
我来回答你吧 我可是高手 全键盘操作先用上下左右 移动光标到操作行 然后ctrl+R 选择当前行的所有 如果是选取某一部分 用shift+Pageup shift+Pagedown 选取光标前面所有 和光标后面的所有如果是逐行+选 shift+ 上下关键的移动命令 记好了
shift+alt+上下还有更多的技巧 加分我再告诉你 保证让你完全脱离鼠标 敲代码 再告诉点你技巧吧 无聊啊 把editplus 的行号调整出来
代码在屏幕上的某一行 要修改或者移动的话 轻松定位到某行 并选取当前行的所有代码 ctrl+G
然后用上面一堆快捷键 想做什么做什么还有更牛X的 都告诉你吧 比如说你要修改某处代码 但是你不知道行号 但是知道他的代码 直接ctrl+H 输入 然后alt+F 查找 精确定位 然后用上面一堆快捷键 想做什么做什么 适合高手debug 顺便说下 不做编程好多年了 不过editplus 依然喜欢用
请输入私信内容:  首先,打开一个文件,进入到主要界面。
  最后,千万不要忘记点击“应用”和确定,要按照顺序啊。sql文件作为数据库脚本文件,如果想要打开的话,需要现在电脑中安装sql server,这个是专业的数据库软件,体积非常大!所以小编建议大家可以用数据库的查询分析器打开;也可以用最普通的记事本,方法就是鼠标右键点击sql文件图标,在打开方式中选择记事本就可以了。如果是老鸟的话,有特殊要求的话可以下载UltraEdit、Editplus等专业的文本编辑器支持编辑文本、十六进制、ASCII 码,可以深入编辑sql文件。具体方法:
1、打开我的电脑, 在地址栏输入:“C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms”,如下图所示:
上述就是Win10系统下设置现开机自动运行批处理和脚本的具体方法。有需要的用户可以按照上述步骤试着操作下。EditPlus 是一款功能强大的文字处理软件。它可以充分的替换记事本,它也提供网页作家及程序设计师许多强悍的功能。支持 HTML、CSS、PHP、ASP、Perl、C/C++、Java、JavaScript、VBScript 等多种语法的着色显示。程序内嵌网页浏览器,其它功能还包含 FTP 功能、HTML 编辑、URL 突显、自动完成、剪贴文本、行列选择、强大的搜索与替换、多重撤销/重做、拼写检查、自定义快捷键,等等...
* 修正: 当 FTP 的上传或下载状态达到 100% 时程序崩溃* 新增: 通过 SHIFT + 鼠标滚轮水平滚动* 改变: 在查找对话框,以“Previous”代替了“上/下”按钮* 新增: $(AppDir) 参数宏* 新增: 文档选择器字体选项* 新增: 窗口列表“排序”按钮* 新增: 窗口列表“复制名称”按钮
What's New
Version 3.0&feature&* Improved Unicode compatibility.* 'Enable visual style for toolbars' option ('Preferences'-&'Tools').* 'Match Tag'/'Select Tag' command ('Search' menu).* Allows drag and drop for the Document Selector tabs.* Automatically adjusts the number of rows on the Document Selector.* 'Restore cursor/markers/encoding of recent files' option ('Preferences'-&'General').* Automatically adds file extension if the file type has only one extension.* 'Rename' command ('File'-&'Others').* 'Current project' option in the Find in Files dialog box.* 'An additional file name (allows * and ?)' option ('Preferences'-&'Settings & syntax'-&'More'). * Supports secondary function pattern option.* 'Toggle Folding' command ('View'-&'Code Folding').* 'Add Dir' button on the 'Preferences'-&'Project'.* Supports 'Sort' button on the Window List.* Supports 'Copy Name' button on the Window List.* Function Pattern dialog box supports 'Partial display' option.* 'Previous' button instead of Up/Down on the Find dialog box.* $(AppDir) argument macro added.* Supports font option for the Document Selector.* Supports auto save as *.tmp file for unnamed buffers.* 'Up'/'Down' button on the Window List supports multiple selections.* Duplicate Line command supports multi-line selection.* 'Open Selection' command supports multi-line selection.* Native support for tilt wheel on Vista.* Supports horizontal scroll by SHIFT + mouse wheel.* -wd command line option for specifying directory to save the workspace.* 'Transparent' command ('Window'-&'Others').* 'Remove from Project' command ('Project'-&'Manage Project').* Supports 'Up'/'Down' button on the 'Preferences'-&'Settings & syntax' dialog box.* 'Copy URL' command ('Edit'-&'Clipboard' menu).* 'User tool group' option on the 'Preferences'-&'Project' dialog box.* 'Move Up/Down' command ('Edit'-&'Others').* 'Change File Encoding'/'File Encoding Multiple' commands ('Document'-&'File Encoding').* Displays current project name on the title bar.* 'Next/Prev Project' command ('Project'-&'Manage Project').* Allows CHMOD on multiple files.' 'Allow Drag & Drop' option ('Edit'-&'Others').* New toolbar buttons: Find Next/Prev Word, Toggle Folding, Sum, Last Visited, Character Count.&bug fix&* FTP status of 100% could cause program crash.* Some sftp servers could cause program freeze.* Regular expression in Find in Files dialog box could cause program crash.* 'Save wrapped lines with CR/LF' option could corrupt file.* Replace All could incorrectly hide folded lines.* 'Subdirectory' FTP setting did not work correctly on VMS servers.* '$' regular expression did not work correctly.* Search Document command could omit some words.* Improved Vista UAC compatibility.* 'Sum' command could not handle minus value.* Fixes display error when selecting by word.* Fixes a screen update bug with auto completion in word wrap mode.* Extending column selection with 'Shift + click' didn't work.* 'Decrease Indent' command did not work correctly with column selections.* 'Create File' did not work on disconnected FTP server.* Suppresses auto completion in C/C++ preprocessor directives.* Keystroke recording could not handle the Insert key.* Highlighted matching braces could not be restored when changing focus.* Replace dialog box with regex did not work upward.* Suppresses combo box auto completion when pasting.* 'Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer' didn't work as expected in Vista.* Reset button on the 'Preferences'-&'Toolbar' did not work correctly.* Fixes a bug with the Korean input method editor.2.31


更多关于 editplus怎么在浏览器打开 的文章

