
设计优雅程度,Whatsapp 是比不上的。
油条 说: 其实两个不都是端对端加密吗?我覺得是對開發者的信任問題
油条 说: 其实两个不都是端对端加密吗?whatsapp暴露手机号无解
我們還是用 ICQ 吧。
WhatsApp 支援團隊
Messenger 一生黑,但还是必须得用联络人员是最方便的。。。
波菇 说: MSN?Facebook messenger
摩卡香又甜 说: +1土澳都没人用lz说的两个。。。统统messenger以我在学校的经历土澳的巴西人好像会喜欢用whatsapp
太诗 - 学习中 说: 以我在学校的经历土澳的巴西人好像会喜欢用whatsapp认识一个在英国跟美国都待过的人说欧洲人用的比较多
现在的 telegram 有多强大:
海量表情包,添加方式简单便捷(虽然有相当一部分是从 Line 扒的盗版资源)
有 bot 支持
虽然功能丰富但都是围绕聊天展开的,不像某些国内 IM 软件披着 IM 的皮然后侵蚀到人们生活的每一个角落(
最后想说一点,会选择番茄用 Telegram 的人身上多少都有种相似的气质(
关键这么多功能了也安排得服服帖帖,不像 Facebook Messenger 那样全挤到你面前
然而你可以选择第三方客户端. WhatsApp 就不行了??
豆沙包罐头 说: 我仔细思考了一下,MD第一次被提出应该是2014年。iOS的丑。我的直觉告诉我安卓的肯定很时髦。
Telegram Messenger – 会加密的聊天应用[跨平台]
Telegram Messenger 支持 Android、iOS、WindowsPhone、Web、Windows、OS X、Linux,以及公开免费的 API,属于全平台选手。
Telegram Messenger 用通讯录作为联系人,以手机号码注册后,会自动识别好友,然后就可以开始聊天了。
普通聊天与常规 IM 无异,加密模式才有趣。你需要点击 New Secret Chat 才会开启加密模式,会提示你:
加密聊天下的每一条消息都可以删除,而且是在双方的设备里同时删除,当有人截图的时候,也会提示双方。自毁模式针对每一条消息,可以设置从 1 秒到 1 周的自毁时间,当对方阅读消息后达到设定时间,消息自动删除。
除了传统的联系人、群组聊天外(最多支持 199 人),还有一个广播功能,你可以一对多发送消息,而对方的回复则会进入你们的私人聊天中。
受够了各种 IM 的同学赶紧拉上几个小伙伴去试试 Telegram Messenger 吧。
Telegram 还有个八卦,前阵子拿出 20 万美金各路黑客破解其加密聊天内容,无人获奖后拿出 30 万只要 2015 年 2 月 4 前破解都行,大神们快去研究。
传说中的小众软件 让你的手机应用与众不同。
商业网站、微信公众号 或其他未授权媒体不得复制、转载、使用本站内容。?App Store 上的“Telegram Messenger”
只能在 iOS 设备上的 App Store 获取此 App。
Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 100 million active users in two and a half years.FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around the globe.SYNCED: You can access your messages from all your devices at once. Start typing on your phone and finish the message from your tablet or laptop. Never lose your data again.UNLIMITED: You can send media and files, without any limits on their type and size. Your entire chat history will require no disk space on your device, and will be securely stored in the Telegram cloud for as long as you need it.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best security combined with ease of use. Everything on Telegram, including chats, groups, media, etc. is encrypted using a combination of 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, and Diffie–Hellman secure key exchange.POWERFUL: You can create group chats for up to 30,000 members, share large videos, documents of any type (.DOC, .MP3, .ZIP, etc.), and even set up bots for specific tasks. It's the perfect tool for hosting online communities and coordinating teamwork.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimum bytes possible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system ever made. It works even on the weakest mobile connections. FUN: Telegram has powerful photo and video editing tools and an open sticker/GIF platform to cater to all your expressive needs.SIMPLE: While providing an unprecedented array of features, we are taking great care to keep the interface clean. With its minimalist design, Telegram is lean and easy to use.100% FREE & NO ADS: Telegram is free and will always be free. We are not going to sell ads or introduce subscription fees. PRIVATE: We take your privacy seriously and will never give third parties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, Telegram offers Secret Chats. Secret Chat messages can be programmed to self-destruct automatically from both participating devices. This way you can send all types of disappearing content — messages, photos, videos, and even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryption to ensure that a message can only be read by its intended recipient.We keep expanding the boundaries of what you can do with a messaging app. Don’t wait years for older messengers to catch up with Telegram — join the revolution today.
- Fixed issue with setting custom wallpapers. - Fixed issue with joining channels via invite links.Also in version 4.7:- New Appearance Settings.- Four different themes, including a night mode.- Different font sizes.- Different accent colors for the “Day” theme.
- Four different themes, including a night mode.- Different font sizes.- Different accent colors for the “Day” theme.
- Telegram Calls are here: secure, crystal-clear, constantly improved by artificial intelligence. We are rolling them out in Europe today, the rest of the world will get calls within a few days.- Choose between 5 grades of video compression and preview the quality of your video before you send it.- All icons in the app were redesigned to make them look better on bigger screens.
- Fixed audio playback- Delete messages for everyone. When you delete your messages in groups and one-on-one chats, you can now choose to delete them for everyone in the chat, not just yourself. This works only for recently sent messages (same as editing).- Network Usage in 'Data and Storage' Settings. Get byte by byte statistics for your incoming and outgoing Telegram traffic via wifi and mobile connections.- links. Use the short and personal instead of to link to any Telegram profile, channel or public group.- Videos on Instant View pages now support Picture-in-Picture mode.- 'Report spam' button added to Secret chats.
- Delete messages for everyone. When you delete your messages in groups and one-on-one chats, you can now choose to delete them for everyone in the chat, not just yourself. This works only for recently sent messages (same as editing).- Network Usage in 'Data and Storage' Settings. Get byte by byte statistics for your incoming and outgoing Telegram traffic via wifi and mobile connections.- Videos on Instant View pages now support Picture-in-Picture mode.- 'Report spam' button added to Secret chats.
- Draw on your photos and apply stylish masks, stickers, and text. This also works on videos. We're launching a plat anyone can upload their own sets of masks, beards, glasses, and the like.- Create your own GIFs using the new &mute& feature after you record a video.It works best when you add text and stickers.- Access trending stickers directly from the stickers panel in any of your chats.
- Trending stickers. Check out and install noteworthy sticker packs from the new tab in Settings. - Archived stickers. Unused stickers are now archived automatically when you go over the 200 limit. - Group previews. Preview groups before joining them via invite link – see who else is in the group before joining. - Personal storage. Keep messages, media and any other stuff in the new storage chat with yourself, accessible through the redesigned contacts screen.
- Picture-in-Picture for all Telegram videos. Shrink any video and continue watching and listening while accomplishing other tasks in Telegram.- Bug fixes and minor improvements.
DRAFTS, PICTURE-IN-PICTURE, AND MORE- Introducing Drafts: Seamless syncing for unsent messages on all your devices. Drafts are now visible in your chats list.- Picture-in-Picture: Shrink a YouTube or Vimeo video and continue watching and listening while accomplishing other tasks in Telegram.- View earlier profile pictures in groups.- Tap on inline bot content to preview and send it.- Design improvements.
版本 4.8.3
- Swipe right in the chats list to mark chats as Read or Unread.- Listen to voice and video messages in 2X mode if you're in a hurry.- Share and view contacts as VCards, choose which data to send when sharing contacts.- Replace media when editing messages with media content.
4.1(满分 5 分)
510 个评分
510 个评分
启用“家人共享”后,此 App 最多可供 6 名家庭成员使用。
只需开口让 Siri 帮忙,即可在此 App 中轻松搞定大小事物。Telegram电报APP如何设置中文语言_唧唧帝
Telegram电报APP 标签: 比特币 虚拟币 Telegram电报APP是一款私密聊天软件,非常的安全可靠,不用担心聊天记录会被第三方泄露,而且操作简单,画面简易,用起来非常的舒服,很多电报群都是私密组织,想开车的赶快来PP8下载吧~ 立即下载&& Telegram电报APP是一款国外加密聊天软件,该软件初始语言是英文状态,有些人想问这个中文版有没有?其实是没有的,但是可以选择中文语言,那么Telegram电报APP如何设置中文语言呢?下面就和PP8小编一起来看看吧~ Telegram电报APP安装: 需要提供国内+86手机号,用于接收短信验证码。邮箱最好用GMAIL。如果注册错误了或者所注册的手机号提示错误,那么可以给官方发送一封邮件,给你的手机号重新赋予权限。我当初就遇到了这个问题,发了一封邮件后,很快就回复了。在手机端注册成功后,如果继续登录PC端,需要重新输入手机号,接收到验证码后,输入后就可以开车了(友情提示:在办公室等场合尽量别开电报群,因为群友们随时会开车,是不是好幸福?!) Telegram电报APP如何进行中文语音设置: 1.安装并注册好 Telegram 账号,在浏览器点击此链接加入 Telegram 中文频道。 2.找到安卓版中文语言,单击文件图标开始下载。
3.下载完毕点击右侧的三个点,并选择 Apply localization file
5.返回 Telegram 界面,已经变成中文界面了。
使用 Telegram,你可以发送消息、照片、视频和任何类型的文件(doc,zip,mp3 等),以及创建多达 5000 人的群组和拥有无限成员的频道广播。您可以发送消息给您手机中的联系人,或是通过用户名找到他们。Telegram 就像短信和电子邮件的结合体,可以兼顾您的个人和商业信息传递需求。?App Store 上的“Telegram Messenger”
只能在 iOS 设备上的 App Store 获取此 App。
Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 100 million active users in two and a half years.FAST: Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around the globe.SYNCED: You can access your messages from all your devices at once. Start typing on your phone and finish the message from your tablet or laptop. Never lose your data again.UNLIMITED: You can send media and files, without any limits on their type and size. Your entire chat history will require no disk space on your device, and will be securely stored in the Telegram cloud for as long as you need it.SECURE: We made it our mission to provide the best security combined with ease of use. Everything on Telegram, including chats, groups, media, etc. is encrypted using a combination of 256-bit symmetric AES encryption, 2048-bit RSA encryption, and Diffie–Hellman secure key exchange.POWERFUL: You can create group chats for up to 30,000 members, share large videos, documents of any type (.DOC, .MP3, .ZIP, etc.), and even set up bots for specific tasks. It's the perfect tool for hosting online communities and coordinating teamwork.RELIABLE: Built to deliver your messages in the minimum bytes possible, Telegram is the most reliable messaging system ever made. It works even on the weakest mobile connections. FUN: Telegram has powerful photo and video editing tools and an open sticker/GIF platform to cater to all your expressive needs.SIMPLE: While providing an unprecedented array of features, we are taking great care to keep the interface clean. With its minimalist design, Telegram is lean and easy to use.100% FREE & NO ADS: Telegram is free and will always be free. We are not going to sell ads or introduce subscription fees. PRIVATE: We take your privacy seriously and will never give third parties access to your data.For those interested in maximum privacy, Telegram offers Secret Chats. Secret Chat messages can be programmed to self-destruct automatically from both participating devices. This way you can send all types of disappearing content — messages, photos, videos, and even files. Secret Chats use end-to-end encryption to ensure that a message can only be read by its intended recipient.We keep expanding the boundaries of what you can do with a messaging app. Don’t wait years for older messengers to catch up with Telegram — join the revolution today.
- Fixed issue with setting custom wallpapers. - Fixed issue with joining channels via invite links.Also in version 4.7:- New Appearance Settings.- Four different themes, including a night mode.- Different font sizes.- Different accent colors for the “Day” theme.
- Four different themes, including a night mode.- Different font sizes.- Different accent colors for the “Day” theme.
- Telegram Calls are here: secure, crystal-clear, constantly improved by artificial intelligence. We are rolling them out in Europe today, the rest of the world will get calls within a few days.- Choose between 5 grades of video compression and preview the quality of your video before you send it.- All icons in the app were redesigned to make them look better on bigger screens.
- Fixed audio playback- Delete messages for everyone. When you delete your messages in groups and one-on-one chats, you can now choose to delete them for everyone in the chat, not just yourself. This works only for recently sent messages (same as editing).- Network Usage in 'Data and Storage' Settings. Get byte by byte statistics for your incoming and outgoing Telegram traffic via wifi and mobile connections.- links. Use the short and personal instead of to link to any Telegram profile, channel or public group.- Videos on Instant View pages now support Picture-in-Picture mode.- 'Report spam' button added to Secret chats.
- Delete messages for everyone. When you delete your messages in groups and one-on-one chats, you can now choose to delete them for everyone in the chat, not just yourself. This works only for recently sent messages (same as editing).- Network Usage in 'Data and Storage' Settings. Get byte by byte statistics for your incoming and outgoing Telegram traffic via wifi and mobile connections.- Videos on Instant View pages now support Picture-in-Picture mode.- 'Report spam' button added to Secret chats.
- Draw on your photos and apply stylish masks, stickers, and text. This also works on videos. We're launching a plat anyone can upload their own sets of masks, beards, glasses, and the like.- Create your own GIFs using the new &mute& feature after you record a video.It works best when you add text and stickers.- Access trending stickers directly from the stickers panel in any of your chats.
- Trending stickers. Check out and install noteworthy sticker packs from the new tab in Settings. - Archived stickers. Unused stickers are now archived automatically when you go over the 200 limit. - Group previews. Preview groups before joining them via invite link – see who else is in the group before joining. - Personal storage. Keep messages, media and any other stuff in the new storage chat with yourself, accessible through the redesigned contacts screen.
- Picture-in-Picture for all Telegram videos. Shrink any video and continue watching and listening while accomplishing other tasks in Telegram.- Bug fixes and minor improvements.
DRAFTS, PICTURE-IN-PICTURE, AND MORE- Introducing Drafts: Seamless syncing for unsent messages on all your devices. Drafts are now visible in your chats list.- Picture-in-Picture: Shrink a YouTube or Vimeo video and continue watching and listening while accomplishing other tasks in Telegram.- View earlier profile pictures in groups.- Tap on inline bot content to preview and send it.- Design improvements.
版本 4.8.3
- Swipe right in the chats list to mark chats as Read or Unread.- Listen to voice and video messages in 2X mode if you're in a hurry.- Share and view contacts as VCards, choose which data to send when sharing contacts.- Replace media when editing messages with media content.
4.1(满分 5 分)
511 个评分
511 个评分
启用“家人共享”后,此 App 最多可供 6 名家庭成员使用。
只需开口让 Siri 帮忙,即可在此 App 中轻松搞定大小事物。


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