求ohis it any wonderr 的 lost it mp3下载百度云

Lose It-Oh Wonder, Lose ItMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Downtown we let it go
Sunset high and our bodies low
Blood rush in the hazy glow
My hands, your bones
Loose up we break the scene
One step deep as you fall to me
Heart clap, we skip a beat
Count 1, 2, 3
And don't you stop the music
Get into it
Won't you dance with me?
Find a space and lose it
You can do it,
Won't you dance with me?
Move your feet and feel it
In the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment,
Let your body be
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it lose it lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it lose it lose it
We gotta lose it
Your name I'll never know
As we get down in the world below
Caught up in an overflow
My hands, your bones
Wide eyed, you look at me
Set on fire in a silver dream
Spin round you can feel the breeze
Count 1, 2, 3
And don't you stop the music
Get into it
Won't you dance with me?
Find a space and lose it
You can do it
Won't you dance with me?
Move your feet and feel it
In the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment,
Let your body be
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it lose it lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it lose it lose it
We gotta lose it
Make a spark,
Break the dark
Find a light with me
Who we are from the start,
Won't you dance with me?
Make a spark,
Break the dark
Find a light with me
Who we are chasing stars,
Won't you dance with me?
Won't you dance with me?
And don't you stop the music
Get into it
Won't you dance with me?
Find a space and lose it
You can do it
Won't you dance with me?
Move your feet and feel it
In the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment,
Let your body be,
We gotta lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it lose it lose it
We gotta lose it
Lose it lose it lose it
We gotta lose it
Move your feet and feel it
In the space between
You gotta give yourself a moment,
Let your body be,
We gotta lose it
Oh wonder整张专辑可以在睡觉前从头听到尾,最爱lose it 钢琴伴奏给我一种坍塌感,好适合夜晚。
(第1页, 共282条)
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> Taylor Swift新歌Ready For It MP3下载 ready for it泰勒MP3资源下载
Taylor Swift新歌Ready For It MP3下载 ready for it泰勒MP3资源下载
文章作者:Marlboro 发布时间: 08:55:00 来源:www.7230.com
Taylor Swift新歌Ready For It MP3下载,ready for it泰勒MP3百度云资源下载MP3百度云资源下载。距离回归新单《Look What
You Made Me Do》发行仅才一周左右,霉霉Taylor Swift今日又释出新专辑《Reputation》第二首先行单曲《Ready For
Taylor Swift - Ready For It
[Look, he?] was a killer
First time that I saw him
Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted
But if he's a ghost then I can be a phantom
Holding him for ransom
Some, some boys are trying too hard
He gon' try it all though
Younger than my exes but he act like such a man so
I see nothing better, I keep him forever
Like a vendetta
I-I-I see how this is gonna go
Touch me and you'll never be alone
I-Island breeze and lights down low
No one has to know
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby
In the middle of the night in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
In the middle of the night
(Are you ready for it?)
Me, I was a robber
First time that he saw me
Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry
But if I'm a thief then
He can join the heist
And we'll move to an island
He can be my jailer, [?] to this Taylor
这首宣传单可以说比首单《Look What You Made Me Do》曲风更加强烈!细看歌词,还真有点迷幻、迷醉。
关于首单《Look What You Made Me
近日霉霉Taylor Swift本人也有被狗仔拍(不)到,霉霉每次出门都像摆阵似的,用个超大的黑布躲避狗仔的镜头。
但是今天,狗仔终于拍到久未露面的Taylor Swift,霉霉Taylor Swift参加好友Abigail和Matt的婚礼。


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