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丹.吉布森(Dan Gibson) 
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自然音乐大师—Dan Gibson
  毕生以录制大自然声音为职志的Dan Gibson,走遍了世界各地,从澳大利亚雨林到爱琴海边的Santorini岛,从新英格兰海峡到北极,从海豚之声到风之声,从滋润的雨再到雷暴。Dan Gibson几乎涉及了世界上所有最美妙的声音。而由他创立的Solitudes公司是自然音乐第一品牌,在1994年,也就是他72岁那年,获得加拿大最杰出公民的殊荣。 敬业的Dan因为长期穿梭于丛林与荒野中而导致膝盖病变,他拄着拐杖与加拿大总理握手的那一幕,更显得格外感人。
  丹.吉布森对艺术的敏锐度、对自然的热忱、以及他筚路蓝缕的精神,不只彩绘了Dan的生命,也造就了Solitudes的成功。丹•吉布森以岁月与努力所建立的“自然声音图书馆”,包括了他的儿子葛登•吉布森、汉尼•贝克(Hennie Bekker)、隆•艾伦(Ron Allen)、霍华•拜尔(Howard Baer)、克劳德•狄贾登(Claude Desjardins)、约翰•赫柏曼(John Herberman)及迈可•麦斯威尔(Machael Maxwell)等优秀音乐家。&&
  Dan Gibson 丹.吉布森生长在尼加拉瀑布附近的一个农庄里,十岁时已经萌生对环境观察与艺术的兴趣,当时他用柯达布朗宁相机拍下邻人的房子,并且出售给屋主。对户外景致的热爱,更让他渴望对大自然进一步深入探索。1946年,他成立了“Dan Gibson 制作公司”,进行自然影片的录制工作。而5、60年代,可说是户外影片制作的萌芽期,虽有画面,但缺乏背景声音的资料搜集,为了克服这个困难,Dan Gibson 不断钻研相关知识,破天荒地制作出声音、影像同步的户外影片!
  几十年来,科技突飞猛进,Dan Gibson 也积极为研发高科技的录音设备而努力。1983年,首张CD未上市之前,他已经用数字科技在录音了。此外,为了让户外的录音效果更清晰、范围更宽广,Dan Gibson还开发了“立体抛物线定点收音器材”。在60年代初期,虽然旧有的机型被科学家广泛地使用,可惜无法呈现某些音质的特性。为了改善这些问题,Dan Gibson采用更能强调低频的合成橡胶,作为碟型收音器的材料,并将许多操控功能安置在把手上,大大提升了户外操控的便利性。这种黑柄的“Dan Gibson抛物线定点收音麦克风(Dan Gibson Parabolic Microphone)”不仅获得专利,而且在NFL、CFL等主要的体育联盟及其他全球性的体育、休闲运动中用到,Dan Gibson 的这项贡献是不容忽视的。
  世界第一品牌 Solitudes
  创立Solitudes公司,是Dan Gibson的另一项创举,他以自己最喜爱的歌曲——Duke Ellington 艾灵顿公爵 的《In My Solitude 我的孤独》来命名。Dan Gibson并且开始不断扩充录音材料,还开始南征北讨到各地去录制大自然的声音。从北边的森林到西南炽热的沙漠;由浪声滔天的太平洋沿岸到毒蛇遍布的佛罗里达。他在不同的季节、不同的天候,录下了各种不同的声音,让作品的内容更加丰富。1986年,Solitudes公司加入一位生力军,那就是Dan Gibson的儿子——葛登•吉布森。葛登从小就透过父亲的双眼及摄影机的镜头观看世界,他自己也有许多想法,并为Solitudes带来新意。他建议将精心制作的乐曲与大自然的天籁结合,相得益彰之下,更能营造一种动人的听觉环境。
  果然,新专辑一推出在加拿大就创下了白金级的销售量。Hennie Bekker是一位十分优秀的作曲家,也是Solitudes 的重要功臣。而后续的作品也有许许多多才华洋溢的音乐家如Ron Allen、Howard Bear、Claude Desjardins、John Herberman 约翰•赫柏曼 及 Machael Maxwell, D May等人参与。近年来,Solitudes 更获得世界各地极大的回响,除了品味大自然外,消费者也认定它具有心灵疗效,评价极高。而成功也起而仿效,但合成模拟的声音,根本比不上Dan Gibson以岁月与努力所建立的“自然声音图书馆”。
  毕生以摄录大自然影像与声音为职志的Dan Gibson,在1994年,也就是他72岁那年,获得加拿大最杰出公民的殊荣。敬业的丹因为长期穿梭于丛林与荒野中而导致膝盖病变,他拄着柺杖与加拿大总理握手的那一幕,更显得格外感人。Dan Gibson对艺术的敏锐度、对自然的热忱、以及他筚路蓝缕的精神,不只彩绘了 Dan Gibson的生命,也造就了Solitudes的成功。
签到天数: 5 天
本帖最后由 紫鸢风影 于
15:25 编辑
丹.吉布森(Dan Gibson)专辑一览表
一、Adult Contemporary&&当代成人音乐
1、《归途》(Homeward Bound)90.1M
The sweet tones of a guitar trio harmonize with the sounds of nature to give these interpretations of 70s favorites a warm, cozy feeling。
01. Homeward Bound 4:35
02. Birds 5:29
03. Danny's Song 6:37
04. Both Sides Now 4:08
05. Early Mornin' Rain 4:48
06. Songbird 3:58
07. Sunshine on My Shoulders 5:24
08. Four Strong Winds 5:36
09. Into the Mystic 4:31
10. Have You Ever Seen the Rain 5:23
11. Fire & Rain 4:30
12. Dust in the Wind 5:18
13. The Long and Winding Road 4:38
2、《迎风展翅》(Wind Beneath My Wings)122.3M
  此张专辑一反Dan Gibson的自然风格,他将自然音乐与一些经典老歌进行了融合,渗入了自然声音的一些耳熟能详的老歌,听起来别有一番滋味,Wind Beneath My Wings(迎风展翅)开头一段鸟鸣,使人想起【海滩】中,那已经成人的孩子,深情的对着抚养他长大的母亲唱的那首Wind Beneath My Wings,Simon & Garfunkel的成名曲Bridge over Troubled Water 忧郁河上的桥,经Gibson改编,那些水流声又好像赋予了另外的某些涵义;You Are So Beautiful 你是如此美丽,那熟悉的旋律经Dan Gibson美妙的演绎,钢琴如水银泻地般漫漫的流畅……
Performed on the piano, these inspiring contemporary favorites blend with nature to celebrate human relationships.
01.Wind Beneath My Wings
02. Bridge over Troubled Water
03. You Are So Beautiful
04. Sunshine on My Shoulders
05. From a Distance
06. I Believe I Can Fly
07. Lean on Me
08. We've Only Just Begun
09. Arthur's Theme (The Best That You Can Do)
10. You're the Inspiration
11. Up Where We Belong
12. Multimedia Program(官网11首,电驴12首)
The dulcet sounds of the harp, violin and flute capture the essence of Celtic musical tradition. Blended with gentle sounds from nature, these sweet, lilting melodies are imbued with the spirit of ancestral lore.
1.Up Underhill Lane’7:2
2.Feast at Tintern’5:1
3.Barbara Allen’5:0
4.Breton Children’s Song’5:1
5.Carolan’s Ramble to Cashel’4:4
6.The Wind Dances’6:0
7.Wandering Piper’6:2
9.Flow Gently, Sweet Afton’5:3
10.Bridget Cruise, Third Air’6:1
11.Little Shpherd’3:1
2、《凯尔特庆典》(Celtic Serenity)89.7M
The soft tones of the Celtic harp, emanating from the natural haven of a lush river valley, create a comforting air of pure serenity.
01. Danny Boy
02. Green Grow the Rushes
03. Eleanor Plunkett
04. Whild Mountain Thyme
05. John Drury
06. Love Thee, Dearest
07. Buchal en Eire
08. All Through the Night/Come Give Me Your Hand
09. Lament of Terence MacDonough
10. Skye Boat Song
11. Greensleeves
12. Shebeg Shemore
3、《山谷回音:凯尔特民谣》(Echoes in the Glen:Celtic Aires &Ballads)78.8M
这些来自安静的爱尔兰峡谷的的声响是这张来自“孤寂”的唱片的出色之处了。当纯白的晨雾从绵延的绿树中升起,一群小鸟开始齐唱。附近的小溪细细的河流声打破了清晨的寂静,它懒洋洋地绕着树列后的弯道流着,进而消失了在你的眼前。把Dan Gibson的通常带有生气的自然音乐连起来听,你会发现它们是用Uilileann pipes,哨筁和爱尔兰坚琴演奏的传统的凯尔特的民歌和曲调。上面的曲目既包括经典的爱尔兰曲目比如说是“广阔的水面”,“夏日里的最后一枝玫瑰”,也包括一些令人深受感动的曲目“阿兰船”和“英雄赫克托”。深吸一口气,你仿佛能吸入清晨早上清凉带着露水的空气。
Allow yourself to be swept away by the timeless charm of traditional Celtic aires and ballads in this poignant blend of music and the natural sounds of a glorious glen.
01. The May Morning Dew [5:05]
02. The Arran Boar [7:20]
03. The Last Rose of Summer [6:08]
04. The Water is Wide [4:03]
05. Carnolough Bay [5:50]
06. Gaelic Aire [2:58]
07. Hector the Hero [7:20]
08. Anach Cuan [5:24]
09. Eriskay [6:18]
10. Amazing Grace [6:17]
4、《翡翠森林》(Emerald Forest: A Celtic Sanctuary) 39.2M
Emerald Forest CD
Dan Gibson's Solitudes - Emerald Forest: A Celtic Sanctuary CD. Enhanced by the magical lilt of celtic strings, harps and penny whistles, the forest's cathedral of natural sounds draws you deeper and deeper into its enchanted realm.
  Dan Gibson对艺术的敏锐度、对自然的热忱、以及他筚路蓝缕的精神,让森林里的簇山雀、红雀的引吭高歌、春雨蛙的逗趣鸣叫,或是涓涓细流的轻声低语尽收耳底……
Song Titles
1. Dawning 6:40
2. The Light of Day 5:37
3. Mountain of Women 4:31
4. Bonny Portmore 4:01
5. Tarn of Tralee 5:12
6. Wild Geese 5:21
7. Emerald Forest 6:48
8. The Black Rose 4:50
9. Women of Ireland 6:29
10. Evensong 6:47
1、《自然苗圃里的摇篮曲》(Lullabies From Nature's Nursery)92.2M
Lull your little one to quiet slumber with soothing lullabies and the soft natural sounds emanating peacefully from nature's nursery.
01. Sleep, Baby, Sleep
02. Brahm's Lullaby
03. All Through the Night
04. Bye, Baby Bunting
05. Kumbaya
06. Hush, Little Baby
07. Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra
08. Frere Jacques (Are You Sleeping)
09. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
10. All the Pretty Little Horses
11. Golden Slumbers
12. Claire de Lune
13. Rock-a-Bye Baby
14. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
2、Nature Trails --探寻大自然
专辑介绍:Enrich you child's knowledge and love of nature with this entertaining guide to identifying common North American wildlife by sound.
1 Introduction 0:36
2 Robin 1:15
3 Red Squirrel 0:59
4 Black-Capped Chickadee 2:24
5 Song Sparrow 1:31
6 Great Blue Heron 1:35
7 Red-Winged Blackbird 1:07
8 Olive-Sided Flycatcher 1:29
9 Leopard Frog 1:25
10 Common Yellowthroat 1:08
11 Ruffed Grouse 1:03
12 Common Loon 5:06
13 Ruby-Crowned Kinglet 1:50
14 Common Raven 1:22
15 Northern Waterthrush 1:37
16 Chipping Sparrow 1:17
17 Hermit Thrush 1:38
18 Northern Flicker 1:40
19 Bullfrog 1:21
20 American Bittern 1:07
21 Whip-Poor-Will 1:21
22 Great Horned Owl 1:50
23 Timberwolf
[color=Blue]1、Christmas Classics—圣诞欢喜城
Make this Christmas special by skating on a frozen lake, taking a sleigh ride through the forest or just gathering around the fireplace. Your imagination and this combination of classical music with the sounds of a natural Christmas are all that is required to make this season come alive.
1 Pizzicato 5:12
2 Skater's Waltz 6:57
3 Dance Of The Reed Flutes 4:52
4 Waltz In C# Minor 5:58
5 Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy 3:11
6 Merry Gentlemen 5:25
7 Greensleeves 5:39
8 Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring 4:32
9 Ave Maria 4:46
10 O Holy Night 4:59
2、Christmas In The Country—乡村圣诞节
艺术家:Dan Gibson's Solitudes - 专辑名称Christmas In The Country |发行时间(2004)
音乐格式MP3 | 320 Kbps CBR | 发行:Label: Solitudes |文件大小: 128 MB| 地区: 加拿大
音乐风格New Age |
Where the warm trade winds blow is where you'll find your Island Retreat. Under gently swaying palms, you dream away to the sounds of paradise. Instrumentation includes six and seven string Hawaiian slide guitars, various acoustic guitars, Hawaiian nose flute, assorted bamboo flutes, keyboards & piano.
Dan Gibson 丹•吉布森 以世界各地的奇景为原型创作的音乐专辑。
创立Solitudes公司,是丹.吉布森的另一项创举,他以自己最喜爱的歌曲-艾灵顿公爵(Duke Ellington)的“我的孤独(In My Solitude)”来命名。 丹并且开始不断扩充录音材料,还开始南征北讨到各地去录制大自然的声音。 从北边的森林到西南炽热的沙漠;由浪声滔天的太平洋沿岸到毒蛇遍布的佛罗里达。他在不同的季节、不同的天候,录下了各种不同的声音,让作品的内容更加丰富。 1986年,Solitudes公司加入一位生力军,那就是丹的儿子-葛登.吉布森。葛登从小就透过父亲的双眼及摄影机的镜头观看世界,他自己也有许多想法,并为Solitude带来新意。 他建议将精心制作的乐曲与大自然的天籁结合,相得益彰之下,更能营造一种动人的听觉环境。
It's a crisp clear Christmas and the frosted windows gleam as the sunlight begins to melt away their patterned coverings. Unveiled outside is a winter wonderland. Could there be a better place to be to celebrate Christmas than in the country? The wildlife, the gentle wind, the sleigh bells, and the children playing, are among the many sounds that provide an ideal soundscape to harmonize this selection of festive and inspiring Christmas carols
1. Huron Carol
2. O Come All Ye Faithful
3. Good King Wenceslas
4. We Three Kings
5. Angels We Have Heard on High
6. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
7. Coventry Carol
8. Deck the Halls
9. Away in a Manger
10. Midnight Clear
11. Silent Night
12. First Noel
13. Huron Carol [Alto Flute Solo]
1、Angelsong –天使之歌
•& & & & 类型:EasyListening 休闲音乐
•& & & & 风格:Relaxation 减压音乐&&Meditation 冥想音乐&&Contemporary Instrumental 当代器乐&&Nature 自然音乐
•& & & & 时长:51分25秒
•& & & & 发行:世外桃源 Solitudes
•& & & & 时间:2003年
As waves lap at a tranquil shore, the uplifting refrains of a choral ensemble and nature's sweet melodies merge in heavenly accord.
1 Pavane, Op. 50 7:20
2 Gymnopedie No.3 5:24
3 The Swan 3:48
4 Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13 (Pathetique), 2nd mov't 6:46
5 Poppies 5:02
6 Air For The G String 5:20
7 Symphony No.9 In E Minor (new World), 2nd mov't (e 5:27
8 Etude, Op. 10, No. 3 (excerpt) 5:09
9 Piano Concerto No.2 In C Minor,Op.18, 2nd mov't
  Dan Gibson的Solitudes公司历来喜欢将严肃的古典乐与大自然的美妙声线做完美的融合,在轻松的自然氛围中聆听古典乐的精华将是什么样的感受呢?2008年精选了5首古典曲目制作了此张专辑,一起来感受下吧!
This collection features peaceful classical favorites blended with the soothing sounds of the sea.
01. Air from Orchestral Suite #3 in D
02. Moonlight Sonata
03. Spring Sonata for Violin and Piano
04. The Canon Stirs
05. Andante Grazioso from Piano Sonata in A
3、《古典花园》(Classical Garden)87.8M
  温柔美丽的花园,安静悠闲的吉他。将古典作品与这眩美的世界完美融合。主乐器为16弦吉他和长笛配合,包括贝多芬名曲“致爱丽丝”和巴赫的名曲“Air (Water Music)”。
《古典花园》,自然音乐和古典器乐的完美结合,吉他和长笛声将引领听者踏入一片幽深美妙的花园。您只需要闭上眼睛,放松心情,就可以享受 Dan Gibson 呈现的这份古典音乐套餐。当一首首耳熟能详的古典曲目伴随着自然界的美妙乐音飘进您的耳朵,相信您的感觉将不仅仅只是心旷神怡……
Immerse yourself in a tranquil garden where classical masterpieces blend with the soft sounds of nature.
01. Meditation [Thais]
02. Morning [Peer Gynt]
03. Air (Water Music)
04. Adagio
05. Liberty
07. Air On A G String
08. Für Elise
09. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
10. Nimrod [Enigma Variations]
11. Recuerdos
12. Pavane
13. Sleepers Awake
4、《古典浪漫》(Classical Romance)78M
倾心沉浸在这全世界最罗曼蒂克的海滨花园里,聆听优雅而古典的浪漫诗篇,在微风中弥漫玫瑰的芬芳,随着轻巧的鸟鸣花样年华为之荡漾。透过自然录音大师 Dan Gibson 丹•吉布森 完美精湛的数位录音技术,将纯净的自然原音完整呈现,让您亲访这迷人的秘密花园。而普契尼的《杜兰朵公主》、吉安尼基基的《蝴蝶夫人》、柴可夫斯基的《罗密欧与茱丽叶》、贝多芬的《月光曲》……等等旷世最富罗曼蒂克的古典鉅作,将整个自然浪漫的气氛发挥地淋漓尽致,没有人不为如此美丽的情境而动心,在宁静中牵动一丝丝的情绪,怀抱着最珍爱的浪漫花园。
Succumb to the delights of a seaside garden where the world's most romantic classical music entwines with the purest sounds of nature.
01 Nessun Dorma (Turnadot)
02 Romeo & Juliet(Overture Excerpt)
03 Salut D'amour
04 O Mio Babbino Caro (Gianni Schicchi)
05 Un Bel Di Vedremo (Madame Butterfly)
06 Piano Concerto (2Nd Movement)
拉赫玛尼诺夫《c小调第2钢琴协奏曲op.18第2乐章 持续的柔板》
07 Gymnopedie
08 Adagio In G Minor
09 Menuett
10 Meditation (Thad's)
11 Moonlight Sonata (1St Movement)
贝多芬《升c小调第14(月光)钢琴奏鸣曲op.27-2第1乐章 稍慢的柔板
01. Nessun Dorma(Turnadot)
02. Romeo & Juliet(Overture Excerpt)
03. Salut D'amour
04. O Mio Babbino Caro(Gianni Schicchi)
05. Un Bel Di Vedremo(Madame Butterfly)
06. Piano Concerto(2Nd Movement)
07. Gymnopedie
08. Adagio In G Minor
09. Menuett
10. Meditation(Thad's)
11. Moonlight Sonata(1St Movement)
5、Moonlight Sonata -月光鸣奏曲
Great classical works, specially arranged for a 70-piece orchestra, merge with the sounds of nature to create a listening experience that is at once majestic and relaxing.
1 Moonlight Sonata 7:09
2 Serenade 5:17
3 Adagio From Piano Concerto #23 A Major 6:47
4 Nimrod Adagio From Enigma Variations 4:42
5 Claire De Lune 4:57
6 Andante From Eine Kleine Nachtmusik 5:22
7 Nocturne (Instrumental) 6:37
8 Air On A G String 6:08
9 Pavane 6:13
10 Adagio From Oboe Concerto In D Minor 5:06
11 Moonlight Sonata (String Reprise) 7:18
6、和谐经典&&Peaceful Classics
•& & & & 类型:EasyListening 休闲音乐
•& & & & 风格:Relaxation 减压音乐&&Contemporary Instrumental 当代器乐&&Ambient 氛围音乐&&Healing 治愈系音乐&&Nature 自然音乐
•& & & & 时长:1小时0分29秒
•& & & & 发行:世外桃源 Solitudes
•& & & & 时间:日
This enchanting union of classical melodies and nature's sweet songs nurtures a state of deep relaxation
Keyboard Concerto #5 (Largo) - Bach83
The Marriage of Figaro (Sull'Aria) - Mozart35
Carmen (Intermezzo) - Bizet28
Oboe Concerto in D minor #2 (Adagio) - Albinoni21
Emperor Concerto (2nd Movement) - Beethoven10
Lakme (Flower Duet) - Delibes7
Piano Concerto #1 (Larghetto) - Chopin7
Panis Angelicus - Franck38
Clarinet Concerto (Adagio) - Mozart9
Ave Maria - Schubert
7、Piano Classics –钢琴经典
Classical pieces performed on solo piano merge with the serene sounds of a stately garden for a naturally relaxing experience.
1 Claire De Lune 7:12
2 Gymnopedie No.3 3:09
3 Ave Maria 2:42
4 Pavane 8:09
5 Fur Elise 4:47
6 To A Wild Rose 4:14
7 Prelude No.1 5:39
8 Chanson triste 4:05
9 Romanze 7:07
10 Grand Pas de Deux 5:01
11 The Swan 3:53
12 Intermezzo
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for the great composers. By blending the world's most enduring classical works with the voices of our natural world, Solitudes has successfully merged man's and nature's most beautiful music.
1. Grieg's 'Morning From The Pier Gynt Suite, Opus 46
2. Chopin's 'Nocturne In E Flat, Opus 9, No. 2'
3. Debussy's 'Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun'
4. Debussy's 'Clair De Lune'
5. Beethoven's 'Moonlit Sonata , Opus 27, No. 2'
6. Bach's 'Air In C'
7. Debussy's 'Reverie'
8. Grieg's 'Piano Concerto In A Minor, Opus 16'
9. Pachelbel's 'Canon In D'
10. Ocean Surf
9、《古典系列2》(The Classics II)88.5M
  由从事大然音乐工作长达50多年经验的丹吉布森采用数位化的PCM /的DAT实地收录自然原音,并与其儿子葛登两人共同制作;将大自然最纯净的声音与古典名曲结合。收录有维瓦尔第的四季,肖邦的练习曲及舒伯特的小夜曲等古典大师之作。
In nature, there are sounds so beautiful that they will always be remembered -- like the call of the loon, the tumbling of surf or the voice of a songbird. In music, there are compositions so exquisite that they, too, will endure. The Classics II brings these two elements together to form a truly unforgettable listening experience.
01. Vivaldis Four Seasons: Spring
02. Vivaldis Four Seasons: Summer
03. Vivaldis Four Seasons: Autumn
04. Vivaldis Four Seasons: Winter
05. Mendelssohns Spring Song
06. Sindings Rustle of Spring
07. Chopins Etude in E Major
08. Beethovens Fur Elise
09. Schuberts Serenade
10. Offenbachs Barcarolle
11. Mendelssohns On Wings of Song
12. Listzs Liebestraum
1、《月亮河》(Moon River)94.7M
伴随着费斯Attila Fias细腻雅致的钢琴演出,从「Moon River第凡内早餐」主题曲优美动人的旋律开始,「In A Sentimental Mood」、「Summertime」「蒙娜丽莎」等12首最经典的音乐名作完全收录。在柔和的银色月光下,
When dusk fades to starlight, timeless piano standards and the natural sounds of the night set a sentimental mood.
01. Moon River
02. Stardust
03. In a Sentimental Mood
04. Moonlight Serenade
05. Polkadots & Moonbeams
07. Summertime
08. I'll Be Seeing You
09. Tenderly
10. Mona Lisa
11. Unforgettable
12. The Very Thought Of You
13. The Nearness Of You
1、《港湾》(Dock of the Bay)83.9M
Recreate the long, lazy days of summer with these laid-back renditions of soulful tunes and the relaxing sounds of nature.
01. The Dock of the Bay 5:16
02. I Can See Clearly Now 4:33
03. Walk on By 4:31
04. Blue Moon 5:05
05. Groovin' 4:29
06. The Closer I Get to You 4:55
07. Lean on Me 4:31
08. Unchained Melody 6:23
09. (You Make Me Feel Like A) Natural Woman 4:25
10. Stand By Me 5:51
11. At Last 4:55
12. Under the Boardwalk 5:16
1、《阿拉斯加:野生奇迹》(Alaska A Wild Wonder)111.6M
音乐风格:New Age
Alaska: A Wild Wonder presents some of the most beautiful music of the Solitudes& series that features nature sounds indigenous to Alaska. From the spectacular, rugged coastline to deep in the lush interior, savor Alaska's supreme natural beauty.
01. Pacific Grace (7:34)
02. Deep Blue (6:12)
03. Arrival (6:49)
04. Wishing (6:18)
05. Northbound (6:15)
06. Wind Walker (7:06)
07. The Dance (6:44)
08. Migration (6:39)
09. Heart of the Forest (6:37)
2、Algonquin Suite-阿耳冈昆人组曲
Experience the unique wilderness of Algonquin as you paddle peacefully and hear the solitary call of a loon. Featuring a delicate yet entertaining musical theme, this nature suite explores one of Canada's foremost natural sanctuaries in a leisurely and relaxing journey.
1 First Light 7:42
2 At The Campsite 5:22
3 Paddle And Portage 3:35
4 Standing Tall 4:21
5 Easy Stream 5:49
6 Marshlands 5:31
7 Forest Song 4:42
8 Eyes Of The Night 6:46
9 Reunion Of Wolves 5:10
10 The Campfire
3、America's Great National Parks
1 American Sunrise (Acadia National Park) 10:18
2 Southern Charm (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) 10:50
3 Mysterious Beauty (Everglades National Park) 7:35
4 Where It All Began (Yellowstone National Park) 11:13
5 Earth's Cathedral (Grand Canyon National Park) 9:20
6 Standing Proud (Yosemite National Park) 8:35
7 Reverence (Olympic National Park) 10:05
8 Northern Spirit (Denali National Park) 7:52
4、《海洋天使》(Angels of the Sea)74.9M
Although our oceans team with life, few creatures of the great blue expanse are as magical as dolphins, the Angels of the Sea. We invite you to voyage with nine different species of dolphin from the Caribbean to the Pacific. Experience their underwater voices in concert with a soothing, yet passionate, musical score. Presented in Solitudes' usual sensitive and thoughtful style, it is an imaginative experience to be cherished forever.
1. Angels of the Sea
2. Florida Dream
3. Skimming Waves
4. Island Lagoon
5. Free Spirit
6. Laguana Pastoria
7. The Light of Baja
8. Northern Inlet
1. Angels of the Sea 海洋天使
4. Island Lagoon 爱尔兰礁湖
8. Northern Inlet 北部港湾
5、《阿尔巴契亚山脉组曲》(Appalachian Mountain Suite) 69.6M
Follow the arrival of spring along the Appalachian Mountain Trail as you venture from the Great Smoky Mountains to the Canadian Maritimes. By combing the sweet sounds of nature with gentle music, the picturesque trail becomes an acoustic journey to tranquility.
01. Arrival of Spring
02. Marshlands
03. Forest Ridge
04. Around the Campfire
05. Mountain Stream
06. Lake Voices
07. The Maritimes
6、Arctic Echoes 北极的回声
  午夜太阳,北极熊,冰河的冰块崩裂,强悍的北风,雪崩等等,都是北极特有的景象和声音,冰天雪地的画面映入眼帘,声效的逼真程度令人叹谓!音乐柔柔的伴随着你,不必经过大自然的考验,环境的险阻,轻轻松松的在《Arctic Echoes 北极的回声》搭就的通道上走去了北极旅途!
  Dan Gibson 丹•吉布森 的 Solitudes 一贯的制作风格,深入自然腹地,采用高端的仪器,奉献给我们更多地体现北极宁静中的呼吸声,那是鸟儿的鸣唱,海浪慵懒的拍打冰块的呼噜声,应该已经可以体现北极的纯净和安详了,但是,我们不仅仅需要这些,作者完全用这些自然的声息,犹如在床上铺好了厚厚的床垫,让我们可以安逸而舒服的躺在床上休息和放松,此时,好遐意的是,作者又用音乐编织的薄薄的纱毯,盖在我们的身上,那层音乐编织的细毯是如此的轻盈,仿佛在风中都可以吹起而浮动。我们就如此的休息着,聆听着。
Gazing across a maze of ice floes, the polar bear is a beacon of the far North. In this vast Arctic wilderness, it is easy to find absolute solitude. Blessed with fascinating wildlife, this land of the midnight sun offers an entrancing adventure in sound and music that will echo in your heart forever.
02 Ice Floes
03 Northbound
04 Barrenlands
05 Birth Of An Iceberg
06 Northwest Passage
07 Migration
08 Arctic Chill
7、《大西洋组曲》(Atlantic Suite)116M
Breathe the fresh, salty air of the Atlantic coast as the surf sweeps across the sand and caresses your feet. Atlantic Suite leads you on a musical journey from the Canadian Maritimes, along the New England coast to the sandy shores of Florida.
01. After The Storm
02. The Gannets
03. Offshore Breeze
04. New England Trail
05. Dunes On The Cape
06. Southern Islands
07. Gentle Shores
08. Hanging Mist
09. Mockingbird Farewell
10. To Lands Unknown
8、《澳大利亚之奥德赛》(Australian Odyssey)52.8M
Marvel at the wildlife of Australia's rainforests as you embark on a sacred walkabout through this pristine wildness. Enhanced by a dreamy musical ambience, this soundscape becomes a truly magical odyssey.
01. Kookaburra
02. Walkabout
03. The Source
04. Cascading
05. Passage
06. Deluge
07. In the Mist
08. Tree Dwellers
09. Valley Ridge
10. Reflection
9、《巴赫之永恒之海》(Bach: Forever By The Sea)92.2M
音乐风格:New Age
  经由霍华巴尔(Howard Baer)的重新编曲,轻盈的长笛、动人的双簧管、细腻的鲁特琴和拨弦古钢琴轻奏出巴哈所谱下的每一音符,蕴染出贴心的音乐气围:再搭配自然录音大师丹吉布森数位录音技术所收录的海洋界的自然原音,打造出沁心而又丰盈心灵的纯净之音。闭上双眼,倾听波浪轻吻沙滩的痕迹,一同随著这美丽的乐音漂流、愜意驰骋放鬆,感觉世界的微妙美好。
The comforting sound of the sea and the enduring melodies of Johann Sebastian Bach create an ideal environment for peaceful repose.
01. Air from Orchestral Suite #3 in D (6:55)
02. Sleepers Awake from Cantata #140 ((5:07)
03. Forlane from Orchestral Suite #1 in C (5:05)
04. Largo, Ma Non Tanto from Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins (6:53)
05. Sheep may Safely Graze from Cantata #208 (4:57)
06. Largo from Concerto #5 in F Minor for Harpsichord (4:50)
07. Adagio from Concerto in C Minor for Oboe and Violin (5:36)
08. Sarabande from Partita in D Minor (5:10)
09. Bist Du Bei Mir from Clavierbuchlein fur Anna Magdalena Bach #2 (6:19)
10. Jesu, Joy of Mans Desiring from Cantata #147 (6:06)
10、《飞越海洋》(Beyond The Sea )105.3M
Reminisce and relax to this intimate recording of sentimental favorites merged with the natural sounds of the land and sea.
01. Beyond the Sea 飞越海洋 7:36
02. Moon River 月亮河 6:12
03. Summer Wind 夏日风 4:42
04. Memories of You 你的记忆 5:00
05. Around the World 环游世界 4:39
06. Unchained Melody 奔放的旋律 5:00
07. Twilight Time 共度时光5:13
08. The Wayward Wind 随风漂流5:30
09. Harbour Lights 港口灯光6:19
10. Smile 微笑6:30
Chill out with this blend of ambient grooves and the relaxing sounds of a secluded beach.
1 Lazy Days 9:32
2 Wave Riding 6:39
3 Dream Evolution 8:39
4 La Playa Blanca 8:54
5 Azure Whispers 8:22
6 From Across the Sea 9:45
7 Jasmine Breeze 6:32
8 As We Float Away 8:22
9 Eternal Summer 6:39
12、Breaking Through the Mis 冲破迷雾
Breaking Through the Mist is the second album in the Exploring Nature with Music series. Like its predecessor, Harmony, this acoustical journey unites the sounds of nature with music in a subtle balance. In Breaking Though the Mist you will be guided into the events of the perfect day on a wilderness lake. The experience will refresh your senses with the richness of nature's many voices and moods -- allowing you to rediscover the harmony that can exist between man and environment.
01. Dawn of the Lake
02. Burning Mist
03. Awakening Voice
04. Hardwood Haven
05. Beneath a Towering Pine
06. North Wind Rising
07. Along The Darkening Shore
08. Return to the Pack
09. Night Life
10. Celestial Blanket1 Dawn Of The Lake 5:43
13、 California Dreaming
Wistful guitar renditions of nostalgic pop songs and the sound of soft, rolling surf portray a carefree time and place.
1 California Dreamin' 4:32
2 Both Sides Now 4:24
3 San Francisco 4:57
4 Get Together 4:21
5 Scarborough Fair 4:52
6 Where Have All The Flowers Gone 4:42
7 The Air That I Breathe 4:38
8 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 4:45
9 Catch The Wind 4:39
10 Wild Horses 4:43
11 At Seventeen 4:45
12 Make It With You 4:35
13 Love is all Around
14、Call of the Loon
Specially designed and produced for SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc), but playable on any standard CD player, Call of the Loon: A Surround Sound Experience immerses listeners in a pristine Northern wilderness. With 64 times the clarity, depth and audio resolution of a traditional CD, and featuring 5.1 high-resolution surround sound, the Solitudes& SACD experience is the next best thing to being there.
1 Across The Lake 3:41
2 Down The River 7:00
3 Fly Fishing 1:04
4 Campfire 3:22
5 Nighttime 6:10
6 Dawn Chorus 9:40
7 Daytime Outing 2:02
8 Quiet Bay 11:20
9 Weather Change 4:34
10 Peaceful Evening
15、Calm the Mind
Leave behind the pressures of the day and Calm the Mind with these relaxing piano compositions and the soothing sounds of nature.
1 Calm The Mind 6:14
2 A Gentle Breeze 5:27
3 Purling Waters 4:29
4 At Peace 5:24
5 The Cascades 6:54
6 Streams Of Consciousness 5:16
7 Morning Conversation 4:36
8 Introspection 5:17
9 Carried Away 5:17
10 Reflections Of Clouds 6:22
11 Infinite Calm
16、《加拿大从日出到日落》(Canada: from Sunrise to Sunset)119.2M
音乐风格:New Age
& & Experience a day in the life of Canada, as original melodies merge with the gentle sounds of native willdlife to showcase the pristine beauty of a vast natural landscape -- from sunrise in the Maritimes to sunset in the Pacific.
01. St. Lawrence Sunrise
02. In A Maritime Cove
03. Loons Of The Northern Lakes
04. Drifting
05. Great Lakes Bluffs
06. Camping By A Gentle Stream
07. Rain On the Trail
08. Prairie Marshlands
09. Rocky Mountain Valley
10. Sunset On The Pacific
Escape to the islands with this joyful union of natural sounds and the engaging melodies of steel pans, guitar, flute and piano.
01 Morning Delight
02 Swaying Palms
03 Nature Walk
04 Angel of the Sun
05 Sunshower
06 Carribean Dream
07 Island Romance
08 Forest Sojorn
09 Tropical Nights
10 Stillness of Dawn
11 Farewell
18、Dan Gibson & Jeremy Ledbetter -《加勒比Spa》(Caribbean Spa)82.3M
音乐风格:New Age
Immerse yourself in the tropical paradise of a Caribbean Spa as soothing music and natural sounds relax and refresh.
01. Tropical Sunrise [0:08:20.56]
02. Happiness [0:07:22.40]
03. Sea Breeze [0:07:23.16]
04. The Rhythm Of Paradise [0:08:32.17]
05. Pleasant Island Ease [0:07:54.12]
06. Sun Soothes The Soul [0:06:11.56]
07. Caribbean Comfort [0:06:03.48]
08. An Enduring Peace [0:08:00.40]
19、《纽约中央公园》(Central Park: A Peaceful Oasis in the City)74.4M
Discover a peaceful oasis in the heart of New York City with this blend of tranquil piano melodies and the gentle natural sounds of Central Park.
01. Literary Walk at Dawn-黎明漫步 7 : 42
02. Shakespeare Garden-莎士比亚的后花园 7 : 50
03. By the Lake-湖畔 8 : 23
04. Three Dancing Maidens-三只美人鱼 9 : 36
05. Patterns in the Pool-池中波纹 7 : 52
06. The Bridle Path-曲径通幽 8 : 39
07. Sparkles on Harlem Meer-涟漪 7 : 56
08. Reflections from Bow Bridge-小桥流水 6 : 26
  Dan Gibsons Solitudes的又一经典之作【Colorado Natural splender科罗拉多州自然景观】依旧是和谐的自然风格,每一处细节都无不再现了大自然美妙无穷的号召与感知力,伴着清脆的鸟鸣、潺潺的流水、悠扬的笛音、优美的钢琴声,您将再一次陶醉于Dan Gibsons的经典创作中……
Revisit Colorado's supreme natural beauty again and again with this collection of gentle music and soothing nature sounds
1.Dawn In The Valley
2.Wind Walker
5.The Foothills
7. Pine Forest Repose
8.At Rest In The Lee
21、Country Retreat
The ideal Country Retreat is discovering the heartwarming union of guitar, piano, fiddle, bass and the gentle sounds of nature.
1 Big Sky 2:37
2 Old Creek 5:42
3 Picket Fence 4:46
4 Quiet Rain 4:44
5 Shades of Summer 4:41
6 The Road Home 5:54
7 A Lazy Afternoon 6:22
8 Warm Breeze 5:48
9 Country Rose 6:43
10 After The Sunset 6:46
11 Big Sky (Reprise)
22、Dance of the Hummingbird
The incredible, whirring wings of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird will leave you in awe - so fragile, yet so powerful. Follow the flight of this tiny wonderous bird through the merging of gentle music and the peaceful sounds of its environment.
1 Shimmering Air 8:13
2 Reverie 7:42
3 Basking In The Warmth 7:31
4 Timeless Wonder 6:59
5 Sojourn 7:28
6 Wings At Rest 7:22
7 Silent Epiphany
23、《德彪西之永恒之海》(Debussy:Forever by the Sea)123.7M
Celebrated French composer Claude Debussy's most cherished pieces magically complement the timeless sound of the sea.
01. Clair De Lune
02. Sarabande
03. En Bateau
04. Prelude To The Afternoon Of A Faun
05. Reverie
06. Sunken Cathedral
07. Arabesque, No. 1
08. Little Shepherd
09. Girl With The Flaxen Hair
24、深蓝&&Deep Blue
•& & & &&&
类型:New Age 新世纪音乐
风格:Contemporary Instrumental 当代器乐
旋律优美架构整齐的古典乐曲,是美感与艺术的极致表现;节奏舒缓的海浪声,是地球沉稳自然的脉动。人自出生前,就在母亲给我们的海洋中生活,我们透过海洋的波动听见世界,也在其中获得安定的感受与新生的力量。世界第一品牌Solitudes将两者完美结合细酿出古典海洋乐音;透过拥有数十年自然录音经验的丹吉布森(Dan Gibson)实地收录的永恒海潮声,伴着德布西、巴海贝尔、贝多芬、莫札特、巴哈…等人的不朽作品,让您在充满海洋气息的古典乐声中,找到最令人自在安心的静谧空间。
Venture into the deep blue sea where the magic of the coral reef is revealed in a glorious blend of music and of the sounds of dolphins, whales and rolling surf.
Riding the waves
Floating Free
Dolphins in Paradise
The Giants Sing
Heading Home
25、《沙漠Spa》(Desert Spa)136.4M
Experience pure relaxation with the distinctive natural sounds of the Southwest and the soothing native flute.
01. Desert Solitude
02. Saguaro Dew
03. Gentle Radiance
04. Sanctuary
05. Whispering Sands
06. Healing Spirit
07. Vitality
26、《探索野生动物》(Discovering The Wild World)1169.M
音乐风格:New Age
Journey from the plains of the Serengeti to the rainforests of Costa Rica and discover an array of the world's most captivating wildlife. Compiled from several popular albums, this collection presents Solitudes' hallmark combination of music in harmony with the sounds of nature。
01 . Pride Of Lions
02 . The Elephants Arrive
03 . Kookaburra
04 . Migration
05 . The Dance
06. Silent Running
07. The Howler Monkey
08. Reflection
27、《海豚之梦》(Dolphin Dreams)119.2M
音乐风格:New Age
  这张2006年的专辑《Dolphin Dreams 海豚之梦》用精妙的编曲,让海豚带领着我们遨游大海,碧海深蓝,再一次深入海洋,探寻生命的真谛。
Drift in harmony with the angels of the sea as blissful music and soothing nature sounds weave a dreamlike spell.
01. Adventurous Spirit 4:31
02. By the Grace of the Sea 4:20
03. Mystic Blue 5:33
04. In Their Gentle Presence 6:25
05. Cerulean Secrets 6:18
06. Dolphin Dreams 6:39
07. Angels of the Reef 5:50
08. Carefree 6:06
09. Swept Away in Wonder 5:25
28、Echoes in the Glen: Celtic Aires & Ballads(重复)
29、Evening by the Lake
As daylight fades, sentimental favorites and nature's evening voices set an intimate lakeside mood.
1 Moon River 5:08
2 Prelude To A Kiss 4:59
3 Shadow Of Your Smile 4:16
4 Blue Skies 5:09
5 Softly As A Morning Sunrise 4:58
6 Chelsea Bridge 5:06
7 Bye Bye Blackbird 4:40
8 It's Easy To Remember 5:10
9 Stardust 5:08
10 Summertime 4:00
11 Moonlight In Vermont 5:07
12 Round Midnight
30、《丹吉布森.精选集》(Solitudes: Favorite Sellections - Exploring Nature with Music)[APE]261.9M
这张发行于1994年的《Favorite Selections 心水精选集》是 Solitudes 发行的第一张“心水精选”,收录有 Dan Gibson 丹•吉布森 于该专辑之前所发表过的顶极大自然录音系列中最爱的曲目。Dan Gibson 丹•吉布森 神奇的以大自然声效配上古典作品,表现独特而变化多端的古典气派。特别最后一轨改编自大家耳熟能详的古典名曲《Pachelbel's Canon 巴哈贝尔的卡农》,更是带来不同一般的听觉体验。
This compilation program features one song from each of the first nine albums of the Solitudes& series. These digital recordings blend nature sounds with music for the purpose of creating a peaceful listening experience that inspires greater appreciation for our natural world.
1.The Pool At Baie Fine
2.Stream of Dreams
3.First Light
4.Beneath the Towering Pines
5.Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
6.Beethoven's Fur Elise
7.Redwoods Forest
8.Dunes on the Cape
9.Pachelbel's Canon in D
31、《丹.吉布森.精选集II》(Solitudes: Favorite Sellections - Exploring Nature with MusicII)
As the sequel to the Favorite Selections, this &best of& album offers more of Dan Gibson's personal favorites. Drawn from 11 recent releases, Favorite Selections II represents a wonderful variety of original and classical compositions magically blended with Dan's finest environmental recordings
01.Arrival of Spring
03.Morning in Saguaro valley
04.The Welcome
05.Huron Cattle
06.Morning Song
07.In to the Sky
08.Laguna Pastoria
09.Roses from the South
10.Summers Eve on a Mountain Lake
11.The Beckoning
  佛罗里达州是美国本土最南部的一个州。包括佛罗里达半岛、西北部濒墨西哥湾狭长地带及南部近海珊瑚岛礁。别称阳光州。面积15.2万平方千米。人口1300.34万(1990)。 城市人口约占84.3%。首府塔拉哈西。
Venturing along the coastline, up the inland waterways and into the wild Everglades, you will discover magnificent natural sanctuaries teeming with wildlife. United with the more ambient music from the Solitudes series, these lush sounds capes capture the essence of Florida's distinct natural beauty.
01. Florida Dream
02. Vibrant Shores
03. Lazy Afternoon
04. Gentle Sanctuary
05. Night In The Everglades
06. Voices Of The Swamp
07. Celebration
33、《长笛之梦》(Flute Dreams ) 129.5M
Daydream beside a gentle stream as the flute's enchanting voice illuminates these beloved classics
01. Air (J.S. Bach)
02. Raindrops & Rainbows (Chopin)
03. For Elise (Beethoven)
04. Clair de Lune (Debussy)
05. Andante Grazioso (Mozart)
06. Impromptu (Schubert)
07. Gymnopedie No.1 (Satie)
The expressive voice of the cello resonates through the cool autumn air, poignantly portraying the emotional beauty of a changing landscape
1.Nature's Path - 5:56
2.Cool Forest Rain - 7:43
3.Autumn Splendor - 5:38
4.Spirit Wind - 5:59
5.Fallen Leaves - 5:42
6.Crisp & Clear - 6:08 - *This track is an AMG pick.
7.Driftwood - 6:22
8.Old Bridge - 6:18
9.Majesty of the Lake - 4:43
10.One Last Goodbye - 5:27
35、森林吉他&&Forest Guitar
•& & & & 类型:EasyListening 休闲音乐
•& & & & 风格:Relaxation 减压音乐&&Meditation 冥想音乐
•& & & & 时长:57分11秒
•& & & & 发行:世外桃源 Solitudes
•& & & & 时间:2002年
在最受美国人民爱戴的诗人亨利-沃兹沃思-朗费罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,日-日)的《夜吟》诗选中,人们彷佛看见了光影在森林中调和出的温柔风貌,衬着丹尼尔-麦耶创作的音乐,由吉他澄澈的音色担纲主奏,时而加入自然录音大师丹吉信实地收录的鸟语蛙鸣之唱,流露出最怡人的舒服氛围,邀您流连忘返绿意芬多精中。
Follow a trail into the unspoiled beauty of the forest where, amidst nature's most delightful sounds, the guitar's expressive voice comes alive.
Appalachian Morning476
Clean and Clear166
In the Evening Air94
Sequoia Serenade75
Crimson Sky66
Spruce Woods54
Old Growth Stand52
Lake on the Mountain58
Under the Willow39
Moonlight Shimmer
1. Robin/Wood Thrush/Hermit Thrush/Veery
2. Pileated Woodpecker/Swamp Sparrow/White-Throated Sparroe/Red Squirrel
3. Song Sparrow/Rose-Breasted Grosbeak/White-Throated Sparrow/Common Crow/
4. Northern Oriole/House Wren
5. Common Crow/Magnolia Warbler/Blue Jay/Overbird
6. Catbird
7. Grey Tree Frog/Veery
8. Northern Oriole/House Wren
36、Forest Piano (官网)
Listen and escape into the majestic peace of the forest. The enchanting sounds of nature and the alluring piano melodies lead you on a relaxing walk in the woods.
1 A Path To Solitude 6:47
2 Beauty Abounds 6:21
3 Moody Afternoon 12:44
4 Ancient Stand 3:56
5 Summer Sublime 5:52
6 Chasing The Clouds 4:24
7 Dreaming By The Stream 7:55
8 Hymn To The Old Growth
37、Fountain of Youth
Rediscover the mythical Fountain of Youth with this engaging blend of music and the gentle, natural sounds of paradise.
1 Replenish The Earth 8:30
2 Magical Mist 9:28
3 A World Of Wonder 7:06
4 Blissful Realm 6:57
5 Fountain Of Youth 7:41
6 Euphoria 1:53
7 Curious Beauty 1:57
8 Paradise
38、《青蛙之歌:野生动物与自然》(Frog Song : Wildlife & Nature)89.5M
   西江月 辛弃疾
01. Spring Peeper, Wood Frog
02. Gray Treefrog, Saw-Whet Owl, Barred Owl
03. Northern Leopard Frog, Western Chorus Frog, Red-Winged Blackbird
04. Western Chorus Frog, Spring Peeper, Wood Frog
05. American Toad, Common Loon
06. Bullfrog, Green Frog, Great Crested Flycatcher, Ruffed Grouse, ...
07. Green Frog, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Common Yellowthroat, Chipping ...
08. Whip-Poor-Will, Southern Toad, Southern Leopard Frog
09. Soutern Cricket Frog, Barking Treefrog, Gopher Frog
10. Southern Chorus Frog, Pine Woods Treefrog, Oak Toad, Gopher Frog, ...
11. Pig Frog, Gopher Frog
12. Spring Peeper, Eastern Narrow-Mouthed Frog, Southern Toad, ...
13. Southern Leopard Frog, Pine Barrens Treefrog, Pauraque, Insects
14. Canyon Frog
15. Western Chorus Frog, Marbled Godwit, Canada Goose, Yellow-Headed ...
16. Pacific Treefrog, Winter Wren, Varied Thrush, Fox Sparrow, Robin
38、Frog Song(官网)
Recorded in wetlands throughout North America, this wondrous collection of frog songs captures the magic of the outdoors.
1 Nature Sounds 3:45
39、Garden In Provence 普罗旺斯花园
你可以感受到乐海中散发的花香,仿佛你乘着音乐的翅膀,穿越时空,目睹一场美丽的邂逅,乐音所追求的意境为深、为远、为静,必须讲求与心的虚静相配合。以清微、瞻远的琴音与大自然之音配合,自成一番人间难得的世外天韵。而录音大师 Dan Gibson 所采用的二轨模拟录音,更是丝毫不差的捕捉了。如果你没到过普罗旺斯,那么你就更不该错过这张《Garden In Provence》。
Relive the languid days and romantic nights that typify life in the south of France. The sounds of a magnificent seasiide garden in Provence set the stage for classical music inspired by the great French impressionists.
01 Sunrise in Provence
02 Poppies
03 Water-lilly Pond
04 Under the Poplars
05 A Quiet Cove
06 The Row Boat
07 Misty Morning
08 The Freshness of Rain
09 Beyond the Garden Gate
40、《非洲荣耀》(African Glory)90.3M
Performed by the Holy Jerusalem Choir of Soweto, South Africa these gentle folk and gospel songs blend with native wildlife to reveal the peaceful soul of an epic land
01. Sodonga [Sons of Sodonga]
02. Babelone [Rivers of Babelone]
03. Thula [Lullaby]
04. Masimbonge [Say Thanks to the Lord]
05. Umfokazi [A Sufferer of God]
06. Malo [My Beautiful Girl]
07. Baya Vuya [They Are Happy to Be with Thee]
08. Ngithembele [I Trust You Lord]
09. Bawoxa [When I Am Lost My God Is There]
10. Zwonaka [It's Pleasing to Be with People]
11. Sebakanyana [A Little Time to Live]
12. Ithemba [My Trust to Thee]
41、《安第斯梦境》(Andean Dreams)93.3M
Experience the splendor of South America's fabled Incan Trail with this blend of exquisite music and indigenous natural sounds that recalls the enduring, joyous spirit of an ancient people.
01. Andean Dreams: Along the Incan Trail 11:56
02. Llupachayoc - Place of Offerings 10:01
03. Cusichaca - Bridge of Happiness 0:00
04. Pacamayo - Hidden River 8:22
05. Phuyupatamarca - Cloud Level Town 10:41
06. Huinay Nuayna - Forever Young 7:54
07. Intipunku - Gateway of the Sun 5:33
08. El Condor Pasa: The Spirit of Machu Picchu 6:29
42、《大峡谷——大自然的奇迹》(Grand Canyon: Natural Wonder)48.6M
作为世界的七大自然奇迹之一,大峡谷是无可替代的。它是阴郁灵魂的陆地,山峰如同哨兵一样忠实地守护着垂直升起的峭壁,而峭壁的那边就是深不可测的大峡谷。尖利的石板如同是这个古老的峡谷的地板的化石,它们在光影中沿着山脊和岩石的缝隙间伸展开去。在那种庄严的气氛中,落日和秋天的落叶一样被永远地纪录在了大峡谷的岩壁当中。人们为了体会大自然的壮丽而来到峡谷,他们都被大峡谷的深度所震惊,每个游客--不论他是从哪个国家来的--在大峡谷面前全都会安静下来去聆听峡谷穿过大地的声音。它的深远使得每个人都感到惊愕。自从四百多年前早期的西班牙探险家把它命名为Grand Canyon起,它就越来越显得重要。
  《Grand Canyon:A Natural Wonder》(大峡谷—自然奇迹)的八首音乐气势磅礴,容入大自然壮丽和声。这是Dan Gibson的作品之一。
1. Majesty at Sunrise
2. The Mist Clears
3. Remembrance
4. Forgotten Melody
5. The Wish
6. Chorus of the Sun
7. Awakened Spirits
8. Eternity
43、《湖泊组曲》(Great Lakes Suite)[MP3] 97.4M
Drift effortlessly through the wilderness splendor of the Great Lakes with this gentle music and natural sound piece. As with other suite albums, the Great Lakes Suite will lead you from one glorious natural scene to another by musical bridges. Once there, a musical theme that seems to caress each wildlife sound will inspire and move you. So take a beautiful moment and visit each lake along the way and allow yourself to slip into its wild soundscapes. The magnificent wildlife abounds in this freshwater wonderland that you will want to revisit over and over again.
01. From the Height of Land 来自高原
02. The Runoff 溪流
03. Superior the Inland Sea 高原内陆湖
04. Sandhill Cranes 沙丘鹤
05. Kirtlands Warbler 嘉德兰莺
06. Sailing to the North Shore 驶向北方
07. The Pool at Baie Fine 塘边的私语
08. Canada Geese 加拿大鹅
09. Erie Marshes 伊利沼泽
10. Over Niagara Falls 离开尼亚加拉大瀑布
11. Along Ontario Shores 安大略海岸线
44、《大西洋守护神》(Guardians of Atlantis)52.2M
& & 滑动在排岸浪花之下和进入海豚的海里的世界。在音乐和自然声音精妙的联合~~不知道你是否听过Solitudes的歌,或者听说过他!
& & 如果你很热爱大自然的音乐,那你肯定知道,如果你非常热爱这个世界,也很热爱地球的生物资源,很喜欢听大自然中最美的东西,那么,请不要错过他的音乐!
他创作了很多精采的大自然音乐..当然在这里分享的并非全部..只是他的部份专辑而已. Dan Gibson这位老人把一生都献给了自己所爱的事业,他很执着,也很热衷于自己的工作,周游了全世界,到了许多未开发而原始的『仙境』,他的专集不计其数,可是每一张都是那样经典,而且留下了他浪迹天涯的足迹!
Glide beneath the surf and enter the undersea world of the dolphins. In an exquisite union of music and nature sounds, these silvery angels ascend from the depths to dance in shimmering diamonds and steal your heart
01. Guardians Of Atlantis
02. Transcendence
03. Halcyon
04. Coral Coast
05. Ethereal Blue
06. Setting Sun
07. Caribbean Air
08. Forever Free
45、《心情故事》(Heart of Summer )81.3M
Relive the magic of summer with this instrumental collection of popular love songs. Performed in harmony with the natural sounds of a perfect day in the sunshine, these songs offer the ideal escape to another time and place.
01. Both Sides Now (8:31)
02. Evergreen (5:20)
03. Have I Told You Lately (5:14)
04. Killing Me Softly (5:32)
05. Longer (6:42)
06. My Love (5:46)
07. Songbird (5:08)
08. Youve Got a Friend (5:12)
09. If (4:15)
10. Vincent (7:06)
46、《兰草庭院》(Home: Peaceful Bluegrass)[APE]296.8M
《Home: Peaceful Bluegrass 家:安静的六月禾》是一辑非常棒的舒压音乐,平和而乐观向上的音乐气氛相当舒服。当你在办公时播放它是一个很好的选择,但实际上任何时候听起来都是那么令人愉快。淡淡的软爵士和乡村味道不仅仅令人放松,更能使人回忆起童年的某个片段……
庭园四周的兰草随风漫心轻舞的,轻曳着长长的叶子透出深深温柔的爱意,闻着兰草淡淡香气,微微弥漫于整个身心,遐思于青山绿水间,令万物迷蒙, 诗意。那淡淡幽香绝无蕙兰的浓香俗媚旷远弥幽。郁郁葱葱的兰草每一片兰叶都千娇百媚地舒展着温柔的语气和宁静的声音,大自然提供了一个和平的二重唱,令人想起舒适温馨的家......
Gentle bluegrass tones and the sounds of nature offer a peaceful duet, reminiscent of the comforts of Home.
1. On a Summer's Morn 6:36
2. Mountain Dew 4:45
3. The Way Home 5:11
4. In the Pines 3:51
5. Finding Shelter 3:57
6. Southern Charm 6:51
7. Banks of the Ohio 7:10
8. Old Friend 3:43
9. Sweet Sunny South 3:48
10. Under the Harvest Moon 5:54
11. Wildflowers 4:06
12. Peace in the Valley 4:37
47、《点亮:舒缓的格里高利圣咏》(Illumination:peaceful Gregorian chant)141M
  Dan Gibson的作品多为自然声响和器乐演奏相呼应的制作,很少利用人声作为其中的一种表现形式。此张制作于2007年的作品却一改以往风格,大量使用宗教音乐中的赞美诗,圣咏等人声演奏形式表现祥和安逸的一贯主题。
Hymns, psalms and creeds float in a glorious union of Gregorian chant, peaceful instrumentation and the beautiful sounds of nature.
01. Introit 6:25
02. Kyrie Eleison 6:29
03. Asperges Me Domine 6:39
04. Credo IV 7:43
05. Pange, Lingua Gloriosi 6:29
06. Gradual and Alleluia 6:39
07. Credo III 6:42
08. Jesu Dulcis Memoria 7:00
09. Adoro Te Devote 6:37
48、48、Dan Gibson&John herberman -《纯洁》(In the Midst of Angels)[flac] [MP3]112.2M
世界第一品牌Solitudes公司出品,自然录音大师丹吉布森Dan Gibson纯净自然音乐《纯洁》In The Midst of Angels专辑.
《Canyon Legacy》的女声和音,《Stillness of Down》与《Longing》抒情的钢琴,《Enchanted seashore》灵动的小提琴,都是非常美妙。不过如果说好象封皮介绍的那样:你或许会遇上雾里的天使。我更相信会是在听起来有些“情节”的《A Sense of Wonder》的时候,也是整张专辑里最动人的一首,它给人的感觉就像电影中常会出现迷幻奇迹时候的音乐。
新纪元的大自然音乐大多强调亦真亦幻的空灵感觉,但是真正不俗套做到的,可以打动人的不多,至少《In The Midst of Angels》做到了这种感觉。
Drifting slowly across the land and sea, the voices of angels lure you on an enchanting sojourn. As the ethereal presence of this 24-voice choir mingles with nature and music, you will realize a deep sense of peace.
1 voices of peace
2 canyon legace
3 stillness of down
4 a sense of wonder
5 enchanted seashore
6 boundless beauty
8 hidden gardon
9 ancient air
49、Dan Gibson & Hennie Bekker -《天堂岛》(Paradise island)[flac]267.9M
哪里是天堂,没有隔阂,没有烦恼,没有困惑的地方,在激情澎湃的海浪声中,鸟儿的鸣叫是轻微而澈亮的,浪声逐渐的轻轻淡下,音乐缓缓的涌起,电子琴键奏出的亮丽的键音衬着婆挲的棕榈树的摇曳,海滩的浪声,雨林的繁稠的呼吸,作者带我们来到天堂的鸟岛!北美人一直想望的避世神话之地,加勒比海的明珠-PARADISE ISLAND,天堂岛。
Paradise island是个很美丽的岛,其海边浅水域蛮广的, 可以走一段长长的距离,水的深度还不会超过大腿,海边白沙的沙质也很柔细 ...
本专辑的音乐由Hennie Bekker编排、演奏、合成。
What is more perfect than an escape into the natural splendor of a remote Caribbean island? Warmed by the sun, soothed by the surf and serenaded by the exotic sounds of the tropical rainforest, it seems that you have found a paradise. A subtle, sensitive musical score complements this tranquil sojourn.
1. White Sand
2. Beachcombing
3. Cool Rain
4. Storm Surf
5. Tropic Moon
6. Dawn in the Forest
7. Enchanted Valley
8. Fluidity
50、《小岛闲情》(Island Retreat))81.3M
丹尼爾(Daniel May)柔和的樂音中,透過夏威夷6&7弦吉他等當地樂器的娓娓奏來,
Dream away to the sounds of paradise and the soft stylings of traditional Hawaiian guitars. Under gently swaying palms, find your Island Retreat
01. Pomaika (Blessing)
02. Haulelau (Autumn)
03. Hula Kakahiaka (Morning Dance)
04. Ohana (Family)
05. Molehelehu (Dusk)
06. A Hui Hou (Until We Meet Again)
07. Puanani (Heavenly Lei)
08. Halekulani (House Of Heaven)
09. Aloha Oe (Farewell To Thee)


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