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答: 怎么样选购枇杷?
答: 家里没权没势没钱的,都有与你相同的心理经历,让人极其痛苦!
答: 年轻人手抖可能见于某些器质性病变,如各种癫痫的小发作,或特发性震颤。病因不明,主要累及上肢和头部。主要表现是做精细动作时出现手抖,如写字、持筷子、扣纽扣等。情绪...
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确实没有偿还能力的,应当与贷款机构进行协商,宽展还款期间或者分期归还; 如果贷款机构起诉到法院胜诉之后,在履行期未履行法院判决,会申请法院强制执行; 法院在受理强制执行时,会依法查询贷款人名下的房产、车辆、证券和存款;贷款人名下没有可供执行的财产而又拒绝履行法院的生效判决,则有逾期还款等负面信息记录在个人的信用报告中并被限制高消费及出入境,甚至有可能会被司法拘留。
合肥政务区网络广告推广网络推广哪家公司比较好 一套能在互联网上跑业务的系统,被网络营销专家赞为目前最 有效的网络推广方式!
成人可以学爵士舞。不过对柔软度的拒绝比较大。  不论跳什么舞,如果要跳得美,身体的柔软度必须要好,否则无法充分发挥出理应的线条美感,爵士舞也不值得注意。在展开暖身的弯曲动作必须注意,不适合在身体肌肉未几乎和暖前用弹振形式来做弯曲,否则更容易弄巧反拙,骨折肌肉。用静态方式弯曲较安全,不过也较必须耐性。柔软度的锻炼动作之幅度更不该超过疼痛的地步,肌肉有向上的感觉即可,动作(角度)保持的时间可由10馀秒至30-40秒平均,时间愈长对肌肉及关节附近的联结的组织之负荷也愈高。
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作文一:《关于性别歧视的英语作文及翻译》1500字Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates
Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global
problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but the practice of Feminist movementhave never stopped.
Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold onthis concept In the
subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for the college graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of reasons.
In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in the government and enterprises .
At present-day society, the ability of women don’t seem to be smaller than men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much more opportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!
性别歧视是一个全球性的、历史长久的问题。在古代,世界上许多国家人民都 抱有这样的观念,但是女权运动也从未平息过。
现在,全世界都在倡导男女平等,事实上这种状况也有很大的改观,但许多人 潜意识里仍然存在着性别歧视观念。今天,我们正遭受着全球金融危机的冲 击,这使得高校毕业生的就业前景雪上加霜。在这种情况下,女生要找到一份 工作似乎更加困难,因为许多企事业用各种各样的理由拒绝女生。
在我看来这种观念是错误的,男女平等已经被写入各国法律很久了。现在,有 许多杰出女士,担任着各国政府的政要和企业中的重要位置。
在如今社会,女生的能力不一定会比男生弱,所以我们要彻底改变男女不平等 的观念,我们要给予女生们更多的机会。这个社会会变得更加和谐、美好
作文二:《性别歧视英语作文》2000字Women are not equal with men?
After women have made great strides for their rights,leaders gradually realized the necessity to achieve the equality of men and women and as well increasingly countries has put the principle of equality into practice.women are no longer being oppressed at the the bottom of society and even have equal opportunity to rise to leadership positions.however,gender discrimination still exist in insidious form today.
Women and men may not dealt with in many field especially in the job market with female graduates affected the most.The figure indicates that more than 90 percent of female students experience gender discrimination in the force labour,while more than 40 percent of believe it is harder for women to get an offer than men. “ men only” signs appeared frequently on recruit company,women are are refused by their image of delicate and lack of independent as people considered.So that women always lose many chances in choosing favorable job. Additionally , for same work,women receive lower payment at their job than men. Another statistic shows that women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a third of that number which can not but arouse our thinking why do we have so few women leader?That’ s recessive gender discrimination.In the absence of gender discrimination stress patriarchal society,in order to realize their own value,women must pay double or even several times effort than men.
Finally,the ideas that son preference and discrimination against girls took strong root since ancient time,every family continues to have children until they have a boy,if they have a girl,they would like to have another child.Killed,aborted or neglected,at least 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. As we can see from above analysis,women still encounter discrimination or unfair treatment in many aspects.To achieve the “ equality of men and women”We still have a long way to go.
Girls: Household Servants
When a boy is born in most developing countries, friends and relatives exclaim congratulations. A son means insurance. He will inherit his father's property and get a job to help support the family. When a girl is born, the reaction is very different. Some women weep when they find out their baby is a girl
because, to them, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is in the home, not in the world of men. In some parts of India, it's traditional to greet a family with a newborn girl by saying, "The servant of your household has been born."
A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her identity is forged as soon as her family and society limit her opportunities and declare her to be second-rate.
A combination of extreme poverty and deep biases against women creates a remorseless cycle of discrimination that keeps girls in developing countries from living up to their full potential. It also leaves them vulnerable to severe physical and emotional abuse.
These "servants of the householdcome to accept that life will never be any different.
The developing world is full of poverty-stricken families who see their daughters as an economic predicament困境. That attitude has
resulted in the widespread neglect of baby girls in Africa, Asia, and South America. In many communities, it's a regular practice to breastfeed girls for a shorter time than boys so that women can try to get pregnant again with a boy as soon as possible. As a result, girls miss out on life-giving nutrition during a crucial window of their development, which stunts their growth and weakens their resistance to disease.
Statistics show that the neglect continues as they grow up. Young girls receive less food, healthcare and fewer vaccinations overall than boys. Not much changes as they become women. Tradition calls for women to eat last, often reduced to picking over the leftovers from the men and boys.
Even after infancy, the threat of physical harm follows girls throughout their lives. Women in every society are vulnerable to abuse. But the threat is more severe for girls and women who live in societies where women's rights mean practically nothing.
Mothers who lack their own rights have little protection to offer their daughters, much less themselves, from male relatives and other authority figures. The frequency of rape and violent attacks against women in the developing world is alarming. Forty-five percent of Ethiopian women say that they have been assaulted in their lifetimes. In 1998, 48 percent of
Palestinian women admitted to being abused by an intimate partner within the past year.
In some cultures, the physical and psychological trauma of rape is compounded by an additional stigma. In cultures that maintain st
rict sexual codes for women, if a woman steps out of bounds—by
choosing her own husband, flirting in public, or seeking divorce from an abusive partner—she has brought dishonor to her family
and must be disciplined. Often, discipline means execution. Families commit "honor killingsto salvage their reputation tainted by disobedient women.
Appallingly, this "disobedienceincludes rape. In 1999, a 16-year-old mentally handicapped girl in Pakistan who had been raped was brought before her tribe's judicial counsel. Although she was the victim and her attacker had been arrested, the counsel decided she had brought shame to the tribe and ordered her public execution. This case, which received a lot of
publicity at the time, is not unusual. Three women fall victim to honor killings in Pakistan every day—including victims of rape. In
areas of Asia, the Middle East, and even Europe, all responsibility for sexual misconduct falls, by default, to women. How to Help
You can help pull down the barriers that keep girls from attending school and begin to bring change for women in developing countries. The most direct way is by easing the financial need that forces families to take their children out of school in the first place.
Dozens of international organizations are working to improve the livelihood of impoverished people. By building infrastructure and providing aid, vocational training, and education programs, they give families in developing countries resources to create healthy and stable lives. That takes the burden of mere survival off young women and gives them the time to get an education. With practical help and encouragement, girls are more likely to eoll and stay in
encouraging all international organizations to come up with strategies for girls' education as part of their initial development plans. It has also started a movement to monitor school materials, facilities, and teachers to ensure that girls get a
quality education that promotes appropriate perceptions of women, and that female students are given the same privileges as male students. other reputable organizations need now are the resources to fund their efforts.
You can help begin to  change the lives of women around the world by making a financial gift or raising awareness about girls in the developing world who want to help raise awareness of the issues tha impact children. You can The need is clear, and though the obstacles to ending gender discrimination are high, they are not insurmountable.
women are essential to ending gender bias, starting by reducing the poverty that makes discrimination even worse in the developing world. The most basic skills in literacy and arithmetic open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women. Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia, for instance, are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education. The longer a girl is able to stay in school, the greater her chances to pursue worthwhile employment, higher education, and a life without the hazards of extreme poverty.
Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later, survive childbirth, have fewer and healthier children,
and make sure their own children complete school. They also understand hygiene and nutrition better and are more likely to prevent disease by visiting health care facilities. The UN estimates that for every year a woman spends in primary school, the risk of her child dying prematurely is reduced by 8 percent.
Girls' education also means comprehensive change for a society. As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs, they gain status in
their communities. Status translates into the power to influence their families and societies.
Even bigger changes become possible as girls' education becomes the cultural norm. Women can't defend themselves against physical and sexual abuse until they have the authority to speak against it without fear. Knowledge gives that authority. Women who have been educated are half as likely to undergo harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and four times as likely to protect their daughters from it. The Global Campaign for Education also states that a primary education defends women against HIV/AIDS infection—disproportionately
high for women in developing countries—by giving "the most
marginalized groups in society—notably young women—the status
and confidence needed to act on information and refuse unsafe
Working treatment
Companies tend to employ males when employers got the same masters degree.Unequal male-female eollment rates are still exist.When the industries and positions doing this,Universities are no exception.From 2000 to 2010,female students represented more percent of top scores in college entrance exams,but some universities continue to maintain a double standard of favoring females.
Assignment distrubution in family
In China,it has long been a traditional concept that a woman without talent is called virtuous.Males are asked to go to work and wives should worship them and depend on them.although marriage is equally important for both men and women,it is the women who seem to get saddled with the weight of responsibility for adopt children and doing housework. social status
In daily life, we always equate a woman’s success with the
marriage as if that’s all there is to life.These culture expectations and assumptions run deep- so deep that we don’t even notice the
built-in sexism that separate women and men.What’s more,women
in high politic power are less than man.Still in today,people
unconsciously emphasis candidates gender when encounter
females’ name.
Language using
Both in English and Chinese,language also hind some kinds of
discrimination.”male” and “female”,using man to include the human beings,and so on.Besides,maybe high heel shoes can be
another term of please their husband or the
人类从母系社会发展到父系社会,男女角色进行了再分配:“男主外,女主内”,妇女的主导地位也随之失去。男子在家中被看作是身强力壮、主宰诸事、赡养妻小的一家之主,而女性则是依附者,活动的范围一般局限在家庭中,妇女的存在仅仅是对男子的点缀和装饰。男性在社会、政治、经济、文化等一切领域中都占着绝对的主宰地位,而女性的天地则缩小到家庭。众所周知,语言是一种特殊的社会现象,它是从劳动中创造出来的,与人的生产活动有着密切的关系,因此,当社会形成了男性占统治地位和女性居附庸地位的局面时,语言会有突出的反映。例如在以男性为中心的英语社会的婚俗中,一位女士嫁给一位男士后就会失去自己的姓名而变成“某某夫人”,就会从Miss变成Mrs.,或失去姓而只留下名,该女士也随着这种“附庸”关系而获得其社会地位,即使这位男士已经过世,她仍然是他的遗孀(如:Tom' widow)。如果要表述一个男人与一个女人结了婚,正确的表达只能是:Jane was married to (not with) John. 句中的介词“to”明确
地告诉我们,是Jane嫁给了John,Jane的地位从属于John。下面的例子也许能更好地说明这种“男娶女嫁”的婚姻规则:She wanted to marry her daughter to a rich man.
英语族人虔信宗教,其主要宗教是基督教,上帝虽然不拒绝女信徒,可他并没有把女信徒和男信徒放在同等的地位。在《圣经》中有过这样的记载:上帝先造了亚当,又从亚当的身上抽了一根肋骨(rib)造了夏娃,于是就有了用“Adam's rib”指代woman的用法。夏娃造出来后,亚当就说:“这是我骨头中的一块新骨,我皮肉上剥离的新肉;因为她取自于人(man),所以她将被称作女人(woman)”。可见从一开始,上帝就把男人放在了统治地位,女人则只能附属于“他”而存在。虽然早期基督教所宣扬的博爱平等思想使它赢得了众多的追随者,但基督教在男女关系问题上又是一个充满矛盾的宗教。在教堂举行的婚礼上,牧师会这样宣布:I now pronounce you man and wife.(not“husband and wife”)结了婚的男士还是man,仍
系列。丧夫的妇女、再嫁的妇女、产妇、孕妇和行经期间的妇女等都无权参加祭祖[2] 。我国民间土生土长的道教,虽然其中的“太平道”也曾主张社会的“极大公平”,但这个公平是不包括妇女在内的。《太平经》说:“天法阳教一,阴教二;故阳者奇,阴者偶??阳者尊,阴者卑。故二阴当共事一阳,??二女当共事一男也”。[2]其中“男尊女皓”的思想一目了然,而且还为“一夫多妻”提供了“理论”根据。在国人心里占有重要地位的佛教更是将妇女贬到了社会的最低层。它视女性为”污垢、罪恶”的结晶,《阿含经》论述妇女有“九恶”:(女子)污秽不净;口恶;反复无常;好嫉妒;悭吝;喜游乐;多嗔恚;多妄语;举动轻佻。[2]《大菩萨藏经》中还说:“妇女是众苦之本,是障害之本,是杀害之本,是系缚之本,是忧愁之本,是怨寇之本,是生育之本。应当知道,妇女是消灭圣慧之眼的。”[2]《诸经要集》说的更狠毒:“在家的俗女多恚毒,近之则失国破家,触之则如遇蛇,其言如蜜,内心如鸩。”[2]总之,妇女在佛教里比魔鬼还要坏三分,他们把一切罪过都记到了妇女的头上。
三 英汉文化传统中性别歧视现象之比较
古代中国,封建时代有把朝代更迭说成是因女人乱了朝纲(如妲己、杨玉环),却避而不谈封建统治者腐败导致革命的事实,因而有了“红颜祸水”之说,又如“哲夫成城,哲妇城倾”、“牝鸡司晨,惟家之常”,如此说法英语中也有相同表达:“It is sad house
where the hen crows louder than the  cocks”, “ It’s a silly sorry ,
flock where the owe hears the bell women are the devil’s nets (妇人是万恶之源)”, “No devil is so bad as she  debit (女人没有灵魂)”, “Women have no souls (恶魔还没有凶恶的女人历害)”,
“ Nothing agrees worse than a lady’s heart and beggar’s purse (妇人之心和乞丐的钱包一样,糟糕透顶) ”。
四 用词的中性化
语言是社会生活的一面镜子,它反映着社会生活的方方面面。性别歧视现象体现于语言形式,但根源于社会和文化。这一观点既适用于英语,又适用于汉语,尽管英汉语中的性别歧视现象可采用不同的形式,但它们共同反映了各自的社会,文化等现实,它们的变更方式不同,但方向一致,即去除社会文化给语言打上了性别歧视的烙印。而要在较短的时期内消除这一现象是不可能实现的,但不可否认,男女平等的观念已经深入人心,一种新的价值观正在逐渐形成和发展。可以预见,随着人类社会的发展,语言中的性别歧视现象将会引起更多的关注,并伴随着文化传统中性别歧视现象的消灭而最终消失。一批著名的女权主义者、女性主义文学批评家,如法国的西蒙?波伏娃(S imone de Beauvoir)、克里斯多娃(J.Kristeva)、西苏(H.Cixous)、英国的弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫(Virqinia Woolf)、美国的肖瓦尔特(E.Showalter)等都非常重视对男性语言的批判。她们认为,首先应该从语言上颠覆男权统治,主张创造没有性别歧视的词汇或用中性词替代具有明显性别差异的词汇等。如,用domestic engineer代替housewife;用dingle代替离婚后的男女,因为,离婚后的男子仍可称bachelor,而离婚后的女子只能是divorcee;用中性词person代替man或woman构词,如:mankind-personkind,fisherman-fisherperson,chai rman -chairperson,salesman-salesperson等。另外,男性泛化词后面添上表示女性的词或改成不带性别标识的复数形式:
1.Someone has left his or her bag in the classroom.
2.Students should sudy hard.If they don't,they cannot make
男性词(he,him,his等)指代男女双性,要用兼顾两性的he or she,him/her等。机械师、打字员和餐厅服务员等职位不可偏向一
性,如,“Waite r required”属违法广告用语,要用“Waiter/Waitress required”取代。美国政府也很重视女权主义者改变性别歧视语言
(Dictionary of Occupational Title)就尽量避开了性别歧视语言:
maid-house wor ker or helper,takceff man-battery plate
remover,takeoff girl-form stripper,gover ness-nanny,etc.
[1] The Holy Bible,London:Collins'Clear-Type Prss,1906.
[2] 王庆淑.中国传统习俗中的性别歧视[M].北京:北京大学出版社,1995.
[3] 穆凤良,李秀萍.英语中的性别歧视与中性化[J].外语与外语教学,1998(5):17—2 0.
[4] 常敬宇.汉语词汇与文化[M].北京:北京大学出版社,1995.
【作者单位】:北京外国语大学外国语言研究所 内蒙古大学外国语学院
【关键词】:英语 性别歧视 原因探悉
【关键词】: 性别歧视 动物名词 现代英语 男性或女性 语言过程 “妓女” 代词 贬义 比喻 用法
作文五:《好莱坞的性别歧视》9600字好莱坞的性别歧视早已不是什么新鲜事。从索尼影业被黑客攻击后泄露出男女高管巨大薪资差距,到报告公布出女导演和女制片几十年未变的可怜比例,再到女演员们最被关心的问题永远离不开穿什么,好莱坞的性别歧视问题正因持续被曝光而逐渐受到人们的关注。当红的一线女星作为女主角的电影片酬居然敌不过同一部影片中作为男配角的二线男星的片酬,这令人大为吃惊,然而这只是好莱坞性别歧视现象的冰山一角,好莱坞台前幕后的女性会遭遇到哪些不公正的待遇,其背后的原因何在?让我们来一一探究!   How Hollywood Keeps Out Women   omen are not 1)tapped for power jobs in Hollywood. Their numbers trail far behind the percentage of females in executive positions in other heavily male-dominated endeavors, including the military, tech, finance, government, science and engineering. In 2013, 1.9 percent of the directors of Hollywood’s 100 top-grossing films were female. In 2011, women held 7.1 percent of U.S. military general and 2)admiral posts, 20 percent of U.S. Senate seats and more than 20 percent of leadership roles at Twitter and Facebook―and both companies now face gender-discrimination lawsuits.   At top U.S. film schools, women and men are almost equally represented. Females account for 46 percent of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts graduate students. At New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, 51 percent of graduate students are women.   Yet between the day these women graduate and the day, a few years later, that their male college peers begin showing up in film credits, most women filmmakers vanish into 3)obscurity.   A study 4)commissioned by the Sundance Institute and Women in Film Los Angeles, found that women and men who graduate from Sundance’s prestigious labs in Utah finish their films at the same rate and get their films accepted to the world’s top independent festivals at the same rate.   Then something unsettling happens. After competing at Sundance and other big festivals, the men who win awards are often tapped to direct for the Big Six: Disney, Universal, Warner Bros., Paramount, Sony and 20th Century Fox. But Big Six studio executives seem to ignore the award-winning female filmmakers, rarely inviting them to direct a picture.   Explanations for why studio executives and top agents tend to 5)snub talented women have been playing on repeat for decades. Since at least the 1970s, studio execs have 6)deflected discussion of themselves and pointed to the women. They contend that the pool of female talent is too small and that women are not interested in directing action and comic book movies―and have even suggested women can’t handle big budgets.     But Barbara Schock, chair of NYU’s graduate film program, says, “We train everybody in the whole range of filmmaking. I’m seeing no difference whatsoever in their abilities,” whether male or female.   Hollywood wasn’t always like this. When the film industry 7)coalesced in Los Angeles in the early 1900s, some of its most powerful players were women.   Screenwriter Frances Marion wrote nearly 200 films between 1915 and 1989, and often collaborated with other women. Lois Weber was one of early Hollywood’s most prolific and powerful directors, with more than 130 films to her credit.   But two events in the 1920s brought that glimmer of equality to a halt. In 1921, Roscoe“Fatty” Arbuckle was 8)implicated in the death of young actress Virginia Rappe. The Fatty Arbuckle scandal was used to create this public discussion of Hollywood encouraging young women to do things 9)unchaperoned. Then, beginning in 1929, Depression and Hollywood’s transition from silent films to talkies forced executives to deal with Wall Street for loans. Hollywood began answering to Wall Street, sidelining women because the financiers didn’t back them.   Between 1949 and 1979, the robust female talent behind the cameras all but disappeared. To watch films was to see a world made up of men, acting out men’s stories financed by men, written by men and filmed by men, with women often thrown in as sidekicks or arm candy.   In the late 1960s and 1970s, women started fighting back. The Women’s Committee of the Screen Actors Guild was formed in 1972. In 1973, activists founded the Committee of Women Writers at the Writers Guild of America.   In 1979, six female directors established the Women’s Steering Committee at the Directors Guild of America. Producer-director Victoria Hochberg was one of the six. “We had all reached a certain level of success,” says Hochberg. “I had been nominated for an Emmy, one of us had won an Oscar and another had won a 10)Peabody…but at a certain point, it just came out. ‘Are you working?’ ‘No.’ ‘Are you working?’ ‘No.’”   Hochberg and her group dug up the data showing that just 14 films had been directed by women in the previous 30 years. “Now that,” she says, “is a startling statistic.” They confronted studio executives but were ignored. So in the early 1980s, they sued. That got executives’ attention: Between 1985 and 1995, the number of films directed by women skyrocketed to 16 percent from nearly zero.   The Daily Beast revealed last December that Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams, the female stars of American Hustle, were paid far less than even a secondary male actor in the film, Jeremy Renner.     Another example of the double standard: Women   with a box office failure often don’t get hired again, but men who fail do. “If a movie starring or written by or directed by a man 11)flops, people don’t blame the gender of the creator,” Diablo Cody says. “It’s just kind of weird how the blame is always immediately placed on female directors.”   According to Mina Cikara, an assistant professor of psychology at Harvard University, research shows that change starts at the top. “If the most powerful person at the table neglects to even look in the direction of the sole female fleet member,” she says, “then yes, other people are going to pick up on that info and 12)follow suit.”   Hollywood’s top-level executives do just that. They have maintained radio silence on the industry’s gender imbalance issue for decades.   Why do executives in one of the world’s most progressive and cosmopolitan communities make decisions like these?   Susanne Quadflieg, a neuroscientist and an expert in gender bias at Bristol University in London, explained that MRI-based brain studies show stereotypes are activated in about 170 milliseconds. No matter how open-minded we fancy ourselves, these biases kick in without our realizing it.   Quadflieg says a process known as “implicit stereotyping” allows these split-second biases to kick in despite political or personal beliefs. When a woman 13)defies these biased expectations, “You’re very good at coming up with reasons for why that might be: ‘Oh, her dad was a professor, too.’ But with a man, they just think, ‘OK, yeah, there’s a man who’s good in math. Big deal.’”   The research also points to an elegantly straightforward solution to this problem that has loomed over Hollywood since the 1940s: Studio executives and top agents should just hire more women.   “If you had a lot of exposure to these unexpected roles for women, you would, over time, adjust your expectation,” Quadflieg says. “The easiest way to overcome stereotypical expectations is to get them repeatedly violated.”   在好莱坞,担当重要职位的女性并不多。好莱坞的女性高管数量远远落后于其他由男性主宰的行业,包括军队、技术、金融、政府、科学和建造工程等行业。2013年,好莱坞总票房前100名影片的导演中仅有1.9%是女性。而在2011年,女性占据了7.1%的美国军事将领和海军上将的岗位,20%的美国参议院席位以及超过20%的Twitter和Facebook领导角色――而现在这两家公司都面临着性别歧视诉讼。   在美国顶级的电影学院中,男女学生比例基本持平。南加州大学电影艺术学院毕业生中女性占了46%。在纽约大学提斯克艺术学院,51%的毕业生是女性。   然而,从这些女性毕业的那天起,到之后的几年间,她们的男性校友就已开始在电影行业中崭露头角,而大多数的女性电影制作人则逐渐销声匿迹。     圣丹斯协会和洛杉矶女性电影人协会组织进行的一项研究显示,从犹他州著名的圣丹斯实验室毕业的男女比例相同,他们打入世界顶级独立电影节的影片比例也相同。   然而,一些令人不安的事情发生了。在圣丹斯和其他大型电影节中角逐后,赢得奖项的男性们经常被挖掘担任六大电影公司的导演:迪斯尼、环球、华纳兄弟、派拉蒙、索尼影业和二十世纪福克斯公司。但是六大电影公司的高级主管似乎忽略了获奖的女导演,几乎没有邀请她们导演任何影片。   几十年来,电影公司的高级主管和顶尖经纪公司对冷落有才华的女性所作出的解释一直是老调重弹。早自20世纪70年代起,高级主管们就转嫁舆论锋芒,把问题的矛头直指女性。他们声称女性才华有局限性以及女性对导演动作片和由漫画改编的电影并不感兴趣――甚至暗示女性没有能力控制高额预算。   但是纽约大学毕业生电影项目的主席芭芭拉?休克却这样说道:“我们全方位训练每一位学生的电影导演能力。从他们的能力方面来看,我看不到任何区别。”勿论男女。   好莱坞并不总是如此。20世纪初,电影产业开始在洛杉矶兴起,那时,许多具有巨大影响力的演员都是女性。   从1915年至1989年间,电影剧本作家弗兰丝斯?马丽恩创作了近200部电影剧本,也经常和其他女性合作。洛伊斯?韦伯就是好莱坞早期的一位极其多产且具有巨大影响力的电影导演,她导演了130多部令人称颂的电影。   但发生在20世纪20年代的两个事件使得这种平等的希望之光停止了闪烁。1921年,“大胖”罗斯科?阿巴克尔牵涉年轻女演员维吉尼亚?拉佩之死。大胖阿巴克尔丑闻被借以引导公众大肆讨论好莱坞鼓励年轻女性在无成人监护的情况下工作。接着,自1929年开始,经济大萧条以及好莱坞从无声电影转向有声电影使得高管们不得不向华尔街贷款。好莱坞开始为了迎合华尔街而排斥女性,因为投资者们并不支持女性。   从1949到1979年间,摄影机后那些精力充沛、才华横溢的女性几乎全部消失了。看电影就像是看一个由男人组成的世界,这些影片讲述的都是由男人投资、由男人创作、由男人拍摄的有关男人的故事,而女性则经常作为助手或者是花瓶美女出现。   20世纪60年代和70年代后期,女性开始反击。1972年,美国女性演员工会委员会成立。1973年,维权分子在美国作家协会中创设了女作家委员会。   1979年,六位女导演为美国导演协会创设了女性指导委员会。制作人兼导演维多利亚?霍赫贝格就是其中一位创设者。“我们都取得了一定的成就。”霍赫贝格说道。“我曾被提名艾美奖,我们其中一位曾获得奥斯卡奖,另一位曾获得皮博迪奖……但在某种程度上,得到的结果不过如此――‘你有在工作吗?’‘没有。’‘你有在工作吗?’‘没有。’”   霍赫贝格和她的队员们挖掘出来的数据表明,在过去的30年里,只有14部电影是由女性导演的。“这无疑,”她说道,“是个惊人的数据。”她们与电影公司的高级主管们对峙,但却受到了忽略。因此,在20世纪80年代初,她们提出了


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