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&&|&&共 8集
主演: 柯克·埃斯沃多,阿德沃尔·阿吉纽依-艾格拜吉,特里·金尼
语言:英语对白 中文字幕
更新: 15:44:27
HBO的这部暴力,描写监狱生活的剧集是一部令人上瘾,激素窜升的肥皂剧。第一季的8集给整个剧集设定了基调:大量演员塑造的栏杆内外逼真的人物形象,4,5个故事以快速而令人窒息的速度发展,并伴有愤怒而古怪的旁述和戏剧性增长的死亡率。由杀人犯(Homicide)的制片人Tom Fontana创作,这部剧集很快赢得了“最暴力的电视节目”的称号。本片像是简单的化学反应:在一个局限的密封的容器内融合各种爆炸性的元素并用力摇动Oswal…
Copyright ©
湘ICP备号-6 .All Rights Reserved .[美剧] 监狱风云/OZ 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版有问题,上知乎。知乎作为中文互联网最大的知识分享平台,以「知识连接一切」为愿景,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。[美剧] 监狱风云/OZ 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版OZ是奥兹瓦尔德最高戒备监狱(Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary)的简称。OZ《监狱风云》是HBO第一部独立制作并广受好评的电视剧集,是一部叫人上瘾、沉溺于其中剧情不能自拔的监狱剧。OZ是社会的一个缩影,囊括了所有能发生在监狱中的故事:帮派之争,毒品交易,强暴,杀人,越狱,爱与恨……OZ也是个微型的小社会,举凡美国社会常见的力量,如意大利帮、中国帮、爱尔兰帮、[展开全文]
OZ是奥兹瓦尔德最高戒备监狱(Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary)的简称。OZ《监狱风云》是HBO第一部独立制作并广受好评的电视剧集,是一部叫人上瘾、沉溺于其中剧情不能自拔的监狱剧。OZ是社会的一个缩影,囊括了所有能发生在监狱中的故事:帮派之争,毒品交易,强暴,杀人,越狱,爱与恨……OZ也是个微型的小社会,举凡美国社会常见的力量,如意大利帮、中国帮、爱尔兰帮、穆斯林、同性恋 、新纳粹等等,在其中都有体现。虽是监狱题材的集大成者,却又远远不止是监狱。在OZ,没有主角,没有简单的善恶存在。谁是邪恶的,谁是英雄,无从简单的一概而论,每个人都在做出从他的角度和立场,最理所当然的选择。【剧本】:First Season - Episode #1 The Routine Original Airdate: July 12, 1997 Oz That's the name on the street for the|Oswald Maximum Security Penitentiary.=&第一季 - 第一集日常原创Airtate:日Oz这是Oswald最大安全监狱的名字。 Oz is retro.=& 奥兹是复古。 Oz is retribution.=& 奥兹是报应。|You wanna punish a man? Separate him from his family,|separate him from himself, cage him up with his own kind.=&|你想惩罚一个人吗?把他和他的家人分开,把他和他自己分开,用他自己的方式把他关起来。 Oz is hard times doing hard time.=& 奥兹是困难的时候,努力工作。 McManus, don't you ever knock? Been through the files of all the inmates that arrived today.=& 麦克马努斯,你不曾敲门?通过今天到达的所有犯人的档案。 I want Tobias Beecher.=& 我想要Tobias Beecher。 OK.=& 好。|Miguel Alvarez.=&|米格尔·阿尔瓦雷斯。 Well, that'll be tough.=& 那么,这将是艰难的。 He's in the hospital, stab wound to the chest.=& 他在医院里刺伤了胸部。 He gonna live? Apparently.=& 他会住吗?显然。|Fuck you, Healy.=&|他妈的,希利。 Shut the fuck before I come in there and Hey, Warden.=& 在我进来之前把他妈的关掉,嗨,看守。|Hello, Mike.=&|迈克,你好。 And I want Donald Groves.=& 我想唐纳德·格鲁夫斯。 - Groves? Let me ask you something, McManus, and don't take this the wrong way What?|Are you out of your fucking mind? Groves is a demented sociopath without a scoosh of remorse.=&
- 树丛?让我问你一些事,麦克马努斯,不要采取这种错误的方式什么?|你是不是在他妈的心中?格罗夫斯是一个没有忏悔的痴迷的反社会。|Well, maybe.=&|也许吧。 He ate his parents.=& 他吃了他的父母。 He killed them, carved them up, and he ate them.=& 他杀了他们,把他们雕刻起来,然后把他们吃掉了。 What the fuck do you think you can do with him? I want to teach him table manners.=& 你以为他可以和他做什么?我想教他餐桌礼仪。 The only thing a guy like that understands is punishment,|hard and swift.=& 唯一一个这样的人理解的是惩罚,硬和迅速。 Leo, you said it yourself, our first conversation,|all we do is recycle.=& 狮子座,你自己说的,我们第一次谈话,我们所做的只是回收。 Hey, Warden, need to talk to you.=& 嘿,监狱长,需要和你谈谈。|Later, Johnson, later.=&后来,约翰逊,后来。 A new inmate comes in, we sit on him, send him back out, he's back with a vengeance.=& 一个新的犯人进来,我们坐在他身上,把他送回来,他又回来了。|If we don't do something different, we don't do something radical, right now, we're never gonna break the chain.=&|如果我们不做一些不同的事情,我们现在不做一些激进的事情,我们永远不会打破这个链条。|Groves isn't going out.=&|格罗夫斯不出门。 He's here 'til God dropkicks him to Hell.=& 他在这里直到上帝把他踢到地狱。 Do I have to call the commissioner on this one? I have been given total autonomy to run cell block 5 my way.=& 我必须打电话给这位专员吗?我得到了完全的自主权,以我的方式运行5号单元格。 Fine, take Groves.=& 好吧,走Groves。|Thank you.=&|谢谢。 And Paul Markstrom.=& 还有Paul Markstrom。 Markstrom? He's a petty drug dealer and I got enough petty drug dealers.=& Markstrom?他是一个小毒贩,我得到了足够的小贩。 You want Groves, you take Markstrom.=& 你想要Groves,你拿Markstrom。|Why? Why? He's my cousin.=&|为什么?为什么?他是我的表弟 Timmy McManus.=& 蒂米·麦克马纳斯 He created an experimental unit inside Oz, a new approach to the prison problem.=& 他在奥兹内部创建了一个实验单位,这是监狱问题的一种新方法。 Some people call it Emerald City.=& 有人把它叫做翡翠城。|To me, it's a concentration camp.=&|对我来说,这是一个集中营。 In Emerald City we got rules, got a lot more rules than anywhere else in Oz.=& 在翡翠城,我们得到了规则,比奥兹其他任何地方都有更多的规则。 Your cell is your home, keep it clean, spotless.=& 你的牢房是你的家,保持干净,一尘不染。 You are to exercise regularly, attend classes, go to drug and alcohol counseling.=& 你要定期锻炼,上课,去戒毒咨询。 You are to work in one of the prison factories.=& 你要在其中一个监狱工厂工作。|You are to follow the routine.=&|你要按照惯例。 We tell you when to sleep, when to eat, when to piss.=& 我们告诉你什么时候睡觉,什么时候吃,什么时候小便。 There is no yelling, no fighting, no fucking.=& 没有喊叫,没有战斗,没有他妈的。 Follow the rules, learn self discipline, because if you had any self discipline,|any control over yourselves at all, you wouldn't be sitting here now.=& 遵守规则,学会自律,因为如果你有任何自律的话,那么你现在就不会坐在这里。|Questions? Yeah.=&|有问题?是啊。 Can I go to the bathroom? Tuck it in, tough guy.=& 我可以上个洗手间吗?把它塞进硬汉。 OK, these are your sponsors, they will help you get used to the routine.=& 好的,这些是你的赞助商,他们会帮助你习惯日常工作。|I don't want any fucking sponsors.=&|我不想要任何他妈的赞助商。 I don't want any fucking routine.=& 我不想要任何他妈的例行公事|Shut up, Groves.=&|闭嘴,树丛。 Hi, I'm Bob Rebadow.=& 嗨,我是Bob Rebadow。 Nice to meet you too.=& 我也很高兴见到你。 Paul Markstrom, Jefferson Keane.=& 保罗·马克斯特罗姆,杰斐逊·基恩。|Yo.=&|哟。 Tobias Beecher, Dino Ortolani.=& Tobias Beecher,恐龙Ortolani。 I really have to do this?|Cut the shit.=& 我真的必须这样做吗? It's your turn.=& 轮到你了。 Hello.=& 你好。 Beecher, huh? I'm guessing you ain't Italian.=& 比彻,是吧?我猜你不是意大利人。 What're you in for?|Shaving strokes off your golf score? Prisoner number 97B412, Tobias Beecher.=& 你在干什么?|刮掉你的高尔夫比分的冲程?囚犯号码97B412,Tobias Beecher。 Convicted July 5, '97.=& 97年7月5日被定罪 Driving while intoxicated, vehicular manslaughter.=& 驾车的同时陶醉,车辆误杀。|Sentence: 15 years.=&|句子:15年。 Up for parole in four.=& 四起假释。 In Oz, the guards lock the cages and|walk away and the predators rise, take control, and make the rules.=& 在奥兹,守卫把笼子锁好,走开,掠食者起来,控制住,制定规则。 In Em City, the guards are with us 24 hours a day.=& 在埃姆城,守卫们每天24小时和我们在一起。 There's no privacy.=& 没有隐私。|Everybody sees what everybody's doing.=&|每个人都看到每个人在做什么。 Eyes everywhere.=& 目光四射。 McManus' eyes.=& 麦克马努斯的眼睛。 See, in Em City, retribution gives way to redemption.=& 在Em City看到报应让位于赎回。 Timmy boy believes he can save every one of us,|from each other, from ourselves, from the system that dumped us in here.=& 蒂米男孩相信他能拯救我们每一个人,彼此,从我们自己,从我们这里倾倒的系统。|Only thing he don't get is, you gotta want to be saved.=&|他唯一不能得到的就是要得救。|Hey, Dino.=&|嗨,恐龙 How ya doing? Hey, look pal, I know I'm supposed to be some kinda bro,|but the headline reads: I don't give a shit about you.=& 你怎么样?嘿,看看伙计,我知道我应该是一些有点兄弟,但标题写道:我不给你一个狗屎。 That's fine, Dino.=& 没关系,恐龙 OK.=& 好。 Hey, let me give you a slice of advice.=& 嘿,让我给你一点建议。 Get yourself a weapon.=& 给自己一个武器。 Anyone tries to fuck with you, take 'em down.=& 任何人都试图与你他妈的,把他们放下。 Anything else? Yeah, don't smile.=& 还要别的吗?是的,不要微笑。 Ever.=& 永远。|Dino, telephone.=&|恐龙,电话。 What're you looking at? You got a code for the phone, man?|MCI.=& 你在看什么?你有手机的密码吗?| MCI。 What's the number? Hey Jeanie, how you doing, baby?|Yeah, baby, I miss you too.=& 数字是多少?嗨珍妮,你怎么样,宝贝?|是的,宝贝,我也想你。 I got some grill coming you're gonna love.=&我有一些烧烤,你会爱上。|Bueni, Bueni.=&| Bueni,Bueni。 Excuse me, may I sit here?|No.=& 对不起,我可以坐在这里吗? Excuse me, is anybody sitting here? You.=& 对不起,有人坐在这里吗?您。 You're right, you know.=& 你是对的,你知道。 Beg pardon?|You're right.=& 请原谅?|你说得对。 About what? Genevieve.=& 关于什么?吉纳维夫。|She's thinking about divorcing you.=&|她正在考虑离婚。 In fact, she's having lunch with your old law partner to talk her through.=& 事实上,她正在和你的老法律伙伴共进午餐,和她说话。 How do you know my wife's name?|God told me.=& 你怎么知道我妻子的名字? Attention! According to new state health guidelines,|starting at the end of the month smoking will be prohibited inside Oswald Penitentiary.=& 注意!根据新的国家卫生指导方针,从月底开始,奥斯瓦尔德监狱将禁止吸烟。 Settle down! Settle down! Anyone caught with tobacco will be charged with possession of contraband and sent to ad seg! That's all.=& 安家!安家!任何与烟草有关的人都将被控违禁品并被送到广告分部!就这样。 So this is where they make the prison uniforms?|Well, actually, no.=& 那么这是他们制服的地方吗? The uniforms come from Taiwan.=& 制服来自台湾。 These are prison clothes we make to sell.=& 这些是我们制造出售的监狱服装。|Sell? To who? They're hip.=&|卖?给谁?他们很时髦。 Or hop.=& 或跳。|I'm not sure which.=&|我不确定哪个。 Grab a bolt and pull.=& 抓住一个螺栓,拉。 You know,|I'm not really used to doing this kind of work.=& 你知道,我并不习惯做这种工作。 Not that I think there's anything wrong with it or demeaning.=& 不是我认为这有什么不对或者贬低。 What'd you do on the outside?|I was a lawyer.=& 你在外面干什么?|我是一名律师。 I hate lawyers almost as much as I hate cops.=& 我讨厌律师几乎和我讨厌警察一样。 Count! What now?|We go to our cells and they count heads and lock us up for the night.=& 计数!现在是什么?|我们去我们的牢房,他们数着头,把我们锁起来过夜。|It's 5:00! What am I supposed to do What time is lights out?|10:00 PM.=&|现在是5点!我该怎么办?什么时候熄灯?| 10:00 PM。 What do I do for five hours? Try to keep breathing.=& 我该做五个小时?尽量保持呼吸。 Hey, what're you doing with my stuff?|Come on, those are mine! Anything you got, belongs to me.=& 嘿,你用我的东西怎么样?|来吧,那些是我的!你有什么,属于我。 Understand? Time to count, gentlemen.=& 理解?值得一提的是,先生们。 Come on out.=& 出来吧 I was getting to know my new soul mate.=& 我开始了解我的新灵魂伴侣。 There's something in the air and it ain't love.=& 空气中有东西,这不是爱。 I won't be fucking you, prag.=& 我不会是他妈的你,杂志。 At least, not tonight.=& 至少,不是今晚。 Hey.=& 嘿。 Mind if I sit here? Vern Schillinger.=& 介意我坐在这里? Vern Schillinger。 I understand.=& 我明白。 I saw last night, Adebisi giving you shit, taking your stuff.=& 我昨晚看到,阿德比斯给你狗屎,拿你的东西。 This morning he stole my watch.=& 今天早上他偷了我的手表。 That sucks.=& 这很糟糕。 He tried the same shit with me when I first got here.=& 我第一次来的时候,他也跟我一样。 What'd you do? I went to McManus, asked him to switch me to another pod.=& 你做了什么?我去了麦克马纳斯,让他把我换到另一个吊舱。 And he did? Yeah, sure.=& 他呢?好,当然。|Just don't say it has to do with Adebisi.=&|只是不要说这跟Adebisi有关。 Get him in trouble and he'll kill you.=& 让他陷入困境,他会杀了你。 In the meantime, wear armor.=& 在此期间,穿盔甲。 Armor? You ratted on me.=& 盔甲?你狠狠地揍我|Back off.=&|退后。 Who are you telling to back off? You, boy.=& 你说谁退缩?你小子。 Oh, yeah? Make me back off.=& 哦耶?让我退缩。 Play nice.=& 打得好。 I'm on top.=& 我在上面。 OK.=& 好。 You're not a Jew, are you? Me? Jewish? I don't even like Barbra Streisand.=& 你不是犹太人,是吗?我?犹太人?我甚至不喜欢芭芭拉·史翠珊。 Like my tattoos? I'm gonna have to get you one.=& 像我的纹身?我必须得到你一个。 No, thanks.=& 不用了,谢谢。 Oh, yeah.=& 哦耶。 I'm gonna brand you myself.=& 我要自己贴牌。 Livestock gets branded.=& 牲畜被打上烙印。 Livestock.=& 家畜。 That's what you are.=& 那就是你。 My livestock.=& 我的家畜 Because now, Tobias, your ass belongs to me.=& 因为现在,托比亚斯,你的屁股属于我。 They call this the penal system, but it's really the penis system.=& 他们把这称为刑罚制度,但它确实是阴茎系统。 It's about how big,|it's about how long, it's about how hard.=& 这是关于多大,关于多久,关于多么困难。|Life in Oz is all about the size of your dick and anybody who tells you different ain't got one.=&|在奥兹的生活是关于你的鸡巴的大小和任何告诉你不同的人没有一个。 Bitcher, come on.=& 比彻,来吧 Breakfast.=& 早餐。|No.=&|没有。 Suit yourself.=& 你自便。|Shakedown! Shakedowns aren't enough.=&|勒索! Shakedowns是不够的。 We need more than a few sniffing dogs to stop the flow of drugs.=& 我们需要更多的嗅探犬来阻止毒品的流入。 We need to fight the addiction.=& 我们需要打击上瘾。 No, we need to fight the traffic.=& 不,我们需要打交通。|How do we do that? Weeklong lockdown.=&|我们怎么做?一周锁定。 Let's see them trying to move their shit sitting in their cells 24/7.=& 让我们看看他们试图把他们的狗屎一天24小时地坐在他们的细胞里。 Yeah, so I get it.=& 是的,所以我明白了。 Your big idea is to punish everybody,|guilty or not, right? I sure as hell don't hear you coming up with anything better.=& 你的大想法是惩罚所有人,有罪与否,对吗?我确定你没有听到你提出任何更好的建议。 I'm telling you, Leo,|fucking McManus is out of fucking control.=& 我告诉你,Leo,他妈的麦克马努斯是他妈的控制。 He tells me yesterday he's thinking of starting a quiet time.=& 他昨天告诉我他正在考虑开始一个安静的时间。|You ready for that? An hour every day the cons gotta sit in silence.=&|你准备好了吗?每天一个小时,坐下的人都默默地坐着。 I mean, what's next? Milk and cookies?|Arts and crafts? Maybe you should've listened to what I was saying, Healy.=& 我的意思是,接下来呢?牛奶和饼干?|艺术和手工艺品?也许你应该听听我在说什么,Healy。 We gotta make 'em be quiet in here,|because when they get out and get a job, they're gonna have to sit and do their work and be quiet.=& 我们得让自己在这里安静下来,因为当他们出去找工作时,他们必须坐下来干活,安静下来。 Oh, come on, man.=& 哦,来吧,伙计。|What kind of fairy dust have you been snorting? These stupid fucks aren't gonna go work for fucking Microsoft.=&|你打了什么样的仙尘?这些愚蠢的乱搞是不会去为他妈的微软工作。 Bullshit.=& 废话。|If an inmate survives Oz, he's got balls on the street.=&|如果一个囚犯在奥兹生存下来,他在街上有球。 I wanna take some of the glamor away from that.=& 我想从中吸取一些魅力。 I wanna take some of the glory away from that.=& 我想从中获得一些荣耀。 Maybe a high school education, maybe to learn to fucking read.=& 也许是高中教育,也许要学会他妈的读书。 If everybody's done making speeches, I'm moving on.=& 如果大家都做了演讲,我就继续前进。|Next item, no smoking rule.=&|下一项,禁止吸烟规则。 More bullshit.=& 更多的废话。 You expect us to enforce this ban? These are state guidelines, recommended by the Board of Corrections, passed by the Legislature, signed by the Governor.=& 你希望我们执行这个禁令?这些是由州长通过的由立法机关通过的惩教委员会建议的州指导方针。|The Governor's an asshole.=&总督是个混蛋 You mean politically or are you speaking personally? He campaigned on the "no perks for prisoners" platform.=& 你的意思是在政治上还是你自己说话?他竞选“囚徒无役”平台。 He's gonna reinstate the death penalty, he's gonna slash our budget, he's gonna incite a riot.=& 他会恢复死刑,他会削减我们的预算,他会煽动骚乱。 A riot?|Yeah.=& 骚乱?|是的。 I heard what happened in the cafeteria.=& 我听说食堂发生了什么事|It's just gonna escalate.=&|这只是升级。 This place is fueled by smoke.=& 这个地方是由烟雾。 I know that Marlboros aren't gonna disappear.=& 我知道万宝路不会消失。 They're just gonna go underground like the drugs.=& 他们会像毒品一样去地下。 I said we had to enforce the new rules.=& 我说我们必须执行新的规则。|I didn't say that I liked them.=&|我没有说我喜欢他们。 Next item, Kareem Said.=& 下一个项目,贾里德说。 Now, he arrives today and I don't have to tell you|what a potential powderkeg this can be, not just because he blew up a white-owned warehouse in his community.=& 现在,他到了今天,我不必告诉你这可能是什么,不仅仅是因为他在社区里炸掉了一个白色的仓库。|After that, we can bury him in gen pop.=&|之后,我们可以把他埋在流行音乐里。 Prisoner number 97S444, Kareem Said aka Goodson Truman.=& 囚犯号码97S444,贾巴尔又名Goodson Truman。 Convicted June 6, '97.=& 97年6月6日被定罪。 Arson in the second degree.=& 纵火在第二学位。|Sentence: 18 years.=&|句子:18岁。 Eligibile for parole in 5.=& Eligibile在5假释。 In Em City we treat each other the way that we would like to be treated.=& 在埃姆城,我们相互对待,我们希望得到的待遇。|We treat each other with respect.=&|我们尊重对方。 And what happens when one of us does not respect the other? There's violence.=& 当我们中的一个人不尊重另一个时会发生什么?有暴力。|Then prison life isn't all that different from the outside world.=&然后监狱的生活和外面的世界并没有什么不同 Your celebrity status doesn't buy you any extra advantages here.=& 你的名人地位在这里不会给你带来任何额外的好处。 All my prisoners are equal.=& 我所有的囚犯都是平等的。 How ironic.=& 多么讽刺。 To finally be an equal in a place where I do not have the freedom to enjoy it.=& 终于成为一个平等的地方,我没有享受的自由。 You do the work assigned you,|you stay out of trouble, we're gonna get along just fine.=& 你做了分配给你的工作,你远离麻烦,我们会相处得很好。 Otherwise, you go into the general population and, Kareem, in the rest of Oz nobody's treated the way they would like to be treated.=& 否则,你进入普通人口,而在其他地区的奥巴,贾巴尔,没有人会以他们想要的方式对待他们。 Then I consider myself warned.=& 然后我认为我自己警告过。 I've read a couple of your books.=& 我已经读了几本书。|I know the influence that you can have over other men.=&|我知道你对其他人的影响力。 So I was hoping we could work together|to make everybody's stay here more productive.=& 所以我希望我们能够共同努力,让每个人都留在这里,提高生产力。 I would like to help my brothers live a full life.=& 我想帮助我的兄弟们过上充实的生活。 Yes, so would we all.=& 是的,我们也是。|Anything else we can tell you? No.=&|还有什么我们可以告诉你的?没有。 I do have one thing I can tell you.=& 我有一件事我可以告诉你。 What's that? The ratio is, at last count, one officer for every nine prisoners.=& 那是什么?最后一个比例是,每九名囚犯就有一名军官。 We can take this prison anytime we want to.=& 我们随时都可以带上这个监狱。 You can take it, but you wouldn't be able to keep it.=& 你可以拿走,但是你不能保留它。 That remains to be seen.=& 这还有待观察。|Are you telling me you intend to start a riot? What I'm telling you is, as of today, I run Oz.=&|你在告诉我你打算发动暴动吗?我告诉你的是,从今天起,我跑Oz。 Don't you fuck with me, my brother.=& 我的兄弟,你不要和我一起操? Officers! Asalaam aleikuum, my brother.=& 长官! Asalaam aleikuum,我的兄弟。 There is always in Oz an undercurrent of fear, of violence, of hate, waiting to explode.=& 奥兹总有一种恐惧,暴力,仇恨的暗流,等待爆炸。 Prisoner number 96C382, Dino Ortolani.=& 囚犯号码96C382,恐龙Ortolani。 Convicted December 12, '96.=& 被定罪'96年12月12日。 One count murder in the first degree, assault with a deadly weapon.=& 一个是一级谋杀,一个致命的武器攻击。 Sentence: Life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.=& 一句:终身监禁不可能假释。 McManus, we gotta talk.=& 麦克马努斯,我们得谈谈。 About what?|About sex.=& 关于什么?|关于性。 Sister, you're insatiable.=& 姐姐,你无法满足 And you are not that funny.=& 而你并不那么有趣。|Look, Dino Ortolani has requested a conjugal visit.=&|看,恐龙Ortolani已经要求夫妻的访问。 So? Well, that would make it the fourth since January.=& 所以?那么这将是一月份以来的第四次。 So?|Well, so, it's part of my job to arrange for inmates and their wives to Excuse me, am I in your way here?|To arrange for inmates and their wives to make whoopie.=& 那么,呃,我的工作就是安排囚犯和他们的妻子,对不起,我在你们这里?|为了安排囚犯和他们的妻子做妓女。 And it's part of your job to tell me|if said inmate has earned said whoopie.=& 如果说这个囚犯已经赢得了说谁的话,这是你工作的一部分。 Four times in a year.=& 一年四次。|That's more sex than I had when I was married.=&|这比我结婚的时候更性感。 Maybe that's why you're divorced.=& 也许这就是你离婚的原因。|Give him a six hour conjugal.=&|给他一个六小时的夫妻。 Wow, is that all?|Yep.=& 哇,这一切吗?|是的。 Well, I just hope he's not a premature ejaculator.=& 那么,我只是希望他不是一个早泄的人。 Whoa, for a second there I thought you'd escaped.=& 哇,那一秒钟我以为你已经逃脱了。 Thanks, kid.=& 谢谢,孩子。|He ate his mother.=&|他吃了他的母亲。 Get out of here.=& 离开这里。|So I heard.=&|所以我听说。 He killed her, then he blew off her head,|smothered it in onions.=& 他杀了她,然后他把头吹了起来,用洋葱把它掐死。 What, no garlic? He had his father in the freezer.=& 什么,没有大蒜?他的父亲在冰箱里。|Sick fuck.=&|他妈的。 What the fuck's wrong with this country? In the old days, murder was murder.=& 这个国家他妈的是怎么了?在过去,谋杀是谋杀。 You killed someone, it was business.=& 你杀了一个人,这是生意。 You sure as Christ didn't eat them.=& 你确定,因为基督没有吃掉它们。 Times have changed, Nino.=& 尼诺,时代变了。|Fuck that.=&|他妈的 Times changed.=& 时代改变了。 Nothing changes.=& 没有什么变化。 Nothing ever changes.=& 没有什么改变。 Now, my brothers,|we must dedicate ourselves to a whole different set of principles, to a whole new set of priorities.=& 现在,我的兄弟们,我们必须把一套完全不同的原则奉献给一套全新的优先事项。 We must rekindle our natural sense of purity.=& 我们必须重燃我们纯洁的自然感。 Our heart and our mind must be cleansed and then set free.=& 我们的心灵和思想必须得到洁净,然后放开。 That means no drugs, no alcohol, and no cigarettes, brother.=& 这意味着没有毒品,没有酒精,没有香烟,兄弟。 Yes, my brother.=& 是的,我的兄弟。 No foul language and no abnormal sex.=& 没有粗俗的语言,也没有异常的性行为。 You see these temptations? They must be replaced by a strict discipline and a channeled focus.=& 你看到这些诱惑?必须由严格的纪律和重点来取代。 And not only will our lives here in Satan's house be improved, but our spirits will be renewed.=& 我们在撒但家中的生活不但要得到改善,而且我们的精神也会得到更新。 We are not a gang of hoodlums.=& 我们不是一帮流氓。 We are a group of men rooted in Africa and living in America.=& 我们是一群植根于非洲,生活在美国的人。 We are strong and proud.=& 我们坚强而自豪。 We are an entity, a presence.=& 我们是一个实体,一个存在。 We are a force and we must be dealt with.=& 我们是一支力量,我们必须得到处理。 We are voices and we must be heard.=& 我们是声音,我们必须听到。 Now this white man, he may have enslaved us with his laws and he may have enslaved us in his jail, but he has not, cannot, will not enslave the very essence of our mortal soul.=& 现在这个白人,他可能是用他的律法来奴役我们的,他可能把我们监禁在他的监狱里,但是他没有,不能,不会奴役我们凡人灵魂的本质。 You hearing this shit? Yeah.=& 你听到这个狗屎?是啊。 Yabba dabba doo.=& Yabba dabba doo。 This fuck Said is a threat.=& 这他妈的说是一个威胁。 You tell Schibetta we gotta stick together on this one.=& 你告诉Schibetta我们必须坚持在这一个。 See me riding a bicycle? What?|I ain't a messenger boy.=& 看我骑自行车?什么?|我不是一个信使的男孩。 You got something to tell Nino, tell him yourself.=& 你有话要告诉尼诺,自己告诉他。|Yeah, yeah.=&|是的,是的。 Hey, lookie here.=& 嘿,看这里。 I may not have to worry.=& 我可能不必担心。 The fuck you doing, Kareem? You like being on your knees?|You like to suck dicks? What the fuck you doing, huh?|Get your ass outta here.=& 你他妈的,Kareem?你喜欢跪在地上吗?你在做什么,哈哈?|让你的屁股离开这里。 You been talking to my boys about dealing drugs?|Stay the fuck outta my business.=& 你在和我的男孩谈毒品交易吗? Is this what you want?|Huh? Is this really what you want? To bust your ass, yeah.=& 这是你想要的吗?这真的是你想要的吗?要破坏你的屁股,是的。|Muslims believe in non-violence.=&|穆斯林相信非暴力。 We believe in respecting our neighbor.=& 我们相信尊重邻居。|Well, we don't.=&|那么,我们不。 I will give my life for you.=& 我会为你付出生命。 You gonna have to.=& 你必须要。 So be it.=& 就这样吧。 Brother, hit me.=& 哥,打我|Come on, I told you to hit me, now hit me.=&|来吧,我告诉你打我,现在打我。 Hit me!|Hit me! Hit me in the face brother.=& 打我吧!|打我!打在我面前的兄弟。 Peace be unto you.=&愿你平安。 What day is it?|Friday.=& 星期五,星期五? Friday? Feels more like Monday.=& 星期五?感觉更像星期一。|Guess who's checking into Oz tomorrow? Your uncle Vinnie.=&|猜猜明天谁来检查奥兹?你的叔叔温尼。 Good guess.=& 不错的猜测。 Ryan O'Reily.=& Ryan O'Reily。 Get the fuck outta here.=& 在这里得到他妈的失控。 I'm shitting you?|Why am I gonna shit you about that scum? They gotta be crazy to put that motherfucker near me.=& 我是在扯你?|为什么我要把你这个渣滓搞砸?他们疯了,把那个混蛋放在我身边。 Maybe they know exactly what they're doing.=& 也许他们确切地知道他们在做什么。 Be careful, Dino.=& 小心,迪诺。|He ain't gonna be in Em City.=&|他不会在Em City。 He gonna be somewhere over the rainbow.=& 他会在彩虹的某个地方。|I'm gonna cap that motherfucker.=&|我要给那个混蛋盖帽。 You're not gonna do a fucking thing unless I say so.=& 除非我这么说,否则你不会做他妈的。 Capice.=& Capice。 Thanks.=& 谢谢。 Count! Oz is where I live.=& 计数!奥兹是我住的地方。 Oz is where I will die, where most of us will die.=& 奥兹是我会死的地方,我们大多数人会死在那里。 What we were don't matter.=& 我们是什么都不重要。 What we are don't matter.=& 我们是什么都不重要。 What we become don't matter.=& 我们成为什么都不重要。 Does it? What's up? Fucking faggot! Come on, get up! He's gotta disrespect me like that, man.=& 可以?这是怎么回事?他妈的!来吧,起床!他必须这样不尊重我,男人。|Are you stupid or what? There are cops all around the place.=&|你是愚蠢的还是什么?那里有警察。 Who's Keane? Me.=& 谁是基恩?我。 So? I'm O'Reily.=& 所以?我是O'Reily。|Like I said, so? I heard you can take care of a little business for me.=&|就像我说的那样?我听说你可以帮我照顾一些小事。 What kind of business?|Dino Ortolani.=& 什么样的业务?|恐龙Ortolani。 I want him airholed and I am willing to pay.=& 我想让他气喘吁吁,我愿意付钱。 We don't kill wiseguys around here.=& 我们不杀死在这里的智者。 Yum, yum.=& 好吃。 Plastic.=& 塑料。 My brother says hello.=& 我的兄弟打招呼。 Says you can help.=& 说你可以帮忙。 I'm here, ain't I? Open gate 57 vega.=& 我在这里,不是吗?打开门57 vega。 Shut it.=& 关掉它。|Ortolani.=&| Ortolani。 The niggers are afraid to touch him.=& 黑鬼不敢碰他。 You don't have to worry about wasting Ortolani.=& 你不必担心浪费Ortolani。 He's on self-destruct.=& 他正在自毁。 Back to your cells!|What happened? What happened? Lockdown!|Lockdown! Who did this to my brother? Don't play with that.=& 回到你的牢房!|发生什么事了?发生了什么?锁定|!锁定!这是谁给我的兄弟?不要玩那个。 You better hope they get Billie Keane to City Hospital on time.=& 你最好希望他们能赶上比莉·基恩去城市医院。 If he flames out, you're up for murder.=& 如果他熄火了,你就要谋杀了。 Doctor, I'm in here for life.=& 医生,我在这里终身。|I don't think one more murder's gonna matter.=&|我不认为再有一起谋杀事件会有影响。 By the way, you have an angel's touch.=& 顺便说一句,你有一个天使的触摸。|When you were outside, you ever get laid with a line like that? Outside I was faithful to my wife.=&|当你在外面的时候,你曾经有过这样的一条线吗?在外面我忠于我的妻子。|Yeah.=&|呀。 I was faithful by choice.=& 我是忠实的选择。|In here I don't got no choice.=&|在这里我没有别的选择。 Or do I? No choice, no chance.=& 还是我?没有选择,没有机会。 How come you're not volunteering over at the women's prison? How come you're in here shaking your tits at 1400 guys?|I'm trying to meet men.=& 你怎么没有在女监狱当志愿者?你怎么在这里摇晃你的乳头在1400个家伙?|我正试着去见男人。 I'm bored with the bar scene.=& 我对酒吧现场感到无聊。 So you married?|It's none of your business.=& 所以你结婚了?|这不关你的事。 'Cause I gotta wonder about a guy who'd let|a slice come into a pit like this.=& 因为我想知道一个人会像这样进入一个坑。 I mean, don't he got any concern for you? Oh, he's got plenty of concern for me.=& 我的意思是,他不关心你吗?哦,他对我很担心。|So you are married.=&|所以你结婚了。 Ow.=& 噢。 You happy? Happy, Doctor? Oh, I'm delirious.=& 你快乐?快乐,医生?哦,我很神秘。 Yep.=& 是的。 Yeah, have a seat, Dino.=& 是的,有一个座位,迪诺。 Take the cuffs off, please.=& 请摘下袖口。|Are you sure? Am I sure?|Yeah, I'm sure.=&|你确定吗?我确定吗?|是的,我确定。 Take the cuffs off, please.=& 请摘下袖口。 You can wait outside.=& 你可以在外面等。 How you doing, Dino? You're doing a lot better than Billie Keane cause he's in intensive care now.=& 你怎么样,迪诺?你比Billie Keane做得好很多,因为他现在正在精心照顾。|I don't start fights.=&|我不开始打架。 Yeah, I know, you finish 'em.=& 是的,我知道,你完成了。 Look, I'm gonna tell you something.=& 看,我会告诉你一些事情。 I'm gonna say it once and I'm gonna say it as simply as I can.=& 我会说一次,我会尽我所能地说。|Every inmate, every officer either hates your guts or their terrified of you,|or both.=&|每个囚犯,每个军官要么恨你的胆量,要么害怕你,或者两者兼而有之。 Being popular has never been a big concern of mine.=& 受欢迎从来不是我的一个大问题。|Well, how about staying alive? Is that a concern? Hmm? Keep it up, someone's gonna kill you.=&|那么,如何保持活力?这是一个问题吗?嗯?保持它,有人会杀了你。 So what? I'm gonna be sitting in that cell 'til they carry my tight little guinea ass out in a body bag so why don't you shut up and|put me in the fucking hole.=& 所以呢?我会坐在那个牢房里,直到他们把我那紧紧的几内亚屁股放在一个袋子里,那么你为什么不闭嘴,把我放在他妈的洞里。 Dino, do you know why in Em City I put lifers in with all the rest? So that people can learn to live together.=& 恐龙,你知道为什么在我的城市,我把所有其余的生命?这样人们可以学会一起生活。|And not just for when they get released.=&|而不只是当他们被释放。 Even if you're in here for the rest of your life, even if you're here until you die,|your life can have some purpose.=& 即使你在这里度过余生,即使你在这里直到你死去,你的生活也会有一些目的。 Hey, you hear that?|Are you on drugs, McManus? If you're not, you should start.=& 嘿,你听到了吗?|麦克马纳斯,你在吸毒吗?如果你不是,你应该开始。 You know, this is your third fight related to|some sort of homosexual encounter.=& 你知道,这是你第三次与某种同性恋相关的斗争。 You can't go swinging at a guy everytime he makes a pass at you, Dino.=& 每当他向你传递一个信息时,你都不能摆脱一个人,迪诺。 What am I supposed to do? The guy's being all faggish, stroking his dick in front of me trying to make it hard.=& 我应该做些什么?这家伙都很乱,在我面前抚摸着他的家伙,试图让它变得困难。 Laugh it off.=& 笑笑就算了。|I don't have that kind of sense of humor.=&|我没有这种幽默感。 As punishment, instead of putting you in lockup, I'm assigning you to work in the AIDS ward.=& 作为惩罚,我不是把你关起来,而是派你到艾滋病病房工作。 What? What the fuck? What, are you fucking nuts?|Hey, I work in the kitchen! Mr.=& 什么?什么他妈的?什么,你他妈的坚果?|嘿,我在厨房工作!先生。 Healy? You work in the AIDS ward.=& 希利?你在艾滋病病房工作 Punk!|Get the fuck outta my office! Nino, you gotta do something about this, man.=& 朋克!|把我的办公室搞糟了!尼诺,你得对此做些什么,男人。 You gotta get me off this hospital duty shit.=& 你得把我从这个医院值班。 Who the fuck are you talking to? I don't gotta do a fucking thing.=& 他妈的你在跟谁说话?我不该做一个他妈的的事情。|I'm telling you right now, man, I am not touching those diseased faggots.=&|我现在在告诉你,伙计,我没有碰那些病的柴。 Most of them are junkies.=& 他们大多数都是瘾君子。 Junkies, I don't care how they got it.=& 快乐,我不在乎他们是怎么得到的。 I don't wanna get it.=& 我不想得到它。|Then be careful.=&|那么小心一点。 What, are you saying you ain't gonna do nothing? That's right.=& 你在说什么,你什么都不做?那就对了。 I run the kitchen, Nino!|You're raising your voice to me.=& 我跑了厨房,尼诺!|你正在向我提出你的声音。 This is what I'm talking about.=& 这就是我正在谈论的。 You gotta learn to behave.=& 你必须学会表现。 Wiseguys been running these joints for generations.=& Wiseguys已经运行这些关节的世代。|How? With this and this We run the racket same as on the street, but you, you're gonna kill O'Reily, you're gonna kill the faggot.=&|如何?有了这个,我们在街上跑球拍,但是,你要杀了O'Reily,你要杀死那个Fagot。 You gotta learn to think before you act.=& 你必须在行动之前学会思考。|Life ain't an icepick.=&|生活不是一个冰激凌。 So go play nursemaid for a while.=& 所以去一下打护士吧。 Go wipe some asses.=& 去擦一些驴。 Wipe some asses.=& 擦一些驴。 Yeah.=& 是啊。 Fuck McManus and fuck these motherfuckers.=& 他妈的麦克马纳斯和他妈的这些他妈的。 Chow time, Sanchez.=& 周三时间,桑切斯。 Dr.=&博士 Nathan said you might say that.=& 内森说你可以这样说。|Dr.=&|博士。 Nathan said to feed you anyway.=& 内森说反正喂你。 Open your mouth!|I wanna die, man.=& 张开你的嘴!|我想死,人。 Open your Goddamn motherfucking cocksucking mouth.=& 打开你他妈的他妈的cocksucking嘴。 Well, thanks a lot.=& 那么,非常感谢。 It's so good to see you too, Gloria.=& 格洛丽亚,你也很高兴见到你。|Thanks for shackling me with Dino Ortolani.=&|感谢您用恐龙Ortolani嘲笑我。 Not only can't he keep his hands off my fanny, he's got the bedside manner of Atilla the Hun.=& 他不但不能把他的双手从我的屁股上拿下来,而且还得到了Atilla the Hun的床边风格。 Well, he gets into a fight, I stick him in the hole.=& 好吧,他打起来了,我把他抱在洞里。|Every time.=&|每一次。 I'm trying to break the pattern here.=& 我试图打破这里的模式。 He's a violent criminal,|a thug born to kill.=& 他是一个暴力犯罪分子,一个天生的杀手。 He'll never change.=& 他永远不会改变。 So what do you suggest, then?|Caning? Castration? Lorazipan.=& 那么你有什么建议呢?阉割? Lorazipan。 Sedate Ortolani with 4 milligrams of Lorazipan.=& 用4毫克的Lorazipan镇静Ortolani。 Put him in a passive state, he gets a great buzz,|and he doesn't harm anyone.=& 让他处于被动状态,他会发出强烈的嗡嗡声,而且他不会伤害任何人。 Better prison through chemistry?|Grow some balls, Tim.=& 更好的监狱通过化学?|增长一些球,蒂姆。 Free for dinner tonight?|I'm married.=& 今晚免费吃晚餐?|我结婚了。 You're separated.=& 你分开了 Wanna have dinner? Yes.=& 想吃晚饭吗?是。 I'll have balls by then.=& 那时候我会有球。|Hopefully.=&|希望。 My brother's lying in the fucking hospital,|half dead, tubes up his nose cause of that fucking dago.=& 我哥哥躺在他妈的医院里,死了一半,把他那个他妈的鼻子塞进了他的鼻子里。 What do you want?|I heard you were having a meeting about Ortolani.=& 你想要什么?|听说你正在开一个关于Ortolani的会议。 Brothers only.=& 兄弟只。|Yeah, whatever.=&|是的,无论如何。 What's going on?|What're y'all doing in here? He's just consoling me about my brother.=& 发生了什么事?|你们在这里做什么?他只是安慰我,关于我的兄弟。|Well, your brother's a fag, Keane.=&|好吧,你兄弟是基恩, They say it runs in families.=& 他们说它在家庭中运行。 You a fag too? Why don't you suck my dick and find out? You got two minutes to finish your work.=& 你也是个傻瓜?你为什么不吸我的鸡巴,找出来?你有两分钟完成你的工作。|Everybody else out! That's cute.=&|其他人都出来了!那很可爱。 You and me, we can get the job done.=& 你和我,我们可以完成工作。 Johnny, you're up.=& 约翰尼,你起来了。|Why don't you go in the hole and whack that wop.=&|你为什么不去那个洞里去呢? McManus didn't put Ortolani in the hole.=& 麦克马努斯没有把奥托拉尼放在洞里。 He's got him doing bedpan duty in the AIDS ward.=& 他让他在艾滋病病房里做了便盆。 Yeah?|Yeah.=& 是啊|?是的。 It'll take a couple days, but I'll get your man Post here reassigned to the AIDS ward.=& 这将需要几天的时间,但我会把你的这个男人邮政重新分配到艾滋病病房。 Fine.=& 精细。|When the moment's right.=&|当时是正确的。 You take that guinea out.=& 你把几内亚拿出来 Dino, my friend.=& 迪诺,我的朋友。 I've been looking for you.=& 我一直在找你。 Yeah, what do you want, Schillinger? I heard you crippled Billie Keane.=& 是的,Schillinger,你想要什么?我听说你把比莉·基恩弄坏了。 The Aryan Brotherhood is grateful.=& 雅利安兄弟会是感激的。|Swell.=&|膨胀。 Just trying to give you a little jizz here.=& 只是想在这里给你一点点嘶嘶声。 I don't need your jizz.=& 我不需要你的爵士 Fuck you, then.=& 然后他妈的你。|Fuck you.=&|你他妈的 What happened in the shower was between me and the fag boy had nothing to do with you, you fucking redneck scumbag.=& 淋浴间里发生了什么事情,我和那个男孩子没有任何关系,你他妈的笨蛋。 Why don't you take your fucking pure white ass|and get the fuck away from me? Stupid greaseball.=& 你为什么不把你他妈的纯白色的屁股,让他妈的离我而去?愚蠢的油球。 Count! Greaseball, cracker, mick, spic, kike, gook, nigger.=& 计数!油球,饼干,米克,spic,kike,gook,黑鬼。 Words.=& 话。 Words are weapons.=& 话是武器。 I'd rather have a Mach 10 anytime.=& 我宁愿有一个10马赫的任何时候。 Some inmates say that violence is the worst thing we gotta face.=& 一些囚犯说暴力是我们要面对的最糟糕的事情。 For me, the worst thing is the great yawn.=& 对我来说,最糟糕的是打哈欠。|How do you fill day after dull ass day? We got these routines that are supposed|to give our lives order and meaning.=&|如何填补屁股一天后的一天?我们得到了这些应该给我们的生活秩序和意义的套路。 But I'm here to testify that I'm less afraid of getting shanked in my back than the routine.=& 但是我在这里证明我不像在日常生活中那样害怕被背在身后。 Cause the routine, man, the routine'll kill you.=& 因为常规,男人,常规会杀了你。 I wanna see my daughter.=& 我想看看我的女儿。 Hey, I wanna see my daughter! You're more fucking trouble than you're worth, Sanchez.=& 嘿,我想看看我的女儿!桑切斯,你比他更值得他妈的麻烦。 You have a daughter? Thought you were queer.=& 你有女儿?以为你是奇怪的。 Queers have daughters.=& 酷儿有女儿。 She's three.=& 她三岁 I have a son that age.=& 我有一个那个年龄的儿子。 You want cigarettes? You're not allowed to smoke.=& 你想要香烟?你不允许抽烟。 I wanna see my daughter, where you going? I wanna see my daughter.=& 我想看看我的女儿,你去哪里?我想看看我的女儿。 Right here, man.=& 在这里,男人。 So tell me, why the fuck did you get AIDS? I loved I love heroin.=& 那么告诉我,为什么他妈的你得了艾滋病?我爱我爱海洛因。 It took me to another body.=& 它把我带到另一个机构。 Made me feel golden.=& 让我感觉到金黄。 You? No, I never liked that shit.=& 您?不,我从来不喜欢那个狗屎。 I sold a lot of it though.=& 我虽然卖了很多。 Maybe I got mine from you.=& 也许我是从你那里得到的。 No, I was never on the street dealing.=& 不,我从来没有在街上交易。 Still Listen, you little fuck,|I was in the business.=& 还是听着,你他妈的,我在做生意。 Pure and simple.=& 纯粹而简单。 I never told you to fucking share your needles with anybody.=& 我从来没有告诉你他妈的与任何人分享你的针。 No smoking.=& 禁止抽烟。 Yo, Ortolani! What do you want, Post?|I'm gonna be working in the AIDS ward with you.=& 哟,Ortolani!你想要什么,Post?|我要和你一起在艾滋病病房工作。 Great news, huh? Got a extra cig? No, no extra.=& 好消息,是吧?有额外的CIG?不,没有额外的 Hey, Ortolani! How you doing?|Oh, Christ.=& 嘿,Ortolani!你好吗?|哦,基督。 You know, Jesus Christ,|this is like fucking high school.=& 你知道,耶稣基督,这就像他妈的高中。 You think by shoving me in the AIDS ward|you're gonna change me? Huh? Let me tell you something, coach.=& 你想把我推到艾滋病病房,你会改变我的吗?咦?教练,让我告诉你一些事情。 Even with all your good intentions, all your reforms, and all your overall policies,|I ain't ever gonna change.=& 即使有你的好意,你所有的改革和你所有的整体政策,我也永远不会改变。 We ain't ever gonna change.=& 我们永远不会改变。 None of us.=& 我们都没有 Hi, Timmy, what's up? Dino Ortolani.=& 嗨,蒂米,怎么了?恐龙Ortolani。 Cancel his conjugal visit.=& 取消他的夫妻访问。 Tell him instead he can have family time.=& 告诉他,他可以有家庭时间。 Family? He's Italian.=& 家庭?他是意大利人 That could mean upwards of a hundred people.=& 这可能意味着超过一百人。|No, no, just his wife and kids.=&|不,不,只是他的妻子和孩子。 And I want 'em to meet behind the glass.=& 我想要他们在玻璃后面见面。|I want him to see 'em, but no touching.=&|我想让他看看他们,但是不要动。 Oh, Tim, you wanna be careful.=& 哦,蒂姆,你要小心。|About what? Of playing God once too often.=&|关于什么?上帝经常玩上帝。 If you're not careful, the real one's gonna get very pissed off.=& 如果你不小心,真正的会变得非常恼火。 Hi! Listen, why don't you go play over there.=& 嗨!听着,你为什么不去那边玩。 Let me talk to Daddy.=& 让我跟爸爸谈谈。|Hey, baby.=&|嗨,宝贝。 Hi.=& 你好。 What happened?|Why you got sandbags? I slipped in the shower.=& 发生了什么?|为什么你得到沙袋?我滑倒在淋浴间。|Shh! Be quiet! Let 'em play, they're kids.=&|嘘!安静!让他们玩,他们是孩子。|Don't keep them cooped up.=&|不要让他们紧张起来。 How you doing, Jeanie? The house is so empty.=& 珍妮,你好吗?房子太空了 They treating you ok?|Of course.=& 他们对你好吗?|当然。 But, baby, the money don't mean nothing to me.=& 但是,宝贝,这些钱对我来说并不意味着什么。 As long as you can take care of those two, that's what's important.=& 只要你能照顾到那两个,这就是重要的。|I miss you.=&|我想你。 What'd I tell you about what? You have to go on with your life.=& 我告诉你什么?你必须继续你的生活。|I don't wanna hear about that.=&|我不想听到这个。 You have to go on with your fucking life, Jeanie.=& 珍妮,你必须继续他妈的生活。|What? You want me to find a guy? You want me to get married again? You want some guy watching your kids grow up? Call him Daddy? I don't want you ever bringing them back here,|ever again.=&|什么?你想让我找到一个人?你要我再结婚吗?你想让一些人看着你的孩子长大?叫他爸爸?我不希望你永远把他们带回来。 So the fucking pussy took the state to court, said smoking was bad for his health.=& 所以他妈的猫把国家告上法庭,说吸烟对他的健康不利。|What the fuck? This whole fucking place is bad for your health, you know what I'm saying? So the state bans cigs in prisons.=&|他妈的是什么?这整个他妈的地方对你的健康有害,你知道我在说什么吗?所以国家禁止监狱里的烟草 I'm 30 years without a fucking cigarette?|No fucking way.=& 我30年没有他妈的香烟吗?没有他妈的方法。 They don't even let the brothers in solitary smoke, like they're worried about catching fucking lung cancer.=& 他们甚至不让兄弟们孤独的吸烟,就像他们担心抓住他妈的肺癌一样。 You like to hear yourself talk, don't you? You ever wonder what it's like to burn somebody's eye out? Oh, yeah.=& 你喜欢听自己的话,不是吗?你曾经想知道是什么让人眼前一亮?哦耶。|Put that out.=&|把它说出来。 You, get outta my chair.=& 你,走出我的椅子。 Yes, ma'am.=& 是的女士。 Go take care of Emilio Sanchez.=& 去照顾Emilio Sanchez。 What'd he do now? He had an accident.=& 他现在做了什么?他发生了事故。 Change him and then sponge him.=& 改变他,然后海绵他。|No way.=&|没办法。 I ain't touching that diseased turd.=& 我没有接触到那个患病的粪便。 Oh, yes, you are.=& 哦,是的,你是。 Oh, no, I ain't.=& 哦,不,我不是。 Look, Sanchez hasn't got long and he knows it.=& 看,桑切斯还没有多久,他知道这一点。 I can't do more for him than dull the pain and the least that you can do is|not let him die lying in his own shit.=& 我不能为他做更多的事情,而不是让痛苦变得沉闷,至少你可以做的是不让他死在自己的狗屎中。 OK.=& 好。 Thank you.=& 谢谢。 Let's go, Sanchez.=& 走吧,桑切斯。 I wanna die.=& 我想死。 Yeah, well, you're gonna get your wish.=& 是啊,你会得到你的愿望。|Please.=&|请。 Please, what? Help me.=& 请问,什么?帮我。 Help you? Here.=& 帮你?这里。 Help me die.=& 帮我死吧 Fancy meeting you here.=& 在这里见到你。 Hey, I want you to know, Dino, I got no hard feelings.=& 嘿,我想让你知道,迪诺,我没有任何硬性的感觉。 Your goomba tells you to kill me, you try to make your bones, I appreciate that.=& 你的goomba告诉你杀了我,你试图让你的骨头,我明白这一点。 It's not your fault I didn't die.=& 我没有死,这不是你的错。 Yeah, it's not your fault you'd have the balls to come after me, right? You're a 158, you rat bastard.=& 是啊,你不会有错,你会有球追上我,对吧?你是一个158,你是个混蛋。 See, now you're trying to provoke me into a fight,|which'll go down on my record, which'll keep me from getting a berth in Em City.=& 看,现在你正在试图挑起我一场战斗,这将在我的记录上下来,这将阻止我在埃姆城停泊。 You coming to Em City?|Yeah, how about that? You and me, lasagna boy,|side by side every single day for the rest of our lives.=& 你来Em City?|是的,那怎么样?你和我,烤宽面条的男孩,每一天在我们的余生。 Unless, of course, I get paroled in twelve.=& 当然,除非我得到十二个假释。|You come to Em City, you're dead.=&|你来到Em City,你已经死了。 I guess that means I can't use you as a reference, huh? You can take a punch, huh? When I have to.=& 我想这意味着我不能用你作为参考,是吧?你可以冲一下,对吧?当我必须。 Got all the answers too.=& 也得到了所有的答案。 No, not all.=& 不,不是全部。 But some.=& 但一些。 Yeah, well, it's too bad you're the wrong color.=& 是的,那太糟糕了,你错了。 What's going on? He killed one of my patients.=& 这是怎么回事?他杀了我的一个病人。 I came in but it was too late already.=& 我进来了,但已经太晚了。 He's a monster! You gotta do something!|You gotta stop him! People kill to stay alive.=& 他是个怪物!你必须做点什么!你必须阻止他!人们为了活下去而杀人 That's as true in prison as out.=& 监狱里的情况也是如此。 I wonder why in here we fight so hard to stay alive.=& 我想知道为什么在这里我们努力争取活下去。 A man gets sentenced to 100 years,|he really thinks if he exercises, gets all buff, stays diesel, he's gonna walk out ? A judge says life imprisonment|without the possibility of parole.=& 一个人被判刑100年,他真的认为如果他练习,得到所有的爱好者,保持柴油,他会走出去?法官说无期徒刑,没有假释的可能性。 Without the possibility.=& 没有可能性。 Lifers.=& 无期徒刑。 At some point they realize they ain't going nowhere.=& 在某个时候,他们意识到他们不会无处可去。|I seen it happen.=&|我看到它发生。 A calm comes in their eyes.=& 他们眼中冷静。 It's like they figured out something|that the rest of us are never gonna see.=& 就好像他们弄清楚了我们其他人永远都看不到的东西。 They're suddenly free in a whole other kinda way,|they're ready to die.=& 他们突然间有了另外一种方式,他们已经准备好死亡了。 And maybe they do what they can to help that shit along.=& 也许他们尽自己所能去帮助这些事情。 subtitled by creb
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