
我有百度云sleepover的完整版(安卓,可以私我)百度云名:(?o . o?)
谁有sleepover的安装包,安卓版的,不要压缩包~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
保存至快速回贴【游戏】Sleepover 无M 汉化~~~2333【吧】_百度贴吧
【游戏】Sleepover 无M 汉化~~~2333
啊 对了 各位哟 我貌似把我的存档也压缩在里面了!!!
当然 如果各位有其他黑猴子的游戏我也是希望你们能分个给我娱乐娱乐~~~谢谢~~~~
咳咳 上传速度500+KB 我也是醉了 抱歉 我会支持到上传完毕那一刻的!!
咳咳咳 慢的我快吐血了.......50M专线为什么那么慢
刚刚发的怎么没了= = 再发一次好了
到这里截至!!!如果没等到的小伙伴们呢!!也可以留下邮箱 明晚卤煮再来一发 默默大~~~
以上的小同伴们 我已经发了 请查收~~~如果没收到了请私信我~~~祝各位精尽人亡【误!!!!!!
咳咳 是玩得开心 身jing体jin健ren康wang!!!
保存至快速回贴> SleepOver
应用大小:1.1 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 5.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
简介:SleepOver is a wake-on-LAN (WOL) utility for...
SleepOver is a wake-on-LAN (WOL) utility for the iPhone and iPod touch, allowing you to remotely wake up a sleeping computer.Wake-on-LAN works by sending a "magic" network packet to a sleeping computer. If the destination computer supports wake-on-LAN it can listen for these "magic" packets while it is sleeping and wake up automatically if it receives one.FEATURES:- Wake a pre-defined host by simply tapping it on the main screen.- Define as many hosts as you need.- Configure up to 2 network interfaces for each host, allowing you to wake hosts over a LAN and the Internet.- Support for hostnames (useful for DynamicDNS).REQUIREMENTS:- Target hosts must support wake-on-LAN.- Target hosts must have wired network connections (it is not possible to wake a wireless computer).- Wake-on-LAN requires iPhone or iPod touch to have an active Wi-Fi connection.- Wake-over-Internet requires iPhone or iPod touch to have an active Internet connection (cellular or Wi-Fi).- Wake-over-Internet will only work if the "magic" packet can reach its destination. Your router must be configured to allow incoming UDP packets on a chosen port to be broadcast over the LAN. Many consumer routers do *not* allow this, therefore please verify your network configuration using an on-line wake-over-Internet service before purchasing SleepOver if wake-over-Internet is important to you.Please send any feature requests to Percula Software either by email from the About screen in SleepOver or by using the feedback form on our website.
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10:49:11.928---- 10:49:11.944----15.6001Java打飞鸟游戏程序
1、Shootbirds类中定义了背景音乐和各种游戏音效,包含了文件的读取操作。以鸟被击中的音效为例,调用在BirdClass鸟类的构造函数中,当鼠标点击此label时播放鸟类被击中的声音。定义方法如下://鸟被击中音效Clip clip = null;try {clip = AudioSystem.getClip();clip.open(AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(newFile("sounds/birddie.wav")));打开文件,声音文件全部以格式储存在文件夹中,因而使用相对路径} catch (Exception exc) {
2、Shootbirds类中定义了useBullet消耗子弹方法,该方法同时也加入了判断游戏是否结束方法的调用,即在游戏进行过程中玩家每次开枪消耗子弹都会判断一次游戏是否结束,若游戏结束直接显示游戏结束界面。该方法中也对开枪音效方法进行调用、对显示弹夹中剩余子弹和总剩余子弹数目的标签内容进行更新、还加入了鸟类线程的起始方法等。实现方法如下:public synchronized static void useBullet() {
if (isOver())
else if(countb==0)
synchronized (BulletNum) {
if (BulletNum & 0) {
BulletLabel.setText("弹夹子弹数量:" + BulletNum);
BulRestLabel.setText("剩余子弹数量:" + (BulletNum+10*(9-counta)));
BulRestLabel.setText("剩余子弹数量:" + (10*(9-counta)));
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
BulletLabel.setText("弹夹子弹数量:" + BulletNum);
BulRestLabel.setText("剩余子弹数量:" + (BulletNum+10*(9-counta)));
// 换弹后再玻璃面板不可见
private static void Reload() {
if (!isOver()) {
BulletNum = 10;
3、Shootbirds中定义了判断游戏结束的方法和设置游戏结束界面的方法,内容较为简单,只要判断产生的飞鸟数目是否大于49以及弹夹数目是否大于9即可。而游戏结束界面使用的面板与装填子弹面板相同,都为玻璃面板,在显示之前将面板内容清空再设计即可。实现方法如下:private static boolean isOver() {
if (counta & 9 || countb & 49)
private static void GameOverScreen() {
JLabel overjl = new JLabel("游戏结束!");
overjl.setBounds(290, 100, 300, 100);
overjl.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 40));
JLabel finalscore = new JLabel();
finalscore.setText("得分:" + score);
finalscore.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 40));
}4、Shootbirds类中的main方法调用了该类的构造方法,显示出了简单难度和困难难度的选项按钮,点击按钮后调用对应的开始游戏的方法并且再点击后将该按钮移除面板。实现方法如下:public static void main(String args[]) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Shootbirds frame = new Shootbirds();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
public void startEasy() {
new BirdThread().start();
new EagleThread().start();
public void startHard() {
new BirdThread().start();
new EagleThread().start();
new GooseThread().start();
5、BirdClass类(与EagleClass类、GooseClass类、ExtraBonus类相似,以BirdClass类为例进行说明)构造方法中设置了图标,设置了鼠标点击图标的响应即击落飞鸟数+1,调用一次消耗子弹方法,调用加分方法,播放飞鸟被击中的声音,对被击中的飞鸟进行标记再起始下一个线程等。实现方法如下:public BirdClass() {
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("bird.jpg"));
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) {
if (!Shootbirds.JudgeBullet())
if (!beshot) {
addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentResized(final ComponentEvent e) {
thread = new Thread(this);
6、BirdClass中的run()方法较为关键,为控制飞鸟移动的方法,包括横移和抛物线掉落,在被击中后,也调用了destroy()方法销毁线程。具体是通过循环来对图标位置进行控制,在循环中调用默认的setLocation()方法移动图标的位置,并且每次移动之后都让循环休眠一小段时间,用此休眠时间即可控制飞鸟的移动速度。实现方法如下:public void run() {int width = 800;for (int i = 0; i & width && i += 8) {
//设置循环,移动飞鸟图标if (!beshot) {
//对beshot标记进行判断,若未被击中则正常横移,若被击中跳转else条件作抛物线下落setLocation(i, y);
//改变图标位置try {Thread.sleep(SleepTime);
//休眠一小段时间,在不同的飞鸟类中定义不同的时间即可让不同飞鸟飞行速度不同} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}} else {for (int j = j & 550; i += 0.8 * t, j += 0.05 * t * t) {
//t作为抛物线方程自变量,利用循环画出抛物线方程t++;setLocation(i + 8, j);try {Thread.sleep(SleepTime);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}destroy();
//被击中并飞离屏幕之后销毁此线程}}if (living) {
没有更多推荐了,Sleepover and Slumber Party Ideas, Games and Activities
Party Themes
Party Games
Scavenger HuntsInvitations
& Slumber Party Ideas
Fun Sleepover Ideas, Sleepover
Games, Slumber Party Activities
Invitation Ideas
Sleepover Games
Slumber Party ActivitiesSlumber Party Menu
Sleepover Tips
Sleepover and Slumber Parties are always fun and with these great ideas and things to do
at a sleepover the slumber party
is sure to be a success!&
Fun things to do at a
!Fun pajama party ideas for Invitations, Activities, Sleepover Games, Food, Tips and what to do the morning after
the Sleepover for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years old.&
Great sleep over ideas for girls of all ages.&&
We've included a page full of easy and
you can make with
items from your kitchen
and also funny (and free!)
to print out (for all ages -
rated G) and some great crafts to keep everyone busy and having fun!
Sleepover Invitation Ideas
It's easy to send out great sleepover invitations to
all of your friends.
You can either buy great
looking invitations with pictures of sleeping bags,
flashlights, pajamas, fuzzy slippers, etc. or make
them yourself.&
If you want to make your own -& look
for fun clip art or coloring book pages to copy the images you want onto colorful blank cards.&&
Buy plain pillowcases and write the slumber party information on the pillowcase (not too large - in a corner of the pillowcase or attach party information
separately) and ask that they decorate one side of the pillowcase with their name and bring it to the party.&& During the party have everyone sign each
others pillowcases on the back.&
Get creative with the sleepover invitation and cut out heads from pictures of you and your friends and then paste them to the invitations.& Make it look like you are sleeping in a
sleeping bag, wearing big fuzzy slippers or having a pillow fight.&
Sleepover Invitation idea:&
Create little pillows by folding squares of felt or craft foam in half to make pillow cases.&
If you don’t sew, use a stapler, glue gun or fabric glue to secure the side and bottom edge of the pillow case.&
Stuff with a little cotton.& Write the invitation on a 3 x 5 card and slip it into the pillow.
When making the invitations for your party use the amount of legs for your invited guests and change MY to the Birthday girls name.& Thanks for the great idea Movin Girl
What to Write On the Sleepover Invitation
Date and Day of the Sleepover:&
June 6, 2008 - Friday night
What to bring:&&
Sleeping bag, pillow, bathing suit, towel, anything special that they will need for the party.
When the sleepover begins and ends: Example - 7:00 PM - 10:00 AM Place of the Sleepover: Make sure to write in your address.& Friends might know where you live, but parents will want to have this
information.& Hint:& You might want to draw a map on the back of the invitation.
Telephone number and/or Email for RSVP:& Make sure to write in your telephone number.& Parents will want this too.
&If you will be serving dinner, pizza or snacks (so your friends will know
whether to eat or wait until they get to the party to have
Example - We will be
having pizza!& As a courtesy you might want to ask on the invitation if the invitee has a food allergy - ask the parent to contact you so you can plan accordingly.
Sleepover& / Slumber Party
Minute to Win It
There are 35 fun games on our
page!&& Fun and challenging games - great for slumber parties!&&
Would You Rather Game
Fun party game for kids, tweens and teens!& Over 200 fun questions!&
Truth or Dare Game&
- Sit in a circle and ask each other
truth questions.& If the person you ask doesn't want to
answer the question then they must do the dare.& We've
made a fun list of free clean (rated G) truth or dare game
questions for you to print out for sleepovers.&
Nail Spin a Color Game
Choose bright and bold nail polish colors for this game.
Start by removing everyone's nail polish so everyone's has
polish free fingernails. Put all the bottles of polish in a
pretty basket or container and set them in the center of the
circle of girls. The first sleepover girl starts by choosing
a color of fingernail polish. She lays it on it's side and
spins it around. When the polish stops spinning the girl who
the cap is pointing towards has to paint one of her nails
that color. (For a variation you can also have the girl who
the cap lands on roll one dice to see how many nails she has
to paint that color. ) When she is done painting her nail(s)
she chooses a color out of the polish basket and spins it.
Paint your toes too to make the game last longer.&&
Foil Project Runway Game
Make your most fabulous outfit out of aluminum foil and have
a Project Runway contest. In this dress up game players each receive a roll of
aluminum foil for their creations. Set out a table full of
other items they can use to style their fashions such as
ribbons, plastic flowers, etc.& Girls have to create a
complete fashion look (for fun you can set a theme such as
beach wear, evening dress, wedding dress, sportswear, etc. )
Anything can be crafted from the foil - dresses, skirts,
tops, shorts, pants, evening wear, sunglasses, tiaras,
belts, high heels, jewelry ... the options are limitless!
Have a fashion show and judge the fashion creations - be
sure to take pictures!&&
Blind Make Over Game
The first person puts on a blindfold and does the makeup
of the second person.& Then when they are done the second
person puts on the blindfold and does the makeup of the
third person.& Draw numbers to determine the order.& Really
funny - take pictures so you can keep the memories.&&
Song Maker Game
- Pick one person at the sleepover to go first for the game.& Everyone in the
group decides on a title of a song and then the person
chosen first must make up a song to go with that title.&
Example:& Little bunnies on my pillow.
Commercial Game
Draw numbers to see who goes first.& The first person
stands up and the number 2 person chooses an object from the
room.& The first person then must make up a commercial
about the object and speak for 30 seconds about it.&
Then #3 picks an object for #2's commercial and so on.&
Drama In The Bag Game
Fill shopping bags with 6 different items in each bag. A shoe, hat, party favor etc.& - each bag
should be filled with different items. Divide into teams and give each team one bag.&&Go to separate rooms to make
up a skit which includes all items in the bag.& After 15 minutes
come back and perform.&& Variation:&
Create a TV commercial or song.&&
Prize Auction Game&
On the invitation ask everyone to
bring an inexpensive item or a &white elephant& (something
in good shape they don't want anymore) wrapped or sealed in
a bag to the sleepover.& Give the everyone&
$100.00 in play money and start an auction for the unwrapped
gifts.&Hold up the first sealed bag and ask who will give $1
for it... and so on.& For fun you can add food and gag
gifts to the auction items.& Keep the items sealed and
don't let anyone know what is inside until the high bidder
opens the item.& At the end you can trade bags or buy
each other's presents with their left over auction money.&
With any other left over auction money you can& bid on
who gets to pick where they want to sleep, what game you
play next, first dibs on the biggest piece of cake or who
chooses the music to listen to.&
M Challenge Game
This sleepover game is played with m&m's, skittles or
any small candy that comes in different colors.& Place
candy in a bowl.& Sit in a circle and ask the guests to
choose 2 candies - without looking.& Show them to
everyone and then put them in your mouth ... if they are the
same color then you can chew them, if not you have to hold
them in your mouth until your next turn when you can try and
choose 2 more of the same color.& You can't chew until
you get 2 of the same color.&&
&Oversize Board Game
This game really gets you involved ... because you are the
piece that moves around the board.& On a large patio,
driveway or other cement area draw a VERY big board with
sidewalk chalk. Each square should be about 18&.& It
can be a circle, oval or figure 8.& Inside each square,
beginning with the start square, write different things to
do if someone lands in that square. Some fun ideas are: Move
ahead 4 spaces, Jump back 3 spaces, Bark like a dog, Narrate
the game, twirl like a ballerina, etc. Use regular dice or
make your own from large boxes. A player rolls the dice,
then moves themselves (the girls are the playing pieces)
along the game board - when you land on a space then read
what it says and follow the instruction.&& This
sleepover game is also fun to play with flashlights at
Sleepover Ball Game
Buy a large inflatable beach
ball and in permanent marker write questions all over it.&
Place everyone in a circle and throw the ball to someone.&
The person who catches the& ball must answer the
question that their right thumb is touching. After answering
the question they then throw the ball to another person.&&&
Fun questions to write on the game
(The more questions on the ball the better!)
What is the scariest movie you’ve seen?
What is your favorite color?
What are three adjectives that describe you?
Who is your favorite band/singer? Who is
your favorite movie star?& What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?&
What do you say when you talk in your sleep? What is your biggest phobia? If you were invisible what would you do?
If you were an animal what would you be?
Who's your secret crush?& What was your last dream about?&
What is one thing about you that no one here knows?&
&What do you want to do when you grow up?&Think of
questions that you would want to be asked or things that you
would like to know about others.
Candy Hunt Sleep over Game
Ask everyone to bring a
flashlight (or provide them for everyone) to the slumber
party.& Before everyone arrives at the party ask a
parent or sibling to hide candy all over the yard.&
When it gets dark have everyone take their flashlights
outside and hunt for the candy.&
Pillow Fight Icebreaker
For an icebreaker I usually just have everyone start in my room and start a pillow fight whoever you hit
they must tell you something about them.&&
Play Charades
Think of fun things that go with your slumber parties theme and write them down
on pieces of paper.& Divide your friends into two
teams.& The first team picks a player to act out a
word.& The player chooses a word - but doesn't show
their teammates.& The player then tries to act out the
word while her teammates try and guess what she is acting
out.& If they guess the word the team gets 1 point.&
Set a timer for 3 minutes - if the team can not guess the
word in 3 minutes then the other team gets one guess at what
the word is.& If they are
right they get the point.& Play to 10 points.
More !& See our
and & for more ideas
Sleepover /
Slumber Party Activities
Make fun matching t-shirts
to remember the sleepoverBuy inexpensive t-shirts or tanks (you can also ask on the
invitation for each girl bring one from home) and provide lots of fun iron on letters in different fonts for everyone to use.& It's fun to come up with crazy sayings and make matching t-shirts to remember the party.& ** Make
sure to wash and dry the t-shirts before guests arrive so the iron on's will stick.
Funky Flip Flops
Super fun and easy - perfect for sleepovers!&
for complete directions and more pictures!
Decorate pillowcases Use permanent markers (you are able to sleep on them that night) or fabric pens and have guests sign each others' pillowcases
during the slumber party.& Decorate and doodle to create a masterpiece. You'll remember how much fun you had with your friends every time you go to sleep.
Mall Scavenger Hunts
8 Mall Scavenger Hunts to choose from!&& All have free lists to print out and most require no items to be purchased.&& Try the Freebie Mall
Shopping Spree with a list of over 40 items you can collect FREE at the mall!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Scavenger Hunts
Lots of fun at slumber parties!&& We've included free lists filled with fun items to find!
There are several to choose from - try our Bigger and Better scavenger hunt for a fun twist!&
Make Tutu skirts
Complete instructions for an .& No sewing required!& All you need is tulle and ribbon!&
Decorate cork bulletin boardswith foam cut-outs (available at Discount or Craft stores)
Decorate a jewelry box
with foam cut-outs, stick on jewels or paint.
Decorate picture frames with paints, foam stickers, jewels, pieces of feather boas,
glitter, etc.& Take pictures of you and your friends at the sleepover and place them in the frames.
Hair makeovers, facials, peels, manicures and pedicures.& (See the games section for fun spa games.)
&includes a great chocolate facial mask!
Chocolate Spa Sleepover
Make this the theme of your slumber party.& Chocolate everything!& Send out brown and pink polka dot or
striped invitations and scent them with chocolate perfume,&light chocolate scented candles, paint each others
fingernails and toes pink with brown polka dots, serve hot chocolate and smores, provide chocolate scented facials and
masks and chocolate lip gloss& ..... yum!
KaraokeLet everyone have a turn at singing.& Play American Idol and set up judges to vote on the best performance.&&
Talent Show
Everyone performs their best (or worst) talent.& Have judges and award small prizes.&
Fashion Show
Dress up and give away small prizes for best walk, best pose, most attitude and best over all.&
Slumber Scrap
&Take digital pictures during the slumber party and make
scrapbook pages later in the evening.& Provide everyone with a small scrapbook, pretty paper, fun cut-outs and
Dance, dance .... dance
Then play freeze dance.& Have someone turn down the volume and everyone
must freeze and not laugh until the music starts again.&
Whoever laughs has to turn down the volume next.&
Talk about boys, parents, school, life .....
Give each other makeovers then take pictures.& These
can also be funny makeovers and everyone must keep their
crazy look through the rest of the party.&
Paint nails and toenails
Decorate with dots, stripes and flowers
Facials, Peels and Masks are fun and great for your skin.&&& &
- make your own spa recipes with things you have in your
kitchen!& Easy recipes for great facials.&
Buy some make-up and put it out somewhere. At the slumber
party tell your friends
to sit in a circle around it and grab what they like. Then draw numbers or roll a die and whoever is first gets to pick
a partner and give then a make-under (make it look as funny as you can!)
Make Pom Pom pets
Use colorful pompoms, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, felt, and foam to create cute little pets. Then, have a pet show!
Test Your Taste buds
Have one person make something from ingredients in the kitchen and then other person has to put on a blindfold and
eats the food. The person with the blindfold on then makes a guess at what the food is or what ingredients are in it.
Pillow fight!!
Party Menu and Food Ideas
Pizza - take out or have more
fun making your own with fun toppings. Chips and dipVeggie tray with dip
Fruit tray with dip Make Rice Krispie Treats, Brownies or Cookies at midnight
FondueHot Chocolate Sleepover Smores Smoothies
In the Morning after the Sleepover / Slumber Party
Make pancakes and top them with strawberries, chocolate
chips, sprinkles etc.Have a chef challenge - give everyone a &mystery& ingredient
they must use in their breakfast dish.&
Eat Breakfast parfaits - alternate layers of cereals and
yogurts in a tall glass or parfaitEat left over pizza Get up and watch cartoons
Now is the perfect time for sleep over makeovers
Sleep until time to go ...
Pajama Party Ideas
Buy extra toothbrushes and keep them unopened in a drawer in case someone forgets to bring one to the sleepovers.
Don't invite too many guests to sleep over at one time - too many personalities increases drama!
Up to 5 is usually fine, more if they all know each other and get along.&&
Serve healthy snacks along with the junk food for a balanced sleepover.
- 8 different mall hunts with free clue lists!
Find a theme for your sleepover
fun theme ideas for your bday slumber party sleepover.
Now you know what to do at sleepovers ... but we are always
looking for more ideas!& Send us your Sleepover games, dyi ideas, pajama party ideas, fun things to do at a sleepover& and activities for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 1, 17 and 18 year olds.
Party Ideas
Birthday Activities
Kids, tweens, preteens and teenage party planning ideas for children ages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years
old diy party planning ideas for kids birthday parties and moms and dads. &
(C) Kelula
2007 - 2018Birthday Party Ideas 4 Kids&


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