
发表于 10-3-15 11:11:05
ISBN 978-7-
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
10:06 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:11:35
发表于 10-3-15 11:12:11
修 订 前 言
& && &《考研英语核心词汇说文解词》一书自日出版后,在两个多月的时间里将印刷的1万5千册图书销售一空。考生在使用本书的过程中,给编辑部提出了许多关于图书方面的批评与建议,编辑部在充分考虑读者的批评与建议之后,从2009年10月即开始本书的修订工作。现将有关修订情况说明如下:
& && & 本书的修订工作仍然由曾鸣和张剑老师主持。霍岩同志负责视频内容的讲解。张涛、李美荣、陈曦、廖婧芸等同志负责图书的编辑校对工作。梁琦同志负责漫画创作工作。视频编辑部分则由邢志远、张灿、张顺等同志完成。在此,对参与本书工作的上述同志的辛勤劳动表示感谢!同时,也欢迎我们的读者继续对本书提出批评与建议。
电话: 010—07& && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&手机:
电邮: & && && && && && && && && && && && && & QQ: (张剑锋)
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&张剑锋
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &日
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
18:00 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:12:48
& && & 《考研英语核心词汇说文解词》历经三年多的编辑修改,终于就要出版了。现就本书编写的相关情况介绍如下:
& && & 日,编辑部召开编辑会议,决定编写考研词汇方面的图书。根据我们多年以来对市场和考生的跟踪调查,考生对词汇书的需求主要表现在以下几个方面:
& && & 首先,对词汇的各个义项掌握得不全面,只知其一,不及其余。在准备四、六级考试的时候,大部分词汇只需要准备两到三项词义即可,但考研词汇则通常考的是第四、第五,甚至是第七、第八项的词义,这就必然为我们词汇的复习增加了困难。
& && & 其次,词汇的各个义项是随着语境的变化而变化的。如果不结合上下文来理解词义,显然是不可能准确地理解词义的。
& && & 解决上述问题的方案有多种,但最有效的方式就是对词义本身进行英英注释。在英语的语境下来理解词汇的准确含义。基于此,我们选择了目前最权威的《牛津高阶英语词典(第七版)》(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary),《朗文当代英语词典(第四版)》(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)两种经典词典,再辅以《柯林斯英语词典》(Collins English Dictionary)、《韦氏大学词典》(MerriamWebsters Collegiate Dictionary)等词典的注释来对我们精选的核心词汇进行注释。
& && & 那么记忆词汇有没有更为科学的方法呢?编辑部对此进行了深入地分析和讨论,并总结出了以“词根记忆”为核心的丰富多样的记忆方法,主要包括词源、词根词缀、形象记忆、形近词串记、归类记忆、英汉同音记忆等。同时,在对词根“家族”进行分析说明时,基本上对每组词根都使用了图片或漫画的方式帮助记忆。此外,对部分多义项的词汇采取了有效的词义串联的记忆方法。
(3)真题外刊例句注释。这主要涉及到如何使用词汇的问题。编辑部对精选的词汇的每一个义项都配有例句。例句的来源主要有两种:一是真题例句。我们精选了1986年以来的历年真题材料作为词义例句的首选。二是外刊例句。对在真题中无法找到相应例句的词义,我们通过外刊进行收集,这些外刊主要有:Time, Economist, Newsweek,USA Today,Nature,Business Week,US News,New York Times,International Herald Tribune,Guardian等,这些外刊材料都是最新的,也是我们命题专家经常使用的命题材料。
& && & 编辑部对这三个方面的工作是分阶段完成的。2006年9月底,英英注释的工作基本完成。2006年底词根联想串联记忆工作基本完成。从2007年开始,编辑部在例句注释方面投入相当大的精力。由于我们积累了八年多的真题分析的经验,因此,在真题例句方面相对要容易一些。但是,对外刊例句的挑选,则是相当艰难。为了挑选一个最适合义项,我们的编辑往往需要几个小时,甚至几天的时间,才能找到该义项的例句。直到2008年5月初才基本完成了对词义例句的注释工作。
& && & 初稿形成后,我们开始通过考研论坛和书店对读者进行调研。这次调研主要在内容格式和排版方面。在充分吸收读者建议的基础上,我们编辑部于2008年6月初完成了排版方面的工作。
& && & 2008年7月后,本书进入了编辑和校对阶段,在这个阶段,负责本书编辑工作的同志对每一个词和句子都进行了精心的修改,并替换了大量的例句,力争做到精益求精。2009年研究生考试结束后,编辑部又增补了2009的真题例句,使本书的例句保持最新的注释。经过5个多月的辛勤工作,在2009年春节前终于完成了本书的编校工作。在编辑过程中,我们对词汇的含义用○标示;对短语搭配的含义用□标示;对扩充词汇的含义用大写的罗马数字(即Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ等)标示,并使每一个例句均与相应的词义相对照,以便读者查对。
& && & 2009年新学期开学后,我们的编辑和策划再次到书店与我们潜在的读者进行交流,针对部分读者反映我们的图书太厚(编辑稿达到了650页左右),可能会影响阅读和记忆的效果,编辑部决定对所收词汇进行精选,并对一些基础性的词汇进行了删减。精选后的核心词汇大约有1200多词,分为20个单元。为消除读者使用本书可能造成对大纲词汇掌握不全面的疑虑,编辑部决定对本书没有收录的词汇进行简单注释,并根据读者的建议,对每一个词均做了词频统计,形成了该书的赠送本:《大纲词汇速记手册》。
& && & 如果本书能够得到读者和市场的认可,我们将对考研词汇出版成一个系列,暂且命名为“考研词汇ABC”。词汇系列A,即为本书,主要收录考研的一些核心的词汇,适合通过六级的考生使用;词汇系列B,暂定名为《考研英语基础词根+词缀》;词汇系列C,暂定名为《考研英语熟词僻义+短语搭配》。词汇系列的B和C,则主要给那些基础较差的读者使用。
& && & 本书是编辑部集体研究的成果,前后参与词汇项目的编辑有十余人。项目总负责人为张剑和曾鸣老师,霍岩同志负责本书的后期编校工作,并参与了部分词汇的例句注释工作。
& && && && &
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &张剑锋
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &日
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
18:01 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:13:27
●act, ag=to act做,行动,驱使
●am, amat=to love爱
●anger 愤怒,激怒,使发怒
●ang, eng=angle角
●audi=to hear听
●aug,auc=to increase 增加
●author 作家,著者
●band,bond,bind,bound=to bind捆绑,束缚
●bat=to beat击打
●bell=war 战争
●bio =life生命
●cay,cid,cas=to fall落下
●chalk 粉笔,白垩(一种石灰石)
●cap=head头,to take抓取
●car=car车,to run跑
●cast=to throw投掷
●cede,ceed,cess=to go去,to yield让步
●ceive,cept,cip,cipate=to take取
●cern,cret=to separate分离
●cite=to call呼叫
●claim,clam=to cry大叫
●clin=to bend弯曲
●clos,clud=to shut关闭
●cognis,gnos=to know知道
●count=to count计算
●cover=to cover遮盖
●cre=to grow生长
●cur,course=to run流,跑
●cure=to take care注意,留心
●dic,dict =to say说
●doc=to teach教导
●dom=house房屋,家;domin=to rule统治
●don,dot,dow=to give给予
●draw 拉,引
●duc,duct=to lead领导
●dur=to last持续
●am,em=to take取
●fab=to knit做,编
●fact,fect,fic=to make做,to do做,为
●fare=to go走
●fend,fest=to strike打击
●fer=to carry运,载
●fer=to make携带,带来
●fin=to end结束
●flect,flex=to bend弯曲
●form=to form形成,form形状
●fract,frag=to break打破
●fuse,fut=to melt溶化,熔化
●gener,gen,gent=to produce制造,生产,
●grad,gress=to walk行走
●gram,graph=to write书写
●hab,hibit=to have拥有
●her,hes=to stick粘着
●hum =ground地面
●it=to go走
●ject,jac=to throw投,掷
●join,junct=to join加入,连接
●jud=to judge判断
●just,juris= right正义,正确
●labor=to work工作
●laps=to slip,to glide滑,溜
●late=to bring带来,to bear搬运
●lav,lau=to wash洗
●lax,lyse=to loosen放松
●lect,leg,lig=to pick out选择
●leg=to send送,law法律
●lev=to raise升,举
●lig=to bind绑,束缚
●log(ue),loqu =to speak说话
●illu(m)= light照亮
●med=to heal治疗
●ment=to think想,mind心智
●merc=to trade贸易,reward报酬
●merge,mers=to sink沉没
●meter=to measure测量
●migr=to move移动
●min= to project突出
●mir=to wonder惊讶
●miss,mit=to send送
●memor,mon =to remember记住,to remind提醒
●mov,mob,mot=to move移动
●mut=to change改变
●neg=to deny否定
●not= note笔记,备忘录
●nounce,nunci=to report报告
to count计数
●nur,nour,nutri=to nourish滋养,孕育
●opt=eye眼睛,to select选择
●ori=to rise升起,to begin开始
●pact =to fasten结紧
●part =part部分,要素
●pass =to pass 通过
●pass, pati, path = bad feelings不好的感觉
●part =father父亲
●ped = foot足,脚
●pel,puls=drive 推动,驱使,击打
●pen,pun =punish惩罚
●pend,pens= to hang悬挂,to weigh称重,to pay支付
●pet =to seek追求
●phan,fan =appearance样子,to appear出现
●phon,phet = sound声音
●plaud,plode =to burst out爆发
●ple,plic=to fold折叠
●poli(t) =state,city 国家,城市
●pos,pone,pound =to place,to put放,置
●preci =price,value价格,价值
●press =to press压
●prin,prim =first初,始
●pris,prehend =to seize抓住
●priv =private私人的
●proach =near接近
●prov,prob=to prove证实
●quire,quest =to seek or ask寻求,询问
●radi =ray光线
●rect = straight直的,正确的
●reg,rig =rule规则,to rule统治,治理
●rod =to bite咬
●rupt =to break 断
●sacr, sanct=sacred 神圣的
●scend=to climb 爬,攀登
●scop =to look看
●scribe,script =to write写
●sect,seg =to cut切割
● side =to sit坐
●sens,sent=to feel感觉
●sequ =to follow跟随
●secut=to perform做,执行
●sert =to join加入
●serv =to serve服务,to keep保持
●sign =mark 标记
●soci=companion伙伴,to associate
●solve=to loosen松开
●soph = wisdom聪明,智慧
●spec,spi=to look看
●sper,spair =hope希望
●sphere =ball球
●spir =to breath呼吸
●spond,spons =promise允诺
●stinct,sting =to sting刺
●str =to draw tight拉紧
●stru, struct =to build建造
●sume =to take拿
●sum = highest最高的
●sur =sure,secure肯定的,安全的
●tail =to cut切割
●tact,tain =to touch触摸
●tain,ten= to hold抓住,保持
●temper =moderate温和的
●tempt,tent =to try尝试
●tend,tens =to stretch拉伸
●term =end,limit结束,界限
●test = to testify证明
●text =to weave编织
●the =to place放,置
●tort =to twist扭曲
●torn,tour =to turn转
●tract =to draw拉,抽
●tribut =to assign分派
●turb =to disturb搅乱
●us,uti=to use使用
●vac, van, void =empty空的
●vad =to go走
●vers, vert= to turn转
●vict, vinc = to conquer征服
●vid,view,vis=to see看见
●vit,viv = to live生存,life生活
●voc,voke= to call喊
●volve, volut = to roll卷,转
●cracy=to rule统治
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
18:03 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:14:42
& && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&Unit&&1●act, ag=to act做,行动,驱使& && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
●alter改变,转变& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
●am, amat=to love爱& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
●anger 愤怒,激怒,使发怒& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
●ang, eng=angle角
●audi=to hear听& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
●aug,auc=to increase 增加
●author 作家,著者
●band,bond,bind,bound=to bind捆绑,束缚
●bat=to beat击打
●bell=war 战争
●bio =life生命
act (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [I] to do or behave做事,行动;行为,举止 [近behave]&&
② [T,I]to pretend by your behavior假装 [+sth/a.] [近pretend, assume, simulate]
③ [T,I]to perform a part in a play or film扮演(戏剧、电影中的)角色 [近perform, play]
④ [I]to perform ato have an effect on 起作用;有影响 [+as/like sth, +on sth] [近function,serve, work]
[n.] ⑤ [C] a particular thing that sb does行为,动作,举动 [近action]
⑥ [C] a law that has been passed by a parliament(议会通过的)法令,法案 [相关bill“提交议会讨论、尚未通过的法案”]
⑦ [用单数] insincere behavior in which you pretend to have or be sth装模作样 [近pretence]
⑧ [C] one of the main divisions of a play, a show, etc.(戏剧等的)一幕,一段表演 [近performance]
act on sth: to take action as a result of advice, information, etc.根据(建议、信息等)行事
act sth out: to show how sth happened by pretending to be the people who were involved in it将……表演出来
in the act (of sth/doing sth):while you are doing sth正在(做某事),当场
1①. The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes its reconstruction of rules later this year
is strong.国际会计标准委员会(IASB)表示,不愿意在没有总体规划的情况下有所行动,但在今年晚些时候完成自身规则的重新修订时,其屈服的压力会非常大。(2010阅读
2④. In the atmosphere, carbon dioxide acts rather like a oneway mirror.在大气中,二氧化碳起着单面透视镜的作用。(1992阅读Text 2)
3⑤. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia.而仅仅在那之前十年的弗吉尼亚州,这种行为的实施还要得到立法机关的
批准。(2008阅读Text 4)
4⑥. the Thatcher Governments Broadcasting Act 《撒切尔政府广播法案》(1996阅读Text 2)
5. Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the
1②⑦⑤. “I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute,” Hilton said during the call.希尔顿在电话中说,“我过去常常
装哑,这是装模作样,现在我已经26岁了,这样的行为不再可爱了。”(2007 USA Today)
2④. It acts on the nervous system to lower blood pressure.它对神经系统产生影响,使血压降低。(2006 Times)
3. Each young man apparently acted out a scene he had seen in a film. 显然所有年轻人都将他们在电影中看到过的一个情景表演出来。(2003 Newsweek)
4. He was caught in the act of fraud.他行骗时被逮个正着。(2003 Time)
action (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C, U] the process of doing sth, a thing that sb does行动,行为[近act, deed, behavior]
② [C, U] a legal process to decide whether a person or a company has done sth wrong诉讼,起诉 [近suit]
③ [U] the events in a story, play, exciting events(故事等的)情节;激动人心的事[近plot]
④ [U]the effect that one substance, esp. chemical, has on another作用[+of sth (on sth)][近 effect,function]
(put sth)into action: to start making it happen or work实行,实施
a piece/slice of the action: a share or role in an interesting or exciting activity, esp. in order to make money插手,参与(尤指为了赚钱)
[真题例句]& &
1①. ...suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. 建议根据他掌握的事实和道德方面的信
1②. There should be immediate legal action against the site.应该立刻起诉该网站。(2008 U.S. News)
2③. The books of thriller writers demand plenty of action.惊悚作家的作品要求情节曲折离奇。(2008 Economist)
3④. Ozone is formed by the action of sunlight on two kinds of pollutants.臭氧是两种污染物在阳光的作用下而产生的。(2008 The New York Times)
4. Its latest profit warning is due to the fact that the company has not been able to put its restructuring plan into action in France.这家公司最近发布盈利
警告是因为它没能在法国实施其重组计划。(2007 International Herald Tribune)
5. With travel and social networking—two of the webs hottest and most profitable properties, investors soon will get a piece of the action.对于网络中旅
游和社交这两大热门的盈利板块,投资者很快会插一手捞好处。(2007 The Guardian)
[v.][T] ①to make sth such as a device or chemical process start working使活动,激活[近trigger]
[真题例句]& &
1①. Stimulants initially speed up or activate the central nervous system.兴奋剂最初加速或激活中枢神经系统。(1997阅读Text 3)
[a.]① always busy doing sth, involved in activity忙碌的,活跃的,积极的[近dynamic, energetic,vigorous]
② lively and full of ideas(思想上)充满活力的
③ operating in a way that is normal or expected起作用的[近functioning]
Ⅰ actively ad. 积极地,活跃地
Ⅱ activist n. 积极分子,活跃分子
[真题例句]& &
1①. A variety of activities should be organized so that participants can remain active as long as they want ……应当组织各种各样的活动,以便让参加者保持活跃。(2003知识运用)
2③. The brain is as active during REM sleep... as it is when fully awake.快速动眼睡眠中大脑和完全清醒时一样起作用。(2005阅读Text 3)
1②. These books explore and promote an active imagination, a needed asset in todays world of television and video games.这些书探讨并激发人们活跃的想象力,这在充斥着电视节目和视频游戏的今天,是人们急需的财富。(2005 U.S. News)
[n.]① [C,常用复数] sth that you do for interest or pleasure or to achieve a particular aim(为了兴趣或特定目的进行的)活动[近exercise]
② [U] a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done 活动,活跃,热闹
[真题例句]& &
1①. ...enables the casino to track the user s gambling activities使赌场可以跟踪记录持卡者的赌博活动(2006阅读part B)
2②. ...small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots 被地质学家称为热点的互不相连的小火山活动区(1998阅读Text 5)&&
actual (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.] [一般用于名词前] ① used to emphasize sth that is real or exists in fact真实的,实际的[近real, true, authentic]
② used to emphasize the most important part of sth (强调事实最重要的部分)真正的……本身
Ⅰ actually ad.(用于强调事实)的确,事实上;(表示想法与事实不一致而惊奇)居然,竟然
Ⅱ actuality n. [U]真实,实际;[C]真实情况,实际情况
[真题例句]& &
1①. The mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin.只要在另一房
间里出现了葡萄(即使并不真的有猴子吃它),都足以引起雌卷尾猴的怨恨。(2005阅读Text 1)
2Ⅰ. These intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better.梦这种异
常强烈的精神活动不仅能被驾驭,事实上还可以有意识地加以控制,以帮助我们更好地睡眠和感觉。(2005阅读Text 3)
3Ⅰ. ...some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections.一些以前被认为不是由细菌引起的疾病竟然也是传染病。(2008知识运用)
[外刊例句]& &
1②. Fourteen years elapsed between preparation and completion, but the actual construction took only about three years. 从准备到完成共延续了十四年时间,而建造本身只花费了约三年时间。(2005 Topos)
agency (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
① a business that provides information about other businesses and their products, or that provides a particular service服务机构,(尤指)代理机构,经销机构
② a government department that provides a particular service(政府的)专门机构[近branch, department]
through the agency of: as a result of the action of sb/sth由于……的作用
[真题例句]& &
1①. Manpower Inc., with 560 000 workers, is the worlds largest temporary employment agency. 拥有56万雇员的劳务公司是全球最大的临时就业中介机构。(1997知识运用)
2②. a national drug agency一个国家药物机构(2005阅读Part B)
1. the frosted matter being transported to lakes through the agency of floating ice这些通过浮冰作用进入湖中的结霜物质(2008 Nature)
[n.] ① a list of items to be discussed at a meeting(会议的)议程表,议事日程[on+]
② an organized plan for matters to be attended to日常工作事项; 工作计划
[真题例句]& &
1②. Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agenda-to lure us to open our wallets-
they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. 我们的杂志刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。由于这样的信息都有一项任务——诱使我们打开钱包——从而使“快乐”的概念本身显得虚假。(2006 阅读Text 4)
[外刊例句]& &
1①. The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget.议程表上的下一项是宣传预算。 (Dictionary)
agent (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① a person whose job is to act for or manage the affairs of other people代理人,经纪人[近deputy]
② a person or thing that has an important effect on a situation对事态起重要作用的人、事物[近factor]
[真题例句]& &
1①. the sites “personal search agent” 网站上的“个人搜索代理”(2004阅读Text 1)
2②. Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more agent of evolution has gone.因为大部分差异是由基因引起的,所以进化的又一个因素消失了。(2000阅读Text 2)
agitate (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ①&&[T]to shake or stir a liquid quickly搅动,摇动(液体等)[近stir]
② [I] to argue strongly for sth you want激烈争论,鼓动,煽动[+for/against sth]&&
③ [T] to make sb feel angry, anxious or nervous使激动,使不安,激怒[近irritate, upset]
Ⅰ agitation n. 搅动,摇动;骚动,煽动;焦虑不安,烦乱
Ⅱ agitator n. 煽动者,鼓动者
Ⅲ agitated a.焦虑不安的,激动的
[外刊例句]& &
1②.A number of MPs have started to agitate for a national strategy to be charted for the labour question, based on targets for reducing reliance on
expatriates. 一些议员鼓吹建立有关劳工的国家策略以减少对于侨民的依赖。(2008 Economist)
2③. It appeared to have agitated him, yet he stayed focus on the truth of the entire matter.这似乎已经激怒了他,但他仍然把注意力集中在整个事件的真相上。
(2008 International Herald Tribune)
[v.][T] ① to demand and get sth from sb by using threats, force, etc.要求,索取,强求[+sth (from sb)][近levy]
[a.] ② (of sth) cor (of sb) very careful and thorough in what they do(事物)精确的,确切的;(人)严格的,严谨的[近precise,
Ⅰ exactly ad. 精确地,确切地;(要求得到更多信息)究竟,到底;(答语,表示赞同或强调正确)一点不错,完全正确
Ⅱ exacting a. 要求严格的
Ⅲ exactitude n. [U] 精确性,准确性
1②. ...all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations.对一切现象进行思索并给以精确解释。(1993翻译)
1①. Reid also believes that the county must exact more concessions from developers. 瑞德认为郡政府必须迫使开发商作出更多的让步。(2007 The Washington Post)
[v.][I] ① to have an effect on each other相互作用,相互影响[+with][近interplay]
② to communicate with sb相互交流,沟通,合作[+with]
Ⅰ interaction n.相互作用,相互影响;互动[+with/between]
Ⅱ interactive a. 相互影响的,互动的;人机对话的,交互式的
[真题例句]& &
1②. With the exception of celebrities like Oprah Winfrey - whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence - even the
most influential members of a population simply don\'t interact with that many others. 除了像奥普拉·温弗瑞这样的名人——她的庞大存在感主要是媒体影响,而不是人际影响的作用——即使是某个群体中最有影响力的成员也不会同那么多的其他人相互交往。(2010阅读Text 3)
2Ⅰ. ...they have learned criminal behavior through interaction with others.他们受别人影响而学会了犯罪。(2004知识运用)
3Ⅱ. Its an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then Emails them when a matching position is
posted in the database.其特点是互动性,这样访问者可敲入一些和工作标准相关的关键词,如:地点、职位和薪水等等,然后当资料库里贴出了相匹配的职位时,“代理”就会把这些信息用电子邮件发出去。(2004阅读Text 1)
[外刊例句]& &
1①. social and economic factors interacting to produce a recession社会因素与经济因素相互作用造成经济衰退(Dictionary)
[v.][I] ① to change or behave in a particular way as a result of or in response to sth(对……)作出反应,回应[+(to sth) (by doing sth)][近respond]② to show dislike or opposition in response to sth反对,反抗[+against sb/sth][近rebel]
Ⅰ reaction n. 反应,回应;抗拒,反对,反动
Ⅱ reactive a. 反应的,回应的(而不是原发的)
Ⅲ reactor n. 核反应堆
1①. The judges on the Federal Circuit are \&reacting to the antipatent trend at the Supreme Court,\& …联邦巡回法院的法官们正在“对最高法院的反专利趋势作出反应”(2010阅读Text 2)
2Ⅰ. ...in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline在美国,这种趋势一开始是对经济衰落所做出的一种反应(2001阅读Text 5)
1②. Look back to moments of rebellion when young people reacted against the established ideas.回顾年轻人抗拒固有观念的叛逆时期。(2006 The New York Times)
transaction (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.]① [C] a business deal交易,业务,买卖[+(between A and B)][近deal]&&
② [U] the process of doing business(业务等的)办理,执行[+ of sth]
Ⅰ transact v.(与人或组织)做业务,做交易[+(sth)(with sb)]
[真题例句]& &
1①. That ruling produced an explosion in businessmethod patent filings, initially by emerging Internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to
specific types of online transactions.这项裁决带来了商业方法专利归档记录的爆炸式增长,起初是新兴网络公司试图获得对特定在线贸易的独占权。(2010阅读Text 2)
1②. Emails sent and received by the employees are considered public records if they contain information related to the transaction of public business.职员发送或接收的邮件如果含有与处理公共事务相关的信息,就被视为公共记录。(2007 The Washington Post)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
18:08 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:15:24
新书试读——Unit 1
[v.][I,T]① to change or make sb / sth change(使)改变,更改,改动 [近change, vary, modify ]
Ⅰ alterable a. 可变的,可改的
Ⅱ alteration n. [C, U]改变,变化
[真题例句]& &
1①.An awareness that they were being experimented upon seemed to be enough to alter workers\' behaviour by itself.意识到自己成为实验对象本身似乎就足以改变工人的行为。(2010知识运用)
[a.] [一般用于名词前] ① happening one after the other in a repeated pattern轮流的,交替的[近intermittent]
② happening on one of every two days, months, etc.间隔的[近every other]
③ used instead of the one that was intended to be used可替代的,其他的 [近interchangeable]
[v.][T,I]④&&to (make things or people) follow one after the other in a repeated pattern(使)轮流,交替 [+A and B, +A with B, + with sth, + between A and B] [近rotate]
Ⅰ alternation n.交替,轮流
Ⅱ alternately ad. 交替地
[真题例句]& &
1③. ...the average person will automatically set out on the best-known and apparently simplest route. The innovator will search for alternate courses... 普通人会自动踏上一条最为人熟悉、显然最简单的路径。创新者则探寻另外不同的道路。(1994阅读Text 5)
1①. The weather had been unsettled throughout the day with alternate rain and sunshine. 整个一天的天气很不稳定,时而下雨时而晴。(2002 The New York Times)
2②. Children may shuttle from one divorced parent to another on alternate weekends.孩子们隔周末往返于离异的双亲间。(2005 The Christian Science Monitor)
3④. Students alternate academic semesters with co-op semesters to gain communicationsrelated experience.学生们交替度过学期和带薪实习期以获得沟通方面的经验。(2001 Readers Digest)
4④. Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and warming scares. 从1895年开始,媒体在全球变冷和全球变暖的恐慌中游移。(2006 Economist)
[a.] ①[仅用于名词前] (of one or more things) available or usable instead of another可替代使用的;其他的[近interchangeable, alternate]
② different from what is usual, expected, or traditional另类的,非正统的 [近unorthodox]
[n.] ③ [C] sth that you can choose to do or use out of two or more possibilities可供选择的事物[+to] [近choice,substitute]
Ⅰalternatively ad.(引出第二种选择或可能的建议)要不,或者
[真题例句]& &
1①. ...abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. 放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活教条,转而选择另外一种“放慢生活节奏”的做法所带来的回报,比金钱和社会地位更有价值。(2001阅读 Text 1)
2③ They tend to keep a tighter hold on their purse and consider eating at home a realistic alternative.他们往往把钱包捂得更紧了,将在家就餐看作是一种切合实际的选择。(2010阅读Part B)
3Ⅰ. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods
alternatively if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses. 如果你在和经理们交谈,你就可以评论他们的秘书的工作缺乏条理;或者,如果你在同秘书们交谈,你就可以评论他们毫无章法的老板。(2002阅读Text 1)
1②.High prices for oil and natural gas are leading automakers to seek alternative energy solutions, but its going to take years. 石油和天然气的高昂价格迫使汽车制造商寻求替代型(即非传统类型的)能源来作为解决办法,但是这一过程可能得花很长时间。(2008 Businessweek)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
11:58 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:15:55
新书试读——Unit 1
[n.][C] ①业余爱好者[近fancier](反professional)
② [尤贬义] 外行,生手[近greenhand]
[a.] ③ 业余(爱好)的,非职业的 [近nonprofessional]
④ 外行的,生手的 [近unaccomplished,unskilled]
Ⅰ amateurism n. 业余性,非职业的作为
Ⅱ amateurish a. [尤贬]外行的,生手的
1①.No clearcut distinction can be drawn between professionals and amateurs in science... 在科学领域内,专业人员与业余人员之间没有绝对的区分。(2001阅读Text 1)
2③. Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat. 而且,业余音乐评论的传统已经迅速走向衰落。(2010阅读Text 1)
[a.] ① 和蔼可亲的,亲切友好的 [近agreeable,goodtempered,gentle]
Ⅰ amiably ad. 和蔼可亲地,亲切地
Ⅱ amiability n.和蔼可亲,亲切,友善
1①. Only once in the entire film does the father speak in an amiable tone of voice to his son.整个电影中父亲只有一次用亲切的声调对儿子说话。(2001 Time)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
11:34 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:16:26
新书试读——Unit 1
[n.] ① mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry(精神或身体上的)极度痛苦[近pain,agony,misery,torment]
Ⅰ anguished a.痛苦的, 苦恼的
1①. As soon as he started his speech, his inner anguish started flowing.当他开始演讲时,他内心的痛苦便开始流淌。(2006 Economist)
[n.] ① [C,U] the feeling of being very worried about sth 焦虑,不安,担心[+about/over] [近worry, nervousness, concern, distress]
② [C] sth that makes you worry 使人焦虑的事情[近 trouble]
③ a feeling of wanting to do sth very much but being worried that you will not succeed渴望,热望[+to do, +for sth] [近eagerness, desire]
Ⅰ anxious [ous形容词词尾,“充满……的”] a. 焦虑的,担心的;急于(得到)的,渴望的
1①. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people\'s anxiety. 恐怖主义、经济不确定及通常的不安全感都增加了人们的焦虑。(2005阅读Text 3)
1②. Sometimes they only understand it once they have children of their own. The bittersweet joys and anxieties of parenthood are as unique as they are universal.有时只有当自己有了孩子之后才能理解这些事情。让做父母的人感到快乐与烦恼的事情既有相似又有不同。(2004 Suite)
2③. Behind her calm words, however, lies the anxiety to right the injustice.然而在她平静的言语背后是渴望消除不公正现象的急切心情。(2006 Newsweek)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
14:06 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:17:12
[n.] ① 锚
② a person or thing that gives sb a feeling of safety给人以安全感的人(或物),精神支柱,顶梁柱[近support]
③ (电视、广播节目的)主持人
[v.]④ [I]抛锚,下锚
⑤ [T][常用被动] to fix sth firmly in position so that it cannot move使固定,系牢 [近fix, fasten]
⑥ [T] [常用被动] to firmly base sth on sth else使扎根,使基于 [+sb/sth (in/to sth)] [近be grounded in/on, be based on ]
⑦ [T] 主持(电视、广播节目)
Ⅰ&&anchorperson/anchorman/anchorwoman n.(电视、广播节目的)主持人
Ⅱ anchorage n. 停泊处;固定处& &
[真题例句]& &
1③. Fastfood eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling.快餐食客、新闻主播、收发短信者,都在微笑、微笑、微笑。(2006阅读Text 4)
2⑤. Hot spots, anchored in the deeper layers of the earth, provide the measuring instruments needed to resolve the question. 位于地球更深处的热点提供了解决该问题所需要的测量仪器。(1998阅读 Text 5)
1②. Rather than viewed as mere movable property of their husbands, they were valued as the anchor of the family unit.她们没有仅仅被看作其丈夫的动产,而是被视为家庭单位的顶梁柱。(2000 African Business)
2⑥. This pride is anchored in a set of manifest social and economic achievements that constantly promote and reinforce the social solidarity.这种骄傲基于一系列显著的社会、经济成就,这些成就不断促进和强化社会团结。(2008 The Guardian)
3⑦. A young black man would anchor the primetime news this summer.今年夏天一位年轻的黑人将主持黄金时段的新闻报道。(2006 International Herald Tribune)
[n.][C] ①&&(两条线或两个平面相交的)夹角,角度 [at+]
② a position from w a way of presenting or considering a problem or situation 角度;视角,立场 [from+] [近viewpoint, standpoint, perspective]
[v.]③ [T,I] to move or place sth so that it is not straight or not directly facing sb/sth 斜移,斜置[近tilt]
④ [T] to present information, a report, etc. from a particular point of view or for a particular audience(从某一特定角度、针对某一特定人群)提供信息,报道[近aim]
⑤ [I] to catch fish with a line and a hook钓鱼,垂钓 [近go angling]
⑥ [I] to try to get sth by making suggestions and remarks instead of asking directly(以暗示等方法)猎取,谋求[+for] [近fish for]
n. 角,角度→(抽象)角度,观点
Ⅰ rectangle [rect=right“直的”,内角为直角] n. 长方形
Ⅱ triangle [tri=three] n. 三角形
Ⅲ angled a. 有角度的;成一定角度放置的;以迎合某种观点而提出的
Ⅳ angler n. 垂钓者
[真题例句]& &
1②. The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles. 对雄心的攻击非常之多,且出自各种不同的角度。(2000阅读Text 5)
1①. Rays from the sun arrive at a steep angle, bringing a high degree of ultraviolet radiation. 太阳的光线直射下来,造成很高强度的紫外线辐射。(2005 USA Today)
2③. He tried it again, this time with the edge of the implement angled more toward the carpet.他又试了一次,这次将工具的边缘往地毯的方向进一步斜移。(2005 Businessweek)
3④. The scholar pointed many an angry word at Booker T. Washington, believing his philosophy angled toward keeping blacks in rural jobs and their aim low.这位学者对布克·华盛顿颇有微词,认为他的哲学倾向于让黑人继续从事农业工作并保持较低的目标。(2006 The Washington Post)
4⑥. 49 percent of Law Enforcement Officers report theyd suffer fewer headaches on the job if citizens would stop angling for sympathy.49%的执法人员说如果市民不再博取同情,那么他们工作上就少一些令人头痛的事。(2001 Reader\'s Digest)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
17:20 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:17:40
audience (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① 观众,听众,读者 [近spectator]
② a formal meeting with an important person(与要人的)会见,正式拜会 [+with sb]
1①.Your humor must be relevant to the audience... 你的幽默必须与听众有关……(2002阅读Text 1)
1②. ...the French ambassador to Elizabeths court, was granted an audience that he had been seeking for some time. ……到伊丽莎白宫廷的法国大使被准许一次他期冀良久的觐见。(2002 Readers Digest)
[a.] [仅用于名词前] ①[用于构成合成词] 听觉的;声音的
② related to recording and broadcasting sound 录音的,音频的,声频的
1①. June is early to decide the best audiobook of the year... 六月份就决定年度最佳有声读物是早了些……(2002 The Times)
2②. another style of cable designed to carry audio and video signals 另一种被设计用于传输声频和视频信号的电缆(2007 Financial Times)
audit (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to attend a university course without having to take any examinations旁听(大学课程)&&
② to officially examine a companys financial records查……的帐目,审计 [近examine,check]
[n.] [C] ③ an official (usu. yearly) examination of business and accounts(政府通常一年一度的)审计, 查帐 [近examination]
Ⅰauditor n. 旁听者;查帐员,审计员
1Ⅰ. Williams, a state auditor earning $35,000 a year威廉姆斯,年薪35,000美元的州审计员(2006阅读Part B)
1①. The ability of degreeseeking students to audit classes is subject to the academic policies of the institution.那些寻求学位的学生能否旁听课程,取决于学院的学业政策。(1998 UWS Tout)
2②. Every company shall appoint an auditor in accordance with the act to audit its accounts. 每个公司都应指定一名审计员来配合账目审查工作。(1991 Nepal Company Act)
3③.Audit Commission inspectors praised the councils responsiveness ...审计署检查员赞扬了委员会的快速反应(2008 Guardian)
auditorium (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C]① the part of a theatre where people sit when watching a play, concert etc.观众席;听众席
② large building used for concerts or public meetings音乐厅,礼堂[近hall]
1①. the halffilled auditorium of people with their bags and coats readytogo 观众席坐了一半的人,他们拿着书包和外套随时准备离开(2008 The Times)
2②. The new system will consist of more than six miles of cable and 120 speakers throughout the auditorium. 在整个礼堂里,新的系统将由6英里多长的电缆和120个扬声器组成。(2008 Guardian)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
17:22 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:18:17
[n./v.[T]]① 拍卖
auction sth off: to sell sth at an auction, esp. sth that is no longer needed or wanted拍卖掉(尤指不再需要的物品)
Ⅰ auctioneer n. 拍卖人,拍卖商
1①. At Heathrow an average of around 120 laptops are handed in every month, of which at least 15 or so will end up at auction. 在希思罗机场平均每月有大约120台笔记本电脑上交,其中至少15台将最终被拍卖。(2006 Businessweek)
2. There unclaimed articles, articles seized at frontier stations are auctioned off.在那里无人认领的物品,国境站扣押的物品被拍卖掉。(2002 Time)
[v.][T]① to increase the value, amount, effectiveness, etc. of sth提高,增大,加强 [近amplify, enlarge, expand, increase, intensify, multiply]
Ⅰ augmentation n. [U,C] 提高,增大,加强
1①. ... traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies... ……新方法充实了传统的历史研究方法。(1999翻译)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
17:23 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:18:53
[a.] ① known to be real and genuine and not a copy 真品的,真迹的[近genuine]
② made to be exactly the same or as good as the original逼真的
③ done or made in the traditional or original way正宗的,原汁原味的
④ based on facts, true and accurate可靠的,真实的[近trustworthy, credible, convincing]
Ⅰ authentically ad.真正地,确实地,地道地
Ⅱ authenticity n.确实性, 真实性
Ⅲ authenticate vt.证明……是真实的,证实
1④. But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing”, has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. 然而,“做自己的事”这一对真实性和个性的崇尚信条,已经导致了正式演讲、写作、诗歌及音乐的消亡。(2005阅读Text 4)
1①. The number of paintings being accepted as authentic works by Rembrandt was far smaller than what Gerson had presumed in 1968.被认定是伦勃朗真迹的绘画数量比1968年格尔森所以为的要少得多。(2000 Britannica)
2②. the oldest and most authentic model of Gothic architecture最古老的、最逼真的哥特式建筑的模型(2001 National Geographic)
3③. Operated by Restaurant Associates, it specializes in authentic American dishes. 它由美国餐馆协会经营,专门供应正宗的美国风味菜肴。(2004 Time)
[n. ] ① 作家,著者 [近writer]
② the person who creates or starts a plan, an idea, etc.(计划、思想等的)倡议者,创始人,发起人[近initiator]
[v.][T]③ 著(书),写作,编写
Ⅰ authoress n.女作者,女作家
Ⅱ authorial a.作者的,作家的
Ⅲ&&authorship n.作者,作者身份;写作,著述
1①. There is openaccess publishing, typically supported by asking the author or his employer to pay for the paper to be published.开放存取式出版,主要依靠作者或其雇主支付论文出版费用。(2008年阅读Text 2)
1②. If you are unable to attend, arrange an online demonstration with the author of the Proposal Architect.如果你不能参加,那么可以与“建筑提案”的发起人商量安排网络演示。(2000 Readers Digest)
[n.] ① [U] the power or right you have because of your official position or because people respect your knowledge and experience权力,权威,威信
② [C,常作复数] the person, group or organization having the power to give orders or take action or that are in charge of a particular country, areas or public affairs当局,官方,当权者[近official]& &
③ [C] sb who knows a lot about a subject and whose knowledge and opinions are greatly respected专家,权威人士[+on][近expert, professional]
④ [U, C] books, etc. that can supply reliable information or evidence可提供可靠资料或证据的书籍等;权威著作
⑤ [U] official permission to do sth(正式的)批准,授权
n. 权力,权威→①(有权力的人)官方,当局 ②(在某方面精通,因而有影响力的)权威人士 ③权威著作,可靠资料 ④(赋予权力)(正式的)许可,授权。
have sth on good authority:believe sth because you trust the person who told you about it 完全相信(用于表示信任告知你情况的人);有可靠的根据
Ⅰ authoritative a. 命令式的,权威式的;权威性的
1②. Australias Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die. 澳大利亚北部地区(澳北州)成为世界上第一个合法当局,允许医生根据绝症病人个人意愿来结束其生命。(1997阅读Text 1)
2③. And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control... 一名主要的权威人士说,梦这种异常强烈的精神活动不仅能被驾驭,事实上还可以有意识地加以控制。(2005阅读Text 3)
1①. Still, the doctor remains the arbiter of life and death and as such speaks with the voice of authority.医生仍然是生与死的仲裁者;作为医生他通常用权威性的语气说话。(2001 Pediatrics)
2④. The new edition is expanded with over 650 pages of definitions making this dictionary a comprehensive authority on the American language.该字典的新版本中词义部分扩充至650多页,这使得它成为美国语言方面的综合性权威著作。(2008 Grant and Cutler)
3⑤. Airports and air traffic control remain under the authority of national, and sometimes local, government.机场管理和空中交通控制仍需国家或地方政府的批准。(2007 Economist)
4. I have it on good authority that surgery was not unknown in ancient Egypt.我确信外科手术在古埃及是存在的。(2001 Readers Digest )
[v.][T]① to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth批准,授权 [近empower, license, sanction]
Ⅰauthorization n. 批准,授权;批准书,授权书
1①. Now the nation\'s top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on businessmethod patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago. 现在美国最高专利法庭似乎已完全准备好对商业方法专利的授予进行缩减,这类专利自十年前首次被批准以来一直争议不断。(2010阅读Text 2)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
17:24 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:19:27
[n.] [C] ① a thin flat strip or circle of any material that
a strip of colour, or material that is different from the areas around it条,带,箍;条纹,条饰&&[近strip, stripe]
② [C] a range of numbers, ages, prices, etc. within which people or things are counted
a range of radio waves(数目、年龄、价格等的)范围,段;频带,波段 [近range, span, compass]
③ a group of people formed because of a comm a group of musicians who play music together(因共同的信念或者目标而组织到一起的)一群人,一伙人;(尤指流行音乐)乐队 [近company, party, group, crowd, knot]
[v.][T] ④ 用带子捆绑;加彩条(或嵌条等) [近belt, bind, tie, knot]
⑤ to put people or things into different groups according to income, price or value(根据收入、价格或价值)分等级,划分档次 [近class, classify, categorize, group, grade, rank, rate]
v. 从“条、段”的基本含义引申出动作→①(具体的)用带子捆绑;加彩条 ②(抽象的)把人或物品分组
band together: to form a group in order to achieve sth联合,携手
1①. He removed the two rubber bands from the envelopes that contained his tax forms. 他把装税收报表的信封上绑着的两个橡皮圈拿开了。(2007 The New York Times)
2②. the individual incomes of women and men by age band and family type不同年龄段和家庭类型的男女个人收入(2006 Life)
3③. They may say that a band of Martians is going yet the Martians only visit earth every few months.他们或许称一群火星人将维护世界治安,但火星人隔几个月才造访地球。(2008 US News)
4③. Spencer plays the clarinet in his school band.斯宾塞在校乐队里吹黑管。(2004 Readers Digest)
5④. Speaking of these animals, he says that in nine out of every ten, the legs are banded with dark stripes.提到这些动物时,他说它们90%腿上都有黑色的条纹。(2002 Nature)
6⑤. Employee contributions will be banded according to salary. 雇员捐款将根据收入划分等级。
7. Patients can simply band together and run their own clinical trials, leaving drug companies and physicians out of the loop.患者们可以联合起来,自己进行临床试验,将医药公司和医生排除在外。(2008 Businessweek)
[v.][T] [过去式和过去分词都为bound]① to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc.捆绑,系[+sb/sth (to sth/together)] [近belt, tie, knot]
② to (make things) stick together in a solid mass(使)粘合,凝结 [+(sth)(together)][近stick, adhere, cling]
③ to unite people, organizations, etc.(使)联合在一起,结合[+A and B(together), +A to B][近unite, join, combine, bond]
④ [常用被动] to force sb to do sth by making them promise to do it约束,迫使[sb (to sth/to do)] [近force, compel, oblige, constrain]&&
⑤ [常用被动] to fasten the pages of a book together and to sew the edge of sth to decorate or strengthen it(书籍)装订;缝牢……的边
[n.]⑥ [用单数] an annoying or difficult situation窘境[in+] [近difficulty, dilemma, trouble, corner, plight]
Ⅰ binding a. 必须遵守的,有法律约束力的 n.(书的)封皮;镶边
Ⅱbinder n. 粘合剂;活页夹;装订工;装订机
1Ⅰ. introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which makes the European Convention on Human Rights legally binding in Britain 《人权法案》的引入使《欧洲人权公约》在英国具有了法律约束力(2001知识运用)
1①. He was bound to a chair and his mouth and nose were taped.他被绑在椅子上,嘴和鼻子被胶带封着。(2005 The New York Times)
2②. Correctly installed cement board provides a very stable base thats permanently bound to the tile. 正确安装的水泥板提供了一个非常牢固的地基,它将永远与瓷砖粘合在一起。(2002 Readers Digest)
3③. The Post Office remains one of the few institutions that still helps to bind communities together.邮局仍然是少数几个有助于使社区联合在一起的事物之一。(2007 The Times)
4④. The person designated cant bind the taxpayer to pay additional tax.指定的那个人不能迫使纳税人缴纳额外税款。(2002 U.S.News)
5⑤. a valuable bible bound in velvet一部珍贵的绒面精装《圣经》(1999 Time Our)
6⑥. Red tape puts companies in a bind.繁杂的规定让公司陷入困境。(2008 The Daily Telegraph)
bond (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.][C] ① the way in which two things are joined together连接,结合&&
② [用复数] sth that limits your freedom and prevents you from doing what you want捆绑用的绳索或镣铐;桎梏,羁绊&&[近chain, irons]
③ sth that unites two or more people or groups, such as love, or a shared interest or idea 纽带,联系[+(between A and B)] [近link, tie, relation, relationship, connection, association]
④ a legal written agreement or promise(具有法律效力的)书面协定或允诺,契约[近contract, compact, pact, treaty, agreement]
⑤ an agreement by a government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent(政府或公司发行的)有息债券,公债
[v.] [T,I]⑥ to join two thin to join firmly to sth else使牢固结合,把……紧紧连接到[+(A and B), (together), + (A to B)] [近join, combine, bind, unite]
⑦ to develop a relationship of trust and affection with sb (与某人)建立信赖和亲切的关系[+(with)]
n. 连接、结合的状态→(用于连接的事物)绳索,镣铐,桎梏→(用于连接的情感或关系)纽带,联系→(使双方建立法律或经济联系的事物)书面协定或允诺;有息债券
Ⅰ bonding n. 人与人之间的关系或联结
1①. The vaporreaction process leads to a firm bond between film and glass.气态反应法使薄膜和玻璃牢固地接合在一起。(2002 Scientific World)
2②. The bonds of traditional family life began to slacken. More women got jobs.传统家庭生活的束缚开始松散,更多的女性有了工作。(2007 Economist)
3③. Cooperation and mutual respect create a firm bond between citizens.合作和相互尊重在市民之间建立起一种紧密的联系。(2000 The Sunday Express)
4④. The Mormons and antiMormons in various localities entered into mutual bonds to keep the peace, but in many cases these bonds were soon broken.各地的摩门教派和非摩门教派相互缔结协定以维持和平,但很多情况下这些协定很快被破坏了。(2006 New Society)
5⑤. Even conservative holders of government bonds took it on the chin as the dollar dropped sharply.甚至连保守的政府债券持有者因美元大跌而遭受损失。(2008 Newsweek)
6⑥. Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAMs) are thought to interact and bond cells together. 人们认为神经细胞粘附分子相互作用,并将细胞粘合在一起。(2005 Nature)
7⑦. The coach wants his team to use the next few days to bond and pull together in their time of grief.教练希望他的队伍利用接下来的几天时间建立亲密的关系,在低潮时期齐心协力。(2005 USA Today)
[a.] ① forced to do sth by law, duty or a particular situation(受法律、义务、情况约束)必须做某事;有义务(做某事)[+ (by sth) (to do sth)] [近obligated, liable]
② certain or very likely to happen, or to do or be sth很可能会,肯定会[+to do/be] [近likely, probable, liable, possible]
③ [构成合成词“名词bound”] prevented from working normally or doing what you want by a condition因……受阻(或不能正常工作)
④ traveling towards or going to a particular place正旅行去(某地),准备前往[+for]
[v.] ⑤ [T]&&to form the edge or limit of sth形成边界或界限,限制 [近fringe, rim]
⑥ [I] to run with long steps and a lot of energy跳跃着跑(尤指充满活力地)[近jump, leap, spring, skip, hop]
[n.] ⑦ [用复数] the limits of what is possible or acceptable界限,限度,极限 [近limit, margin, utmost]
⑧ [C]跳跃
bound up with:closely connected with sth与……有密切关系
bound up in: busy with or involved in sth so that you cannot think about anything else忙于,热衷于,专心于
Ⅰ boundless a.无限的,无止境的,无穷的
1②. ... which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging... 它们最终可能被证实更为简单、很可能更为有趣、更富挑战性(1994阅读Text 5)
2. ... the strength of a countrys economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry.一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率直接密切相关。(2000翻译)
1①. We are bound by conscience to remember what happened and to whom it happened.良知使我们必须记住发生了什么,发生在谁身上。(2005 International Herald Tribune )
2③. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has been strikebound for three weeks now.现在加拿大广播公司因罢工而无法正常运作已达三周了。(2005 The Guardian)
3④. A shipment of weapons bound for Zimbabwe would be recalled after South African port workers refused to unload it.在南非港口工人拒绝卸货后,运往津巴布韦的一船武器将被召回。(2008 The Washington Post)
4⑤. The field was bounded on two sides by a the other two sides were open to a farm track.这片地的两边有标杆和铁丝围栏为界,另外两边则敞向农场的小路。(2001 Blackwellsynergy)
5⑥. The dogs bounded into the office, two of them. Not quite Hounds of the Baskervilles, but large enough. 狗蹦蹦跳跳地跑进了办公室,有两只,虽然比不上巴什克维尔猎犬,但也够大的了。(2007 Scientific American)
6⑦. He is acting well within the bounds of the acceptable.他的行为一点也不过分。(2002 The Observer)
7. In the midst of a uncertain situation, we should not be so bound up in our own arguments and disagreements.在这样一个不确定的形势之下,我们不应该如此专注于内部的争论和分歧。(2007 The Weeklystandard)
boundary (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
n. ① [C] a real or imagined line marking the limits of sth(地区、领土等的)分界线;边界,界限[近bound, border, borderline, frontier, limits]
push back the boundaries (of): to make sth different from what people have known before扩展……的领域
1①.Unlike most of the worlds volcanoes, they are not always found at the boundaries of the great drifting plates... 和世界上大多数火山不同的是,它们并不总是在巨大漂流板块之间的边界上被发现。(1998阅读Text 5)
1. But it is hard not to conclude that, by thinking less with our guts, and more with our heads and hearts, we might be able to push back the boundaries of our moral world.但是不得不承认,如果我们不是意气用事,而是遇事多深思熟虑,或许能扩大人类道德的范围。(2007 Nature)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
17:26 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:20:08
[n.] [C] ① (常作防护用的)长条,棒,栏杆,门插 [近rod,bolt]
② (长方形)条,块,条状物 [近strip, block]
③ [常用单数] a thing that stops sb from doing sth障碍,羁绊 [+to] [近barrier,block,obstacle]
④ 酒吧,吧台,餐柜 [近barroom, drinkery]
⑤ [the Bar] law the profession of lawyer(有资格出庭办案的)大律师,律师职业,律师界
[v.][T]⑥ [常用被动] to close sth with a bar or bars(用木条等)封,堵,闩上
⑦ to block a road, path, etc. so
to prevent sb from entering a place or from doing sth阻止通行,拦路;禁止,阻止 [+sb from sth/doing sth] [近block,exclude,limit,hinder]
[prep.]⑧ except for sb/sth除……外
(以bar围起来)→①酒吧,吧台 ②律师界(法庭上法官和律师席被围栏围住);大律师
&&behind bars: in prison入狱
&&be called to the Bar: 获得大律师资格,成为律师
Ⅰ barring prep. 除了,除非
1④. Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars... 希尔顿饭店正在这里构建自己的旅馆,你几乎可以肯定它会配有哈姆雷特汉堡包店……(2006阅读Text 2)
1①. So he bought the bungalow on 68th Street, with iron bars on the windows.所以他买了68街的那处平房,窗户上都带着铁条。(2008 Los Angeles Times)
2②. The common raven may not be so common anymore, according to the results of the largest DNA bar coding effort to date. 根据迄今为止最大的DNA条形码研究的结果,我们常见的乌鸦可能并不那么普通。(2007 Scientific American)
3③. Advanced age is not a bar to liver transplant.高龄并非肝脏移植的障碍。(2007 BusinessWeek)
4⑤. lawyers from the Womens Bar Association of Maryland 来自马里兰妇女律师协会的律师(2008 The Washington Post)
5⑦. Thousands of monks who caused all the trouble last September have been barred from voting.去年九月份引起事端的数千名僧侣已被禁止投票。(2008 The Observer)
6⑧.The best economic news in the U.S. last week, bar none(=none was better), was the boom in U.S. agriculture.上周美国最令人振奋的经济新闻就是美国农业的繁荣,除此以外再没更好的。(1998 Time)
7. One out of every 100 adults is behind bars because one out of every 100 adults has committed a serious criminal offense. 每一百名成年人中有一人入狱是因为每一百名成年人中就有一人犯过一起严重的刑事罪行。(2008 The New York Times)
8. More than 1,100 new lawyers were called to the Bar during the five ceremonies held in Ottawa, London and Toronto. 在渥太华、伦敦和多伦多举行的五次仪式中,有1100多名新律师获得大律师资格。(2007 LSUC)
[n.] [C] ① (中间鼓起的木制或金属制的)桶;一桶(的量或东西)
② 枪管,炮管
[v.][I]③ to move very fast飞奔,高速行驶(尤指失去了控制) [+ad./prep.] [近dash,rush,flash,hurry]
(have/get/hold sb) over a barrel: (to put sb) in a situation in which they are forced to accept or do what you want(使某人)听从摆布,处于被动地位
1①. Since OPEC agreed to supply cuts in March, the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a barrel. 自从石油输出国组织在3月决定减少原油供应以来,原油的价格已上涨到约26美元一桶。(2002 阅读Text 3)
1③. ...the storm barrelled through the Caribbean, gathering strength and leaving a trail of destruction.暴风雨疾速穿过加勒比海,力量不断增强,所经之处一片狼藉。(2007 The Observer)
2.The world is being held over a barrel—an oil barrel—when it comes to energy. Its time to diversify our sources of energy with a very strong focus on the earths most abundant energy source—the Sun!谈及能源,整个世界都受到石油的摆布。是时候通过充分利用地球上最丰富的能源——太阳能——来使我们的能源更多样化了。(2005 Hoise)
[n.] [C] ① a thing that keeps people or things apart障碍物,屏障,分界线[+between A and B, +against sth]
② a thing that prevents or controls
hindrance阻碍进步或控制活动的事物;障碍,阻力[+to sth] [近bar, block,obstacle]
1②. ...lower trade and investment barriers and enlarged markets that require enlarged operations capable of meeting customers demands 贸易与投资壁垒的减少,以及扩大的市场需要能够满足消费者需求的扩大的生产(2001阅读Text 4)
1①. ...the planting of trees to shade the sidewalk and as a barrier between pedestrians and traffic 栽种树木为人行道遮荫,同时也可作为行人与车辆之间的屏障(2007 Los Angeles Times)
[v.][T] ① to make sb feel anxious, ashamed, or uncomfortable (尤指在社交场合)使尴尬,使窘迫
② to cause problems or difficulties for sb给……出难题;使……陷入困境
Ⅰ embarrassed a. 窘迫的,尴尬的;拮据的
Ⅱ embarrassing a. 使人难堪的、惭愧的、害羞的
Ⅲ embarrassment n. 窘迫,愧疚,难堪;令人为难、尴尬的处境或人
1Ⅲ. But as every policeman knows, external controls on peoples behavior are far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt, shame and embarrassment.但正如每个警察都知道的那样,对人的行为的外在控制远不如愧疚、羞耻、难堪等内在束缚有效。(1991阅读Text 1)
1①. But dont embarrass him by letting him know that you know it. 别通过让他知道你知道这件事而使他难堪。(2008 The Times)
2②. Over almost three decades, a small laboratory at Princeton University managed to embarrass university administrators...将近30年来,普林斯顿大学的一个小实验室成功地给大学管理者出了难题。(2007 New York Times)
[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于
17:27 编辑 ]
发表于 10-3-15 11:20:41
[n.] [C] ① 蝙蝠
② (板球、棒球、乒乓球等的)球板、球棒或球拍 [比较racket羽毛球、网球等的球拍,有椭圆形的架子,在上面穿线]
[v.] [T,I]③ to hit the ball with a bat in crickets or a baseball(用球板、球棒、球拍等)击球
off ones own bat: without help or encouragement from anyone else靠自己的力量;自觉地,主动地
bat sth around: to discuss whether an idea or a plan is good or not 详细讨论(想法、计划等的)可


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