EVE49会战是dota 国服 外国人为什么外dota 国服 外国人也知道

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保存至快速回贴很好奇EVE的49会战是怎么个意思_百度宝宝知道4被浏览17,995分享邀请回答4添加评论分享收藏感谢收起35 条评论分享收藏感谢收起写回答看到这次49超期战老外表示惊呆了没见过这么屎一样的服务器【eve吧】_百度贴吧
高贵的OF玩家,of的超旗决战膨胀系数不是10%吗?    ------路迢迢~~~~水长长~~~~
#4 That's a lot of isk, but comparing Tranquility isk and Serenity isk is like comparing dollars and pesos. Different botting restrictions mean that isk on Serenity is worth much less and supercapitals are much easier to build. Using plex as a baseline, isk on Tranquility is worth roughly 10x what it is on Serenity.The 49- fight did see more stuff blown up, but it doesn't even come close to B-R in terms of value destroyed.看上去损了不少ISK,不过欧服的ISK和国服的ISK相比就像美元和黑叔叔们的渣渣货币一样有天壤之别。同时由于两个服务器对于脚本的区别对待,国服的的ISK更不值钱,超旗造起来也更容易。如果用PLEX作为标准的话,宁静的ISK比国服值钱10倍。49的战斗确实放了更多烟花,但就实际价值来说远远不如欧服BR的焰火。
#5 Last time people were talking about Serenity they were talking about blue donuts. that seems to have changed :D上次人们谈到国服时还在谈论蓝色的甜甜圈(这啥梗啊),不过现在看上去一切都变了。
#6 Bring Serenity to Tranquility, press start and play !快合服!老子要战个痛!
#7 yay for spaceships exploding!卧槽好大的烟花!
#8 I wonder if there is some way to keep downtime from interrupting these battles. Both of these large battles could have been even bigger if they had been allowed to continue. A 23 hour battle is about as long as a battle can be given the current maintenance cycle, so battles have now gotten about as destructive as they can be.To get a bigger, more destructive battle either we got to increase server performance (to reduce TiDi) or we got to have a way to bridge downtime, or we got to get rid of downtime.我想我们有没有什么方法来避免停机维护对这些战斗的影响。这些大型战斗本应能放出更多烟花,只要他们能一直持续下去,但天杀的维护让这些战斗最多只能打23小时一轮。所以现在一场大规模战斗能放出的烟花已经达到极限。为了能放更多的烟花,要么提高服务器性能(别在高潮时突然大姨妈),要么想办法让我们摆脱停机时间的影响。
#9 You forgot to put the most important information:Who won? Who is controling 49U now?你们忘了最关键的问题,谁赢了?谁现在正在控制49?
#10 does this confirm that the players on Chinese servers are worse at not losing ships?based tranquility bros这是不是说明国服的玩家技术更渣导致爆了更多船?相比欧服的兄弟们。
#11 I was thinking, if Serenity and Tranquility would be merged at some point, what would I prefer, them to hold sov and us to be added to their game or the reverse? Hm :)我在想如果在某几个点上合服,到底是我们过去还是他们过来比较好
#12 With every post about Serenity, you're undermining your Single Shard, One Universe gimmick. But ok.随着国服的发展,CCP正在破坏当初“同一个宇宙”的诺言,你们这是自寻死路!
#13 Eve is Real™(Except where reality is prohibited by law *Snip* Removed off topic part of the post. ISD Ezwal.)EVE是地球online的翻版。(除非在现实也被法律禁止 -分割线- ISD删除了部分不和谐回复)
#14 Based on the ship losses, it looks the the chinese equivalent of the cfc won the battle.They lost 15 Titans and one supercarrier compared to 69 Titans and 38 supercarriers for their enemies.The chinese mittens, whoever he is or group, just consolidated his / their hold on Serenity.Those clever chinese, it took people on Eve 9 plus years to stagnate null sec and ruin the game, but less than 3 for Serenity.回9楼:根据舰船损失情况,貌似赢了,他们损失了15TT和1大航,而对面损了69TT和38大航。中国的糕层,不管他是谁或者根本是一个工作室,刚刚巩固了他们在EVE的统治。我们花了9年来毁掉这个游戏,而那些聪明的中国人花了3年不到(啥啥你在说啥我为什么看不懂)
#15 What do you think the new null sec cartel made stargates are going to connect to?回11楼:你觉得跨服星门该往哪连
#16 If you had checked the influence map that's linked in the Dev Blog, you would now know that PIBC took the sov in 49- at . Therefore they consolidated their sov empire against their enemies.But I wouldn't call them the CFC equivalent. For me it sounds more like they were comparable to N3PL, only that they were able to withstand their enemies.However, while we are at it, it would be nice if CCP would publish more political informations and what's happening on Serenity. There's so less to read about, but not less interesting than stuff from Tranquility!回9楼:如果你看过官方博客里的星图,你就知道现在PIBC控制了49不过我不会把他们同CFC相比,对于我来说我更愿意把他们比作N3PL,只有这样他们才能顶住他们的敌人当然如果CCP能发布更多关于国服的时政新闻就好了。现在关于国服的信息那么少,但和欧服的新闻一样有趣
#17 Take wherever you think they are going to connect to, call it X. I predict the opposite of X.回15楼:随便你怎么猜,反正我不和你猜一样的#18 Not only an impressive battle, but also an impressive battle report!战斗令人震惊,战报也让人震惊
#19 While this battle is certainly epic, it can't really compare to B-R5RB. The 2 servers in general are so different that nothing on one can really be compared to the other. *Snip* Removed off topic part of the post. ISD Ezwal.Also, look at the sov map - there aren't exactly a lot of alliances fighting for control there. So much moon goo going in so few pockets means even more supers - this was bound to happen, and will probably keep hapening.这场战斗当然是史诗级的,不过和BR的战斗根本是两回事,没什么好比的。 (-分割线- ISD删除了不和谐回复)同时看看星图,国服00没几个联盟,战斗也不频繁,如此多的资源落入了少数人的腰包意味着他们会变得更强大,真是一种循环。#20 Many Thanks to R&K, we miss you...啥啥?
#22 TL;DR - Serenity has the same game design flaws that makes null sov a stagnated mess, just like TQ, *Snip* Removed off topic part of the post. ISD Ezwal. And that CCP still feels like that's something to brag about.国服有同欧服一样的设计上缺陷导致旗舰鸿沟两侧一潭死水(?是这样翻译么……)而CCP却觉得这是一件非常coooool的事情。#23 Awesome news.... I always find these interesting. Obligatory Death to all Supers!!!!赞,我总是能发现这种有趣的超旗烟花新闻
#24 The people above me who said :1. *Snip* Removed reply to an edited out part of the quoted post. ISD Ezwal.2. Talking about the China server undermines CCP's claims of "single shard". 3. "Eve Is Real - Except where reality isn't legal *Snip* Removed reply to an edited out part of the quoted post. ISD Ezwal.Are all perfection itself.我前面的人说了什么:1,不和谐的回复被ISD删除2,讨论国服违背了CCP“同一个宇宙”的理念3,EVE很真实,除非在现实也不合法,后面不和谐被删了肾好肾好
#25 I see a lot of things about botting in Serenity. Are these accounts first hand experience? Or is it an assumption, "because China."?我听说了很多关于国服脚本的事,这是第一手资料还是人云亦云的对中国的偏见?#26 Is that 'most utilized' or just 'most destroyed'? The attached chart shows how many were destroyed, sure, but I've heard that "Leviathans have so much EHP that not a single one was primaried or destroyed in B-R.", which implies that Leviathans see a lot more use than commonly-cited statistics seem to imply, a fact which is corroborated by Leviathans on B-R killmails.是使用最多还是损毁最多?所附图表显示了有多少被摧毁,但是我听说CTT有效最高所以没有一个会被第一个点名或摧毁,这意味着CTT会比事后统计数据用得更多,这在当初BR的战斗中也被证实了
#27 "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat."So if we have Titans going pop like a kid with bubble wrap.. Does that mean there are more expensive capital ships on the horizon?我觉得我们需要更大的船。比TT更大的船#28 Simply epic!赞
#29 As mentioned before by CCP staff, mixing the servers won't be anywhere possible in the near future, but what I said then I It would be great if we could send out Incursions to the Chinese server, and they could to ours.Lets disrupt each-others servers... with a big impact. Maybe some more advanced Sasha waves as exist now.Also make it very expensive to do, so, its like a real event.I do not roleplay, but I would envisionWe Tranquility pay Sashas Nation to communicate with their dimensional counterparts in Serenity, that stuff (isk, goods, etc) is available to cause dismay everywhere in Serenity. Of course, Serenity could pay Sashas Nation to disrupt Tranquility. This way the servers would not have to get a player connection, but we could troll each other a lot.Maybe have a payment scale to disrupt the other'Disrupt a system (price X) Disrupt a constellation (price X * A)Disrupt a region (price X * B)Disrupt all regions (price X * C) Etc...Sounds like a nice meta-game, not?虽然CCP之前提过,合服在不久的将来就会实现,不过我更喜欢维持现状这一定会很有趣,如果我们能够派出一队人入侵中国的服务器,同时他们也可以对我们这么做。让我们互相去对方服务器上搅基,也许可以做一个高端的萨沙入侵事件,我们来扮演萨沙(以下为层主的YY……略)#30 I agree in principle, but really the only alternative would be to just not talk about it at all. I suppose they don't really talk about us much. Maybe in filtered terms.回12楼:我原则上同意,不过现在谈这个一点意义也没有,说不定国服那些人根本不关注我们
#31 I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!The Rules:4. Personal attacks are prohibited.Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.5. Trolling is prohibited.Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.15. Posting about bugs and exploits is prohibited.Bugs and exploits should be reported through the proper channels. Bugs should be brought to the attention of CCP by filing a bug report for our Quality Assurance department. More information on filing bug reports can be found here. Discussions about unverified issues in game can cause unnecessary panic in the community. When there is an issue that the EVE Online community needs to be aware of, it will be communicated via an official statement from CCP after thorough investigation.26. Off-topic posting is prohibited.Off-topic posting is permitted within reason, as sometimes a single comment may color or lighten the tone of discussion. However, excessive posting of off-topic remarks in an attempt to derail a thread may result in the thread being locked, or a forum warning being issued.ISD发威了!列出规则若干,敢不和谐的和谐了你哟
#32 I believe things would be different on the Serenity server if some of the Tranquility Alliances (like Goonswarm) had access to it.如果欧服的一些联盟进驻国服国服会不会发生天翻地覆的变化#33 So, language barriers notwithstanding, how do I log in to Serenity as an American?都不是问题,麻麻我也要去国服注册#34 Just a painful reminder of EVE not being single shard anymore. 一个令人痛苦的消息,国服的存在再次提醒我们EVE并非像宣传的那样是一个“单一世界”
#35 It is sad that this was toted in the OP as 'breaking the record' set by the TQ battle of B-R for most destructive in history. As mentioned several times in other posts above, the number of titans destroyed may have been similar but the isk VALUE of the titans destroyed (which was the driving force behind the media storm for B-R) was no-where near what you see here in the Singularity 49-U battle. ISK Conversion to real money :: 1 Tranquility titan = 10 Singularity TitansIf I could RMT 100 titans on Singularity and then self-destruct them all would that break the record again?Its a real red-hot-poker-to-the-eye to say an event that occurred on a geolocation-locked server (without the stringent security against RMT and such things) broke a record that was set by a huge number of legitimate players who fought hard for their isk and ships. Come on CCP, that hurts.可悲的正是“打破记录”,虽然TT摧毁数相近,但是欧服的TT远比国服的值钱。换成现实的货币欧服一块顶国服10块。如果下次我RMT100TT然后自毁,是不是也能算“打破记录”?一个单一时区的服务器,对RMT以及类似行为没有严格的惩罚措施,然后由一群合法的玩家为了他们的钱和船创造出一个记录哦CCP你伤了我们的心
#36 That's very easy if you want to log on the Serenity. They got English version also. The difficulty is that all Chinese online game have to be launched juvenile protect system. It means you have to register a account with Chinese id number. if you don't , you will be regarded as juvenile. you can only play the game two hours per day.回33楼:如果你想登陆国服非常容易,他们也有英文版。但麻烦在于所有的中国网游都有青少年,如果你不能弄到一个中国的,你将会被视为小学生,然后一天只能玩2小时
#37 So I ask again, where's the facts to back up these claims? Are these first hand accounts from players on Serenity? Where is the evidence that botting is rampant on the Chinese server? Because right now every claim I've seen related to Botting on the Chinese server feels like a stereotype that because they're Chinese, and maybe a lot of botting gold farmers are Chinese, the Chinese EVE server must therefore be full of botting gold farmers.What kind of evidence is there to support these claims? What is the Yuan cost of a PLEX on the Chinese server converted to USD? From there, what is the ISK:Yuan ratio compared to the ISK:USD ratio? Where are some facts to back this stuff up?EDIT: I heavily edited the quote to get to the point of the matter and move past the "that hurts my feelings CCP cause they're all botters and I work hard for the ISK" mentality. The italicized section was added by me for emphasis.回35楼:我再重申一遍,你有什么证据来支持你的宣称呢?你有第一手资料吗?哪里有证据表明国服脚本猖獗?在我看到了很多声称有关国服脚本的说法,就因为他们是中国人,也许很多脚本使用者是中国人,也许很多金币农夫是中国人,所以中国服务器上也必然充斥着脚本。什么样的证据支持这些说法?PLEX换成人民币价值多少?人民币兑美元汇率又是多少?你有事么事实来支持你的说法?我重新编辑这一条就是为了体会关于这件事你“CCP伤了我们的心,国服全是脚本,而我们却要辛辛苦苦赚钱”的心理,斜体字是我强调的部分
#38 As an American, would I be able to do that? Do you have any helpful stuff I can use to google around to figure it out on my own?Does Serenity have its own forum URL and forum accounts so that an account on Serenity can't access here? Or are the accounts in the same "namespace" so to speak so that an account on Tranquility can also log in to Serenity?回36楼:作为一个美国人我能做到吗?你能给我提供一点帮助让我能自己明白?国服有自己的论坛吗?所以他们的账号不能在我们这里登陆,或者我们的账号能在他们那里登陆?
#39 No, an account on Tranquility can not log in to Serenity. That's absolutely two different account. And you need to download another client from Tiancity, and register an account in Tiancity. This is the address of the home page.
You can try to understand it by yourself.CoolAnd I don't think there is any helpful stuff to google. So if you have any question or you really want to try playing Serenity, please send mail to me and ask.Big smile回38楼:不,欧服账号不能登陆国服。这完全是两个不同的系统。你需要从天成上下一个新的客户端,然后在天成上注册一个账号。下面给你天成的网站,你得自己试着去理解它。而且我不认为你能到什么有用的东西,所以如果你真的想去国服玩你可以给我发邮件咨询。全部评论完


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