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Watching my wife | Is It Normal? | isitnormal.com
Watching my wife
I too would like to know if watching my wife enjoyed by other men is normal. I don't feel any jealousy when watching my wife give her all to another man. I love it.
Just like the other guy, I love watching my wife being looked at, flirting with, and seduced by other men. We have a good marriage I think, because she too likes to have sex with other men and is turned on by me watching,
Years ago this turn on confused me and had my asking why I enjoyed this unusual type of sex. If you told anyone about it, family or friends, they would think you were sick. I don't feel I am, but can't give a reason why I enjoy this type of sex.
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i like a guy should i tell him or not?
Question by monkey girl
Submitted on 12/8/2003
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i like a guy should i tell him or not?
Answer by cuteishone_678
Submitted on 1/22/2004
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of course. take it easy. don't go up to him and say i like you then run away and never talk to him again. tell you truth he probably won't talk to you again if you do that. tell him that you you like him and would get to know him better.i know its not easy. believe me, i'vedone it before. i'min the middle of one right now. just take it easy and do it on the phone. ask him that you would like to talk something out with him and would like it to be private. good luck!
Answer by #1hazeleyes
Submitted on 1/24/2004
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i like this guy and i think he likes me to because he always looks at me but i don't know how to tell him. the thing is he has a girlfriend but he doesn't really like her what should i do
Answer by becca
Submitted on 1/29/2004
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i am going through thesame thing and i am finally going to tell him. if i don't tell him it would be worse then if he didn't like me.&&I think he likes me so it won't hurt if i tell him and it wouldn't hurt if you told him either
luv, becca
Answer by KeLlOgS_001
Submitted on 2/5/2004
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I think you should tell him cause if you leave it up to the guy then nothing is ever gonna get done and you could go on forever liking him and giving him signs but he might not catch on to what you want.&&So just go for it!!!
Answer by sam
Submitted on 2/7/2004
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hey.I'm going through the same thing.i like this guy hes like my best friend and he has a girlfriend and every time is see him with her he has to kiss her in front of me and smile.its like he knows i like him i don't know what to do.I LOVE HIM i know i do.
Answer by aznchika1028
Submitted on 2/7/2004
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hey there... i am going through whether i should tell this guy or not... It's hard but really when you're around him you can actually tell if he likes you. if he looks at you and smiles when he sees you. than again always telling the person gets it off your chest. if he doesn't like you back you know you will find somebody else. but give it a shot thats what i am doing.. it's not going to be easy but it won't hurt! aite.. so good luck!
Answer by n-a
Submitted on 2/14/2004
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Are you twelve or just insecure? What's the worst that will happen? He'll laugh and tell you he's gay. Big deal! Plenty of guys out there.
Answer by ~nezzi~
Submitted on 2/14/2004
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Hey, I'mnezzi, and I have been liking this guy for the past 1 and half, don't think I'ma loser or anything, it is just that me and him are really good friends and I have liked him since then, he got everything going on for him, hes good looking, he as a great personality, best and nicest guy I have ever met, hes a professional snowboarder and baseball player and hes my friend, me on the other side, I'mjust there you know, like i got my qualities but i got my bad stuff too, and it makes me feel as if I'm not worth him, but anyways, i can't hold how i feel any longer and i really want to tell him, but I'mso scared hes gonna reject me and never talk to me, I'mso scared of everything that will come out of this and all I'masking lol is how should i tell him, over the phone, face to face, or just i don't know, and how should i do it????
Answer by Amil
Submitted on 2/16/2004
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Go out and tell him! first you should talk to him in private somewhere. weather on the phone or in person, your decision! then tell him even to not be mad and you still want to be friends, just tell him you like him, if he's your good friend, he'll understand and hopefully feel the same way you do! and if he says no go away, he wasn't a true friend to begin with! hope this helps you!
Answer by superMadison0521
Submitted on 2/17/2004
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i like this guy but he is a senior and i am only a junior. and i barely know him... well sort of... I know what he wants to be, and about his living situation, and about his dirty little habits (he smokes pot, but he is trying to get over it), and i know that he has a lot of ambition. so i know him but i don't know him. cause like he is in my 4th hour and we talk sometimes but i don't see him out of history class.cause he only has 4 classes so he doesn't stick around after 4th hour for when i go to lunch and then to my theatre classes. but i mean i like him, but he is also leaving a month after he graduates (graduation is June 3rd) to New York. And now we are in Arizona. so what do i do?
Answer by help me!
Submitted on 2/25/2004
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there's this guy i like who's in the same year as me and i got to know him on a recent school trip where we got on really well. But now we're back to school,i hardly see him but would love to get his number. How do i go about doing this??
Answer by Little piggy
Submitted on 2/25/2004
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hey theres this boy who i think likes me I like him a whole LOT! We always make eye contact and he throws erasers at me a lot but he does this to other girls too.Plus there is another boy who is dating someone who dosnt like his GF&&we always make eye contact too and is really nice even though i really dont think he is that cute. what should i do??
Answer by kt
Submitted on 2/29/2004
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dude, I am just as confused as u guys. I like this guy, I go along well w/@ camp, + I think he's really hot! I can't stop thinkin about him too. When he seesme he smiles, but that doesnt help me much except that I melt whenever he smiles @ me, or laughs. What should i do? I cant concentrate much. Even if i don't have a clue if he really likes me, should i just dive in?
Answer by JOY
Submitted on 3/1/2004
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Answer by kare bear
Submitted on 3/4/2004
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I like this guy, but i dont think he feels the same way as me. I dont know if i should tell him like i know were friends, but i dont know if he would be open to more. I would jus tell him but the problem is that he isn't very popular and he isn't hot. I mean he's average i guess but i would feel stupid if i got regected by him!! what should I do?????
Answer by Tuppence
Submitted on 3/10/2004
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Come on!&&Get a friend to do it, if he says no get the friend to say it was a dare!&&Works like a charm if he says no!&&I'm your age, feel your pain, and also need advice!&&How do you get guys to like you?
Answer by Not Telling!
Submitted on 3/11/2004
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Please, go up and tell him that you likes him. i a problem same as you but i cant do what i told you so good luck 2 you!
Answer by draw4life
Submitted on 3/11/2004
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I just recently told a guy i liked him, and at first it was REALLY embarrassing. it was over AIM, and i went "AAAAAAAHHHHH" for a while after i did it, then i asked who he liked and it was some other girl. that kinda sucked but now i guess I'm ok.
Answer by Soccer Girl
Submitted on 3/11/2004
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See i like this guy we have been friends for a while and one day we stayed after school and we went behind the school building and made out then a couple weeks later he said he had a girlfriend
Answer by Josh R
Submitted on 3/12/2004
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Yeah you should Not tell her i told a girl that i liked her and she blew me off so yeah now I'm never going to tell a girl that i like them GIRLS ARE MEAN!!!!
Answer by cool one
Submitted on 3/12/2004
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I have a huge problem: I like this guy and he likes someone else but I've heard that he doesn't like her anymore but I don't know if thats true. Should I go for it and tell him I like him or fly solo?
Answer by HANNAH
Submitted on 3/12/2004
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Answer by deba
Submitted on 3/13/2004
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wow! seems like a lotta girls are in the same deal as me. well i wish i had enough courage to do something about it but guys are sooo confusing. one day were like getting along like really really really well, and i think he likes me! the next day im being ignored and then the next day he kinda flirts and then he really flirts then doesnt! what should i do?!! well i suppose you could try an old trick:
girl: will you go out with me
boy: no
girl: YES! i win! (run over to friend and jump up and down, shouting 'haha! i was right'&&then go back to him and go thanks for being part of our bet! and walk off laughing)
but still, you need courage. also if you ask him out and he says he will tell you tomorrow then it wont work and youre busted, so if he says that go dont worry about it, or ask him to please answer today!! sometimes it doesnt work so just be confident.
Answer by fabulous
Submitted on 3/14/2004
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hey, im 13 n i really like this boy n all, n im not sure i wnna go out wiv him cuz well were really gd mates n were in the same class and stuff, and anyway, i don't mind tellin him i fncy him, cuz i get the feeling he likes me 2, so im just gettin my bets friend 2 tell him wen im not there she knows som1 who fncies him and it will lead from there, i meen wen u dnt tell him u fncy him u gradualy get ova him and its really nice 2 know u like som1 n they like u, so alwyas go 4 it, the embaressment fades away if evrything goes wrong.
Answer by Casey
Submitted on 3/16/2004
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I like 2 guys and one guy I know does not like me becasue on Valintine day I gave him a note that said will you be my Valintine and He turned around and shook his head. I got really upset but I am better now.
and this other guy He looks at me but I dont know if he likes me or what I mean I really like him but I don't know I am just so confused
Answer by sunflowergrl
Submitted on 3/17/2004
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i think you should go with the second because if the first guy does not like you then he will maybe not change his mine
Answer by christa
Submitted on 3/17/2004
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Well, I like this guy and we've been hanging out and he invites me to go to his house a lot, he's told me he loves me and I tell him I love him too, but the thing is he has a girlfriend and she now knows about me telling him I love him...I don't know what to do. He told me he'd make his decision this month about everything. What do you guys think I should do other then just wait?
Answer by Laura
Submitted on 3/18/2004
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I like this guy, he carried me and is always with me. I feel really good around him. I think he likes me, and I really LOVE him. But then again, he looks at this other gilr, and when he says hi to her, and she doesn't kis him, he says "is that a kiss?" or something like that. I'm so confused. Does he like me or that girl??? Just 4 the record, he is very (VERY) flirty, does that have anything 2 do?? Who does he like??? plz HELP&
Answer by susan
Submitted on 3/18/2004
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i think he likes you he just wants to see if you can stand jealousy. ummm... now i have a question, how do i get a guy to like me?
Answer by heffersayWHAT
Submitted on 3/19/2004
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I know what you mean, I just realized I like a friend of mine and I don't know if I should tell him. I'm also worried because we are of different races--he is black and I'm white. While I dont care (I mean, he is THE sweetest guy) I'm a little worried what will happen if I tell him.
Answer by daydreamer27
Submitted on 3/20/2004
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wow, lots of girls feeling how i'm feeling... cept i've liked this one guy since December of 2002!! over a year i've had a crush on this guy... i'm a senior in highschool and he's a junior (i go to a really small school, by the way)... i'm so fed up with not knowing how he feels... we've never hung out together b4 and we've only talked a few times about nothing, but little things he does makes me think he likes me too... i hate not knowing, so i've decided to just get it over with... i'm either gunna ask him on AIM or write him a note... which do y'all think i should do? in the note i would tell him to call me or text me on my cell phone to let me know how he feels... but AIM it's a direct response unless he decides not to answer me (if he doesn't like me)... any help would be appreciated!
Answer by amy
Submitted on 3/23/2004
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i fancy a boy but i told hi m at a disco do that
Answer by HANNAH
Submitted on 3/23/2004
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Answer by Brandon
Submitted on 3/24/2004
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If you like him you should tell him the way you feel about him and if he don't respond the way you want him respond then he isn't the guy for you.
Answer by Trinity
Submitted on 3/26/2004
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Okay there is this guy and I have dumped him more than once and now I am afraid to tell him that I think I love him. What should I do?
Answer by Trinity
Submitted on 3/26/2004
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Okay there is this guy and I have dumped him more than once and now I am afraid to tell him that I think I love him. What should I do? He does drugs though. I just feel so comfortable around him. And if I call him or try to talk to him at school he will ignore me. I really want to be back with him.
Answer by beca rocks!
Submitted on 3/26/2004
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well I really like this guy and me and him have been really good friends for a loooooooong time and well i really like him and i want to know how to find out if he likes me too? Before he go's to this really preppy girl i hate that is a big rat!
Answer by native baby
Submitted on 3/29/2004
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yea go ahead do what you want
Submitted on 3/29/2004
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Answer by Stephanie
Submitted on 3/30/2004
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i like this guy(cam)and i think he likes me....alllll his friends say he does but he always denies it...i think he knows that i like him...he smiles @ me everytime he sees me...he talks 2 me lots...hes the greatest 2 me hes really nice...hes hott...hes kinda popular..he sk8boards...snowboards and likes everything that i do!!!!shud i tell him i like him or keep it 2 me...HELP!!!!!!
Answer by cristina
Submitted on 3/30/2004
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hey girls,...well i like this guy and its clear that he likes me, we talk in lunch sometimes(small talk) but i want to ask him if he likes me as much as i like him but i dont know how to tell him. the thing is that we only see each other in lunch so thats my only chance&&CAN SOME ONE PLEAS PLEAS HELP ME HOW SHOULD I START IT OFF???????????????????????????????
Answer by crushin
Submitted on 3/31/2004
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I really like this guy and me n him have made eye contact alot and his friends tell me he thinks&&i'm hot n stuff. i'm really shy about talking&&to him and i'm terrible at starting and keeping a conversation. somone help me i really want to be able to talk to him w/ out spazzing out!!!
Answer by totally confused
Submitted on 4/3/2004
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i used to really like this guy at my church. about a year ago, we both had feelings for each other. but then i decided i liked him for the wrong reasons, because some other girls had a crush on him. well now a year later i really like him. i mean like jelly in the knees. i totally want to go out with him but i don't know if he'll still like me or not. i want to go out with him so bad, but i'mtotally not sure if he still has feelings for me. what should i do?
Answer by Angela
Submitted on 4/5/2004
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Well this pole looks raelly old but wtv
I met this guy at my church and I so so SO love this guy from the botom of my heart.&&But hes ot that cute.&&Hes liked me for years i can just tell he went through the lil kid teasing phase the stare at me n look away te gp red in the face, flirting phase touchy felly phase i fact once my rents were having an aurgument&&(One of the few and the WORST ever) and i was crying and he came and hugged me and conforted me... (SO SWEET) But in the relationship area he is soooo shy!! SO SHY!&&I mean he hasn't told me cuz he thinks i dont like him in that way but i do! And i want to tell him but im not use to telling guys i like them its more the other way around.&&How am i gonna do this??
Answer by Indian girl
Submitted on 4/7/2004
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Ok..to add to the boy-telling-"i like you" problems. I like a senior (i am one too), I used to be a T.A. in one of his classes but now i am in his 3rd period class. we sit right next to each other. He always smiles at me, and goes out of his way to get my attention and make me laugh, and there are times when i think he likes me. But some days he doesn't talk to me at all. He is really popular and there are many girls that like him. I haven't seem him flirt with many. But some girl told him that i liked him, and now he knows. He hasn't made any moves or shown any signs, but he is is not acting wierd. He talks to me more. But i don't understand what he is thinking. I really would like to know what to do. But for everyone else out there, i would suggest taking chances and telling the guy. Cause trust me..i am totally fragile when it comes to being rejected, and i have taken this chance by having someone tell him.
Answer by Basketball54
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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I really like this guy in my grade. He is really nice and wouldn't hurt a fly. Alot of girls say he is nice but don't want to date him because they say he will grow up to be a priest. As far as i know he is single but i'm to scared to ask him out because i'm afraid of rejection and embaressment. Should i ask him out? in person or have a friend ask him for me?
Answer by yellow
Submitted on 4/9/2004
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people i had the same problem a little while ago and i told the guy i loved him and i asked him out. to start with he sed mayb and then i pretended 2 him that i wudnt care wot he sed to me, even tho i wud and then unexpectedly when i went to stay round a guy mates house of mine he rang up and asked me out well i was like ok sure that sounds good. we are gettin on rely wel and it is gr8 goin out with him and he is totaly gorge and so i reckon all u gals shud just go for it and i think it is so much beta to be m8s first. any questions?
Answer by yelow
Submitted on 4/9/2004
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guys rule i am 2 much of a flirt and it got me in2 truble recently dont b overly flirty
peace out dudes
Answer by brat01
Submitted on 4/11/2004
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I like this guy&&at school&&hes really cool. I started liking him like two weeks ago.I have him for science class.People say he likes this one girl I'm not sure if he still likes her or not.I just met this guy this year.Hes really cool.He sort of is my friend we don't talk much but were still cool.I don't want to tell him yet I'm going to wait a while to see what happens.If i tell him and he says no I'm not getting bombed out because i know there will be more guys but i sure hope it works out in my problem an yours.
Answer by smile
Submitted on 4/12/2004
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if u really like a guy, and u want 2 tell him, GO FOR IT!!!there's nothing stopping u.if ur shy, maybe say how u feel in a note.
Answer by Andy
Submitted on 4/12/2004
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I have a problem to I'm scared to tell this guy i like him.But I'm taking a chance at it. If it doesn't work out ill find another&&guy.&&Hope it works out with your prince and mine.
Answer by curly cutie
Submitted on 4/12/2004
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well i have like the same problem as everyone here !!!!!! and i think you should tell him but remember his ego is fragile so go slow ,good luck !!!!!!
Answer by s
Submitted on 4/14/2004
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Man o man..i like this guy @ school right? and like he doesnt no me..only thru school..and i have just started to like him. My friends joke around a lot and make it soo obvious that i like him infront of him!! and its alright i guess but i wanna kn0w if he likes me...should my friends make really obvious so he gets the hint? or juz let my dreams walk by and lemme get over it. Btw i started to like him on the last week of term 1..now im on holidays and it doesnt help much ay!!...oh also he's like a year older than me..soooo strange..DAMN TEEN YEARS!! ha-ha
Answer by Bri
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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me 2. i like a guy ALOT! i just found out he likes me but is afraid 2 tell and ask me out. any suggestions??? plese HELP!!!!!
Answer by kaykay54
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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This guy @ school is soooo funny. He teases me alot in fun. But I'm not u no the "popular" material but i still would like to ask him out. Should i go for it?
please help me out!
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Peace out,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& kaykay54
Answer by heather rule
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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i am goin thorugh the same thing i would go to the boy and say i was wondering if you would like to hang out and then when you two become ore of friends i would tell him.
luv heather
Answer by gorgeyporgey pie
Submitted on 4/17/2004
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uve got 2 write an answer 4 this ok? rite? if u dont i wil b a loner 4eva - so do the rite fing n help me k?
i realy like this guy, n i fink im fallin in love wiv him as i like EVERYFIN about him n want 2 b wiv him al the time! i dont hang round wiv his 'crowd' at scool, n im scard 2 tel him how i feel. shud i tel him straight away, or get 2 know him more first? plz help iv only got a cuple weeks left of seein him and i realy dont no wot 2 do! btw if i tell him, n he rejects me, i wil probly neva want 2 b seen agen, as i am v sensitive! heeeeeeellllllllllppppppppppppp thanku
Answer by alias_freak
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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Ok....I'm sorta in the same situation as a lot of u, but it's a little different...Here's how it goes, if it gets too complicated, i'msorry....
Ok, so 1st of all i went out w/ this guy who'd been my friend for a long time...but after about a month i realized it was just too wierd, and told him i wanted to just b friends...so he was a little hurt, but it was ok and so we're still like best friends (ie: i know WAY too much about him)....and it really isn't wierd, cuz we never even kissed or anything
Ok so that was done about 2 months ago....K, so then there's this other guy that I know has liked me for about 3 years...and EVERYBODY know'sit. And he's a little wierd, like sometimes if you didn't know him you'd think he was gay ( he's not) and apparently in the 7th grade (3 years ago) he said he wanted to marry me or something. and He can be kind of a jerk, some stuff i'veheard, i don't know if it's true....although for sure i know that he lead on one of my best friends....so he does that, but I know for sure he likes me a lot. So lately I've been thinking that maybe I like him...I don't know. So then maybe I want to go out w/ him, but then I'm not sure what everybody would think. And then I don't want everybody to know that I like him, cuz w/ the first guy, that happened, and then it was just yucky, like there was so much pressure, and i couldn't get away from it, and maybe i didn't even want to go out w/ him in the first place, but i did cuz everybody expected me too....And also, the first guy is always being an ass about it to the second guy, making fun of him and stuff for liking me, and it's mean and annoying.
So I'm thinking I might want to tell the second guy that i like him, but then if we were to go out, i would want it to stay separate from school and that kinda thing, so it wouldn't be like last time...but i don't know..I don't know how i would do it either.....
Oh yeah, you should know that i go to a really small school...35 in my grade...so it's hard to keep things 'your own' so that's another thing that i'mworried about.....so I don't know what to do...
Answer by Kayla
Submitted on 4/20/2004
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Please read this it might help:
I liked this guy and i was really scared too ask him.&&I would not let my friends ask him for me because i beleive that if you like someone you should ask him out not have your friend ask him out. so one day i got the nerve to ask him out but i did not no how.&&I went up to him and asked him in these exact words "Kayla wants to know if you will go out with her."&&There is 8 kayla'sin my grade so oviously he asked which one to my mistake. Then i corrected my self and said "I want to know if YOU will go out with ME." He said yes and we are going on our 3 month of dating.&&The moral of the story is don't be afraid of putting yourself out thier and deffently don't be afraid to make a mistake because they can cause a good thing not always a embaressing thing.&&If he laughs at you he is not the right one and don't even bother asking that jerk again.&&If a guy rejects you because you are not popular screw him find someone that doesn't care. if he says no nicely just leave it at that maybe he will relize what he is missing by not being with you.&&Defenantly don't take other girls men, it's a law of dating. NEVER try to prosaide him into sex or dump him if he trys to do you.&&I hope i helped you and never be afraid of what power women have over men.!!!.
Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 4/21/2004
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I like this guy.He's a senior in high school and i'm only a freshman.We're in choir and madrigals together.In the beginning of the year we were really cool with each other.He even came up to me and introduced himself.But series of events happened that changed our relationship to somewhat rocky.We've gotten into kicking matches,he ditched me with his friend and got me grounded for two weeks.But he's also been really great.Like on the phone talking about things....driving me around in his new car, and just generally flirting.But we have this weird thing when we can talk one day ,then ignore each other the next.But for the past 2 months we've been great.I want to tell him I like him...but idk how to or if i even should.I don't even know if he's worth it!He's graduating in two months and I feel he should know.Can somebody help me??
Answer by I need help, too!
Submitted on 4/23/2004
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okay...here's my story:
I like this guy (a senior).&&I know him but not know him know him.&&We've been in the same acting group for a couple of years.&&Anyway, a few years ago I accidentally injured him (ouch!).&&Now I like him and I've liked him for maybe a year.&&He's going away to college this fall. Should I tell him that I like him? Does he hate me? I'd really appreciate it if someone RESPONDED TO THIS.
Answer by guy troubles..
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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OK. I really really REALLY like this guy and i think he likes me too. he flirts constantly and is just the sweetest. im moving to another state this summer, and i probably wont be able to see him again. School ends June 3. Should i tell him? and if i should...WHAT THE HECK DO I SAY!!!! thanks!
Answer by Help meh plz
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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I really REALLY like this guy but there is a major problem. He always seem to only talk to my cousin. I want to tell him I like him, but how and when? There is a dance coming up, should I tell him then?
Answer by Help meh plz
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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I really REALLY like this guy but there is a major problem. He always seem to only talk to my cousin. I want to tell him I like him, but how and when? There is a dance coming up, should I tell him then?
Answer by sUnKisSed69
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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Hey I was thinking of telling my ex that I like him again, but I don't know what to say exactly. I think that " I think that you should know that I like you again" sounds too annoying. What do you think I should say?
Answer by sara
Submitted on 4/29/2004
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i really like this guy we talk an have a laugh but i cant tell him i like him because i dont now if he likes me how do u now if some one likes u
Answer by Dinkydory
Submitted on 5/3/2004
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Should I Ask My Crush Out? I Hardley Ever Speak To Him, And If I Cock-up, I'll Be Teased For Life!
Answer by Echo
Submitted on 5/8/2004
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Hello, whats crackin? not much here i just have a little problem. Ok well i like this guy we can just call him (D)and i'mpretty sure he likes me to but i'mnot sure. This is what happened well i was talkin to him at school and his friend was sittin right next to us and his friend asked if i liked (D) and i said yes and then i was talkin to some other people and (D) told me to come over to where he was sittin and then the same friend who had asked me if liked (D)asked me if i would ever date him.Do you think he likes me or what? listen to this the same day my friend Ashley and i were finishing are science experiments in the same class and (D) walks over and his hand brushed my butt. i think he knew he did it. I dont know what to do PLEASE HELP&&&&
Answer by banana split
Submitted on 5/8/2004
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i'veliked this hunk for ever. i also had a crush on his best friend, but not like i do now i think i'mactually falling in love (the real kind of love) i'vetaken him to a movie but nothing happened my friends were really happy about that but now i'mreally mad because he should invite me not me invite him. he knows i like him what should i do?
Answer by manda_chick
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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k, there is this boy I like in a lot of my classes. at the beginning of the year I hated him, and he liked me and told me i was hot. i blew him off but now i like him!! and i always want to flirt w/ him but well im not very good at it.. he used to flirt with me but not much ne more.. i really like him!! what should i do
Answer by katelyn_marksdale
Submitted on 5/11/2004
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hey hun, u should just go for it and tell him u like him.. i mean, if he liked u or still does what do u have to lose? go for it, good luck.
Answer by philippino_babe_
Submitted on 5/16/2004
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to help manda_chick, u should tell him u like him. i say this because, my grandma always told me that bottled up feelings can never be put to use. -Aninna
Answer by prosper flower
Submitted on 5/16/2004
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how do u know if a guy likes you? any help would be appreciated.
Answer by plastic_barbie
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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u prob.ly will skip my thoughts but i tottaly think u guys should tell the guy i kno u prolly like" oh ya that easy pfft" but trust me it is.. have confidence in urself... what will u loose... nothing.. if he says " i dont think this is gunna work for me" then smile and tell him that its aiigh n good to come out.. i liked this guy for 1 yr n he was graduating.. i had 2 weeks to tell him ... i thought" omg everyone will laugh at me if he rejected me" but i took the chance n told him i asked him if we could talk for a min alone... he said "sur" so i said" listen i kno its too much for uto take now maybe.. n yes u could laugh all u want but&&i like to take chances... u never kno where life will bring u unless u try.. but l8ly iv had soo many things run in my mind.. and ur one of them i really do like u alot... if i dont get it out its going to bugg me alot.. its likewhen u walk by.. a big smile shines on my face... so yeah...i just hope we'l still be friends no matter what ur thought is to what i had to say n if u wanna get to talk a bit more about it ... we can sometim after skool u never kno .. give a chance... cuz the one u say no to maybe ur long lost love" ... i mean idid that n my relationship with my bf is 5 1/2 yrs :) im glad i came n told him.. plus he just got cheated n then he dumped a girl :| poor guy ... but now hes happy we found eachother ..so w.e u do dont back off take ur chance.. dont be sad if he doesnt feel the same way... feel strong :)...
if neone wants to talk more bout probs liek this email me pink_ _
Answer by Marisol R.
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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Hey...I'm not a person of very much confidence, but when love is there, go for it.
Answer by gretchen
Submitted on 5/19/2004
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Answer by CHIARA
Submitted on 5/23/2004
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Hey! I am from Russia. I liked guy, he is my age, I like him very much and but I almost did not talk to him, this is stupid...So my friends told me to talk to him and say that i like him. One day I get closer and asked him about something like homework...then I stoped...Then i told him that i like him and i said that he should not b mad at me. He did not say anything. Next day he asked me to b his girlfriend. So...........GOOD LUCK PEOPLE!
Answer by kelc
Submitted on 5/24/2004
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I like a guy.. he likes the same bands as me and on MSN hes always typing kinda love song lyrics to me its cute.. but hes my friends brother.. i like him lol. This is so pointless.. =)
Answer by skyblu8
Submitted on 5/27/2004
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hey! okay this is my situation,
so im 14 and i go to highschool, anyway at the beginning of he year i got to know this one guy and before we used to hardly see each other around, i guess only around school. so when i got to know him he seemed like a really nice guy, he was sweet and nice and cute and lets juss say he was totally my type! but the problem was that i guess i didnt really want him to know i liked him so i acted like only a friend to him. my other friend who recently came to the school also got to know him a little better and to my surprise he asked her out! i was pretty devastated and sad at the time becuz i really really wanted him to ask me!
well as time went by he and my friend started going out and so i kinda kept the fact that i liked him to myself and tried my best to stop. While all this was going on i met another guy at my school who is really nice and hot mite i add! well one thing lead to another and his friends told me that he really liked me and that he was planning on asking me out and i kinda got over the other guy but in the mean time my friend broke up with the guy. first i felt bad for them but my friend said that she couldnt like him more than a friend. A short while after that to my surprise the guy that i used to like (the guy that my friend broke up with) asked me out!!
i dont wanna hurt his feelings but i also like the other guy and i want him to ask me out! should i say yes to the first guy or should i wait for my crush to ask me out?? as much as i try to forget about the first guy i think i still have feelings for him.. but i do also have feelings for the second guy!!!!! HELP ME PLZZZ
Answer by Lauren
Submitted on 5/30/2004
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hey i know how all u girls are feeling...there's this guy that i've liked for about 4 months now, and i really wanna tell him how i feel...about 2 months ago i told him online that i thought he was hot, but then he said right away that he had to go, so he never responded.&&over time we have sorta become friends and we talk online&&stuff, and he even flirted like the day after i told him he's hot.&&does anyone think i should tell him i like him?&&i'm scared that he won't wanna be my friend anymore if he doesn't feel the same way...PLEASE help me...cuz lots of girls are in the same situation...advice would really be appreciated!
Answer by Monica
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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dear lauren
i think that u should take the chance its part of life... i was scared this guy will reject me or something.. but i told him yesterday :) it was&&a rainy day i called him n said" hay can u come out for a walk" so he did it was 12 at night i walked with him n told him" u kno what iv been thinking of telling&&u this n its hard.. butno matter what i hope nothing changes after what i am about to tell u... i have feelings that i cant hold ...yeada yeada.." n if he likes u hell say something if hes a jerk bout it hes not the guy to begin with :)
Answer by Hawaiinmonkey95
Submitted on 6/3/2004
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I need help.There is a guy I'm OBSESSED about him. He has a girlfriend but she only says hi 2 him 1 time a week and she flirts with other guys.I think Kenneth likes me though. At the fair he was flirting with me and that was after they got together.Please help.
Answer by helloheather
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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well he does have a g/f and that means that hes taken but if u can get him to break up with her hes all yours. go for it.
Answer by stpaul_abchick
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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Im going through the same thing right now! and i believe its so hard to do! but you have to do what you have to do! For me i know he likes me back! but think that he might either A) say he likes u back or B) wont talk to you again! sometimes guys dont know how to take certian things head on! dont worry about it! if all goes wrong! ask if you guys can still br friends! it might be awkward at first but you have to take it slow!
Answer by stpaul_abchick
Submitted on 6/8/2004
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Im going through the same thing right now! and i believe its so hard to do! but you have to do what you have to do! For me i know he likes me back! but think that he might either A) say he likes u back or B) wont talk to you again! sometimes guys dont know how to take certian things head on! dont worry about it! if all goes wrong! ask if you guys can still br friends! it might be awkward at first but you have to take it slow!
Answer by shortyy77
Submitted on 6/9/2004
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ok, i really like this guy and hes popular but im not and..i told my friend i liked him and shes friends with him, so she was like "u know who would make a really cute couple, you and (my name)" then he laughed and sed i was 2 short :( we talk sometimes but i dont want to over talk to think that im annoying him..i dont know if i should tell him i like him or what..?
PS my friend aslo liked him
Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 6/11/2004
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well, i dont think its a girls place to come up to a guy and tell him she likes him.
It is up to him. It is important to get his attention, be flirty, but dont be TOOO much of a whore!
Answer by TinkerBell
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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I love this guy to death but hes in grade 11 and I'm only in grade 9, but he flirts with me like CRAZY. he has a Girlfriend but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like her that much, and he is always stareing at me, waving and stuff, i dont know what to do, also there is this other guy that i just adore and he is super flirty, i dont know what to do, HELP!!
Answer by margaret
Submitted on 6/16/2004
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I have a problem also. there is this guy. one night my friends were over my house and whatever. i didn't like him but after he had left i said to my guy friend that wow mike if such a nice guy!and he had called me to say good night. then my friend called him and pretended that he had left also he was like oh ya margaret said some good stuff about you blah blah blah and the guy was like straight.. so he called me again.&&we talked for like 10 minutes or whatever. the next couple days we good ( a couple i mean like a week) i visited him on his break and we talked. then one day he decides he "doesn't like me anymore" ummm,,,, that's weird. i think it means he never liked me in the first place&&if he got over that so quickly. but also he had broken up with his girlfriend of a month a week before anything was said. and i don't know how to act around him or anything.&&hes not really cute or anything. but i don't know why he did this. did he feel sorry for me? i have no clue!
Answer by curious george
Submitted on 6/17/2004
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alright... um to el everyone the truth, im a guy but i dont want to be mean but i need some help. There is a girl i like, and i like her a lot.&&We flirt every now and then and it makes me like her even more.&&I want to ask her out or at least ask her on a date, but im not sure if she likes me or not.&&I think she does, cause&&why else would she flirt.&&so my question is, how do i ask this girl out on a date or ask her out/
Answer by LonelyOne
Submitted on 6/17/2004
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To:curious george&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Just ask her. Start a conversation like "oh have seen you the day after tommorow?" Or just something like that. If she says no then say something like"Well then how would you like to come see it with me?" Im pretty sure she'll get the message like that.&&&&&&&&&&&&good luck -Gabby
Answer by Margaret
Submitted on 6/18/2004
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tinkerbell, ok this guy you like you say he flirts with you. but when you see him in the halls does he acknowledge you? also i remember when i was a freshman, freshmen don't really think. you think you know everything but highschool is a new experience to you. since he does have a girlfriend what makes you think they are unhappy? what are they like when they are together? just because he does flirt with you doesnt mean anything. this happens to everyone. most of the time it is just to play with you and see if they can get your attention. most of the time they are happy with their relationship.
Answer by steffiekay
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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theres this guy i like and i have liked him for a long time and last year one of his friends asked me if i like him and i said yes but he told him i said no but i still like him and i wanna know if he has a girlfriend and if he still likes me so what should i do?
Answer by iluvsurferguyz
Submitted on 6/26/2004
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u kno wat? i told a guy i liked him on the last day of skool hoping that i wont see him for like 3 months and then later that weekend i saw him. And theres also like 4 other grls that told him and it was no big deal but he hasnt asked any of us out and i know he likes one of us im just not really sure which one
Answer by unsure
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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Hey! I met this guy at a party and hung out with him and my friends, and did the same at another party.&&I also talked to him at school, but only for a quick second. For some reason, however, I really like him and can't stop thinking about him. I have no clue why and feel stupid about it because I don't even know him, but I would like to talk to him or see him again, but I don't even know how to contact him. I do have a freind who is a good friend of his and I'm sure she'd talk to him for me if I asked, but I don't know if I should do this because he might think that I'm desperate or weird or something to like him for no apparent reason. What should I do? Thanks!!!
Answer by LIL
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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i did fancy 3 boys at once but iv narrowed it down to 1 boy now that i like. he is very shy and so am i, he has never had a girlfriend before what should i do i dont no if he evanlikes me. HELP ME!!!
Answer by nikki
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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yeah sure about get his friend to tell him cuz then he will start likin you and then he will ask his friend about&&you and then his friend will tell you and he will seem to follow you or always be around and then he'll startto like you and then he'll ask you out it is deffent to happen
Answer by LuV hUrTs
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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i'm 12 n...sighs...i dunno...but i like this guy in sch...he's so damn cute...but he's very bad temper though...he doesnt noe i like him....but...i wanna tell him...not face to face...but on msn...but he nvr cums online...but b4 he cums online...i'm gonna change his temper...whether he likes me or notz...
Answer by ebl
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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theres this boy that i like alot but his friend ruind it he said that mark liked me and the friendship waz ruind but the day he said that i waz like ewww but now im head over heels over this guy and i only get to see him this week at VBS i wrote a note but im scared of regection HELLPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer by homefry
Submitted on 7/21/2004
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i no how u feel. i like his guy he is soooo
nice.i've had a "thing"for him since i met him 1 yr. ago! i've been debating wheather to ask him out. then i figured im gonna go for it. u never no he may say yes. guys probably feel the same pressure we do. and even if he doesn't, would u rather face a minute of embarassment, or a lifetime of just wondering "what if i'd asked him." good luck! hope i've helped!
Answer by sweetchick88
Submitted on 8/13/2004
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I don't know whaT to do. wed. school starts and i wanna know if he likes me.
Answer by nirvanalover
Submitted on 8/13/2004
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Okay.. umm..wow.. Uhh-- Let's see.&&
I recently started liking 2 people.
But then again.. there is also history
with 2 other ppl.. ehhh
#1. He has been in the same school as me for yr.'s but I've never gotten to know him.&&I've always thought.. that there was something special about him ***.. He's so cool & mysterious. Then suddenly, this yr. I realize.. Wow.. He's so gorgeous.. Why haven't I noticed???! He's so cool.. But, people say he is immature.&&I think he roxx.
But, thing is.. I've never talked to him just one-on-one.&&I've talked in groups with him, just not directly.. We've made eye contact, and I constantly try to be around him.. but I can get so nervous-- I seriously don't know how to get over this..
#2. He has all the wonderrrfullll qualities I want.. His smile just makes me melt.. He's so friendly and sweet, and he's such a joker.. He can always make me smile.. And given he is so hot.. he's got piercing blue eyes dark hair and a pale complexion.. he's so amazing.. and we've made eye contact and smiled a lot at each other..but.. my friend likes him--- I am just afraid that she would get mad at me if ...? and she even started talking about .. (the first guy^^^) in front of him... eek..
#3- I used to be obsessed with him. He's great. But, I don't really have feelings for him any more. He's my best friend. But, he says that (guy number 1...) is a bad choice.. and that he doesnt know .. guy number two .. that well.
#4- he's my ex-b/f and we were going to hook back up over the summer.. didn't happen. We keep talking, but he seems to strain from talking to any one really .. except.. guy number 3.. He also used to be best friends.. .with ..guy number 1.. heehhh..oh.. wow..
WHAATTTTTTT should i do..?
Answer by Ziggy
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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should i tell him i love him or just leave it has good friends
Answer by Ziggy
Submitted on 8/14/2004
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what do i do if he says no when i ask him out&&he is abit older than me
Answer by extreamhottie33
Submitted on 8/19/2004
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I think that you should just tell him because that is what happend to me,i wasnt sure if i like this guy and i let him waite to long and now i want him.so just dont let him slip through fingers.
Answer by Roni_baibee
Submitted on 8/22/2004
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I'm 13 I like my best friend,and we've known each other for 9 years so far and I've really gotten to know him within the past year, he smiles at me, flirts, compliments me in private when no one is listening or looking.&&He's asked me if I liked him a few times before and I wanted to cry when I told him no, it really broke my heart.&&He was trying to guess who I liked and he had a few hints here and there, my friends are always saying we're perfect that no one else has ever made a perfect mate for him but me, and that he likes me and he wants me to make the first move, but with all of this, sometimes I think hes just being a really great friend is all. And I don't want to risk the greatest friendship that we already have. What do I do? Does he like me? How can I tell him how I feel? As you can see I've given this so much thought and I really need to come to an absolute conclusion, or something close at least!&&
Answer by Pounding-Heart4aguy
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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Hello peeps, I am stuck in the same position as all of you. It all started of like this, I saw this really cute and charming guy in one of my classes and I just couldn't take my eyes off him. Hes only two years younger than me.&&Ever since I saw him, I have always wanted to tell him I had a crush on him but never actually got the chance to.
:-(Every time I see him, he is with his guy friends and most of the time I get a chance to have a good conversation with him. He's really smart and decent. The problem is, I don't know if he has a girl or not, its like two of his guy friends have told me he has a girl but I don't know 4 sure. I really love this guy from the 1st day and I'mnot sure he knows.&&How am I supposed to tell me that. How do I give him hints that I really like him, I've known him for over a year now as he was in my college and now he is moving college. When do find the right time to tell him and how do I tell him? I really need some good advice which will work!!!!
Answer by invaderzim050
Submitted on 9/11/2004
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i am gay i like a guy&&but i don't know if he is gay too what should i do?
Answer by lizz
Submitted on 9/14/2004
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i know this guy cause i sometimes sit on the bus with him. I see him in the halls and he is in my lunch. we dont talk but just smile. i asked acouple of people if i should ask him out. they said yes. but he does not know me. so sould i introduce myself and then ask him what should i do?
Answer by nicole
Submitted on 9/14/2004
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I like a boy and it seems that he likes me too!!!!!!!!! I don't know if I should tell him or not. but if you really like him you should tell him besides maybe he likes you as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer by emmie
Submitted on 9/20/2004
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i really like this guy but he is like my best m8 n i do not no weather to tell him in case he does not feel the same or if it will spoil our friendship :( please help me x
Answer by me
Submitted on 9/20/2004
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i like this guy and i think he likes me back but I'm scared to do anything with him cause my friends tell me he is the kind of person who is only in a relationship for sex. but he doesn't seem like that and I'm not sure what to do so any advice would be great. thanks
Answer by little'b
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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everyone says that me and this guy at (that i really like) school&&flirt all the time,i really like him but i don't know if he likes me. I need advice should i tell him.He acts like he does sometimes.
Answer by smartie
Submitted on 9/28/2004
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hey girls!
I need to tell you my story of liking a guy!
well well, i broke up with my bf few months ago. i had spent 2 years with him. i wasnt happy so i decided to finish. I NOW LIKE A GUY who is studying at the same university as me. i had been seeing him at a cafe where he works partime as a waiter. i never liked him in a special way because i had a bf which is logical. i feel he likes me because of the enthusiastic way he speaks with me. i lended him a book he needs for a course and left him a note in the book at his work. so when he met me couple of weeks later he was all enthusiastic and talking a lot about the similarities between the book i lended him and the one he had and so on. we was so happy or he seemed happy!
PROBLEM: but the owner of the cafe fancies me so much he even told me: i wish i were younger to date you!! and sometimes he says: bonjour mon amour ca va?
OH MY GOD! GRRR.. the guy who works for him is in his early twenties which is good for me.
I like to go to that cafe to see the guy but the boss annoys me!!
Answer by kelso
Submitted on 10/2/2004
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hi, i have a question
i'm 14 and i really like this guy alex who moved away during the summer...i know it sounds stupid but i still want to know if he likes me or not, our only communication&&is over the internet and I wanted to know how i could get him to like me...
if u can help thanks!!!!!
Answer by ruffy
Submitted on 10/9/2004
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well I'm in the same situation too sometimes our eyes meat but no-one has the guts to say a word i really do and i think he knows that also but i cannot start even a conversation with him. what can i do to, i don't even have a friendship with him, i just like him.....
Answer by ThebestChoice
Submitted on 10/11/2004
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This is my story- I like this guy and we have known each other for 2 years we are really good friends. And everyday he compliments me and he flirts with me. But yet he asks me for advice to get a girl he likes. and he talks about her constantly . And he still compliments me everyday! and my Friend asked him if he likes me and he said no. I really don't understand! How should i tell him how i feel. And i don't want&&to feel awkward around each-other as it is! Help
Answer by danie
Submitted on 10/23/2004
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i dunno what to do either
Answer by kukukachu
Submitted on 10/28/2004
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My b/f and I have been going out for 9months and 25days.I think he is the one i want to marry, for our 1 year anniversary i want him to get me a promise ring,how can I be sure that he feels the same about me? How can I hint to him what I want without being pushy?
Answer by i love him
Submitted on 11/1/2004
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i like this one guy Jacob obviously and i thin he might like me but i am not sure because he has a girlfriend but when it is just me and him we flirt and everything.but i don't know if he knows that i like him should i tell him just to let him know or does he already know?
Answer by Katie
Submitted on 11/4/2004
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Hey Im 13 and I like this guy that I think likes me too. He stares at me, and smiles. I have never noticed him staring at another girl b4. The prob is that A LOT of girls like him, but he hasent said anything about liking them at all. Should I tell him i like him? If so, what should I say? Help!!
Answer by sfclassof04
Submitted on 11/14/2004
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i like this girl and i think she likes me but she just broke up with her boy and i don't know how to find out if she likes me and how to tell her i like her. i don't know if it is completely over with her and him. please help.
Answer by Jenn
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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Hey I think telling a guy that you like him is a great thing. I told a guy that i liked him over MSN We were good friends. and i want that friendship back. I thought he liked me because we always pocked each other and i aways have a good time with him. But the other problem is that my best friend likes him too. and i haven'tto her that i tole him. so from what i have been going throw then just take a changes and go for it!
Answer by SxylilShayShay69
Submitted on 11/17/2004
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Hey hunn! if u really like this guy, then wat is there to loose? go ahead and ask him!i mean its worth a try, and who knos he kud like u back! but ull never kno unless u ask first, no affense guys, but guys r not as bright as girls, so they dont take to mind that someone kud like them! thats just the way they r, but yes definatly tell him! then its out in the open and ull feel so much better,and who knos he might even say yes, or u guys kud end up to be really good friends! either good luck! tru love is hard to find, but once u find it u kno its tru! find ur tru love, and if u dont, dont worry its not the end of the world, just move on to the next guy! ull find someone soon! good luck! * * SxylilShayShay69* * i love robbie!
Answer by shorty
Submitted on 11/20/2004
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I like this guy and i have a feeling he likes me, i could be wrong(but he flirts). how do i get him to know that i like him, without making it to ovious. Help!
Answer by feyona
Submitted on 11/21/2004
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My friends have asked the boy I like out but it wasn't me.I think he likes me because when I walk by in school he looks a me and sometimes he says hi. We aren't much of friends.And also He knows I like him.
Answer by B16TCH
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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this answer:
Lunch Number..and then backwards
Answer by LuKe
Submitted on 11/25/2004
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I like a girl called emily but i don't know how 2 tell her i don't know if i should . i don't know if she likes me! should i tell her?
Answer by Pudding
Submitted on 11/29/2004
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how can i tell a guy i like him, i've known him for 2 years and i can't do it!
there's only two weeks left of term including this week, then we get shipped off to different highschools!
Answer by kacheeky
Submitted on 12/5/2004
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Hey all...I am going through the same thing I like this guy and he acts like he likes me but we are friends and I don't wanna mess up our friendship by telling him I like him...why mess up a good thing..any advise I really need it. Thanx a million!!
Answer by Shy and Clueless
Submitted on 12/9/2004
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I like this guy at school, but he just broke up with his girlfriend a month ago who has become my friend and she hates him. and i don't know what to do
Answer by jessi
Submitted on 12/10/2004
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i really like this boy and i dont know if he likes me we go to the same school but we live far from each other im a freshmen and hes a junior im good friends with his sister and i told her i love him. i think he likes me because he only takes things from me like he asked for my pencil he took my notes out of everyones and im thinking if i shopuld tell him or not and i really dont know what to do. what&&should i do?
Answer by broken_heart
Submitted on 12/12/2004
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i told a guy i really liked him, he used to always talk to me for no apparent reason in the halls and what not, then when i told him.... he never talks to me anymore. then i found out he likes a diffrent chick from a diffrent school. the only thing he does is give me glances when im not lookin. it kinda makes me sad cause i still like him alot. but otherwise im pretty ok. I think you should tell t


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