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Armstrong claims Thomas Weisel knew about USPS doping | Cyclingnews.com
Lance Armstrong (US Postal) protected by his body guard at the 2004 Tour de France
(AFP)In response to questions stemming from a lawsuit, Lance Armstrong has written that Thomas Weisel, the man who bankrolled the US Postal Team, knew about the team doping practices and also in the sport as a whole.Related ArticlesSince admitting to doping throughout his career in an interview with Oprah in January, Armstrong has not named those with knowledge of what was occurring. The court documents relate to a lawsuit
and read, "Mr. Weisel was aware of doping by the USPS Team and in professional cycling in general."Weisel has denied the allegations and told Cyclingnews, that "I have not read the article. I have no idea what you are talking about."
Cyclingnews asked if he knew Lance Armstrong to which he replied, "I know Lance Armstrong. Yes." Cyclingnews then asked 'were you aware of any doping at the US Postal Team?' He then hung up., Armstrong gave details on the mounting legal battles that he is facing and the financial impact it has had on his life. Having once owned his own private jet, Armstrong said he now flies commercial with his life "drastically different" from a year ago."I was working full time on the [Livestrong] foundation, working full time competing in Ironmans and the training, the travel, sponsor obligations, etc. That took up a lot of time, and now, seemingly, almost overnight that vanished," Armstrong told ESPN The Magazine.
Armstrong stated that his "priority No. 1" is settling lawsuits and hopes to end them with a global settlement as he doesn't "have $100 million."The court documents relate to the case led by Acceptance Insurance Company who had sought to recover $3 million in bonuses they had paid to Armstrong for winning the Tour de France. Armstrong reached an undisclosed settlement with the company last month which ended the suit, the day before the company was scheduled to question him under oath.Prior to the settlement with Acceptance, Armstrong had been forced by to provide written details about his doping scheme. The details have been kept confidential except for what Floyd Landis' attorneys revealed on Thursday in their effort to persuade a federal judge that Weisel should remain in the USPS case as a co-defendant.The attorneys stated that "Armstrong also admitted in the interrogatory responses to his own participation in doping (including the use of EPO, testosterone and/or blood transfusions) between 1995 and 2005, except in 1997."
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