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Diablo III: Book of Cain (暗黑破坏神3凯恩之书)
Deckard Cain
【包邮】2012年Diablo III: Book of Cain (暗黑破坏神3凯恩之书)
Deckard Cain
【包邮】2012年Diablo III: Book of Cain (暗黑破坏神3凯恩之书)
Deckard Cain
【包邮】2012年Diablo III: Book of Cain (暗黑破坏神3凯恩之书)
Deckard Cain
【原版包邮】2012年Diablo III: Book of Cain (暗黑破坏神3凯恩之书)
Deckard Cain
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DiabloIIIBook Of Tyrael Take heed the the truthsThat lie hereinFor they are the living legacy of the Horadrim 暗黑破坏神3之书 留意这些真言吧他们是赫拉迪姆最后的遗产 Introduction 引言 Horadrim, we stand at the turning of a new chapter in mortal history.For thousands of years,mankind existed in the shadow of angels and demons. At best, humans were looked upon with cold indifference. At worst,they were seen as discordant notes in the symphony of creation,or weapons to sway the tide of the Eternal Conflict.赫拉迪姆,我们即将翻开人类历史的新篇章。千百年来,人类一直在天使与恶魔的阴影下苟活。幸运时,他们被视而不见;不幸时,则被视为创世乐章中的不和谐的音符,或者成为了影响这场永恒之战进程的兵器。That era is over. Mortals have emerged from a place of inconsequence to become the masters of ther own destiny and to stand as equals alongside even angels. 然而这样的时代已然结束了,凡人已经走出了这种逆境,并主宰了自己的命运,甚至站在了与天使比肩的高度。 As I think on these auspicious times, I am reminded of the price paid to bring humanity this far. Every mortal alive today is beholden to a legacy of great men of women that spans the breadth of history. The common thread woven between them is that greatest of mortal traits, the fire of inspiration that first opened my eyes to the potential of humans so long ago: their capacity for sacrifice and selflessness. 我想在这些幸运的时代里,我谨记人类为此付出的无尽牺牲,那些伟大儿女们的努力成为了历史的长河中的遗珍,是能生活在今天的每一个凡人都应该要感激的。而平凡却又编织着凡人伟大的特质,长久以来,我初次就已然窥见到人类的天性:那就是他们的无私奉献与无畏牺牲。 I speak of Uldyssian ul-Diomed, the awakened nephalem. I speak of Tal Rasha and the first H of the elderly scholar Deckard Cain, who carried on their teachings and beliefs. I speak of those brave individuals who vanquished the Prime Evil in the High Heavens, accomplishing a task that the angels themselves were unable to manage. 说起Diomedes之子乌迪西安2,那个被唤醒的涅法雷姆3。说起第一代赫拉迪姆的塔.拉夏4;以及年长的学者迪卡德.凯恩5,是谁让他们遵循信仰的指导和教诲。是谁在高阶天堂勇敢的征服了恶魔,完成了天使都无法完成的伟业。 You know of them. You have read of their deeds and of the hard choices they made in the war to spare the hearts of mankind from evil. There is, however, another person who deserves recognition-someone who I fear that generations to come will misunderstand or even vilify. 你知道他们的,你读过他们的事迹,以及为了让人类远离邪恶之物带来的战争而做出的艰难抉择。至此,无论如何,我将提到的另一个值得颂扬的人类,我担心如果不为其正名,她将会被世人遭到误解甚至诋毁。 Her name was Leah. 她的名字曾经叫做莉亚。 She was born to the witch Adria and the Dark Wanderer, a man whose body served as a vessel for Diablo, the Lord of Terror. From the moment of her birth, the demon’s essence lurked within Leah, an unseen watcher hidden in the shadowed corners of her soul. When the time came, her own mother betrayed her, allowing Diablo to take hold of the young woman and twist her body into the Prime Evil reborn. 她曾是由女巫爱德利亚6和黑暗流浪者所生7,这个男人将自己的身体作为容器侍奉给了恐惧之王-暗黑破坏神。从她出生的那一刻起,这个恶魔就潜伏到了莉亚的体内,将自己的隐藏在她灵魂的深处,当时机成熟时,她的母亲背叛了她,并让暗黑破坏神从这个年轻女孩身体内破茧重生了。 For some of you, this is everything you know of Leah. You may see her story as just another example of mankind’s darker half and penchant for corruption. 对于你们当中的一些人来说,这是你们所知道关于莉亚的一切事件,你们也许只看到她作为一个人类,因为自身的另一半邪恶的基因,而引起罪恶堕落的例子。 But when I think of Leah, I do not see the face of evil. I see the niece of Deckard Cain, a kindhearted young woman who was the light of her uncle’s life. I see a determined scholar hunched over stacks of ancient tomes, spending every waking hour searching for answers to forestall the coming End of Days. I see a friend, braving the legions of the Burning Hells, her hope an inspiration to everyone who fought by her side. 但其实每当我想起莉亚,我都无法从那脸庞中看出邪恶,我只看到她是迪卡德.凯恩的侄女,用她善良的内心照亮了她的叔叔的生命。并且我也只看到一个埋头查阅古代书籍的学者,花费她所有的精力去寻求末日来临日的答案,我看到了一位挚友,勇敢的面对地狱燃烧军团,她希望每个站在她这一边的人们,都能得到她的帮助。
Leah never asked to take part in this struggle. The calling arrived unbidden, as it often does. Her uncle spent over twenty years of his life searching for a way to avert the End of Days. When death took him, his vast arcana-housed in dozens of books, research scrolls, and other vital items-were passed on to Leah, wrapped in the dying wish of the man who had been the only real family she had ever known: 莉亚从来没有要求参加这场本不属于她的战争。宿命的召唤总是这样如期而至。他的叔叔用了二十年的生命来寻求避免末日来临的办法,而当死亡窥探他的时候,他将终极的秘密,包括成千上万的藏书,值得研究的卷轴,和其他重要的物品一并都传授给了莉亚。他作为莉亚唯一的亲人,在这当中隐藏了给予她的遗愿。 It falls to you now, dear one, to draw your own conclusions regarding these apocryphal texts-and to warn the world of the perils that draw nearer with every passing day. 现在这些东西都属于你了,亲爱的,随时要提醒自己,关于这些谬言,其实正警示着每经过一天,世界就离危险更进一步的定论。 Those words, and the belief that humanity’s future rested squarely on her shoulders, haunted Leah like a specter. She was not a scholar like Cain, nor was she a great mage like the frist Horadrim. Nonetheless, she did not take the easy path and turn away from her calling. Instead, she devoted herself to it entirely. No matter how often she doubted herself, or how dark and winding her path became, she never looked back. 这些文字,让她将人类的未来希望承担在自己的肩上,莉亚像个鬼魂般的忧心忡忡,她无法成为像凯恩那样的学者,也无法成为像第一代赫拉迪姆那样伟大的古代学士,即便如此,她也没有轻言放弃那份对她一直以来的召唤。反而倒是,使她全心全意的努力承担起了这份重任,既不顾她如何怀疑自己能否做到,也不顾前方的的道路如何黑暗曲折,她从未想过退缩。 And she did all off this with Diablo’s essence stirring in her heart. 而这都来自那颗本质上是破坏神激荡内心的她。 Tal Rasha once said of mortals, “We cannot always change the future,but we can fight to guide it. In so doing, even if we fail, we will have set a path for others to follow.” 塔.拉夏曾这样描述过凡人,“我们无法改变未来,但我们可以为之而奋斗,到那时,就算我们失败了,我们其他人也将前仆后继”。 I can find no better example of this wisdom than Leah. Even if she had known the truth of her origins-and perhaps near the end, she suspected it -it was beyond her ability to change. It was beyond any of our abilities to change. 我找不到一个能比莉亚更睿智的榜样了,也许她模糊的预知到了末日来临真相,她也曾怀疑过,她能否有能力改变这一事实,其实这也超出了任何人能改变这一事实的能力。 So do not judge her based on what she became. Remember her, instead, as I do. See in her the great things that define all mortals: their innate ability to reach for heights unseen, to stand unyielding against an opposing force, to dream. Remember her as a worthy successor to all those whose sacrifices have brought us to this point in history. 所以不要轻易就对她作出评判,反而要像我一样记住她,清楚的分清她作为凡人所作的伟大的贡献,他们的能力已达到前所未有的高度,坚定不移面对武力,要梦想着,记住她为我们做出的那些牺牲,成为在历史的长河中浓重的一笔。 I relate this to you because in the coming days, we would do well to find inspiration in Leah’s story. Mortals have won many recent victories, but there is much to be done. 因为你我,将在即将来临之日,我们得让莉亚的事迹启发激励自己做的更出色,虽然凡人已经赢得许多次胜利,但在这里仍然有许多事情有待完成。 I refer you to the Prophecy of the End Days: 你要明白我指的是末日来临的预言: ...And, at the End of Days, Wisdom shall be lost as Justice falls upon the world of menValor shall turn to Wrath-And all Hope will be swallowed by Despair.Death, at last, shall spread its wings over all-As Fate lies shattered forever. ……先是,在末日来临时,智慧将会消逝正义化为凡人陨落世间勇气将成为愤怒之后所有的希望将被绝望吞噬最后,死亡将展开羽翼终结一切命运就此被彻底粉碎 PS.(玩过资料片的童鞋,已经对预言没啥可解惑的了,就是3一开始,玛瑟尔一走心思先颠了,泰书记“自甘堕落”放弃神的身份,拆了部分违章建筑崔斯特姆大教堂,英普瑞斯童鞋一腔子热血要逗逼携命,而支持泰书记的希望天使妹子也被至高天集团给踢团了,最后玛瑟尔童鞋想通了,准备玩死所有人类和恶魔,拯救上苍,命天使咋滴咧?)
Not all of these events have come to pass. I fear that hidden within these cryptic lines are clues to what lies in tore for us. In order to better prepare you against this ominous future, the tome you now hold in your hands compiles knowledge that will aid in protecting you from a range of dark threats. I elaborate on these subjects- from the betrayer Adria to the Black Soulstone and many more-in the chapters ahead. A great deal of the information contained herein was taken from Cain’s writings and Leah’s investigation into the End of Days - knowledge that remains vitally important to our cause. 有些事情还没有过去,我恐怕还有一些我们不为所知的神秘线索隐藏其中。为了准备更好的让你们迎接不祥的未来,在你手中的这本书内的知识,将有助于保护和面对,接下来威胁你们的一系列邪恶,我会在初篇中,阐述更多有关于背叛者爱德莉亚的黑灵魂石这类资料。末日来临的大量资料细节都是来自于凯恩的书记和莉亚的研究调查,这些知识对我们的工作至关重要。 I do not claim these pages contain everything you will need to know in the battles to come . This book is merely a continuation of the research begun by the first Horadrim, carried on by Deckard Cain and, most recently, Leah. 我不想误导你们会在书页所提供的那些知识中,能在即将来临的战斗里全部适用。这本书仅仅只是研究第一代赫拉迪姆的延续,它们来自于迪卡德.凯恩和近期的莉亚。 Now, as mankind looks toward its future, this legacy falls to you. 现在,人类需展望未来,这份遗产将属于你们了。 Know that more than ever before, the mortal world is in need of heroes. A time may soon come when you will be asked to make the ultimate sacrifice. If it does, find courage in the memory of Uldyssian, Tal Rasha, Deckard Cain, and Leah. Remember all they overcame, how they seized the brilliant potential that burns in every human heart. 此时不如彼时,凡人世界更需要英雄了。在这即将来临的时刻,你当做出更大的牺牲。如果退缩了,向记忆中的乌迪西安,塔.拉夏,迪卡德.凯恩和莉亚寻求勇气。想想他们克服了什么,看他们是如何用自己的闪耀的潜能,激发了人们的炙热的内心。 Above all, remember that no matter how much the future may spiral out of control, how dark the days may become, a single mortal has the power to change not only this world, but the realms beyond. 综上所述,记住无论未来将有多么难以控制,也不论接下来有多么黑暗,一个凡人拥有的能力不仅能改变这个世界,更要超越领域 Tyrael 泰瑞尔
Part one 第一章 Adria 爱德莉亚 The following is acollection of notes I discovered among Leah’s possessions in Bastions’s Keep.Itincludes an investigation of her mother’s past written by Cain and accompaniedby personal journal entries and notes from Leah.I do not know Adria’s currentwhereabouts,but I believe she is still alive.Read the following passagescarefully,for they may contain critical information to use against the betrayershould you cross paths with her again.
Sth day of Ratham1285 Anno Kehjistani 在草席的某天(我实在是不明白Ratham这个单词是什么意思,百度和必应是草席,地铺什么的,所以我猜可能是躺在草堆里休息的意思)于 卡基斯坦 1285年
As I look back on recentevents,it’s hard to believe how much has happened.For one,I finally reunitedwith my mother,Adria.Together we recovered the Black Soulstone,a relic createdby the renegade Horadrim Zoltun Kulle.Then,just days ago,Belial nearlydestroyed Caldeum.I can still picture the meteors raining from thesky,shattering the city’s great spires and snuffing out so many innocent lives.
But the thing I remembermost is losing uncle Deckard. I’m haunted by that day in New Tristram,thefeeling of helplessness as I watched him take his last breath.
Being in Caldeum onlymakes the memory of it more painful.my uncle lover this city.Everywhere Ilook,I’m reminded of the time we spent here throughout the years,exploring thenarrow alleyways,sifting through piles of dusty scrolls in the greatlibrary.Now,the only real connection I have with him is the research he leftme.
The End of Days.I can’tremember how many times uncle Deckard went on about the Prophecy,muttering thewords under his breath.How did he carry on this tedious work for so long?There’sno end to the books.It would take a lifetime to get through them all.Just thismorning, I found a new journal among his things.I know I should open it,but I’mafraid that if I do,I will only be left with more guestions.
I feel as ifTyrael,Adria,and the nephalem are expecting me to make some kind ofbreakthrough.They believe I have all the answers,but the truth is that I don’tknow a damned thing.They are the ones with the real power.
I wish Uncle Deckardwere here to guide me.I wish I could tell him everything that’s happened.Tyraelhas regained his memories,and whenever he tells me about the Angiris Council orthe High Heavens,all I can think of is how much Uncle would have loved to hearthe stories.
Most of all,I just wantto hear his voice one last time.I want him to tell me that he’s alright.healways said there was something waiting for us after death.A paradise.
I hope you foundit,Uncle.I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be. -Leah. 我希望叔叔您已经找到了,我希望您已梦想成真了。 莉亚.
马克说,这本书值得一看! 话说楼主实体书在哪弄到的?


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