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To Burp or not to burp? - BabyCenter
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To Burp or not to burp?
Posted 03/26/2011
If baby falls asleep while eating especially before bed or at a 4-6am feeding (baby eats with eyes closed), Do you burp them or lay them down as is?(my baby is a tummy sleeper as well).
<div class="reaction_count_value reaction_count_position0" id="reaction_hug_total_
Posted 03/26/2011
I am so bad but for the nighttime feeding I do not burp him, he fal and I just want to sleep so bad!!!!!
M ( 30) + DH (31) = DS ( Jan 09) + DS ( Jan 11)牋 T( . Y . )燬ilver DSVOpen to suggestions W
Posted 03/26/2011
I leave a few gulps in the bottle, burp, then give the rest of the bottle.
Samantha & Charlie 16 JAN 07William James 31 JAN 11
Last edited 03/26/2011
^^ YUP. He'll be eating with his eyes closed and by the looks of it pretty darn sleepy. I'll slowly take the bottle out when there's about 1oz left, let him sit for 10seconds, slowly sit him up & my little guy will usually let out a huge belch! I rub his back for maybe 2 minutes and back in the crib he goes. He's already聽 not burped and put back to bed without any issues. I think once I heard him rooting around and then heard a burp.聽 Last night he slept from 8pm until 3:45! That's a HUGE accomplishment for us!
&&&&j+jess=^i^,^i^, a, m{our family of 4 is complete}
Posted 03/26/2011
I would do PP
(previous poster) said... leave an once or so in the bottle.. burp.. then feed that last oz, and not burp after that.
If you breastfeed, I would try not burping and see how it goes.
--LauraFTM to Lacey Jo
Posted 03/26/2011
(extended breastfeeding, exclusively breastfeeding) and when she wakes up to eat at 4am i just feed and thats it, I learned my lesson the first couple of times if I forced her to burp she would wake right up then we would be up unitl 5:30 and my day starts at 6am everyday so i those 2 times i was up since 4am all day it sucked LOL!!! I figured she only eats for 5mins at that time just to get thru until were up at 6 how much air is really in her tummy so i leave her alone until the next feeding then I burp her all day!!!
Mommy to 4 Boys 20, 16, 11, 5And 1 lil girl&CHENOA& Born 1-11-11Married for 8 yrs together for 23 yrs
Posted 03/26/2011
No we don't burp a sleepy baby either. We also noticed that she never burps well unless she's really awake anyways.
DiDD -- 1/2/11
Posted 03/26/2011
A few pats on the back but that's it, I don't keep going if he's about to go back to sleep.聽 He's not as gassy now that he's almost 3 months (almost out of the newborn stage), so I don't feel it's necessary anymore unless he seems grouchy.聽 By the way, I EBF.
Posted 03/26/2011
Posted 03/26/2011
(little one) has gass issues so I always at least try to burp her even if she falls asleep on the breast.聽
ODD 2/08, YDD 1/11The earth is made from stardust.聽 Our bodies are made from the earth.聽 We are the earth come to life. -S. Schimmel
Posted 03/26/2011
I hate burping. I feel that I have to because she vomits about once a weeks, and I think that may be the reason why.
In Reply to FunMoonMoon
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