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lego digital designer怎么调整窗口显示的东西
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保存至快速回贴AdvertisementAdvertisementLEGO Digital Designer 4.2.5Be reminded of your youth with these virtual lego bricksPROSHundreds of pieces to choose fromIncludes built models to get you startedGreat 3D designing environmentCONSRequires extreme mouse accuracy71651 votesThank you for rating!LicenseFreeOSWindows 8LEGO Digital Designer is also compatible with: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7Also available forLEGO Digital Designer is also available in other platformsDownloads175KTotal downloads175KLast month's downloads3KLanguageEnglishAvailable languagesEnglishGermanVersion4.2.5Developer&| More Programs (13)User rating7/10 & <span class="app-specs__value-detail" itemprop="ratingCount" content= votes)Softonic reviewBy Elena SantosExcellent9When I was little one of my favorite toys was a Lego set of pieces which I used to build just about anything, from a house for my dolls to a supersonic spaceship. This is probably the reason why I was delighted to discover a digital version of that good old Lego box.Lego Digital Designer provides you with a huge amount of Lego pieces of all sorts and sizes with which you can build anything you can come up with. Besides free creation, you can also use pre-rendered 3D figures included in Lego Digital Designer, either for editing them or for taking them as models for your own designs.AdvertisementThe program displays a 3D working area to place pieces than can be panned, zoomed or moved in any direction to get a better view of your creation. Just bear in mind that you need to be extremely accurate with your mouse and move the working area a lot in order to get pieces in the appropriate spot.Pieces are selected from a floating menu: you'll find them conveniently organized by categories and grouped by size. And you know what? They're endless, like in any child's dream! Once your work of Lego-art is done, you can upload to an online gallery or even order it in real Lego pieces.Lego Digital Designer enables you to build anything with Lego on your PC and share it online.Author's reviewWith Digital Designer, you can build anything in your imagination using virtual bricks, right on your computer.
This version has increased stability and a brand new set of LEGO elements for you to build with. You can also print out an inventory of your creation and take it to any LEGOLAND theme park or LEGO Store and purchase the pieces you need to turn your virtual model into a reality!AdvertisementTop downloads Educational
for windowsRelated topics about LEGO Digital DesignerAdvertisementDownloadLEGO Digital Designer 4.2.5User reviews about LEGO Digital DesignerYou may also likeArticles about LEGO Digital DesignerLaws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws.AdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementLeaving without your download?Get FREE alternatives to LEGO Digital DesignerA free PC games program for WindowsDigital circuit designing and simulation?Quieres formar parte de nuestra comunidad?Sign in to start the DownloadNota: Nunca publicaremos nada sin tu consentimiento?Por qué iniciar sesión?Descarga cientos de apps y programas de forma rápida y seguraRecibe guías y contenido relevante de los mejores expertosLas últimas tendencias en tecnología y descuentos exclusivos, directos a tu correo!Your review for LEGO Digital Designer-Submit ratingAdvertisement怎么用lego digital designer拼出圆形-学路网-学习路上 有我相伴
怎么用lego digital designer拼出圆形
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