八代I3\I5\I7i5 8400配什么主板板

  在AMD&Ryzen新品的连环发布节奏之下,英特尔可能坐不住了。今天,Anandtech论坛分享了Coffeelake首发型号的规格整理,其首发的i5/i7均为6核版本。其中八代酷睿i5包括i5-8600K和i5-8400,均为6核6线程,三级缓存9MB。四款曝光的八代酷睿  八代酷睿i7包括i7-8700K和i7-8700,均为6核12线程,三级缓存12MB,支持DDR4-2666内存。另外8代酷睿依然是LGA1151接口,14nm制程,官宣提升30%。如此节奏,看来桌面版双核版本淘汰速度将越来越快。
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下载ZOL APP秒看最新热品I3;I5;I7处理处分器之间的差别
  倘若您正在探求i3的核心是英特尔i5的i7处理处分器比较,本文将是一个有益的浏览。 If you
are looking for an Intel core i3 i5 i7 comparison, this article
will be a helpful read. 这个英特尔全新的处理处分器家属也席卷了市场。 This new family of
Intel processors has taken the market by storm. 相较于英特尔的Core i3
The Intel core i3 vs i5 vs i7 comparison made in this article will
help you decide what processor to opt for in your desktop or laptop
  英特尔已经推出了全新的处理处分器家属近来有不少重新谋略性能相干的全部见解。 Intel has launched its new
family of processors quite recently that has redefined all notions
related to computing performance. 这一全新的处理处分器系列包含三个类 - 睿i3,Core
i5和Core i7处理处分器。 This new family of processors consists of three
classes - core i3, core i5 and core i7. 而Intel的Core
i3系列,以餍足已取得的进门级台式机和条记本电脑市场,其核心i5系列针对的是中间层谋略细分市场。 While the Intel
core i3 series has been made to cater to the entry level desktop
and laptop computer market, the core i5 series is aimed at the mid
level computing segment. 核心i7系列是高性能处理处分器,能办事于高端市场添补。 The core i7
series is stuffed with high performance processors that can serve
the high end market. 每一个系列的处理处分器配备了一个品种很多的处理处分速率和成果方面。 Every series
of processors comes with a lot of variety, in terms of processing
speed and features. 在这篇文┞仿中我做了英特尔Core
i3的i5的i7处理处分器比较,断定这些处理处分器之间的差别,重点班。 In this article I make an Intel
core i3 i5 i7 comparison that identifies the major points of
difference between these classes of processors.
  i5的差别i3的i7处理处分器 Difference Between i3 i5
i7 Processors
  什么设置这些新处理处分器系列,由英特尔开辟,以领先于它最靠近的竞争敌手是由英特尔开辟的里程以进步性能的新技巧。 What set
these new processor lines, developed by Intel, to be miles ahead of
its closest competitors are the new technologies developed by Intel
to boost performance. 在英特尔的酷睿i3之间,取得的MULT核心处理处分器协同i5和i7是集他们提前别的的包。
The synergy between mult-core processors achieved in Intel core i3,
i5 and i7 is what sets them ahead of the rest of the pack.
下面是一个i3的i5的i7处理处分器比较,讨论如安在三处理处分器产品线在成果和性能方面有所差别。 Here is an i3 i5
i7 comparison which discusses how the three processor lines differ
in terms of features and performance.
  英特尔酷睿i3 i5的i7处理处分器比较:技巧特点 Intel Core i3
i5 i7 Comparison: Technical Features
  让我们来看看i3的之间的差别,i5的i7处理处分器技巧要点看看。 Let us have a look at the
technical points of difference between i3, i5, i7 processors.
让我们先从进门级处理处分器在2010年1月颁布的同等。 Let's start with the
entry level processor line released in January 2010.
全部的核心i3处理处分器的时钟频率领域有双核心,从2.933 GHz至3.2千兆赫。 All the core i3
processors have twin core with clocking frequency ranging from
2.933 GHz to 3.2 GHz. 一个4MB三级智能高速缓存,2 & 256
KB二级高速缓存和直接媒体接口总线,全新的LGA 1156针脚打算安置,使他们成为最好的进门级处理处分器。 A 4MB L3
smart cache, 2 x 256 KB L2 cache and Direct Media InteAV女优ce bus,
fitted with the brand new LGA 1156 socket, makes them the best
entry level processors. 全部这些芯片是创立在32纳米架构,确保更多的晶体管可以在硅芯片的蚀刻。 All
these chips are built on a 32 nm architecture which ensures that
more transistors can be etched on the silicon chips.
An integrated GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) makes graphic
processing even more faster.
随着英特尔的超线程和捏造技巧启用,随着高清显卡,这些芯片的售价只有133美元。 With
Intel's hyper-threading and virtualization
technology enabled, along with HD graphics, these chips are priced
at $133 only.
  由于基于英特尔i7处理处分器i5的网站i3的比较图表表现,核心i5的三线和四核心与双处理处分器的单独系列构成。 As the i3
i5 i7 comparison chart on the Intel web site reveals, core i5 line
consists of three separate series of processors with twin and quad
cores. 这对双胞胎,以及四核各拿出4个线程。 The twin, as well as quad cores come with
4 threads each. 这些处理处分器的时钟频率领域从2.4 GHz到3.33
GHz的英特尔Turboboost由时钟频率的技巧,提拔到更高程度常,必要供电。 The clocking frequencies
of these processors range from 2.4 GHz to 3.33 GHz, powered by the
Intel Turboboost technology that boosts clocking frequencies to
higher levels when need be. 拥有4 MB到8 MB三级高速缓存,直接媒体接口,集成GPU,LGA
1156针脚打算,英特尔高清显卡,英特尔智能高速缓存技巧和超线程启用,这些处理处分器从176美元不等的用度256元。 With 4
MB to 8 MB L3 cache, direct media inteAV女优ce, integrated GPU, LGA
1156 socket, Intel HD graphics, Intel smart cache technology and
Hyper-threading enabled, the cost of these processors ranges from
$176 to $256. 作为一个核心的Core i7与i5的比较将证明,i5的芯片是芯片速率比i3的。 As a core i5
vs core i7 comparison will prove, i5 chips are faster than the i3
chips. 它们形成中期级别集会。 They form the mid level segment.
  随着Core i7的蹊径,英特尔已经完成了它创造的'地球上最好的处理处分器的理想。 With
the core i7 line, Intel has fulfilled its dream of creating the
'best processors on the planet'.
在核心i3的比i5的与i7处理处分器相比,酷睿i7是远胜别的的包了。 In the core i3 vs i5 vs i7
comparison, core i7 is miles ahead of the rest of the pack.
这条线构成的时钟频率达到3.33千兆赫的英特尔Turboboost动力的四核心处理处分器。 This line consists of
quad core processors with clocking frequencies reaching 3.33 GHz
powered by Intel Turboboost. 作为一个四核心与双核心的比较将证明,更大的内核数量可以大猛进步运算速率。
As a quad core vs dual core comparison would prove, greater number
of cores can immensely boost computing speeds.
  随着智能从8MB的三级缓存高达12 MB的,英特尔的QuickPath互连技巧(即数据传输速率可以进步到25.6 GB
/秒),集成图形处理处分器,超线程英特尔HD显卡,核心i7系列处理处分器确实,无可争议,有史以来制作的最好的处理处分器。 With
L3 smart cache ranging from 8MB to as much as 12 MB, Intel
QuickPath Interconnect technology (that can enhance data transfer
speed to 25.6 GB/Sec), integrated GPU, Hyper-threading and Intel HD
graphics, the core i7 series processors are indeed, unarguably, the
best processors ever manufactured. 这意味着它们是高端谋略利用,Web办事器和高端企业用户。
They are meant for high end computing applications, web servers and
high end business users. 这些处理处分器的代价领域以高达元。 The price of
these processors ranges from $200 to as much as $1000.
  英特尔i7处理处分器的Core i3 i5的比较:性能 Intel Core
i3 i5 i7 Comparison: Performance
  如今,让我们做一个与英特尔的Core i3 i5的与i7处理处分器的性能比较。 Let us now make an Intel
core i3 vs i5 vs i7 performance comparison.
除了多核心,是什么让的i3,i5的i7处理处分器将谋略本事的房屋,是超线程技巧,与Turboboost成果相连合。 Besides
being multicore, what makes the i3, i5, i7 processors to be
computing power houses, is the hyper-threading technology, combined
with the Turboboost feature. 一个集成的GPU,并加强了三级缓存,使图形处理处分超等快。 An
integrated GPU and an enhanced L3 cache makes graphic processing
super fast. 作为英特尔的Core i3比酷睿2比较就会创造,高出的i3处理处分器系列供给的谋略本事由过去的Core 2
Duo。 As an Intel core i3 vs core 2 duo comparison would reveal, the
i3 processors surpass the computing power offered by the earlier
core 2 duo series. 倘若您把眼力投向了进门级条记本电脑,请为核心i3的蹊径。 If you are eying an
entry level laptop computer, go for the core i3 line.
这是宏大的家里利用台式电脑了。 It is great for home use desktop computers
  倘若您是企业用户,我发起你往为核心i5的线,即可以处理处分多任务的i3线乃至比更好。 If you are a business
user, I suggest that you go for the core i5 line, that can handle
multitasking even better than the i3 line.
超线程支撑和英特尔的创新技巧的全面运作领域,核心i5的线是为企业用户或家庭用户,谁向集约型游戏的抱负选择。 With
hyper-threading enabled and Intel's range of
innovative technologies fully operational, the core i5 line is
ideal for the business user or home users, who are into intensive
gaming. 倘若你想办理的无外乎是最好的谋略,本日往为高真个Core i7线。 If you want to settle for
nothing less than the very best in computing today, go for the high
end core i7 line. 正如你已经意识到必须在通过i7处理处分器的Core i3
i5的比较往,在i7处理处分器蹊径让你的指尖那是只有一次得到超等用户的谋略本事惊人! As you must have
realized while going through the core i3 i5 i7 comparison, the i7
line puts phenomenal computing power at your fingertips that was
available once only to users of supercomputers!
预算明智的,它们大概是全部地段最昂贵的,但它们供给了你的钱的┞锋正代价。 Budget wise, they may be the
costliest out of the whole lot, but they offer true value for your
  希看这种直接的Core i3 i5的i7处理处分器举办比较,收拾出在你的心中对这些新的英特尔芯片的疑虑。 Hope this
straightforward core i3 i5 i7 comparison has cleared out any doubts
in your mind about these new Intel chips. 这篇文┞仿是关于I3
i5的底子上i7处理处分器的基准测试研究。 This article is based on research on i3 i5 i7
benchmark tests. 选择此中任何三行一个得当您的预算和谋略需求。 Choose any one of these
three lines that suits your budget and computing
  通过灰色朝圣者 By Gray Pilgrim
  颁布时间:日 Published: 11/8/201
下载ZOL APP秒看最新热品i3-i5-i7配什么主板好_百度知道
不同型号,搭配的主板型号不同,每一款主板在产品说明当中都有支持的处理器规格表的,只要处理器满足满足该规格就可以支持,以B85主板为例进行说明,支持的处理器规格为:CPU平台:Intel;CPU类型:Core i7/Core i5/Core i3/Pentium/Celeron;CPU插槽:LGA 1150;CPU描述:支持Intel 22nm处理器;支持CPU数量:1颗。满足以上规格的I3/I5/I7处理器,B85主板都可以搭配。
如果不想配独立显卡,那只有使用i3系列以及i5 6xxcpu 配h55芯片组的主板使用如果你配独立显卡,那就无所谓了,i3 i5 i7 都能配合h55和p55使用,只不过p55比h55多了个多显卡技术以及raid技术另外i7有两种接口类型,,1366的i7需要配合x58,属于高端的系列,比较贵,1156属于大众级别的,
普通玩家I3 -H55
I5-P55 I7-X58
你好~!首先i3 配 H55的好,然后如果是双核的i5的话还是H55合适,要是四核的i5的话那就P55的好。对于LGA 1156接口类型的i7 8系列的 P55主板是不二的选择。LGA 1336的接口类型的 i7 9系列的 就是X58的主板好。希望我的回答能够对你有帮助。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。台湾威强IEI嵌入式主板IMBA-H810支持Core™ i7/i5/i3处理器H81芯片组
“台湾威强IEI嵌入式主板IMBA-H810支持Core™ i7/i5/i3处理器H81芯片组”参数说明
“台湾威强IEI嵌入式主板IMBA-H810支持Core™ i7/i5/i3处理器H81芯片组”详细介绍
1.支持 4th generation LGA1150 Intel& Core™ i7/i5/i3, Pentium& 或 Celeron& 处理器2. 双通道 DDR3
MHz 支持 16GB3. Intel& HD Graphics technology 集成高性能显卡和媒体处理4. 支持 USB 3.0 和 SATA&5. TPM 模块支持 TPM V1.2 硬件安全功能6. 威强电一键恢复解决方案可快速创建系统备份和恢复
支持 LGA1150 Intel& Core™ i7/i5/i3, Pentium& 和 Celeron& 处理器
Intel& H81
支持 2个 240-pin
MHz 双通道 DDR3 SDRAM Unbuffered DIMM (system max. 16GB)
LAN1: Intel& I218-V with Intel& AMT9.0 supportLAN2: Intel& I211-AT PCIe Controller
1 x PS/2&2 x USB 2.02 x RS-2322 x USB 3.0
支持 5.1 channel HD Audio by ALC662 (2x5 pin)
1 x PCIe x16&2 x PCIe x11 x PCIe Mini4 x PCI1 x mSATA (share with SATA4)
软件可编程支持 1~255 秒系统复位
1 x CPU 智能风扇 (1x4 pin)1 x 系统智能风扇 (1x3 pin)
3.3V@0.83A, 5V@2.2A, 12V@3.88A, 5VSB@0.3A(Intel& Core™ i7-GHz CPU with 8GB (two 4 GB) 1333MHz DDR3 memory)
-20°C ~ 60°C
5% ~ 95%,无冷凝
244 mm x 305 mm
GW: 1200g, NW: 700g
Front Panel
1 x 前面板 (2x7 pin, 电源 LED, HDD LED, 扬声器, 电源按钮, 复位按钮)
2 x LAN LED (1x2 pin)
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