
Those are oranges.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答?改成一般疑问句为:Are those oranges?那些是橘子吗?肯定回答是:Yes,they are.是的,它们是。否定回答是:No,they aren't,不,它们不是。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。(ERROR:15) & 访客不能直接访问Settings and Controls
of our tutorial we have just built a simple sampling widget. Let us now make this widget a bit more useful, by allowing a user to set the proportion of data instances to be retained in the sample. Say we want to design a widget that looks something like this:
What we added is an Options box, with a spin entry box to set the sample size, and a check box and button to commit (send out) any change we made in setting. If the check box with “Commit data on selection change” is checked, than any change in the sample size will make the widget send out the sampled data set. If data sets are large (say of several thousands or more) instances, we may want to send out the sample data only after we are done setting the sample size, hence we left the commit check box unchecked and press “Commit” when we are ready for it.
This is a very simple interface, but there is something more to it. We want the settings (the sample size and the state of the commit button) to be saved. That is, any change we made, we want to save it so that the next time we open the widget the settings is there as we have left it
Widgets Settings
Luckily, since we use the base class OWWidget, the settings will be handled just fine. We only need to tell which variables we want to use for persistent settings.
In our widget, we will use two settings variables, and we declare this in the widget class definition (after theinputs,outputsdefinitions).
All settings have to specify their default value. When a widget is created the widget’s members are already restored and ready to use in its__init__method. The contents of the two variables (self.proportion andself.commitOnChange) will be saved upon closing our widget. In our widget, we won’t be setting these variables directly, but will instead use them in conjunction with GUI controls.
Controls and modulegui
We will use the Orange.widgets.gui to create/define the gui. With this library, the GUI definition part of the options box is a bit dense but rather very short
We are already familiar with the first part - the Info group box. To make widget nicer, we put a separator between this and Options box. After defining the option box, here is our first seriousgui control: a Orange.widgets.gui.spin(). The first parameter specifies its parent widget/layout, in this caseself.optionsBox (the resulting widget object will automatically append itself to the parent’s layout). The second (self) and third ('proportion') define the property binding for the spin box. I.e. any change in the spin box control will automatically be propagated to the self.proportions and vice versa - changing the value ofself.proprotionsin the widget code by assignment (e.g. self.proprotions = 30) will update the spin box’s state to match.
The rest of the spin box call gives some parameters for the control (minimum and maximum value and the step size), tells about the label which will be placed on the top, and tells it which functions to call when the value in the spin box is changed. We need the first callback to make a data sample and report in the Info box what is the size of the sample, and a second callback to check if we can send this data out. In Orange.widgets.gui, callbacks are either references to functions, or a list with references, just like in our case.
With all of the above, the parameters for the call ofOrange.widgets.gui.checkBox() should be clear as well. Notice that this and a call to Orange.widgets.gui.spin() do not need a parameter which would tell the control the value for initialization: upon construction, both controls will be set to the value that is pertained in the associated setting variable.
That’s it. Notice though that we have, as a default, disabled all the controls in the Options box. This is because at the start of the widget, there is no data to sample from. But this also means that when process the input tokens, we should take care for enabling and disabling. The data processing and token sending part of our widget now is
You can now also inspect the of this widget. To distinguish it with a widget we have developed in the previous section, we have designed a special for it. If you wish to test this widget in the Orange Canvas, put its code in theorangedemodirectory we have created for the previous widget and try it out using a schema with a File and Data Table widget.
Well-behaved widgets remember their settings - the state of their checkboxes and radio-buttons, the text in their line edits, the selections in their combo boxes and similar.
Context dependent settings
Context dependent settings are settings which depend on the widget’s input. For instance, the scatter plot widget contains settings that specify the attributes for x and y axis, and the settings that define the color, shape and size of the examples in the graph.
An even more complicated case is the widget for data selection with which one can select the examples based on values of certain attributes. Before applying the saved settings, these widgets needs to check their compliance with the domain of the actual data set. To be truly useful, context dependent settings needs to save a setting configuration for each particular data set used. That is, when given a particular data set, it has to select the saved settings that is applicable and matches best currently used data set.
Saving, loading and matching contexts is taken care of by context handlers. Currently, there are only two classes of context handlers implemented. The first one is the abstract ContextHandlerand the second one is DomainContextHandler in which the context is defined by the data set domain and where the settings contain attribute names. The latter should cover most of your needs, while for more complicated widgets you will need to derive a new classes from it. There may even be some cases in which the context is not defined by the domain, in which case theContextHandler will be used as a base for your new handler.
Contexts need to be declared, opened and closed. Opening and closing usually takes place (in the opposite order) in the function that handles the data signal. This is how it looks in the scatter plot (the code is somewhat simplified for clarity).
In general, the function should go like this:
Do any clean-up you need, but without clearing any of the settings that need to be saved. Scatter plot needs none.
Call self.closeContext(); this ensures that all the context dependent settings (e.g. attribute names from the list boxes) are remembered.
Initialize the widget state and set the controls to some defaults as if there were no context retrieving mechanism. Scatter plot does it by calling self.initAttrValues() which assigns the first two attributes to the x and y axis and the class attribute to the color. At this phase, you shouldn’t call any functions that depend on the settings, such as drawing the graph.
Call self.openContext(data.domain) (more about the arguments later). This will search for a suitable context and assign the controls new values if one is found. If there is no saved context that can be used, a new context is created and filled with the default values that were assigned at the previous point.
Finally, adjust the widget according to the retrieved controls. Scatter plot now plots the graph by calling self.updateGraph().
When opening the context, we provide the arguments on which the context depends. In case of DomainContextHandler, which scatter plot uses, we can give it a Orange.data.Domain. Whether a saved context can be reused is judged upon the presence of attributes in the domain.
If the widget is constructed appropriately (that is, if it strictly usesOrange.widgets.gui controls instead of the Qt’s), no other administration is needed to switch the context.
Except for declaring the context settings, that is. Scatter plot has this in its class definition
settingsHandler = DomainContextHandler() declares that Scatter plot usesDomainContextHandler. The attr_x and attr_y are declared as ContextSetting.
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亲手翻译,欢迎转载。动态修订,请附原址:http://my.oschina.net/u/2306127/admin/edit-blog?blog=596025 关于Orange Widgets的开发完整教程参见:http://orange-development.readthedocs.o...
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亲手翻译,欢迎转载。动态修订,请附原址:http://my.oschina.net/u/2306127/admin/edit-blog?blog=595479 原文(英)来自于:http://orange-development.readthedocs.org/tutorial.html 关于...
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