripts through the ages”in Nüshu characters.女书,汉语解释为“女人的书写”,它是目前世界上唯一的一种女性专用文字,流传在中国湖南省江永县潇水流域,这里是三省(湖南、广东、广西)、三县(江永、道县、江华瑶族自治县)交界的地理边区,是中原文化和南方文化交融的产物,是汉风瑶俗的混血儿。Nüshu literally means “women’s writing”in Chinese. Today it is the world’s only script designed and used exclusively by women. It was developed among the rural women of the Xiao River valley, in the Jiangyong county of China’s Hunan province, where there is a mixture of Han culture and Yao folkways.女书是方块汉字的一种变异形态,主要通过当地方言(城关土话)来诵读。文字形体特点呈长菱形斜体,只有点、竖、斜、弧四种笔画,秀丽纤细。Nüshu characters are a rhomboid variant derived from square Chinese characters, adapted to the local dialect (Chengguan Tuhua).The characters are formed with dots and three kinds of strokes horizontals, virgules and arcs. These elongated letters are written with very fine and thread-like lines.目前已知最早的“女书”实物,是在南京发现的一枚太平天国铜币。 太平天国(1851年—1864年)是一次农民起义建立的政权,它带来了一系列重大社会变革,同时也在某种程度上采取了一些有关性别平等的政策,这枚太平天国铜币上面就用女书刻着“天下妇女、姊妹一家”。The earliest known artefact in the Nüshu script is a bronze coin discovered in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province.It was minted during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a rebel kingdom in China from 1851 to 1864, which introduced important social reforms and adopted
to a certain extent – several policies regarding gender equality. The eight characters etched in Nüshu on the coin mean “all the women in the world are members of the same family”.“阳光文化”Aculture of sunshine封建社会的女性缺乏受教育的机会,女书作为女性之间的书面交流方式,主要通过长辈传授晚辈,以及姐妹间群体自娱自乐,互相学习。Nüshu was taught mainly by mothers to their daughters and practised for fun among sisters and friends. It was used by women in a feudal society who lacked access to education in reading and writing.Cover and inside page ofa sanzhaoshu or “third day letter”given to a newly married womanthree days after her wedding.女书主要用于书写自传、新娘在婚礼三天后写给密友们的婚嫁《三朝书》、结拜姊妹间的书信,也可用来记录民歌谜语、写实叙事、翻译改写汉文古诗等。还有一些农事歌,讲道德规劝,助夫创业、勤俭持家等。这些作品全部是诗歌,大多为七言,少数为五言。This syllabic script was generally used for writing autobiographies, letters between sworn sisters, and sanzhaoshu – &third day missives& of good wishes, presented to a bride by her closest friends, three days after her wedding. It was also used to record folk songs, riddles and translations of ancient Chinese poems, and to compose songs for farm women that promoted morality – stressing the importance of helping their husbands and encouraging frugality in household management. Allof these works are in poetry form
most are seven-character poems and a few have five characters清华大学赵丽明教授认为,女书不仅仅是一种书写方式,它更代表了典型的中国传统女性文化,也如一缕阳光给女性生活带来愉悦。她表示,“这是一种阳光文化,使女人得到一种话语权,是一种文化抗争”。According to Zhao Liming, a professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Nüshu is not just a script
it represents a typical Chinese traditional female culture. It was like a ray of sunshine that made women’slives more pleasant. “It is a culture of sunshine,” she says, “which allows women to speak up with their own voices and to fight against male chauvinism.”女书是“草本植物”,人死书亡。女书老人常常在去世前嘱咐家人,哪些是放在棺材枕边,哪些是烧掉。仅留给儿孙一两本留念。Like a fragile plant, Nüshu withered when its writer died. When older women felt the end was near, they would often ask family members to place some of their writing in their coffins and to burn other pieces of their work. Thus, most of a woman’s work her descendants were often left with only a few examples.“她们用自己的文字倾述、慰藉,唱出悲苦,互相赞美,构建一个美丽多彩的精神乐园。”赵丽明教授解释道,“天光”是女书作品中常常出现的一个词,在困难中向着“天光”,坚强乐观地面对生活。女书书写者中没有自杀的。她们流着眼泪,用女书追逐阳光!“Women used their own script to tell stories, to comfort each other, to sing out sorrow and to express admiration. In the process, a paradise was built,” says Zhao. “Tianguang (heavenly light) is a word that often occurs in Nüshu works.”Nüshu practitioners found comfort in this word, which could guide them through all their sorrows and difficulties to a better life. “None ever committed suicide, in fact, because Tianguang made them stronger and more optimistic. Through their tears, they never stopped seeking the light of the sun.”“眼泪之书”Ascript from tears“女书帮江永的女人擦干眼泪”,著名作曲家、联合国教科文亲善大使谭盾解释说,“当听到她们的歌声时,我仿佛看到了她们的眼泪。”“This script helped women in Jiangyong to dry their tears,” says Tan Dun, renowned Chinese composer and conductor, and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. “When I hear their beautiful songs, I can see their tears.”2008年他回到自己的家乡湖南,亲自考察正在失传的女书文化及女歌音乐,他在自己的日志中写到,“上甘棠村口有座宋代古桥,据今已有八百年历史,桥已塌半,它的沧桑如同女书已近消失的边缘”。In 2008, he went back to Hunan, his home province, to research Nüshu culture. “At the gate of Shanggangtang village, there is an 800-year-old Song Dynasty bridge. Half of it has collapsed. It reminded me of Nüshu, which is also on the verge of extinction,” he wrote in his travel diary.谭盾在日志中表示将致力把女书传下去,保护这种“像随风飞舞的音符”的文字。对他而言,女书文字“像竖琴或者琵琶”,新创作一部交响乐《女书:女性神秘之歌》的念头就此萌发。自2013年起,费城交响乐团、荷兰阿姆斯特丹音乐厅管弦乐团和日本NHK交响乐团纷纷参与合作,将女书文化展示在世界多个知名艺术殿堂。正如谭盾所说:“女书自此从私密的女性文化变成了世界文化”。据作曲家称,这部交响乐的成功“显示了世界对女性乌托邦的尊重”。这也是女书传统文化第一次以声像方式被记录下来。Tan Dun promised himself he would help save this script, the characters of which look like “musical notes flying along on the wind”. Some of them reminded him of the harp and the Chinese stringed pipa. The idea for a new symphony, Nüshu: The Secret Songs of Women, was born. Since 2013, the Philadelphia Orchestra (United States), the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (the Netherlands), and the NHK Symphony Orchestra (Japan) have co-produced performances of this Nüshu symphonic poem at several prestigious musical venues across the world. From a confidential women’s culture, Nüshu is becoming a “global culture that belongs to the world,” Tan Dun tells us. According to the composer, the success of his symphony “shows the world’s respect for women’s Utopia.” It was the first time that someone filmed Nüshu traditional culture.濒危与重生Extinctionand rebirth日,江永最后一个百岁女书自然传人(指浸润于女书文化,并一生在日常生活交流中运用女书)阳焕宜逝世,这标志着女书进入了“后女书时代”。The death of centenarian Yang Huanyi on 20 September 2004 marked the start of the “post-Nüshu era”. Yang was one of the most famous writers and holders of Nüshu culture.女书的濒危与保护引起各级政府的高度重视。2002年,女书被列入中国档案文献遗产名录;自2003年起,江永县开办女书学堂,培养传承人。2005年,女书以“全世界最具性别特征文字”被收入《世界吉尼斯记录大全》;2006年,女书习俗被列入第一批中国国家级非物质文化遗产名录。The progressive disappearance of Nüshu cultureand the need to protect it have aroused particular attention at all levels of government. In 2002, Nüshu was added to the Chinese National Register of Documentary Heritage. Since 2003, the introduction of Nüshu workshops in Jiangyong county has helped develop this culture by attracting more people to learn about it. In 2006, the State Council listed Nüshu as a national intangible cultural heritage.2007年5月,当地政府在江永县的浦尾岛上,建立“江永女书生态博物馆”。这里是四面潇水环绕,风景秀丽,民风淳朴,岛上的晋美村是不少著名女书自然传人的故居地,是女书流传的核心村落。A Nüshu museum was built in Puwei Island, Jiangyong county, in May 2007. This beautiful island, surrounded by the Xiao river, was home to many famous Nüshu authors, making it an important place for Nüshu culture.湖南江永县委常委、宣传部长杨诚说:“女书是江永独特的县域文化,是当地妇女集体智慧的结晶,体现了当地妇女睿智、自尊、自强、创新的精神追求,是人类文化多样性百花园的一朵奇葩,保护传承好这一民族文化,不仅需要学者、艺术家和官员的关注,更需要当地群众的一种文化自觉。”截至目前,当地政府已经培养了7位女书传承人,会写,会创作。According to Yang Cheng, Director of the Jiangyong Publicity Department, “the special Nüshu culture is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of women whose spiritual pursuits of intelligence, sense of self-respect, self-improvement and innovation have allowed various civilizations in the world to blossom with radiant splendour. And the protection of this national culture requires not only attention from academics, artists and officials, but also, more importantly, the cultural awareness of local people.”近年来,中国在加强语言立法、语言规划的同时,加强了语言文字信息化、标准化建设,并进行语言资源的调查与保护。2015年,启动了中国语言资源保护工程,尝试以女书通行的区域——江永县为试点,将其建设成为中国第一批方言文化生态区。Over the years, China has made an eort to develop language legislation and planning, as well as to improve the digitalization and standardization of language. As part of the Chinese government’s plan to protect language resources, launched in 2015, Jiangyong has been designated as a pilot area for an ecolinguistics project.女书是民间文字、方言文字,此前从未经过规范化,当下所见作品和女书传承人都各具书写风格,用字习惯也不完全相同,个性突出。为了在科学基础上规范传承女书文化,赵丽明教授主持了《女书国际编码》的研制工作,从22万字女书原始文献中穷尽性统计,运用字位理论,整理出使用频率最高的基本字。最终2015年国际ISO组织确认通过了397个女书字符。2017年3月,中国提交的关于将女书编入国际通用字符集的提案获得通过。Because Nüshu was used among women to write the local dialect, its writing was not standardized, meaning each practitioner had her own, often highly colorful, wording and phrasing style. To put the transmission of the script on a more scientifc footing, Zhao and her team worked on “Nüshu Character Unification”. Among the 220,000 characters used by Nüshu practitioners, they chose the most frequently used, based on astatistical survey. In
Nüshu characters were admitted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and in March 2017, China’sproposal to include Nüshu characters into the Universal Coded Character Set was approved.女书文化的抢救保护工作是一项复杂的也是庞大的社会系统工程。随着文化空间和信息时代的发展,女书的生命也正在延续。在女书文化的众多喜爱者中,有的是倾慕这个语言的古朴的吟诵和秀美的书法;有的是挖掘商机并尝试开发相关文化创意产品;有的以此为契机,期待传播弘扬优秀的女性传统文化。The conservation and protection of Nüshu culture represents a huge and complex social project. With the increasing exploitation of cultural space and the development of the information era, Nüshu is making progressin the endeavour to ensure its survival. Among its enthusiasts, some simply admire this charming old script, others are exploring business opportunities and developing creative products. And some are seizing the opportunity to promote a fine example of women’s traditional culture.(宋汉宝)本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。冬天的梦百家号最近更新:简介:玩具都是有灵魂的,我们是他们的灵魂工程师作者最新文章相关文章联合国教科文组织:《信使》杂志中文版首发
近日,联合国教科文组织官方杂志《信使》发行了2018年开年的第一期季刊:Education:Still searching for Utopia ?在杂志中的Current Affairs版块中刊登了一篇关于“女书”文化的介绍。
Nüshu:from tears to sunshine
作者: 联合国教科文《信使》杂志责任编辑陈晓蓉
by ChenXiaorong
He Jingua, writing the phrase
“mysterious s through the ages”
in Nüshu characters.
Nüshu literally means “women’s writing”in Chinese. Today it is the world’s only designed and used exclusively by women. It was developed among the rural women of the Xiao River valley, in the Jiangyong county of China’s Hunan province, where there is a mixture of Han culture and Yao folkways.
Nüshu characters are a rhomboid variant derived from square Chinese characters, adapted to the local dialect (Chengguan Tuhua).The characters are formed with dots and three kinds of strokes- horizontals, virgules and arcs. These elongated letters are written with very fine and thread-like lines.
目前已知最早的“女书”实物,是在南京发现的一枚太平天国铜币。 太平天国(1851年—1864年)是一次农民起义建立的政权,它带来了一系列重大社会变革,同时也在某种程度上采取了一些有关性别平等的政策,这枚太平天国铜币上面就用女书刻着“天下妇女、姊妹一家”。
The earliest known artefact in the Nüshu is a bronze coin discovered in Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province.It was minted during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a rebel kingdom in China from 1851 to 1864, which introduced important social reforms and adopted - to a certain extent – several policies regarding gender equality. The eight characters etched in Nüshu on the coin mean “all the women in the world are members of the same family”.
Aculture of sunshine
Nüshu was taught mainly by mothers to their daughters and practised for fun among sisters and friends. It was used by women in a feudal society who lacked access to education in reading and writing.
Cover and inside page of
a sanzhaoshu or “third day letter”
given to a newly married woman
three days after her wedding.
This syllabic was generally used for writing autobiographies, letters between sworn sisters, and sanzhaoshu – "third day missives" of good wishes, presented to a bride by her closest friends, three days after her wedding. It was also used to record folk songs, riddles and translations of ancient Chinese poems, and to compose songs for farm women that promoted morality – stressing the importance of helping their husbands and encouraging frugality in household management. Allof these works are in poetry form - most are seven-character poems and a few have five characters
According to Zhao Liming, a professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Nüshu is not just a - it represents a typical Chinese traditional female culture. It was like a ray of sunshine that made women’slives more pleasant. “It is a culture of sunshine,” she says, “which allows women to speak up with their own voices and to fight against male chauvinism.”
Like a fragile plant, Nüshu withered when its writer died. When older women felt the end was near, they would often ask family members to place some of their writing in their coffins and to burn other pieces of their work. Thus, most of a woman’s work her descendants were often left with only a few examples.
“Women used their own to tell stories, to comfort each other, to sing out sorrow and to express admiration. In the process, a paradise was built,” says Zhao. “Tianguang (heavenly light) is a word that often occurs in Nüshu works.”Nüshu practitioners found comfort in this word, which could guide them through all their sorrows and difficulties to a better life. “None ever committed suicide, in fact, because Tianguang made them stronger and more optimistic. Through their tears, they never stopped seeking the light of the sun.”
A from tears
“This helped women in Jiangyong to dry their tears,” says Tan Dun, renowned Chinese composer and conductor, and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. “When I hear their beautiful songs, I can see their tears.”
In 2008, he went back to Hunan, his home province, to research Nüshu culture. “At the gate of Shanggangtang village, there is an 800-year-old Song Dynasty bridge. Half of it has collapsed. It reminded me of Nüshu, which is also on the verge of extinction,” he wrote in his travel diary.
Tan Dun promised himself he would help save this , the characters of which look like “musical notes flying along on the wind”. Some of them reminded him of the harp and the Chinese stringed pipa. The idea for a new symphony, Nüshu: The Secret Songs of Women, was born. Since 2013, the Philadelphia Orchestra (United States), the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra (the Netherlands), and the NHK Symphony Orchestra (Japan) have co-produced performances of this Nüshu symphonic poem at several prestigious musical venues across the world. From a confidential women’s culture, Nüshu is becoming a “global culture that belongs to the world,” Tan Dun tells us. According to the composer, the success of his symphony “shows the world’s respect for women’s Utopia.” It was the first time that someone filmed Nüshu traditional culture.
Extinctionand rebirth
The death of centenarian Yang Huanyi on 20 September 2004 marked the start of the “post-Nüshu era”. Yang was one of the most famous writers and holders of Nüshu culture.
The progressive disappearance of Nüshu cultureand the need to protect it have aroused particular attention at all levels of government. In 2002, Nüshu was added to the Chinese National Register of Documentary Heritage. Since 2003, the introduction of Nüshu workshops in Jiangyong county has helped develop this culture by attracting more people to learn about it. In 2006, the State Council listed Nüshu as a national intangible cultural heritage.
A Nüshu museum was built in Puwei Island, Jiangyong county, in May 2007. This beautiful island, surrounded by the Xiao river, was home to many famous Nüshu authors, making it an important place for Nüshu culture.
According to Yang Cheng, Director of the Jiangyong Publicity Department, “the special Nüshu culture is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of women whose spiritual pursuits of intelligence, sense of self-respect, self-improvement and innovation have allowed various civilizations in the world to blossom with radiant splendour. And the protection of this national culture requires not only attention from academics, artists and officials, but also, more importantly, the cultural awareness of local people.”
Over the years, China has made an effort to develop language legislation and planning, as well as to improve the digitalization and standardization of language. As part of the Chinese government’s plan to protect language resources, launched in 2015, Jiangyong has been designated as a pilot area for an ecolinguistics project.
Because Nüshu was used among women to write the local dialect, its writing was not standardized, meaning each practitioner had her own, often highly colorful, wording and phrasing style. To put the transmission of the on a more scientifc footing, Zhao and her team worked on “Nüshu Character Unification”. Among the 220,000 characters used by Nüshu practitioners, they chose the most frequently used, based on astatistical survey. In
Nüshu characters were admitted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and in March 2017, China’sproposal to include Nüshu characters into the Universal Coded Character Set was approved.
The conservation and protection of Nüshu culture represents a huge and complex social project. With the increasing exploitation of cultural space and the development of the information era, Nüshu is making progressin the endeavour to ensure its survival. Among its enthusiasts, some simply admire this charming old , others are exploring business opportunities and developing creative products. And some are seizing the opportunity to promote a fine example of women’s traditional culture.


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